Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN 105V\/ILLIAM TOBIN, Fellow ofand in London, aid began practice as ar T the Royal College of Surgeons, specialist, in Halifax, N.S., in 1882.and member of the Royal College of He ac<strong>com</strong>panied the Halifax BattalionPhyscians, in Ireland, late Surgeon to the North-West, during the lateArmy Medical Department, professor Rebellion, and served as surgeon inof Laryngology in Halifax Medical charge, during the campaign. He assistedin founding the first branch ofCollege, Ophthalmic Surgeon, on staffVictoria General Hospital, Halifax, the British Medical Association in Halifax,in 1883, and has twice acted as itsN.S., was born in 1847, in the c^y ofHalifax. He is the only sou of the late president. He is a Roman Catholic,John Tobin, merchant, and for many and inyears Conservative member politics, a Conservative. In 1882,for Halifax, he married the youngest daughter of theprior to Confederation. Dr. Tobin was Hon. Dalton Shea, president of LegislativeCouncil, St. John's, Newfound-educated by the Jesuit Qrder, first atFordham College, New York, and subsequentlyat the College de Vaugirard, Governor of the Bahamas.land, brother of Sir Anibroise Shea,Paris, France, under thecelebrated Pere Olivant. Heafterwards studied medicinein Dublin, at the Royal Collegeof Surgeons, as apprenticeto Dr. Mapother, thenprofessor, and subsequentlypresident of the school. Hegraduated in 1868-69, ail

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