Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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n8FREDERICK ROGERS,-I D.C.L., Barrister, etc.,Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.,was born in Derbyshire,Eng., May gth, 1857. Mr.Rogers canie to Canadawhen about 16 years of age.He subsequently studiedlaw with Messrs. MacMahon& Gibbons, London, Ont.,and was called to the Bar in1880. In 1882, he removedto Sault Ste. Marie, wherehe has since practiced hisprofession. In June, 1888,he <strong>com</strong>pleted his course inCivil Law at Trinity University,Toronto, and receivedfrom that institution thedegree of B.C.L., and thedegree of D.C.L. in 1893.Dr. Rogers is prominentlyconnected with what isknown, as "The Colonizationand Imigration Movementin Algoma." Sometwo years ago, on the formationof the Algoma ColonizationSociety, he waschosen honorary secretary,and has devoted much timeand money in endeavoringto bring to the notice of the world atlarge, the many opportunities and inducementswhich that district offers tointending colonists. He spent considerabletime in gathering statistics andinformation from all parts of thedistrict, which he <strong>com</strong>piled in a pamphlet,published by the society, entitled,l 'Algoma Farmers Testify," a work ofsome 68 pages, which/ with otherliterature concerning Algoma, isbeinglargely circulated in the Old Land bySir Charles Tupper and P. Byrne, Esq.,the Ontario Government agent at Liverpool,and also throughout Canadaand the United States, by the AlgomaCANADA.Colonization Society. In addition totaking a greatinterest in agriculturaland colonization matters, Dr. Rogershas also connected himself with thebenevolent work, carried on by thedifferent fraternal societies, and is aP.M. of the A.F. & A.M. He alsobelongs to the I.O.O.F., the K. of P.,the Foresters and other societies. Inpolitics, he is a Liberal-Conservative,and has taken an active part in severalcampaigns. Having lived so long inthe district, he has won, for himself,the affection and esteem of his neighbors,and has build up a large professionalpractice from all parts of the same.

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