Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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io6ARTLEY GISBORNE, DistrictSuperintendent and Electricianfor the Government TelegraphService in Manitoba and theN.W.T., was born May 5th, 1860," atNorwood," Sydenham, Kent, Eng.His parents were Frederick Newtonand Henrietta (Hernaman) Gisborne.His father, who died in 1892, was a wideworld-known electrical engineer, andthe first proposer of trans-Atlantic telegraphy,one of the original membersof the Royal Society of Canada, anda member of numerous scientific societies.He came to Canada in 1872, andsettled in Nova Scotia, until 1879, whenhe removed to Ottawa. Mr. Hartley Gisborne,received his education at Mercer'sSchool, London, Eng., Dr. Gilpin'sSchool at Halifax, N.S., King's CollegeSchool, Windsor, N.S. He had a privatetutor, in Sidney, N. S., specialinstructors in chemistry, assaying,geology, electricity, in Halifax, N.S.,and, for many years, received instructionfrom his father. From 1876 to 1879,during the summer months, he acted asassistant geologist and surveyor, in theGeological Survey of Canada, and whilein Nova Scotia, attended lectures duringthe winter months. In 1880, he wasas engineer in charge ofappointedtelegraph construction inBritish Columbia, transferred,in 1882, to the North-West Territories, and appointeddistrict superintendent,in addition to hisother appointment. In 1882he took a tour throughmany of the States, forpleasure, and to see whatprogress had been madein electricity. During thesummer of '90, he waschief electrical engineer onthe Government steamer" Newfield," laying and repairingsubmarine cables.During the North-West Rebellion,he was in activeservice. Mr. Gisborne is amember of the CanadianSociety of Civil Engineers,the Institution of ElectricalEngineers, England, lifemember of the British Associationfor the Advancementof Science, Fellow ofthe Imperial Institute, J. P.,and member of the Masonicand I.O.O.F. societies, etc.He is a member of theChurch of England.

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