Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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102VERIND A. KIRK-PATRICK, M.D.,C.M., now practicingas a specialist in diseasesof the eye, ear and throat,Halifax, N. S., was bornSeptember i8th, 1861, atAylesford, Kings County,N.S. He is the son of Geo.Kirkpatrick, of Aylesford,and Catherine Gates, ofMelvern Square, the latternow deceased. Dr. Kirkpatrickattended the <strong>com</strong>monschool at MelvernSquare until he was eight-'eeu years of age, when hereceived a grade B licenseto teach in the public school,and for five years was engagedin that profession,three of which he was viceprincipalof the KentvilleAcademy. He subsequentlyentered McGill University,Montreal, from which hegraduated M.D., C.M., in1888, he made a brillianteducational course and heldthe honorary position ofProsector to the Chair ofAnatomy. Dr. Kirkpatrickfirst practiced as physician and surgeon,in partnership with Dr. F. W. Borden,M.P., Canning, N.S. In the summer of1889, he went to New York to preparehimself for a specialist. He served oneyear as a house surgeon in the NewAmsterdam Eye and Ear HospitalNew ofYork City, and before leaving, wasappointeda lecturer on diseases of theeye and ear in the New York PolyclinicSchool of Medicine. He also studiedin the office of the celebrated Drs. Agnew& Webster. In 1890 he began to practicein the city of Halifax, and from thebeginning enjoyed a successful andlucrative connection. He is abundantlyqualified for his important profession,having obtained his education and trainingfrom the best equipped institutionson this continent, and is already wellknown for his skill as a specialist. Dr.Kirkpatrick is a member of the BritishMedical Association, and the MaritimeMedical Association. In politics, he isa Liberal. He was married, June i5th,1892, to Miss Eliza Lawton Wickwire,daughter of the late J. L. Wickwire,Esq., of Canning, and niece of Dr. Wm.Wickwire, of Halifax. Her mother,who is still living, was Annie Lawton,daughter of the well known ship ownerJas. Lawton, of St. John, N.B., deceased.

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