Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.CORNISHWILCOCKS,editor and proprietor of TheLeader, Granby, Que, was born inRichmond, Que., in 1869. He is theyoungest living son of Arthur andMarion F. Wilcocks. The former is anative of Exeter, England, and came toCanada in 1854. He was clerk of theCircuit Court at Richmond, from 1869to 1884, mayor of Melbourne for severalyears, chairman of the School Commissionersof Richmond, and mayor of thattown, in 1893. The latter is a daughterof the late Rev. H. Evans, of Welshdescent, but born in Canada. Mr. Wilcocks,received a College education, andtook the degree of B.A. at Bishop'sCollege, Lennoxville. He then enteredwith the Star, of Montreal, and subsequentlymanaged the printing departmentfor J. C. Wilson & Co. In May1891, he located in Granby, and foundedThe Leader, one of the most popularjournals in the Province. Mr. Wilcocksis a Conservative, but his paper is Independent.He took an active part in thegeneral elections of 1891, when theHon. Wilfrid Laurier was defeated byMr. C. C. Cleveland, of RichmondCounty. He was married, June 2ist,1893, to Amy Isabella, only daughterof Alonzo C. Savage, of Granby.

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