Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 121^\ /T ARSHALL MACKLIN, M.D.,J.VI M.C.P.S.O., Practicing Physiv)cian and Surgeon, PortageLa Prairie, Manitoba, was born Julyi yth, 1840, in the Township of Scarboro,York County, Ont. His father, MarshallMacklin, a Scotch Irishman, wasone of the early pioneers of YorkCounty, and a leader in many publicenterprises. His mother, Mary Jackson,was a native of Glasgow, Scotland.Dr. Macklin, after <strong>com</strong>pleting hiscourse in the public and Grammarschools, attended the University ofToronto, and then, on account of failinghealth, returned to the farm, wherehe remained about five years. On thedeath of his first wife, he sold the farm,and began the study of medicine inTrinity Medical School, Toronto, fromwhich he graduated in the Spring of1877. He then removed to Port Arthur,Ont., as physician to the C.P.R., andafterwards settled in Portage La Prairie,Man., in 1879, where he started a drugstore, in partnership with Mr. A. B.Lakeman.After two years, the latterwas succeeded by Mr. H. M. Campbell,and at the end of five years, Dr.Macklin disposed of his interests in thedrug business; and gave his wholeattention to his profession, which hasso increased, that it is now,probably, the largest in theProvince of Manitoba, outsideof Winnipeg. In religion,Dr. Macklin is aPresbyterian, and in politics,a Reformer. He is also aneighteen degree Mason, andhas held many prominentoffices in that Order. Heis an enthusiastic rifleman,and is one of the best shotsin the 95th Battalion. Dr.Macklin was instrumentalin organizing the Collegeof Physicians and Surgeonsin Manitoba, and continuesto represent that body in theUniversity Council. Hepossesses in large abundance,those qualities ofhead and heart, which somaterially aid in bringinga professional man into prominence,and making himfavorably known in the <strong>com</strong>munitywhere he resides.The Doctor has been marriedthree times, and has two sonsand one daughter by the firstwife, and two daughters byhis third wife.

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