Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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pondent, to write up whatwas then a <strong>com</strong>parativelyunknown land. His lettersto that paper, arrested considerableattention in theolder parts of Canada. In1872, he established theManitoba Free Press, inWinnipeg, first as a weekly,and after one year, as adaily. In 1874, he waselected to the Manitoba Legislaturefor Rock wood, resigninghis seat in 1878, tobe<strong>com</strong>e a candidate for Marquettefor the Canadian Parliament,but by mutual arrangement,both he and hisopponent, retired in favor ofSir John A. Macdonald. Hewas defeated in 1885, in acontest for the representationof South Winnipeg inthe Legislature, but the fol-FISHER LUXTON,managing director of theGeneral Hospital, of which he is alifegovernor, and is also a chartermember of the Winnipeg Board ofTrade. Mr. Luxton has graduallydrawn away from all public and quasifor some years. In 1866, he established public positions, having no ambition tothe Strathroy Age, and subsequently bepurchased the Seaforth Expositor, andpersonally conspicuous, and alsobecause he is so much engrossed withafter that, founded the Daily Home his rapidly increasing journalistic work.at Goderich. In 1871, he was In politics, Mr. Luxton is an Independentwith Reform leanings. He is also aengaged by the Toronto Globe, and sentto the North-West, as special corres-Manitoba Free Press Company, Winnipeg,Manitoba, was born December1 2th, 1844, in Devonshire, England.He came to Canada with his parents,when a mere lad. After receiving hiseducation in the <strong>com</strong>mon and Grammarschools of St. Thomas, he taught schoolJournal,lowing year, successfullycontestedthe same constituency.He sat out theterm of the Legislature, buthas not since offered himselffor political honors. Formany years, Mr. Luxtonwas a member of the CitySchool Board, of which he was chairman,and was also a member of theProvincial Board of Education. Hewas one of the founders of the Winnipegmember of the Masonic fraternity.

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