Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MKNCANADA.THE LATE JOHN p.-I-MOTT, manufacturer,Halifax, N.S., was born inthat city in 1820. Hisparents were Henry Y.Mott, M.P.P., and Elizabeth(Prescott) Mott, sister of thelate Hon. Chas. R. Prescott.Mr. Mott received his educationat the <strong>com</strong>mon andHigh schools of his day, andin early life, learned thebusiness of inunufacturingchocolates and spices. Hesubsequently entered intopartnership with his father,under the firm of Mott &Son. The latter soon developedinto a keen andsuccessful business man.Their trade increased untilit became one of the largestof the kind in the Dominion.Mr. Mott did not confinehimself to manufacturingalone; being interestedlargely in local banking, insurancebusiness, and buildingsocieties,while his servicesas a bank director, werefrequently sought. He hadunbounded faith in the futureof Nova Scotia, and showed his cheer reached many faith by losing no heavy hearts, thatopportunity to investhis capital in the development debted, so unostentatious was his man-never knew to whom they were in-of the country's resources. In short, ner of helping the needy. His kindMr. Mott has given a stimulus remembrance of histo the development of Nova employees in hisScotia, will, speaks volumes for the motivesand left an impress on the <strong>com</strong>mercial which governed his mercantile life, andlife of his country, which will long remain.The acccum illation of $850,000 poor man felt that he had lost a friend.when he died, on Feb. i2th, 1890, thedid not absorb his higher nature or Mr. Mott was a Liberal in politics, untilrender him impervious to the <strong>com</strong>fortand well Confederation, after that he was a Liberal-Conservative.In religion, he was anbeing of those about him, ashis charitable deeds and kindly heart adherent of the Anglican Church. Heabundantly testified. His will leaves was married in 1848, to Isabel Lawsonabout $250,000 to charitable purposes.From his ever open hands, help andCreighton, daughter of the late Jas. A.Creighton, of Halifax, N.S.

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