Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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120 JVTEN OFranching operations, and has been identifiedwith almost every public enterpriseof the place. He has been apawa, Manitoba, was borngust i9th, 1852, at Thamesford, Oxford member of the Town Council ever sinceCounty, Ont. After <strong>com</strong>pleting his its formation, and was, for some time,education, he went into business life,chairman of the School Board. He wasand in 1868, removed to Iowa, U.S., elected M.P.P., first in November, 1881,and in 1871 to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and by acclamation in January, 1883,but subsequently located in Portage was defeated in 1886 and 1888, andLa Prairie, where he remained one year. elected again July, 1892. In politics,In April, 1872, he started farming at Mr. Davidson is a Conservative, and inGladstone, Manitoba, where he alsokept a store and religion, a Methodist. He is an enthusiasticMason, and was D.D.G.M. inthe post office, until1 88 1, when he founded the town of 1889Neepawa. He and 1890. He was married, Marchnow conducts a largegeneral store business, and 2Oth, 1878, to Miss Sophia Ellen, daughterof Jos. Hamilton, of Perth Co., extensive Ont.JOHN ANDREW DAVIDSON,M.P.P., general merchant, Nee-Au-

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