Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN OK CANADA. 99JOHN FERGUSONBLACK,General Hospital, consulting surgeonHalifax Dispensary, and a member ofthe Provincial Medical Board. He isalso a member of the British MedicalAssociation Branch, and of the HalifaxCollege, attending surgeon VictoriaB.A., M.D., Physician andSurgeon, Halifax, N.S., wasborn January 2ist, 1847, in Halifax.He is the son of Rufus Smith Black,M.D., and Mary Theresa Ferguson.After receiving his early education, County Medical Society. He is to beDr. Black entered King's College, congratulated on having so soon reachedWindsor, N.S., from which he graduatedB.A. in 1865. He a leading position in the confidence andstudied esteem of the public. He is one of themedicine at the College of Physiciansand Surgeons, New York, from whichhe received the degree of M.D. in1868. He then located in Halifax,where he still remains. He is professorof surgery in Halifax Medicalleading practitioners of Nova Scotia,and is particularly known as a surgeon.In politics, Dr. Black gives his supportto the Liberal-Conservative party,but devotes his whole time to his profession.He is unmarried.

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