Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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,ity126 OR CANADA.EDWARDDOWS-WELL, builder and contractor,^V> Fort William, Ont, was bornMay 3Oth, 1855, in the Township of Scarboro,York County, Ont. His father,Thomas Dowswell, was a native of England,while his mother, Jane (Branam)Dowswell, was born in Canada. Hewas educated in the <strong>com</strong>mon schools ofScarboro and Toronto. When he waseighteen years, of age, he engaged inthe lumbering business, which he continuedfor about two years, and becameforeman for Messrs. Virgo & Bambridge,lumbermen, etc., for three years, then becamemanager for Messrs. French &Co., lumbermen, Dresden, Ont., for threeyears, when he severed his connectionwith them, and engaged in building onhis own account. In 1891, he removedto Fort William, and engaged moreextensively in the building business,and now enjoys a very prosperous andrapidly extending connection. Mr.Dowswell possesses large and active constructivefaculties, and it is no doubtowing to this, that he is not only aninventor of considerable note, but hasbeen able to turn his inventions tofinancial profit. In 1881, he and hisbrother invented and patented " TheDowswell Washing Machine," whichowing to itshas great superior-attained a large saleon its merits. A Hamiltonfirm now owns the patent,and they are shipped to allparts. In 1892, he invented" The Lightning Post HoleDigger," and patented thesame in Canada and Mexico.The issue of a U.S. patentis now pending. This articleis said to be a marvelof simplicity and efficiency,and its immense sale wouldseem to confirm the statement.Already he has receivedover $10,000, forrights to manufacture thearticle in certain districts ofCanada. In religion, Mr.Dowswell is a Methodist,taking an active interest inthe affairs of his church,and in politics,he is astaunch Reformer. He isalso a member of the I.O.F.and I.O.O.F. He was marriedon the twenty-secondof October 1881, to MissJennie Graham, of Dresden,Ont. His family consistsof five children.

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