Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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y the Presbytery, the members ex-at his removal fromthem. He was inducted minister ofshipV. JOSEPH McCOY, of Clmtham,N.B., was born in Hamilton,Ont., September 23rd,1848. He is the son of the late JohnMcCoy, and pressing regret Elizabeth Jane Scott, nativesof the North of Ireland. Receivinghis early education at the public andGrammar schools of his native city, heentered the University of Toronto, inSeptember, 1871, in which institutionhe had an honorable career, taking thedegree of B.A., with honors, and asilver medal in Natural Science, in1875. He then entered his theologicalcourse in Knox College, receiving, atthe close of his first session, the scholar-in Biblical criticism.The same year he passedhis examination at the University,taking the degreeof M.A. In 1878, he <strong>com</strong>pletedhis collegiate course,obtaining the scholarship inSystematic Theology. Heobtained also the prize forScripture reading, given bythe Literary Society. Duringthe last four years ofhis course, he taught withmarked success, Englishand Botany, to the seniorclasses in "RollestonHouse," Toronto, a youngladies' academy of excellentstanding. He was ordaineda minister by thePresbytery of Huron, February3rd, 1879, and inductedinto the pastoral charge ofEgmondville Church. Underhis ministry, the congregationmade substantialprogress, clearing off thedebt, and building a beautifulmanse. Here, while hispeople were greatly attachedto him, he received a callfrom St. Andrew's Church,Chatham, N.B. As he saw it was hisduty to accept this call, he was releasedSt. Andrew's, September i8th, 1889, bythe Presbytery of Miramichi, and hisministry has been very successful, in aHelarge and wide spread congregation.was married, April 8th, 1879, to MaryHelen, only daughter of Mr. Joseph C.Huckins, of Stratford, Ont. His brothersMr. John McCoy, inspector of theHamilton Provident and Loan Society,and Dr. Samuel McCoy, B.A., of St.Catharines, are well-known in Ontario.

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