Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK CANADA.JOHN GEO.CALDER, M.D.,C.M., Medical Superintendentof the General Hospital, MedicineHat, Assiniboia, was born Octoberagth, 1865, near Woodstock, OxfordCounty, Out. His parents wereand JamesJohanna (McKay) Calder, nativesof the Highlands, Scotland. After<strong>com</strong>ing to this country, his fatherfarmed for some time, but subsequentlyapplied himself to contracting andbuilding, and died in Winnipeg, Man.,in 1882. His mother is still living(1893) and resides in that city. Dr.Calder received his early education inthe public and High schools of Ingersoll,and in July, 1882, removedto Winnipeg to joinhis parents, who had removedthere some time previous.About the year 1882,he took up the study of law,which he continued for fouryears, during part of thistime attending the ManitobaCollege. He discontinuedthe study of law and tookup that of medicine, andgraduated M.D., C.M., fromManitoba University, in1889, carrying off the IsbesterScholarship of $100, inboth the primary and finalyears, in which latter yearalso he won the gold medal.His educational course wasunusually brilliant. Duringhis last year in medicine,he was resident assistant atWinnipeg General Hospital,and after graduating wasHouse Surgeon for one year.In the Spring of 1890, Dr.Calder removed to MedecineHat, to practice in partnershipwith the late Dr. AlbertOliver, who was then medicalsuperintendent of theMedicine Hat General Hospital, andafter his death, which occurred inAugust, 1891, Dr. Calder succeededhim as medical superintendent. Heis also surgeon to the C. P. R. andthe North-West Mounted Police, andCoroner for the N.W.T., also examiningphysician for a number of insurance<strong>com</strong>panies. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,also a member of the I.O.O.F.,A.O.F., and A. O. U. W. On JanuaryI2th, 1892, he married Miss Grace Reynolds,late matron of the Medicine HatGeneral Hospital, and formerly of theGarfield Memorial Hospital, at Washingtonand the Leeds Infirmary.

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