Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JAMESSTEWART TUPPER,Q.C., Winnipeg, Man., was bornOctober 26th, 1851, at Amherst,N.S. He is the eldest sou of Hon.Sir Charles Tnpper, Bart., G.C.M.G.,C.B. He received his education atMcGill University, taking his degreeof B.A. in May, 1871, with first rankhonors. He was called to the Bar ofOntario in 1875, of Manitoba in 1882,and was created a Queen's Counsel in1890. He is now a member of thewell-known legal firm of Macdonald,Tupper, Phippen & Tupper, of Winnipeg.In politics, he is a Liberal-Conservative,and in religion a member ofthe Church of England. Mr. Tupperhas been married twice :first, September8th, 1875, to Mary Eilson, daughterof the late Andrew Robertson, of" Elm Bank," Montreal, who diedAugust 7th, 1876, leaving one daughter: he was married again on June 9th,1880, to Ada Campbell, daughter ofHon. Sir Thomas Gait, Chief Justiceof the Common Pleas of Ontario. Hisfamily consists of three daughters andone son. Mr. Tupper is a very popularand progressive citizen of Manitoba,having the prosperity of the countrygreatly at heart. He stands high inthe esteem and respect of the public.

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