Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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124JOSEPHANTOINE LANGIS,M.D., Petit Rocher, GloucesterCounty, N.B., was born atRimouski, P.Q., September 23rd, 1861.He is the son of Germain Langis andElizabeth Garon, both of Rimouski.He received his early education underprivate tutors, and then entered RimouskiCollege, where he remained forten years, graduating with the degreeof B.S. He then began the study ofmedicine at Laval University, fromwhich institution he graduated withhonors, and the degree of B.M. Hethen entered Victoria College, Montreal,and in 1888, having graduated withhonors and the degree of M.D., immediately<strong>com</strong>menced the practice of hisprofession at Maria, P.Q. In 1890, heremoved to Petit Rocher, N.B., wherehe has succeeded in acquiring a largepractice. His success is certainly veryremarkable for a man of his years, andhis future is full of hope. Dr. Langiswas married in October, 1888, to Lsetetia,daughter of Louis Jules Belanger,Esq., barrister, of the city of Quebec.His family consists of one child. Heis a member of the Roman CatholicChurch, and president of Branch 195of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association,which he organized.

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