Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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VS> M.D., was born in 1821, atAmherst, N. S. His father was thelate Rev. Charles Tupper, D.D., ofthe British North AmericaAct in 1867, establishingthe Dominion of Canada,and bringing Nova Scotia,New Brunswick, Quebecand Ontario under one administration.For the servicesrendered in the matter,Dr. Tupper was madea Companion of the Orderof the Bath. In 1870, hejoined the Ministry of thelate Sir John Macdonald,and in 1879, received theorder of knighthood. Heintroduced and carried theActs dealing with the constructionof the CanadianPacific Railway. In the<strong>com</strong>pletion of this greatwork, he saw the futurefor Canada, in London, andthough leaving the vexa-4 TON. SIR CHARLES TUPPER,

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