Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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94 CANADA.,OBERT E. HARRIS, Q. C.,Barrister, senior partner of thefirm of Harris & Henry, 21George street, Halifax, N.S-, was bornAugust iSth, 1860, in Annapolis, N.S.He is the son of Robert J.and Rebecca(Ditmars) Harris, both of whom weredescendents of U. E. Loyalist stock. Hereceived his education at AnnapolisAcademy, and studied Law, in that town,with J. M. Owen, also with the firm ofThompson & Graham, Mr. Thompson,now Sir John S. D.Thompson, Premierof Canada, being Attorney General ofNova Scotia, at that time, and WallaceGraham, now a Judge of the SupremefCourt of Nova Scotia, constituting thefirm. Mr. Harris distinguished himselfas well in his classical, as in his lawcourse, and passed his final examinationsat the head of his class, being admitted tothe Bar in January, 1882. He then practicedat Yarmouth, doing a large businessuntil March, 1893, when he removedto Halifax, and became a memberof the firm of Henry, Harris & Henry,one of the leading legal firms in theProvince of Nova Scotia.By the promotionof the senior member of thefirm, Mr. H. McD. Henry, who wasmade a Judge of the Supreme Court ofNova Scotia, almost immediately afterwards,Mr. Harris becamehead of the firm. In June,1890, he was created a Q.C.,at that time not being thirtyyears of age, and he is oneof the youngest Barristersever appointed to that distinguishedoffice in Canada.In religion, he is an Episcopalian,holding the positionof vestryman of St. Paul'sChurch, Halifax, and hasbeen a member of the DiocesanSynod of Nova Scotia,for the past six years. Inpolitics,he is a Liberal-Conservative,but has not takenany active part in politicalmatters. Mr. Harris is yeta young man, and from hispast record and present position,much may be expectedof him in the future. Onthe 26th of June, 1883, hewas married to Miss MinnieL. Horsfall, daughter ofJames Horsfall, Esq,, anative of England, whoformerly carried on an extensivedry goods businessin the city of St.John, N.B.

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