Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE MOST REV. ALEX-^ ANDRE ANTONINTACH, Roman CatholicArchbishop of St. Boniface,Manitoba,is descended froma most remarkable family,which has been prominentin Church, State and Literature.He was born July23rd, 1823, at Riviere duLoup, Que. His father wasCharles Tache, brother ofthe late Sir Etienne PascalTache, Premier of Canada,and his mother was DemoiselleHenriette Boucher dela Broquerie, grand niece ofMadame d'Yonville, whofounded the Grey Nunneryof Montreal. ArchbishopTache is a man possessingthe strongest religious convictions,an unswerving devotionto duty, a most superiorintellect and kindly disposition.He received hisclassical education in theOF*College of St. Hyacinthe,P.Q., and after some time inthe Theological Seminary,Montreal, returned to St.Hyacinthe, as professor ofMathematics. June 24th, 1845, hestarted, with Father Aubert, as a missionary,in a birch bark canoe, for theRed River district, and reached St.Boniface, after a journey of 62 days.On the following Sunday, was ordainedDeacon, and Priest on October i2th ofthe same year. In 1851, he proceededto France and was there consecratedBishop, November 23rd of that year,and after visiting Rome, he returnedto Quebec, and in June, 1851, againreached St. Boniface. On June /th,1853, the first Bishop of St. Bonifacedied, and Bishop Tache becametitular of all the North-West. BishopCANADA.Tache was away in France, when thefirst North-West Rebellion broke out,but at the request of the CanadianGovernment, at once hastened back,and though he arrived too late to preventthe death of Thomas Scott, he waslargely instrumental in restoring peace.He was appointed Archbishop and Metropolitanof St. Boniface, on the 22ndSeptember, 1871. Of late years, hishealth, has been seriously impaired, buthis many friends sincerely hope that hemay long be permitted to listen to thesweet chimes of u The Bells of St. Boniface,"which form the theme of one ofWhittier's most beautiful poems.8

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