Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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122JAMESHODD, president of theHodd & Cullen Milling Co.,(Ltd.), Stratford, Ont., wasborn June 28th, 1850, in Woking, Surrey,England. His parents, James andElizabeth (Hull) Hodd, were held inuniversal esteem. Mr. Hodd was educatedchiefly at an endowed school, inHungerford, Berkshire, after which heworked on his father's farm until 1871,when he came to Canada, and wasapprenticed to the milling business, inHamilton, Ont. and vicinity. Sincethat time he has given his careful andentire attention to this important industry.After several years experiencein Hamilton, Dundas, Detroit,and in the WesternStates, he engaged in businesson his own accountin 1880, in Clifford, Ont.In 1882, Mr. Hodd and thelate Mr. John Cullen, of AyrOnt., removed to Stratford,and built the now widelyknown Classic City Mills,having a capacity of 300barrels per day, and which,they operate under the firmname of Hodd & Cullen.On the death of the latter,in 1886, his interests werepurchased by Mr. John Frederick,of West Flamboro,and the business continuedunder the original firm nameof Hodd & Cullen. On Mayist, 1893, the joint stock<strong>com</strong>pany as above indicated,was formed, with Mr. Hoddas managing-director, andthe business enlarged tomeet the growing demandfor the superior brands fromthese mills, notably the"Classic," the "Diadem,"" "the Maple Leaf, andthe "Anchor." These, andother grades of flour and mill feed, areshipped to all parts of Ontario, Quebec,the Maritime Provinces and GreatBritain. Mr. Hodd is a skillful practicalmiller, thoroughly reliable andhonorable in all his dealings, and hissuccess is the result of his Stirlingprinciple and energy. His seat at theCity Council Board indicates, the respectand esteem in which he is held. He isan Episcopalian in religion, and in politics,a Conservative. He is also a memberof the A.F. & A.M. In 1875, Mr.Hodd married Miss Maria A. Frederick,of West Flamboro. His family consistsof six children.

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