Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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I IO CANADA."Y\7lLLIAM WHITE, Q.C., seniorr \ member of the law firm ofWhite & Wyssman, Moosomin, Assi-the first council of theN.W.T. for Regina, in 1883, whichoffice he held until 1886;was transportniboia, N.W.T.,\vas born at Hamilton, officer for Battleford Column, North-Ont., April 29th, 1856. His parents West Field Force, during North-Westwere the late Thomas and Eliza (Barr) Rebellion of 1885 and census <strong>com</strong>missioner;for Assiniboia, for 1886. Mr.White, natives of Omaga, CountyTyrone, Ireland. His father was Collectorof Inland Revenue, at Hamilton, England, and in politics, a Liberal-Con-White is a member of the Church ofOnt. Mr. White was educated at the servative. He was married, March 23rd,public school and Collegiate Institute, 1887,Hamilton, W. Frances, eldest daughter ofC. College, Toronto, and the late John Bolton-Cholerton Hall,is an undergraduate of Toronto University,matriculating in 1874. He Brigade Royal Artillery, ofSurgeonwas Kimbolton, then Huntingdonshire, England,employed by the Canadian Bank who died at sea, on his way from Indiaof Commerce, Toronto, and Hamilton withfor two years. He regiment, in February, 1872.studiedlaw with his brother, JohnWhite, M. A., and subsequentlywith Lizier &White, of Hamilton, Ont.,in all two years. He thenstudied with Beaty, Hamilton& Cassels ; Howland,Arnoldi & Ryerson, andMcCarthy, Hoskin & Creelman,of Toronto, in allthree years. He was calledto the Bar in 1880, and afterpracticing a short time inHamilton, Ont., he removedto the N.W.T., arriving inRegina, Assiniboia, in May,1882, and began practice inpartnership with Mr. D. L.Scott, Q.C., in 1883, whichpartnership continued forthree years. He removed toMoosomin, and began topractice in October, 1886,where he has been rewardedby marked success eversince. Mr. White was createda1890.Q.C., January 2nd,He is Crown Prosecutorfor Eastern Assiniboia,since 1887, was aNorth-Westmember

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