Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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9 6 OK CANADA.C. DUMARESQ, architect,Halifax, N.S., was born vilie, and Dalhousieat Fredericton, Acadia College, Wolf-JAMESCollege, Halifax.December i8th, 1840, in Sydney, He is now engaged on theCape Breton. His Monasteryparents were Charles of the Good Shepherd and St. Joseph'sW. and Christina (McDonald) Dnmaresq.He received his education at the ber of other buildings in the Provinces.Orphanage, Halifax, and a large num-In politics,he is a prominent and activeof architecture, practicing in Halifaxand St. John, N.B. His immense practicethroughout the Maritime Provinces,extends into the Upper Provinces,Eastern States and the West Indies. son and four daughters. The formerHe has been successful in many architectural<strong>com</strong>petitions, among which mayis at present (1893) studying at Hortonbe mentioned the Legislative BuildingsSydney schools and at Wolfvilie, andat an early age, adopted the professionLiberal-Conservative. In religion, heis a Baptist. Mr. Dumaresq wasmarried, in 1873, to Maud McDonald,daughter of Norman McDonald, Halifax,N.S. His family consists of oneAcademy, and bids fair to <strong>com</strong>plete hiscourse with honors.

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