Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MKN OF CANADA. 127,EV. ABNER MERCEREAUMcNINCH, F.C. Baptist Minis-^, ter, Petitcodiac, WestmorelandCounty, N.B., was born at WakefieldCorner, Carleton County, N.B.,July yth, 1864. He is the son of Asaand Catherine (Kelley) McNinch. Hereceived his early education at theschools of Wakefield, and then studiedat Woodstock College, N.B. From therehe went to Acadia College, Wolfville,N.S., and finished his Theologicalcourse at the Maine Central Institute.After leaving the latter institution, hetravelled considerably in Europe, andon his return was ordained to theministry of the F.C. Baptist Church,October 9th, 1890, when he was appointedto the F. C. Baptist Church, atSussex, N.B., where he remained fortwo years, and then removed to Petitcodiac,where he has charge of three:churches, namely Cornhill, Havelockand Petitcodiac. He is also a memberof the I.O.F. and chaplain to the same.He was married, June 8th, 1891, toJanie E., daughter of Edward Bent,who was a very extensive farmer in theAnnapolis Valley, and a member of theHeMunicipal Council for ten years.retired, in 1888, on account of ill health,and died in May, 1892.

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