Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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107 Jaw, Assa., was born Novemberayth, 1867, at Aylrner, Que. Heis a son of Rev. James and Mary(Macdonald) Lang. On his father'sside, he is descended from north ofIreland stock, and his mother's ancestorscame from the Highlands of Scotlandto this country, with Lord Selkirk in1812. Mr. Lang's family removed toLangvale, Manitoba, in 1880, and werethe first white settlers in that district,and it is from them the place derivesits name. He received his early educationin Ottawa, and afterwards pursuedhis studies privately. In 1888, he attendeda short session of the BrandonNormal School, then taught school fortwo years, and afterwards attended theNormal School in Winnipeg, one session.After teaching another year atMorris, Man., he removed to MooseJaw, in January, 1891, to take charge ofthe Intermediate Department of thePublic School. One year later, hebought the 7^'mes from Mr. Jas. NathanMcDonald. In addition to the regularnewspaper press, the Times office isequipped with power job presses andother modern improvements. Mr. Langis a Conservative in politics.

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