Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 109,EV. JOSEPH PASCOE, retiredMethodist Minister, of Petit-_ codiac, Westmoreland County,N.B., was born at Sithney, Cornwall,England, August 23rd, 1834.He is the son of John and ElizabethPascoe. His father was a native ofSithney, and his mother of Constantine,Cornwall. He received his early educationat a private academy, at Gwennop,in Cornwall, and finished it with a Clergymanin Oxfordshire. He was thensent by the Wesleyan Mission Committeeto Newfoundland in 1861, remainingthere until iSSi, and then went toPrince Edward Island, where he continueduntil 1886, when he was removedto Dorchester, N.B., where he servedtwo years. After leaving Dorchester, hewent to Jerusalem circuit, Queen'sCounty, N.B., and then to Shediac, andretired in 1891, throughill health.Mr. Pascoe has been married threetimes: first, in July, 1868, to Joanna,daughter of William Whelan, Esq., ofBrigus, Newfoundland;and second, inJuly, 1875, to Alice Mary, daughter ofStephen Wright, Esq., of Bedeque,P.E.I.; and third, to Catherine on Osborne,June 6th, 1889, daughter of the lateRobert Moore, merchant, of Dorchester,and a native of Donegal, Ireland. Sheis also a sister of the Hon.Joseph L. Moore, of Dorchester,who was a memberof the Provincial Parliamentfor a number of years. Mr.Pascoe is a member of theMasonic Order, also of theOrange Order and Sons ofTemperance. In politics, heis a Reformer. He haswritten a large number ofpoems, notably one on theQueen's birthday, whichwas published in the Wesleyan,of Halifax, May 23rd,1889. He was journal secretaryof the NewfoundlandConference in 1876, secretaryin 1877, and journalsecretary for a second timein 1879, and that year wrotethe pastorate address ofthe Conference. As he isscarcely beyond the primeof life, much good may beexpected from his continuedlabors, not only in the pulpit,but through the meddiumof his read}'- pen,which has furnished somuch interesting and helpfulmatter.

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