Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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INTRODUCTION._is with pleasure and satisfaction we introduce, to patrons and friends, Vol. <strong>III</strong>. ofITTHE CANADIAN ALBUM. This is a Maritime Province volume, as well as of Manitobaand the North-West, reaching as far west as British Columbia, with a few scatteringportraits from other parts of the Dominion. No province is fully represented in any onevolume, but by the time the work is finished, it is expected to include the entire territoryof British North America, and fairly represent leading citizens of every profession and avocation.It is impossible to produce, in any work, the portrait and history of every worthy citizenin the Dominion, but the publishers and editor, are striving to the utmost to make thework as <strong>com</strong>plete as possible.In order that this ideal may be reached, at least approximately, the churches will becanvassed both in cities and towns, and also in rural districts, for the men who are deemedworthy of a place in these pages, and whose portraits and biographies are most likely to beof interest and value to the present and future generations.It has been found, as was to be expected, that with few exceptions, the representative menof the country are either officials, members or adherents of some religious body. In Canada,whatever may be said of the defects of churches, the Church is the rallying place for themen who are carrying on the affairs of State, from the Dominion Parliament and L,ocalLegislature, down to the smallest village council, and from our leading universities, downto the humble country school. The Church is the home of the men who are engaged in themoral and religious elevation of the masses, and in initiating and carrying on those measuresof social reform which are necessary in every civilized country.It will be found, therefore, that the pages of these volumes are largely taken up withrepresentative members of churches and their pastors. In succeeding volumes it will,it will embracedoubtless, be very much the same, so that when the publication is <strong>com</strong>pletednearly all the clergymen of the Dominion, with many of their co-workers, and other representativemen, a fact which makes it of almost priceless value, not only in the present but infuture years. The editor bespeaks for the publishers, in their arduous and costly undertaking,the hearty co-operation of the representative men in our churches, in helping to select themen who ought to be chronicled in its pages.A work so extensive, and requiring the skill of so many hands, demands time andperseverance, but that it can be ac<strong>com</strong>plished, with the aid of patriotic Canadians, thepublishers have no reason to doubt.

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