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Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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Entered, according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four,By THOMAS S.TJNSCOTT,in the office of the Minister of Agriculture.

THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, P.C., LL.D.Born August 3rd, 1847.Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeeushire, 1880;Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1881-85Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, January to July, 1886.Appointed Governor-General of Canada, 1893.


INTRODUCTION._is with pleasure and satisfaction we introduce, to patrons and friends, Vol. <strong>III</strong>. ofITTHE CANADIAN ALBUM. This is a Maritime Province volume, as well as of Manitobaand the North-West, reaching as far west as British Columbia, with a few scatteringportraits from other parts of the Dominion. No province is fully represented in any onevolume, but by the time the work is finished, it is expected to include the entire territoryof British North America, and fairly represent leading citizens of every profession and avocation.It is impossible to produce, in any work, the portrait and history of every worthy citizenin the Dominion, but the publishers and editor, are striving to the utmost to make thework as <strong>com</strong>plete as possible.In order that this ideal may be reached, at least approximately, the churches will becanvassed both in cities and towns, and also in rural districts, for the men who are deemedworthy of a place in these pages, and whose portraits and biographies are most likely to beof interest and value to the present and future generations.It has been found, as was to be expected, that with few exceptions, the representative menof the country are either officials, members or adherents of some religious body. In Canada,whatever may be said of the defects of churches, the Church is the rallying place for themen who are carrying on the affairs of State, from the Dominion Parliament and L,ocalLegislature, down to the smallest village council, and from our leading universities, downto the humble country school. The Church is the home of the men who are engaged in themoral and religious elevation of the masses, and in initiating and carrying on those measuresof social reform which are necessary in every civilized country.It will be found, therefore, that the pages of these volumes are largely taken up withrepresentative members of churches and their pastors. In succeeding volumes it will,it will embracedoubtless, be very much the same, so that when the publication is <strong>com</strong>pletednearly all the clergymen of the Dominion, with many of their co-workers, and other representativemen, a fact which makes it of almost priceless value, not only in the present but infuture years. The editor bespeaks for the publishers, in their arduous and costly undertaking,the hearty co-operation of the representative men in our churches, in helping to select themen who ought to be chronicled in its pages.A work so extensive, and requiring the skill of so many hands, demands time andperseverance, but that it can be ac<strong>com</strong>plished, with the aid of patriotic Canadians, thepublishers have no reason to doubt.

W TON. ARCHIBALDcrM W. McLELAN,V late Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia,was born December 24th,1824, at Londonderry, N.S.His father was Gloud WilsonMcLelan, and hismother Martha (Spencer)McLelan. The former wasa member of the Nova ScotiaAssembly, representingLondonderry and Colchester,from 1836 to 1858, anddied in 1858. Mr. McLelanwas educated at Londonderryand Mount AllisonWesleyan Academy, atSackville, N. B. Duringhis early life, he was a merchantfor several years, andlatterly became particularlyinterested in ship building.Mr. McLelan was a memberof the Provincial Assembly,for the County of Colchesterfrom 1858 to 1863, forNorthern Colchester from1863 to 1867, and for Colchesterin the House ofCommons from 1867 to June2ist, 1869, when he enteredthe Senate, at which time he was appointedone of the <strong>com</strong>missioners for held until his appointment as Lieut-Postmaster General, which office hethe construction of the Intercolonial enant- Governor of Nova Scotia, in 1888.Railway. He remained in the Senate He was taken ill at the Governmentuntil 1881, when he resigned and returnedto the Commons ordered by hisHouse, Halifax, anduntil 1888.During the illness of Hon. physician to go to the Southern StatesJ. C. Pope, for his health. He did so, arriving atin 1882, Mr. McLelan discharged his Thomasville, Ga., February 6th, 1889.duties in the House of Commons, He returned from Georgia June i5th,and at the next General Elections 1890, and died at the Governmenttook the office of Marine and Fisheries,which he held until the retireligion,he was a Presbyterian. He wasHouse, June 26th of that year. In rementof Hon. Sir S. L. Tilley, in 1885, married May 24th, 1854, to Miss Caroline,fifthwhen he became Minister of Finance.daughter of the late JohnIn 1887, on the return of Hon. Sir Metzler, of Halifax. His family consistedof three Charles Tupper, he took the office of children.

VS> M.D., was born in 1821, atAmherst, N. S. His father was thelate Rev. Charles Tupper, D.D., ofthe British North AmericaAct in 1867, establishingthe Dominion of Canada,and bringing Nova Scotia,New Brunswick, Quebecand Ontario under one administration.For the servicesrendered in the matter,Dr. Tupper was madea Companion of the Orderof the Bath. In 1870, hejoined the Ministry of thelate Sir John Macdonald,and in 1879, received theorder of knighthood. Heintroduced and carried theActs dealing with the constructionof the CanadianPacific Railway. In the<strong>com</strong>pletion of this greatwork, he saw the futurefor Canada, in London, andthough leaving the vexa-4 TON. SIR CHARLES TUPPER,

JAMESSTEWART TUPPER,Q.C., Winnipeg, Man., was bornOctober 26th, 1851, at Amherst,N.S. He is the eldest sou of Hon.Sir Charles Tnpper, Bart., G.C.M.G.,C.B. He received his education atMcGill University, taking his degreeof B.A. in May, 1871, with first rankhonors. He was called to the Bar ofOntario in 1875, of Manitoba in 1882,and was created a Queen's Counsel in1890. He is now a member of thewell-known legal firm of Macdonald,Tupper, Phippen & Tupper, of Winnipeg.In politics, he is a Liberal-Conservative,and in religion a member ofthe Church of England. Mr. Tupperhas been married twice :first, September8th, 1875, to Mary Eilson, daughterof the late Andrew Robertson, of" Elm Bank," Montreal, who diedAugust 7th, 1876, leaving one daughter: he was married again on June 9th,1880, to Ada Campbell, daughter ofHon. Sir Thomas Gait, Chief Justiceof the Common Pleas of Ontario. Hisfamily consists of three daughters andone son. Mr. Tupper is a very popularand progressive citizen of Manitoba,having the prosperity of the countrygreatly at heart. He stands high inthe esteem and respect of the public.


MEN OKLEX. HOWARD MACKAY,B. A., B. Sc., LL. D., F. S. Sc.(London), F. R. S. C., Superintendentof Education for the Provinceof Nova Scotia, was born May I9th,1848, at North Dalhousie, Pictou Co.,N. S. Mr. MacKay began teaching in1865. He graduated from the ProvincialNormal School in 1866, from thePictou Academy in 1868, from theUniversity of Dalhousie in 1873, andfrom the Halifax University in 1880.He was Principal of Annapolis Academyin 1873, of Pictou Academy from 1873to 1889, and of Halifax Academy from1889 to 1891. He was an editor of theDalhousie College Gazettefrom 1870 to 1873, and ofthe EducationalReview from1887 to 1891. He was presidentof the ProvincialEducational Association in1874 and 1876, and firstpresident of the SummerSchool of Science for theAtlantic Provinces of Canada,organized in 1887.Elected Com. Biological Section,British Association in1884 life Fellow; Society ofScience, Letters and Art ofLondon, 1886; and Fellowof the Royal Society of Canadain 1888. He is amember of the AmericanOrnithological Union, theVolapukaklub Nolumelopik,Ent. Soc. of Ontario,and Natural History Societyof Montreal and Ottawa,&c.,&c. Corresponding Secretaryof the Nova ScotiaInstitute of Science, DominionSecretary of the BotanicalClub of Canada, adirector of the VictoriaSchool of Art and Design,a director of the HalifaxLadies' College, and a governor of theUniversity of Dalhousie. He held theappointment of lecturer in Zoology atDalhousie, and in Bacteriology in theHalifax Medical College in 1891. In1892, the degree of LL-D. was conferredupon him b}^ the University ofDalhousie, and in 1893, he was appointedone of the honorary vicepresidentsof the World's EducationalCongress at Chicago. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, being an elder andmember of Senate of the PresbyterianCollege at Halifax. In 1882, he marriedMaude Augusta Johnstone, daughter ofDr George Moir Johnstone, of Pictou.

1IOOKTHE LATE HONORABLE JOHNNORQUAY, ex-Premier of Manitoba,was born in what was then knownas the Red River Settlement, May 8th,1841, and died July 5th, 1889. Hisparents, John and Isabella (Truithwaite)Norquay, were both of Orkneydescent. He received his education atSt. John's College Winnipeg. Leavingcollege, he engaged in school teachingand agricultural pursuits until 1870,the date of Manitoba's entry into Confederation,when he was elected to representHigh Bluff. He quickly roseto the front as a man of sound judgment,and without any Parliamentarypractice, appeared to be quite in hiselement on the floor o the House.strong debater, a man of quick <strong>com</strong>prehensivemind and withal a ruggedlyeloquent speaker, he stood easily withthe front rank politicians of the day.In stature he was large and well proportioned,bluff and hearty in manner,generous, even to a fault, and had thefaculty in a wonderful degree of rememberingnames and faces. He belongedto the Masonic fraternity.was a member of the Board of Healthand Board of Education in Manitoba,AHea member of the Executive Council andMinister of Public Works and Agriculturefor Manitoba, from December1 4th, 1871, untilJuly 8th, 1874, when he resignedwith his colleagues.He was appointed to thenew Government in March,1875, taking the portfolioof Provincial Secretary. Thisoffice he relinquished forthat of Minister of PublicWorks in May, 1876. InOctober, 1878, Mr. Norquaywas called upon to form aCabinet in which he heldthe office of ProvincialTreasurer. He sat for HighBluff from 1870 to 1874,when he was returned forSt. Andrews, which he representeduntil the redistribution(1888), which abolishedthat constituency andincluded it in Kildonan,which he sat for at the timeof his death. He belongedto the Episcopal Churchand was warden of theChurch where he residedand delegate to the annualSynods. He left a wife,two daughters and fivesons.

1 1BENSON, M.D., ofBeusonhurst, Winnipeg, Man.,^ was born April 2 2nd, 1843,in Peterboro, Ont. His father wasLieut. -Col. John Robinson Benson, whocanie to Canada with his parents fromthe North of Ireland in 1819. He wasone of the pioneers of Peterboro County,and rose by perseverance and industry,to be a leading mill owner and lumbermerchant, and being of sterling principles,was held in universal esteem.He died in 1876. His widow Catharine(Lee) Benson, who survives him andresides in Winnipeg,is a woman ofbright Christian character, whose chiefsolicitudehas always beenfor the higher interestsof her family. Dr. Bensonwas educated at PeterboroGrammar School, VictoriaMedical College, Toronto,Kentucky University, fromwhich he graduated in 1864,Bellevue Hospital and MedicalCollege, New York,where he graduated in 1865,and again at Victoria fromwhich he took his final degreein 1866. He practiceda time in Peterboro, then inLindsay, Ont., for sevenyears. In 1874, he removedto Winnipeg, where he haspracticed ever since, andwhere he now enjoys a wideand well established patronage.His position as chairmanof the Winnipeg SchoolBoard, trustee and stewardof Grace Methodist Church,Coroner for the Province ofManitoba, one of the directorsof the firstWinnipegAgricultural Society, jailsurgeon for eighteen years,and a surgeon of the North-West field forces during theRebellion of 1885, show in some degreeat least the interest he takes in publicquestions, and the appreciation inwhich his services are held. He is alsopresident of the Winnipeg branch ofthe Globe Savings and Loan Co., ofToronto. In politics, the Doctor is astaunch Conservative, and an influentialworker during Parliamentarycampaigns. He is a member of theA.F. & A.M., the LO.O.F. and theI.O.F. In 1874, Dr. Benson was marriedto Annie Campbell, daughter ofCapt. A. Campbell of Colborne, Ont., amember of the Campbell Clan of theArgyle family.He has three sons.

12 CANADA.CLIFFORD SIFTON,( Attorney General and^^^^> Provincial LandsCommissioner of Manitoba,Barrister, Brandon, Man.,was born March ioth, 1861,in London Township, MiddlesexCounty, Ont. Hisparents, who are still livingand reside in Winnipeg, areJohn W. Sifton (formerlySpeaker of the ManitobaLegislature) and Kate Sifton,whose maiden namewas Watkins. He was educatedat the London HighSchool and Victoria University,Cobourg, where hetook honors and the GoldMedal. He afterwardsstudied law with S. C. Biggs,of Winnipeg. On beingcalled to the Bar, he removedto Brandon, Man., wherehe has practiced his professioncontinuously ever since,and has succeeded in buildingup an extensive legalconnection. He stands highin the estimation of hisbrethren at the Bar as anable and conscientious lawyer.Mr. Sifton has never taken anypart in municipal matters, except thathe was appointed City Solicitor forBrandon and of the Western JudicialBoard. In 1888, he was elected to thefaction,self well and he has since proven him-worthy of the high honor. He tario. His family consists of fouris rapid, clear, logical, not verbose, andhas never been discounted on any platformor on any question which he hasdiscussed. He is of a retiring dispositionand manner,Provincial Legislature of Manitoba, andexcept among his intimateacquaintances, and ispopularwas sworn a member of the Executive with all. In religion, Mr. Sifton is aCouncil, and appointed Attorney Generalmember of the Methodist Church, andin 1891, upon which he was re-holds the office of trustee in his churchelected. Attorney General Sifton is in Brandon, and is active in all goodone of the ablest speakers in Manitoba, work. He was married, on the i3thif not in the Dominion. His appointmentto the position of Attorney Gen-August, 1884, to Miss ElizabethofAnna Burrows, daughter of Mr. anderal was received with universal satis-Mrs. H. T. Burrows, of Ottawa, On-sons.

+r^^n[HE HON. JOHN DONALDA CAMERON, B. A., Barrister,Provincial Secretary for Manitoba, Winnipeg,Man., was born in 1858, in theTownship of East Nissouri, Oxford Co.,and Eliza-of Scottish descent. HeOnt. He is the son of Johnbeth Cameron,was educated at the Woodstock HighSchool, Woodstock College and St.Catharines Collegiate Institute, and atUniversity College, Toronto, where hegraduated, in 1879, with first-classhonors in both the Science and the Artscourses, winning the Gold Medal ineach. He then studied law in Toronto,and was called to the Ontario Bar in1882, and to that of Manitoba in thesame year.In January, 1892, he waselected to represent South Winnipeg inthe Local Legislature, in place of Mr.Isaac Campbell, Q. C., who had resigned,and was re-elected at the GeneralElections in July of the same year.In January, 1893, he was sworn in amember of the Executive Council, holdingthe offices of Provincial Secretaryand Municipal Commissioner, and wasafterwards re-elected by acclamation.Mr. Cameron is a Liberal in politics,and has always been an able and trustedleader of his party. In religion hebelongs to the Presbyterian Church.

CANADA.*^^[HE HONORABLE THOMASA GREENWAY, Premier of Manitoba,was born March 25th, 1838, inCornwall, England. He is the eldestson of the late Thomas Greenway.His parents came to Canada in 1844,and settled in the Township of Darlington,Durham County, Ont, where Mr.Greenway attended school. In 1848,they removed to Huron County, wherehe continued his education. He lefthome when thirteen years of age, andafter living some years in London, Ont.and in the Western States, returned tothe County of Huron, and becameestablished in mercantile business, nearExeter. He was ten years reeve of theTownship of Stephen, and was a memberof the House of Commons, forSouth Huron, representing the Liberalparty, from 1875 to 1878. In 1878,he went to Manitoba, and was elected tothe Legislature of that province, December,1879, and in 1888, he was electedPremier. He is an adherent of theMethodist Church, and a man of greatforce of character. Premier Greenwayhas been married twice, first, in January,1860, to Miss Annie Hicks, whodied in May, 1875, and again in 1877,to Miss Emma Essery. His familyconsists of eight sons and six daughters.

lOL. D. H. McMILLAN, ProvincialTreasurer, Winnipeg, Man.,was born in January, 1846,three degree in Ancient and AcceptedScottish Rite, and has also alwaystaken an active part in military matters.in Ontario County, Ont His parentswere James and Eleanor McMillan. HeHe went to Winnipeg in 1870, on theRed River expedition, under Col. (nowreceived his education at the public and Lord) Wolseley, in <strong>com</strong>mand of AGrammar schools of Ontario. He representedWinnipeg in the Provincial was seniorCompany, First Ontario Rifles. HeLegislature, from major of 95th Battalion,1879 to 1882, andCentre Winnipeg, from during North-West troubles, in 1885,July, 1888, to and <strong>com</strong>manded the battalion as lieutcol.,the present time, in the interests of theLiberal party. He since 1886. In 1864, served fourhas been a member months at Niagara, in Provisional Battalion,under Col. Drewry, and duringProvincial Treasurer, since May, 1889. the Fenian raid, in 1866, served at Portof the Government, holding portfolio ofSince 1871, he has been a member of Colborne and Fort Erie. Col. McMillanisthe Masonic Fraternity, holding thirty- very popular with all parties.

i6M:KK OF*TX/TLLIAM PURVES, Merchant,^ r North Sydney, C. B., was bornin 1834, at Pictou, N. S. He is theness in Cape Breton in 1833, anc^ nasbeen from the outset engaged in everyson of James Purves and enterprise of importance on the IslandJane Corbett, of Cape Breton, namely, fisheries, shipboth natives of Pictou. His father wasa prominent ship builder and building and mining, they havingmerchant, opened the Gowrie Mines and been itsa member of the firm of Stephen Lowrey proprietors& for many years. Mr. PurvesCo., of Newcastle, C. B., who were has been mayor of North Sydney sincepioneer merchants and traders in Nova its incorporation in 1885, without intermission,and still holds that office.Scotia. His mother was the daughterof William Corbett, of Pictou. Mr. In religion, he is a Presbyterian, andPurves was educated at the Pictou in politics, a Conservative. He wasAcademy, after which he began businesslife as a merchant. He in 1870, to Abbie Maud Dick-married,has been son,a member of the firm of Archibald &of Truro, N.S. His family consistsof five children, four sons and oneCo., since 1857. This firm began busi- daughter.

J. MACLEOD, ChiefSuperintendent ofEducation for PrinceEdward Island, Charlottetown,P. E. I.,was born in1850, at Hartsville, P. E. I.His parents were Alex, andMary (McLeod) McLeod,natives of Inverness Scotland,Mr. McLeod was educatedat the Prince of WalesCollege, Charlottetown, andgraduated in 1876, with aGrammar School License.For some time, he taught theuWigg Grammar School,"which has produced so manyof the prominent men of theIsland, after which for ayear and a half he taughtin the Souris GrammarSchool. In 1880, he wasappointed a professor in thePrince of Wales College andNormal School by a Conservativegovernment, althoughin politics, a Liberal, whichproves that the position wasreceived by qualificationonly. This position he heldfor eleven years. In 1891,Mr. McLeod received hispresent appointment. Some mouthsprevious to his acceptance of his presentposition, he was offered by theCharlottetown City School Board, theinspectorship of the city schools (sothat he has either held or has beenoffered every position in educationalmatters in the Province that is worthhaving) but the then Premier (nowJudge McLeod) rather than lose hisvaluable services, promptly decided togive him an increase in his salary.Chief Superintendent McLeod takes agreat interest in his work, and in educationalmatters in general. He haslately taken an extended tour throughthe Eastern States and Ontario, withthe view to examining into their variousschool systems, that he might engrafttheir best features into that over whichhe is presiding so progressively andMr. McLeod takes a greatsuccessfully.interest in horticulture, and is alsowell known in musical circles, beingone of the founders of the PhilharmonicSociety. In December, 1882, Mr. Mc-Leod was married to Miss MargaretMcPherson, daughter of Mr. JohnMcPherson, of Charlottetown, PrinceEdward Island, formerly of Glasgow,Scotland. His family consists of fourchildren, two sons and two daughters.

i8OK CANADA.THE LATE HON. GILBERTA McMICKEN, Winnipeg, Man.,was born at Glenluce, Wigtonshire,"Scotland, on the historic i3th ofOctober, 1813." He came to Canadain 1832, and in 1838, was appointedCollector of Customs at Queenstou, andwas chief promoter of the QueeustonSuspension Bridge, holding over onequarter of the stock. In 1851, hewas warden of the united counties ofLincoln and Welland, was firstmayorof Clifton, and in 1852, was appointedCollector of Customs at Clifton, Woodstock,Ingersoll and London. In 1857,was elected M. P. for Welland. In1860, Mr. McMicken removedto Windsor, and in1864, was appointed StipendiaryMagistrate over thewhole frontier of WesternCanada, and successfullyallayed the Fenian excitement,especially in thecities of Detroit and Buffalo,for which he received thespecial thanks of LordMonck. He extradited severalnotorious criminals, asin the Burley piracy, andReno and Anderson, andMorton and Thomson cases,and arranged settlement ofthe disputed internationalline at the St.boundaryClair Flats Canal. Mr.McMicken supervised theprotection of the Parliamentarybuildings, upon themurder of the Hon. ThomasD'Arcy McGee, and protectedby convoy several illustriouspersons in theirjourneys through Canada,notably H. R. H. PrinceArthur, in 1869, from whomhe received cherished souvenirs.In 1871, he wasappointed agent of Dominion lands inManitoba, Assistant-Receiver General,Dominion Auditor, Immigration agent,and manager of the Dominion GovernmentSavings Bank, and in 1878, retiredon superannuation. In 1879, hewas elected M. P. P. for Cartier, andwas honored with the Speaker's chair.February i3th, 1835, he married AnnTheresa Duff, grand-daughter of Commodore(afterwards Hon.) Alex. Grant.On March 7th, 1891, Mr. McMickendied, leaving an unsullied name, anda character of sterling integrity. Threesons survive him, Alexander, HamiltonGrant and Albert Clifton.

JVIKNCANADA,J WALTER ALLISON, Manufacturer,Halifax, N. S.,was born in 1850, at Newcastle,B. Allisonson.age, theN. B.,He receivedAllisontionsCharlesto Halifax,mercialMessrs.goodsN. B.WhenfamilywhereAcademy F. Allison.careerDoull Hisandhe hisbywhereas& Miller,parents were HenrySarah Abraniswas four years Sackville,boyhood was passed.education at MountCollege, institu-uncle, theIn 1871, he began hisbook-keeper subsequentlyAlli-oflatewent<strong>com</strong>-dryinto the <strong>com</strong>mission business, but wasprevented from going very far in thatby an invitation to enter intopartnership with the late John P. Mott,chocolate and cocoa manufacturer. Heaccepted the opportunity, and in 1876,his name appeared as a member of thefirm, of which he has been an activemember ever since. His first businesswas on the road, at the outset throughthe Maritime Provinces only, then intoQuebec and Ontario, and in the lateryears of his travels, in the western partof Canada only. His attention at firstwas confined chiefly to the confectioners'trade, with which he was soon successfulin securing for the preparationshe represented a leadingposition. Since thedeath of Mr. Mott, in 1890,Mr. Allison has been in hispresent position of managerand executor of the estate,which is above three-quartersof a million of dollars invalue. He holds severalresponsible positions in financial,<strong>com</strong>mercial and insuranceinstitutions. He isa director of the New GlasgowIron, Coal and RailwayCo., the Eastern Fire AssuranceCo., and the NovaScotia Coastal Steam PacketCo., and is president of theNova Scotia PermanentBenefit Building Societyand Savings Fund, which isone of the oldest monetaryinstitutions in the MaritimeProvinces. In politics, heis a Liberal-Conservative,and in religion a member ofthe Church of England. Hewas married in 1876, to Missdaughter ofMary Prescott,the late Charles T. Prescott,Esq., of Baie Verte, N. B.

20 CANADA.FISHER, M.A., M.P.P., tion, and took a very active part in itsWinnipeg, Man., was born in first two conventions at GrandJAMESForks,Glenquaich, Perthshire, Scotland, Dak., in 1892, and at St. Paul, Minn.,November 6th, 1841. He came to Canadawith his parents when young, anddeepeningin 1893. He advocates theof our canals,settled in Perth County, Ont. He the expenses to be bornereceivedhis education at the Stratford nion, and has written ajointly by the United States and Domi-High School and pamphlet onToronto University. this subject, entitled : "Our HighwaysHe then studied law in Stratford, and to the Sea." Mr. Fisher was marriedafterwards in the office of the Hon.Edward Blake, Toronto. He in July, 1871, to Fannie Gordon, daughterof the late Rev. T. Macpherson, ofwas admittedto the Ontario Bar in 1867, and Stratford, who died in 1890. His familypracticed his profession until 1883, in consists of one son and two daughters.Stratford, where he was twice selected In religion, Mr. Fisher is aby the Reform Presbyterian,and is chairman of the Board ofparty as their standardbearer to contest North Perth, a strong Trustees of Knox Church, Winnipeg.Conservative riding in Dominioncontests ;he was defeatedby small majorities. In1883, Mr. Fisher removedto Winnipeg, and in 1888,was elected to the Legislatureby a large majority.In 1892, he was returned byacclamation. He is also amember of the Board ofManagement and Senate ofManitoba College, and amember of the Council ofthe University of Manitoba.In Federal politics,he is astaunch Liberal, a strongsupporter and a warm admirerof Hon. Wilfred Laurier,but in local politics, heis at variance with the LiberalGovernment of Manitobaon many points, andtakes an absolutely independentposition. He opposedthe Manitoba SchoolAct of 1890, believing thatthe mixed population ofManitoba would be bettersuited by such a school lawas Ontario enjoys. He ispresident of the InternationalReciprocity Associa-

21crM ALLEN, K.B., LL-D.,4 TON. SIR JOHN CAMPBELLChiefVs> Justice of New Brunswick,Fredericton, N. B., was born in YorkCounty, N. B., October ist, 1817. Heis the son of the late Captain JohnAllen and Ann Blair, both of NewBrunswick. After <strong>com</strong>pleting his educationat the different schools and theCollegiate Institute, Fredericton, hestudied law with the Hon. John SimcoeSaunders, Fredericton, and was admittedan attorney in 1838, sworn inas barrister in 1840. During 1845-47,he was <strong>com</strong>missioner for settling theclaims to lands in the Madawaska settlement,under the Treatyof Washington, 1842, andfor twelve years was officialreporter of the SupremeCourt of the Province. Hewas a member of the Houseof Assembly from 1856 to1865, Solicitor General in1856-57, Speaker of theHouse from 1863 to 1865,Attorney General in 1865,and in the latter year wasalso a delegate from thegovernment of New Brunswickto the Government ofEngland, on the subject ofConfederation, and on hisreturn from England, wasappointed Judge of the SupremeCourt, and in 1875,Chief Justice of the Province.In 1878, he was appointedone of the arbitratorsto settle the northwestboundaries of the Provinceof Ontario, the other arbitratorsbeing Sir E. Thornton,the British Minister atWashington, and the lateChief Justice Harrison. ButChief Justice Allen beingengaged in an importantcriminal trial, Sir E. Thornton wasunable to longer delay, and Chief JusticeAllen resigned the appointment. In1845, the Chief Justice married Margaret,daughter of the late Lieut. -Col.Drury, of St. John, N. B. In October,1888, he was presented by the Bar ofSt. John with a valuable piece of plate,itbeing the 5oth anniversary of his admissionto the legal profession, and inApril, 1893, the Bar of the Provincepresented to the Supreme Court a lifesize portrait of the Chief Justice, whichnow hangs in the Supreme Court roomat Frederieton. In religion, he is amember of the Church of England.

22STONJOHN PALMER-ROBERT-SON, Librarian ofthe Provincial Legislatureof Manitoba, was born atFortingal, Perthshire, Scotland,May 23rd, 1841. Hecame to Canada with hisparents in 1845, and settledat Bytown, afterwards thecity of Ottawa. He waseducated at the public andHigh schools, Ottawa, andis a graduate of the NormalSchool, Toronto. Mr. Robertsontaught school for fifteenyears, and assisted inthe introduction of the Centralschool system into Ottawa.After retiring fromthe profession, he was amember of the Board ofPublic School Trustees ofthat city for several years,and took an active part insecuring the Normal andModel schools for Ottawa.He was also, for a numberof years, an alderman at theCity Council Board. Mr.Robertson was a student atlaw for three years, havingmatriculated at Osgoode Hall, Toronto,in 1867, but abandoned the legal professionto enter the journalistic field.He was first attached to the editorialstaff of the Ottawa Times, from 1873 to1878, and subsequently went to Manitoba,in 1879, where he took a positionon the staff of the Winnipeg Times,remaining thereon for three years. Henext accepted a position on the ManitobaFree Press, which he held untilappointed Provincial Librarian, on theist of July, 1884. Mr. Robertson isthe author of a useful and interestinghandbook, entitled " Political Manual:of Manitoba and the North-West Territories."Since removing to Manitoba,Mr. Robertson has acted as agent of theCanadian Associated Press, and wascorrespondent for several leading Canadianand American newspapers. Hehas been president of St. Andrew'sSociety, Winnipeg, and was identifiedwith the introduction of the Order ofScottish Clans in the North-West, ofwhich he is a Deputy Royal Chief.Mr. Robertson was married, July i5th,1869, to Jessie, third daughter of thelate William Graham, of Ottawa, bywhom he has three sons and threedaughters. The Provincial Library hasnow some 10,000 volumes in its shelves.

JVIEN4 TON. DANIEL was born in Mabon, C.B.,January 3ist, 1853. He is the secondson of Malcolm and Ellen McNeil, andbrother of Neil McNeil, D.D., Ph.D.,formerly rector of St. Francois-XavierCollege, Antigonish. He is descendedon the paternal side, from RoderickMcNeil, of Bara, Scotland, who settledin Cape Breton in the early part of thiscentury. Hon. Mr. McNeil was educatedat the St. Francois-Xavier College,studied law at Halifax, was calledto the Bar of Nova Scotia, in December,1879, and then located in Port Hood,the Shiretown of his nativecounty. There he formeda partnership with S. Macdonell,Q. C., ex-M. P.which was dissolved somethree and one half yearslater. In June, 1883, hewas appointed a school <strong>com</strong>missionerfor South Inverness,in July, of the sameyear a notary and tabellionpublic, in March 1884, a<strong>com</strong>missioner of the SupremeCourt of Nova Scotia,and has discharged theduties of these offices withmuch acceptance. For anumber of years he hastaken an interest in all thepolitical movements, Municipal,Provincial and Federal,and has always beenon the Liberal side. Hewas first elected to the NovaScotia Legislature in 1886,and was sworn in a memberof the Executive Council,June 28th, 1886, and tookoffice in the Fielding administrationwithout a portfolio.Mr. McNeil's careerin the House has been high-ly creditable, and his honorable appointmentwas a just recognition of his ability.In religion, he is an adherent of theRoman Catholic Church. On August4th, 1 88 1,he was married to EllenMaria Margaret, youngest daughter ofthe late James McDonnell, who, formore than a quarter of a century, heldthe important offices of prothonotary ofthe Supreme Court and Clerk of theCrown, at Port Hood. He was alsoregistrar of deeds for the County of Inverness,for many years, and firstinspector of schools for that county,under the present Provincial system ofeducation.

CANADA.REDBRICK WILLIAM COL-CLEUGH, M. P. P., Merchant,Selkirk, Man., was born in 1845,in West Flamboro', Wentworth County,Ont. His father was the late WalterColcleugh, Esq., a staunch Liberal,merchant, mill owner and postmaster,who died in 1887. His mother, who isalso deceased, was Sarah Kirkpatrick,daughter of the late James Kirkpatrick,Esq., who, for forty- three years, wasthe honored and highly respectedMr.treasurer of Wentworth County.Colcleugh was educated in Dundas andin which latter town he studiedPicton,law, and passed the Law Society examinationwhen only sixteen. He,however, abandoned law and entered<strong>com</strong>mercial life as a clerk. Ten yearsafterwards, he started in business forhimself in Carlisle, Ont., where hebuilt up a large and successful trade,and in 1874, sold out and went to Manitoba,where he has since remained. Hehas been elected mayor of Selkirk,seven consecutive terms, five of whichwere by acclamation. In 1888, he waselected M. P. P., for St. Andrews, andre-elected in 1892. Mr. Colcleugh, inreligion, is a Presbyterian, and in politics,a Liberal and a strong advocate ofFree Trade and Provincial Rights. Heis a prominent official inthe C. O. F. and of St. Andrew'sSociety, of Selkirk.He was the first presidentof the Manitoba Hail InsuranceCo., and also firstpresident of the Lake WinnipegLumber Trading andTransfer Co., and was forsome time president of theSt. Andrew's AgriculturalSociety. Mr. Colcleugh hasbeen married twice ; first, toMiss Nichol, daughter ofJames Nichol, Esq., of HaltonCounty, who died in1888, leaving six children,four of whom are now living,and again, in May, 1893, toMiss Emma Shaw, specialcorrespondent of the BostonTranscript and Jottrnal ofEducation. Mr. Colcleughtook charge of the bill toobtain the charter for theSelkirk Eastern and WesternRailway ColonizationCompany, Selkirk ElectricLight Company, and alsoobtained charter for the Selkirk& Winnipeg ElectricRailway.

JOHNP. CHIPMAN,Judge of the CountyCourt for DistrictNo. 4, Nova Scotia, <strong>com</strong>prisingthe counties of Colchester,Hants and Kings,was born March 3ist, 1848,at Pleasant Valley, Townshipof Cornwallis, KingsCounty, N. S. His parentswere Rev. William and ElizaChipman, the former beinga Baptist clergyman, whowas greatly respected, andfor years was both ministerand lawyer for the membersof his church and adherents,and the latter was a mostestimable Christian woman,and a daughter of the lateHolmes Chipman. JudgeChipman was educated atthe schools of Kentville,Horton Academy and AcadiaCollege, Wolfville, andobtained the degree of LL.B.at the Law School, HarvardUniversity, in June,1869. He was admitted tothe Bar in October, 1869,and entered into partnershipwith T. W. Harris, Q. C.,M:KNwith whom he studied law, and which Scotia, Kentville. He is a member ofpartnership existed until the death of the Masons, Oddfellows, Foresters,Mr. Harris in 1876, after which he Royal Arcanum, a P. M. of Kentvillepracticed alone until February, 1880, Lodge in the former, and P.D.D.G.M.and then formed a partnership with R. of Grand Lodge. He was first StipendiaryMagistrate and Recorder forL. Borden, Q.C., which was dissolvedin December, 1883, when he entered Town theof Kentville, and subsequentlywith Edmund L. New-mayor for two years. In politics, JudgeChipman was a Liberal-Conservative,and in religion, a Baptist. He wasmarried, June loth, 1875, to SusanMary, daughter of Robert and MargaretBrown, of Halifax. He has had aShaffner, until i8th of June, 1890,when he received his present appointment.For about one year, he performed three sons and two daughters, nowfamily of seven children, five of whom,the duties of agent of Bank o' Nova survive.into partnership<strong>com</strong>be, now Deputy Minister of Justice.This partnership lasted until ist ofJanuary, 1886, after which he formeda partnership with Mr. Willard P.

26. THOMAS A. BERNIER,Senator and Advocate, St. Boniface,Man., was born August1 5th. 1844, at St. George of Henryville,Iberville County, Que. His parentswere Thomas Bernier and Julie Letourneau,of that place. Mr. Bernier receivedhis primary education in theparish school, and his classical, mentaland moral philosophy course at theCollege of St. Hyacinthe, where hegraduated. He began the study of lawin the office of Judge W. Chagnon.During his law studies, he was for atime chief editor of Le Courrier de St.Hyacinthe, and also became presidentof the debating club u L'UnionCatholique." He wasadmitted to the Bar in July,1869. He then went to St.Johns, P.Q., where he beganto practice, and soon occupiedthe position of CrownAttorney at the assizes. In1880, he removed to Manitobato follow agriculture,and to counteract, by hisexample and exertions, theexodus of French Canadiansto the United States. In1 88 1,he accepted the positionof Catholic Superintendentof Education for Manitoba,and continued to holdthat office until 1890, whenthe Separate School Act wasabolished. From 1881 to1892, he was registrar ofthe University of Manitoba,which he subsequentlyresignedon account of somuch of his time being requiredto attend the Federalsessions, as Senator. Duringthat period, he occupiedother positions, such as assistautclerk of the LocalLegislature, chairman of theEastern Judicial District Board, <strong>com</strong>missionerto enquire into the workingof the law in connection with the saleof Half-breed lands, etc. He was amember of the Provincial Board ofAgriculture, mayor of St. Boniface,president of the St. Jean-Baptiste Association,etc. He takes a lively interestin whatever tends to promote the interestsof Manitoba. He was appointedSenator in October, 1892. In politics,he is a Conservative, and in religion,a Roman Catholic. Mr. Bernier wasmarried, August i5th, 1871, to JulieMalvina Demers, daughter of A. I.Demers, of Henryville.

REDBRICK HERVEY JOHNBRIGSTOCKE, D.D., Archdea-Rev. S. J. Jerram. In 1866, he wasoffered the curacy of Ewelme, Oxfordshire,by Rev. Canon Payne Smith,con of the Diocese of Fredericton,Rector of Trinity Church, St. John, D.D., which offer he accepted, and remainedthere five years, until Septem-N.B., was born at Walwyn's Castle,Pembrokeshire, Wales, May, 1841. His ber, 1871, when he removed to Newcastleon Tyne, to take charge of theparents were the Rev. Thomas andCaroline W. Brigstocke. He received Parish of St. John. Here he laboredhis early education at home, after which two years, when he was unanimouslyhe became a graduate and exhibitioner elected to his present position, whichof Jesus College, Oxford, B.A. in 1862. heHe entered upon in 1873. In 1876, hewas ordained deacon in 1864, and was appointed by the Bishop, Honorarypriest in 1865, by the Bishop of Winchester.His first two years in the Cathedral, Fredericton. InCanon and Trustee of Christ Churchministry were 1883, hespent at Chobham, Surrey,where he worked as curate to the American Church, as a delegate fromattended the General Convention of thethe Provincial Synod ofCanada. In 1888, he was27chosen by the bishop to actas his <strong>com</strong>missary, duringhis absence of severalmonths from the diocese.From 1885 to 1889, he waschaplain of St. George'sSociety, St. John. He receivedthe appointment ofAtArchdeacon, June, 1893.present, he is Rural Deanof the Deanery of St. John,one of the governors ofKing's College, Windsor ;agovernor of theMale WigginsOrphan Institution, amember of Madras Board,vice-president of the DiocesanChurch Society, andvice-president of the Societyfor the Prevention of Crueltyto Animals. In 1889, thedegree of D.D. was conferredon him by King's College,Windsor. During his longpastorate in St. John, manychanges have taken place,the greatest being the lossby fire, in 1877, of thechurch erected by the Loyalistsin 1791.

28W XON. CHAS. B. ROULEAU,Legislative Assembly. Judge(Sj^\ RouleauSupreme Court Judge of the is the author of "V> Notre Systeme Judiciaire,"and of other articles concerningN.-W.T. for the JudicialDistrict of Northern Alberta, Calgary, the judicature in Quebec. There are butAlta., was born December i3th, 1840, few men in the Dominion who haveat Isle Yerte, Temiscouata County, made such constant and rapid progressP. Q. His parents were Joseph and as Judge Rouleau. In politics, heEuphrosine (Patouel) Rouleau, who was a Liberal-Conservative, and inwere also natives of the Province ofQuebec, but the family originally camereligion a Roman Catholic. He isGrand Deputy, for the North-Westfrom Avranches, Normandy, France, Territories, of the C.M.B.A., and oneand settled at St. Anne de la Pocatiere, of the officers of the Grand Council ofQue., and their original property is Ontario. He was married April nth,still in the possession of the family. 1877, to Miss Elvina Dumouchel, ofJudge Rouleau was educated at the St. Benoit, Que., by whom he has twoLaval Normal School, Quebec, and in daughters and one son.1860, engaged as a' professorin the Aylmer Academy,P. Q., where he remainedeleven months. June nth,1861, he was appointed Inspectorof Catholic schoolsfor the Ottawa District,which position he held until1876. On December i6th,1868, he was called to theQuebec Bar. In 1874, hewas a defeated candidate forthe Local House in the OttawaCounty. He was appointedDistrict Magistratefor the District of Ottawa,July 1 2th, 1876, and heldthis position until 1883. OnSeptember 28th, of the latteryear, he was appointedStipendiary Magistrate forthe North-West Territory,and February i8th, 1884,was promoted to his presentposition. When StipendiaryMagistrate, he was exofficiomember of the North-West Council, and after hisappointment as Judge of theSupreme Coiirt, he was appointedalso one of the legalexperts of the North-West

OKJAMESCONMEE,M. P. P., RailwayContractor, Port Arthur,Ont., was born in GreyCounty, Ont., October i3th,1848. He is a son of Mathewand Rosana (Shaughnessy)Conmee. Whenabout fifteen years of age,he left school, and began totake hold of the practicalaffairs of life. In 1864, heenlisted in the 8th NewYork Cavalry, and was inactive service under the lateGeneral Custer, at the closeof the American war. Afterthe war, he returned toCanada, and engaged inrailway construction. Section"A" of the C. P. R.was let bythe Governmenton his tender, he <strong>com</strong>pleting.a section of the work. In1882, he became activelyengaged in several contractson the Lake Superior sectionof that railway, underthe North American ContractingCompany, (i. e. theC. P. R. Co.), and it was inconnection with one of thesecontracts that the now famous case ofConmee vs. the C. P. R. arose. Mr.Conmee was for several years a councillorof Port Arthur, and was electedmayor in 1885; during that year alsohe was elected the first member forWest Algoma for the Ontario Legislature,an office which he has since held.In 1889, he became engaged in thebuilding of the Port Arthur, Duluth andWestern Railway, which was <strong>com</strong>pletedin 1892. Mr. Conmee has beenthe means of placing some useful legislationon the Statute Books of the Province,among which may be mentionedthe provisions of the Municipal WaterWorks Act, which gives the ratepayersthe right to petition their council, alsothe Mining Schools Act, a much neededmeasure, by which the youth of Ontariomay acquire scientific instruction inmetallurgy and a practical knowledgeof minerals, etc.Although a Liberal,he opposed the imposition of royaltieson minerals, as enacted by the MowatAdministration in 1891, and it wasowing to his efforts that the law wasmodified in 1892. In religion, he is aRoman Catholic. In 1874, he wasmarried to Emily Florence, daughterof Joseph Cox, of St. Vincent, Ont., bywhom he has five children.

MARTIN,HeBarrister,Winnipeg, Man., was born inJOSEPH Milton, Ont., September 24th,1852. His parents were Edward andMary Ann (Fleming) Martin, highlyesteemed citizens of Milton, where hisfather was Reeve for some years, andwhere he carried on business for sometime with John White, M.P. Mr. Martinwas educated at the Milton publicschool, the Toronto Normal School andToronto University. In his early manhood,he was a telegraph operator.afterwards obtained a First-class Teacher'scertificate, and was appointed Principalof the public school, New Edinburgh,Ont. Mr. Martinentered upon the study oflaw in Ottawa, but removedto Portage La Prairie, Man.,early in 1882, and in Augustof the same year, was calledto the Bar of Manitoba. InJanuary, 1883, he was electeda member of the ManitobaLegislature, an honorhe heldcontinuously untilMay, 1892, when he retiredfrom politics to more fullyattend to his practice. FromJanuary, 1888, until May,1891, Mr. Martin was AttorneyGeneral and RailwayCommissioner. While inthe Government as RailwayCommissioner, he tookcharge of the fight againstthe C. P. R. monopoly, andas Attorney General, courageouslyintroduced andcarried through the SchoolAct of 1890, abolishingseparate schools in the Provinceof Manitoba, and theAct doing away with theofficial use o' the Frenchlanguage. Mr. Martin arguedthe question of theconstitutionality of the School Act of1890, before Judge Killam in the firstplace, the full Court of Queen's Benchin Manitoba, and the SupremeHe Court.also appeared with Sir HoraceDavey and Dalton McCarthy before thePrivy Council in the same case. Mr.Martin, as might be expected, tookcharge of the Department of Education,under the new regime. The futurehistorian of Manitoba must pay genuinetribute to the ability, sagacity andcourage of the man whose portrait appearson this page. On September 2nd,1 88 1, Mr. Martin was married to Mrs.E. J. Eaton, of Ottawa, Ont.

\\/ILLIAM JAS. LEWIS, M.D.,V V M.P.P., Hillsboro, Albert Coun-OK CANADA.the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh,with the degree of M.R.C.S.E.ty, N.B., was born at that place, September25th, 1830. He is the son of and <strong>com</strong>menced to practice at Hillsboro,He then returned to New Brunswick,Hon. John Lewis, M. L. C. whose where he has since remained, having afather and grandfather came to this very large and lucrative practice. Incountry with the U. E. Loyalists, in 1878, he entered the1783, and political field, andLavinia Taylor, a native of was elected to represent the County ofHillsboro, of Irish descent. Dr. Lewis Albert in the interests of the Conservativeparty, and has continued to holdreceived his early education at Hillsboro,and then Sackville Academy. the office since that time with the exceptionof one session, he was for a timeHe then studied medicine at the Universityof Glasgow, Scotland, graduatingfrom there also with first-class Government, until its defeat in 1883.member of the Hannington - Landryhonors and the degree of M.D., in 1855, Dr. Lewis has been an important factorin the history of New Brunswick,and the same year also graduated from and especially of AlbertCounty, for nearly fortyyears. During this long periodthe public have had thebenefit of his medical skilland able statesmanship.In either case the peoples'interests have always receivedable and satisfactoryattention. He belongs tothe I. O.K., and is courtphysician for Court Hillsboro,is a member of theMedical Association of NewBrunswick. He was alsoSchool Trustee for a numberof years, and is Coroner forDr. Lewis hasthe county.been married twice :first, in1877, to Milessa, daughterof E. E. Steves, Esq., postmasterof Hillsboro, andagain in 1885, to Catharine,daughter of John Duffy,Esq., Hillsboro. His familyconsists of one daughter.Dr. Lewis' father was amember of the House ofAssembly for nearly fortyyears, where he was a strongsupporter of the Conservativeparty.

W T ON. NATHANIEL BO YD,C*X"| M.P., Dealer in high gradeV> horses, cattle, sheep, etc.,Carberry, Man., was born July gth,1853, in the County of Argenteuil, P.Q.His parents,Hugh and Maria (Kilfoyle)Boyd, are natives of Ireland, and arenow living retired at Carberry. Theformer has held a lieutenant's <strong>com</strong>missionsince, 1837. After <strong>com</strong>pleting hiscourse in the <strong>com</strong>mon schools of OxfordCounty, Leeds and Grenville, Mr. Boydcontinued his studies at the Grammar,School, Ottawa. Subsequently, forsome four or five years, he engaged inrailroad contracting with his father,then, for a similar period,devoted his attention to telegraphy,and was for someyears employed in the Houseof Commons. At this time,he was considered one ofthe best operators in theDominion. He then wentback to railway contractingwith his father, for aboutthree years, on portions ofwhat now constitutes theC.P.R. system. He thenremoved to Manitoba, andwas employed by the DominionGovernment, for twoyears, as chief train despatcherand assistant superintendentof Section 15, ofthe C. P. R., in Manitoba.He afterwards organized thewholesale and retail businessof Boyd and Crow, whichwas the largest in Winnipegfor years. Their millswere situated at Rat Portageand on Lake Winnipeg.Mr. Boyd started the ranchingbusiness in 1886, butdid not dispose of his lumberinterests until 1888.His ranch <strong>com</strong>prises sometwenty-three thousand acres, and hemanages his extensive stock raising andfarming operations, in person. Mr.Boyd is of a retiring disposition, andhas many times refused the honor ofpublic office. He, however, was inducedto oppose the Hon. Robert Watson, in1891, and through a technicality, failedto secure the seat, but on the resignationof Mr. Watson, was elected by acclamationin 1892, to represent the Countyof Marquette, in the House of Commons.He was married, June i2th,1878, to Miss Eliza Jane, daughter ofFrancis Abbott, of Ottawa, Ont. Hehas one son and one daughter, living.

33mary school of his birth place, and the Jean-Baptiste, section St. Joseph, andEnglish school at Lachine, and the director of 1'Association St. Jean-Baptisteof Montreal. In politics, he is aChristian Brothers' School in Montreal.He began business, in 1864, as parcel Liberal. He was first married Feb. aoth,carrier, and after three months, took a 1871, to Julie Gagnon, who died Feb.position in his native parish, as clerk. 25th, 1878. He was married again onHe has, since 1868, been in the wholesalegrocery business, alternately with25th, 1880, to Marie EleonoreMayElniina, daughterMessrs. Gaucher & Jos. Darveau, editorTelmosse, and L. O. and printer, Quebec. His family con-Turgeon, and for thirteen years ac- countant and manager forN. Quintal, now N. Quintal& Fils. In 1888, he joinedMr. Laporte to form the presentpartnership with him,man aof great ability, whosebusiness had be<strong>com</strong>e so extensive,that he required apartner. Mr. Martin hasbeen a member of the MontrealBoard of Trade since1887, and La Chambre deCommerce du District deMontreal since 1888. Notwithstandinghis lack ofearly educational advantages,he has been a studentall his life. He has a wellselected library. Has beena lieutenant in the 65th andobtained a second and firstclassMilitary Certificate.Mr. Martin belongs to theRoman Catholic Church,and has been for yearssecretary, and is now thepresident of the Congregation,and secretary of thecharitable institutions of theparish of St. Joseph, Montreal.He is a member ofmanyEAN-BAPTISTE leading andA. MARTIN, benevolent societies of Montreal, such asof the firm of Laporte, Martin & 1'Union St. Pierre, 1'Union St. Vincent,Cie, wholesale grocers, Montreal, Nationaie, vice-president ofP. Q., was born December gth, 1850, at the Societe des Artisans Canadiens-Ste. Genevieve, County of Jacques-Cartier,Q. He was educated at the pri-Joseph, past president of 1'Franais, president of 1'Union St.Associationsists of three sons and three daughters.

34 OF-M.HARRINGTONELLIS, of the Colonist,Victoria, B. C., wasborn in Port Hope, Ont.,October 3ist, 1859. He receivedhis education in thepublic schools and by privatestudy. At eleven yearsof age, he was apprenticed tothe printing trade, with thelate J. B. Trayes, proprietorof the Times, Port Hope,where he remained untilAugust 1878, when he removedto Rochester, N. Y.In 1879 ne returned toOntario, and located in Toronto,and in the same yearremoved to Montreal, andin March, 1882, located inWinnipeg, where he wasmanager of a printing business,and afterwards of thenews room of the Free Press.In the Spring of 1883, hewas induced to go to thePacific Coast. A few monthsafter his arrival in Victoria,he became manager of theColonist practical departments,under Hon. D. W.Higgins, then proprietor.In 1884 he was associated with Mr.Higgins in the literary department, inthe production of a four-page-sevencolumndaily. In May, 1886, he resignedthis position, and entered thereal estate business in Vancouver. InOctober of that year, Mr. Higgins,having been elected to the ProvincialParliament, Mr. Ellis and two others,purchased the Colonist, which up toSeptember, 1892, was published byEllis & Co., the general managementbeing under the direction of Mr. Ellis.This paper (Conservative) has advancedfrom a four page, seven columnto an eight page, seven column, and isto-day, the organ of the Dominion andProvincial Governments, and creditedwith being one of the best edited newspapersin Canada. The Colonist hasalso lithograph, job and label departments,and employs about 60 hands.In religion, Mr. Ellis is a <strong>com</strong>municantof the Episcopal Church, memberof the A.F. & A.M., A.O.U.W., ManchesterUnity, I.O.O.F., and memberof Council and Arbitration Board ofTrade. He was married to Miss AdaLeslie Withrow. eldest daughter ofDavid Withrow, Esq., formerly of St.John, N.B., but now of British Columbia.His family consists of three sons.

35HOS. ANDERSON KINNEAR,Sackville, N. B., barrister-at-law,was born in Sackville, June 23rd, 1851.He is the son of George Lennox Kinnear.He received his education intice. He was clerk of the Circuits ofWestmoreland for three years. Inreligion, he is a member of the BaptistChurch, and one of its trustees. Hewas grand secretary, for fiveSackville, Saint John, and years, ofFredericton, the Loyal Orange Association of theN.B. His bright educational course Province of New Brunswick, and forgave promise of the ability which he three years, R. W. Grand Master forhas since displayed. He then taught the province. In politics, he is aschool in Sackville for five years, and Liberal, but does not take<strong>com</strong>menced a very activethe study of law in the part in political matters. He wasoffice of W. J. Gilbert, Q.C., in Shediac, married, on the fifthN.B., in 1878. He of September,was called to theBar in 1883, and 1888, to Miss Mary A. Lawson,immediately began to youngest daughter of the Rev. Davidpractice in Sackville, where he hasworked up a large and lucrative prac-Charles Lawson, of WestmorelandPoint, N. B.

CANADA.. ALEXANDERANDER-SON, Vancouver, B.C., realestate dealer, was born Jannary28th, 1860, at Eldon, P.E.I., andis of Scotch descent. He received hiseducation in the public and grammarschools of Eldon, the Normal Schooland Prince of Wales College, ofCharlottetown, P.E.I., graduating fromthe latter in 1881. He then removedto Victoria, B.C., and passed the provincialexamination, securing a first-classteacher's certificate. After teaching ashort time, he established himself inbusiness in Victoria. IniSS/, he soldhis business and removed to Vancouver,where he has been very successful.Besides his extensive city and farmproperty, Mr. Anderson owns largemining interests in the province, and isoften referred to as the " Real EstateKing." He is an alderman, and chairmanof the Finance Committee a memberof the Vancouver Board of Trade,;the St. Andrew's Society, and theI.O.O.F. In politics, he is a Conservative,and in religion, a Presbyterian.He was married, September 24th,1889, to Miss Alice Alexander, onlydaughter of Rev. W. W. Percival, M.A.,has onePh.D., Toronto, by whom hedaughter.

37,EV. JAMES CRISP,Methodist minister,Sussex, N.B., wasborn at Stratton, Norfolk,England, September 26th,1849. He is the second sonof James and Sarah Crisp.He received his educationat Brook's Academy, atAbout the age ofStratton.fourteen he was converted,and when nineteen years ofage, was superintendent ofthe Sabbath School of theWesleyan Church, at Stratton,and was enrolled as alocal preacher, under thesuperintendency of Rev.T. G. Keeling, and startedon the AttleborroughNew andBuckingham circuit,where he remained for twoyears and nine months. Atthat time, application wasmade on behalf of the Conferenceof Eastern BritishAmerica, for men, and afterdue consideration, he concludedto <strong>com</strong>e to America,arriving at Halifax, 28th ofJune, 1872. After spendinghis first year in this country,he has never removed from a station ber 4th, 1876, to Mary, second daughteruntil his full term of three years has ofexpired. He Rev. James C. Knapton, of Hapton,was ordained at the Conferencein St. Stephen, N.B., June, 1876, 9th, 1886. His family consists of fiveNorfolk, England, who died Septemberand has had continuous success. Duringhis stay on children, three girls and two boys.the Salisbury circuit, the He is a member of the Masonic Order,congregations largely increased, and and was Worshipful Master for a term50 were added to the church, and duringhis stay at Pointe de Bute circuit, member of the I.O.F., and High Chap-before <strong>com</strong>ing to his present charge, lain to the Order for New Brunswick,of two years. He is also an active98 new members were added. Mr. and has been the preacher of its anniversaryCrisp, was for five years assistantsecretary of the New sermons. He has also taken aBrunswick Conference,and in 1892, by an almost the Scott Act. During his short staydeep interest in the enforcement ofunanimous vote, was elected to the office at Sussex,of secretary. He the improved condition ofwas married, Septem- the church is most satisfactory.

JS.BOUSQUET, manager of the. People's Bank, Montreal, P. Q.,was born at Longueuil, P. Q.,in 1856. He is the son of StanislasBousquet, contractor, of Longueuil.When quite young, he entered theCollege of the Clercs of St. Viateur,where he received a good practicaleducation. The courses taught, weresemi-classical and semi-<strong>com</strong>mercial.He stood high in mathematics, andhis teachers were some of the most dis-thetinguished professors of the religiousorder. Mr. Bousquet, who possessedmore than an ordinary aptitude forfigures, soon attracted the attention ofprofessors, who took aninterest in breaking to himthe secrets of the arduouswhich he some-science, towhat owes his high positionin the financial world. Notin mathematics did heonlyexcel, but during each termhe was at the college, hecarried off prizes. At theage of sixteen he began lifefor himself, and for threeyears was employed in agrocery store as book-keeper,which position he left toenter the People's Bank, inwhich institution he heldall the oifices, up to that ofmanager. It was predictedthat the young mathematicianof Longueuil College,would create for himself, byhis talent and hard study,a high position. He didnot lose his love of mathematicalstudy, but on thecontrary not only delightshimself in it,but has addedto it the science of politicaleconomy, to which he continuesto add the every dayobservation, which his positionpermits him to do. Mr. Bousquetis one of those men of the future, whowill count in French Canadian nationality.The last report of the People'sBank, shows for that institution, a veryprogressive standing, which is due toa great extent to itsmanager's zealand grasp of financial questions, andhis speeches delivered at each of thegeneral meetings of the shareholdersare worthy of the careful considerationof business men. There are but fewmen who have made such rapidprogressin so short a time. His careeris an illustration of what intelligence,principle and energy will ac<strong>com</strong>plish.

39EMERY DORfi, theJOSEPHfirst sanitary engineer of thecity of Montreal, was born ApriliQth, 1858, at Laprairie, P. Q. Hisparents were Pierre Dore and EstherBrosseau. He received his classicaleducation at the Jesuits' College, and1'Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal.After leaving school he accepted anappointment in the Railway and Canalin the outsideDepartment at Ottawa,service, on the Chambly Canal, whichposition he occupied for five years. Hethen spent one year in the UnitedStates, working on railroads, constructionand bridge work, after which hereturned to Canada, and opened theoffice of Dore & Charbonneau, civilengineers, land surveyors and architects,and was the senior member ofthis firm for three years, when he resignedand accepted the appointmentof sanitary engineer. His thorougheducation, professional training, andlong experience, constitute him one ofthe best equipped sanitary officers in theDominion, and being yet in his prime,his fellow citizens hope to enjoy thebenefit of his services for a long time to<strong>com</strong>e. In religion, Mr. Dore is a RomanCatholic. He is also a member ofthe Ancient Order United Workmen.

LEX. ROBINSON, B.A.,principal,Hall School, Vancouver,B.C., was born February24th, 1863, at St John, N.B. His parentswere James and Jane (Magee) Robinson,both North of Ireland Presbyterians.Mr. Robinson received hiseducation in the Sussex Public School,Fredericton Normal School, PictouAcademy, and Dalhousie College, graduatingfrom the latter in 1886. Hethen took charge of the SuperiorSchool of Campbellton, N.B., conductingit successfully for three years. InJanuary, 1890, he was appointed principalof the Vancouver, B.C., publicschools, and in July 1891, was promotedto his present position. From the timehe took charge in Vancouver, untilthis time (1893) the teaching staff hasbeen increased from 17 to 40. At theNormal School, he carried off the LomeSilver ,Medal, for proficiency in professionalwork, and was the thirdman who took first-class honors in thehistory of Dalhousie College, winningthe Lansdowne gold medal. In politics,he is a conservative, and in religion aPresbyterian.He was married, MarchI4th, 1892, to Miss Emma Hay, daughterof J. M. Hay, Esq., of Amherst, N.S.,by whom he has one daughter.

W XARRY GOODSIR MACKID,*J~\ M. B., M. D., C. M., L. R. C. P.,VS) L.R.C.S., L. M. of Edinburgh,and I,. P.P. and S. of Glasgow,practicing physician and surgeon, Calgary,Alberta, was born on the iQth ofAugust, 1858, at Goderich, Out. Hisparents were Rev. Alexander and Julia(Brown) Mackid. His mother was bornin England, while his father was anative of Caithness, Scotland. Dr.Mackid received his primary educationin the public and High schools ofGoderich, and subsequently took aregular course in the University ofToronto, and graduated from the To-Heronto School of Medicine in 1879.then practiced his profession at Lucknow,Ont, for three years, and atSeaforth, Ont., for four years, afterwhich he proceeded to Europe, andpursued his studies for some years inEdinburgh, Glasgow, London, Paris,Hamburg, Vienna and Berlin. Fora time he was also a pupil of JamesStewart, professor of diseases of thenervous system in McGill College,Montreal, Que. After returning toCanada, he removed west, and <strong>com</strong>mencedhis profession in Calgary earlyin the year 1890, where he has since remained,and is now in the enjoyment ofa large practice, and is muchrespected by all classes,both for his professionalskill as well as for his socialworth. He is now (1893)president of the MedicalAssociation of the North-West Territory, also a memberof the council of C.P. &S., and a coroner for theNorth-West Territory. Healso belongs to the A. F. &A.M., I.O.O.F. and I.O.F.In religion, he is a Presbyterian.He was married,January loth, 1881, to MissMathilda, daughter of L. G.Meyer, clerk of the Court atSeaforth, Ont. His familyconsists of one son. Whenat Seaforth, Ont., Dr. Mackidwas a member of theTown Council, and is nowa member of the CalgaryHigh School Board. He is amanifold man and seemscapable of doing manythings with distinguishedsuccess. He is a thoroughstudent and keeps abreast ofthe age in all that concernsmedicine and surgery.

MBN,EV. JOHN SANDERS SUTH-ERLAND, B.A., Presbyterianminister, Sussex, N.B. wasborn July 29th, 1866, at Little Harbor,N.S. He is the son of Rev. John AlexanderFraser Sutherland, now ministerof Selkirk, Manitoba, and of BessieArundel (Sanders) Sutherland ;theformer of whom was born in NewGlasgow, N.S., and the latter in theUnited States. His grandfather wasone of the early settlers in New Glasgow.When quite young Mr. Sutherlandwent with his parents to NewZealand, where his father was settledin the town of Ross. After remainingtwo years, they returnedto Nova Scotia, and hisfather was stationed at St.Croix, Hants County, whereour subject attended school.He subsequently attendedthe Halifax High School,and matriculated into DalhousieCollege, in 1883.Here he won a GeorgeMunro Bursary of $150 ayear, for two years, and hada very successful collegecourse. At the end of hissecond year, he won prizesin English literature, logicand psychology and alsothe New Shakespeare Society'sprize. He then hadto abandon study for oneyear, on account of illhealth. At the beginningof his third year in arts, hewon the 2nd Munro Exhibitionof $200 a year fortwo years, and after prosecutingspecial studies inEnglish literature and history,graduated B. A. in1888, with first rank honors,and the Governor-General'sSilver Medal. The followingsummer, he obtained an academylicense in Nova Scotia, and taught forsome time, when, realizing his call tothe ministry, he took a theologicalcourse in the Presbyterian College,Halifax, and graduated in 1892, beingvaledictorian of his class. He was one ofthe promoters and editors of the collegepaper, and when at Dalhousie, was aneditor of the Dalhousie Gazette. Duringvacation he was engaged in missionwork in Pictou and Halifax Presbyteries.He was licensed by the latterpresbytery May 5th, 1892. On receivinga call from Sussex, was ordainedand inducted there June 28th, 1892.


44 MENERBERTERNEST HALL,.D.S., New Westminster, B.C.,was born August i5th, 1864,in Gloucester Township, Carleton County,Ontario. His parents removed toVictoria, British Columbia, when Dr.Hall was only eleven years of age. Hisfather was Lewis Hall and his motherElizabeth (Beardmore) Hall, formerlynatives of Staffordshire, England,who, after spending some time in Australiaand other parts of the world,settled in Ontario, in 1862. After agood English ediication, obtained fromthe public schools and by private study,Dr. Hall entered the PhiladelphiaDental College, in 1890, and graduatedfrom there in 1892. He proved himselfto be a diligent student, and passed hisprofessional examination with greatcredit both to himself and his professors.He at once went to New Westminister,B.C., and established himself in his presentlocation, where he is building up alarge practice. In religion, Dr. Hallis a Methodist, and president of theEpworth League in connection withthat church. He is also a member ofthe Y.M.C.A., I.O.F. and Royal Templars.He was married, May 3ist, 1886,to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of ThomasHerd, of Perth, Scotland.

GRAY, M.A., re-CANADA. 45.JAMES 1887. At first his field of labor wastired Presbyterian clergyman, very extensive, covering an area of_ Sussex, N.B., was born at about 50 square miles, and when he retiredhe left all the congregations,Longside, Aberdeenshire, Scotland,February i9th, 1818. He is the son churches and manses, without a dollarof John Gray and Elizabeth (Ramsay) of debt on them. Mr. Gray was moderatorof the Synod of New Brunswick,Gray. He received only a limited educationat the parish schools, which he when it united with the Synod of Novaleft at eleven years of age to work on afarm, which occupation he followed forseven or eight years. He then obtaineda situation in Peterhead, and attendedevening school and studied in his leisurehours, and thus prepared himself forentering the Grammar School, andMarischal College, Aberdeen, where hetook a full course, and graduatedM.A. He then enteredthe Theological Hall,at Aberdeen, and studiedunder professors McLagan,Bryce, Davidson and Longmuir,for three years, anda fourth year in Edinburgh,under Dr. Cunningham,and others. He thenreturned to Aberdeen, andtaught in an Academy.He was licensed by thePresbytery of Aberdeen, in1851, and continued teachingand preaching, as occasiondemanded until 1856,when, at the solicitationof the Colonial Committeeof the Free Church, hecame to New Brunswick,and was sent to Sussex, andsurrounding stations, witha view of getting families togetherand organizing congregations.Receiving aunanimous call, he settled inSussex, and was the meansof getting three churchesbuilt in different districts.He remained in Sussexthirty one years, retiring inScotia, in 1866. He was married, in1852, to Margaret, daughter of JamesLigertwood, builder, of Aberdeen, whodied February 23rd, 1888; he was marriedagain in November 5th, 1889, toJane, daughter of William McAuley, ofKing's County, N.B., by whom he hastwo daughters.

4 6 7T E. HARVEY, M.D., reeve of\ j[^ Wyoming, Ont., was born inV) 1841, in Hants County, N.S.His father, Andrew Harvey, B.A.,P.L.S., was also a native of HantsCounty, and praticed his professionboth in Nova Scotia, and afterwards inNorfolk County, Ont., where he removedin 1851, and where for sometimehe acted as superintendent of publicschools. At his own expense, he putthe Ten Commandments in tablet form,into all the schools of his county, andthe Rev. Dr. Ryerson, upon his suggestion,had them introduced into allthe Canadian public schools. He wasa staunch Presbyterian, a profoundscholar, a life long Reformer, and aman of upright Christian character.His wife, Abigail Harvey, was a veryestimable woman. She died in 1892,having survived her husband nearly20 years. Dr. Harvey, his son, receivedhis primary education chiefly by theprivate tuition of his father, duringleisure hours, as he worked on the farmin summer, and in the lumber woodsin winter. When eighteen he beganteaching school, and after three or fouryears, entered Queen's University,Kingston, graduating M.D. in 1869.He then located in Wyoming, wherehe has practised ever since.He has been thrice married ;first to Margaret, daughterof Robert Willis, of Norfolk,by whom he had twodaughters then to Catherine,daughter of John;McLetire, Esq., of PlymptonTownship, and after herdeath, to his second wife'ssister, Jennie McLeure, bywhom he has three children.Dr. Harvey, in additionto his medical labors, carrieson farming on an extensivescale, and also keepsa large apiary. Like hisfather before him, he is astaunch Reformer, secretaryof the Wyoming ReformAssociation, and an out andout Free Trader. He is anadherent of the PresbyterianChurch, also belongs to theA.F. and A.M., in whichorder he is D.D.G.M., ofSt. Clair Div. No. 2. Thedoctor has been for yearsa prominentand influentialmember of the WyomingBoard of Education, andreeve of the municipality.

1VEEK47f ;E> w,FATHEREDWARDJOHN BYRNE, B.A., of Sussex,N.B., was born in Sussex,N.B., September nth, 1867. Heis the son of James Byrne and SarahGreen. His father was a native ofTyrone, Ireland, while his mother wasfrom Toronto, Out. His parents wereearnest Christian people, who devotedtheir son Edward to the church andthe cause of religion, early in life.Father Byrne received his early educationin Sussex, where he made <strong>com</strong>mendableprogress. He entered St.Joseph College, Memramcook, N.B., in1882, and studied there until 1889,when he went to the Grand Seminary,Montreal, received minor orders, remainingthere two years, subsequentlyreturning to Memramcook, and finishinghis theological studies there. Hiseducational course was most successful,he stood high in his classical studies,and being impressed with his sacredcalling, had a very successful coursein theology. He was valedictorian ofthe class, in 1889, tne largest class thatthe college has so far sent forth. Hewas ordained by Bishop Sweeny, at theCathedral, in St. John, N.B., on the1 8th of June, 1892, and has since beenstationed at Sussex.

4 8 WTUGH M. COOPER, M.D., Newcrt""l Westminster, B.C., was bornsame year, and priest in 1871. He was aclergyman of the Episcopal Church forVs> December lyth, 1840, at ten years in Eastwood, Brussels, andThornhill, Ont. His father, Joseph Listowel, Out., after which he resumedCooper, was a native of Ireland, and his the practice of medicine at Saginaw,mother, Christina Muttart, was born on Michigan. He attended two sessionsPrince Edward Island. Dr. Cooper in Michigan Medical College, Detroit,attended school in his native place, and graduating in 1883. In 1884, he removedto New Westminster, B.C. He isthen studied classics under Rev. E. H.Dewar, of Thornhill. In 1860, he enteredTrinity College, Toronto, where O.K., C.O.F., K. of P., and the Orangea member of the A.O.F., I.O.O.F., C.O.he took a three years' course. He then Order. He is a Conservative. In 1868,practiced Hydropathy in Michigan. he married Mrs. Lydia Watterbery, ofIn 1869, he entered Huron College, Belmont, Ont., and after her death, MargaretGalbraith, of New Westminster, inLondon, Ont., graduating in theologyin 1870; and was ordained deacon the 1889, by whom he has one daughter.

OK49GUY CAMPBELL, contractor,Ottawa, Ont.,was born February Qth,1847, in Plynipton Township,Larnbton County, Ont.His parents, Robert andMarian (Pettigrew) Campbell,were among the earliestand most highly respectedpioneers of Lambton County.His father, a nativeof Glasgow, Scotland, camein early life to Canada, butwent to the United States,where, for some years, hewas superintendent of largecotton mills. He afterwardssettled in Plympton, anddied in 1878, in Wyoming,Ont., Their family consistedof five sons and twoMr. Guy Camp-daughters.bell received only a publicschool education, and ateighteen struck out for himself.He was soon engagedon public works in theUnited States, in differentcapacities. In 1875, he beganoperations on the C.P.R., and continued with theroad until its<strong>com</strong>pletion.He built the bridges from Port Arthurto Winnipeg, and in partnership withMr. O'Neil, took contracts in constructingthe road between Winnipeg andthe Rockies. He also built many ofthe bridges along the North Shore ofLake Superior, and in 1882-83, builtthe Broadway bridge across the RedRiver at Winnipeg. From 1885 to I^9 1 ^he built ten miles of the P. & P. J.Railway, 5 miles of the C.P.R., betweenMontreal and Smith's Falls, 15 milesof the Temenescotta Railway, betweenRiviere du Loup and Edmunton, N.B.,7 miles of the grading of the O. & N.G.Railway, in Nova Scotia, and 22 milesof the " Missing Link," between Annapolisand Digby, N.S., on which latter,some very difficult and expensive bridgeconstruction was necessary. Mr. Campbellis a member of the A. F. & A. M.,and A. O. U. W. In politics, he is aConservative, and in religion, a Presbyterian.He was married, April 9th,1883, to Maggie, eldest daughter ofRobt. McKim, formerly of Perth, Ont.,but now of Bay City, Mich. His familyconsists of two children. Mr. Campbellpossesses in a marked degree the respectand esteem of his fellow men, and hisenergy and enterprise are well worthythe emulation of our Canadian youth.

IVLENLEONARD ALLISON,Barrister,Sussex, Kings County, N.B., was^Vs> born at Newport, Hants County,N. S., March 3rd, 1855. He is theeldest child of John Allison and hiswife Rachel S., second daughter ofAnthony Shaw, Esq., of Newport. He isa great-great-grandson of Joseph Allison,of Newport, Liinavady, near Londonderry,Ireland, the founder of the Allisonfamily in N. S., and nephew of DavidAllison, LL-D., president of MountAllison University, Sackville, N. B.,and of W. Henry Allison, representativeof Hants County for two terras inthe Nova Scotia Legislature, and subsequentlyfor a like periodin the Dominion Parliament.He received his early educationin the <strong>com</strong>mon schoolsof Newport, and in 1870,entered Sackville Academy.Winningan Alumni scholarship,he matriculated nextyear at the college there,and having taken severalvaluable prizes, he graduatedB.A., May 25th, 1875, asvaledictorian of his class.He then spent six years asteacher of classics in SackvilleAcademy. In June,1880, he entered as lawstudent with Albert S.White, Esq., of Sussex, nowSolicitor-General of N. B.,but continued at Sackvilleuntil June 1882, reading,law with H. A. Powell, Esq.,now M.P.P. for WestmorelandCounty. He thenstudied with Silas Alward,Esq., D.C.L., of St. John,N. B., until the followingMarch, when he returned toSussex and <strong>com</strong>pleted histerm with Mr. White. Onadmission as Attorney, June14th, 1883, he formed with Mr. White,the law firm of White & Allison, whichbecame White, Allison & King, July22nd, 1889. Mr. Allison was sworn inas Barrister, June 26th, 1884, a"d marriedJune 1 7th, 1885, to Ada S., eldestdaughter of John Murray, Esq., ofPenobsquis, N. B. He is an adherentof the Methodist Church, and leader ofthe choir in connection therewith at Sussex.He has written a pamphlet on theEarly History of Sussex, and has contributedto the " Toronto Globe " for 1890,and to the " Dominion Illustrated " forof inter-1891, views of numerous placesest in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

PHILIPPE LOUIS BEL-,EV.2oth, 1 88 1, was ordained by BishopLIVEAU, Barachois,WestmorelandCounty, N.B., was born diately after was sent as curate to the vil-Fabre, December 2oth, 1884, and imme-at Belliveau Village, Parish of Memramcook,N.B., June 2ist, 1861. He of Richibucto, Kent County, andlageis the after staying there six weeks, was transferredto Sussex, Kings County, whereson of the late Frangois J.and MadeleineBelliveau, the former was a Customs he was curate to Rev. James Vereker forofficer for over forty years in the parish fifteen months. On June ist, 1886, heof Dorchester, N.B. Father Belliveau was given charge of the Parish, wherereceived his early education at the he continued until November ist, 1892,village schools, and when thirteen years when he was removed to the Parish ofof age, entered St. Joseph's College,Memramcook, in September, 1874, andBarachois, his present field of labor.Father Belliveau is a very eloquentremained there for 7 years, graduating preacher, in June, 1881. He a fluent speaker in both languages,and while at college, securedthen entered theGrand Seminary, Montreal, September most of the honors open to his class.

MKISITT RTHUR DUBUC, contractor, Mr. Dubuc is a Roman Catholic, and in_X~\ Montreal, P.Q., was born Jan- politics, an active Conservative. He is aVS> nary 8th, 1847, in Montreal. member of St. Vincent de Paul, contractorsSt. Jean-Baptiste, Chambre de Com-His parents were Casimir Dubuc, andZoe Darche, the former a merchant merce, and several other societies. Intailor of Montreal. Mr. Dubnc received 1878, he was elected alderman for St.his education at the Christian Brothers' Louis Ward, and has representedit everSchool, Montreal, and then learned the since, beingprinting trade. He elected twice by contest,was afterwards a three times by acclamation, and wasbookkeeper in Montreal, for three years, acting mayor for some time. Mr.and then went into stone cutting, which Dubuc was married, in 1873, to AngelineRacicot, daughter of Christopherbusiness he followed for a similar period,and at the age of twenty-one, began as Racicot, deceased, who was one of thea contractor, which business he continuedto follow, and has built up a real. His family consists of sevenoldest and leading architects of Mont-very large connection. In religion, children living.

53,BV. DYSON HAGUE, M.A.,Rector of St. Paul's Church,_ Halifax, N.S., was born inApril, 1857, at Toronto, Ont. He isthe second son of Mr. George Hague,general manager of the Merchants'Bank of Canada, and the well-knownCanadian banker, a man to whom thebanking institutions of Canada owemuch. Rev. Mr. Hague received hiseducation, first at Upper Canada College,and continued it at UniversityCollege, Toronto. He graduated B.A.from Toronto University in 1880, andreceived the degree of M.A. from thesame institution in 1881, He is alsoa graduate in theology, ofWyclyffe College, Toronto.He was ordained deacon in1882, by the Bishop of Toronto,and was for threeyears curate of St. JamesCathedral in that city. In1885 he was appointed firstrector of St. Paul's Church,Brockville, and in 1890, wasappointed to the rectorshipof St. Paul's, Halifax, N.S.,the oldest Protestant Churchin the Dominion of Canada,and the largest in the MaritimeProvinces. It wasbuilt of cedar, pine and oakbrought in a vessel fromBoston, and opened for divineservice September 2nd,1750. It is covered withmemorial tablets of thefamous citizens, statesmen,and divines, and the Coatsof Arms of deceased noblemenand others. It ac<strong>com</strong>modatesabout 2,000 people.The orginal building stands,although a chancel andwings have been added.Mr. Hague has shown himselfto be a u workman thatneedeth not to be ashamed," in his formerchurches, and during the time hehas been rector of St. Paul's, he hasdisplayed not less conspicuous abilitythan his illustrious predecessors, earningfor himself the love and esteem ofhis parishioners. He was married, in1884, to the eldest daughter of the lateRobert Baldwin, Esq., of Toronto,whose portrait and biography appearin Vol. II. of " The Canadian Album."His family consists of three children.Mr. Hague is the author of the " Protestantismof the Prayer," a work whichhas had a second editionEngland.published in

54CANADA.,EV. JOHN HAR-DEN BEST, Bapt-_ist Minister, NewWestminster, B.C., was bornin Millford, Carlow County,Ireland, April 2ist, 1855.He came to Canada with hisparents in 1857, and settledin Kent County, Ontario,where he received his primaryeducation. When fourteenyears of age he wasconverted and has since thattime devoted his life toChristian work. At theage of sixteen, he not unfrequentlyoccupied vacantpulpits, and otherwise tookprominent part in Christianwork. In 1872, he enteredthe Woodstock College,where he <strong>com</strong>pletedhis literary and theologicalcourse, graduating in theSpring of 1879. He wasordained in May of thatyear at Uxbridge, Ont.,where he remained twoand had much ma-years,terial and spiritual prosperity.He then succeededthe late Rev. Dr. T. L.his oldDavidson, at Chatham, Ont.,Church home. His pastorate there,was one of continual prosperity, andhis church made rapid progress. Inthe Spring of 1885, Mr. Best resignedhis Chatham charge, and removed toa new congregation in the town ofBrandon, Manitoba, where he spentfive years, and succeeded in establishinga strong and self-supporting church.During his ministry in Brandon, hedevoted one year to the superintendencyof Baptist Missions, and under hismanagement a brighter day for missionwork dawned on Manitoba, and theNorth-West Territories. Fourteen newchurches were organized, pastors settled,and an impetus given to the work,which it has not since lost. In May,1890, he received and accepted a call tohis present charge, the Olivet BaptistChurch, New Westminster, B.C., theoldest Baptist Church on the mainlandof British Columbia, and the largest inthe Province. His three years pastoratehave seen gratifying improvements ofthe church edifice, and increase of thecongregation membership. He is amember of the A. F. & A. M. andI.O.O.F. orders. Mr. Best was married,March i7th, 1885, to Sadie, daughter ofJ. S. McCaul, Esq., Toronto, Ont.

IVIKNOR CANADA..JOSHUANEWTON SMITH,M.D., Hampton, Kings County,N.B., was born at Smith town,Hampton, June 2Qth, 1855. He is the sonof the late Joshua and Charity Eliza AnnSmith, of Kings County, who are descendedfrom U.E. Loyalist stock. Hispaternal grandfather was formerly fromBrooklyn, N.Y. Dr. Smith receivedhis early education at the public schoolsin Hampton, during his spare time,while working on his father's farm.He then attended the Normal School,at Fredericton, N.B., during the term1875-76. After receiving his license aspublic school teacher, he taught inRothesay and Norton parishes, Countyof Kings, N.B. While engaged in teaching,he was also diligently studyingmedicine. He graduated M.D. at theUniversity of the City of New York,March 6th,1 88 1 and at once <strong>com</strong>menced,practice in Hampton. In religion, Dr.Smith is a member of the EvangelicalChurch of England, and belongs tothe Free Masons, I. O. F. Order ofUnity, Y.M.C.A., and Temperance societies.He is examining physicianfor the leading assurance <strong>com</strong>panies.He was married June nth, 1884, toAnna A., daughter of Ramsay Jackson,Esq., of Norton, N.B.

CA.NADA.-4 irERMAN LEWIS McINNIS,(3jH M.D.C.M., Edmonton, Alberta,VS> was born October I3th, 1863,at St. John, N.B. His parents werein 1886, from which institution he alsocarried off the gold medals. ITI1885,he served as assistant surgeon in themedical corps, during the North-WestJ. L. and Mary (Lewis) Mclnnis. His Rebellion. In the Fall of 1886, he removedto Edmonton, where he has afather was Irish, while his mother wasof Puritan stock. The former is atpresent auditor in the Customs large practice, and isgreatly esteemed.Department,Winnipeg. Dr. Mclnnis was edu-further prosecuted his studies in Vi-In 1890, he proceeded to Europe, andcated in the College and University of enna, Berlin and London. Dr. MclnnisFredericton, N.B. In 1879, he joined makes a specialty of diseases of children.He is a member of the A.O.F.,his parents at Winnipeg, Manitoba. Hefollowed the business of chemist for five and is senior coroner, for the Edmontonyears, two before he removed west, and district, with rights for the entirethree at Winnipeg. He graduated North-West Territory. In politics,heM.D.C.M., from Manitoba University, is a Liberal-Conservative.

OK 57GIBSON, M.D., Watford,Ont., was born June 27th, He was a diligent student and passedin 1886, and then located in Watford.i n,Lobo Township, all his examinations with great creditMiddlesex County, Ont. His parents to himself and his professors. Hiswere Thomas and Betty (Thexton) practice is already large, and is stillGibson, natives of England, who came growing veryto Canada, the father, over 60 satisfactorily. He ac<strong>com</strong>paniedthe yth Fusiliers, in 1885, toyears ago,and settled in Lobo, where they and the North-West, as assistant-surgeon,their family, have always been held in and in the Fall of 1886, he took a tripthe highest esteem for their industry to British Columbia and California. Inand upright dealings. Dr. Gibson was religion, the Doctor is an Episcopalian,ambitious when a boy and studied hard andto excel. He is superintendent of the Sabbathobtained a Teachers' School of that church in Watford. InCertificate, and after teaching severalyears, attended the Western politics, he is a staunch Conservative,University, an active and influential officer in hisLondon, from which he graduated M.D. party, being president of the EastLambton Conservative As-^^HSCI sociation. He has all thequalities for a public man,and has been pressed tobe<strong>com</strong>e a candidate for Municipaland Parliamentaryhonors, but his growingpractice forbids. He, however,takes an active interestin educational matters,being chairman of thePublic School Board of Watford,and also president of theWatford Mechanics' Institute,which he was largelyinstrumental in resuscitating.Dr. Gibson issurgeonof the 2;th Battalion (St.Clair Borderers), and is alsoa prominent official in theC.O.F.,I.O.F.,L.O.L., I.O.O.F., Royal Arcanum andthe K.O.T.M., in whichlatter order he is ProvincialPhysician for Ontario. InNovember aoth, 1888, hewas married to Miss EllaLong, niece of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Woods, old andhighly esteemed residents ofWatford. His family consistsof two daughters.

. MARTINMURPHY, CivilEngineer, Halifax, N.S., secondson of Thomas Murphy, contractor,was born at Ballindaggin, nearEnniscarthy, County Wexford, Ireland,November nth, 1832. He was educatedfor the professionof Civil Engineering,and has been employed, without intermission,as a civil engineer and contractor,from 1852 to the present time.When only nineteen years of age, hejoined the engineering staff of the lateWm. Dargan, and continued in thesame employment for eleven years.During this period his practice extendedover the various public works of thetime, constructed by Mr.Dargan in the four provincesof Ireland. At theage of twenty-four, he wasengineer and manager ofrailway construction, and atthirty, was resident engineerof the lines of railway operatedby the Dublin, Wicklowand Wexford RailwayCompany, in which positionhe continued until he cameto Canada in 1868. During1869 and 1870, he was engineerfor the extension ofnew streets and sewerage inthe city of Halifax, then forthe next two years, he wasemployed by the ProvincialGovernment of Nova Scotia,in making surveys for theextension of railways inNova Scotia. He has beenconsulted by the ColonialGovernment of Newfoundland,by the Provincial Governmentof New Brunswick,and has made anhydrographic survey forthe Colonial Government ofBermuda. He is a Doctorof Science, D. Sc., and amember of the Canadian Society ofCivil Engineers, president of NovaScotia Institute of Science, lecturer inthe class of Pure and Applied Science,Dalhotisie College, and has acted asexaminer of graduates inengineeringfor King's College, Windsor. DoctorMurphy is the author of several paperson engineering subjects, which reflectgreat credit on him, and he in is, everysense of the word, qualified by thorougheducation, long and eventful experience,and natural adaption for the honorableand highly important profession inwhich he has been so long and successfullyengaged.

59,EV. SAMUEL HOWARD, Methodistminister, Hampton,_ Kings County, N.B., wasborn at Cornwall, P.E.I., February2 ist, 1859. He is the son of Samueland Mary Howard, both of that place.He received his early education at theCornwall schools, and then spent twoyears at the Prince of Wales' College,Charlottetown, after which he enteredMount Allison University, at Sackville,N.B., remaining there for three years,and graduating from that institution in1884, with the degree of B.A. Hethen spent one year as assistant pastorof the Methodist Church at Fredericton,N.B. He was ordained at theJune Conference in 1885, and sent toHampton circuit. His next appointmentwas the Richmond circuit, CarletonCounty, N.B., which he served forthe full term of three years. He wasthen sent by the Conference to Centerville,wherehe also remained three years,when he was invited to return to Hamptonfor a second term, which he did in1892. Mr. Howard is an able ministerof the Gospel. He was married, December24th, 1885, to Annie J., daughterof Donald and Jane Robertson, of Hardwick,Northumberland County, N.B.His family consists of two sons,

6oPETER M. MORRISON,,EV.agent of the PresbyterianChurch in Canada, at Halifax,N.S., was born July 25th, 1840, atSt. James, N.B. His parents were Peterand Jane (McAskill) Morrison. The formercame from Edinburgh, about 1820,and took an active part in Church andpolitical work. Mr. Morrison waseducated at the <strong>com</strong>mon schools, theSt. Andrew's Academy, and at thePresbyterian College, Halifax. He wasordained Sept., 1865, and took chargeof the congregation of St. Stephen, N.B.In 1867, he removed to Bridgewater,N.S., and in 1877 went to Dartmouth,and remained until November, 1886,when he was called by the Synod of theMaritime Provinces, to be the agent ofthe eastern section of the PresbyterianChurch in Canada. He is treasurerfor all the missionary funds, and secretaryof several missionaryHe <strong>com</strong>mittees.was clerk of the Presbytery of St.Stephen, N.B., from 1865 to 1867, andof that of Lnnenburg and Yarmouth,from 1869 to 1877, also clerk of theSynod of the Maritime Provinces, from1877 to 1886. He was married, Nov.29th, 1865, to Miss Kate McGeachy,of St. John, N.B., by whom he has fivesons and five daughters.

OF" 61HOMAS B.TAYLOR, druggistand photographer, Watford,Ont., was born October 2oth, 1855,in North Crosby, Leeds County, Ont.His father, W. R. Taylor, when ayoung man, graduated in law, butafterwards gave his attention to oilpainting and water colors, in which heattained considerable distinction. Hedied in 1885. His widow, Ellen O.Taylor, who is still living and residesin Watford with her son, is adaughter of the late Judge Taylor, ofHamilton, formerly an officer in theBritish Army. Mr. Taylor startedin business for himself in Watford,when only sixteen years ofage, without money or influence,but possessing theability of a thorough earnestman, he has built up a <strong>com</strong>parativelylarge business,which is a credit alike tohimself and to the town.His first venture was photography,for which he hada natural taste, and at whichhe soon excelled. In 1884,having also a love for chemistry,he opened out in thedrug business. In 1893, hebought out a stock of jewelry,so that now anythingfirst-class in photographs,jewelry, silverware, drugs,as well as books and stationery,can be got at fair prices,in his elegant <strong>com</strong>modiousstores. He is also an issuerof marriage licenses. Inreligion he is a Methodist,and recording steward of hischurch. He is also a memberof the A.F. & A.M.-, theC.O.F. and L.O.L., and hasfound time to serve his fellowtownsmen in the CouncilChamber, where his businessability and spirit of public enterprise,have been at the service of themunicipality. He is never behind incontributing financially and otherwiseto any deserving cause, and is generallyamong the leaders, in whatever tendsto benefit the <strong>com</strong>munity, and in consequenceis held in the highest esteemby all his acquaintances. On December2oth,1 88 1,he was married to MissEmma L. Rice, daughter of the lateThomas Rice, a prominent exporter ofStratford, Ont. His family consists offour children, namely Fred. :Arthur,Jessie Robina, Franklin Thomas andHerbert George.

62. TUGS. SCOULER, Pastor onto, Ont, graduating in theologyof St. Andrew's Presbyterian Knox fromCollege, inChurch, New the Spring of 1880.Westminster, For about nine years prior to <strong>com</strong>ingB.C., was born July loth, 1843, at to thisAvondale, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Hiscountry, he was engaged inparents were Gavin and missionary work in Glasgow and Hamilton,Scotland, and in thisJanet (Steven)Scouler, both Scotch, the former capacity hebeing was eminently successful. He wasa merchant in Strathavan. After Mr. ordained and inducted into ErskineScouler <strong>com</strong>pleted his course in the Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Ont.,<strong>com</strong>mon school, he attended the AndersonianCollege, Glasgow, for about two small mission. Mr. Scouler's laborsDecember yth, 1880, which was then ayears, and subsequently attended the in Hamilton, however, were rewardedGlasgow University. In December, by a large measure of success, his congregationhaving increased until the1874, he came to Canada and took atheological and literary course in KnoxCollege and Toronto large brick church nowUniversity, Tor- occupied by thecongregation was required, and builtunder his pastorate. Whilehere, he made many fastfriends and his memory isgreatly cherished by themembers of the church. InJanuary, 1887, he enteredupon his present pastorate,this church being the firstorganized church, in connectionwith the CanadianPresbyterian Church inBritish Columbia. Sincethen the beautiful newbuilding now occupied bythe St. Andrew's people,has been erected, and in1890 two offshoots from thischurch were started, viz.: theWest Church, New Westminster,and Knox Churchof Sapperton.Mr. Scouleris moderator of the Synodof British Columbia, and hisinfluence upon the people ofthe Pacific Coast is widelyfelt. He is a member ofthe A.F. & A.M. and of theR. T. of T. He was marriedNov. nth, 1880, to MissLillias Wyse, daughter ofCapt. James Hardie, of Glasgow,Scotland.

IVIKMOR CANADA.,EV. 6TIENNE NAPOLEONMASS, Grande Digue, Kent_ County, New Brunswick,was born at St. Cesaire, P.Q., March26th, 1850. He is the son of Peter A.Masse and Julie Benoit, both of St.Cesaire, P.Q. He received his earlyeducation at St. Cesaire, at the Collegeof the Holy Cross, and continued it fortwo years at St. Mary's College, fouryears at St. Lawrence College, Montreal,Que., four years at St. Joseph College,Mernramcook, N.B., and graduatingfrom the latter institution, wasordained to the priesthood in Montreal,April 1 5th, 1884. He was then sent toGrande Digue, as curate, and afterserving the church in that capacity forfour years, was given charge of theParish, in which he still continues.He is a highly gifted and thoroughlyeducated gentleman. His college careerwas marked by an intense applicationto study, and a keen intellectualcapacity for mastering the details of themany difficult subjects with which hehad to grapple. When he entered onhis pastorate, he had a mind well storedwith the truths essential to success inthe work which he had chosen, ''andwhich he has since so faithfully conducted.

6 4 OKHOS. TWEED, M.L.A., generalmerchant, Medicine Hat, Assa.,was born April i4th, 1853, at Kingston,to the North-West Legislative Assembly,for the district of Medicine Hat, andunsuccessfully opposed Mr. N. F. Davin,Ont. His parents were Thomas and in 1891. He is also a member of theJane (Hiditch) Tweed. Mr. Tweed receivedhis education in Kingston, Out., mittee,North-West Territory Executive Com-and then president of the Local Board ofengaged in the dry goods the Canadian Loan and Investment Society,ex-vice-president and presentbusiness. He subsequently ac<strong>com</strong>paniedWolsley in both of his Red River director of the Medicine Hat Hospital,expeditions, and then became manager District Deputy Grand Master of theof the Stormont Cotton Mills at Cornwall.Afterwards he formed a partner-Masonic Order, a member of the Orangeship with Mr. Order, the A.O.U.W. and of the PresbyterianChurch. He was married,John Ewart, as generalmerchants, cattle ranchers, etc., at MedicineHat and Lethbridge. In 1888June 3rd, 1873, to Miss Helen, daughterand 1891, he was elected by acclamationof Capt. John Sutherland, of Kingston,Out., by whom he has three children.

y BANDERHARVEY,I M.D., Watford, Ont.,^VS> was born June ist,1836, at Newport, N.S. Hisfather Andrew Harvey, P.L.S., superintendent of publicschools, and his motherAbigail Harvey, are referredto elsewhere in this volume.Dr. Harvey began teachingwhen only fifteen years old,and obtained (chiefly byprivate study), a first-classTeachers' Certificate, whentwenty. He taught schooleleven years, after which hegraduated M.D. from theUniversity of Philadelphia,and shortly after from theAlthoughRoyal College of Physiciansand Surgeons, Kingston,Ont. In 1866, he locatedin Watford, where he haspracticed ever since. Inpolitics, Dr. Harvey is astaunch Reformer, and in religion,a Baptist.pressed to accept municipaland parliamentary honors,his extensive practice andpersonal inclinations havealways forbidden, but ineducational matters and temperancelegislation, he takes an active and influentialpart, having been chairman ofthe Watford High School Board, sinceits inception, and was chairman of theBoard of License Commisioners forEast Lainbton, for eight years. He isalso Coroner for the County. The Doctoris a man of broad and liberal religiousviews, as is evinced by the warmesteem in which he is held by all creeds,and by the fact that he often, by request,preaches in the various churchesin his locality. He attributes his positionas a Christian to the influence, inhis earlier years, of his devoted mother,encouraged in later life by his excellentwife. In 1857, ne was married toAnnie, youngest daughter of John Wilson,Esq., of Walsinghani Township,whose prominent family history, amongthe first pioneers of that county is sowidely known. Dr. Harvey has hadeleven children, eight of whom passedinfancy, viz Sarah, afterwards Mrs.:Dr. Stanley, who died in 1879, JohnAndrew, accidently killed when five,Corydon Ford, druggist, Rodney, Ont.,Leila Maud, Fanny Abigail, LeanderRoy and Wilfred W. P., High Schoolstudents, and Basil C. H., a third yearstudent in arts, at Toronto University.

66 MENstudied medicine in LavalUniversity, from which hegraduated in 1870, havingentered that institution in1866. He then practicedhis profession at Bic, Que.,seven years ; Ottawa, oneyear; Bryson, Que., eightyears; and during the North-West Rebellion, in 1884,he practiced at Battleford,Saskatchewan. In May,1885, he returned to Brysonand remained two years,when he again returned tothe North-West and locatedin Calgary, in 1887, wherehe still continues and wherehis professional services arein great demand. In ad-dition to this, he is alsophysician in charge of theHoly Cross Hospital, Calgary.Dr. Rouleau wasCapt. of the " Fils de Chateauguay" College Companyfor three years, and in1864, he went to the QuebecMilitary School and obtainedhis degrees in first andsecond classes after twoDWARD Yj< HECTOR months there. He was appointedthe Belgium Consul for theROULEAU,M.D., Belgium Consul for the North-West Territory, November 17th,~*V> North-West Territory, Calgary,Alberta, was born October 3ist, natures of "Victoria" and "Salisbury."1888, his <strong>com</strong>mission bearing the sig-1843, at Isle Verte, County of Temiscouata,Que. He is a brother of Hon. and is considered one of the most pro-In politics, he is an ardent Reformer,Mr. Justice Charles Borromee Rouleau, nounced and influential members of thewhose history and portrait appear elsewherein this volume. Dr. Rouleau's Catholic, and second vice-president ofparty. In religion, he is a Romanearly education was obtained at the<strong>com</strong>mon the Calgary C. M. B. A. He takes aschool of his birth place, and great interest in all that pertains to theafterwards continued at the Laval NormalSchool. After receiving his diplo-was married, April 8th, 1883, to Misswelfare of the <strong>com</strong>munity. Dr. Rouleauma from the latter institution, he continuedto study Latin and Greek in Esq., merchant, Bryson, Que., by whomCatherine,daughter of Edward O'Meara,Nicolet College. He subsequently he has two daughters.

1,EV.ALLAN SIMPSON, Presbyterianclergyman, Halifax,N.S., was born February25th, 1841, at Prince Edward Island.His parents were Alexander Simpsonand Eliza McNeil. His ancestors wereamong the first settlers of that island.Mr. Simpson received his primary educationin Truro, N.S., pursuing his artscourse in the Presbyterian Seminarythere, and his theological course in thePresbyterian College, Halifax. He wasordained August yth, 1866, at the Gore,Hants County, N.S. His whole lifehas been devoted to the ministry, andhe has been pastor of his presentcharge for twenty-five years, which isone of the longest pastorates any ministerhas had in the city of Halifax.During his long association with hispeople, neither his interest in them,nor their love for him have in anysense decreased, but on the contraryhave increased as the years have goneby. Mr. Simpson is also a member ofthe North British Society, and hasbeen clerk of the Halifax Presbytery,for twelve years. He was married, Julynth, 1872, to Miss Jemima MaryStuart, daughter of the Rev. AlexanderStuart. He had two children, one isnow living, and attending college.

68,EV. J. MACMILLAN, B.A.,B.D., Presbyterian Clergyman,Halifax, N. S., was bornNovember 27th, 1842, at Scotch Hill,Pictou County, N.S. His parents wereDuncan and Mary (Cameron) MacMillan.His father was connected withSt. Andrew's Church, at Pictou, as anelder. Rev. George MacMillan, abrother, is located at Malpecque, P.E.I.Mr. MacMillan began his education inthe <strong>com</strong>mon schools, of Pictou County.He entered Queen's College, Kingston,Ont., in 1859, and graduated in 1862,as B.A., and in 1865, as B.D. He waslicensed to preach at Ottawa, in June,1865, and was ordained at Little River,Musquodoboit, Halifax County, N.S.,March 26th, 1866. He was appointed toSt. Paul's Church, Truro, N.S., November28th, 1872, and translated toChalmer's Church, Halifax, April 29th,1884. He has been a member of theHome Mission Committee (EasternSection) since the union, and convenersince 1882. He is also convener of thePresbytery of Halifax Committee onSabbath schools, and a governor ofDalhousie College, at Halifax. He wasmarried 27th July, 1868, to Miss Elizabeth,daughter of Charles E. Wiswell, ofHalifax. He has three daughters living.

were69JOHNCLARKE CARLOS DELEANO MCLEAN, L.D.S.,Montreal, P.Q., was born July4th, 1863. His parents. Lieut.Colonel George Clarke McLean, adiplomat, in Austria, at the presenttime, and Elizabeth Victoria d'Aosta.Mr. McLean received his education atMontreal McGill Model School, CollegiateSchool, under William Nicholl,a Commercial School, under WilliamTurner, and the Collegiate Institute,Cambridge. He entered the office ofGeorge W. Lovejoy, M.D., L.D.S.,April 1 3th, 1878, and finished thecourse in September, 1881, but beingonly eighteen years of age,the Board would not grantexamination. He remainedas assistant until August,1882, and in September ofthat year, went as assistantto Dr. Alfred Wright,whom withhe remained untilJanuary, 1883. He thenwent to Europe, and spentseven months travellingthrough various Europeancities, after which he devotedthree months to the BritishIsles, and returned to Americain February, 1884. Hewas identified with severaloperatic and concert <strong>com</strong>panies,notably Wagner FestivalConcerts, and returnedto Montreal in 1885, againtaking an engagement withDr. Lovejoy. He enteredthe University of Bishop'sCollege (medical department)as partial student,and graduated before theProvincial Board of Examinersthe following May.Being ordered by his physicianto give up practice, orchange climate, he went toWaterloo, P.Q., a small town, where,with plenty of out door exercise, healthwas restored. He returned to Montrealin 1892, and formed a partnership withDr. Dixon, and is now the successor ofthe firm of Dixon & McLean. Mr.McLean belongs to the Brotherhood ofSt. Andrew, and is the director of St.Paul's Chapter. In politics,he is anIndependent, and in religion, an Episcopalian.He was choir director of St.Luke's for four years, and lay reader inthe neighboring parish of Knowlton.He was married, Sept. 22nd, 1886, toAlice Gertrude Bucke, of London, Eng.He has two sons and one daughter.

. FRANCIS PAR-TRIDGE, M. A.,_ D.D., Canon ofSt. Luke's Cathedral, Halifax,N. S., Dean of the Cityof Halifax, and Rector ofSt. George's Church, wasborn April 2nd, 1846, atDursley, Gloucestershire,England. His parents wereCharles and Catherine Partridge.His father is of theold Gloucestershire family,of Partridge, whose seat isat Wishanger, and whichhas descended from fatherto son for the past 600years. His mother is of theScotch family of Gilniour,of Craigmillar, Edinburgh.Dr. Partridge received hiseducation at Lady Berkeley'sGrammar School, Wotton,Gloucestershire, and St.Augustine's College, Canterbury,England, of whichhe is now a Fellow. Hegraduated with distinction,and was Greek Testamentand English Essay prizemanin 1866-68. He heldthe position of ClassicalMaster in Dursley Grammar School in1864-65. He came to Canada and wasordained Deacon in 1869, and Priest in1870, by Bishop Medley, of Fredericton.He was head master of the GrammarSchool, St. Andrews, N.B., from1869 to 1872, Rector of Rothesay, N.B.from 1872 to 1882, and has been Rectorof St. George's Church, Halifax, N.S.,since 1882. He was Canon of ChristChurch Cathedral, Fredericton, from1879 to 1882, Canon of St. Luke'sCathedral, Halifax, in 1889, UrbanDean of Halifax, 1889, Examiner inClassics and Hebrew, Kings College,Windsor, and Lecturer in Canon andEcclesiastical Law in the same institution.He is also an examiner on theBoard of the Provincial Synod forDivinity Degrees, Examining Chaplainto the Bishop of Nova Scotia, andsecretary of the Diocese. He is alsovice-president of the Church of EnglandInstitute, and president of severallocal societies. He is also a Free Mason,P.D.G.M., New Brunswick and NovaScotia, 33rd A. & A.S. Rite. In politics,he is a Liberal-Conservative. Hewas married in 1868, to Maria Louisa,youngest daughter of John J. Gillet,Esq., of Bristol, England, by whom hehas four sons and four daughters.

MEN OK CANADA.TfW. W. DOANE, City Engineer,-I Halifax, N. S., was born atBarrington, N.S., May 3ist,1863. He is the son of Capt. HarveyDoane. Mr. Doane began engineeringwork in 1882, and from 1883 to 1891,was assistant to the Provincial Governmentengineer of Nova Scotia. Hewas engaged on the survey of theMusquodoboit Valley and StewiackeRailway, and in 1889 on the CarletonBranch, Heatherton and GnysboroRailway, and North Colchester Railway.In 1891 he received his presentappointment. Mr. Doane, when elected,was probably the youngest member ofthe Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.He has been a member of theCouncil of the Institute of Science,Halifax, since 1888, and is also amember of the Faculty of Pure andApplied Science, of Dalhousie Collegeand University, being lecturer on MunicipalEngineering. His work as cityengineer, embraces such work, as engineerof waterworks, public works,street grading, paving, repairs, etc.He has recently re<strong>com</strong>mended the constructionof new sewers, estimated tocost $100,000, improvement in the citywater supply, and other works, whichwill aggregate $300,000.

7 2 ORISAAC REGINALD BRIGHAM,junior partner of the firm of Smith& Brigham, and manager of theAssiniboia Roller Mills, Moosomin,Assiniboia, was born October Qth, 1856,at Ottawa. After receiving his primaryeducation in the Ottawa public schools,Mr. Brigham studied mechanical engineeringunder Alex. Flack, of Ottawa.He was employed in many leading manufacturinginstitutions, among whichare the Hinkley Lo<strong>com</strong>otive Works,Boston;Potter Printing Press Co., NewYork; Munn & Co., New Brunswick,N. J. ;Brainard Milling Machine Co.,Hyde Park, Mass.;L. J. Knowles,Worcester, Mass.; Pratt and Whitney,on Gattling and Gardner Guns, Hartford,Conn.; Hard Rubber Goods Co.,College Point; Goodyear Rubber Co.;Becket & McDowell, Arlington, N. J.;and Hohenstein Mnfg. Co., Newark,N. J. In 1888, Mr. Brigham formed apartnership with his uncle, Mr. C. J.Smith. The Assiniboia Roller Millshas a capacity of 130 bis. a day, ofthe very best quality of flour. Mr.Brighamis an active Conservativeworker, being president of the CentralConservative Association for EasternAssiniboia. In Religion, he is anEpiscopalian.

73yrSTEWART THOMPSON,-t-\ M.B., Toronto University,V5> L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S., Edinburgh,Strathroy, Ont., was born inMiddlesex County, Ont., July i4th,1862. His father is Dr. A. Thompson,of Strathroy, a native of Argyleshire,Scotland (who made teaching a steppingtone to medicine), and his motherisJane (Stewart) Thompson,daughter of the late Alex. Stewart ofwas edu-Lobo. Dr. A. S. Thompson cated primarily at the public and Highschools of Strathroy. He then attendedUpper Canada College, from which,at seventeen, he matriculated into TorontoUniversity, where hetook the Science course, concurrentlywith Medical lectures,at Trinity MedicalCollege. In 1882, being tooyoung to graduate, he wentto Edinburgh, where hetook a final course of lectures,and was two years inconstant attendance at theRoyal Infirmary, where heheld clerkships, in both themedical and surgical wards.In 1884, Dr. Thompson graduated,taking the " doublequalifications," as above indicated.He then returnedto Canada, and having graduatedwith honors at TorontoUniversity, succeededto his uncle's practice, inDetroit, Mich. In 1886, impairedhealth, from closecity practice, decided him tolocate in Strathroy, wherehe has rapidly built up andretained a large and highlysatisfactory practice. Dr.Thompson is surgeon of theMiddlesex House of Refuge,also medical examiner forthe leading insurance <strong>com</strong>paniesdoing business in his vicinity.He is a member of the Ontario MedicalAssociation, and honorary member ofDetroit Academy of Medicine. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, and in politics,a Liberal. He belongs to theS.O.S., C.O.F., K.O.T.M. and theI.O.O.F. He is physician to each order,and has filled the highest offices, inboth camp and subordinate lodge of thelast named society. He gives practicalsupport and encouragement to all healthfulathletics.He was married, Sept. Qth,1891, to Mary Louise, daughter of P. J.Brown, Esq., barrister, Osgoode Hall,Toronto. He has one son.

74 OF N^TXONALD McLEAN, proprietor1 of the Alberta Roller Mills,was eighteen years of age. He thenserved an apprenticeship of six years toCalgary, Alberta, was born the milling trade, with John Hull, ofAugust i Qth, 1851, at Osnabrook Township,Stormont County, Ont. His stone mill on his own account, at Kin-Lakefield, Ont. He then conducted aparents are John and Margaret (Lamb) mount, Victoria County, Out., for fourMcLean, now living retired at Ottawa, years, and then removed to Young'sOnt. The former was a native of the Point, on Stoney Lake, where he continuedin the same business for fiveIsland of Mull, and the latter of Glasgow,Scotland. Coining to Canada,they lived on the same years longer, when he rented the LakefieldLumber Company's Roller Flourbrook Township, from 1848 until their Mill, at Lakefield, Ont., which wasfarm, in Osna-removal to Ottawa, in 1893. Mr. destroyed by fire six months later. TheMcLean was educated in the publicschools of his native township, and<strong>com</strong>pany rebuilt the mill shortly afterwards,and he then ran itworked on his father's farm, until he very successfullyfor five years. Removing to theNorth-West Territory, hebuiltthe Calgary RollerMill, in the year 1892, whichhas all the latest improvementsin machinery, andwith a capacity of 125 barrelsper day. The buildingproper is of stone 40 x 50,and the engine room is 40 x20. The main buildingis49 feet high. Mr. McLean,having a thorough knowledgeof wheat, and being afirst-class practical miller,has secured a large shareof the trade of that greatwheat producing country,and his extensive millsfigure prominently amongthe mills of the North-West.In religion, he is a Baptist,and in politics, a Reformer.He was married August4th, 1874, to Miss Emma,daughter of Wlliaiu Alford,Esq., of Lakefield, Ont.Mrs. McLean is a native ofPlymouth, England, andcame to Lakefield with herparents, in 1871. His familyconsists of two sons livingand one son deceased.

75. FATHERJ. McDEViTT,M.A., Parish Priest, Sussex,N.B., was born in the Parishof Moncton, Westmoreland County,N.B., August 29th, 1848. He is theson of Jaines and Mary (Barr) McDevitt,natives of County Donegal, Ireland,who came to this country aboutthe year 1840, and settled first inSt. John, N.B., and after remainingthere for six years, removed to Moncton.Father McDevitt obtained his primaryeducation in the <strong>com</strong>mon schools ofMoncton, under the old system, attendingthem for five years. He enteredSt. Joseph College, Memranicook, N.B.,to prepare for his sacred calling, andstudied there for ten years. He wasordained August 2ist, 1875, and remainedat Memranicook for one year,attending to Moncton and Sackvilleparishes. He was then called to theCathedral of St. John, remaining therefor four years, after which, in October,1880, he was appointed to take chargeof the Industrial School, of Silver Falls,N.B., and the Golden Grove Church.In November 1892, he was appointedto the rectorship of Sussex, where heisdoing very successful service. Thedegree of M.A. was conferred uponhim June 2ist, 1888.

CANADA.1849, ne was stationed at St. James,Charlotte County, N.B., where he re-|EV. LEWIS JACK, retired PresbyterianMinister, Buctouche,ed into his first charge at Belhelvie, inKent County, N.B., wasborn in the Parish of Petty, on the estateof Culloden, Scotland, June, 1815. Brunswick, and in the following year,and settled in the Province of NewHe received his early education at theParish schools of Petty, and in Inverness,and then attended King's College mained until 1853. He then went toAberdeen, where he remained for four Springfield, Kings County, where heyears. He subsequently went to Edinburgh,to study theology, and gradu-During his long pastorate of thirty-oneremained until 1884, when he retired.ated with distinction. Before enteringcollege, he years at Springfield, he became widelytaught school, and while at known and greatly beloved. He exertedcollege, he also taught as private tutor. an influence in this <strong>com</strong>munity as aAfter receiving his license at Inverness, faithfulJune 1 8th, he was ordained and Gospel Minister, that can hardlyinduct- be estimated.the Aberdeen Presbytery, June, 1845.In the year 1848, he came to Canada,

77RS. MARTINEAU,wholesale and to his energy and ability, <strong>com</strong>binedretail hardware merchant, 1379 with an intimate knowledge of histo 1385 St. Catherine street,Montreal, Qne., was trade, succeeded inborn building up aat St. Jerome, and largegrowing connection. He carries aCounty of Terrebonne, P.Q., August very large stock of all kinds of hardware,oils, wall paper, glass, etc., and29th, 1844. He is the son of JosephMartineau, a farmer, and Marie Anne gives employment to a large staff ofDavid, and removed to Montreal with skilled artists. In 1878 he was electedhis parents, in 1852. He received his president of the Painters' Association,education at the Christian Brothers' grand marshall of the St. Jean-BaptisteSchool. In 1856, he was apprenticed Society, for the Parish of Ste. Brigide,to the trade of house painting, which in 1880, and president in 1883. Inhe followed, together with that of contractor,until 1872. In 1870, Mr. Mar-member of many religious and charit-religion, he is a Roman Catholic, and atineau began business on his own able institutions. In 1886, he wasaccount, and has, since that date, owing elected alderman for St. Mary's Ward,and in 1889, was re-electedby acclamation, having occupiedthe important positionsof Acting Mayor, andmember of the Finance,Water and City Hall <strong>com</strong>mittees.Resigning his aldermanicposition, in 1892,he was asked to consent tobe put in nomination, bythe Conservative party, andwas elected a member ofParliament for the Provinceof Quebec, at the generalelection, on the 8th ofMarch, 1892, for MontrealDivision, No. i. He is avery active and influentialmember of the party, andloyally devoted to his constituents.June 8th, 1863,Mr. Martineau was marriedto Miss Emerentienne Bouthillier.He has five children,three sons and onedaughter. The former havesecured their classical education;two of them are inbusiness with their father,and one practices law, andall are in a good way tosecure a brilliant future.

OB*>EV. JOHN LATHERN, D.D.,editor of The Wesleyan, Halifax,N.S., was born at NewshieldHouse, near Alston, Cumberland, England,July 3ist, 1831. He is descendedfrom an old Northumbrian family. Hereceived his education at the AlstonGrammar School, and was trained formining engineering, his father havingheld the position of manager and partproprietor of the Blaghill Lead Ore Mine,but realizing his call to the ministry,he joined the British Wesleyan Conferencein 1855. He was soon sent tothe newly organized Conference of EasternBritish America, and was ordainedin 1859. The same year hemarried Mary Elizabeth, eldestdaughter of the late JohnSimpson, Esq., formerly ofAberdeen, Scotland, but forthirty years Queen's Printerin New Brunswick, andJudge of Probate. Mr.Lathern's first circuit wasFredericton, N.B., where hewas stationed a second timein 1865, be<strong>com</strong>ing duringthat term chairman of theFredericton district.He \vasvery successful during thetwo terms of his pastorateat Fredericton, and both aspastor and chairman of thedistrict, he did abiding work.He was president of theNova Scotia Conference, in1882, and received the degreeof D.D. from MountAllison University, in 1883.He was elected editor ofthe connexional paper, TheWesleyan, at the GeneralConference of 1886. Dr.Lathern is a vigorous writer,and an able preacher, andthe same success that attendedhim in the pastorateand as the presiding officer of the districtand Conference, has been repeated in theeditorial chair. His editorials are brightand readable, and the general make upof the paperis admirable. He is at presentchairman of the Mount AllisonBoard of Regents. Amongst bookspublished by him may be mentioned avolume of lectures on literary subjects ;"Life of Governor Wilmot," " Baptisnia,"and the" Macedonian Cry."Nineteen years of ministerial life havebeen spent in the cities of St. John,N.B. and Halifax, N.S., and whereverhe has been stationed he has left alasting impression.

CANADA.79,EV. JOHN SALTER ALLEN,Methodist Minister, Richibucto,_ Kent County, N.B., wasborn at Newport, N.S., April 8th, 1842.He is the son of James and Mary(Salter)Allen, natives of Nova Scotia,the former being of U.E. Loyalist stock.Mr. Allen received his education at the<strong>com</strong>mon schools of Newport, andMount Allison University. He spenthis probation in Newfoundland, andon the Labrador Coast. After ordination,he was stationed successively atGagetown, Greenwich, Andover andCanterbury, N.B., and then at Pownal,P.E.I. Returning to New Brunswick,he was sent to Baie Verte, and fromthere to Gibson, and then to Summerside,P.E.I. Since that time he has beenstationed as follows :in New Brunswick,Albert, Sackville, Bathurst, and fromthe latter he came to his present charge.He was married, July i8th, 1866, toCharlotte Mathilda, daughter of ElijahTuttle, of Pugwash, N.S. His familyconsists of seven children living ;hiseldest son, Aldran, has been in Chili asa missionary for four years, and latelyreturned in ill health. Mr. Allen is asuccessful minister of the Gospel. Hehas also written a book of poems entitled" Apollyonville to the Holy City."

8o(\TEORGE A.^-^GAUVIN,grapher, Halifax, N.S., wasborn August 8th, 1863, at Burlington,Vt., U.S.A. His father is Leon Gauvin,while his mother's name was RoseGilbert. The former is at present engagedin farming near Burlington, Vt.This is an old and highly respectedfamily of the Ne\v England States.Mr. Gauvin was educated at the GreenMountain Academy, Underbill, Vt.He began lifeby teaching school, whichoccupation he followed for twoyears,after which he entered into the businessof photography with his brother, atBurlington. After a time he went toBoston, Mass., where he thoroughlypursued the study of photography. Hethen came to Halifax, and engaged withKellie & Co., and after remaining withthis firm for one year, he purchasedtheir business, and now carries it onin partnership with Mr. Adolphe E.Gentzel. In religion, Mr. Gauvin is aRoman Catholic. He was married,October 4th, .1892, to Miss Maggie C.Gough, whose father is a builder andcontractor, of the city of Halifax. Mr.Gauvin isdoing a large business inHalifax, and his studio is patronizedby a large number of the best people ofthat city.

811\ 7TICHAEL F. NOjLV|LAN, Alderman,V> St. Ann's Ward,estate agent and accountant,Montreal, P. Q., wasborn in Griffintown, September2ist, 1854. Hisparents were John Nolanand Ann McMahon, nativesof Ireland, who came toCanada, in 1840. Mr. Nolanreceived his education inSt. Ann's Christian BrothersSchool, and in 1870entered the St. LawrenceEngine Works, as timekeeper,which position heheld for fifteen months. Hethen entered the patterndepartment, and served fiveyears to the trade of patternmaker, and then remainedas a journeyman until theSpring of 1878, when hestarted business, as trader,on his own account. In1889, ne entered into partnershipwith J. F. Gourlay,in the Grand UnionClothing Store, where hecontinued until 1891, whenthe firm was dissolved. Hewas one of the first members of theYoung Irishmen's L. & B. Association,and held the office of collecting treasurerand corresponding secretary,is at present a life member. Healso an officer and member of themittee of the Shamrock Lacrossefor nine consecutive seasons, andgate to the N. A. L. A., and also League. He is a prominentmember of the C. M. B. A. andPatrick's National Society, anda member of the <strong>com</strong>mittee. Hefirst elected alderman for St.Ward, October aoth, 1891, to <strong>com</strong>pleteunexpired term of the late andwas<strong>com</strong>-Club,dele-to theSt.is nowwasAnn'sman Malone ;was re-elected Februaryist, 1893, and is at present chairman ofthe Market Committee and member ofLight Committee. Mr. Nolan isa representative man, and his markedsuccess is due to his energetic and intelligentgrasp of business questions. Inpolitics, he has always given his supportparty, in whose weljfarehe has taken a lively interest. Inreligion, he is a Roman Catholic. Hewas married, October 27th, 1883, toLillie O'Sullican, of Belleville, Ont.,daughter of John O'Sullican, a native ofKerry County, Ireland. Mrs. Nolandied, September i5th, 1892.

82 OP"

MKN,EV. EDWARD F. MURPHY,D.D., rector of St. Mary'sCathedral, Halifax, N.S.,was born September ist, 1844, nearCharleville, County of Cork, Ireland.His father was Thomas Murphy, andhis mother was Catherine Carroll.Father Murphy was educated at AllHallows College, Dublin, where hestudied philosophy, and at the SulpicianSeminary, Montreal, P.Q-, wherehe took his theological course. Hiseducational career was very bright, andgave promise of the distinction towhich he has since attained. He wasordained to the priesthood by ArchbishopConnolly, in St. Mary's Cathedral,Halifax, N.S., June 29th, 1867.He was then appointed a professor inSt. Mary's College, Halifax, of whichhe afterwards became president. Hehas been secretary to Archbishop Hannanand also to ArchbishopHe O'Brien.was appointed rector of St. Mary'sCathedral Halifax, in 1887, on thedeath of the late Mgr. Power, and wascreated Doctor of Divinity by Pope LeoX<strong>III</strong>.,on the occasion of the SilverJubilee of his ordination, on June29th, 1892. Father Murphy has wonthe respect and esteem of all whoknow him.

84CANADA.x1C DAM GERROND McDOU-^C\ GALL, J.P-, secretary-treas-VS> urer of the Virden andWallace Municipalities, and secretarytreasurerof the County of DennisAgricultural Society, Virden, Man., wasborn June 5th, 1836, at Gatehouse ofFleet, Scotland. Finishing his educationat Liverpool Collegiate Institute,Mr. McDougall served four years asclerk for the Cunard S.S. Company, atLiverpool. He then settled at Seaforth,Ont., where he conducted a general storeand produce business for seventeenyears, and was appointed Magistrate forthe counties of Huron and Bruce. InFebruary, 1882, he removed whereVirden now stands, and built the firsthouse and store erected in the place.His first four years in Manitoba, weredevoted principally to farming, and hewas the first Reeve of Wallace Municipality.Mr. McDougall has re-visitedGreat Britain thirteen times on business,and has travelled extensively inFrance, Germany, Switzerland and theUnited States. In religion, he is aPresbyterian. He has been marriedtwice : to Miss Marion Laidlaw offirst,Wavertree, near Liverpool, Eng., Oct.,1861 ;and second, to Miss Nellie Jones,of Seaforth, Ont., February 5th, 1879.

CANADA.J TON. HERBERT CHARLES N.W.T.(3jH WILSON, M.D., PracticingvS> Physician and Surgeon, Edmonton,Alberta, was born Decemberyth, 1859, at Picton, Ont. His parentswere C. S. and Eliza M. (Biggar) Wilson,who are of Irish descent. Hismother, now deceased, was a sister ofthe late James L. Biggar, M.P., forEast Northumberland, Ont. His fatheris still living (1893), and is a leadingbanker and broker in Picton. Dr. Wilsonwas educated in the Picton publicand High schools and Upper CanadaCollege. He subsequently attended theOntario College of Pharmacy, and graduatedfrom that institution,Februry yth, 1878. Heentered Trinity MedicalSchool, in October, 1878,and graduated M.D., in theSpring of 1 88 1. He wasthen assistant surgeon inthe Toronto hospitals forone year, and removed toEdmonton, in i882,wherehehas remained since, doing alarge professional practice,and taking an active part inall public matters. He waselected to the old North-West Council, in September,1885, and again in June,1888, when it was constituteda Legislative Assembly,and in the Fall of that yearwas elected speaker of theNorth-West Legislative Assembly.In 1891, he retired,and subsequently spentsome time in Europe for thebenefit of his health. He isCoroner for the N.W.T. andexaminer for a number ofinsurance <strong>com</strong>panies. Hewas elected to the firstCouncil of the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons ofIn religion, Dr. Wilson is aMethodist, and in politics, a Conservative,and president of the EdmontonHeLiberal-Conservative Association.also takes an active interest in allsporting matters, and has been presidentof the Edmonton Cricket Clubsince 1883, an(^ * s ex-president of theCurling Club. He is now patron ofboth the Edmonton and Fort SaskatchewanRifle Associations, and isuniversally popular. Dr. Wilson wasmarried, Sept. i5th, 1886, to Miss EmilyC., eldest daughter of Arthur B. Lee, ofRice, Lewis & Sons, Toronto, Ont., bywhom he has one son and one daughter.

SONJAMES86 OF-ARTHUR-McEWEN,M. D., Melbourne,Ont., was born May 3, 1866,in Westminster, MiddlesexCounty, Ont. His father isthe Rev. James McEwen,B. A., M. A., PresbyterianMinister, of London, Ont.,a native of Monaghan, Ireland,who, having receivedpart of his University trainingat Glasgow University,came to Canada when quitea young man, and finishedhis education at Queen'sUniversity, Kingston. Afterhis ordination, he located inWestminster, where he wasPastor of St. Andrew'sChurch for about 20 years.He then filled a similarcharge in Wellaud for eightyears. Latterly, he haspartially retired from activework, and resides inLondon. He is a culturedand scholarly man, and onewho always took a prominentpart in church courts.The mother of our subject,is Isabella (Macarthur) Mc-Ewen, daughter of the late Mr. andMrs. Macarthur, who were among theearliest and most highly esteemedpioneers of Middlesex County. Dr.McEwen received his education primarilyat the public schools, and afterwardsat the Welland High School, fromwhich, when eighteen years of age, heobtained a second-class Teachers' Certificate,and matriculated at TorontoUniversity. After this he taught schoolfor two years, and then entered theWestern University, from which hegraduated in Medicine in 1890. Hethen located in Melbourne, and hasalready built up a very desirable practice.He has recently been appointedby the Government as medical attendantfor the Oneida Reserve. In politics,the Doctor is a staunch Conservative,and in religion, a Presbyterian. He isa member of, and prominentofficial inthe I. O. F. and the W. O. W. orders.For a man of his years, Dr. McEwenhas made rapid progress in his profession,and will undoubtedly take a leadingplace in the ranks of eminentmedical men. He has brought to bear onhis practice, the wisdom of the schools,and well understands the application ofthe means of securing and holding theconfidence and esteem of the public.

7VLF. WHITMAN, B. A., LL. B.,j\ Barrister, Halifax, N. S., wasVS> born in Annapolis County,N.S., July i3th, 1856. His parentswere Charles B. and Jane (Tupper)Whitman, the former being well knownin the County of Annapolis. Afterreceiving his early education, Mr.W7hitman entered Dalhousie College,Halifax, and graduated in 1878, and<strong>com</strong>menced the study of law with T. D.Ruggles, Q.C., of Bridgetown, Annapolis.Two years later, he removed toHalifax, and became articled to John S.D. Thompson, now Sir John S. D.Thompson, who was^ then AttorneyGeneral, and studied in his office until1882, when he was admitted to the Bar.Between 1882 and 1885, while in activehe attended the Law School ofpractice,Dalhousie College, and took the degreeof LL-B. Mr. Whitman is a captain inthe Canadian Militia, and served withthe Halifax Battalion in the North-West Rebellion of 1885. He has practicedlaw in Halifax, since 1882. Inpolitics, he is an active Liberal Conservative.Some member of his familyhas been a member of the Legislaturefor the County of Annapolis, for thepast 70 or 80 years. In religion, heis a Presbyterian.

88JAMES FINDLAYFRAME,some years inmember store keeping, saw millof the Provincial Legislature,senior member of the Ont., and removed to Manitoba,and farming pursuits, in Simcoe County,firm of Frame & inMiller, hardware and 1880. In July 1882, he settled inlumber dealers, Virdeu, Manitoba, wasborn September 4th, 1841, at New Virden, and was a member of the firstYork,U.S.A. His parents were municipal council. He was Reeve ofJohn and Wallace Municipality, from 1887 toMary (Findlay) Frame, both natives ofGlasgow, Scotland.1891, inclusive, and elected Conservativemember for the Local House, toMr. Frame settledin Simcoe County, Ontario, where hisparents died. He represent Dennis County, July received 23rd,his early 1892. He is a member of St. Andrew'seducation in the public schools of thatcounty, a Society, A.O.U.W., and the Disciplesprivate college at Williamsville,N. Y., and subsequently took a 1888, to Miss Abbie Mary, daughter ofcourse in the Business College, Pough-Church. He was married, July 24th,keepsie, N. Y. He David Layton, P.was then M., Meaford, Out.engaged for They have one son and one daughter.

IVEKN CA.NADA, 89T'HE LATE JOHN CHALMERS,*- of Poole, Ont., was born in 1820,in East Kilbride, Scotland. He cameto Canada, over fifty years ago, withhis parents, John and Janet (Peden)Chalmers, who were the first whitesettlers in Mornington Township,Perth County, Ont. He was therefore,one of those " sturdy sons of Scotland,"whose " brawn and brain" have solargely contributed to make " theGarden of Canada," what it is. Inreligion, Mr. Chalmers was a Presbyterian,and in politics, a staunch Reformer,and years ago a prominentmember of his Municipal Board. Hedied January ist, 1892, andthe immense concourse athis funeral, was a touchingand genuine tribute to theuniversal respect in whichhe was held. His name wasa synonym for integrity,hospitality and those traitsthat go to make up anobliging neighbor, and anesteemed citizen. He wasa self-made man in everyrespect, a voluminous reader,had a wonderful memory,and was a man of superiorintelligence and broad views.In 1856, he was married toMiss Margaret Fleming,daughter of James Fleming,Esq., of Carrick, BruceCounty, formerly of WaterlooCounty, who is a cousinof the late Hon. AlexanderMackenzie. He had a fam-of seven sons and twoily:daughters, namelyJohn, afarmer in Wellesley; James,William, Alexander andDavid, farmers in Mornington; Peter, a student at theStratford Commercial College; Mary, now Mrs. JohnMcRuer, of Ayer ; Janet,and AdamPeden Chalmers, M.D., an honor graduateof Trinity Medical College, Toronto,who, in 1892, obtained his degree,and having located in Oil Springs, soonentered upon a desirable practice, andhas already gained the confidence andesteem of the <strong>com</strong>munity. Mrs. Chalmers,the wife of our subject,is still living,and resides on the old homestead,at Poole. Her quiet, but faithful andearnest advocacy of the temperancecause, and her ever ready Christiancharity and assistance in every goodwork, make their own <strong>com</strong>ment, andexert a marked influence.

CANADA.r. F. X. JOSEPH MICHAUD,Buctouche, Kent County, N.B.,was born at Madawaska,N. B., February i4th, 1841. He is theson of Fimin Michaud and Marie RoyLausier. He received his early educationat the <strong>com</strong>mon schools of Madawaska,and then entered St. Ann'sCollege, Quebec, where he received his<strong>com</strong>mercial, classical and theologicaleducation. He was ordained priest atSt. John, N.B., June loth, 1867, byBishop Sweeney. After ordination, hewas curate at the Cathedral, and hadcharge of several missions aroundSt. John. He was then appointed toSt. Peter's Church, Portland, N.B., forabout four years, after which he wasappointed senior priest, at the Cathedral,St. John, and in 1876, was madepastor of Buctouche Church. Sincebeing there, he has built a very largeconvent, which is under the supervisionof the Sisters of Charity. In 1879, thechurch was nearly destroyed by acyclone, and most of the buildingsaround were destroyed. He then builta large presbytery. After the destructionof the church by the cyclone,it was rebuilt, but in May, 1886, it wasburnt to the ground, and after theframe work had again been erected,itwas blown down. The newchurch is now (1893) nearly<strong>com</strong>pleted, and is a very finebuilding. Father Michauddrew himself the plans of allthose buildings, and superintendedthe whole work per-Many men wouldsonally.have been discouraged byall these disasters, but itwas not so with FatherMichaud, they only servedto nerve him with renewedenergy and determination toerect a building more worthyof the Roman CatholicChurch, and better fitted forthe worship of AlmightyGod. While the misfortunesto the Church weresupposed to be disastrousto the religious welfare of thepeople, yet in the Providenceof God, they have resultedin good. Father Michaudtakes a great interest in encouragingfarming, and superintendswhat is known asthe Model Farm, for thebenefit of his parishioners.In 1 88 1,he ac<strong>com</strong>paniedthe Bishopto Rome.

WILLIAM WRIGHTiEV.nection with Milton Parish Church, andRAINNIE, Pastor of Calvin on leaving for Canada, was presentedPresbyterian Church, St. with many handsome presents. HeJohn, N. B., was born in Aberdeen, came to Canada under the auspices ofScotland, February 6th, 1865. He is the Home Mission Committee, Maythe son of Geo. and Jane Rainnie. He 3ist, 1889, and was sent to Little Brasreceived his education in Aberdeen and d'Or, Cape Breton County. Six monthsGlasgow, and was a pupil teacher in after, he entered the Theological Hall,Rockvilla Public School in Glasgow for Halifax, N.S., graduatingfour years, and then entered Glasgow After April, 1892.graduation he preached in differentplaces for several months, and thenUniversity, where he remained fiveyears. While there he taught in privateschools, engaged at journalism and ton, and subsequently to Calvin Church,received a call to the village of Hamp-in City Mission work. He was instrumentalin raising the 69th Company cessful work, and is held in the highestSt. John, where he is doing very suc-of the Glasgow Boys' Brigade, in con- esteem.

9 2 DAVID H. HODGES,pastor of the First PresbyterianChurch, Oak Lake,and also of St. David's PresbyterianChurch, Haggard, Oak Lake, Man.,was born May 24th, 1857, at Mosside,Carroreagh County, Antrim, Ireland.His parents were David and Jane(NcLeese) Hodges. He was educatedlargely at the schools and colleges ofthe Old Land, and on corning toQue., <strong>com</strong>pletedloth,America, in 1880, spent one year inPhiladelphia, U.S., and then removedRoss, Ont., preached occasionallyfor Rev. M. D. M. Blakely. In 1882,wenthis arts course.In 1883, he entered the PresbyterianCollege, Montreal, and graduated in1886. He was ordained by the Presbyteryin Regina, Assiniboia, August1886, and after laboring at Whitewood,Assiniboia, was inducted by theBrandon Presbytery, into the PresbyterianChurch, Griswold and Ryersonstreets, Oak Lake, Man., January gth,1887. He is chaplain and past chiefranger of the C.O.F., and in politics,is a Conservative. He was married,February 5th, 1887, to Miss JennieMcArthur McLeese, daughter of Mr.Win. McLeese, of Ross, Ont.

OF N 93

94 CANADA.,OBERT E. HARRIS, Q. C.,Barrister, senior partner of thefirm of Harris & Henry, 21George street, Halifax, N.S-, was bornAugust iSth, 1860, in Annapolis, N.S.He is the son of Robert J.and Rebecca(Ditmars) Harris, both of whom weredescendents of U. E. Loyalist stock. Hereceived his education at AnnapolisAcademy, and studied Law, in that town,with J. M. Owen, also with the firm ofThompson & Graham, Mr. Thompson,now Sir John S. D.Thompson, Premierof Canada, being Attorney General ofNova Scotia, at that time, and WallaceGraham, now a Judge of the SupremefCourt of Nova Scotia, constituting thefirm. Mr. Harris distinguished himselfas well in his classical, as in his lawcourse, and passed his final examinationsat the head of his class, being admitted tothe Bar in January, 1882. He then practicedat Yarmouth, doing a large businessuntil March, 1893, when he removedto Halifax, and became a memberof the firm of Henry, Harris & Henry,one of the leading legal firms in theProvince of Nova Scotia.By the promotionof the senior member of thefirm, Mr. H. McD. Henry, who wasmade a Judge of the Supreme Court ofNova Scotia, almost immediately afterwards,Mr. Harris becamehead of the firm. In June,1890, he was created a Q.C.,at that time not being thirtyyears of age, and he is oneof the youngest Barristersever appointed to that distinguishedoffice in Canada.In religion, he is an Episcopalian,holding the positionof vestryman of St. Paul'sChurch, Halifax, and hasbeen a member of the DiocesanSynod of Nova Scotia,for the past six years. Inpolitics,he is a Liberal-Conservative,but has not takenany active part in politicalmatters. Mr. Harris is yeta young man, and from hispast record and present position,much may be expectedof him in the future. Onthe 26th of June, 1883, hewas married to Miss MinnieL. Horsfall, daughter ofJames Horsfall, Esq,, anative of England, whoformerly carried on an extensivedry goods businessin the city of St.John, N.B.

95DOANE McLARREN,manager of the Canada LifeAssurance Company, in theMaritime Provinces, Halifax, N.S., wasborn at Argyle, Yarmouth County,N.S., March 29th, 1827. His paternalgrandfather emigrated from Scotlandwith his parents, settling in New York,from whence, on the outbreak of thewar with Great Britain, he, with otherLoyalists, came to Shelburne, N.S., inwhich and adjoining counties, his descendentschiefly reside. After receivinghis education, Mr. McLarren was engagedin mercantile business until theyear 1868. In 1870, he became connectedwith the Canada Life AssuranceCompany, and has since then devotedhimself exclusively to the interests ofthat Company in the Maritime Provincesand in Newfoundland. Although somewhatadvanced in years, he continuesto give to his <strong>com</strong>pany, a very energeticrepresentation, and his long experiencein lifeassurance, has made him nomean authority on such matters. Hehas been twice married :first, to Joanna,daughter of Thos. Coffin, of Barrington,N.S.; and second, to Annie, daughterGeorge Piers, of Halifax, N.S. Hisfamily consists of three sons and twodaughters.

9 6 OK CANADA.C. DUMARESQ, architect,Halifax, N.S., was born vilie, and Dalhousieat Fredericton, Acadia College, Wolf-JAMESCollege, Halifax.December i8th, 1840, in Sydney, He is now engaged on theCape Breton. His Monasteryparents were Charles of the Good Shepherd and St. Joseph'sW. and Christina (McDonald) Dnmaresq.He received his education at the ber of other buildings in the Provinces.Orphanage, Halifax, and a large num-In politics,he is a prominent and activeof architecture, practicing in Halifaxand St. John, N.B. His immense practicethroughout the Maritime Provinces,extends into the Upper Provinces,Eastern States and the West Indies. son and four daughters. The formerHe has been successful in many architectural<strong>com</strong>petitions, among which mayis at present (1893) studying at Hortonbe mentioned the Legislative BuildingsSydney schools and at Wolfvilie, andat an early age, adopted the professionLiberal-Conservative. In religion, heis a Baptist. Mr. Dumaresq wasmarried, in 1873, to Maud McDonald,daughter of Norman McDonald, Halifax,N.S. His family consists of oneAcademy, and bids fair to <strong>com</strong>plete hiscourse with honors.

J TAYLOR WOOD,Halifax, N.S., wasborn at Fort Snelling,N.W.T., now in theState of Minnesota, in 1831.He is the son of GeneralRobert C. Wood, U.S. Army,and grandson of GeneralZachary Taylor, ex-presidentof the United States.He entered the U. S. Navy,as a midshipman, in 1847,and took part in the warbetween the United Statesand Mexico, and has servedin different parts of theworld. He resigned his <strong>com</strong>missionin 1 86 1,and joinedthe Confederate Navy. HeAfter Divi-<strong>com</strong>manded thesion of the " Merrimack " or"Virginia " inthe fights inHampton roads, with thek 'Monitor" and other vessels.Appointed an Aide,with the rank of Colonel, onthe staff of President JeffersonDavis, who was hisuncle by marriage. He<strong>com</strong>manded in two cuttingout expeditions, capturedthree of the enemy's gunboats. With General Lee, in a numberof the battles around Richmond. Promotedtwice for war service. He ranthe blockade at Wilmington, N. C., inevents that are conspicuoustory of this continent. He was marriedto Miss Mackubin, of Maryland, inthe cruiser u 1858, daughter of George Mackubin,Tallehassee," and made treasurer of his State for 25 years. Hismany captures in the North Atlantic. family consists of four sons and fourHe was captured with President Davis daughters. His eldest son was adjutantat the close of the war. Escaped with of the Winnipeg Batallion, and took partGeneral Breckenridge, crossed from in allFlorida to Cuba in an open boat. Hethe engagements with the BatocheColumn, under General Middleton. Hecame to Halifax in 1865, and has since has held a <strong>com</strong>mission in the North-been engaged in shipping, marine insurance,etc. Few men have passed the Rebellion. He is a graduate ofWest Mounted Police, since the close ofthrough as many thrilling scenes as are Kingston Military College, and wasrecorded in the life of Captain Wood. offered a <strong>com</strong>mission in theHe is certainly connected with men and RoyalEngineers, but declined.97in the his-

OK CANADA.JOHN GEO.CALDER, M.D.,C.M., Medical Superintendentof the General Hospital, MedicineHat, Assiniboia, was born Octoberagth, 1865, near Woodstock, OxfordCounty, Out. His parents wereand JamesJohanna (McKay) Calder, nativesof the Highlands, Scotland. After<strong>com</strong>ing to this country, his fatherfarmed for some time, but subsequentlyapplied himself to contracting andbuilding, and died in Winnipeg, Man.,in 1882. His mother is still living(1893) and resides in that city. Dr.Calder received his early education inthe public and High schools of Ingersoll,and in July, 1882, removedto Winnipeg to joinhis parents, who had removedthere some time previous.About the year 1882,he took up the study of law,which he continued for fouryears, during part of thistime attending the ManitobaCollege. He discontinuedthe study of law and tookup that of medicine, andgraduated M.D., C.M., fromManitoba University, in1889, carrying off the IsbesterScholarship of $100, inboth the primary and finalyears, in which latter yearalso he won the gold medal.His educational course wasunusually brilliant. Duringhis last year in medicine,he was resident assistant atWinnipeg General Hospital,and after graduating wasHouse Surgeon for one year.In the Spring of 1890, Dr.Calder removed to MedecineHat, to practice in partnershipwith the late Dr. AlbertOliver, who was then medicalsuperintendent of theMedicine Hat General Hospital, andafter his death, which occurred inAugust, 1891, Dr. Calder succeededhim as medical superintendent. Heis also surgeon to the C. P. R. andthe North-West Mounted Police, andCoroner for the N.W.T., also examiningphysician for a number of insurance<strong>com</strong>panies. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,also a member of the I.O.O.F.,A.O.F., and A. O. U. W. On JanuaryI2th, 1892, he married Miss Grace Reynolds,late matron of the Medicine HatGeneral Hospital, and formerly of theGarfield Memorial Hospital, at Washingtonand the Leeds Infirmary.

MEN OK CANADA. 99JOHN FERGUSONBLACK,General Hospital, consulting surgeonHalifax Dispensary, and a member ofthe Provincial Medical Board. He isalso a member of the British MedicalAssociation Branch, and of the HalifaxCollege, attending surgeon VictoriaB.A., M.D., Physician andSurgeon, Halifax, N.S., wasborn January 2ist, 1847, in Halifax.He is the son of Rufus Smith Black,M.D., and Mary Theresa Ferguson.After receiving his early education, County Medical Society. He is to beDr. Black entered King's College, congratulated on having so soon reachedWindsor, N.S., from which he graduatedB.A. in 1865. He a leading position in the confidence andstudied esteem of the public. He is one of themedicine at the College of Physiciansand Surgeons, New York, from whichhe received the degree of M.D. in1868. He then located in Halifax,where he still remains. He is professorof surgery in Halifax Medicalleading practitioners of Nova Scotia,and is particularly known as a surgeon.In politics, Dr. Black gives his supportto the Liberal-Conservative party,but devotes his whole time to his profession.He is unmarried.

100 CANADA.,BV. GEO. SEELEY, retired BaptistMinister, "The Birches,"Englewood, Petitcodiac, WestmorelandCounty, N.B., was born atHeKinsale, Ireland, February, 1834.is the son of Geo. Seeley and EllenHowe, a relative of Lord Howe. Mr.Seeley received his early education atthe public schools, and Mill's PrivateCommercial and Scientific Academy,St. John, N.B., and subsequently studiedtheology. He was ordained at Carlton,St. John, in 1854, and received acall to the Baptist Church, Carl ton,remaining nearly four years. He thenspent one year in Fredericton, supplying,after which he located in Woodstock,N.B., remaining for ten years.He then became pastor of the FirstBaptist Church, Salisbury for five years,and then for four years served theChurch at Harvey, Albert County, andthe following three years, St. Andrew's,Charlotte County. He also did goodwork at Newcastle, Sheffield, Elginand Petitcodiac, after which he retired,although he is stilldoing very activeand acceptable service. He was married,July ist, 1858, to May New<strong>com</strong>be,daughter of the late ReubenCowperthwaite, Esq., of Majorville,He N.B.has one son living.

1VEEN 101JOHN NiBLOCK, the genialand ac<strong>com</strong>odating assistant superintendentof the C.P.R., atMedicine Hat, Assiniboia, was bornDecember 2ist, 1849, ^ n York County,Ont. His parents were James andHannah (Webster) Niblock. His fatherwas a native of Ireland, and hismother was of English descent, butborn in Canada. Mr. Niblock attendedthe public schools in Scarboro Township,York County, Out., and workedat farming until he was seventeenyears of age. He then worked forthree years at the shoemaking trade,and subsequently took up railroadingon the G.T.R., and roseto the rank of conductor.Afterwards he entered theemploy of the C.P.R., andafter rising from conductorto train master, was appointedassistant superintendentof the Western Division, in1883. He has had such apractical experience, startingat the bottom of the ladder,and being naturally anable man,it is no wonderthat he is considered one ofthe best railroad men in thecountry. He is also a publicspirited man, and to himbelongs the credit of foundingand promoting the GeneralHospital at MedicineHat, which is unquestionablyone of the finest in theDominion. He contributedlargely of his own time andmeans, and was instrumental,in securing the sympathyand financial aid ofmany noted persons inCanada, Great Britain andthe United States. Thewhole institution, from thebasement to the top story,presents an air of home-like <strong>com</strong>fortand cheer, not always found in similarinstitutions. Much might be said ofthe eminent staff of nurses employed,of which Miss Miller is the ac<strong>com</strong>plishedmatron, but space will not permit.Mr. Niblock is a Methodist inreligion, and a Conservative in politics.He has been married twice :first, onMarch yth, 1872, to Miss IsabellaSlater, of Middlesex County, Ont., bywhom he has two sons and one daughterliving; and second, to Miss Clare, seconddaughter of Col. P. H. Attwood,on March 3Oth, 1892. Mr. Niblock isan active temperance worker.

102VERIND A. KIRK-PATRICK, M.D.,C.M., now practicingas a specialist in diseasesof the eye, ear and throat,Halifax, N. S., was bornSeptember i8th, 1861, atAylesford, Kings County,N.S. He is the son of Geo.Kirkpatrick, of Aylesford,and Catherine Gates, ofMelvern Square, the latternow deceased. Dr. Kirkpatrickattended the <strong>com</strong>monschool at MelvernSquare until he was eight-'eeu years of age, when hereceived a grade B licenseto teach in the public school,and for five years was engagedin that profession,three of which he was viceprincipalof the KentvilleAcademy. He subsequentlyentered McGill University,Montreal, from which hegraduated M.D., C.M., in1888, he made a brillianteducational course and heldthe honorary position ofProsector to the Chair ofAnatomy. Dr. Kirkpatrickfirst practiced as physician and surgeon,in partnership with Dr. F. W. Borden,M.P., Canning, N.S. In the summer of1889, he went to New York to preparehimself for a specialist. He served oneyear as a house surgeon in the NewAmsterdam Eye and Ear HospitalNew ofYork City, and before leaving, wasappointeda lecturer on diseases of theeye and ear in the New York PolyclinicSchool of Medicine. He also studiedin the office of the celebrated Drs. Agnew& Webster. In 1890 he began to practicein the city of Halifax, and from thebeginning enjoyed a successful andlucrative connection. He is abundantlyqualified for his important profession,having obtained his education and trainingfrom the best equipped institutionson this continent, and is already wellknown for his skill as a specialist. Dr.Kirkpatrick is a member of the BritishMedical Association, and the MaritimeMedical Association. In politics, he isa Liberal. He was married, June i5th,1892, to Miss Eliza Lawton Wickwire,daughter of the late J. L. Wickwire,Esq., of Canning, and niece of Dr. Wm.Wickwire, of Halifax. Her mother,who is still living, was Annie Lawton,daughter of the well known ship ownerJas. Lawton, of St. John, N.B., deceased.

CANADA. 10'T\ /TONTAGUE A. B. SMITH,IV IM -D -> Halifax, N.S., was bornV> August loth, 1860, at Charlottetown,P.E.I. His parents are Rev.John S. Smith, clergyman of the Churchof England for thirty-five years in activework, but now retired, and CharlotteBent, who died in 1891. Dr. Smithwas educated at Windsor Academy, andKing's College, Windsor, N.S., wherehe took the " Almon Welsford Prize "for best examination in the first year.From there, he went to New YorkUniversity, Medical Department, wherehe graduated in 1883. He was housesurgeon in Victoria General Hospital,at Halifax, in 1884, for one year, andpracticed for a short time as physicianfor the Albion Coal Mine, Stellartou,N.S., From there, he removed to Dartmouth,where he has remained eightyears (1893). He is a member of theHalifax Branch of the British MedicalAssociation, and other local medical societies,and physician to Halifax Dispensary.He is also clinical instructor inmedicine at the Halifax Medical College.Dr. Smith ismaking rapid progress inthe medical profession, and will, doubtless,attain high rank. In politics,he isa Liberal-Conservative, and in religion,belongs to the Church of England.

IO41VEKNNICHOLSON, M.D.,After leaving Frederictou, he studiedNewcastle, Northumberland medicine at the University MedicalCounty, N.B., was bom at CollegeChatham, May iQth, 1865. He of the City of New York, graduatingwith honors in March, 1887,Elizabeth (Ritchie) and then went to England, and studiedis theson of John R. andNicholson. The former came from in London for some fourteenSilloth, England, and months, atthe latter, from the London Hospital, andPaisley, Scotland. He the Opthalmicreceived his in Moorfields. On returning to hisearly education at Harkin's Academy,Newcastle, and in 1880, was Lomenative country, he took a three months'course at the Polyclinic Hospital, Newmedalist. From there, he entered York, and then <strong>com</strong>menced to practiceKing's College University, Frederictou, his profession at Newcastle, N.B., whereN.B., graduating with the degree of he has succeeded in working up a largeB.A., in 1884, and as M.A., in 1886.He won the Marquis of Lome connection. He is a member of themedal,being the first man Presbyterian Church, and secretary ofto receive that honor. the Local Board of Health.

MEN 105V\/ILLIAM TOBIN, Fellow ofand in London, aid began practice as ar T the Royal College of Surgeons, specialist, in Halifax, N.S., in 1882.and member of the Royal College of He ac<strong>com</strong>panied the Halifax BattalionPhyscians, in Ireland, late Surgeon to the North-West, during the lateArmy Medical Department, professor Rebellion, and served as surgeon inof Laryngology in Halifax Medical charge, during the campaign. He assistedin founding the first branch ofCollege, Ophthalmic Surgeon, on staffVictoria General Hospital, Halifax, the British Medical Association in Halifax,in 1883, and has twice acted as itsN.S., was born in 1847, in the c^y ofHalifax. He is the only sou of the late president. He is a Roman Catholic,John Tobin, merchant, and for many and inyears Conservative member politics, a Conservative. In 1882,for Halifax, he married the youngest daughter of theprior to Confederation. Dr. Tobin was Hon. Dalton Shea, president of LegislativeCouncil, St. John's, Newfound-educated by the Jesuit Qrder, first atFordham College, New York, and subsequentlyat the College de Vaugirard, Governor of the Bahamas.land, brother of Sir Anibroise Shea,Paris, France, under thecelebrated Pere Olivant. Heafterwards studied medicinein Dublin, at the Royal Collegeof Surgeons, as apprenticeto Dr. Mapother, thenprofessor, and subsequentlypresident of the school. Hegraduated in 1868-69, ail

io6ARTLEY GISBORNE, DistrictSuperintendent and Electricianfor the Government TelegraphService in Manitoba and theN.W.T., was born May 5th, 1860," atNorwood," Sydenham, Kent, Eng.His parents were Frederick Newtonand Henrietta (Hernaman) Gisborne.His father, who died in 1892, was a wideworld-known electrical engineer, andthe first proposer of trans-Atlantic telegraphy,one of the original membersof the Royal Society of Canada, anda member of numerous scientific societies.He came to Canada in 1872, andsettled in Nova Scotia, until 1879, whenhe removed to Ottawa. Mr. Hartley Gisborne,received his education at Mercer'sSchool, London, Eng., Dr. Gilpin'sSchool at Halifax, N.S., King's CollegeSchool, Windsor, N.S. He had a privatetutor, in Sidney, N. S., specialinstructors in chemistry, assaying,geology, electricity, in Halifax, N.S.,and, for many years, received instructionfrom his father. From 1876 to 1879,during the summer months, he acted asassistant geologist and surveyor, in theGeological Survey of Canada, and whilein Nova Scotia, attended lectures duringthe winter months. In 1880, he wasas engineer in charge ofappointedtelegraph construction inBritish Columbia, transferred,in 1882, to the North-West Territories, and appointeddistrict superintendent,in addition to hisother appointment. In 1882he took a tour throughmany of the States, forpleasure, and to see whatprogress had been madein electricity. During thesummer of '90, he waschief electrical engineer onthe Government steamer" Newfield," laying and repairingsubmarine cables.During the North-West Rebellion,he was in activeservice. Mr. Gisborne is amember of the CanadianSociety of Civil Engineers,the Institution of ElectricalEngineers, England, lifemember of the British Associationfor the Advancementof Science, Fellow ofthe Imperial Institute, J. P.,and member of the Masonicand I.O.O.F. societies, etc.He is a member of theChurch of England.

107 Jaw, Assa., was born Novemberayth, 1867, at Aylrner, Que. Heis a son of Rev. James and Mary(Macdonald) Lang. On his father'sside, he is descended from north ofIreland stock, and his mother's ancestorscame from the Highlands of Scotlandto this country, with Lord Selkirk in1812. Mr. Lang's family removed toLangvale, Manitoba, in 1880, and werethe first white settlers in that district,and it is from them the place derivesits name. He received his early educationin Ottawa, and afterwards pursuedhis studies privately. In 1888, he attendeda short session of the BrandonNormal School, then taught school fortwo years, and afterwards attended theNormal School in Winnipeg, one session.After teaching another year atMorris, Man., he removed to MooseJaw, in January, 1891, to take charge ofthe Intermediate Department of thePublic School. One year later, hebought the 7^'mes from Mr. Jas. NathanMcDonald. In addition to the regularnewspaper press, the Times office isequipped with power job presses andother modern improvements. Mr. Langis a Conservative in politics.

loSMEN OR-r^DWARD JAMES MORSE, B. A.,Jj, Barrister, Notary Public, etc.,~"^^> Windsor, Nova Scotia, wasbornCounty,EdwardMorse.er, andwhileN.S.at Acadiagraduateding thefor several1891,in 1854, in Clarence,N.S. His parentsMorse and SarahThe former waswas born in Bridgetown,the latter was a nativeMr. Morse receivedCollege, Wolfville, institution,degree of B.A.engaged in agriculturalyears. On AnnahisinJanuary Annapoliswereschoolof Clarence,educationN.S.,1880. Samuel(Elliot)teach-N.S.,andHepursuitsi2th,barrister,practice asMorse isdoes not takeaffairs of hisa Baptist.23rd, 1881,daughter ofKingston,consists ofMr. Morseability, thoroughlyindustrious,Stirling principle,place himprofession.immediatelysuch. In politics,Liberal-Conservative,an active interestparty. In religion,was married,Jessie Alma Henry Parsons, sons and onea man of energypainstakingwhich, coupledmust sooner leading ranksbeganinheFebruaryParsons,Esq.,familydaughter.withor lateroftoMr.buttheishishisaHe twois in

CANADA. 109,EV. JOSEPH PASCOE, retiredMethodist Minister, of Petit-_ codiac, Westmoreland County,N.B., was born at Sithney, Cornwall,England, August 23rd, 1834.He is the son of John and ElizabethPascoe. His father was a native ofSithney, and his mother of Constantine,Cornwall. He received his early educationat a private academy, at Gwennop,in Cornwall, and finished it with a Clergymanin Oxfordshire. He was thensent by the Wesleyan Mission Committeeto Newfoundland in 1861, remainingthere until iSSi, and then went toPrince Edward Island, where he continueduntil 1886, when he was removedto Dorchester, N.B., where he servedtwo years. After leaving Dorchester, hewent to Jerusalem circuit, Queen'sCounty, N.B., and then to Shediac, andretired in 1891, throughill health.Mr. Pascoe has been married threetimes: first, in July, 1868, to Joanna,daughter of William Whelan, Esq., ofBrigus, Newfoundland;and second, inJuly, 1875, to Alice Mary, daughter ofStephen Wright, Esq., of Bedeque,P.E.I.; and third, to Catherine on Osborne,June 6th, 1889, daughter of the lateRobert Moore, merchant, of Dorchester,and a native of Donegal, Ireland. Sheis also a sister of the Hon.Joseph L. Moore, of Dorchester,who was a memberof the Provincial Parliamentfor a number of years. Mr.Pascoe is a member of theMasonic Order, also of theOrange Order and Sons ofTemperance. In politics, heis a Reformer. He haswritten a large number ofpoems, notably one on theQueen's birthday, whichwas published in the Wesleyan,of Halifax, May 23rd,1889. He was journal secretaryof the NewfoundlandConference in 1876, secretaryin 1877, and journalsecretary for a second timein 1879, and that year wrotethe pastorate address ofthe Conference. As he isscarcely beyond the primeof life, much good may beexpected from his continuedlabors, not only in the pulpit,but through the meddiumof his read}'- pen,which has furnished somuch interesting and helpfulmatter.

I IO CANADA."Y\7lLLIAM WHITE, Q.C., seniorr \ member of the law firm ofWhite & Wyssman, Moosomin, Assi-the first council of theN.W.T. for Regina, in 1883, whichoffice he held until 1886;was transportniboia, N.W.T.,\vas born at Hamilton, officer for Battleford Column, North-Ont., April 29th, 1856. His parents West Field Force, during North-Westwere the late Thomas and Eliza (Barr) Rebellion of 1885 and census <strong>com</strong>missioner;for Assiniboia, for 1886. Mr.White, natives of Omaga, CountyTyrone, Ireland. His father was Collectorof Inland Revenue, at Hamilton, England, and in politics, a Liberal-Con-White is a member of the Church ofOnt. Mr. White was educated at the servative. He was married, March 23rd,public school and Collegiate Institute, 1887,Hamilton, W. Frances, eldest daughter ofC. College, Toronto, and the late John Bolton-Cholerton Hall,is an undergraduate of Toronto University,matriculating in 1874. He Brigade Royal Artillery, ofSurgeonwas Kimbolton, then Huntingdonshire, England,employed by the Canadian Bank who died at sea, on his way from Indiaof Commerce, Toronto, and Hamilton withfor two years. He regiment, in February, 1872.studiedlaw with his brother, JohnWhite, M. A., and subsequentlywith Lizier &White, of Hamilton, Ont.,in all two years. He thenstudied with Beaty, Hamilton& Cassels ; Howland,Arnoldi & Ryerson, andMcCarthy, Hoskin & Creelman,of Toronto, in allthree years. He was calledto the Bar in 1880, and afterpracticing a short time inHamilton, Ont., he removedto the N.W.T., arriving inRegina, Assiniboia, in May,1882, and began practice inpartnership with Mr. D. L.Scott, Q.C., in 1883, whichpartnership continued forthree years. He removed toMoosomin, and began topractice in October, 1886,where he has been rewardedby marked success eversince. Mr. White was createda1890.Q.C., January 2nd,He is Crown Prosecutorfor Eastern Assiniboia,since 1887, was aNorth-Westmember

1 1 1

112ARCHIBALD,iff, Halifax, N.S., was bomAugust 1 6th, 1840, at Musquodoboit,Halifax County, N.S. Hisfather was Matthew Archibald and hismother Jane Grant. The former followedfarm life and died about the year1883. Mr. Archibald received a good<strong>com</strong>mon school education, and then<strong>com</strong>menced life as a farmer and stocktrader, which occupation he followed forten years. In 1871, he was elected torepresent the County of Halifax, andwas again elected in 1874, but was defeatedin 1878. In 1879, he was electedto the County Council, and in 1880 wasand forappointed County Warden, three years was elected by acclamation,to succeed himself as Councillor. Fortwo years, he was Warden of the Countyof Halifax. In 1883, he was appointedby the Government, as Sheriff of HalifaxCounty, which office he now holds.In politics, he is a Liberal, and in religion,a Presbyterian, and an elder in St.Andrew's Church, Halifax. He is alsoa member of the North British Society,and in 1892, was president of the same.Mr. Archibald was married, in 1865, toMiss McLachlan, who is of Scotchdescent. His family consists of eightchildren, seven sons and one daughter.

THE MOST REV. ALEX-^ ANDRE ANTONINTACH, Roman CatholicArchbishop of St. Boniface,Manitoba,is descended froma most remarkable family,which has been prominentin Church, State and Literature.He was born July23rd, 1823, at Riviere duLoup, Que. His father wasCharles Tache, brother ofthe late Sir Etienne PascalTache, Premier of Canada,and his mother was DemoiselleHenriette Boucher dela Broquerie, grand niece ofMadame d'Yonville, whofounded the Grey Nunneryof Montreal. ArchbishopTache is a man possessingthe strongest religious convictions,an unswerving devotionto duty, a most superiorintellect and kindly disposition.He received hisclassical education in theOF*College of St. Hyacinthe,P.Q., and after some time inthe Theological Seminary,Montreal, returned to St.Hyacinthe, as professor ofMathematics. June 24th, 1845, hestarted, with Father Aubert, as a missionary,in a birch bark canoe, for theRed River district, and reached St.Boniface, after a journey of 62 days.On the following Sunday, was ordainedDeacon, and Priest on October i2th ofthe same year. In 1851, he proceededto France and was there consecratedBishop, November 23rd of that year,and after visiting Rome, he returnedto Quebec, and in June, 1851, againreached St. Boniface. On June /th,1853, the first Bishop of St. Bonifacedied, and Bishop Tache becametitular of all the North-West. BishopCANADA.Tache was away in France, when thefirst North-West Rebellion broke out,but at the request of the CanadianGovernment, at once hastened back,and though he arrived too late to preventthe death of Thomas Scott, he waslargely instrumental in restoring peace.He was appointed Archbishop and Metropolitanof St. Boniface, on the 22ndSeptember, 1871. Of late years, hishealth, has been seriously impaired, buthis many friends sincerely hope that hemay long be permitted to listen to thesweet chimes of u The Bells of St. Boniface,"which form the theme of one ofWhittier's most beautiful poems.8

IAPTAIN w. H. SMITH, F.R.G.S.,M.M.S. A., Lieutenant. R.N.R.,"S> chairman of the Board ofExaminers of Masters and Mates, <strong>com</strong>missionerfor enquiring into wrecks anda nautical advisor to the DominionGovernment, was born in 1837, at Broadstairs,Kent, England. His parentswere John Samuel and Charlotte (Day)Smith. His father was a <strong>com</strong>manderin the Royal Navy, served on boardH.M.S. "Minotaur" as amidshipmanat the battle of Trafalgar, in 1805, waswounded by a Spanish bullet, and receiveda special pension. Capt. Smithwas educated at the Grammar School,Canterbury, and the NavalSchool, Greenwich. He hasbeen to sea from his youth.Was in the GovernmentTransport Service duringthe Crimean War, and recently<strong>com</strong>modore of theAllan Line fleet and in<strong>com</strong>mand of the '' Parisian "when she made the memorablevoyage from ToryIsland to Belle Isle in 4days, 17 hours and 10 minutes.He has crossed theAtlantic several hundredtimes, and has had manypassengers of note with him.His ship was anchored withthe <strong>com</strong>bined fleets of England,France and Turkey,off Sebastopol, and he sailedwith them to Odessa.Proceeded to Kinburn withsealed orders, and laid thebuoys for the fleet, waspresent at the bombardmentof Kinburn Forts,and interpreted for theGeneral when he surrendered.Capt. Smith was inthe Redan two days afterit was taken, and beforebeing occupied by the British he was;also present at other engagements. Heis a Fellow of the Royal GeographicalSociety of England, member of theCouncil of the Mercantile Marine Associationof Liverpool, and a memberof the Nova Scotia Institute of NaturalScience. He belongs to the Churchof England, and is lay-reader in theParish of Sackville, N.S. He marriedin 1874, Marion Becker Thomas,daughter of the Rev. Lewis F. Thomas,B.A., formerly Chaplain to the Earlof Galloway and son of General SirLewis Thomas. His family consistsof five sous and three daughters.

OK CANADA.,EV. CHARLES WATSON SA-BLES, Baptist Minister, Caiiipbellton,Restigouche County,N.B., was born at Medford, Mass.,U.S.A., December i2th, 1855. He isthe son of John Sables and Sarah Grant,the former, a contractor and shipwork among the prisons and lodginghouses, and was on the executive <strong>com</strong>mitteeof the Young Men's Mission.He received a call to Campbellton,October 2oth, 1892, and was ordainedthe following January. Here his missionextends to Metapedia, Moore's andMann's settlements and Eel River.public buildings In 1885, tne fi rst Baptist Mission inMr. Sables received his early education Campbellton, was formed, and someat the schools of Medford, graduated at three years later a church was built,Medford, and received a diploma from which is now free from debt. Mr.the Faith Training College, Boston. Sables was married, July loth, 1889, atHe received his classical and theological Baring, Maine, to Mary L., daughtereducation under private tutors. While of Joseph Moore, in Boston, he did a good deal of mission Esq., of Moncton.He has one son and one daughter.builder, who erected many of the largein his town and state.

CANADA.CORNISHWILCOCKS,editor and proprietor of TheLeader, Granby, Que, was born inRichmond, Que., in 1869. He is theyoungest living son of Arthur andMarion F. Wilcocks. The former is anative of Exeter, England, and came toCanada in 1854. He was clerk of theCircuit Court at Richmond, from 1869to 1884, mayor of Melbourne for severalyears, chairman of the School Commissionersof Richmond, and mayor of thattown, in 1893. The latter is a daughterof the late Rev. H. Evans, of Welshdescent, but born in Canada. Mr. Wilcocks,received a College education, andtook the degree of B.A. at Bishop'sCollege, Lennoxville. He then enteredwith the Star, of Montreal, and subsequentlymanaged the printing departmentfor J. C. Wilson & Co. In May1891, he located in Granby, and foundedThe Leader, one of the most popularjournals in the Province. Mr. Wilcocksis a Conservative, but his paper is Independent.He took an active part in thegeneral elections of 1891, when theHon. Wilfrid Laurier was defeated byMr. C. C. Cleveland, of RichmondCounty. He was married, June 2ist,1893, to Amy Isabella, only daughterof Alonzo C. Savage, of Granby.

y the Presbytery, the members ex-at his removal fromthem. He was inducted minister ofshipV. JOSEPH McCOY, of Clmtham,N.B., was born in Hamilton,Ont., September 23rd,1848. He is the son of the late JohnMcCoy, and pressing regret Elizabeth Jane Scott, nativesof the North of Ireland. Receivinghis early education at the public andGrammar schools of his native city, heentered the University of Toronto, inSeptember, 1871, in which institutionhe had an honorable career, taking thedegree of B.A., with honors, and asilver medal in Natural Science, in1875. He then entered his theologicalcourse in Knox College, receiving, atthe close of his first session, the scholar-in Biblical criticism.The same year he passedhis examination at the University,taking the degreeof M.A. In 1878, he <strong>com</strong>pletedhis collegiate course,obtaining the scholarship inSystematic Theology. Heobtained also the prize forScripture reading, given bythe Literary Society. Duringthe last four years ofhis course, he taught withmarked success, Englishand Botany, to the seniorclasses in "RollestonHouse," Toronto, a youngladies' academy of excellentstanding. He was ordaineda minister by thePresbytery of Huron, February3rd, 1879, and inductedinto the pastoral charge ofEgmondville Church. Underhis ministry, the congregationmade substantialprogress, clearing off thedebt, and building a beautifulmanse. Here, while hispeople were greatly attachedto him, he received a callfrom St. Andrew's Church,Chatham, N.B. As he saw it was hisduty to accept this call, he was releasedSt. Andrew's, September i8th, 1889, bythe Presbytery of Miramichi, and hisministry has been very successful, in aHelarge and wide spread congregation.was married, April 8th, 1879, to MaryHelen, only daughter of Mr. Joseph C.Huckins, of Stratford, Ont. His brothersMr. John McCoy, inspector of theHamilton Provident and Loan Society,and Dr. Samuel McCoy, B.A., of St.Catharines, are well-known in Ontario.

n8FREDERICK ROGERS,-I D.C.L., Barrister, etc.,Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.,was born in Derbyshire,Eng., May gth, 1857. Mr.Rogers canie to Canadawhen about 16 years of age.He subsequently studiedlaw with Messrs. MacMahon& Gibbons, London, Ont.,and was called to the Bar in1880. In 1882, he removedto Sault Ste. Marie, wherehe has since practiced hisprofession. In June, 1888,he <strong>com</strong>pleted his course inCivil Law at Trinity University,Toronto, and receivedfrom that institution thedegree of B.C.L., and thedegree of D.C.L. in 1893.Dr. Rogers is prominentlyconnected with what isknown, as "The Colonizationand Imigration Movementin Algoma." Sometwo years ago, on the formationof the Algoma ColonizationSociety, he waschosen honorary secretary,and has devoted much timeand money in endeavoringto bring to the notice of the world atlarge, the many opportunities and inducementswhich that district offers tointending colonists. He spent considerabletime in gathering statistics andinformation from all parts of thedistrict, which he <strong>com</strong>piled in a pamphlet,published by the society, entitled,l 'Algoma Farmers Testify," a work ofsome 68 pages, which/ with otherliterature concerning Algoma, isbeinglargely circulated in the Old Land bySir Charles Tupper and P. Byrne, Esq.,the Ontario Government agent at Liverpool,and also throughout Canadaand the United States, by the AlgomaCANADA.Colonization Society. In addition totaking a greatinterest in agriculturaland colonization matters, Dr. Rogershas also connected himself with thebenevolent work, carried on by thedifferent fraternal societies, and is aP.M. of the A.F. & A.M. He alsobelongs to the I.O.O.F., the K. of P.,the Foresters and other societies. Inpolitics, he is a Liberal-Conservative,and has taken an active part in severalcampaigns. Having lived so long inthe district, he has won, for himself,the affection and esteem of his neighbors,and has build up a large professionalpractice from all parts of the same.

119,EV. WALTER J. DOODY,Annapolis, N.S., was born June_ 3rd, 1868, at Aglish Mooncoin,County Kilkenny, Ireland. Heis the son of Edmund and Margaret(Phelan) Doody, the former now deceased.He began his education atCarrigeen, Kilkenny County, and <strong>com</strong>mencedhis classical education at theCollege School, Waterford County,Waterford, Ireland. He studied Philosophyand Theology at St. John's College,Waterford. He received the minor ordersfrom the late Bishop Egan, and<strong>com</strong>ing to Canada in July, 1890, wasordained to the priesthood by ArchbishopO'Brien, December yth, of thesame year, at St. Mary's Cathedral,Halifax. He then spent nine monthsunder Rev. Dr. Murphy, as juniorcurate, and in October, 1891, took chargeof St. Louis Church, Parish of Annapolis.Father Doody has certainly receivedprominent attention at the handsof his church, at the very outset of hisministry, and is to be congratulated onthe possession of those qualities of headand heart, which have brought him sospeedily to the front. His future appearsto be full of promise, and hismany friends hope that his useful lifemay be long spared.

120 JVTEN OFranching operations, and has been identifiedwith almost every public enterpriseof the place. He has been apawa, Manitoba, was borngust i9th, 1852, at Thamesford, Oxford member of the Town Council ever sinceCounty, Ont. After <strong>com</strong>pleting his its formation, and was, for some time,education, he went into business life,chairman of the School Board. He wasand in 1868, removed to Iowa, U.S., elected M.P.P., first in November, 1881,and in 1871 to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and by acclamation in January, 1883,but subsequently located in Portage was defeated in 1886 and 1888, andLa Prairie, where he remained one year. elected again July, 1892. In politics,In April, 1872, he started farming at Mr. Davidson is a Conservative, and inGladstone, Manitoba, where he alsokept a store and religion, a Methodist. He is an enthusiasticMason, and was D.D.G.M. inthe post office, until1 88 1, when he founded the town of 1889Neepawa. He and 1890. He was married, Marchnow conducts a largegeneral store business, and 2Oth, 1878, to Miss Sophia Ellen, daughterof Jos. Hamilton, of Perth Co., extensive Ont.JOHN ANDREW DAVIDSON,M.P.P., general merchant, Nee-Au-

CANADA. 121^\ /T ARSHALL MACKLIN, M.D.,J.VI M.C.P.S.O., Practicing Physiv)cian and Surgeon, PortageLa Prairie, Manitoba, was born Julyi yth, 1840, in the Township of Scarboro,York County, Ont. His father, MarshallMacklin, a Scotch Irishman, wasone of the early pioneers of YorkCounty, and a leader in many publicenterprises. His mother, Mary Jackson,was a native of Glasgow, Scotland.Dr. Macklin, after <strong>com</strong>pleting hiscourse in the public and Grammarschools, attended the University ofToronto, and then, on account of failinghealth, returned to the farm, wherehe remained about five years. On thedeath of his first wife, he sold the farm,and began the study of medicine inTrinity Medical School, Toronto, fromwhich he graduated in the Spring of1877. He then removed to Port Arthur,Ont., as physician to the C.P.R., andafterwards settled in Portage La Prairie,Man., in 1879, where he started a drugstore, in partnership with Mr. A. B.Lakeman.After two years, the latterwas succeeded by Mr. H. M. Campbell,and at the end of five years, Dr.Macklin disposed of his interests in thedrug business; and gave his wholeattention to his profession, which hasso increased, that it is now,probably, the largest in theProvince of Manitoba, outsideof Winnipeg. In religion,Dr. Macklin is aPresbyterian, and in politics,a Reformer. He is also aneighteen degree Mason, andhas held many prominentoffices in that Order. Heis an enthusiastic rifleman,and is one of the best shotsin the 95th Battalion. Dr.Macklin was instrumentalin organizing the Collegeof Physicians and Surgeonsin Manitoba, and continuesto represent that body in theUniversity Council. Hepossesses in large abundance,those qualities ofhead and heart, which somaterially aid in bringinga professional man into prominence,and making himfavorably known in the <strong>com</strong>munitywhere he resides.The Doctor has been marriedthree times, and has two sonsand one daughter by the firstwife, and two daughters byhis third wife.

122JAMESHODD, president of theHodd & Cullen Milling Co.,(Ltd.), Stratford, Ont., wasborn June 28th, 1850, in Woking, Surrey,England. His parents, James andElizabeth (Hull) Hodd, were held inuniversal esteem. Mr. Hodd was educatedchiefly at an endowed school, inHungerford, Berkshire, after which heworked on his father's farm until 1871,when he came to Canada, and wasapprenticed to the milling business, inHamilton, Ont. and vicinity. Sincethat time he has given his careful andentire attention to this important industry.After several years experiencein Hamilton, Dundas, Detroit,and in the WesternStates, he engaged in businesson his own accountin 1880, in Clifford, Ont.In 1882, Mr. Hodd and thelate Mr. John Cullen, of AyrOnt., removed to Stratford,and built the now widelyknown Classic City Mills,having a capacity of 300barrels per day, and which,they operate under the firmname of Hodd & Cullen.On the death of the latter,in 1886, his interests werepurchased by Mr. John Frederick,of West Flamboro,and the business continuedunder the original firm nameof Hodd & Cullen. On Mayist, 1893, the joint stock<strong>com</strong>pany as above indicated,was formed, with Mr. Hoddas managing-director, andthe business enlarged tomeet the growing demandfor the superior brands fromthese mills, notably the"Classic," the "Diadem,"" "the Maple Leaf, andthe "Anchor." These, andother grades of flour and mill feed, areshipped to all parts of Ontario, Quebec,the Maritime Provinces and GreatBritain. Mr. Hodd is a skillful practicalmiller, thoroughly reliable andhonorable in all his dealings, and hissuccess is the result of his Stirlingprinciple and energy. His seat at theCity Council Board indicates, the respectand esteem in which he is held. He isan Episcopalian in religion, and in politics,a Conservative. He is also a memberof the A.F. & A.M. In 1875, Mr.Hodd married Miss Maria A. Frederick,of West Flamboro. His family consistsof six children.

123YVnLLIAM TEMPLEMAN, nianr\ager of the Daily Times, Victoria,B.C., was born September 28th,1845, a t Pakenham, Lanark County,Out. His parents were William andHelen (Taylor) Templeman, natives ofScotland. He received a <strong>com</strong>mon schooleducation, and then entered the Heraldoffice at Carleton Place, Out., where heserved a four years' apprenticeship tothe printing business. After spendingseveral years in Oswego, N.Y., Chicago,111, and Memphis, Tenn., he returnedto Ontario, and, in partnership with Mr.R. J. Northgraves, established theGazette at Almonte, which he conductedfrom 1867 to 1882. He then sold outhis interest in that paper, and accepted aposition on the Daily 7}'mes, Victoria,B.C., subsequently acquiring a controllinginterest in the paper, and hasbeen managing editor ever since. TheJ^imes, for ten years, was the onlyLiberal paper in British Columbia.In religion, Mr. Templemanis a Presbyterianhe is also a member of the;I.O.O.F., I.O.F. and A.O.U.W. Hewas married, February nth, 1869, toEva, daughter of Joseph Bond, Almonte.Mr. Templeman was an unsuccessfulcandidate for the House of Commons,in the election of March, 1891.

124JOSEPHANTOINE LANGIS,M.D., Petit Rocher, GloucesterCounty, N.B., was born atRimouski, P.Q., September 23rd, 1861.He is the son of Germain Langis andElizabeth Garon, both of Rimouski.He received his early education underprivate tutors, and then entered RimouskiCollege, where he remained forten years, graduating with the degreeof B.S. He then began the study ofmedicine at Laval University, fromwhich institution he graduated withhonors, and the degree of B.M. Hethen entered Victoria College, Montreal,and in 1888, having graduated withhonors and the degree of M.D., immediately<strong>com</strong>menced the practice of hisprofession at Maria, P.Q. In 1890, heremoved to Petit Rocher, N.B., wherehe has succeeded in acquiring a largepractice. His success is certainly veryremarkable for a man of his years, andhis future is full of hope. Dr. Langiswas married in October, 1888, to Lsetetia,daughter of Louis Jules Belanger,Esq., barrister, of the city of Quebec.His family consists of one child. Heis a member of the Roman CatholicChurch, and president of Branch 195of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association,which he organized.


,ity126 OR CANADA.EDWARDDOWS-WELL, builder and contractor,^V> Fort William, Ont, was bornMay 3Oth, 1855, in the Township of Scarboro,York County, Ont. His father,Thomas Dowswell, was a native of England,while his mother, Jane (Branam)Dowswell, was born in Canada. Hewas educated in the <strong>com</strong>mon schools ofScarboro and Toronto. When he waseighteen years, of age, he engaged inthe lumbering business, which he continuedfor about two years, and becameforeman for Messrs. Virgo & Bambridge,lumbermen, etc., for three years, then becamemanager for Messrs. French &Co., lumbermen, Dresden, Ont., for threeyears, when he severed his connectionwith them, and engaged in building onhis own account. In 1891, he removedto Fort William, and engaged moreextensively in the building business,and now enjoys a very prosperous andrapidly extending connection. Mr.Dowswell possesses large and active constructivefaculties, and it is no doubtowing to this, that he is not only aninventor of considerable note, but hasbeen able to turn his inventions tofinancial profit. In 1881, he and hisbrother invented and patented " TheDowswell Washing Machine," whichowing to itshas great superior-attained a large saleon its merits. A Hamiltonfirm now owns the patent,and they are shipped to allparts. In 1892, he invented" The Lightning Post HoleDigger," and patented thesame in Canada and Mexico.The issue of a U.S. patentis now pending. This articleis said to be a marvelof simplicity and efficiency,and its immense sale wouldseem to confirm the statement.Already he has receivedover $10,000, forrights to manufacture thearticle in certain districts ofCanada. In religion, Mr.Dowswell is a Methodist,taking an active interest inthe affairs of his church,and in politics,he is astaunch Reformer. He isalso a member of the I.O.F.and I.O.O.F. He was marriedon the twenty-secondof October 1881, to MissJennie Graham, of Dresden,Ont. His family consistsof five children.

MKN OF CANADA. 127,EV. ABNER MERCEREAUMcNINCH, F.C. Baptist Minis-^, ter, Petitcodiac, WestmorelandCounty, N.B., was born at WakefieldCorner, Carleton County, N.B.,July yth, 1864. He is the son of Asaand Catherine (Kelley) McNinch. Hereceived his early education at theschools of Wakefield, and then studiedat Woodstock College, N.B. From therehe went to Acadia College, Wolfville,N.S., and finished his Theologicalcourse at the Maine Central Institute.After leaving the latter institution, hetravelled considerably in Europe, andon his return was ordained to theministry of the F.C. Baptist Church,October 9th, 1890, when he was appointedto the F. C. Baptist Church, atSussex, N.B., where he remained fortwo years, and then removed to Petitcodiac,where he has charge of three:churches, namely Cornhill, Havelockand Petitcodiac. He is also a memberof the I.O.F. and chaplain to the same.He was married, June 8th, 1891, toJanie E., daughter of Edward Bent,who was a very extensive farmer in theAnnapolis Valley, and a member of theHeMunicipal Council for ten years.retired, in 1888, on account of ill health,and died in May, 1892.

128 ]MKN OR CANADA.THE LATE JOHN LEANDERWICKWIRE, Canning, N.S.,was born at that place, June nth,1832. He was the eldest son of Peterand Eliza (Rockwell) Wickwire, andreceived his education in his nativeways ready to aid in promoting publicenterprises. In religion, Mr. Wickwirehad been brought up a Baptist,and always favored that denomination,although he was not a member of anychurch. In politics, he was an activeLiberal, being a prominent and in-county. At an early age, he engagedin speculating, which he carried on extensively,for many years, with muchsuccess. He was one of the mostthorough and energetic men in thecounty, a man of sound judgment, andclear business foresight, and was al-who knew him. He was widely knownfluential member of that party. Hewas married in November, 1866, toAnnie Alice, daughter of the late wellknownship o\vner, James Lawton, ofSt. John, N.B. His family consistedof two sons and two daughters. Mr.Wickwire died very suddenly on May1 9th, 1891, deeply regretted by allin his section, for his many goodqualities of head and heart, and was aman of honesty and integrity of purpose.

JOHNSTARR, of thefirm of John Starr,MEN OR CAXA DA. 129Son & Co., (Ltd.),contractors for the equipmentof electric light andpower stations, electric tramways,and all kinds of electricalapparatus, Halifax,N. S., was born in that city,December Qth, 1827. He isthe son of David Starr, oftHalifax, who is one of thedescendents of Dr. ComfortStarr, who came to Boston,Mass., from England in1635. The records of hisfamily were published afew years ago in the UnitedStates. Mr. Starr receivedhis education at the Academyconnected with King'sCollege, Windsor, N.S., andcontinued it at Mount AllisonUniversity, Sackville,N.B. He began businessin 1848, as a member of thefirm of David Starr & Sons,who built up a large businessin hardware and shipping,but which was entirelyruined in 1880, by nonpaymentfor construction ofsome sections of the I. C. R. Mr. Starr present business, which is the largestis the originator, and was for several of its kind in the Dominion. He spentyears president and manager of the several years in Europe in the interestsStarr Mfg. Co., and was also the originatorand is at present the managing-Boston, and was instrumental in intro-of the Thomson-Houston Company ofdirector of the Canada Explosives Co.,Ltd., who manufacture " ducing their system of electric light, inRoburite," a London, Paris and other towns innew safety explosive for use in collieries. France. In religion, Mr. Starr is anAbout the year 1884, when electricity influential member of the Methodistwas beginning to be known as a factor Church. He was married, June i3th,for light and power, Mr. Starr was one 1853, to Mary Ann, daughter of Rev.of the first to introduce it in Canada, Wni. Croscouibe, well and favorablyand succeeded in organizing Electric known in Quebec and the Lower Provinces.His family consists of twoLight <strong>com</strong>panies in various towns inCanada and Newfoundland, and by his sons and four daughters. Both of thepush and energy, has established his former are enthusiastic electricians.

130 CANADA.at present, the proprietorand active manager. Theknowledge of chemistrywhich he received, and alsoa special course in the sameline at McGill College, hasbeen of invaluable service tohim in the manufacture ofmineral waters. These practicalqualifications, <strong>com</strong>binedwith his natural energyand affability, have succeededin placing his firmfar in the lead among theaerated water manufacturersof Canada. In order to keepup the standard of his manufactures,he is in the habitof paying periodical visitsto the large centres of thisindustry, in search of improvements,and has twicepaid extended visits to Belfast,where he has spent considerabletime and moneyin investigating the methodsand processes adopted thereand throughout the BritishIsles. Mr. Gurd takes anactive interest in the charitableinstitutions of Montreal,and is a life governor/CHARLES GURD, proprietor of of the Montreal General Hospital and1 the well-known firm of Charles the Protestant Hospital^-^> Gurd & for the Insane.Co., manufacturers, He is also a member of the Irish ProtestantBenevolent Society, and a liberalMontreal, P.Q., was born at Edgeworthstown,Ireland, in 1841. He came donator to several Protestant and Catholicinstitutions. He is a trustee into Canada with his parents in 1845, anc^has resided in Montreal since that time. several benefit societies, and has been aHe received his education at Rev. C. P. member of the Montreal Board of TradeWatson's Commercial Academy, and for several years. In politics,he is acontinued it at the High School. At Liberal, but does not take an activethe age of fourteen years he <strong>com</strong>menced interest in political matters. Mr.his business career in the chemical Gurd is held in high esteem by aand drug business, in which line he large number of friends, both in socialtravelled in Western Canada for several and business circles, for his uprightyears. Since 1866, he has devoted his life, and straight forward businessattention to the business of which he is,dealings.

FREDERICK LESLIE NEW-MAN, of the firm of T. A. Newman& Bro., grocers, and Mayorof Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, wasborn June 25th, 1859, at Merrickville,Ont. His parents were Thomas andSarah (Maitland) Newman. The formerwas born in England and the latterin Canada. Mr. Newman was educatedin the Merrickville public school,Perth Collegiate Institute, BrantfordCollegiate Institute and Toronto University.He then taught school forabout three and a half years, and removedto Manitoba in 1882. He wassubsequently clerk on the C.P.R., andafterwards train conductor on the Pacificdivision. He was passenger trainconductor for about four years, and in1889 retired from the road, and wentinto partnership with his brother atPortage La Prairie, where they continueto do a large and constantly increasingtrade. Mr. Newman was elected mayorby acclamation in January, 1892, andagain in January, 1893. In politics,he is a Conservative, and in religion,an Episcopalian. He is a prominentmember of the Masonic Order, being aP.GJ.W. and a P.D.D.G.M. On Sept.8th, 1888, he married Emma L., daughterof S. B. Merrill, of Prescott, Ont.

132ROBERT LAING, M.A.,,EV.Theology in Morin College, Quebec,president Halifax Ladies' College,was born December He was ordained to the ministry of theunder Dr. Cook, and also at Edinburgh.26th, 1841, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.His father was Presbyterian Church in 1873, and wasJames Laing, a native assistant to Rev. Dr. Jenkins from 1873of Aberdeenshire, who emigrated to until 1878, when he was called to St.Canada in 1847, ^ rst settling in Chainbly,Province of Quebec, and afterwards he founded the Halifax Ladies' College,Matthew's Church, Halifax. In 1887,removing to Buckingham, P. Q., in and in 1890, took the management of1 86 1, where he died in 1881. After the same. He is chairman of thereceiving his early education, Mr. Widows' and Orphans' Fund of SynodLaing entered McGill College, graduatingB.A. in 1868, takingof the Maritime Provinces. In politics,first rankhonors in Mental and Moral Philosophy,the Prince of Wales' medal, andlater, the degree of M.A. He studiedhe is a Liberal-Conservative. He wasmarried in 1878, to Christina D., seconddaughter of James Croil, Esq., Montreal.He has two sons and one daughter.

pondent, to write up whatwas then a <strong>com</strong>parativelyunknown land. His lettersto that paper, arrested considerableattention in theolder parts of Canada. In1872, he established theManitoba Free Press, inWinnipeg, first as a weekly,and after one year, as adaily. In 1874, he waselected to the Manitoba Legislaturefor Rock wood, resigninghis seat in 1878, tobe<strong>com</strong>e a candidate for Marquettefor the Canadian Parliament,but by mutual arrangement,both he and hisopponent, retired in favor ofSir John A. Macdonald. Hewas defeated in 1885, in acontest for the representationof South Winnipeg inthe Legislature, but the fol-FISHER LUXTON,managing director of theGeneral Hospital, of which he is alifegovernor, and is also a chartermember of the Winnipeg Board ofTrade. Mr. Luxton has graduallydrawn away from all public and quasifor some years. In 1866, he established public positions, having no ambition tothe Strathroy Age, and subsequently bepurchased the Seaforth Expositor, andpersonally conspicuous, and alsobecause he is so much engrossed withafter that, founded the Daily Home his rapidly increasing journalistic work.at Goderich. In 1871, he was In politics, Mr. Luxton is an Independentwith Reform leanings. He is also aengaged by the Toronto Globe, and sentto the North-West, as special corres-Manitoba Free Press Company, Winnipeg,Manitoba, was born December1 2th, 1844, in Devonshire, England.He came to Canada with his parents,when a mere lad. After receiving hiseducation in the <strong>com</strong>mon and Grammarschools of St. Thomas, he taught schoolJournal,lowing year, successfullycontestedthe same constituency.He sat out theterm of the Legislature, buthas not since offered himselffor political honors. Formany years, Mr. Luxtonwas a member of the CitySchool Board, of which he was chairman,and was also a member of theProvincial Board of Education. Hewas one of the founders of the Winnipegmember of the Masonic fraternity.

MKNCANADA.THE LATE JOHN p.-I-MOTT, manufacturer,Halifax, N.S., was born inthat city in 1820. Hisparents were Henry Y.Mott, M.P.P., and Elizabeth(Prescott) Mott, sister of thelate Hon. Chas. R. Prescott.Mr. Mott received his educationat the <strong>com</strong>mon andHigh schools of his day, andin early life, learned thebusiness of inunufacturingchocolates and spices. Hesubsequently entered intopartnership with his father,under the firm of Mott &Son. The latter soon developedinto a keen andsuccessful business man.Their trade increased untilit became one of the largestof the kind in the Dominion.Mr. Mott did not confinehimself to manufacturingalone; being interestedlargely in local banking, insurancebusiness, and buildingsocieties,while his servicesas a bank director, werefrequently sought. He hadunbounded faith in the futureof Nova Scotia, and showed his cheer reached many faith by losing no heavy hearts, thatopportunity to investhis capital in the development debted, so unostentatious was his man-never knew to whom they were in-of the country's resources. In short, ner of helping the needy. His kindMr. Mott has given a stimulus remembrance of histo the development of Nova employees in hisScotia, will, speaks volumes for the motivesand left an impress on the <strong>com</strong>mercial which governed his mercantile life, andlife of his country, which will long remain.The acccum illation of $850,000 poor man felt that he had lost a friend.when he died, on Feb. i2th, 1890, thedid not absorb his higher nature or Mr. Mott was a Liberal in politics, untilrender him impervious to the <strong>com</strong>fortand well Confederation, after that he was a Liberal-Conservative.In religion, he was anbeing of those about him, ashis charitable deeds and kindly heart adherent of the Anglican Church. Heabundantly testified. His will leaves was married in 1848, to Isabel Lawsonabout $250,000 to charitable purposes.From his ever open hands, help andCreighton, daughter of the late Jas. A.Creighton, of Halifax, N.S.

135JOHN PRINGLE YOUNG, superintendentand burser of theProvincial Home for Incurables,Portage La Prairie, Manitoba,was born April 8th, 1845,i*1 Roxboroughshire,Scotland. His parents, Williamand Margaret (Pringle) Young,were also Scotch. Mr. Young beganhis education in the public school inScotland, and continued it in the publicschool in Canada, until he was fourteenyears of age. He then served his apprenticeshipwith Mr. James Steel,blacksmith, of Walpole, Out. He wassubsequently thirteen years at Chatham,Out., and eleven years in PortageLa Prairie. He received his presentposition in May, 1890. Mr. Youngwas in the Town Council for a numberof years, and was mayor of PortageLa Prairie in 1885-86-88. Inreligion, he is a Presbyterian, and inpolitics, a Reformer. He is also amember of the A.F. & A.M. and I.O.O.K. In the latter order, he was thesecond in Manitoba, to receive a veteranjewel for twenty-five years consecutivemembership in good standing.Mr. Young was married, February1 7th, 1869, to Miss Helen, daughterof Alexander Richardson, Esq., ofChatham, Ont.

13 6 r. THEOPHILUS VAN DEMOORTEL, Belledune, GloucesterCounty, N. B., wasborn at Bruges, Belgium, May iQth,1843. Father Van de Moortel beganhis early education at Boulers, WestFlanders, continued it at Turnhout,graduated when sixteen years of age,and secured his philosophical trainingat St. Louis University, Missouri,U.S.A. He then taught rhetoric in thesame institution for five years, and duringthat time was teacher of GeneralTecumseh, Sherman's son, the son ofGeneral Price, and many other notedmen. He took his theological course atthe College of the Sacred Heart, Woodstock,Maryland, under Father Mazella.He then spent several years in missionsin different parts of the United States,and was ordained in 1875, by ArchbishopBailey, at Baltimore, at the WoodstockCollege was then;appointed lecturer atthe Church of St. Francis Xavier, St.Louis, Mo., and then at the Church ofthe Holy Family, at Chicago. He thenremoved to Canada for the benefit of hishealth, and was appointed pastor of theParish of Gaspe, P.Q. Eleven yearsafter, he took charge of the Church of St.John the Evangelist, at Belledune, andof St. Vincent de Paul, at Green Point.

CANADA. 137Tl JTARTIN L. GRIMMETT, BarjLrI rister-at-law, Winnipeg, Man.,VS> was born May 22nd, 1863,near Oxford, England. His parents,John and Elizabeth Ann (Thatcher)Grimmett, left England, in 1873, withtheir family, and settled in AlleghanyCity, Penn., U.S., where they remainedfor some time, subsequently removingto Ontario, and afterwards to Manitoba,settling near Virden, where they stillreside, and are held in the highest respect.Mr. Martin L. Grimmett waseducated in Alleghany City, and afterwardsat Collingwood, Out., CollegiateInstitute. He taught school for someyears, in Ontario and Manitoba, andthen studied law in the offices of W. A.Macdouald, Brandon; Joseph Martin,ex-Attorney General of Manitoba, andMunson & Allan, Winnipeg. In Michaelmasterm, 1890, he was called tothe Manitoba Bar, and as a member ofthe firm of Munson & Allan, began topractice in Winnipeg. In 1892, he wasadmitted as partner in the firm ofEwart, Fisher and Wilson, which factcoupled with the esteem in which he isheld, and his own ability, assures hissuccess. He also takes an active partin religious and other good work;isa director of the Winnipeg Y.M.C.A.,first vice-president of theYoung Men's ProhibitionClub, Winnipeg, and forthree consecutive terms, waspresident of the ChristianEndeavor Society of GraceMethodist Church, Winnipeg.The ability of Mr.Grimmett as a student, andhis ambition as a professionalman, are well exemplified inhis examinations, in whichhe has always taken firstclasshonors, and headed thelist. In 1893, at the secondyear examination, for thedegree of LL.B., at ManitobaUniversity, he took a remarkablyhigh percentage.He expects to receive thisdegree in 1894. He pays ahightribute to the invaluableinfluence and exampleof his mother, a womangreatly admired and belovedfor her Christian graces.In politics, Mr. Grimmett isa staunch and an activeLiberal. He is also a strongprohibitionist, and has donegood work in the cause oftemperance.

138yrNTHONY IVAN MADER, M.D.,J^ \ C.M., physician and surgeon,V> Halifax, N.S., was born March4th, 1863, in New Canada, LunenburgHalifax, and was at once appointedsenior house surgeon to the VictoriaGeneral Hospital by <strong>com</strong>petitive examination.After <strong>com</strong>pleting his fullCounty. His parents were Jeremiah term in that office, and receiving aand Sarah E. Mader. The former was diploma of merit, he took up generala general merchant, Justice of the practicePeace and Postmaster. He in Halifax, and has already atransacted a good connection. Dr. Mader is assistantnotary business, took an active part in demonstrator of anatomy, at the Halifaxpolitical matters, and was a member of Medical College, and physician to thethe County Sessions until his death in Infants' Home. He is also a member of1874. The oid Mader homestead, situatedin Mader's Cove, Lunenburg,the Nova Scotia Branch, British Medicalis Association, of the Nova Scotia Medicalnow occupied by Joseph Mader, grandsouof Lehonard Mader, and great uncle and the Halifax County Medical So-Society, the Maritime Medical Society,to our subject. Dr. Mader received his ciety. In religion, he is a Baptist.early education in the publicschools of ,LunenburgCounty, and his <strong>com</strong>mercialeducation in Halifax. Hegraduated at the HalifaxBusiness College in 1885,after which he entered amercantile office, but soonabandoned business to resumestudy. He studiedclassics for a time underProf. Wm. P. Dole, LL.D.,of St. John, N.B. He registeredas a medical studentwhile in New Brunswick,and passed the necessaryexamination in Arts at theSt. John Grammar School,and in 1887 entered McGillUniversity. Besides the regularmedical course, hetook Sir William Dawson'scourse in zoology, and also aspecial course in operativesurgery. Among his distinctionsat college, he wona clinical clerkship, underthe professor of clinical medicine,in the wards of theMontreal General Hospital.After graduating from Mc-Gill College, he returned to

MKN 139WjrUGHARMSTRONG, M.P.P.,for'^J^lWoodlands district, fishVS> exporter, etc., Portage LaPrairie, Manitoba, was bom August5th, 1858, in St. Lawrence County,N.Y. State, U.S.A. His parents Hughand Emily (Farnsworth) Armstrong,came to Canada in 1860, and settled inCarleton County, Out. With the exceptionof one winter in which he attendedthe village school, Mr. Armstrongwas educated by his father, whowas a teacher by profession. AfterIn May, of<strong>com</strong>pleting his education, and teachingschool for some two and one half years,he conducted a general store, at DunrobhijOnt,from 1878 to 1883.the latter year, he removed to Manitoba,and went into business at Poplar Point,and at the same time began the businessof fish exporting, being the first to exportrough fish from Manitoba. Subsequentlyhe sold out his store to hisbrother, and has since devoted hiswhole attention to the fish trade. Hewas elected, by acclamation, M.P.P.,July 23rd, 1892. In politics, he is aConservative, and in religion, is Non-Sectarian. He is a member of the A.O.U.W., and a Royal Arch Mason. On Oct.14th, 1885, he married Mary, daughter ofHy. Younghusband, of Essex Co., Out.

,EV. FATHER AMADEUS A.BOUCHER, Upper Charlo,Restigouche County, N.B.,was born at Yainachiche, St. Mauriceof St.priest to Rev. Father Richard,Louis, Kent County, N.B. Two yearsafter this he was appointed assistantpriest to Rev. Father T. F. Barry, remaining-with him eight months, and inCounty, P.Q., February 23rd, 1857.His parents were Alexis Boucher and the Fall of 1 88 1, he took charge of theDelphine Lefebvre de Villemure, both Parish of St. Margarets,natives of Quebec Province. He NorthumberlandCounty, N.B., where he continuedreceivedhis early education at the for four years, when he was appointedChristian Brothers' School at Yainachiche,and his classical course at thepastor of the Church of St. Francis Xavier,Upper Charlo, where he still conti-Seminary of Three Rivers, entered the nues. This is the oldest church in thenovitiate of the Oblates of M.G., in County1875. He of Restigouche, the mission havingbeen founded by the Rev. Father S.was ordained by BishopRodgers, of Chatham, N.B., August25th, 1879, and was J. Desjardins in 1800. His field hereappointed assistant extends from New Mills to Balmoral.

CANADA 141EDWIN DAVID KING, Q.C., Barristerand Solicitor, Halifax, N.S.,^*S> was born in Onslow, Countyof Colchester, N.S., December 26th,1841. He is the son of John King, J. P.and Sarah Ann King. The former wasa native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, andcame to Nova Scotia when a boy, withhis parents, and resided there until hisdeath. The latter was born in NovaScotia, and is of the U.E. Loyalist Stock,her father having <strong>com</strong>e to Nova Scotiaat the time of the American War ofIndependence. Mr. King received hiseducation at Acadia University, Wolfvihe,N.S ,where he graduated B.A. in1863, and M.A. three yearslater. He subsequently studiedlaw at Halifax, wherehe was admitted to the Barin 1867, and was created aQ.C. in 1884. He is amember of the Nova ScotiaBarristers' Society, of theAlninni Society of AcadiaUniversity, of the ProvincialSunday School Associationof Nova Scotia, and an associatemember of the VictoriaInstitute, of London,England. He has twicefilled the office of presidentof the Alumni Society ofAcadia University, and wasfor seven years secretary.He has also twice beenpresident of the S. S. Association,and is at present,and has been since the organization,in 1885,man chair-of its executive <strong>com</strong>mittee.In politics, he isa Liberal-Conservative, andtakes an active part in electioncontests. In religion,he is a Baptist, and holdsthe offices of deacon treasurerand teacher of the seniorBible class of the First Baptist Church,Halifax. He is also one of the governorsof Acadia University, and since1885, has been chairman of its <strong>com</strong>mitteeon investments. Mr. King is ahis profes-very busy man, not only insion, as member of the law firm of King& Barss, but also in political and educationalmatters, in which he is deeplyinterested and takes a leading part.He also finds time to do much work inthe church to which he belongs. February3rd, 1869, he was married toMinnie S. Barss, daughter of John W.Barss, J. P. and Lydia K. Barss, ofWolfville, N. S.

142TOM ROUTLEDGE, J. P., member-^ofthe firm of Bouverie & Routledge,importers of thorough-bred stock,breeders, etc., Boss Hill Farm, Virden,Manitoba, was bom March 4th, 1857,at Mealsgate, Cumberland, England.His parents, who are both deceased, wereJoseph and Ann (Hewetson) Routledge,from Lane Head, Bolton, Cumberland.Mr. Routledge was educated at WigtouCollege, Cumberland, and EmmanuelCollege, Cambridge. He rowed in thewinning University Crew, against Oxford,in 1879. He came to WesternCanada in May, 1879, and settled atRiding Mountain, where he remainedtwo years. He located the land for thegreat Bell Farm, and afterwards becamegeneral superintendent of thesame, which position he filled for twoyears. Here he was joined by hispresent partner, Hon. Frank Bouverie,youngest son of the Earl of Radnor.In the Fall of 1883, they <strong>com</strong>mencedoperations on the Boss Hill Farm, wherethey make a speciality of all kinds ofhigh bred horses, short horned cattle,sheep, etc. The Boss Hill Farm annualsales are always largely attended. Apainting of their buildings was one ofthe attractions sent to the World's Fairat Chicago, in 1893, by the C. P. R. Co.Mr. Routledgeis well adaptedto the line of business inwhich he isengaged. Hehas great admiration for livestock, and owing to his longexperience, thoroughly understandsthe worth and qualityof the various gradesof animals passing throughhis hands. He was, forsome years, president of theLocal Agricultural Society,and also of the Liberal-ConservativeAssociation. Heis also a <strong>com</strong>missioner forthe Province of Manitoba,and Notary Public for theNorth-West Territory. Heis Captain of " A " Troop,Manitoba Dragoons, whichforce was organized by him,and takes an active part inall the local sporting clubsand societies. In 1886 hecontested Dennis Ridingfor the Local Legislature.His knowledge of publicaffairs makes him a thoroughlyrepresentative man.In religion, he is a <strong>com</strong>municantof the Church ofEngland.

CANADA. 143^H,OHN WEMYSS, M.A.,Glasgow,Barrister, Solicitor, etc.,Neepawa, Manitoba, was bornAugust 1 8th, 1861, at Glasgow, Scotland.His parents were Robert andCatherine K. Wemyss, the former beinga prominent wholesale merchant. Mr.Wemyss received his early education inLarchfield and Academy, Helensburgh,Glasgow Academy, carrying offthe gold medal at the latter place. In1877 he visited Canada and the UnitedStates, and returned the same year toScotland to enter Glasgow University,where he graduated in 1882. Aboutsix months later he returned to Canada,settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and wasin the law office of Bain, Blanchard ccMulock until 1887. He was admittedto the Bar in 1886. In April, 1887, heestablished a law office in Neepawa,where he enjoys a large and steadilyincreasing clientage. Mr. Wemyss wasappointed solicitor for Neepawa in 1888 ;he has also been solicitor for the municipalityof Langford, since its formation.In politics, he is an Independent, andin religion, a staunch Presbyterian. Heis also a member of the A.F. & A.M.and a past grand in the I.O.O.F. Mr.Wemyss is a typical Scotchman, andone of Manitoba's foremost citizens.

144 MEN CANADA.1889. He then returned to New Brunswick,and received his license from theCouncil of Physicians and Surgeons,and <strong>com</strong>menced to practice medicinein Richibucto, where he still continues(1893), and has already succeeded ingaining an extensive and importantpractice. In 1891, he was appointedchairman of the Board of Health, forthe County of Kent. The Doctor isone of the best known medical men inthe County of Kent, and is highlyesteemed for those qualities of headand heart, so necessary to a successfulgraduating from physician. In religion, he is a memberthat institution in of the Roman Catholic Church.THOMAS JEAN BOURQUE, M.D. ,A Richibucto, Kent County, N.B.,was born at Memramcook, WestmorelandCounty, N.B., May nth, 1864.He is the son of Jean Bourque,and Marguerite Belli veau, both ofMemramcook. Dr. Bourque receivedhis education at St. Joseph College,Memramcook, taking the <strong>com</strong>plete <strong>com</strong>mercialand classical course, and remainingthere for eight years. He thenstudied medicine for one year, with Dr.E. T. Gaudet, of Memramcook, andsubsequently took four terms at theDetroit Medical College, Michigan,


i4 6OKPastor ofCocagne, N.B., is the son of_ Benoni and Marguerite Cormier,and was born at Memramcook,N.B., February 26th, 1846. He attendedat the College of Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere,the College of St. Joseph, Memramcook,and studied theology at theGrand Seminary, Montreal. He wasordained priest at St. John, N.B., Augusta8th, 1870. He was first, for threeyears, curate of St. John, as well as ofnine adjoining missions, then for threeand one half years, labored at Fredericton,and on twenty-two missions belongingto the parish of the capital.,EV. F. X. CORMIER,For two years, he was pastorof Moncton, Fox Creek andIrishtowu, and then forseven years ministered tothe village of Richibuctoana the five missions belongingthereto. He wasappointed to Cocagne in1885. Energetic and hardworking, Father Cormierhas <strong>com</strong>pleted, during hisministerial career, a greatmany works of construction.church at Milk-He built aish and one at Stanley,finished the exterior andnearly the whole of the interiorof the second churchat Moncton, repaired andalmost renewed the churchof the village of Richibucto,built the church on theland of the Indians at Richibucto,a new church atCocagne, which was finishedin August of theyear 1892, and <strong>com</strong>mencedthe church of Notre-Dameat Irishtown. By fertilityof resources and carefulmanagement, Father Cormiersucceeded in doing allthis, without inconvenience to his parishioners.His merits do not end therehowever. When the College of St.Joseph became too small to receive allthe students wishing admittance, andrequired an addition building, the venerablepastor of Cocagne offered himselfto the director of the institution, witha well filled purse, to defray the expensesof the enterprise. The studentwho drinks from this fountain the benefitsof education, and the entire academy,as well, can never forget this act ofgenerosity, which places the reverendpastor in the front rank of the benefactorsof the institution.

CANADA. 147THOMAS JARDINE, shipbuilder-*-and mill owner, Kingston, KentCounty, N.B., was born in Dumfriesshire,Scotland, February i8th,He 1818.received his education at the parishin the Old Land. Heof Wamphray,came to Canada in 1834, and <strong>com</strong>mencedship building with his uncle, and onhe andthe latter's return to Liverpool,his brother carried on the business,under the firm name of John andThomas Jardine. The former died in1892, leaving the business in the handsof the latter. Mr. Jardine was thedesigner of all the vessels which theybuilt, sixty-seven being for themselves,Heand many more for other parties.also does a very large business in lumber,and a very large general business,importing in his own vessels.Mr. Jardine was married, December24th, 1851, to Agnes, daughter of Geo.Orr, of Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland.His family consists of nine sons andthree daughters. Two of his sons arein business with their father, two workon the farm, and one is a doctor inGlasgow, Scotland. Mr. Jardine andhis sons own the highest grades of Ayrshirecattle, English pigs and horses inthe country. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative.

OF-AMUEL JAMES DONALD-SON, Mayor of Prince Albert,Saskatchewan, was born March1 2th, 1856, in the Township of Ramsay,Lanark County, Ont. His parentswere Samuel and Ellen (Fummerton)Donaldson, natives of Scotland.After <strong>com</strong>pleting his course inthe public schools, Mr. Donaldson appliedhimself to the furniture businessin Ottawa, and after three years wentto the North-West Territory, as a memofthe Mounted Police, in which capacity,he served for five years In theFall of 1 88 1,he went into the liverybusiness in Prince Albert, which heconducted very successfully. In additionto his livery business, Mr. Donaldsonconducts farming operations inthe vicinity of Prince Albert, and is alsointerested in the electric light supplyof that town. He served in the PrinceAlbert Council for three years, waselected Mayor by acclamation in January,1892, and again in January, 1893.In politics,he is a Conservative, and inreligion, a Presbyterian. He is also amember of the A.F. & A.M., I.O.F.,R.T. of T., and other local organizations.He was married, October30th, 1882, to Miss Jessie, daughter ofJohn Patterson, of Kinistino, Sask.

149ISAACWILSON DOHKRTY,M.D., Kingston, Kent County,N.B., was born in Kent County,August ist, 1831. He is the son ofWilliam and Agnes (McLelan) Doherty.His father came to this country whenseventeen years of age, from CountyDonegal, Ireland, while his mother wasa native of Nova Scotia, and an aunt tothe late Lieutenant-Governor McLelan,of that province. Dr. Doherty waseducated at the <strong>com</strong>mon schools andSackville Academy, N.B., and afterleaving the latter institution, he <strong>com</strong>mencedthe study of medicine with hisuncle, Dr. David McLelan, of St. John,N.B., in 1850. He thentook his first course of lecturesat Bowdain College ofMedicine, in the State ofMaine, and finished his medicaleducation at the NewYork Medical College, graduatingfrom that institution,March 3rd, 1853. Hebegan to practice in June ofthe same year, in Shediac,N.B., and continued until1859, when he removed toKingston, where he still remains.During his stay inShediac, there was an epidemicof small pox (in 1857),which extended from Buctoucheto Shemogue, andin 1854, the year of theAsiatic cholera in St. John,he had many cases of Engglishcholera, the symptomsof which were similar to theAsiatic cholera, and if theyhad been in the districtwhere the latter was raging,would have been classedand treated as such. Sincelocating in Kingston, theDoctor has been appointedsuperintendent of the MaineHospital at Richibucto, and has alsothe largest practicein Kent County formany years. He was married in August,1854, to Isabel, daughter of IsaacCleveland, who was formerly a farmerof Anagance, Kings County, N.B., butafterwards removed to St. John, andretired from active business. DoctorDoherty has a family of three sons andtwo daughters. His eldest son is practicingmedicine very successfully inCampbellton, N.B., and the second son,has a good dental practice in Moncton.In religion, he is a member of the PresbyterianChurch, and has also been amember of the Masonic Order since 1858.

150 CANADA.,EV. ANDREW W.ROSS,thePastor ofMethodistChurch, Portage La Prairie,Manitoba, was born August1 3th, 1850, at Feterangus,Scotland. His parents wereAndrew and Ann Murray(Smith) Ross. Mr. Rosscame to Canada with hisparents in 1855,and settledin the Township of Whitby,Ontario County, Ont., andthe latter are now livingretired at Port Perry, Ont.Before leaving Scotland, atthe age of five, Mr. Rosshad reached the secondreader, and subsequentlypursued his studies in thepublic school at Ashburn,Ont., until he was elevenyears of age. He thenworked at manual labor,until he was seventeen, duringwhich time he attendedschool one winter ;afterthat he served a three years'apprenticeship to the blacksmithtrade in Brooklin,Ont., and subsequently continuedat the trade for twoyears more. When twenty-one, he waslicensed to preach, and at twenty-two,was called into the active work by Rev.Wm. Scott, chairman of Whitby District.For four months, he suppliedCannington, during which time heworked at the anvil four days in theweek, studied two days, andon preachedSunday. He was then appointedto Pickering Circuit, where he remainedeighteen months, then one year at Newcastle,and one year at StoufFville. Hethen entered Victoria College for oneyear, and was ordained June iyth,1877, at Whitby Conference, by Rev.George Young, D.D. His first charge,after ordination, was at Port Carling,where he remained one year, and in 1878,he went to the North-West, as a missionary,and spent ten years amongstthe Indians. He then took up workamong the whites at Griswold, Man.,where he remained two years, afterwardstwo years at Port Arthur, Ont.,and was appointed to Portage La Prairie,June, 1892, where he is also chairman ofthe district. He is an able and earnestGospel preacher. Mr. Ross is a memberof the A.F. & A.M., I.O.O.F. andA.O.U.W. He was married, June 2Oth,1877, to Miss Sarah, daughter of JamesMcCormick, Esq., of Orono, Ont.

,EV. ARTHUR BENJAMINyear; Emerson, two years; Fort McLeod,HAMES, Ph.B., son of Williamand Ann three years and Oak Lake,;Alberta,(Gunniu) his present circuit. He has been financialsecretary and chairman of dis-Hames, was born October i2th, 1849, inBristol, England. The family came to trict for several years, besidesCanada in 1856, and holdingsettled in Kingston,Out., where our subject secured dist Church. He was married, Juneother important positions in the Metho-his early education. Converted in 1867, 30th, 1876, to Miss Sarahhe entered the ministry in 1871, laboredJane, daughterof John and Eliza Power, of Northat L'Amable, Marmora, Demorestville Hastings, Ont. Mr. Hames graduatedand Milford, and was ordained Junei3th, 1875, in Picton, Ont. He from Wesleyan University, Bloomington,Illinois, inthen proceededto Port 1892. He is an eloquentpreacher, a faithful pastor, anArthur, where he laboredone year ;Fort Francis, two years Morris,two years Meadow a V.G.; Lea, three years in the; energetic temperance worker,;I.O.O.F., and an Independent inHigh Bluff, three years ; Stonewall, one politics, with Reform leanings.

,EV. DONALD J. SUMMERS,L.D., Prospect, Nova Scotia,was born May iQth, 1867,at Halifax, N.S. His parents areThomas and Catherine (McLeod) Summers,who are at present residing inHalifax. Father Summers receivedhis education in the public schools,after which he pursued his classicalcourse at St. Mary's College, Halifax,and his theological and philosophicalcourses at Laval University, Quebec.He was ordained priest, NovemberHalifax, and will shortly take chargeof the parish at Prospect, N.S. FatherSummers isadmirably qualified byeducation, refinement and adaptability,for the office of the priesthood, and hasbrought to bear on his life work, thatDr. Murphy, of St. Mary's Cathedral,energy and consecration, so necessaryto the fulfilment of a successful ministry.For a man of his years andexperience, he has already receivedmarked notice at the hands of hischurch, and bids fair, when more maturein years, to have an eminentSt. Mary's Cathedral, and at the present24th, 1889, by Archbishop O'Brien, at(1893) occupies the position next position in the career upon which heto has entered.

MEN CANADA. '53JAMESDUNCANDENNIS,dry goods merchant, Yarmouth,N.S., was born February i8th,1845, in the village of Carleton, YarmouthCounty, N.S. He is the son ofLeonard and Abigail (Hilton) Dennis,of Puritanic Loyalist stock, whose ancestorswere among the first settlers ofthe county. Mr. Dennis received onlya limited education in the countryschool-house of his district, before hewas seventeen years of age, at whichtime he went to Yarmouth, and afterspending nine months at the day andnight school of Mr. John Mclver, anda couple of terms at the YarmouthSeminary, he entered as clerk in thegeneral store of Messrs. Dennis &Doane, where he remained until 1867,when he became partner of the drygoods establishment of Viets & Dennis,which continued until 1891, when itwas destroyed byfire. Since then hehas conducted business on his own account.Mr. Dennis' business is nowrightly considered the largest and bestequipped of its kind in the province.The Princess Block, which is nowowned solely by him, is a three storiedbuilding, with front of wood, stucco,and marble. It is forty-three feet frontand seventy-five feet from front to rear.The buildingisfitted withplate glass, elevators, andall other modern improvements,and isaltogethertastefully fitted up, and presentsan imposing appearance.He imports directfrom England, Ireland, Scotland,Berlin, Paris, Saxony,Brussels, and no expenseor trouble is spared to meetthe demands of his numerouscustomers, and itgoeswithout saying, that heknows how to reach thepublic by judicious and welltimed advertising. Mr. Dennis'manner towards his employees,and his kind considerationof them, is alsoworthy of note. His successis due to the applicationof the sterling principlesinherited from his parents,and the habits of industryand carefulness in which hehas been trained. In religion,he belongs to the CongregationalChurch, and hasheld the office of deacon for anumber of years. He has twosons and three daughters.

OF-JOHNMcKELLAR, Mayor ofFort William, Out., was bornin Middlesex County, Ont.,in 1835. His father Captain DuncanMcKellar, and his mother MargaretBrodie, were both natives of Scotland.The family removed to Ontonagon,Michigan, in 1855, then to Fort William,Ont., in 1863. Since then, Mr.McKellar and his brothers, Peter andDonald, have been engaged extensivelyin exploring the north shore ofLake Superior, making, between them,many first and important mineraldiscoveries. They discovered in 1865,the Enterprise Mine, lead and copper ;in 1866, the Thunder BaySilver Mine, resulting in ^^^^mstarting silver mining onLake Superior ;in 1868, theof councillor, deputy reeve and reeve inthe municipalities of Shuniah and Neebing,until 1892, when he was elected byacclamation, mayor of Fort William,and again in 1893, he was re-elected.He is considered one of the best postedmen in the district, and being yet in thezenith of his manhood and enterprise,gives promise of much future good tohis country, by his experience in locatingvaluable mineral deposits, and otherwiseopening up the vast resources ofthe West. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Reformer, andpresident of the Reform Association ofAlgoma. He is unmarried.Thunder Cape Soapstone ;in 1869, the great barytalode, McKellar Island ;in1871, the Huronian GoldMine, first free gold foundon Lake Superior; in 1877,four to ten feet wide, nickeliferouspyrrhotite, JackfishBay; in 1880, the ZenithMine, great zinc deposits, Nipigon;in 1884, the celebratedAtikokan Iron Range,for quality and quantity,equally as good as thegreat American Iron Mines.These are but a few of themany discoveries made bythem, which discoveries resultedin awakening greatpublic interest, and in thesale of large quantities ofgovernment lands in thedistrict. Mr. McKellar wasa member of the first MunicipalCouncil (Shuniah) inThunder Bay, in 1873, andhas been continuously in theCouncil, filling the positions

MBN OR CANADA. 155SHORTT, insurancea g en t, Halifax, N.S., was bornOctober 2ist, 1846, in Dublin,Ireland. He is the third son of the lateWilliam Shortt, tea merchant, of thatMr. Shortt received his educationcity.at the Armagh Royal School, and TrinityCollege, Dublin. He has been inthe insurance business for twentyfiveyears in Canada, <strong>com</strong>mencing withthe Imperial Fire, in Montreal, in 1867.He is the general agent for Nova Scotia,of the London and Lancashire andUnited Fire Insurance <strong>com</strong>panies, Norwichand London Accident InsuranceAssociation, and agent at Halifax forthe Standard Life Assurance Companyof Edinburgh, and has been connectedwith the latter for over 20 years. Hislong experience in insurance matters,has made him one of the best informedmen in that business, and his well-knownsuccess is the result of his knowledge,application and energy. In politics, heis an Independent Liberal-Conservative.In religion, he is a member of theChurch of England. Mr. Shortt wasmarried, Sept. 2Oth, 1882, to Louise,youngest daughter of the late Hon. J.W. Johnstone, Judge in Equity of theProvince of Nova Scotia. His familyconsists of two sons.

CANADA.ATWOODCROW-KLL, merchant, Yarmouth,N.S., was born September ist, 1843,at Barrington, Shelburne County, N.S.After receiving his education he cameto Yarmouth in 1860, and enteredupon <strong>com</strong>mercial life as clerk in ageneral store. In 1865, he began businesson his own account, as generalmerchant, and so continued until 1869,when he began to do business as directimporter and dealer in iron, metals andgeneral hardware, under the firm nameof S. A. Crowell & Co. Mr. Crowell isnow, however, the sole proprietor of thebusiness. His present success, is anevidence of what industry, ability andperseverance can ac<strong>com</strong>plish, whencoupled with high moral principle. Hebegan his <strong>com</strong>mercial career with little,if any capital, except a good name andrecord, and an unflinching determinationto succeed these,; however, soonlaid the foundation of a progressivelife,and their constant application hasresulted in placing him where he nowstands. He was married, in 1869. toMiss Mary Edna Coming, the onlydaughter of Captain Bowman Coming,of Yarmouth. His family consists offive children, two daughters and threesons.

MEM OK CAXA DA. 157WjON.J. J.FRASER, Q.C., one ofthe Justices of the N.B. Supreme(-*j^|V> Court, was born at Beaubair'sIsland, Miramichi, August ist, 1829.His father was John Fraser, a native ofInverness, Scotland, and his mother wasthe daughter of Hugh Fraser, son of" Fair Anne," of the Lovat family.Judge Fraser received his education atthe Newcastle Grammar School, and in1845, began the study of law in theoffices of Messrs. Street & Davidson,Newcastle. He was admitted as Attorneyin 1850, called to the Bar twoyears later, and created Q. C. in 1873.He removed to Fredericton in 1851,when Hon. Mr. Street becameAttorney-General. In,Justice Duff, he was appointed to theSupreme Court Bench. Throughout hispolitical career, he held steadfastly to theprinciples of honor, and those who mostwidely differed with his views, respectedthe purity of his motives. In his judicialcapacity, he has sustained his reputation,and ishighly respected for hisability, learning and impartiality. JusticeFraser has been married twice :first, in September, 1867, to Miss Martha,daughter of the late AlexanderCuniming, of Fredericton and; second,in May, 1884, to Miss Jane M. P.,daughter of the late Hon. CharlesFisher, D.C.L., of Fredericton.1865, he was elected one ofthe representatives of York,in the Assembly, on theanti-confederate platform.The Government resignedthe next year, and in theensuing contest, Mr. Fraserwas defeated. In June, 1871,he was appointed a memberof the Legislative Council,and president of the ExecutiveCouncil, but resignedthese positions, in 1872, toaccept the office of ProvincialSecretary in the Kingadministration, being electedby the York County constituents,byWhen acclamation.Hon. Mr. King retiredfrom politics in 1878,Mr. Fraser became Attorney-Generaland Premier ofthe province, holding thatposition until May, 1882,when he resigned to be<strong>com</strong>ea candidate for the DominionHouse, in which contest hewas, however, unsuccessful.In December of the sameyear, on the death of Mr.

158 MEN,EV. JOSHUA DYKE, Pastorof the Methodist Church, Moosomin,N.W.T., was bornSeptember I5th, 1849, at Wednesfield,Wolverhainpton, Staffordshire, England.His parents, John and MaryDyke, where among the earliest membersof the Methodist Church in thatpart of England. Mr. Dyke was convertedand received into the Churchwhen ten years of age. He attendedthe public school in earlylife and fromsixteen to twenty years of age was preparingfor the ministry. He passedhis entrance examination in connectionwith the Primitive Methodist Church,in London, England, in 1870. Afterlaboring two years in England he wassent to Canada by the Missionary Society,being stationed at Bradford, Out.,for one year. His next stations in Ontariowere London, Amaranth, Collin'sBay and Elginburg, Chatham andBowmanville. He then removed toCalgary, Alberta, where he spent twoyears then to; Wesley Church, Winnipeg,Manitoba, three years Fort;William, Ontario, three years; Virden,Manitoba, one year ;and was stationedat Moosoniin, Assiniboia, June, 1893,chairman of theAt the time of the union ofthe Methodist churches inCanada, Mr. Dyke wasbeing also appointedDistrict.appointed a visiting delegateto the British Conferencein the Summer of1883. His parents returnedwith him to this countryand settled at Hamilton,Ont. He was the first MethodistMinister appointedto Calgary, Alberta, and isone of the oldest in the workin the North-West. He isprominent in Bible Societywork in Manitoba. He isalso examiner on the Boardfor the Conference Students,on the subject of Homiletics.He was ordained in June,1874, by the Rev. SamuelAntliff, D.D. He belongsto the Masonic Order, I.O.O.K. and R. T. of T. Hehas been married twice :first, May 24th, 1875, toMiss Bella Park, of London ;second, Dec. 25th, 1883, toMiss Sophia Fox, daughterof the late John Fox, ofChatham, Ont., by whomhe has two sons and onedaughter living.

159/CHARLES EDWARD CHURCH,( M.P.P. & M.E.C., Commissioner^^-^> of Public Works and Minesfor Nova Scotia, Halifax, N.S., wasborn January 3rd, 1835, at TancookIsland, Lunenburg County, N.S. Hisparents were Charles L. A. and Sarah(Hiltz) Church, natives of Nova Scotia,"but of English and German descent,respectively. His grandfather was LotChurch, who represented LunenburgCounty in the House of Assembly, between1820 and 1830. Mr. Church waseducated in the schools of Chester andTruro. After teaching school for aboutten years, he followed mercantile life.In politics, he is a Liberal, and hasbeen actively engaged in the welfareof his party for the past twenty years.In 1872, he was elected to the House ofCommons, to represent LunenburgCounty, which he continued to do until1878. In 1882, he was appointed ProvincialSecretary, on the formation ofthe Liberal Government, of whichHon. W. T. Pipes, was Premier, andheld that office until 1884, when on thereconstruction of the Government hewas appointed to his present position.He was married, June 24th, 1884,* toHenrietta A. Pugsley, of Halifax. Inhe is a Protestant.religion,

i6oMKNLFRED EDWIN OULTON,Judge of Probate, Dorchester,N.B., was born March 2nd,1845, at Jolicare, Westmoreland County,N.B. He is the son of ThomasEdwin Oulton, merchant, of the Countyof Westmoreland, and grandson ofMajor Oulton, whose ancestors came tothis country from Yorkshire, England.He graduated from the Sackville Academy,studied law in the office of A. L.Palmer, now Judge in Equity was made;attorney in June, 1867, and barrister inJune, 1868. He then entered into partnershipwith Mr. Palmer, Judge Oultonconducting the business in Dorchester,and Mr. Palmer in St. John, until 1879,when the partnership was dissolved.Judge Oulton is secretary of the Municipalityof Westmoreland, and has beensince its inauguration in June, 1877.He was appointed Judge of Probate in1883, succeeding E. B. Chandler whowas then appointed Lieutenant-Governorof New Brunswick. He wasmarried, June, 1883, to Katherine D.,daughter of the late G. B. Esterbrook,of Sackville, N.B. His family consistsof five children. He is a member ofthe Masonic Body, Worshipful Masterof Sussex, No. 4, and member of RoyalArch Knight Templars of St. John.

CANADA. 161McDIARMID,M.D.,it--\ professor of Obstet-V rics aud Gynecology,Manitoba MedicalCollege, Winnipeg, Manitoba,was born July lyth,1854, near St. Thomas, Ont.He finished his earlier educationat the Normal School,Toronto, from which hegraduated in 1871, and thentaught school for someyears, the first two of whichwere at York, HaldiniandCounty. In 1876, he enteredTrinity Medical College,Toronto, where he tookthe first and second yearscholarships, and where, in1879, he carried off the goldmedal, and a fellowship ofthat college. He also graduatedthe same year, withhonors, from Toronto University.He then practicedin Florence, Ont., until1882, when he removed toWinnipeg. Dr. McDiarniidis one of the founders ofManitoba Medical College,and for several years heldthe professorship of generalchemistry, with marked acceptability, ashe does now his more important position,as above indicated. In 1892, he took thecourse of the Post Graduate MedicalSchool and Hospital, of Chicago, therebyfurther qualifying himself for hiswork. He is president of the Manitobabranch of the British Medical Association,and Gynecologist to St. BonifaceHospital. The Doctor has, quite earlyin life, taken a leading place in theranks of his profession, and his pastsuccess surely indicates a bright future.He isa member of the A.F. & A.M., isa P.M. of Ancient Landmark Lodge,No.3, G.R.M., and a member ofPrince Rupert's Chapter No. 52, RoyalArch Masons, G.R.U. He also belongsto the I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W., S.O.S.,C.O.F., A.O.F., and has been for fourconsecutive years Grand Councillor ofthe R.T. of T. of Manitoba. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, an elder inSt. Andrew's Church, Winnipeg, andin politics, a Liberal. In 1880, Dr.McDiarniid was married to Emma L.R. Brett, daughter of James Brett, Esq.,and sister of Dr. R. G. Brett, of Banff,N.W.T., and of Mrs. W. W. Buchanan,wife of the well-known editor of theRoyal Templar, Hamilton. He has twochildren, one son and one daughter.

l62>EV. JOHN MACLEAN, M.A.,Ph. D., Methodist Minister,Port Arthur, Ont, was born1880-89, in Kilmarnoclc, Scotland, October 3oth,1851. His parents were John and Alice(Stevenson) Maclean. Dr. Macleanreceived his education at the BurghAcademy, Dumbarton, Scotland, andVictoria College, Cobourg, Canada,graduating in Arts in 1882, and M.A.in 1887. He then pursued a post graduatecourse at the Wesleyan University,Bloomington, 111., obtaining hisPh.D. in 1888. He was ordained atHamilton, Ont., in June, 1880, and thenlabored among the Blood Indians fromat Moosejaw, Assiniboia,from 1889 to 1892,and in the latter year wasstationed at Port Arthur,Ont. Dr. Maclean wasjournal secretary of theManitoba Conference, 1888-92, and secretary in thelatter year. From 1884 to1888, he was correspondentfor the British Associationon the North-West Tribesof Canada. He was appointedinspector of publicschools for Southern Albertain 1886, and wasa member of the North-West Board ofEducation,1888-92, and of the North-West Board of Examiners,1889-92. He is also amember of the CanadianInstitute, Toronto, of theAmerican Society for theAdvancement of Science,corresponding member ofthe Manitoba Historical Society,Winnipeg, and historianof Manitoba Conference.He is also an authorof considerable note, andamong his publications maybe mentioned "The Indians of Canada,""James Evans," "The Hero of theSaskatchewan," " Methodist Annual,1885," "Lone Land Lights," andseveral pamphlets on Ethnological subjects.He iscorrespondent for theBureau of Ethnology, SmithsonianInstitution, and a frequent contributorto magazines, under the nom de " plume ofRobin Rustler." He has also writtenand lectured extensively on the languageand customs of the BlackfootIndians. Dr. Maclean was married, in1880, to Sarah Annie Barker, who didgrand work among the Blood Indians.His family consists of four children.

CANADA. 163JOHN JAMESMcFADDEN,M.D., Practicing Physician andticing at Brussels and Atwood, Ont.,for two years, he removed toSurgeon, and Postmaster, Neepawa,Man., was born December 2ist,Neepawa,Man., in July, 1882, where he has a1856, at Mornington, Perth large practice. He is health officer forCounty,Out. His parents were Moses andElizabeth (Hamilton) McFadden. Theformer was a prominent land surveyor appointed postmaster July ist, 1889.and civilengineer in Ontario and In religion, he is an Episcopalian, andManitoba, now living in Neepawa. Dr. in politics, a Conservative. He is aMcFadden is descended from Irish and Past Chancellor K. of P., and a P.M.U.E. Loyalist stock. He was educated Mason. Dr. McFadden was married,in public schools, and subsequently at December i5th, 1886, to Miss Elizabeththe Stratford, Ont., High School. Heentered Toronto School of Medicine,and graduated in 1879. After prac-the town, and coroner for the Provinceof Manitoba. He was for some yearschairman of the School Board. He wasCaroline, daughter of Amos Williams,of Lindsay, Ont., by whom he has twosons and one daughter.

164 CANADA.BRUNET, manager LaBanque Nationale, Montreal,Que., was born August 24th,1844. He was educated at the MontrealCollege, Montreal. After fillingvarious positions of trust and responsibility,he was, in the year 1870, appointedmanager of the MetropolitanBuilding Society, and so continueduntil 1888. He displayed great abilityin managing the affairs of this institution,and in 1888, was offered theimportant position of manager of LaBanque Nationale, which he accepted,and still continues to discharge theimportant duties of his office, withboth to the bank andgreat satisfaction,to the public. He is greatly interestedin military matters, and took first andsecond certificates in the MilitarySchool, under Lord Russell. He <strong>com</strong>manded,with the rank of captain, a<strong>com</strong>pany in active service in Fredericksburg,after the St. Alban's raid in1865. Mr. Brunet is also a member ofthe Montreal Board of Trade. In reli-he is a Roman Catholic. Hegion,was married to Miss Kliza Chagnon,daughter of Hon. Judge Chagnon,of St. Johns. His family consists ofthree children, two daughters andone son.

165V TON. DAVID MARR WALcrMKER, County Court JudgeV> ofthe Eastern Judicial Districtof Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., was bornOctober 3rd, 1835, in Norfolk County,Out. His parents were Solomon andSarah (Osborne) Walker. On hispaternal side, he is descended fromBishop Walker, who fell at the battleof Derry, and on his maternal side,from U. E. Loyalist stock. He waseducated at the public and Grammarschools of Simcoe, Ont., and TorontoUniversity. He then entered the lawoffice of Henry Eccles, Toronto, wherehe remained for three years. He wassubsequently two years withM. M. Vankoghnet, Toronto,and was admitted to theBar in 1861, after which hepracticed his profession atSimcoe, Ont., until April,1870. He was a captain inthe 39th battalion, NorfolkRifles, and was in activeservice during the Fenianraid in 1870, and joined theWolseley forces with therank of lieutenant. Whenthe Wolseley expeditionwas disbanded on the RedRiver, in May, 1871, JudgeWalker was one of thefifteen who remained inManitoba, and was admittedto the Manitoba Bar in Juneof the same year. He wasthe first lawyer in thethe first solici-North-West,tor for the city of Winnipeg,and the first Crown Prosecutorfor the Province ofManitoba. He was AttorneyGeneral from October4th, 1878, until his appointmentto the Bench, in July,1882. He has had an unusuallysuccessful and brilcareer.From early life, heliantevinced those traits of character, whichhave so materially aided in placinghim in his present honorable position.He brought to the discharge of theduties of his important trust, not onlya sound and thorough education, butalso a well balanced judicial mind.Judge Walker is a 32 Degree ScottishRite Mason, but on receiving hispresent appointment, took his demitfrom all lodges. He was married, July2ist, 1857, to Anna Bella, daughter ofJohn Anderson, of Port Dover, Ont., bywhom he has one son, G. H. Walker,Protonotary Queen's Bench, Winnipeg.

1 66AJOR JOHN DA-LEY, Digby, N.S,was born in St.John County, N.B., in 1842.He received his educationin the public schools, andwhen sixteen years of age,went to St. John, and engagedas clerk with JohnMarvin, general merchant,where he remained until1865, when he removed toDigby, where he establishedand is stillmanaging thatpopular resort the " RoyalHotel." When in that cityhe joined the Prince ofWales Battery, in 1863, asgunner, and left it withthe rank of sergeant, at theend of 28 days camp of instructionat Fredericton,N.B., where he passed examinationbefore a board ofofficers, and was re<strong>com</strong>mendedfor a <strong>com</strong>mission inthe Canadian Militia, inJuly, 1865. On going toDigby, immediately after,he was appointed secondlieutenant of " D " Battery.The following year he wasmade first lieutenant, and at the lastGrandgeneral field day review, by Capt.Hardy, R.A,, was detailed in charge ofCapt. John W. Turnbull's Company, theCaptain being absent. Soon after thisa change took place, the militia weredisbanded, officers retired, and volunteerscalled to serve three years.On the 24th of October, 1873, under thenew " law, The Digby Battery of GarrisonArtillery," was gazetted with JohnDaley, as captain, provisionally this;rank was made substantive in 1878,and that of major given him in 1883.Major Daley is a member of the MasonicOrder, a Past Senior Warden of theLodge of A.F. & A.M., in NovaScotia, and representative of the GrandLodge of the State of Wyoming, at thisGrand Lodge. He is also Court DeputyHigh Chief Ranger of the I.O.F.,and Past County Master of the LoyalOrange Association, also chairman ofthe Board of County School Commissioners,and Coroner for Digby County. Inpolitics, he is a Liberal in; religion, anEpiscopalian. He has been marriedtwice :first, in 1864, to Eliza WoodSeaton, third daughter of David Douglass,Esq., York County, N.B.; andsecond, to Sarah Jane, widow of the lateW. T. Bakin, of Digby.

167~Y\/ILLIAM LAW, shippingV \andPeace for his county, and has filled the<strong>com</strong>mission agent, Yarmouth, office of president of the Oriental MarineInsurance Company, and wasN.S. and M.P.P. for Yarmouth, wasborn in Belfast, Ireland, August 5th, appointed manager for Nova Scotia, of1833. In 1847 he came to Canada, the Boston Marine Insurance Company,locating at Yarmouth, and remained in 1881. In 1886, he was chosen bythere for two years, when he removed the Liberal party to represent theto Oxford, Mass., where he remained County of Yarmouth in the Local Legislature.He is an ardent free trader,until 1855, and again returned to Yarmouth,where he has since remained, and desires to have <strong>com</strong>mercial unionas head of the firm of Wm. Law & Co., with the United States. Mr. Lawshipping and <strong>com</strong>mission agents. He was married to Miss Mary A. Brown,is known as an able and honorable daughter of Enoch Brown, Esq., ofbusiness man, and is one of the most Douglas, Massachusetts, who representedthat town in the Massachusettsinfluential residents of Yarmouth. In1870 he was appointed a Justice of the Legislature.

i68 OF S CANADA.ENJAMIN HENRY TOR-RENS, dentist, Fredericton,York County, N.B., was bornyears, when he removed to Boston,where he practiced for five years, buton account of ill health, returned againat Bangor, Maine, U.S.A., Januaryloth, 1851. He to is the son of John andFredericton, where he has succeededin working up one of the largest dentalEllen (McGinly) Torrens, both natives practices in the Province of Newof the North of Ireland. He received Brunswick. Considering his brief timehis early education at the schools of in the profession, and the delay causedBangor, and afterwards continued it at by sickness, he has made rapid strides,Harvard University, graduating from and has a bright future before him.that university with first-class honors, In 1875, Dr. Torrens was married toin 1872, and taking the degree of Miss Sarah Belle, daughter of Geo.D.M.D., of Harvard Dental College Hatt, Esq., merchant, of Fredericton.also. He then removed to Frederictou, In religion, he is a member of theand <strong>com</strong>menced the practice of his profession,remaining in that city for three theMethodist Church, and also belongs toI.O.O.F.

169~4 TON. SENATOR JOHN NEScrMBITT KIRCHHOFFER, BarvS>rister, Solicitor, etc., Brandon,Manitoba, was born August 5th,1848, at Ballyvourney Rectory, CountyCork, Ireland. His parents were Rev.Richard B. and Isabella (Fairtough)Kirchhoffer. On his father's side,Senator Kirchhoffer is descended froma line of celebrated clergymen, andmany of his mother's ancestors weremilitary people. He was educated atMarlborough College, England, and<strong>com</strong>ing to America in September 1864,settled in Port Hope, Ontario, where hestudied law with his uncle, NesbittKirchhoffer, Q. C., until1871, when he was called tothe Bar. He then formed apartnership with his uncle,which lasted three years,and in 1874, he began privatepractice in Millbrook,Ont. He founded the PlumCreek Settlement in Manitoba,and in 1882, settledthere. He was Reeve ofGlenwood municipality forsome years, and founded thewell-known town of Souris.He was elected member forthe Western Judicial Districtof Manitoba, was chairmanin 1885, and in 1886,was elected M.P.P. for WestBrandon. He removed toBrandon in 1886, and wasappointed manager for theManitoba Branch of the ImperialLoan Company ofToronto, which he conductsin addition to his generalpractice. He was appointeda senator, by the ConservativeGovernment, in 1882.Senator Kirchhoffer has alwaysbeen an enthusiasticathlete. He is a memberof the Canadian Cricket Association,and on two occasions has captained theCanadian teams against the UnitedStates, in international games. He wasmarried, first, to Miss Ada, daughter ofthe late Dr. Win. Smith, and niece of thelate Hon. Sydney Smith, of Cobourg,Ont., on June i5th, 1871 she died in;1874; and he was again married toMiss Clara, eldest daughter of the lateRev. J. B. Howard, of Guelph, Ont.His family consists of two daughters,living. The present Mrs. Kirchhoffer,is well and widely known in literarycircles, and has contributed to many ofthe leading periodicals and magazines.

170 CANADA.JOHN LOVELL MEIKLE,dealer in pianos, organs, etc.,Port Arthur, Ont., was bornAugust nth, 1848, at Lachute, Que.His father was Wm. Meikle, and hismother Dora Lovell, the former ofScotch descent. Mr. Meikle receivedhis education at the <strong>com</strong>mon schoolsand Collegiate Institute, Lachute. Afterhaving served several years as clerk ingeneral mercantile business, he removedto Port Arthur, in 1882, andestablished the " Bazar," which hasgrown to large proportions, and isknown for hundreds of miles East andWest, to be by far the most attractivecmart in Port Arthur, and which woulddo credit to a large city. The bestevidence of Mr. Meikle's businessability, is the fact that, since he establishedhis business, he has done atrade of over $300,000, without suing acustomer, or putting them towhile expense,$300 would probably representthe amount of his losses, in givingcredit. He is in the fullest sense, aself-made man, having started withlittle capital, but by close attention tobusiness and fair dealing, he has won ahigh degree of success. His practicalknowledge of trade, enables him to goto European markets, and buy directfrom the manufacturers.He has great faith in thefuture of Western Ontario,and owns considerable realestate in that section, andhas a vote in every municipalityof the district ofAlgoma West, and in everyward of Port Arthur. In1886, he made a tour ofGreat Britain and Germany,also visited the Colonial Exhibition,London, where hefound the Canadian MineralExhibit unprovided for, andat considerable personal expense,assisted in securing achoice location for the same.In religion, Mr. Meikle is aprominent and influentialPresbyterian, and in politics,a Reformer. He is also aHigh School Trustee, aCommissioner of PublicParks, and local agent ofthe Canada Life AssuranceCompany. He was married,Aug. a8th, 1873, to JeannieMilne, youngest daughter ofAlex. Milne, Esq., Meaford,Ont. He has two children,one boy and one girl.

171JAMESCHARLES Mc-DEVITT, Fredericton, N.B.,was born in the city of St.John, N.B., May nth, 1823. He is theson of Geo. McDevitt and Rose McMonenomy,natives of the North of Ireland.Father McDevitt received his primaryeducation at the schools of St. John,and his classical and theological trainingat Wilmington, Delaware, andPhiladelphia, U.S.A., graduating withhonors, but being too young for ordination,he entered the Grand Seminary,Quebec. In 1847, the Y ear of the shipfever, he was asked to go to the QuarantineStation at Grosse Isle, manyof the priests having died, and a largenumber being laid up with the fever.He consented to go, and was ordainedpriest, and immediately started for theQuarantine Station, and after nursingthere for some time, was stricken downwith the disease, and had to be removedto the Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Quebec,where he was ill with the fever forthirteen weeks. When convalescent,he removed to Fredericton, and stayedwith the bishop, and has had charge ofthe parish since that time, with the exceptionof a short term at St. Andrew's.His missions extend over thirty miles,and are prospering under his ministry.

172 MEN OR CANA IDA.JOHNHOLDSWORTH, Judgeof Probate Court of the Countyof Digby, N.S., and StipendiaryMagistrate of the town of Digby,was born May ipth, 1830, in that place.His parents were Thomas and Lucy(Titus) Holds worth, the former beinga manufacturer in Digby, and an activeworker in the Methodist Church. JudgeHoldsworth was educated in the privateschools and county academy of hisbirth place, and received a good businesstraining. He is a Justice of thePeace for his county, and Commissionerin the Supreme and County Courts. Hewas elected Warden of the county, underthe County Incorporation Act, in 1880,and held that office for three years.He afterwards received the appointmentof County Treasurer, and resigned thatoffice to take the office of Judge of ProbateCourt, in 1886. He has filled thevarious high and important positionsto which he has been appointed, withmuch credit to himself and dignity tothe offices. Judge Holdsworth wasmarried, in 1857, to Mrs. CharlotteElizabeth Wright. His family consistsof a son and a daughter, both now marriedand living in the United States.In politics, Judge Holdsworth is aLiberal.

JONES, M.B., Toronto; London, where he remained fourteen. M.D., Manitoba; M.C.P.S.O., months. InJR.1881, Dr. Jones returnedL.R.C.P., London; F.O.S., to Canada and located in Winnipeg,England; Winnipeg, Man., was born Man. He is one of the incorporatorsin Toronto, Ont. He received his educationat the Toronto Collegiate Insti-eight years was professor of the prin-of Manitoba Medical College, and fortute, Toronto University, Toronto ciples and practice of medicine, in thatSchool of Medicine, and London Hospital,London, Eng. After graduating much acceptance and ability. He is ainstitution, and filled the position withfrom the Toronto School of Medicine, member of the acting staff of the WinnipegGeneral Hospital, and a memberin the year 1878, he went to GreatBritain, and for two years attended the of the Council of the College of Physiciansand Surgeons, Manitoba, repre-London Hospital, where he was appointedhouse physician. He was afterwardsappointed superintendent of the Manitoba University. He is also asenting that body on the Council ofHospital for Women, Soho Square, member of the Provincial Board ofHealth. Dr. Jones is G.M.E. of the Grand Lodge ofthe Ancient Order UnitedWorkmen, in the Provinceof Manitoba, and in religion,belongs to the EpiscopalianChurch. From thewide and general estimationin which the Doctor is heldin his profession,it wouldseem that he has not onlythe ambition, but also theability to make the mostof the unexceptional advantages,which have fallen tohis lot. Dr. Jones takes adeep interest in the educationalinstitutions of hisadopted province, especiallythe University of Manitoba,founded in the year 1877.His views regarding its futureusefulness and prosperityare so enthusiastic,that they may be justlydeemed as visionary. Dr.Jones was married, Jan. 5th,1887, to Margaret E., daughterof James Dennistown,Esq., Q. C., of Peterboro,Ont. His family consistsof one son.

'74 1VIKN CANADA.. LORAN ELLIS BAKER, the town and province. Mr. Baker hasM.L.C., steamboat manager, been married three times :first, in 1857,Yarmouth, N.S., was bornMay 1 3th, 1831, at Yarmouth. He isthe son of Ellis and Delina Baker. Hispaternal ancestors were from Massachusetts,while his maternal ancestors in 1873, to Mary I., daughter of GeorgeParish, M.D., of Yarmouth and; third,were early settlers in Barrington, ShelburneCounty, N.S. Mr. Baker re-N.S. His family consists of one daugh-B. Creighton, Esq., of Dartmouth,ceived his education in Yarmouth, ter and three sons, living. His daughter,<strong>com</strong>pleting it at the Academy in thatplace. He Florence Mary, was married inbecame a clerk in the establishmentof W. to Hon. Walter G. Stopford,1893,H. Townsend, a leadingmerchant of Yarmouth, and Royal Navy, third<strong>com</strong>mander in thein 1855, son of the late Earl of Courtown, hisembarked in general business and ship sons George Prescott, Victor Stanley,building, in <strong>com</strong>pany with John Young, Seymour Creighton, are at school.the firm's name beingYoung & Baker. Thispartnership was dissolvedin 1864, and since thenMr. Baker has been operatingalone, as general shipowner, banker, etc. He wasappointed to the LegislativeCouncil in 1878, to representthe Liberal party. In1872, he founded a museumand public library, which isfree to the <strong>com</strong>munity. Heis president of the Bank ofYarmouth, the YarmouthSteamship Company, theYarmouth Marine RailwayCompany, Yarmouth AgriculturalSociety, MountainCemetery Company, YarmouthWoollen Mill Company,Grand Hotel Company,and is a director inChurch, Yarmouth. He isone of the most enterprisingmen in Nova Scotia, and itishoped that his importantlifemay be long spared tothe Eastern Assurance Company.He is a member ofthe Episcopal Church, anda vestryman of Trinityto Mary E., eldest daughter of JosephB. Bond, M.D., of Yarmouth; second,in 1870, to Frances L, daughter of H. G.

MKNCANADA.CLARENCE SHARP, M.D.,ISAAC C.M., Marysville, York County,N.B., was born at Studholm, KingsCounty, N.B., November 25th, 1856.He is the son of Isaac N. and BathshebaSharp, both of Studholm. He receivedhis early education at the schools ofMillstream, the Grammar School, Harnton,and the Normal School, Fredericton.He then taught school for two years,after which he entered the CollegiateInstitute, Fredericton, graduating withfirst-class honors. After teaching againfor two years, he entered McGill University,Montreal, to study medicine,graduating in 1884, with the degreeof M.D., C.M. After graduation, hewas for a time resident surgeon of theGeneral Hospital, Montreal, and inJune, 1885, <strong>com</strong>menced his practice inMarysville, N.B., where he has achievedmuch success. Dr. Sharpis a memberof the I.O.O.F., I.O.F., and the Maritimeand New Brunswick Medical associations,and ispresident of thelatter. He has been a member of theMarysville Town Council since its inauguration.In politics, he is a Conservative,and in religion, an Episcopalian.On July 6th, 1887, he marriedHelen J., daughter of Cosmo F. McLeod,Esq., of Belleisle, Kings County, N.B.

I7 6,EV. GEORGE BEST PAYSON,retired Methodist Minister, Fredericton,York County, NewBrunswick, was born at that place,September 8th, 1825. He is the son ofP. Edward Paysoii, of Annapolis, N.S.,and Jane McKeau, of Majorville, nowdeceased. He received his primaryeducation at Jacksontown, N.B., andHoulton, Maine, U.S.A., and finishedhis studies at Mount Allison University,Sackville, N.B. He was ordainedto the Methodist ministry, July ist,1857, at Sackville, N.B., and his firstcharge was at Richibucto, N.B., andfrom there he went to Hampton, N.B.,afterwards to St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax,N.S., Burlington, N.S., Dorchester,N.B., St. David's, N.B., Gagetown,N.B., Sussex, N.B., Andover, N.B.,Berwick, N.S., and from there to Kingston,King's County, N.B., that beinghis last charge, as he retired from theministry in 1880. Mr. Payson hasbeen married twice :first, July 3rd, 1856,to Sarah, daughter of James Fall, Esq.,of Richibucto, N.B., who died in 1843 '>and second, to Henrietta, daughter ofAlex. Larkett, Esq., of St.John, N.B.,.November i7th, 1875. His familyconsists of three children living. Heis a member of the Masonic Order.

OK 177ISAAC ALLEN JACK,A.B., D.C.L., Q.C.,Barrister and Recorderof the city of St. John,N.B., was born June 26th,1843, in that place. Hisparents were William Jack,Q.C., a leading barrister,now deceased, and EmmaCarleton, his wife. Afterreceiving his early education,Mr. Jack became apupil of the late CanonLee, with whom he studiedfor several years. He afterwardsentered the CollegiateInstitute, Fredericton, fromwhich he matriculated in1859, into King's College,Fredericton, and afterwardsentered King's College,Windsor, N.S., where heobtained the degree of B.A.in 1863, subsequently thatof B.C.L. in 1877, and thatof D.C.L. in 1884. Uponleaving college he began thestudy of law with his father,and was admitted attorneyin October, 1866, and barristerthe following year.He was appointed Recorderof St. John, April, 1885, and upon theunion of the cities of St. John andUniversity of King's College, Windsor,Portland in 1869, he was N.S.; New Brunswick Historical Society,and ex-officio member of MadrasappointedRecorder of the united cities. He was School Board of N.B. He was, for manycreated a Q.C., March i8th, 1891. He years, a member of the Board ofis a member of the Council of the Barristers'Society of New Mechanics' Institute of St. John, asBrunswick, St. director, corresponding secretary, vicepresidentor president. He is at presentJohn Law Society, St. Andrew's Society,Council of Loyalists' Society, lecturer in Ancient, Roman and ComparativeEnglish Common Law, atExecutive Committee of DiocesanChurch Society, Fellow of Literary and King's College Law School. As Recorder,he is deputy mayor, and, on theHistorical Society of Quebec, Fellow ofHaliburton Society, Windsor;member death of one of the mayors, filled theof Associated Alumni, King's College, office of mayor for some months. InWindsor; Faculty Law School, St.John, N. religion, he is a member of the ChurchB., in connection with the of England, and in politics, a Liberal.

I 7 8 M:KN CANADA.JOHN F.MITCHELL, photographer,Winnipeg, Manitoba,was born October i2th, 1862,in Northumberland County, Ont. Hisparents, Samuel and Esther L. (Sweet)Mitchell, are both living, and reside onthe old homestead, near Warkworth,Ont. He received a public school and<strong>com</strong>mercial college education. Wheneighteen years of age, he spent onesummer in the United States, afterwhich he remained at home until 1881,when he removed to Manitoba. Thefirst year, he was in that province, hehad a contract on the C.P.R., and afterthat, learned the trade of machinist, atwhich he rose rapidly, untilhe became a skilled workman.Having always hada penchant for art, in 1888,he bought a half interest ina photographic studio, andwithin one year, was soleproprietor of the same.Since then the volume ofhis business has almostdoubled each year. Hiswork speaks for itself. Photographyrequires neatnessand precision, theskilled machinist has these,which is doubtless the reasonthat so many of themost successful artists ofto-day were formerly machinists.Mr. Mitchell hasone of the largest and mostexpensive cameras in theDominion, and his patronage<strong>com</strong>es from the bestpeople of the city and province.He is now preparingto build one of the finest andbest equipped studios inCanada.Mr. Mitchell is amember of the A.F. & A.M.,R.T. of T. and C.O.F., beingW.M. in the former, andP.C.R. in the latter. In religion, heis an adherent of the Methodist Church,and in politics, a Conservative, takingan active interest in his partyHe affairs.has never aspired to public office,being too much occupied with his businessaffairs to admit of this. Mr.Mitchell was married, January 29th,1890, to Sarah A. H., daughter of JohnR. Mitchell, Esq., of Omemee, Ont.His success results largely from thekeen intelligence brought to bear onhis work. He lives out the motto :"Knowledgeis Power," to which facthis marked success and well-knownskill is due.

OK 179his province, prior to beginningthe study of medicine.He graduated fromBellevue College in 1878,and shortly after was appointedvice-president andprofessor in Natural Sciencein Pennsylvania State NormalSchool. In 1881, hewent to the Province ofManitoba, and for someyears was identified withthe social, educational andpolitical development ofWestern Manitoba, afterwhich he went abroad, pursuinghis studies as aspecialist. While in England,he was assistant tothe late Sir Morell McKenzie,the eminent throat surgeon,and occupied severalpositions in connection withthe Eye and Ear Hospitalsin London. Dr. Morrisonis well up in his profession,and has worked up a largeand satisfactory practice inSt. John, where he is popularalike with the publicand the profession. He belongsto the Masonic andH. MORRISON, M.D., Orange orders, also the Ancient OrderPh.D., andJOSEPHM.C.P.S.M., oculist,St. John, New Brunswick, in the latter. While in Manitoba, heUnited Workmen, and is Past Masterwas inspector of schools for five years,Provincial Coroner and medical healthofficer, and also surgeon to the IndianDepartment. In politics, he is an activeConservative, and has addressed meetingsin the interests of his party, indifferent parts of the Dominion. In religion,New he belongs to the PresbyterianBrunswick;Bellevue College, Church. Dr. Morrison was married inNew York; Guy Hospital, London,1 88 1, to Ida, daughter of T. W. Kierstead,Esq., of Rothesay. Mrs. Mor-England ; Royal Opthalmic Hospital,London; Hotel-Dieu, Paris, France. rison died in 1887. His family consistsHe taught in various high schools inwas born October 26th, 1854, in St.John, N.B. He is the son of Rev.Daniel Morrison and Margaret Turner,the former was a Presbyterian ministerformany years, and superintendent ofEducation in various parts of thecountry. Dr. Morrison was educatedat the High and Normal schools ofof one daughter.

i8o 1VIEN CANADA.THOMAS RYAN, whole-^ sale boot and shoemerchant, and ex-mayor ofWinnipeg, Manitoba, wasborn in 1849, in tne Townof Perth. His parents wereMichael and Sarah (Malynaux)Ryan. When fifteenyears of age, he was apprenticedto Robert Cookary, ofPerth, where he remainedfor five years. In 1874, heremoved to Winnipeg, wherehe, with Mr. McFarlane,began business in a modestway. In 1878, Mr. Ryanbought his partner's interest,and in a few years, businessamounted to $120,000, annually,probably the largestretail boot and shoe trade inthe Dominion. In 1887, heembarked in the wholesaletrade, which has now reachednearly a quarter of a million,annually, and extends fromRat Portage to British Columbia,his business relationshipsbeing of the mostpleasant character. Threeconsecutive years, 1885-86-87, Mr. Ryan was aldermanof his adopted city, and in 1 888 hewas honored with the highest municipalgift in the hands of the people, the mayorality.His rapidly growing business,however, demanded all his attention,and he wisely permitted an honorablemunicipal course to close. Since then,he has sold his large retail business tohis brother, built a magnificent fourstory block, with all modern improvements,in which he carries on hiswholesale trade with great success.In religion, Mr. Ryan is a Methodist,a prominent and influential worker,being a duly appointed local preacher,a class leader and a teacher in theSabbath school. He is also a memberof the R.T. of T., and an earnest advocateof temperance. As alderman,and while the chief magistrate of thecity, Mr. Ryan left his impress forgood in many respects, notably in theRyan Sunday by-law, which closed upplaces illegally open on the Sabbath.In politics, he is a Conservative, andthough often solicited to stand forParliamentary honors, pressure of businesshas always forbidden. Mr. Ryanwas married, in 1881, to Miss AnnieAnderson, of Winnipeg, Man. Hisfamily consists of two sons and fivedaughters.

181ROBBINS, Trtiro,minion, viz: the first PresbyterianChurch, Truro, N.S., which was organizedSeptember i3th, 1770. He is thepied the parish from 1772 to 1810,Rev. John Waddell, whobecame Mr. Cock's assistantand successor in 1798, heldthe post until 1837, whenDr. D. MacCulloch becameminister in 1839, retiring in1886, in which year Mr.Robbins was called and inducted.In the Maritimeprovinces, he is prominentlyassociated with the HomeMission Committee, andtakes a deep interest in theaggressive work of the PresbyterianChurch. He alsoclaims quite a clerical circle,his grand-uncle being oneof the prominent mission-Heroic Church of the Moravians.He has travelledactive part in the work ofthe Church, both Synodand Assemblies. Prior tohis residence in Nova Scotia,.JOHN Ontario, and thatpastorates,N.S., is the son of the late so many Ontario men occupy similarRev. Charles Robbins, atone time clergyman in Oxford, andlater Norwich, England. He was bornat High Wy<strong>com</strong>be, famous as the seat people,of the Disraeli family. Mr. Robbins ac<strong>com</strong>plished by Confederation,by the union of the churches withoccupies a unique position in the Presbyterianpastorate, in that he is minister Mrs. Robbins is the daughter of theone Presbyterian Church in Canada.of the oldest congregation in the Do-fourth pastor of this venerable congregation,came from Dumfriesshire, Scotland, inRev. Daniel Cock having occu-1803, and was amongst the first settlersin the County of Wentworth, Ont.aries, in connection with theextensively, and takes anMr. Robbius was pastor ofSt. Andrew's Church, Glen-that so many Maritime Provinceholdcoe, Ont., and is well knownin that province. The factpositions in the East, is another proofof the unity of the Dominion, and thefusion of the best interests of thelate George Brown, Esq., of Milton,Ontario, one of the best known men inthe County of Haltoii. Her grandfatherwas Alexander Brown, who

182F. HUTCHINGS, wholesaledealer and manufacturer of saddleryand harness, Winnipeg,Manitoba, was born June near I3th, 1855,Newboro, Leads County, Out. Hisparents were Elijah and Harriet (Gifford)Hutchings, of Somersetshire, Enggland.When fifteen years of age, hewent to learn the saddlery and harnesstrade, and at eighteen, returned to hisfather's farm. In 1876, he went out toManitoba. When he reached Winnipeg,in 1875, things did not look promising,yet he never despaired of theultimate prosperity of the Province.He shrewdly invested all his earningsand all he could borrow, in half breedscript, at from thirty to sixty-four dollarseach. In 1877, he sold out at onehundred and fifteen dollars each, andwith the capital, some three thousanddollars went into business. In 1879,Mr. Hutchings became a partner ofRobert Stalker, and their business grewrapidly. In 1884, he became sole proprietorand, to-day, does a business ofnearly a quarter of a million per annum,for besides his Winnipeg stock ofone hundred thousand dollars, and atrade that extends from the great lakes tothe Pacific, he owns large retail establishments,inWinnipeg, Neepawa, PrinceAlbert and Portage LaPrairie, which carry stocksaveraging ten thousand dollarseach. As a man ofintegrity and liberal publicspirit, Mr. Hutchingsisheld in universal esteem.He is a prominent workerin the higher Masonic Arts,a trustee of the City SinkingFund, a director of the PermanentMortgage and TrustCompany, a large stockholderin the Great WestLife Assurance Company,has been city alderman, andhas often been pressed tostand for Parliamentary honors,but pressure of businesshas forbidden. His brickblocks, in Winnipeg andother towns, and his palatialresidence, " Gifford Hall,"are a fitting tribute to his en-In religion, he is aterprise.Presbyterian, and in politics,an influential Liberal-Conservative.On Oct. 3rd, 1882,he was married to Sarah,daughter of Mr. Denby, ofNewboro, Ont. His familyconsists of four children.

MEN OR CANADA. 1 8;OYLE TRAVERS, A.B., M.D.,T.C.D., St. John, N.B., wasborn in September, 1824, ingraduated from that institution, A.B.,M.B. He afterwards came to America,and started to practice his profession,Clonakilty, County Cork, Ireland. in which he has had remarkable success.Boyle, though a surname, is the Christianname of the elder branch of the Board of Health, and School Trustee,Dr. Travers has been president of theTravers family, taken from one of the and at presentis a member of the Senatefamily intermarrying with Boyle, Earl ofof Cork. He the University of New Brunswick. Inis the son of Dr. Boyle politics, he is a Liberal, and in religion,Travers and Dorothea Heagarty. Left a Roman Catholic. He was married inan orphan at the age of five years, he becamea ward of chancery, under the Sweeny. His family consists of two1864, to the youngest sister of Bishopguardianship of Mr. Kearney, principal sons and four daughters. His eldestof Lord Shannon Endowed School, Clonakilty.At the age of fifteen, he en-McGill College, and his second son issou is an M.D., and graduated fromtered Trinity College, Dublin, and practicing dentistry.

184 CANADA.,EV. MARK C. RUMBALL,B.A., Pastor of Knox PresbyterianChurch, Morden,Manitoba, was born April i6th, 1857,at Clinton, Ont. His father, EbenezerRumba.ll, was English, and his motherMartha Cassils, was Irish. Mr. Rumballreceived his education at the Holmesvillepublic school, the Jones CommercialCollege, London, Out., andthe Clinton High School. He thentaught school for two years, and attendedthe Cobourg Collegiate Institute, alittle over one year, after which he enteredVictoria College, Cobourg, fromwhich he graduated in 1886. His theologicalcourse was taken in Kuox College,Toronto, where he graduated inthe Spring of 1889. He visited Manitobathat Summer, and received a callto High Bluff and Prospect, where hewas ordained October 8th, 1889. Heentered his present charge, January ist,1893. His diligent labors have beenrewarded by a large measure of success,and the Morden church is now beingenlarged. Mr. Rumball is a member ofthe I.O.F., and a Reformer in politics.He was married, September i8th, 1889,to Miss Emily, daughter of RobertMcCullagh, of Cobourg, Ont., by whomhe has two daughters.

,N.S.185,EV. RALPH BRECKEN, M.A.,D.D., Methodist Minister, Fredericton,York County, N.B..was born in Charlottetown, P.E.I.,September 23rd, 1845. He is the sonof Ralph Brecken and Phoebe MariaWright, both of Prince Edward Island.On his father's side he is descendedfrom U.E. Loyalist stock, while hismother was of English descent, andher father was administrator of theGovernment in Prince Edward Island,during the interval of the Governmentof Britain appointingHe a Governor.received his early education inCharlottetown, P.E.I., principally atthe Prince of Wales College, and continuedit in England, where he enteredthe matriculation class of theLondon University at Wesley College,Sheffield, England, and on his returnto Canada, studied for three years witha practicing physician in Charlottetown.He then entered Sackville University,taking the <strong>com</strong>plete course, and graduatingfrom that institution with firstclassrecord, and the degree of B.A.He was ordained in 1874, to the ministryof the Methodist Church, and hisfirst charge was in the city of St. John.From there he went to Halifax, wherehe remained for nine years, with alsothree years at Windsor,He was then transferredto the Sackville, N.B.,circuit, but his health givingway, he spent two years intravel and study in Palestineand Egypt, and on his returnto America, resumedstudy in Boston, Mass., andthen entered on the staff ofMount Allison University,Sackville, N.B., where heremained three years. Hewas then <strong>com</strong>pelled to retireon account of ill health, butwith rest, he hopes to regainthis and resume active workagain. Mr. Brecken wasmarried, January 6th, 1876,to Jessie, youngest daughterof Aaron Eaton, Esq., shipbuilder, of St. John, N.B.His family consists of threechildren living. He is amember of the I.O.O.F.,but has not been activelyconnected with the societyfor some time on account ofthe state of his health. Inpolitics, he is an Independent,although favoring theConservative policy.

186 MEN OR,EV. JOHN SEMMENS, MethodistClergyman, Winnipeg,Manitoba, was born JanuaryQth, 1850, in Penzance, Cornwall,England. His parents were John andSarah Semmens. His father was aminer who, through accident, was laidaside in mid-life, makingitnecessaryfor the eldest son to go into the minesat the early age of eight, in order tohelp in the support of the family.Kept from the <strong>com</strong>mon school by hisdaily duties, he nevertheless so improvedhis spare time, that when eighteen,he was able to pass the preliminaryexamination at Victoria College,Cobourg. He remained atfounded Fisher River Mission, in 1876,and in 1886-89 na^ charge of a800 field,by 350 miles. His self-sacrifice anduntiring energy, cannot fail to leave amarked impress for good. He isverypopular with his congregation, andwith the clergy. He was secretary ofConference in 1883 a d in 1891, waselected to the presidency in 1892, was amember of the General Conference in1890, and of the General Board ofMissions in 1891. He was chairmanof the Winnipeg District in 1890-93.He was married in 1878, to Helen KalistaBehimer of Dundas. His familyconsists of five sons and two daughters.college nearly three ,years,working his own way bythe sale of books, and byprivate tuition, until hiscall to the ministry in 1870.He was ordained in 1872, inHamilton, Ont., by theRev. William Morley Punshon,L.L.D., Rev. EnochWood, D.D., and Rev. S.D. Rice, D.D. His earlycharges were Walkerville,:Chatham, Dundas, Davenportand Bruce Mines. Hewas sent to the Red Rivercountry, in 1872, where hebecame the assistant of theRev.George Young, D.D.Subsequently he was incharge of Zion Church,Winnipeg ; Emerson, Manitoba; Norway House, NelsonHouse, and BerensRiver, Keewatin, servingas missionary to the Indians,and after his returnto civilization, at Carberry,Wesley Church, and MeDougall Church,Winnipeg.He was the first regular missionaryat Nelson House,

187,EV. JOSEPH THO-MAS PARSONS,F.C., Baptist Minister,Marysville, YorkCounty, New Brunswick,was born at Newfield, Maine,U.S.A., December 9th,1828. He is the son ofStephen and Eliza Parsons,both of the State of Maine,wheremoved to New Bruns--wick in 1831, and settled inWoodstock. Mr. Parsonsreceived his early educationat the schools of Woodstock,N.B., and took his highertraining at Foxcraft Academy,Maine, graduating fromthat institution with firstclasshonors. He was ordainedto the ministry ofthe Baptist Church, July4th, 1861, at Nashwaak,N.B., by the Revs. Geo.A. Hartley, J. Gunter, W.Downey and W. Kinghorn.His firstcharge was atNashwaak, and Marysvillefor one year, after which hewas pastor of the First F. C.Baptist Church, Woodstock,N.B., from July, 1862, untilJuly, 1865, and from the latter time,until July, 1866, he was engaged inHome mission work. After this hewas pastor of the church at NorthHead, Grand Manan, until 1867, whenhe returned to his pastorate at Woodstock,remaining there until 1869, andin October of that year accepted a callto the First Church, St. John, N.B.,where he continued for twenty-twoyears. He then removed to Marysville,where he is also pastor of the churchesof Nashwaak and Gibson. Sinceoccupying his present charge, he hasreceived a large number of new membersinto his church. During his longterm in the ministry, he has baptizedupwards of 900 persons, and has beenhonored with gratifying success whereeverhe has labored. Mr. Parsons wasmarried, September 3rd, 1851, to SarahA., daughter of H. Larlee, Esq., ofPerth, Victoria County, New Brunswick.His family consists of twodaughters. Mr. Parsons has done goodwork in several temperance organizations.But few have had the honor tospend over thirty years in continuouswork for the good of humanity, and atthe eventide of life to be found engagedwith unabated vigor, in labors abundantfor the welfare of others.

i88paring for the same, wasordained at the MontrealConference, in Brockville,Ontario, in 1885. The tiesof blood and early associationwould lead him to thePresbyterian fold, but to bea Methodist, however, iswith him a matter of pureconviction. While enthusiasticallyloyal to theChurch of his choice, he hasa warm love for the historicfaith of his fathers. Hisrise in the Church hasbeen rapid, having been stationedin such importantcharges as Prescott, Pittsburg,Perth, and now Winnipeg,Manitoba, to whichlatter charge he received acordial and unanimous call1891, and upon retiringfrom that conference to enterupon his present pastorate,he was honored by thepassing,EV. WILLIAM GOOLD HEN-highly <strong>com</strong>plimentaryresolution of thanks for hisDERSON, Pastor of Zion by thatMethodist body. In addition toChurch, Winnipeg,the above mentioned appointments, heManitoba, was born in Ayr, Scot-has received invitations to several ofland, in 1850. His father was Rev. the most desirable congregations in theJoseph Henderson, pastor of the ReformedPresbyterian Church, of that place, eloquent and forcible speaker, ofdenomination. Mr. Henderson is anand his mother was the pleasingaddress, an active and zealousdaughter of thelate Rev. William Goold, and a sister worker in every good cause which heundertakes. He is affable and courteousto all, and a kind and sympathizingpastor. He is also an earnest andinfluential worker in the temperancestudied law for a time, but, upon joining cause. Mrs. Henderson is the daughterthe Methodist Church, felt called to thework andof the Rev. William Henry Goold, DD.,who has been for fifty years pastorof the Martyr's Church, Edinburgh.After receiving his early education, hein 1892. Although beingso recently connected withthe ministry, he was electedto the office of secretary ofthe Montreal Conference inof the late Henry Lee, Esq., of Lyn, Out.He has one son and one daughter.

OF S CANADA. 189,EV. JOSEPH HOGG, Pastorof St. Andrew's Presbyterian_ Church, Winnipeg, Man.,was born at Clyde River, ShelburneHeCounty, N.S., February 8th, 1841.is the son of Alexander Hogg, of thatplace. His early childhood was spentat Barrington, N.S., and when seventeenyears of age, he obtained a firstclasslicense as public school teacher,and while prosecuting his studies,taught in three Superior Schools of theprovince for five years. He took hisarts course in the Presbyterian Seminary,Truro, and his theological coursein the Presbyterian College, Halifax.He was licensed by the Presbytery ofHalifax, and immediately began totravel over a considerable portion ofCanada and the United States, andthen went to Edinburgh, where he tookthe senior course in the regular classesin the United Presbyterian College andafterwards the senior course in the NewCollege. After travelling a good dealin Europe, Asia and Africa, givingspecial attention to Syria and Palestine,he returned to Nova Scotia, in 1867,and accepted work as a probationer.He was ordained in October, 1868, andaccepted a call from the Presbyteriancongregation of Cornwallis, where heremained six and one halfyears. His next charge wasMoncton, where he remaineduntil June, 1888. Whenhe entered upon this charge,the membership was only47, and when he left, itwas upwards of 500. Hewas called to St. Andrew'sChurch, Winnipeg, in May,1888, and became pastor ofthat church in July, of thatand has received up-year,wards of 800 into full <strong>com</strong>munion,since his pastoratethere. He was, for twoyears, president of theMinisterial Association ofWinnipeg, and is now presidentof the ManitobaBranch of the DominionAlliance, and vice-presidentof the Manitoba League,which he was chiefly instrumentalin organizing. Heis also a member of theI.O.O.F. He was marriedin Sept., 1871, to MaryCogswell, daughter of thelate Henry B. Webster, ofKentville, N.S. His familyconsists of fourj daughters.

190 1VEENCANON EDWYN SAN-DYS WETMORE PENT-REATH, B.D., Rector ofChrist Church, Winnipeg, was bornDecember 5th, 1846, at Clifton, KingsCounty, N.B. His parents were the lateCaptain Edwin Pentreath, formerly ofCornwall, Eng., and Elizabeth, eldestdaughter of the late Colonel Justus S.Wetmore, J. C. P., of Clifton, N. B.Canon Pentreath was educated in England,and returned to New Brunswick in1866. He entered the General TheologicalSeminary of New York in 1869, fromwhich he graduated in 1872. In the sameyear, he was ordained deacon at SouthOrange, N.J., by the Bishopof New Jersey, and enteredon the charge of GraceChurch, Rutherford Park,N.J. In 1874, he was ordainedpriest at Fredericton,the late Metropo-N.B., bylitan of Canada, and becamerector of St. GeorgeChurch, Moncton, N.B.,where, for eight years, hislabors were greatly blessed.In 1882, Canon Pentreathaccepted his present positionand the fruits of his labors,in Winnipeg, have justifiedin a very marked degree, thewisdom of the appointment.His work in a parish, largein numbers, and not strongfinancially, has been veryarduous, but his success hasbeen most gratifying. Alldenominations speak of himin the highest terms, onaccount of his wide andliberal views, his eloquence,and general worth. In 1886,he was appointed RuralDean of Selkirk, and HonoraryCanon of St. John's Cathedral,Winnipeg, in 1891,the firstappointment of the kind madein the diocese. In 1887, ne becameB.D. of St. John's College, and examinerin Exegetical Theology. Hewas appointed chaplain to the 9istBattalion, in 1885. He has also beenconnected with the cause of temperance,and was for some time president of theDominion Alliance. In 1879, in conjunctionwith Rev. J. D. H. Browne,then of Halifax, N.S., he founded theChurch Guardian and was for years itsassociate editor. In 1875, he was marriedto Clara Woodford,' third daughterof the late S. Sayre, barrister of Dorchester,N.B. He has three children.

MKN OF" 191JOHN LOUISCARLETON,Barrister-at-Law, St. John,N.B.,was born October ist, 1861, atSt. John. His parents were Williamand Bridget Carleton. He received hiseducation at the Christian Brothers'School, St. John, and then enteredupon the study of law, was admitted, asattorney, in October, 1882, called to theBar in Michaelmas Term ofthe followingyear, and has since that time practicedhis profession in St. John, where he hassucceeded in building up an importantand remunerative clientage. He belongsto the Catholic Mutual BenefitAssociation, is president of Branch 134,and a member of the Executive of theGrand Council of Canada. He is alsoan official referee in Equity, appointedby the Provincial Government. Mr.Carleton has made rapid progress inhis profession, having, very early inlife, reached a desirable standing amonghis fellows in law, and his past successeswould indicate for him a brilliantfuture. In politics, he is an influentialLiberal, and takes a lively interest inpolitical affairs. In religion, he is aRoman Catholic. He was married,September 22nd, 1886, to Teresa G.Sharkey, daughter of Peter and AnnSharkey.

192WESLEYBROWN,wholesale meat and provisionmerchant, Port Arthur, Out., was bornat the " Humber," York County, Out,May loth, 1859. His father, ThomasAllen Browu, is still living, and hismother, Sarah (Miles) Brown, died in1862. Mr. Brown was educated in thepublic schools of Meaford and Collingwood,Out., and after serving an apprenticeship, he started in business with hisfather at Collingwood, in 1876. He removedto Port Arthur in 1880, where hehas been very successful in building upa large and profitable business in freshand cured meats and provisions, bothwholesale and retail. His wholesaletrade extends for one hundred and fiftymiles East and West, along the line of theC.P.R., into the mining regions, and inother directions as well.Mr. Brown isa member of the Town Council (1893),and chairman of the Board of Works.He has been honored by a seat at theCouncil Board, for nearly eight years.He is also a member of Shunah MasonicLodge No. 287. He is a Liberal-Conservative, and in religion, a Presbyterian.He is also president of thePort Arthur Steam Packet Company,and owns a controlling interest in thepassenger steamer " Cambria."

193yrLBERT MITCHELL PERRIN,V born at New Glasgow, Pictou_X\ M.D., Yarmouth, N.S., wasCounty, N.S., in 1849. O 11 h* 5 paternalside, he is of Huguenot extraction.His great-grandfather wasone of the founders of the county inwhich he was born. His mother, nowdeceased, was Anna Darby Burns, anative of the North of Ireland. He isalso a nephew of Dr. S. W. Burns,Shelburne, and of Rev'ds. William andJames Burns, of Chicago,111. Dr.Perrin received his early education inthe schools of Pictou, after which heentered the New York Medical University,in 1867, from whichinstitution he received hisdiploma in 1873. He thensettled in the town of Shelburne,N.S., succeeding thelate Dr. Snyder, where he remainedfor three years. Hethen returned to New York,taking up special studiesas post graduate. In theSpring of 1878, he settledin Yarmouth, N.S., as generalpractitioner, althoughmaking a speciality of thediseases of women and children,also of the eye, ear,throat and nose, and inthese specialities, has hadmarked success. The Summersucceeding his removalto Yarmouth, he was appointedto the position ofport surgeon, and medicalsuperintendent of MarineHospital, which position hehas held since that date.Dr. Perrin was married, in1876, to Mary, daughterW. ofH. Gridley, Esq., ofYarmouth, N.S., and greatgrand daughter of GeneralRichard Gridley, of distinguishedRevolutionary mention. Hisfamily consists of one son. In politics,he is a staunch Conservative, havingthe courage of his convictions, and, ina county essentially Liberal, has stoodboldly for his party. In religion, hebelongs to the Episcopalian Church.He is also a member of Hiram Lodge,A.F. & A.M., and of Union RoyalArch Chapter, and Yarmouth Preceptoryof Knight Templars, and I.O.O.F.In 1879, he was appointed Coroner ofthe town, and a member of the Boardof Health. In 1882, he was elected amember of the Medical Board of NovaScotia.13

CANADA.TfLEXANDER HUGH\ FERGUSON, M.B.,V?) M.D.C.M., Professorof Surgery, and AssociateProfessor of ClinicalSurgery, Manitoba MedicalCollege, Winnipeg, Man.,was born February 27th,1853, in Ontario County,Ont. His parents wereAlexander and Ann (Mc-Fadyen) Ferguson, nativesof Scotland. Dr. Fergusonwas educated at RockwoodAcademy, Manitoba College,and Trinity MedicalSchool, Toronto, where hegraduated, in i88i,as FirstSilver Medalist. In 1882,he left a promising practicein Buffalo, N. Y., and wentto Winnipeg. In the sameyear, he was appointed Registrarof the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons,Manitoba, and the following1883, was made Pro-year,fessor of Physiology in theManitoba Medical College,which institution he wasso largely instrumental infounding. In 1886, he acceptedhis present professorship. Heis registrar and treasurer of the college,a member of the Provincial Board ofHealth, and surgeon-in-chief to the St.Boniface Hospital. His confreres appointedhim first president of the Manitobabranch (pioneer) of the BritishMedical Association, formed by Mr.Ernest Hart, in 1892. He is also anactive member of the American MedicalAssociation, and other kindred societies.One of his addresses, Hydatids"of the Liver," was given by invitationbefore the Minnesota Academy of Medi-and was consi-cine, St. Paul, in 1892,dered an able lecture. In 1889, Dr.Ferguson visited the best surgeons ofEngland, Scotland, France and Germany,taking a special course inbacteriology, under Dr. Koch. He isfully abreast of the rapid strides madein modern surgery, and has gained forhimself more than a provincial reputation.In politics, he is a Liberal, andin religion, a Presbyterian. He is amember of the Scottish Right, A.F.& A.M., and other societies. In 1882,Dr. Ferguson was married to MissThomas, daughter of the late EdwardThomas, Esq., a wealthy pioneer ofNassagaweya, near Guelph, Ont. Hisfamily consists of two sons.

ERASTUS DEWITT,Physician, Wolfville, N.S., wasborn at Bridgetown, N.S., October i5th,1842. He is the son of Jacob andDr. DeWitt was married July 7th, 1873,to Henrietta, daughter of William andTeresa Chipman, of Bridgetown, N.S.She died January 29th, 1879. He againmarried, October 2Oth, 1881, AnnieM. daughter of C. E. Brown, of Halifax,His family consists of seven chil-politics,Caroline Eliza DeWitt, both deceased,of that place. The great-grand-fatherof Dr. DeWitt was one of the loyalistswho came to Nova Scotia at the time ofthe revolution in the United States,and settled in the County of Annapolis.The early life of Dr. DeWitt \vas spent N.S.in Bridgetown, where he received hisprimary education. He dren.graduated inmedicine at Harvard University, in1872, after which he practiced at Chester,N.S.j for fourteen years. In 1879,he was appointed Registrarof Deeds for the District ofChester, which office heresigned, when moving toHalifax in 1886. In thatyear he also attended theNew York Polyclinic, andreceived a diploma at theend of the term. He remainedin Halifax for sixyears, and during thatperiod took an active partin matters of public health ;was a member of the Staffof Halifax Infirmary, of theCity Board of Health, andduring the diptheria epidemicin 1890-91, was assistantCity Medical Officer.In 1892, he removed toWolfville, where he stillresides. Dr. DeWitt is amember of the British MedicalSociety of Halifax, ofthe Harvard Medical AlumniAssociation, the NovaScotia Medical Society, theMaritime Medical Association,and holds the office oftreasurer in the latter. Inreligion, he is a member ofthe Baptist Church, and in.MKN CANADA. 195a Conservative. He is wellknown as an able and skilful physician,and highly esteemed for his many goodqualities as a neighbor and citizen.The eldest son of Dr. DeWitt isa student in the electrical departmentof Lehigh University, Pa., and hisdaughter Carrie, of Acadia Seminary,Wolfville, N.S.


197J BURPEE BLACK,M.D., Windsor, N.S., was born at St.Martin's, New Brunswick,August 1 5th, 1842. His father,Thomas Henry Black,was a native of Armaghwhile hisCounty, Ireland,mother, Mary E. Fownes,was a native of St. Martin's.Dr. Black received his earlyeducation in St. Martin's,and continued his course inSt. John, N.B., and at theMount Allison WesleyanAcademy, Sackville, N.B.Having <strong>com</strong>pleted his studiesat Sackville, he studiedmedicine at Berkshire MedicalCollege, Massachusetts,and received the degree ofM.D. He <strong>com</strong>menced topractice in the village ofHantsport, N.S., but afterresiding there for five years,removed to Windsor, wherehe has since remained, andworked up one of the largestpractices in the Province.In politics, Dr. Black hasalways been a Conservative,and in religion, a Methodist.He has also been frequentlyspoken of as a possible candidate forlegislative honors. He was elected amember of the Town Council for thetown of Windsor, in 1882, and held theposition until his time of service expired,in 1884, when he was electedwarden of Windsor by acclamation.During his term as councillor, thetown was supplied with an excellentwater service, he being chairman of thewater <strong>com</strong>mittee, and the works underhis management were constructed fora less cost than that estimated by theengineer. He has also been interestedin many of the new manufacturingenterprises. He stands high in theMasonic Order, having held the officeof Master of Poyntx Lodge, at Hantsport,from 1867 to 1870, and in 1873,became high priest of Hiram Chapter,at Windsor. He was also District DeputyGrand Master of the Nova ScotiaGrand Lodge, in 1883 and 1885. Dr.Black was married, May nth, 1864, toBessie, daughter of Hon. E. Churchill,who worked his wayfrom the humblestbeginnings to the position ofM.P., for Nova Scotia, before Confederation,and a senator of the Dominion.His family consists of nine childrenliving, and one deceased.

198sent to the West Indies,and from thence, leavingHer Majesty's service, hecame to Nova Scotia, Canada,and entered the serviceof the Intercolonial RailwayCompany, during itsconstruction. He afterwardsengaged with the C.P.R. Co.,as Topographical Engineer,and since the <strong>com</strong>pletion ofthat Railway, he has followedthe profession of civiland mining engineer. Mr.Roland is thoroughly postedin the topography and mininginterests of AlgoniaWest. In 1887, he publishedan illustrated volumeof about 200 pages,"entitled :Algoma West,itsScenery and IndustrialResources." He is one ofthe ablest and most expertengineers on this continent,and is fully qualified byeducation and experience,to practice his profession ina manner that is impossibleto many men who have hadfewer opportunities in thesame calling. His servicesV\/ALPOLE ROLAND, Civil andr \are beyond <strong>com</strong>putation in opening upMining Engineer, Port Arthur, the resources of the mining districts ofOut., was born iu Roorkee, Bengal, the county in which he resides. InNovember, 1830. His parents werepolitics, he is 'aLiberal-Conservative,Louis and Marie (Walpole) Roland. and takes an active interest in theMr. Roland was educated in Edinburgh, affairs of the party. In religion, he isScotland, and received a military educationand training in England andEnglish Church.an adherent of theMr. Roland was married, DecemberIndia. He went to India in the Engineers,and was 20th, 1875, to Miss Isabella Watt ofpresent at the siege Port Arthur, Out., daughter of Robert'of Lucknow and Cawnpore. After Watt, Esq., who was in the employ ofspending several years in India, he the Hudson Bay Co., and stationed onwent to China, still in Her Majesty's Hudson's Bay, although Montreal wasservice. After a brief stay in the latter the nominal home of her father's family.His family consists of six chil-place, he returned to England, where,after remaining about one year, he was dren, living.

199TX/ILLIAM MINET DE BLOIS,^ r Barrister-at-Law, AnnapolisRoyal, N.S., was born January 29th,1857, at Lunenburg, N.S., and is descendedfrom an ancient and nobleFrench Family, the Comte de Blois.He is the second son of Rev. HenryDespard de Blois, M.A., rector of St.Paul's, Rosette, and Rural Dean forthe Counties of Annapolis and Digby,and Eleanor Esmonde (Spurr) de Blois.Mr. de Blois was educated, first privately,and afterwards at University College,London, England. He studiedlaw with J. M. Owen, Esq., AnnapolisRoyal, and in London, and was admittedto the Bar, December i6th, 1880.He has built up a large and increasingpractice, especiallyin real estate and<strong>com</strong>mercial law, and takes a stronginterest in all manly sports. In religion,he is an Episcopalian, and issenior church warden of St. Luke'sChurch, Annapolis. In politics,he isa Liberal-Conservative. Mr. de Bloiswas married, Aug. nth, 1886, to ElizabethJ., daughter of the late Rev. Jas.Johnston Ritchie, M.A., rector of theParish of Annapolis, and niece of thelate Sir Win. Johnston Ritchie, ChiefJustice of Canada. He has one son,Theo. Despard, born March i4th, 1889.

2OOOK CANADA.HAGEL, Q.C., Winnipeg,Man.,was born Feb. 2Oth, 1846,in Oxford County, Ontario.His parents were Samuel and ElizaAnn (Tapley) Hagel, whose four grandparents were U. E. Loyalists. Mr.Hagel was educated at the Ingersolland Woodstock Grammar schools, afterwhich he was articled to Warren Tot-of Woodstock. He concludedwas a partner of the late N. GordonBigelow, M.P.P., and afterwards seniorpartner with Messrs. Murdoch & Schoff.In 1881, he removed to Winnipeg, andbecame the head of the firm of Hagel,Henderson & Delahaye. Afterwardshe was senior member of the firm ofHagel, Davis & Gilniour, and in 1884,he was created Q.C. He is a member often, Q.C., the A.F. & A.M., and other societies,his legal studies with Mr. (afterwards and in politics, a staunch Conservative.Chief Justice) Harrison and Honorable In religion, he is an Episcopalian, andSenator O'Donolme. Mr. Hagel was has been lay delegate to the Synod. Incalled to the Bar in Michaelmas Term 1870, he was married to Susan Adele,of 1873, and entered upon his profession second daughter of David Summers,in Toronto, where, for several years, he Esq., of Middlesex County, Ont.

201. THOMAS FRANCIS FO-THERINGHAM, M.A., PresbyterianClergyman, St.John, N.B., was born April 6th, 1847,at Hamilton, Ont. His parents wereThomas and Fanny S. (Flaws) Fotheringham,nativesof Orkney, Scotland.He was educated at the Central School,Hamilton, Upper Canada College, TorontoUniversity, from which he receivedhis B.A., in 1871, and M.A., one yearlater; Knox College, with post graduateyear at U. P. Hall, Edinburgh, andunder Prof's. Kah-Leipzig University,nis and Luthardt. He was licensed bythe Presbytery of Toronto, and ordained\over Norwood and Hastings, July 2ist,1875. He was lecturer in Apologetics,at Queen's College, in 1 880-81, but resignedthese positions and removed toCalifornia, in the latter year. He wasinducted into his present charge, St.John Presbyterian Church, St. John,N.B., January 9th, 1883, and is convenorof the General Assembly's S. S.Committee, since 1889. In this, aswell as in all other important trusts,his zeal, ability and enthusiasm areproductive of great good. He is an activepromoter of the Christian Endeavormovement, and organized a societyin his church, in 1885. He isalso doing a successful workamong the youth of his section,and has shown greatenergy in introducingu theBoys' Brigade," into Canada,and organizing the "istSt. John Company of theB. B.," in Canada, May3rd, 1889. He is captain ofhis own <strong>com</strong>pany, presidentof the St. John Battalion,and brigade president forCanada. A military schoolcourse, in his early collegedays, gives him exceptionalfitness for this kind of work.In politics, Mr. Fotheringhamis a Liberal, but doesnot take any active interestin the affairs of the party.Says The Golden Rule " :The multiplicity of his labors,his tireless energy, progressiveness,large mindedgrasp of principles, <strong>com</strong>binedwith an ability totrace them down into workingdetails, together withan enthusiasm that setsother hearts burning, callforth spontaneous expressionsof admiration. n

2O2EO. TURNER ORTON, M.D.,M.R.C.S., Eng., ex-M. P., Winnipeg,Man., was born January iQth,1837, in Guelph, Out. His father, thelate Dr. Henry Orton, of Guelph, camefrom England to Canada in 1834.Dr. G. T. Orton was educated at theGrammar School, Guelph, and also byprivate tuition in Berlin, Ont. He thenpursued his medical studies at theCollege of Surgeons, Dublin, and afterwardsat the University of St. Andrew's,Scotland, from which he graduatedM.D., in 1860. He was subsequentlyelected a member of the Royal Collegeof Surgeons, England. In 1861, helocated in Fergus, Ontario,where he soon built up alarge practice. He was captainof a volunteer <strong>com</strong>pany,formed in Fergus, and afterwardssurgeon of the3othBattalion,Wellington Rifles.He began his public careeras Councillor, then as Reeveof Fergus, for three yearsin succession. He was firstelected M. P., for CentreWellington, in 1874, andrepeatedly afterwards, notablyin 1882, when he_defeated Sir Richard Cartwright.In 1883, he removedto Winnipeg, and enteredinto partnership with Dr.Brett. He was also transferredfrom the 3oth Battalionto the goth, WinnipegRifles, with which corps hewent to the front in 1885, asbrigade surgeon in the advancecolumn, under Gen.Middleton, and was presentat Fish Creek and Batoche.In 1884-85, Dr. Orton wasMedical Superintendent ofthe Rocky Mountain Divisionof the C. P. R., andsubsequentlyCoroner for British Columbia.He is now Medical Superintendentof Indian Affairs for Manitoba.The Doctor has always been loyal to theConservative party, and his country'sinterests, and the records of the laborand achievements of the ParliamentaryCommittee which bears his name, havebe<strong>com</strong>e part of the history of our country.He is active in the work of theInternational Reciprocity Association,representing Winnipeg, at the conventionheld in St. Paul, in 1893. In 1861,he was married to Ann, daughter of Wni.Farmer, Esq., formerly of Sutton, Eng.His family consists of two children.

GORDONMONROE, Barrister,Digby, N.S.,was born December nth,1848, in Clarence, Countyof Annapolis, N.S. He isthe son of Innis and Marion(Young) Monroe, natives ofthat place. His father wasthe grandson of ColonelHenry Monroe, of Crotnarty,Scotland, who was thefirst representative for thetownship of Granville, inthe General Assembly ofNova Scotia. Mr. Monroereceived his primary educationat the schools in hisnative district, and continuedit at Acadia College,from which he graduated,taking the degree of B.A.in 1872. He began thestudy of law with the presentHon. Judge Savary,then M.P. for the County ofDigby, and finished with T.D. Ruggles, Q.C., Bridgetown,N.S., passing his finalexamination in November,1876. He was admitted tothe Bar in August, 1877,and entered upon the duties of his profession,after making a three months' forcible and eloquent speaker, andcounty since that time. He ranks as atour of Great Britain. He has, from the presentation of the case and policythe first, occupied a leading position at of his government and party, havethe Bar, and been engaged in the most always fallen to him. He has twicenotable trials before the courts, in his contested hisvicinity, among which county for the Localmay be mentionedthe libel suit growing out of the" Agitation, single handed, in 1886. InHouse, the first time facing the RepealWhite Slave Agitation," in which he religion, he is an adherent of the BaptistChurch. He also belongs to the<strong>com</strong>pletely succeeded, and the chargesagainst his client shown to be without Masonic fraternity and the I. O.K., andfoundation. In politics,Mr. Monroe is is P.M. in the former, and H.C.R. fora Liberal-Conservative, has been secretaryfor his party almost continuously was married, September 23rd, 1880, toNova Scotia, in the latter. Mr. Monroesince 1878, and has taken a leading Minnie B., daughter of James E. Fellows,Esq., Bridgetown, part in every political contest in the N.S.203

2O4MEN-4 TON. JAMES EMILE PIERREcrM PRENDERGAST, B.A., L.L.V> B., M.P.P., Barrister, SaintBoniface, Manitoba, was born March22nd, 1858, in the city of Quebec. Heis a French Canadian of Irish descent.His father, James Prendergast, now deceased,was a Barrister and Coroner forthe District of Quebec. His mother,Emilie (Gauvreau) Prendergast, is stillliving (1893). Mr. Prendergast waseducated at the Quebec Seminary, andLaval University, where he graduatedin arts and law. He was admitted tothe Bar in 1881, and in 1882, settled inManitoba. Was elected M.P.P., in1885, 1886, and 1888 for LaVerandrye in; 1889, forWoodlands; and 1892, forSt. Boniface. He entered theGreenway Administration,as Provincial Secretary, in1888, but resigned in 1889,upon his colleagues adoptingthe Public School policy.Since then has unceasinglyand strenuously opposed, byspeech in the House, writingsin the press, and memorialsto the federal authorities,the abolition of separateschools. He was, forfive years, treasurer of St.Boniface, and twice electedby acclamation mayor ofthe same town. Mr. Prendergastis also an ex-presidentof the St. Jean-BaptisteSociety of Manitoba, and amember of the ProvincialBoard of Education for sixyears, prior to its abolition,in 1890. He is also a memberof the University Council.As a journalist, hefounded L^Quest Canadien.During his university careermade himself known,in French Literary circles, by thepublication of poetry, followed by historicalessays. He was married, in1886, to Olivina, daughter of the lateFrancis Mundor. of St. Boniface. Hisfamily consists of five children. Henow practices law with John ThompsonHuggard, Esq., under the firm nameof Prendergast & Huggard, solicitorsfor the Hochelaga Bank and CreditFoncier. In religion, he is a RomanCatholic, and in politics, a Liberal.For a young man of 34, Mr. Prendergasthas his fair share of warmestfriends and, as with all able men, a fewbitter enemies.

OK CANADA. 205W TON. ROBT. WATSON, M.P.P.,C*XH Minister of Public Works, Win-V> nipeg, Manitoba, was bornApril 29th, 1854, in Elora, Ontario.His parents, George and Elizabeth(McDonald) Watson, were among theearly pioneers of Wellington County.Mr. Watson received a liberal publicschool education, and when seventeenyears of age, went to Gait, Ont, to learnthe trade of millwright with Goldie &McCullough. In 1876, he removed toManitoba, and built a mill at PortageLa Prairie, and the following year, hebuilt the first mill erected at Stonewall,Manitoba. He then rented and operatedon his o\vn account, for threeyears, the mill he had builtat Portage La Prairie, afterwhich for several years, hefarmed and was a contractor.In the year 1886, he formeda partnership with his brotherJohn, and is now amember of the firm of R. &J. Watson, Marquette MachineShops, Portage LaPrairie. At the generalelections of 1882, Mr. Watsonwas elected M. P. forMarquette, and again in 1887and 1891; he being the onlyReformer elected in Manitobaat these elections. In1892, he resigned his seatin the Dominion Parliament,and entered the GreenwayAdministration, as Ministerof Public Works, and at thegeneral election in 1892, waselected M.P.P., for PortageLa Prairie. Mr. Watson isa formidable opponent ina Parliamentary campaign,being a forcible speaker,level headed, fearless andindependent. In his electionhe has had to contendagainst heavy odds, the DominionGovernment forces and the railwaycorporations having joined his opponents,both striving to defeat him,but this makes his success all themore striking. Mr. Watson is a memberof the A.F. & A.M., being one ofthe charter members of the AssiniboineLodge, No. 7, Portage La Prairie. Inreligion, he is a Presbyterian, and isvery decided in his faith in the Reformparty. In 1880, he was married toMiss Isabella Brown, daughter of DuncanBrown, Esq., of Lobo, MiddlesexCounty, Ontario. His family consistsof four daughters.

2O61VIKN7T LFRED MARKHAM, Major 8thJ^ \ P. L. Hussars, managing-di-VS> rector of the Sun PrintingCo., St. John, N.B., was born Februarya6th, 1841, in Lincolnshire, England.He is the son of John and ElizabethMarkham, the former being a farmer,expressman and horse dealer, and dida large business in handling ship timber,spars, oak-bark, etc. Major Markhamreceived his education at theCommon and Grammar schools, afterwhich he was engaged in the Railwayand Dock Service, until 1864, when heembarked for the United States, inS S." Bohemian," which was wreckednear Portland,Maine, on 22nd February,of that year, at which time fortytwopersons were drowned. He wasemployed on the Grand Trunk Railway,at Portland and Boston, for nearlytwo years, after which he was engagedas clerk of the International Company'sSteamer " New Brunswick," and inApril, 1866, took charge for an AmericanCompany of a Manganese property,at Hammond Vale, Kings County,N.B., where he lived for twenty-fiveyears, and established a mining village,which was named " Markhaniville,"and succeeded in makingit the mostfamous Manganese Mine on the Continent.He was warden ofKings County, when theMarquis of Lome and thePrincess Louise visited NewBrunswick, and presentedan address to them at Sussex.In 1880, he was appointedsenior Major of the8th Princess Louise NewBrunswick Hussars, and isan efficient officer, and popularwith the regiment. In1891, he bought the St. JohnDaily Sun newspaper, andon the organization of theSun Printing Co., was appointedmanaging-director.Major Markhain belongs toSt. George's Society, andthe Knights Templar, andhas been vice-president inthe former. In politics, heis a Liberal-Conservative,taking an active interest inthe welfare and progress ofthat party. In religion, heis an Episcopalian. Hewas married in November,1866, to Naida daughter ofJohn and Annie Turnbull.His family consists of twosons and four daughters.

CANADA. 207JOHN CULVERWELL OLAND,Mayor of Dartmouth, N.S., seniorpartner of the firm of S. Oland,Sons & Co., manufacturers, Halifax,N.S., was born at Trowbridge, Wiltshire,England, December i/th, 1849.He is the son of John James DunnOland, now deceased, and SusannahCulverwell, both natives of England.Mr. Oland received his education at theschools of Hungerford, Berkshire, Eug.In 1865, he settled in Nova Scotia,where he has succeeded in working upa large and profitable business. Heis a member of the Masonic Order, andSt. George's Society, president of theCanada Peptonized Beef and Ale Co., adirector of other manufacturing concerns,captain No. 4 Battery HalifaxGarrison Artillery, and is at presentmayor of the town of Dartmouth, N.S.where he is exceedingly popular withall classes. In politics, he is a Liberal-Conservative, always ready to advancethe interests of his party when necessityrequires. In religion, he is anEpiscopalian, and for several years wasvestryman and church warden. Mr.Oland was married, December i3th,1876, to Sarah Anne Ruggles, daughterof Dr. Henry D. Ruggles. His familyconsists of two sons and two daughters.

208 OR4 TENRY GLYNNE FIENNES-^jH CLINTON, Clerk in HolyvS> Orders, Incumbent of St.James' Church, Vancouver, B.C., whoseportrait appears on this page, was bornin Nottinghamshire, England, in 1854.His parents are Henry and CatharineFiennes-Clinton. His father, the Rev.Henry Fiennes-Clinton, is the rectorof Cromwell, Nottinghamshire, and heis also Rural Dean. Mr. Clintonreceived his education at Keble College,Oxford University, graduating B.A.in 1877. He had a successful educationalcourse and graduated withdistinction. He was ordained to theorder of deacon in 1878, and that ofpriest in 1880, both ordinationsconducted beingby the Bishop of Salisbury.He held the office of vice-principal ofthe Mission House, Warminster, dioceseof Salisbury, from 1878 to 1881,and subsequently was appointed assistantcurate of St. Mary Magdalen's,Bradford, where he remained from 1881to 1885. Coming to Canada in 1885,he became the rector of St. James'Church, at Granville, (now Vancouver),where he has since remained. He isan able preacher and a faithful pastor,and ishighly esteemed. Mr. Clintoniswell known on the cricket field.

CANADA. 209THOMAS w. PETERS,LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, St. John, N.B., wasborn in 1848, in St. John,N.B. He is the son ofThomas W. Peters and MaryMcMonagle, of U.E. Loyaliststock. He received hiseducation at the schools ofSt. John, after which he enteredthe Cambridge LawSchool, from which institutionhe graduated, andengaged in the practice ofhis profession in his nativecity. He is also prominentin municipal affairs, andwas elected councillor forWellington ward, St. John,in April, 1882, and so continueduntil 1884, when hewas elected alderman forthe same ward, which officehe held until 1891, when'hewas elected mayor of thecity, and has since heldthis position with muchsatisfaction to all. His Worshipfills the chair of ChiefMagistrate with much creditto himself and the city. In1886 he was elected wardenof the Municipal Council, and in 1887 newas re-elected, and again occupied theposition in 1890. He has also beenchairman of the Finance and TreasuryBoard, and member and chairman ofthe Committee of Legislation. Alsopresident of the Exhibition Association,since 1892, and a member of the Boardof School Trustees since 1888. Hisexperience in public matters gives hima ready grasp of all business <strong>com</strong>ingbefore him, and enables him to actwith ability and despatch. MayorPeters belongs to the Masonic fraternity,the I.O.O.F. and Knights of Pythias.He is senior warden in the MasonicOrder, and representative of theGrand Lodge in the I.O.O F-, and isalso chairman of the Board of IndustrialHome for Boys and holds offices inseveral of the athletic and city clubs.In politics, he is an influential Liberal-Conservative,and has always beenidentified prominently with this party,taking an active part in elections.Mr. Peters' family have always beenmembers of the Church of England.Mr. Peters was married in 1880, toJennie Sullivan, who died in 1882, in1885, he was married to ^nfonetta,daughter of John Rogers. His familyconsists of one daughter.14

2IO 1VIEN ORALPHONSUS AVILACHERRIER, Parish Priest oftne Immaculate Conception,of Winnipeg, Man., was born September26th, 1849, at Laprairie, P.Q. Hisparents were Leon T. Cherrier andLena F. Yian dit L'Esperance, bothFrench Canadians, and stillliving(1893). Father Cherrier took his elementaryeducation at Beauharnois, andhis classical course at the College ofSte. Therese de Blainville, County ofTerrebonne, and graduated, in 1871, asBachelor of Sciences of the Laval University.He was ordained priest byBishop Fabre, of Montreal, in the Jesuits'Church, at Montreal,August 3oth, 1874. Hespent three years as a professorof Literature, and asimilar period as professorof Natural Sciences at theabove College of Ste. Therese.In 1878, he went toSt. Boniface, Manitoba, andspent three years as cured^ office of the Cathedral,and steward of the ArchiepiscopalPalace. In 1881,he accepted the presidencyof the new College of St.Boniface, and directorshipof the Seminary in connectiontherewith, and at thesame time taught theology.He was also a member ofthe Board of Education,from 1878, until it wasabolished in 1890, a memberof the Council of theUniversity of Manitobasince 1878, and presidentof the Board of Studies since1883. In 1884, owing toill health, he left the collegeand took charge of theparish of the ImmaculateConception, of Winnipeg,where he has been ever since. In 1890,he went to Europe, visiting Ireland,Scotland, England, France, Switzerland,Bavaria and Italy. In September,1890, as the delegate of His Grace, theArchbishop of St. Boniface, he paid the"visit ad"Liniina Apostolorum inRome, and was favored with a privateaudience from Pope Leo X<strong>III</strong>. InSeptember, 1891, he began the buildingof the new church of the ImmaculateConception, which was finished in lessthan two years,itbeing blessed anddedicated on the i7th of March, 1893.This church is one of the finest inWinnipeg.

IVIKN OR CANADA. 211\LrEO. M. GREER, M.A., representingthe Western of Toronto,Manchester of England, Albion FireInsurance Association of England,Connecticut of Hartford, Fire InsuranceCompanies, and the London &Lancashire Life Insurance Companyof England, and Accident InsuranceCompany of North America, Halifax,N.S., was born November yth, 1844, " atRose Lawn," Colborne, Ont. Hisparents were Thomas Greer, Esq., sonof Geo. Greer, Esq., of Dungannon,Ireland, and Eliza Blackstock, daughterof Rev. M. Blackstock, of Fairmount,Ont. Mr. Greer received his educationat the Peterboro Grammar School,Colborne High School, and entered theUniversity of Toronto in 1861, graduatingwith honors in 1865, andreceiving the degree of M.A. in 1869.He removed to Halifax in 1866, andshortly after, went into the insurancebusiness, which he has made a decidedsuccess. In religion, he is a memberof the Church of England, and in politics,a Conservative. He is also a memberof the Masonic Order, Virgin Lodge,and represents the "" Alliance ScientifiqueSociety of Paris. He is a memberof the Halifax Club, Studly QuoitClub, Royal N.S. Yacht Squadron, etc.

212 OK. WILLIAM LIDDLE HIS-LOP ROWAND, Pastor ofSt. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch, Fort William, Ontario, -wasborn April 8th, 1860, at Walkerton,Ont.His parents were Abraham andElizabeth (Hislop) Rowand, both Scotch.Mr. Rowand was brought up on hisfather's farm, and after taking his regularcourse in the public and Highschools of Walkerton, he entered TorontoUniversity, and was graduatedwith first-classhonors from that institutionin 1882, and from Knox College,Toronto in 1885. He was ordained tothe ministry of the Presbyterian Church,April I4th, 1885, at Portage La Prairie,was chaplain for the 95th ManitobaGrenadiers during the North- West Rebellion,after which he served at Battleford,Saskatchewan, oue year; Burnside,Man., four and one half years ;Rapid City, Man., two years ;and wasinducted into his present charge atFort William, September 26th, 1893.He has been very successful on all hischarges, is very popular with his people,and a clear and most effective preacherof the Gospel. He was married, Oct.3rd, 1888, to Sadie M., daughter of JohnMcLeod, Esq., of Portage La Prairie,Man., by whom he has two sons.

OR213HE RIGHT REV. R.YOUNG,curacy of Halesowen, Worcestershire.D. D., D. C. L., Bishop of Athabaska,was born at Hull, England, in to the vicarage of Fulstow, Lincoln-In December, 1869, he was institutedSeptember, 1843. He is a son of A. shire. He resigned this in 1872, toW. Young, Esq., formerly of Louth accept the position of Association Secretaryto the Church Missionary So-Park, Lincolnshire. He received hisearly education at Kingston College ciety, and was placed in charge of theSchool, Hull, and at the Louth GrammarSchool. In 1865, he entered Clare In 1873, he was married to Julia H.,important district of West Yorkshire.College, Cambridge, graduating B.A., youngest daughter of the Rev. W. B.in 1 868. In December of the same year, Harrison, rector of Gay ton, Lincolnshire.In 1875, at the call of the C.M.he was ordained deacon, in WorcesterCathedral, and in the following May, Society, he proceeded to Manitoba, towas ordained priest, in St. Michael's take charge of St. Andrew's. Part of theChurch. Coventry. During this period, special work entrusted to him by theand until December, 1869, he held the Society, as financial secretary to theirmissions in Rupert's Land,in conjunction with theBishop and the Society'sFinance Committee, was toinaugurate and carry out ascheme for the gradual withdrawalof the Society's aidfrom such of its missions asseemed no longer to requirethe Society's support, andthe same was successfullycarried out. There is noneed to dilate upon hislabors in this connection,and in the secretariat. Sufficeit to say the work wasthoroughly done, and whilefilling several importantposts in connection with ecclesiasticaland educationalwork, his own parish wasmost conscientiously caredfor. In Oct., 1884, he wasconsecrated Bishop of Athabaska,in St. John's Cathedral,Winnipeg. Shortlyafter, he received the degreeof D.D., from the Universityof Manitoba, and in Sept.1893, the degree of D.C.L.,of Trinity College University,Toronto.

214HUESTISCAMPBELL,Manager'] Winnipeg ElectricStreet Railway, was born in GreatVillage, Colchester County, N.S., December4th, 1858. His parents JohnM. and Catharine Campbell, still residethere, and are held in general esteem.Mr. Campbell was educated at theNova Scotia public schools, and at anearly age, engaged on the constructionof the Intercolonial Railway. Heafterwards learned the trade of blacksmith,which he followed for someyears. Later, he was employed forseveral years in connection with theRoad Department of the I.C.R., atTruro, N. S. In 1879, Mr.Campbell went West inconnection with the constructionof the C. P.R.,section " B," at Rat Portage,and in 1880, he wasappointed cashier in theC.P.R. Freight Department,at Winnipeg. In 1881, hewas appointed City Passengerand Ticket Agent ofthe C.P.R., a position he helduntil 1890, when he acceptedthe position of GeneralImmigration Agent. Thefollowing year, he formed astrong <strong>com</strong>pany of capitalists,<strong>com</strong>prised of the wealthiestmen in the country,and secured the franchisefor an Electric Railway inWinnipeg, and since thattime has devoted his wholetime and attention to theconstruction and operationof the line, of which he isGeneral Manager, and it isdue to his untiring zeal andindefatigable efforts, thatWinnipeg now enjoys anElectric Railway service,second to none. Mr. Campbellhas been married twice :first, inof the late1883, to Mary, daughterRev. A. Russell, of Dalhousie, N.B.,who died in 1889, leaving one son, andin 1892, to Jean Russell, sister of hisfirst wife. In religion, he is a Methodist,and in politics,He a Conservative.also belongs to the I.O.O.F. andA.O.U.W. For several years hewas a J. P. for Manitoba, and fortwo consecutive years \\as a memberof the City Council, but has since declinedto accept municipal honors.isHeesteemed by all who know him, as acitizen of integrity and public spirit,and as a business man of push and tack.

,EV'D. FATHER EDMONDDOYLE, of Mill Town, CharlotteCounty, N.B., wasborn at Youghal, County of Cork,Ireland, April loth, 1839. He is theHe was ordained priest, June 29th,1866, by the Right Rev. Dr. Whelan,Bishop of Bombay, India, at the Collegeof All Hallows, and after ordinationhe came to the City of St. John,son of Denis Doyle and Catherine and officiated as curate at the CathedralMurphy, both of County Cork. He for five years, when he was givenreceived his early education at the charge of the parishes of St. GeorgeNational and Classical schools of the and Roblingdam, where he remainedCounty of Cork, after which he spent for over fifteen years, during whicha term at the Seminary of Mount Malleray,in the County of Waterford, and and other parishes, until September,time he also had charge of St. Andrew'sgraduated with honors. He then enteredthe College of All Hallows, parishes of Mill Town and St. Stephen,1886 when he was transferred to theDublin, from which institution he also N.B. He celebrated his Silver Jubilee,graduated, taking first-class honors.July ist, 1891.

216(3W XON. ROBERT FERN LYONS,jM M. P. P., grain dealer, stockVS> raiser and agriculturist, Carberry,Man., was born July ist, 1856,in Leeds County, Out. His parentsare Michael and Ann (Gardner) Lyons,now living at Carberry, Man. Afterleaving the public schools, he attendedthe Grammar School at Farmersville,Ont. He was then clerk in a generalstore, for some five or six years, and in1878, removed to within three miles ofCarberry, where, with his brother, J.H. Lyons, he conducted a general storeand farmed for about four years. Onthe advent of the C. P. R., he started ageneral store in Carberry, which hesold out in 1886. Since then, Mr.Lyons has devoted himself to farming,stock raising and the exporting of grain.He owns a large elevator and a farm ofsixteen hundred acres, within two milesof Carberry. His four brothers, John,Andrew, Joseph and Harmon, are alsolocated in the neighborhood. In 1892 hewas elected M.P.P. for the electoral districtof Norfolk, Man., on the Conservativeticket. In religion, he is a Methodist,and also belongs to the MasonicFraternity. On April 2oth, 1888, hemarried Jennet, daughter of ThomasHume, Esq., formerly of Hamilton,

JAMESHANNAY*Editor of the Telegraph,St.John,N.B.,was born in Richibucto,N.B., April 22nd, 1842.Heis the son of the Rev. Jas.Hannay and Jane Salter.Mr. Hannay was educatedin Scotland; studied law inSt John, N.B and in 1866,was called to the Bar. Ayear later he became reporterof the Supreme Courtof that province, which positionhe held until 1873.From 1872 to 1883. he wasassociate editor of the J^elegraph,St. John, from 1883to 1884, occupied a similarposition on the MontrealHerald. In 1885. joined thestaff of the Brooklyn Eagle,first as general writer, thenas literary editor, and finallyas associate editor. In1888, he accepted the chiefeditorship of the Gazette,St. John, but in 1892, returnedto the Telegraph.He is a far seeing and brillianteditor, a writer ofsound English, and a manof quick perception and broad views.He is also famous as a writer of prose1883, he wrote the "Story of theQueen's Rangers,"and poetry. When one of the Loyalistquite young he publishedpoems over the nom regiments in the War of the Revolution,de plume and recently" " <strong>com</strong>pleted "A history ofSaladin which attracted much attention.Over his own name he pub-the War of 1812." He has now inlished " press " The Life and Times of SirThe Ballads of Acadia," "An Leonard Tilley," and isApostrophe to the River publishing inSt. John," a the Telegraph, a " History of the Loyalists."Mr. Hannaynumber of sketches of the early fortsof New is president of theBrunswick, and several spirited New Brunswick Historical Society,tales in Stewarfs Quarterly, from 1867- historian of the Loyalist Society, correspondingmember of the Literary72. In 1875, he published the " Captivityof John Gyles," with notes. His and Historical Society of Quebec, and"elaborate and scholarly History of of the Nova Scotia Historical Society.Acadia," appeared in 1879, and waspublished in St. John and London. In217In 1864, he was married to Margaret,daughter of EHas T. Ross, of St. John.

218 CANADA,prior to his ordination, first in the public questions, is a brilliant andAcademy of Windsor, then at Richibucto,N.B. He popular andscholarly speaker,was licensed by the esteemed pastor.Presbytery of Miraniichi, inAugust, 1864, and ordainedover the congregation ofGlenelg ;East River andCaledonia, N.S., in February,1865. He then becamepastor of Chalmers Church,Halifax, where he remainedabout ten years. Ini88i,heaccepted a call from a smallband of pioneer settlers inWinnipeg, who formed whatis now St. Andrew's Congregation.Seven years ofarduous labour in the newfield told upon his health,and he removed to California,where he remained forabout five years, after whichhe was called by the newlyformed congregation ofWestminster, Winnipeg, ofwhich he is now pastor.He was married to Sophia,daughter of Isaac Christie,of Truro, N.S., in 1865. Hisfamily consists of four sonsand one daughter, some ofwhom hold responsible positionsin the large institutionsof the country. Mr.Pitblado has always taken,EV. C. B. PITBLADO, Winnipeg,Man., was boru in 1836, sions of the Church and the Edu-a deep interest in the Home Mis-_ in Fifeshire, Scotland. Hisparents were John and Ann cational Institutions of the country.(McDonald) For many years he was chairmanPitblado. In 1850, Mr. Pitblado came of the Committee on Education, appointedto Nova Scotia, with his father and theby the Synod of the Lowerfamily, and for several years was engagedrailway construction with his he went to the front as chaplain ofProvinces. During the Riel Rebellion,father, who was a railwayHe contractor. the Halifax Batallion, and was one ofstudied at the Normal School, theTruro, at the Free Church <strong>com</strong>pany that brought Riel inCollege, from Batoche to Regina. Mr. PitbladoHalifax, and the Presbyterian Seminary,has kept himself abreast of the times,Truro. He taught for several years has taken an intelligent interestin

OK219VD. FATHER WILLIAMBOLLARD, St. Stephen, CharlotteCounty, N.B., was bornin Kilkenny, Ireland, May ist, 1861.He is the son of Michael Bollard andAnastasia Quinn, both of Kilkenny.His father was a nephew of the firstBishop of New Brunswick, the RightRev. William Bollard, B.B., and hismother was a sister of the late Revds.James and Edmond Quinn, of the dioceseof St. John, N.B., who laboredthere for a number of years. FatherBollard received his early education atthe schools of the city of Waterford, Irelandand St. John's College, Waterford,graduating from that college with firstclasshonors, but being too young forordination, he came to St. John andtaught for one year, when he enteredLaval University, Quebec, and afterremaining there for some time, he wasordained Beacon by Archbishop (nowCardinal) Taschereau, and afterwardsPriest by Bishop Sweeney, at the Cathedral,in the city of St. John, inJanuary, 1884. He then remained withthe Bishop, at the Cathedral, for threeyears, when he was given charge of thenewly organized parish of St. Stephen,where he still continues, and lives inthe affection of his parishioners.


NASA - JOHNSON SPACE CENTERFLIGHT RULESA4-61 THRUST LIMITING, HYDRAULIC, OR ELECTRICAL LOCKUP(CONTINUED)B. A PERFORMANCE-LIMITED SSME WILL BE SHUT DOWN EARLY, OR A MAINENGINE CONTROLLER CHANNEL TURNED OFF, BASED ON BOOSTERSYSTEMS ENGINEER (BSE) CONFIRMATION OF THE FAILURE AND ARDPERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR THE FOLLOWING CASES:1. LOW MIXTURE RATIO:Preservation of the ATO region by early shutdown of an SSME has priority over a possible abortdownmode to an AOA.IF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA ARE MET, THE AFFECTED SSME WILLBE SHUT DOWN EARLY TO PROTECT 3-SIGMA ATO CAPABILITY ORTHE DESIGN UNDERSPEED, WHICHEVER IS THE MOSTCONSTRAINING:a. THE ACTUAL NOMINAL MARGIN INDICATES LOSS OF ATOCAPABILITY.The ARD’s actual mode nominal margin is a prediction of MECO underspeed on a 2-sigma bad day.This prediction can be used to determine if ATO capability exists. This rule refers to the designunderspeed as a criterion for pressing uphill with a performance-limited SSME. In addition, thedispersed-performance protection level (3-sigma) is stated explicitly for uphill capability assessment.b. THE HYPOTHETICAL AOA MARGIN (REFLECTING THE SICKENGINE OUT) IS DECREASING.The ARD’s hypothetical mode AOA margin is the indicator of when continued sick engine operation willdegrade performance. As long as the margins are increasing, the three-engine configuration isimproving MECO conditions. When the margins start trailing off, the sick engine is degrading uphillcapability. If the hypothetical nominal margin is greater than the actual nominal value; i.e. it is better tohave two healthy engines than two healthy and one sick, the bad engine will be shut down.c. THE HYPOTHETICAL NOMINAL MARGIN IS GREATER THAN THEACTUAL NOMINAL MARGIN.Rationale is the same as for paragraph b above.THIS RULE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEVOLUME A 06/20/02 FINAL TRAJECTORY AND GUIDANCE 4-50Verify that this is the correct version before use.

222EORGE BROWNE, architect,Winnipeg, Man., was born in1852, in Montreal. He is the youngestson of the late Geo. Browne, Esq., whofor many years, was one of the leadingarchitects and most extensive real estateowners in that city. His wife, AnnaMaria (Jameson), was born in Dublin.Mr. Browne is a descendant of GeneralSeaban, Governor of Gibraltar, a distinguishedofficer in the reign of GeorgeII. He was educated in Montreal HighSchool, after which he entered his father'swhere he remained until he wasoffice,eighteen years of age, when he went toNew York, where he studied in theoffice of Russell Sturgis. In 1873, hevisited Europe, where he remained forthree years and a half, studying thedifferent styles of architecture in England,Ireland, France, Italy, and Switzerland.He also took a course at SouthKensington School of Art, and wonprizes in the International Competitionin the class of design. In 1877, Mr.Browne returned to Montreal, where hepracticed his profession for two years.In 1879, he went to Manitoba, andfarmed until 1882, when he removed toWinnipeg, to resume the practice ofarchitecture. His patrons include manyof the best men and corporations in the--,housesWest.He erected theware-of Massey, Harris &Co., McKeuzie, Powis &Co., and others ;the residencesof D. K. Elliot, Dr.Orton, A. Wickson, W. J.Watson, J. C. Gordon, andothers, the Mulvey, theAberdeen and the NorthCentral Schools, the citymarket (won in <strong>com</strong>petition),and the new addition toManitoba College, on thepublic opening of which hewas publicly <strong>com</strong>plimentedby Chief Justice Taylor,and Principal King, on theskill and taste which hedisplayed. He does muchof the work of the Hudson'sHighlanders.Bay Co., whose new officesin Winnipeg, and new wholesalewarehouse in Vancouver,B. C., he designed. In1883, Mr. Browne was marriedto Louisa Anna, daughterof the late Capt. E. E.Nicolls, of H.M. 56th RegimentFoot, and granddaughterof the late Lient.-Col. Nicolls, of H. M. 72nd

CANADA, 223WTENRY HAVELOCK JAMES,C*J^"J Barrister, Buctouche, KentvS> County, N. B., was born atRichibucto, Kent County, November8th, 1857. He is the son of JamesAlex. James, barrister, of Richibucto,who came from England, and of PhoebeShaw, who was a native of Nova Scotia.He received his education at the RichibuctoGrammar School, and <strong>com</strong>mencedto study law in his father's office,when sixteen years of age. He wasadmitted, as attorney, in October, 1879,and sworn in as barrister in 1880. Heimmediately began to practice his professionin Richibucto, but subsequentlyremoved to Buctouche. He is at presentJudge of Probate, and in 1889, wasmade Referee in Equity. He has thus,in early life, obtained a leading''positionin the front ranks of the legal profession,and if his past success outlineshis future achievements, he will, undoubtedly,leave his impress on histimes and country. Mr. James wasmarried in January, 1884, to Jane,widow of Rufus Desbrisay, of Richibucto,N.B. In religion, he is a <strong>com</strong>municantof the Church of England.He also belongs to the IndependentOrder of Foresters. His family consistsof one daughter.

224 ORTX/ILLIAM McCULLY, Postmasr*ter, Truro, Nova Scotia, wasborn in that place, November 9th, 1826.He is the son of William McCully andElizabeth Arnold, both born in ColchesterCounty, Township of Onslow, inthe same house, having no relation toeach other, however, and with but twoyears intervening. Mr. McCully receivedhis education at Truro Academy.The first part of his life was engagedin farming, and in February, 1871, hereceived the appointment of Postmasterof Truro, which position he now holdswith much satisfaction to the <strong>com</strong>mu-He has had the honor of receiv-nity.ing, from Ottawa, the high <strong>com</strong>plimentof having the best regulated and bestconducted office in Eastern Canada.He is a man of very thorough businesshas a keen grasp of detail, andhabits,is possessed of the desirable faculty ofbeing able to address himself to a multiplicityof duties, with correctness anddespatch, which renders his service soacceptable to the public. In religion,he belongs to the Presbyterian Church.On the twenty-ninth of October, 1855,he was married, to Miss Martha G.Wilson, daughter of James Wilson,Esq. His family consists of fivechildren.

225KORGE ALBERT HETHER-INGTON, M.D., L.M., Dublin,Physician and Surgeon, St. John, N.B.,was born March lyth, 1851, at Johnston,N.B. He is the son of James Griersonand Mary J. (Clark) Hetherington.Dr. Hetherington received his education,first, in Johnston, and afterwards attendedthe Normal School, where heprocured a teacher's license in 1860, andtaught school for a time. He afterwardsattended the Baptist Seminary,Fredericton, the Medical Department ofthe University of Michigan, and wasresident physician in Washtenaw AlmshouseHospital and Insane Asylum,for one year. He took the secondyear special course in the Universityof Michigan. After studying in theGeneral Hospital and College of Medicineand Surgery, at Cincinnati, graduatingM.D., A.D 1875, he returned toNew Brunswick, and practiced medicinefor nearly five years. He then spent aperiod in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary,took qualification Lie. Mid., of DublinRotunda Hospital for Women, togetherwith a special course for diseases ofwomen and children. He afterwardsreceived the appointment of assistantclinical instructor, for same hospital,and clerk, having charge of the extensiveHeMaternity Department.returned to St. John in 1882,and began general practice.Dr. Hetherington is a Licentiateof the Council ofPhysicians and Surgeons ofN.B., Fellow of the BritishGynecological Society ofLondon, Commissioner ofGeneral Public Hospital, St.John, lecturer and examinerSt. John Training Schoolfor Nurses, pathologist ofSt. John General PublicHospital, Coroner for St.John City and County, Surgeonfor St. John FiremenMutual Relief Association,etc. He also holds secondclasscertificates from MilitarySchool and Royal InfantrySchool, Fredericton.Dr. Hetherington belongs tothe Knights of Pythias, IndependentOrder of Forestersand the Masonic Order.In religion, he is aBaptist, and in politics, anactive Liberal. He was married,September 5th, 1876,to Sybil Mclntyre, of Sussex,now deceased.'5

226 CANADA.ADAMS BLAKELY, M.D.,Winnipeg, Man., Deputy Ministerof Education for the Provinceof Manitoba, was born November4th, 1854, at Cherry Valley, Ont. Hisparents were William Brock and Lucy(Adams) Blakely, of U. E. Loyaliststock. He received his education atthe High schools in Picton and Napanee,and the Toronto Normal School.He went to Winnipeg in 1881, passedthe examination for first-class teachers,and was at once employed on the staffof the city schools. Being a successfuland progressive teacher, his promotionwas rapid. He was soon placed incharge of the Central School,then the largest in the Pro- r -vince, and did much to carryit forward to itspresentstate of efficiency. Afterhe resigned the principalshipto <strong>com</strong>plete his coursein medicine, he was twiceelected school trustee bylarge majorities. Dr. Blakelygraduated from ManitobaUniversity in 1889,and was appointed to hispresent position in Novemberof the same year. Hisexecutive ability and experienceas a teacher haseminently qualified him forthis office, and he is doinggood work in the interest ofeducation in the Province.He his widely known andhighly respected thoughoutthe Province, he has alwaystaken an active interestin church work, being anofficial member of GraceMethodist Church, and ateacher of the Young People'sBible class in its SundaySchool. He did a largeshare of work in connectionwith the organization of Wesley Churchand McDougall Memorial Church, andwas the first recording Stewart in eachof them. He is also an active temperanceworker, and at presentis GrandChiefTemplar of the I. O.G.T., for Manitoba.He is active in every good wordand work, and spares neither time norcause. Dr.energy to help a goodBlakely was married, September 24th,1890, to Miss Arrninda Myrtal, daughterof the late Abraham Law, of RichmondHill, York County, Ontario.Mrs. Blakelyis Provincial presidentof the Women's Christian TemperanceUnion in Manitoba.

IVIKN227^/TELBORNE MACMONAGLE,^Yl Barrister, St. Stephen, N.B.,V?) was born in Sussex Vale,N.B., March 2oth, 1846. He is theson of Henry MacMonagle and IsabelPerkins, both of New Brunswick.He received his education atthe schools of Sussex,School, St. John, after which he enteredthe Grammarthe law office of Wedderburn (nowjudge) and MacMonagle, in St. John.Was called to the Bar in February,1871, and sworn in as Barrister thefollowing year. He <strong>com</strong>menced thepractice of law in St. Stephen in 1871,where he has worked up a very largeHe was a mem-and lucrative practice.ber of the Municipal County Councilfor a number of years, and Town Solicitorfor St. Stephen. He joined theMilitary School of Instruction in 1870,and received a second-class certificatefrom the Major of the 78th Highlanders.He has lately devoted a large portion ofhis time to farming, being the ownerof two hay farms in the vicinity of St.Stephen. He was married in April,1877, to Annie J. Mcllroy, of St.Stephen, N. B. His family consists ofthree daughters. He is a member of theLoyal Orange Order, being P.D.G.M.In religion, he is an Episcopalian.

228 CANADA..JOHN SHAW,Parish Priestof New Glasgow, N.S., wasborn in December, 1828, inCape Breton, N.S. He is the son ofMichael and Christie (Morrison) Shaw,natives of the Highlands, Scotland.His father died when he was about sixmonths old, and his mother afterwardsmarried Archibald McEachern. FatherShaw's mother was Presbyterian up tothe time of her second marriage, whenshe became a Roman Catholic. Hereceived his education at St. FrancoisXavier College, Antigonish, N. S.,and was ordained priest in September,1 86 1, by the late Right Rev. BishopMcKinnon. His first charge was Ingonishand Bay St. Lawrence, VictoriaCounty, C.B. In 1866, he took chargeof Little Glace Bay, Bridgeport, CowBay and Reserve Mines, C.B., and continuedpastor of the same until July,1 88 1, when he was appointed to theParish of Arisaig and Malignant Brook,where he continued until September,1885, when he was sent to the newmission of New Glasgow and Trenton,N.S., where he still continues. Hisbusylife contains the fullest evidenceof his untiring efforts in behalf of hisbeloved church, and the affection of hispeople, speaks for his success.

JOHN W. DANIEL,M. D., M. R. C. S.,Eng., Physician andSurgeon, St. John, N.B.,wasborn January 27th, 1845.He is the son of Rev. HenryDaniel, a retired clergymanof the Methodist Church,and his mother was a cousinof the novelist CharlotteBronte. Dr. Daniel receivedhis education at New KingswoodSchool, Bath, England,taking the scholarship,granted for the highest averagein all branches. He passedthe Junior Extra Academicalexamination of theUniversity of Cambridge,and <strong>com</strong>menced professionaleducation at New York,at Bellevne Hospital Med-where he wasical College,a private pupil of the lateM:KN 229Prof. Austin Flint, in diseasesof the heart andlungs, and graduated fromthat institution in March,1865. He then entered theU.S. Army, as acting assistantsurgeon, remainingover a year was in ; chargeof the Officers' Hospital at Mobile, be surgeon of the same corps. HeAlabama, and afterwards surgeon in is vice-president of St. George's Society,charge of Post Hospital at Shreveport, a member and past president of the St.Louisiana ; resigned this position in John County Medical Society, and past1866, and returned to England, and attachedhimself to the London Hospital, ical until July, 1867, at which Society. For five years, he hastime he passed been an elected member of the councilpresident of the New Brunswick Med-the examinations of the Royal College of Physicians and surgeons of Newof Surgeons of England, and was admitteda Member. He is now its president, andBrunswick,has practiced was for many years a member of the St.his profession in St. John, since 1871, John Lodge A.F. & A.M. In politics,and was appointed one of the visiting he is a Conservative, and in religion,staff of the St. John General Hospital, an adherent of the Methodist Church.in 1886. In 1875, he was <strong>com</strong>missioned He was married, October i5th, 1890, toassistant surgeon of the N. B. B. G. A.,and in August, 1876, was Jessie Porteous, daughter of the latepromoted to Mr. John Ennis, of St. John, N.B.

,an230 OK CANADA.out, and settled in Somerset,in the County of RockLake, where he has beenfarming ever since. On theorganization of the provinceinto municipalities,Mr. O'Malley \vas gazetted acouncillor by Lieut.-GovernorCauchon.In 1880, andfor five consecutive yearsafter that, he was elected tothat office. In 1885-86, hewas elected to the Reeveshipby large majorities,since then he has not beenopposed, but is elected annuallyby acclamation. In1888, Mr. O'Malley waselected to the Local Legislature,and in 1892, after theredistribution of the provinceinto counties, he wasreturned by acclamation, atribute to his sterling worth,and an honor of which theonce penniless Irish boymay very justly be proud.He is president and directorof the Lome AgriculturalSociety, and not only takesinterest in whatever pertainsto the welfare of hisconstituency, but he is an ardent friend1^ Lome, County of Rock Lake, of Manitoba, and has done yeomanV5> Manitoba, was born Augustyth, 1857, in Galway County, country. In politics, he is a staunchwork in the interest of his adoptedIreland. His parents, John and Catharine(Robinson) O'Malley, died when of the principles of his party, but he isConservative, and an able exponenthe was very young, and left a family respected alike by Conservatives andof eight small children, of which Mr. Liberals for his ability and manlyO'Malley was one of the youngest. qualities. In religion, he is a memberHe came to Canada when sixteen, and of the Episcopal Church. On Marchfor three years was engaged on the 2nd, 1882, he was married to Misssurveys of Manitoba, after which he Sarah Clouston, daughter of the lateengaged for a year and a half in the Wm. Clouston, Esq., an old andconstruction of telegraph lines. He highly esteemed officer of the Hudson'sthen bought a farm in Marquette county,Manitoba, but after two years sold son and twoBay Co. His family consists of onedaughters.^T\ G. O'MALLEY, M.P.P., for

MEN 231JAMESALBERT KAULBACHM.A., Archdeacon of NovaScotia, Canon of St. Luke'sCathedral, and Vicar of Truro, N.S.,was born at Lunenburg, N.S., August3Oth, 1839. His parents were JohnHenry and Sophia Fredericka (Newman)Kaulbach. His father was HighSheriff of the County of Lunenburg,N.S., for 56 years, and his grandfather,Henry Kaulbach was also Sheriff forthirty years, prior to that. Mr. Kaulbackwas educated at King's College,Windsor, N.S., and was ordained deaconin Halifax, in 1864, by Bishop Binney,and priest in 1865. He thenserved five and one half years at RiverJohn, Pictou County, N.S., and thenremoved to Truro, in 1870, where hehas since remained. The Archdeaconis a man of sterling parts, of great influencein his church, and widely esteemedas an able minister and Christiangentleman. His scholarly attainments,genial spirit and brilliant parts, accountfor his success and popularity, and hisnumerous friends hope that his usefullifemay be long spared. He wasmarried in 1876, to Miss Mary SophiaBradshaw, daughter of Jas. T. Bradshaw,Esq., of Quebec. His familyconsists of one son.

232( T EORGE A. B. ADDY, M. D.,^-AC.M., Practicing Physician andSurgeon, St. John, N.B., was born inthat city, January 2nd, 1869. Hisparents were H. George Addy, andCecelia (Bessonett) Addy. His grandfatherwas the Rev. John S. Addy, whocame from Sheffield, County of York,Eng., to St. John's. Newfoundland, in1836, then to Liverpool, N. S., andHalifax, N. S. and St. John, N. B. Hewas a Wesleyan clergyman, and leftSt John's, Newfoundland, in 1857, anddied in Yarmouth, N. S., in 1884. Dr.Halifax from St.H G Addy, came toJohn's, Newfoundland, in 1860, andserved three and one half years in theAmerican Rebellion, after which hereturned to Halifax, and finally to St.John, N. B. Dr. Geo. A. B. Addy waseducated in the St. John schools, andgraduated at McGill University, Montreal,after which he practiced for a shorttime in St. John, North End. Since1891, he has been superintendent ofthe General Hospital, St. John. Hebelongs to the Knights of Pythiasand St. George's societies, and is secretaryof the New Brunswick MedicalSociety, and second vice-president of St.John Medical Society. In politics, he isa Liberal, and in religion, a Methodist,

CANADA. 233MARKS PORTER, retiredmerchant, ship builderthe Peace, and, having been a strongadvocate of the temperance cause alland farmer, of St. Stephen, N.B., was his life, he fought hard to do awayborn in that place, June 24th, 1804. withHe the granting of liquor licenses inreceived his education at the schools Charlotte County, and succeeded in theof St. Stephen, and in 1828 <strong>com</strong>menced non-granting of the same for one term.business as general merchant, at Mill When nineteen years of age, he nearlyTown, N.B. He also did a large businessin lumber, and in connection which rendered him insensible, but hislost his lifeby a lightning stroke,with his brother John, did quite an extensivebusiness in ship building, underterminate, and incareer was not so tohis ninetieth year (1893), Mr. Porterthe firm name of John and G. M. Porter.His brother having died on his honorable and eventful life. His chil-looks back with pleasure on a long,way home from California, where he dren occupy various positions of trust,had been with one of their vessels, Mr. most of them residing in the UnitedGeorge Porter continued to carry on States.the different branches ofbusiness by himself, remainingin Mill Town forforty-one years. He thenremoved to his present residencein St. Stephen, andcontinued in business thereuntil 1876. He was fornineteen years a director ofSt. Stephen's Bank, forfifteen years consular agent,and for forty-five years presidentof the St. C roix andPenobscot Railway, whichposition he still holds. Hehas been married twice;first, to Mary, daughter ofSamuel Topliff, Esq., ofRobinston, Maine, in 1829,by whom he had three sonsand four daughters, andafter her death, he marriedElizabeth M., daughter ofMr. Housley, of Boston,Mass., who died in March,1891. In religion, Mr. Porteris a congregationalist,and holds the office ofdeacon. In politics, heis a Liberal-Conservative.When a mere youth, hewas appointed a Justice of

2 34 MEN OF SFORBESALLOWAY,Hon. James McKay, and so continuedbanker, Winnipeg, Man., wasborn at " for some years. Afterwards he conductedthe business on his own account.The Berries," Queen's County,Ireland, on the 2oth August, 1852.His parents were Arthur Wni. andMary Christina (Johnson) Alloway.In 1879, Mr. Alloway, with Mr. H. T.Champion, founded the Banking HouseAlloway & Champion, the name ofHis mother was a daughter of the late which has always beenThomas synonymJohnson, Esq., of Dublin, whointegrity and honor. This institutionwas a brother of the late Hon. Robert is one of the few which weatheredJohnson. His father was late of the the collapse of4th, King's Own. Mr. Alloway wasWinnipeg's boom. Mr.educated at the Montreal Alloway built the magnificent OgilvieHigh School, Mills, of Winnipeg, Man., of which heand in 1870, joined Lord Wolseley's was the firstmanager, he being one ofRed River Expedition. In 1873, hebecame a partner in the transportationthe charter stockholders of the OgilvieMilling Company, (Ltd.), Winnipeg.For six years, he was a member of theWinnipeg City Council, andtook an active interest inall that pertained to theimprovement and prosperityof the city. Since 1879, n ^ sbusiness has demanded allhis time and attention, sothat he has had to refusefurther municipalHe honors.was instrumental inbringing about the abolitionof the C.P.R. monopoly, inManitoba, anent the DisallowanceQuestion. He isan able business man, andhas done much to help forwardthe interests of Manitoba.In religion, Mr.Alloway is an Episcopalian,and in politics, a Liberal.On the 3rd of September,1878, he was married toElizabeth, eldest daughterof the late James Maclaren,Esq., of Pinehurst, Buckingham,Que.,whowas presidentof the Bank of Ottawa,and one of the lumberkings of the Dominion.Mrs. Allowayis a niece ofProf. Maclaren, D. D., ofKnox College, Toronto.

235ON. JAMES G.STEVENS,Q. C.,St. Stephen, N.B.,judge of the County Courtsof the counties of Charlotte,Carleton, Victoria and Madawaska,was born in Edinburgh,Scotland, February25th, 1822. He is a son ofAndrew Stevens, Esq., andGrace Buchanan Campbell,daughter of Sir Colin Campbell,of Auchinbreck, Argyleshire.Although descendeddirectly from thenobility of Scotland, JudgeStevens thinks more of thenobility of intellect whichhe inherited from his parents.He came to NewBrunswick in 1840, andlocated at St. Stephen,where he began the studyof law with Judge Alex.Campbell, and finished withD. S. Kerr, then practicingat Fredericton. He wasadmitted to practice, in 1845,called to the Bar in 1847,created a Q.C. in 1867, andpracticed in St. Stephen untilappointed to his presentposition, June loth, 1867. Judge Stevenssat for the County of Charlottein the New Brunswick Assembly, from1861 to 1865, when he was defeatedon the question of Confederation, andagain from 1866, until he received hisJudgeship. He succeeded in gettingan Act passed, relieving the Port ofSt. Stephen from payment of exportduties, and has left a record ofable speeches in the Legislature. Hewas a successful legislator, as severalof his Acts on the Statute bookwill show. He is the author of " AnAnalytical Digest of the Decisions ofthe Supreme Courts of New Brunswick,from 1825, to Easter Term, 1886, inclusive,"u Index to the Statutes, Rules,Orders, Regulations, Treatises andProclamations of the Dominion of Canada,"and " Indictable Offenses andSummary Convictions," which have hada large sale. He is greatly interestedin education, and also tries to encouragethe manufacturers to locate inhis town. He is a prominent Presbytarian,and president of the St. StephenBranch of the Bible Society. JudgeStevens was married in December, 1845,to Elizabeth Helen, daughter of JohnMarks of Loyalist descent. His familyconsists of thirteen children, living.

236Conservitor. In 1878, hestarted the Inter-Ocean, atSelkirk, Man., this beingthe first paper in the North-West, outside of Winnipeg.In 1880, this plant was removedto Rat Portage, andthe Progress, now the News,was established. After sixteenmonths, he acceptedthe office of Registrar ofDeeds for Manitoba, butwhen the territory wasgiven over to Ontario, helost the office. In 1885,he started the Progress atQu'Appelle, Assa., and in1891, sold the same to Mr.A. C. Paterson, and returnedto Rat Portage, inJuly, 1891, and establishedthe Record, which is fastpushing to the front. Mr.Weidman is one of theablest and most pushingnewspaper men in the Dominionof Canada, and possessesthat keen insightand enterprise which are sohelpful in opening up theresources of a new country,and judging fromWEIDMAN, hiseditor andpastsuccesses, it is quite safe to predictproprietorJAMES of the Record, Rat for him a brilliant future. In politics,he is an Independent-Conservative,Portage, Ont., was born September12th, 1850, in the township of and in religion,Pickering, Ontario County, Ont. Hea Methodist, and issuperintendent of the Sabbath School,received his education in the publicschools, and he is practically a selfmademan. He subsequently servedan apprenticeship to the printing trade,on the York Herald, at Richmond Hill,Out., where he originated the process ofprinting several colors at one impression,on a hand press. He remainedon this paper six years, and afterwardsworked at different places, and establishedthe Brampton Progress, now thein his town. He is also a strong prohibitionist,and a past D.D.G.M., in theMasonic Order. Mr. Weidman hasbeen married twice: first, in 1873, toHattie Oriel, daughter of John Adair,of Toronto, Ont., by whom he has oneson and one daughter, and second, iniSSi, to Elile Jane, daughter ofCharles Bamforth, of Manitou, Manitoba,by whom he also has one son andone daughter.

MEN 237REDERIC E. BARKER, M.A.,>.C.L-, Q.C., Barrister, etc.,St.John, N.B., was born December27th, 1838, at Sheffield, Sunbury County,N.B. He is the son of Enoch andMary S. Barker, now deceased, whoseancestors came from Massachusetts toSheffield, previous to 1760. Mr. Barkerreceived his education at Sunbury GrammarSchool and King's College. He graduatedfrom the latter institution, receivingthe degree of B. A. in 1856, andsubsequently took the degrees of M.A.,B C.L. and D.C.L. in due course. Hewas admitted as attorney in 1860, andbarrister in 1861. He studied with thelate Mr. Justice Fisher, and was, for six3'ears in partnership with the late Mr.Justice Wetmore. Mr. Barker has beenpresident of the Barristers' Society ofN.B., and the St. John Law Society,and is at present a member of thecouncil of these societies. He is also amember of St. George's Society, andwas its president for two years, is presidentof the St. John Bridge and RailwayExtension Co., and a director inSt. John Gas Company. In politics,he is an active Conservative. He wasrepresentative in the House of Commonsof the city of St. John, havingsucceeded Sir Leonard Tilley on hisappointment to the Governorshipof New Brunswickin 1885, but -was defeated atthe general election in 1886.In religion, he belongs tothe Episcopalian Church,and is church warden of St.Paul's Church, St. John.He was one of the <strong>com</strong>missionersappointed by theN. B. Government to consolidatethe statutes in 1875,and a member of the LawC ommission, afterwards appointedby the same government.Mr. Barker hasbeen married twice :first, in1865, to Julia, daughter ofEdward Lloyd, at that timeof the Royal EngineersCivil Staff, stationed at St.,andJohn, by this marriagethere were two daughtersone son;the latter a graduateof the R.M.C., Kingston,is now a lieutenant inthe Royal Artillery, stationedin Egypt; he was marriedafterwards to Mary Ann,daughter of the late B. A.Black, of Halifax, N.S., bywhom he has two daughters.

238 MEN\\/ILLIAM HENRY JOHNSON,V\ M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., Edinburgh, Physician and Surgeon,Fergus, Ont., was born September1 8th, 1850, in Wellington County,Ont. His parents were John and Margaret(Smith) Johnson, who came toAmerica when young, with their parents,settling in Guelph and Eramosatownships. His father was present atthe meeting for organizing EramozaTownship in 1827, an(^ never missed ameeting for over fifty years. Dr. Johnsonwas educated in the public schoolsand Gait Grammar School, under thewell known Dr. Tassie. He afterwardsmatriculated in medicine,and succeeded in taking ascholarship the second year,and the gold medal with hisdegree of M.D., from VictoriaCollege, in 1873. Hethen spent a year in London,England, attending St.Thomas and other notedhospitals, and obtained certificatesof honor in surgery,medicine and obstretrics,also the degree of M.R.C.S.Eng. He then spent ashort time in Edinburgh,where de obtained the degreeof E.R.C.P., Edinburgh.Returning to Canada,he settled in Fergus in1875, where he establisheda practice, since developedinto large proportions. Heis a member of the MasonicOrder S.O.S. and A.O.U.W.,is medical examiner in thelatter and has filled all theoffices in the A.O.U.W. Hewas elected councillor, twoyears, by acclamation, andReeve for two years, thesecond election being byacclamation also, when heretired voluntarily. In politics, he isan active Reformer, secretary of CentreWellington Reform Association, and aconvincing stump speaker. He wouldhave honesty, intelligence and independencethe first considerations in agovernment. He is also fond of athleticsports, is an active player onfirst teams, of base ball, lacrosse, football, cricket, and has been president ofseveral local clubs in this connection.He volunteered and was appointedassistant surgeon of 3Oth Battalion,during the Riel trouble in 1885, andhas been surgeon since 1887. In religion,the Doctor is a Presbyterian.

OK 239r.HORACE D. COOPER,A., Incumbent of EmmanuelEpiscopal Church, Holland,Man., was born July I7th, 1838, at theCross Roads, where Clinton, Out., nowstands. His parents were Rev. H. C.Cooper, B.A., and Susan Bowden. Mr.Cooper's father was also an Episcopalclergyman, and died in 1878. Hismother is still living. Mr. Cooperreceivedhis early education from hisfather, and afterwards at the NiagaraGrammar School. He entered TrinityCollege, Toronto, in October, 1855, andgraduated B.A. in 1859. He was ordaineddeacon in St. James Cathedral,Toronto, in October 1861,and priest in the sameplace, in October, 1862. Hisfirstcharge after ordinationas deacon, was at Beverly,where he remained until1867. He was then incumbentof St. James Church,Fergus, Ont., until 1872,then Holland Landing, Out.,until January 1875, thenCol borne and Brighton, untilOctober, 1880, when heexchanged with Rev. Mr.Gardner of Morris Man.,for one year, after which hereturned to Ontario, and tooktemporary charge at Bolton,Ont., for nine mouths,He was then at Lloydtown,Out., from March,1882, to December ist,1886. then Battern Mission,near Coilingwood, for twoand one half years. InJuly, 1888, he took chargeat Stayner and Sunnidale,Ont., and resigned at Easter,1893, and then took chargeat Holland, Man., June 25th,1893. When Mr. Cooperbecame incumbent here, thechurch was in a weak condition, but itis already prospering, and the congregationis about to erect a new churchbuilding, which will cost about $2,500.He has always been an energetic,painstaking and successful man, and inall his charges, has done good work,and he isonly repeating in Hollandwhat he has done elsewhere. Mr.Cooperis a P.M. in the A.F. & A.M.He was married July 2oth, 1864, toMiss Selina Caroline, daughter of thelate Peter Ruthven of Hamilton, Ont.His family consists of seven sons andtwo daughters, living, and one sondeceased.

240LAWSON, Ph.D., LL.D., F.I.C.,Halifax, N.S., was born atNewport, Parish of Forgan,Fifeshire, Scotland, OctoberI2th, 1827. His early educationwas received at aprivate school, from whichhe entered the Universityof Edinburgh, and devotedhis attention to the naturaland physical sciences. Hisstudies at Edinburgh extendedover a period of tenyears, during which, he wasoccupied with scientific andliterary work. He wascurator of the UniversityHerbarium, until it was removedto the Royal BotanicGarden. He assisted Prof.Balfour in class work, conducteda select class in histologyfor advanced students,and taught the use ofthe microscope and the methodsof research in regardto plants. On the death ofDr. Fleming, professor ofnatural science, Dr. Lawson,in conjunction withthe late Andrew Murray,continued the lectures. For his work inpreparing and carrying through thepress, the catalogue of the library ofthe Royal Society of Edinburgh, hewas <strong>com</strong>plimented by Sir R. Christison,in his presidental address. In 1858,he accepted the appointment of professorof chemistry and natural history inQueen's University, Kingston, Out.On leaving for Canada, he was presentedwith a purse of sovereigns, anda valuable silver salver, in order that,as one of the speakers said at his farewell:"meeting Canadians might knowwhat Scotland thought of his services."Dr. Lawson filled his position inQueen's College, Kingston, with muchacceptance until 1863, when he resignedand accepted his present professorship.The space allotted to hisbiography will not admit the details ofhis success, nor afford room for themention of his connection with all theimportant literary and scientific societiesin this and the old land. In religionthe Doctor is a member of theChurch of Scotland, and Conservativein politics.He was married twice :first, to Lucy, daughter of CharlesStapley, Chelsea, Eng., and second, toCaroline Matilda, daughter of Wm.Jordan, Rosehall, Halifax, N.S.

OR CANAnA.241/CLEX. W. MACRAE, A.M., Bar-X\ nster-at-Law, St. John, N.B.,VS> was born at St. John's, Newfoundland.His parents were Donaldand Catherine H. (McLea) Macrae;his father being a Presbyterian Clergyman,whose biography appears in thisvolume. His paternal grandfather wasa clergyman of the Church of Scotland,well known as a polemic writer, in thedays of the disruption. His maternalgrandfather, the Hon. Kenneth McLea,was a prominent merchant of St. John's,Newfoundland, and a member of theLegislative Council of that colony. Hereceived his education at the <strong>com</strong>monschools of N.S. and N.B., graduatingfrom Dalhousie College, Halifax, B.A.,in 1886, matriculated with high honorsinto the University of London, Eng.,in 1887, and passed the intermediateL.L.B. examination of that institution,in 1889. He afterwards graduatedA.M., from Harvard University. Hewas mathematical teacher in the St.John Grammar School, for about ayear and a half, and was called to theBar in Oct., 1889. He is a member ofthe Masonic Order, K. of P., Orange Association,I. O.K., and St. Andrew's Society.In politics, he is a Liberal-Conservative,and in religion, a Presbyterian.16

CANADA,CHARLESFERGIE, Agent andI Manager of the Intercolonial^^^"^ Coal Mining Co., limited.,Westville, N. S., was born November29th, 1857, at Wigan, Lancashire, Eng.He is the son of Thomas FrancisFergie, B.D., vicar of Ince, honorary,canon of Liverpool, chairman of theWigan Mining and Technical School,a clergyman widely known and greatlyrespected, both for his ability and hiskind manner. Mr. Fergie was educatedat the Wigan Grammar schools and theWigan Mining School, graduating withdistinction. After <strong>com</strong>pleting his education,he learned the profession ofmining engineer, which occupation hehas followed up to the present timewith gratifying success. He has heldpositions of great responsibility, which,by his skill and industry, he has filledwith much satisfaction. In his presentresponsible position, he enjoys the confidenceof the Intercolonial Coal MiningCompany, and is greatly respected bythose who are under him and lookedin which heup to by the <strong>com</strong>munitylives. In religion, he is a member ofthe Church of England. He was married,March 22nd, 1893, to Mary Campbell,daughter of Howard Primrose,Esq., Pictou County, N.S.

243RUTHERFORD, Stellar-professional practice. In 1880, whenton, N.S., the first Government theJOHNexplosion took place in the AlbionInspector of Mines for NovaScotia, is a native of Durham Mines, he was summoned, from England,to assistCounty,England. He in replacing the mines inwas educated at a private a productive condition. He was subsequentlyappointed manager, in whichschool, and when sixteen was placedwith a civil engineer of considerable position he remained until the Vale andrepute, at Hartlepool, after which he Halifax <strong>com</strong>panies were amalgamatedspent two years in the engine buildingshops of the now well-known Harpointed,by the Dominion Government,with the Acadia Coal Co. He was aptlepoolEngine Works of Thomas Richardson& the Advisory Board, for thea member ofSons. Here he gained such Philadelphia Exhibition, in 1876, anda practical knowledge of machinery, as was one of the superintendents of thewas very valuable in after life. He collection of minerals sent there. Heabandoned civil engineering, however, was also, for some years, examiner inand was articled to Mr. George (now mining at King's College, Windsor, N.S.Sir George) Elliot, the eminentmining engineer andcoal owner, after which hewas placed in a positionwhich enabled him to gainan intimate knowledge ofthe difficulties in sinkingthrough the Magnesianlimestone and beds of quicksand,and the mode of over<strong>com</strong>ingthem, at the Seahamand Seaton collieries. Aboutthis time, Mr. Rutherford,entered the office of a firmof land and mining surveyors,where he remaineduntil appointed mining assistantof Lord Durham'sextensive collieries, whichoffice he held for some years.In 1865, Mr. Rutherford,being strongly re<strong>com</strong>mended,was engaged as inspectorof mines for the province ofNova Scotia. He held thatposition for six years, afterwhich he resigned to be<strong>com</strong>ethe general manager of theGeneral Mining Associationof London, which positionhe held for five years, afterwhich he followed a private

244STEELECURRY,City Comptroller, Winnipeg,Manitoba, was born in Sydney,C.B., in 1852, and was educatedat a private school. He enteredthe service of the Glasgow andCape Breton Coal and Railway Co., atan early age, and at the time of the <strong>com</strong>pany'ssnspension ; owing to the severedepression in the coal trade in 1874,occupied the position of cashier andpaymaster. In June of that year, hejoined the North-West Mounted Policeat Toronto, and served under ColonelFrench in the celebrated march to FortWhoopup and return. This, at thetime, was claimed to be the longestcontinuous march of a military forceon record, the distance covered being2,200 miles. The North-West wasthen to a large extent in a rough state,and many privations and hardshipswere experienced during the march.In June 1875, Mr. Curry resigned fromthe N.-W. Mounted Police, and wasappointed <strong>com</strong>missariat officer for theC.P.R. surveys in the Lake of theWoods district. Two years later, hewas transferred to Winnipeg, as accountantin the office of the paymasterand purveyor. On the retirement ofMr. Nixon, Mr. Curry was placed inas accountant andchargepaymaster at Winnipeg,and continued in this officeuntil the final winding up,in 1884, of the Governmentbusiness in connection withthe C.P.R., being latterlyemployed in the Departmentof Railways at Ottawa, adjustingGovernment contractclaims. In Aug., 1884,he was appointed auditor ofthe city of Winnipeg, andsubsequently city <strong>com</strong>ptroller,which position he nowfills. Mr. Curryis a memberof the trading firm of Brown& Curry, Edmonton, Alberta,a director of theNorth-West Fire InsuranceCo., and is identified withvarious local institutions.He is one of the largestholders of Winnipeg realestate, and has unboundedfaith in the future of Manitobaand the North-West.His early experience inthat new country, has enabledhim to render valuableservice in opening up itsvast resources.

2 45,EV. ARCHIBALD BOWMAN,Presbyterian Clergyman, NewGlasgow, N. S., was' bornApril 24th, 1841, at Cadder, near Glasgow,Scotland. He is the son of Jas.and Jean (Buchanan) Bowman, nowdeceased ;the former was a farmer andMr. Bowman received hisgrain miller.primary education at the parish schoolof Cadder, and continued his highereducation at Glasgow University. Hewas ordained in 1872 to Braemer Chapel,Aberdeenshire. Prior to that, hewas assistant in St. John's Church andto Rev. Dr. Macleod, Park Church,editor of Good Words, and afterwardsbecame minister of Forglen, Banffshire.Mr. Bowman is also a member of theIndependent Order of Oddfellows. Inhe is a Conservative. He is apolitics,prominent minister in his denomination,and is an ex-moderator of his Synod.He is an able preacher, active in allthat concerns the welfare of his church,or the moral uplifting of the <strong>com</strong>inunity,and his entire ministry has beenmarked by success. He was married,March loth, 1874, to Miss Helen Maclean,daughter of John and IsabellaGemmell Maclean, of Glasgow, Scotland.His family consists of two sonsand one daughter.

,EV. THOMAS GUMMING,Pastor of St. Andrew's Church,Truro, N.S., is a native ofStellarton, Pictou County, N.S., but ofScotch parentage. He received hiseducation, first in his native village,and afterwards continued it at the NewGlasgow Grammar School and theHalifax Academy. He received histheological education in the PresbyterianCollege, Halifax, N.S., and wasordained to the ministry in 1863. Heafterwards visited the leading collegesof the Dominion, as well as of theUnited States, Scotland and Ireland.He was nine years pastor of SharonChurch, Stellarton, from which he wascalled to Calvin Church, Montreal,succeeding the Rev. Dr. Scriniger. In1884, he succeeded Dr. Burrows, aspastor of St. Andrew's Church, Truro.with hisIn 1890, he, in <strong>com</strong>panybrother, Rev. Robert Gumming, travelledround the globe.The PresbyterianRecord, for 1891, contains sketchesof his travels in the Holy Land.Under Mr. Cumining's pastorate, thecongregation, at Truro, is in a flourishingcondition. In 1874, he was marriedto Tillie McNairn, of Quebec. He hasthree sons, one of whom isstudyingwith a view to entering the ministry.

MEN247,KV. JOHN JOSEPH CHIS-HOLM, P.P., Pictou, N.S.,was born at Heatherton,March 3 ist, 1840. He is the son ofAlexander Chisholm and CatherineChisholm. The former was a nativeof Strathglass, Invernesshire, Scotland,and came to Canada in 1818, locatingat Heatherton, County of Antigonish,N.S., where he died, October, 1879.Father Chisholm was educated at theschool of Heatherton, and the GrammarSchool, St. Andrew's. In 1857,he entered St. Francis Xavier College,Antigonish, where he finished hiscourse, preparatory to entering uponthe study of divinity. In 1862, heentered the Sulpician Grand Seminary,Montreal, where he continued his studiesuntil the end of the year 1865, whenhe was ordained priest, by ArchbishopLynch, of Toronto, December 1 7th, 1865.Immediately after ordination, he becameone of the assistant priests of St.Patrick's, Montreal, where he remainedfor about four months, when he returnedto his native diocese. In May of thesame year, he was given charge of themission of Broad Cove, but the missionof Margaree being vacant, and much inneed of the services of a priest, at thetime, he was sent, after six weeks' workin Broad Cove, to takecharge of the latter mission,where he remained untilOctober, 1875. On the istNovember, 1875, he tookcharge of the mission ofHeatherton, where he serveduntil the ist of November,1892, when he was put incharge of the mission ofPictou, where he still continues.When Father Chisholmleft Heatherton, hewas presented with a purseof money and other tokens,from his parishioners, as anexpression of their goodwill towards him, and whileregretting his departurefrom among them, wishedhim every success in hisnew field.Although <strong>com</strong>ingto Pictou, almost an entirestranger, it was not longbefore he had won the heartsof his people there. FatherChisholm has had four brothersand three sisters, onlyone brother of whom is:living, namely Rev. ArchibaldChisholm, P. P.,Judique, N. S.

248JOHNSUTHERLAND, farmer,Kildonan, Man., was born December23rd, 1837, in Kildonan,Red River Settlement. His fatherwas Alexander Sutherland, who cameto the settlement in 1823, anc^ was oneof that body of sturdy Presbyterians,that strove so long to get a minister oftheir own church, for the settlers, andin 1853, visited Toronto, to secure thereturn of their minister, the late Dr.Black, to his distant parish. Hismother was Christina McBeath, whowas born in Kildonan, in 1816. Herparents were among Lord Selkirk'searly settlers. Mr. Sutherland is oneof our many self educatedmen, being at schoolonly a short time. He isan ardent social reformer,taking a deep interest in thepromotion of temperance,and is a strong prohibitionist.He is a "Templar,"and has been president ofhis lodge. He has alwaystaken a deep interest inpublic affairs, and has beenfor some years a member ofthe Kildonan Council. Inpolitics,Mr. Sutherland is,fromconviction, a Liberal.From 1871 to 1878, he representedKildonan in theLegislative Assembly, andtook an active part in thelegislation of that formativeperiod. He had the honorof introducing, in 1871, thefirst bill dealing with PublicEducation in Manitoba.This bill was thoroughlynon-sectarian, as Mr. Sutherlandisopposed to classlegislation of every kind.In him, corruption, in anyparty, finds an un<strong>com</strong>promisingopponent. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, and haslong been an elder, having been ordained,in 1867,. by the Rev. Dr. Black,whom forhe has ever had the warmestfriendship. Since 1879, he has beensuperintendent of the Sunday School ofthe Congregation, and conducts theBible Class. He has been a memberof the Board of Managementof ManitobaCollege from its foundation, andcalled the first meeting to take steps toerect a building for the College in Kildonan.In 1862, he was married to Flora,daughter of Hugh and Jannet Poison,both among Lord Selkirk's settlers. Hehas two sons and three daughters.

249_X^URED. LAWRENCE SCHAFFjjNER, M.D., C.M., Boissevaiu,Man., was born August iSth,1854, in Williamston, N.S. His parentswere William C. and Azuba (Phinney)Schaffner. Dr. Schaffner received hiseducation at the Williamston publicschool, Truro Normal School, HortonAcademy, and Acadia University, graduatingB.A., from the latter, in June,1882, from which time, until 1884, hetaught school at Rapid City,He Manitoba.then attended Trinity MedicalSchool, Toronto, graduating in 1887,subsequently taking a Post graduatecourse in New York City. He settledat Boissevain shortly after graduation,and has been conducting a very successfulpractice there ever since. Hisgrandfather, Caleb Schaffner, was anoted Colonel in the Canadian forces.Dr. Schaffner is health officer, presidentof the Liberal-Conservative Associationof Boissevain, was the Conservativecandidate for the Local House in 1892.He was married, April iQth, 1887, toMiss Christina, daughter of J. D. Allan,Esq., now of Neepawa, Man. His familyconsists of one daughter. Dr.Schaffner is a P. M. Mason, and aPast Noble Grand in the I.O.O.F. Inhe is areligion,Baptist.

250 MEN ORON. JOHN CRAWFORD, ex-M.P.P., general merchant, Neepawa,Manitoba, was bornJune 17th, 1856,111 Ashneld Township,Huron County, Ont. His parents,James and Catherine (McGregor) Crawford,settled in Neepawa district, in1877. He received his education in thePort Albert public school, and afterspending six years in a flour mill, atPort Albert, removed to Gladstone, Man.In 1876, he took up land in Neepawadistrict, and carried on an implementbusiness also, until 1883, when he removedto the town, and conducted theimplement, lumber and grain business,until August, 1890, when he opened ageneral store. He was elected to Council,in 1884, and was, for some years,Reeveof Rosedale municipality. At thetime of the outbreak of the North-West Rebellion, he raised a <strong>com</strong>panyof volunteers, which was attached to the95th Battalion, and was ga/etted as captain.He was elected M.P.P. for BeautifulPlains, in 1886 and 1888, but wasdefeated by Mr. Davidson in 1892.Mr. Crawford is a Presbyterian inreligion, and a member of the I.O.O.F.He was married, February 2oth, 1881,to Miss Matilda, daughter of \V. J.Hayden, of Ashneld, Out.

MEN OF251JOHN McINTYRK,Indian Agent, FortWilliam, Ont, wasborn in 1818, in Lochgoilhead,Argyleshire, Scotland.His parents were Nichol.and Violet (Campbell) Mclntyre.He was educatedat the village of Glenorchy,and afterwards at Glasgow,Scotland. Mr. Mclntyrehas been brought up withthe Hudson's Bay Co., coiningto this country, in 1841,with Sir George Simpson'sparty, on his trip aroundthe world, crossing the continentsof America, Asiaand Europe, in nineteenmonths and twenty-six days,a truly wonderful performancein those days.After this trip, in the Springof 1844, ne took charge of apost on the St. LawrenceRiver, thence to BrunswickHouse, North of Lake Superior,then to Fort William,Lake Superior, where heremained in charge fortwenty-four years, retiringas factor. He then enteredthe Civil Service, as Indian Agent, incharge of the Savanne Agency (Manitobajurisdiction). He has had a longand intimate acquaintance with thecountry and the Indians from MooseFactory, Hudson's Bay, to the St. LawrenceRiver. He has acted as Magistratesince 1866, and has also receivedvarious <strong>com</strong>missions, from time to time,from the government, in the interestsof law and order, and has served asCouncillor in his municipality. Inpolitics, Mr. Mclntyre is a Conservative,and in religion, a Presbyterian.Concerning his retirement from theHudson's Bay Co., Harper s Magazine''remarks : The chief glory of FortWilliam has, however, passed away inthe retirement of Mr. Mclntyre, thelast of the local factors, who looked likean old Scotch laird with his ruddy face,shaggy eye brows and a white tasseledcap that covered locks as whiteas the northern snows, among whichhe has spent his life." He renderedmost valuable service in instructingthe troops how to go West during thefirst Riel Rebellion. Mr. Mclntyre wasmarried, in 1849, to Jane Stone, ofBristol, England, who died in 1886,and by whom he has two sons andthree daughters, living.

252 MEN\\/M. BEATTY, M.A., LL.B.,T ^ general merchant, Parry Sound,Ont.. was born in Ireland in 1835, andcame to Canada with his parents in thesame year. He was educated at VictoriaUniversity, where he took thedegree of B.A. in 1860, M.A. in 1863,and LL.B. in 1864. In 1865, he waselected to the Board and Senate of VictoriaUniversity, continuing a memberminionby re-election for about twenty-fiveyears. In 1863, Mr. Beatty became aParliamentary candidate for Welland,in the Reform interest. In 1867, heran for Welland in the ProvincialLegislature, and for Algoma in the Do-Parliament, and waselected for Weiland by alarge majority. In 1863, inassociation with his brother,J. H. Beatty, of Sarnia, andhis father, Mr. Beatty, purchasedthe Parry Soundestate, and subsequentlyacquired their interest bypurchase, thus be<strong>com</strong>ingthe sole owner of the estate.The development of thislarge and importantinterest,<strong>com</strong>mercially, sociallyand morally, has in agreat measure constitutedhis life work. Parry Soundwas founded by him, andfrom a small beginning hasnow grown to a town ofmore than 2,000 inhabitants,with large lumbering andshipping interests, and prospectsof a valuable railwayconnection now rapidly approaching<strong>com</strong>pletion. Mr.Beattyis a Methodist inreligion, and while devotedto his church, is alwaysready to help forward thework of any other denomination.He has been amember of every General Conferenceof the Methodist Church of Canada,since the first union, and of every AnnualConference since the introductionof laymen. He has always taken adeep interest in the cause of temperanceand prohibition, inserting a prohibitoryclause in all his deeds of town propertyfrom himself. Mr. Beatty has alsobeen largely instrumental in bringingParry Sound under local prohibition.In 1873, he was married to Isabel Eliza,daughter of the late J. G. Bowes, Esq.,for many years mayor of Toronto. Hisfamily consists of four daughters andone sou.

CANADA.TV/ILLIAM A.DONALD, B.A.,and senior member* +Solicitor,of the firm of Fraser & Co., bankers,Pilot Mound, Manitoba, was bornJune 9th,i*11849, NorthumberlandCounty, Ont. His parents were Alexanderand Jean (Scott) Donald, bothScotch. Mr. Donald obtained his educationin the public schools of NorthumberlandCounty, the CollegiateInstitute, Kingston, and Queen's University,graduating iu 1873. He thentaught in the High School of Almonte.He subsequently studied law with thelate J. S. Fead, of Orangeville, Ont.,and continued his studies in Allistonand Toronto.He became a solicitor in1879, and practiced in Orangeville,Out., until 1882, when he removed toWinnipeg, Man. The same year hesettled in Pilot Mound, and opened alaw office. In 1883, he embarked inthe banking business with his presentof Pilotpartner. He was mayorMound, in 1884 and 1885, and is thepresent treasurer of the municipality ofLouise. He belongs to the MasonicOrder. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative.On July 4th, 1883, he married Lucy,daughter of the late James Holden, ofOrangeville, Ont. He has one daughter.

254,EV. THOMAS HENRY JACK-SON WALTON, B.A., Rectorof St. Thomas EpiscopalChurch, Morden, Manitoba, was bornAugust 1 8th, 1866, at Dharwar, CentralIndia. His parents, Rev. Williamand Mary (McNeil) Walton, his fatherbeing of English and his mother ofScotch descent. Mr. Walton, Sr., enteredthe ministry in September, 1887,and was ordained priest, at Winnipeg,in 1888. He was stationedat Clearwater, and subsequently atMorden, where he was Rural Deanuntil succeeded by his son, November6th, 1891. Rev. T. H. J. Waltonbegan his education at Allesley ParkCollege, England, and subsequentlyattended King's College, London, Eng.In 1 88 1, he came to Ontario, and in1885, he removed to Manitoba. In1887, he entered St. John's College,Winnipeg, graduating in arts in 1890,from the University of Manitoba. Hewas ordained deacon in 1890, andpriest in 1892, by Bishop Machray. Hisfirstcharge was Melita, and in November,1891, he was appointed to his presentcharge. He married, November 6th,1891, Miss Louisa J., daughter of JohnWilson, Esq., of Maringhurst, Man.,by whom he has one son.

MEN OK255Gray & Kaye, barristers ;was admitted an Attorneyin 1864, and called to theBar in 1865, and has sincepracticed his profession inSt. John. He was appointeda referee of the SupremeCourt of New Brunswick,Equity Side, in 1886, andwas appointed Sheriff inApril, 1893. He was electedpality of St. John in 1883,and served five years inthat capacity. He was chosenwarden of the municipalityin April, 1884 and1885. In April, 1886, hewas elected mayor of Portlaud,and was re-elected by4 TENRY LAWRANCE STUR- City and County of St. John,N.B., was born April nth, 1842, in St.John, N.B. His parents were HenryParker Sturdee and Emily Lawrance, his Chapter, and of the Encampment ofwife, both natives of England. Mr. Sturdeewas educated at private schools in St. two years vice-president and two yearsSt John (Knights Templar). He wasJohn, the Collegiate School, Fredericton,N.B.,and King's College, Freder-is Lieutenant-Colonel of the 3rd St.president of St. George's Society, andicton, (now the University of New John Reserve Militia. Sheriff SturdeeBrunswick). He matriculated in September,1858, was awarded the Douglas Jane Agnes, daughter of the late Win.was married, September 26th, 1866, toGold Medal in June, 1859, graduated R. Fraser, Esq., M.D.,B.A. in 1861, and M.A. in 1863. Heof Edinburgh,Scotland. His family consists of threestudied law in St. John, with Messrs.an alderman for ward four,of the city of Portland, (nowforming part of the city ofSt. John), in 1883, 1884 and1885. He was also electeda councillor of the munici-acclamation the followingyear. Sheriff Sturdee belongsto the Church of England,and has been vestryclerk and treasurer of TrinityChurch, St.John, since1871, and secretary-treasurerof the Madras School, in NewBrunswick, since 1877. He is WorshipfulMaster of the Union Lodge ofPortland, A.F. & A.M., is a memberof the New Brunswick Royal Archsons and two daughters.

2 5 6

IVIKN OK 257. D. J. McINTOSH, Parish located at Cow Bay, N.S., where hePriest, North Sydney, Nova remained from July, 1873, until November,Scotia, was born November25th, 1849, at South 1877, then from November,River, St. Andrew'sParish, Antigonish County, N.S. Richmond County, C.B., and from that1877, until 1878, he was at L'Ardoise,He is the son of Colin Mclntosh and time until the present at North Sidney,Janet McDonald, the former being a the parish of Sydney Mines also beingnative of South River, and the latter of under his charge, until August, 1884.Little Harbour, Pictou County. His From 1884 to 1888, that parish wasgrandfather came from Scotland in under Rev. Dr. A. Cameron, and from1801. Father Mclntosh was educated 1888 until 1892, it was again underat St. Francois Xavier College, Antigonish,and received his theological lntosh belongs to the C. M. B. A.,Rev. Father Mclntosh. Father Mc-training at Laval University, Quebec. and at present holds the office ofHe was ordained priest, June 8th, 1873,by Cardinal Taschereau. He District was Deputy. He takes no interestfirst in party politics.'7


MLKN OK259,EV. DANIEL A. CHISHOLM,D.D., Rector of St. Francois-Xavier College, Antigonish,N.S., was born January Qth, 1859, inNorth Intervale, Guysboro County.His parents were Colin Chisholm, Esq.,and Christina Chisholni, both nativesof Scotland, the former <strong>com</strong>ing to thishe was a student of the PropagandaCollege, Rome, where he was ordainedpriest, and where he took his degree inTheology in 1888. Since his return toNova Scotia, he has been in variouscapacities attached to the College,which has done so much for highereducation in Eastern Nova Scotia, andcountry in 1842, and the latter in which, judging from the strides made1820. Dr. Chisholni began his educationin the public schools of his yet greater success. Whilst yieldingin recent years, is destined to achievenative place, he continued it in GuysboroAcademy, and at the age of seven-his views on political and other ques-to no man his right to hold and expressteen, entered St. Francois-Xavier College,of which he is now rector. Here ciently fulfil his duties, by keepingtions, he feels that he can more effi-he spent two years. For eight years aloof from all political parties.

26o.WELLINGTONBRIDG-MAN, Methodist Minister, Deloraine,Man., was bornJuly 1 2th, 1853, in Halton County,Ont. His parents were John andElizabeth (Bradt) Bridgman of U.E. Loyalist stock. After <strong>com</strong>pletinghis earlier education, Mr. Bridgmanpreached two years, and finished atVictoria College, Cobourg, Ont. Hewas ordained at the Hamilton Conference,in 1880, after which he wasstationed at International Bridge, andtravelled one year in the work. In1881, he became Rev. Dr. Young'sassistant at Emerson Man. for one, , year,after whichthen assistant to Rev. Thomas Lawson,at Brandon one year,he opened the work at Medicine Hat,Assa., where he continued three years.He was subsequently three years atFort McLeod, where he built threechurches and a parsonage. His nextcharge was Morden, Man., where heministered for three years, and wasappointed to Deloraine, in 1892. He isa member of the A.F. & A.M. andI.O.F., and in politics, is a Conservative.He was married, August i3th,1883, to Miss Anne Jane, daughter ofSamuel Hoag, of Saginaw City, Mich.His family consists of four children.

261RIGHT REV. JOHN CAM-ERON., D.D.,Ph.D., Bishop ofAntigonish, was born at St. Andrew's,Antigonish, N. S., February i6th,1827. His parents, John Cameron andChristina Macdonald, were natives ofScotland. His early education wasreceived at St. Andrew's GrammarSchool. In 1844, he was sent to Rome,where he pursued his studies until1854. In 1851, he received the degree ofPh.D., and in 1854, that of D.D. Forsome years he had charge of theLibrary and Museum, and for a timeacted as rector of the college. In May,1854, he left Rome, reaching Arichat,N.S., in September, wherehe acted as rector and professorof Classics, in thenewly established college.In June, 1855, he was appointedpastor of St. Ninian'sand rector and professorof Sacred Scripture,Moral Theology and EcclesiasticalHistory, in St.Francois Xavier's College,Antigonish. In 1863, hewas sent to take charge ofthe Parish of Arichat, wherehe resided until 1 880. Earlyin 1870, he was appointedco-adjuter Bishop of Arichat,and was consecrated inRome, by Cardinal Cullen,Archbishop of Dublin. InApril, 1871, he was entrustedwith an importantmission to Harbour Grace,Newfoundland, by the HolySee. In 1877, he was appointedBishop of Arichat.In 1880, he was againcharged with a most delicatetask, in the Diocese ofHalifax, and he dischargedit so as to merit the approbationand thanks of HisHoliness. In 1885, he was sent asDelegate Apostolic to the Province ofQuebec, on a very difficult mission,which he ac<strong>com</strong>plished with such successas to merit and receive the repeatedthanks and congratulations of the Pope.The speedy abolition of the crushingdiocesan debt, the flourishing state of thenew College at Antigonish, the eightsuccessful convents he has added, andthe ten new parishes he has established,prove the success of his administration.In 1886, the title of the See of Arichatwas changed into that of Antigonish,where he took up his permanent residence,in 1880.

262TfA. FAIRCHILD,IWinnipeg, Manitoba,wholesale and retaildealer in plows, carriages,threshers, etc., was bornDecember yth, 1849, inOakland, Brant County,Ont. His father, F. G. Fairchild,who is still living, isthe son of Isaac Fairchild,who was the first whitesettler in Brant County,south-west of the GrandRiver, and for years wasIndian agent over thefamous Joseph Brant. Hecame to Canada, in 1784,and settled on a farm inBrant County, which hasremained in the possessionof the family ever since.The mother of our subject,was Priscilla, J. Harris,daughter of the late Rev.John Harris, but now deceased.Mr. Fairchild waseducated at the Mount Plea-Whensant, Out., schools.seventeen years of age, heentered mercantile life, as adry goods clerk at Dundas,where he remained oneyear. Then, after one year as implementagent for A. Harris, of Beams-" Baud Cutter and Feeder," the latterville, Ont., he went implement being a most invaluableto Illinois, U.S. device of immense laborIn 1878, he removed saving value.to Manitoba, In politics, Mr. Fairchild is an Independent,a man who has the couragetaking a car load of horses and implements,being a pioneer in the latter of his convictions, strongly, " Canadabusiness. He soon after entered into First." He ispartnership with H. very prominent in theS. Westbrook, Masonic Order, being a Knight Templar,and holds the 32nd degree in thewhich was dissolved in 1888, when hedecided to establish a wholesale businessof his own, which now extends was married to Miss Mary Ida Bald-Scottish rite. In 1871, Mr. Fairchildfrom Ontario to the Pacific Coast, and win, daughter of the late A. N. Baldwin,Esq., well-known as the "Cattleembraces the goods of the GananoqueCarriage Co., Moline Wagon Co., DeerePlow Co., Wm. Deering's goods, threshers,and the Lundy and FairchildKing" of Green Bush, Warren County,111. His family consists of one sonand four daughters.

MKN OR CANADA. 2637T NDREW FRANCIS McAVEN-ZC\ NEY, D.D.S., practicing den-Vtist, St. John, N.B.,was bornNovember 6th, 1844,* n that city.Hisparents were Francis McAvenney andEllen McAvenney, both natives of Ireland.Dr. McAvenney was educated inthe schools of St. John, N.B., the HolyCross College, Worcester, Mass., andSt. Mary's College, Montreal, P. Q.He graduated in dentistry in Philadelphia,Pa., in 1867, and is the oldestpracticing dentist in the provinceNew ofBrunswick. His long experiencehas gained for him one of the largestdental connections in his <strong>com</strong>munity,and the confidence of the public generally.He was the first presidentelected for the New Brunswick DentalSociety, and is now a member of theDental Council. He is well known forhis professional skill, and highly esteemedfor those sterling qualities whichso materially aid an individual in be<strong>com</strong>ingan important factor in the <strong>com</strong>monwealth.In politics, he is a Liberal,and in religion, a Roman Catholic.Hewas married, September ayth, 1882, toMiss Mary E. Watters, daughter of thelate Hon. Judge Watters, of St. John,N.B. His family consists of threechildren, one son and two daughters.

264 MEN OB" CANADA.,EV. THOS. C. BUCHANAN,Pastor of the Methodist Church,Carberry, Manitoba, wasborn October 6th, 1850, in the Townshipof Goulbourn, Carleton County,Ontario. His parents were Francisand Margaret (Huston) Buchanan,natives of the North of Ireland, whoare referred to in Vol. II. of thisseries. After leaving the public schools,Mr. Buchanan attended the GrammarSchool at Richmond, Ont., and afterteaching for some time attended theCollegiate Institute, Cobourg, Ont.,matriculating into Victoria University,in 1879. He entered the MontrealConference of the Methodist Church,in the Spring of 1881, and laboredat Mallorytown, and at Cataraqui. Inthe Spring of 1884, he removed toIowa, U.S., and was ordained a deacon,in the M. E. Church at Spirit Lake,in the Fall of the same year. Heremoved to Rossburn, Man., in 1885,and was ordained at Winnipeg, in 1886.He was then stationed at Birtle forthree years, Crystal City for a similarperiod, and was appointed to Carberry,in June, 1892. Mr. Buchanan marriedMiss Julia Ann, daughter of Henry S.Judd, of Mollorytown, Ont., by whomhe has four sons.

CANADA. 265House, in the interests of the Liberalbornparty. Was warden of Cape BretonJanuary i7th, 1847, at CountyLock Lomond, Cape Breton, N.S. Hefor two :years, namely 1883-84,councillor for Cape Breton twice, fromis the son of John MacDonald andCatharine 1883 toMacDonald, the former 1887, and was elected M.P.P.,being in May, 1890. In religion, he is aa farmer, and residing at Lock Lomond, Presbyterian, and a trustee of St. Andrew'sChurch, Sydney. Mr. MacDon-and the latter deceased. He was educatedin the schools of Lock Lomond, ald was married, in 1875, to Miss Harriet,daughter of the late Win. Moore-C.B., where he received a good practicaleducation. For some years, he hasbeen house, who was for twenty-two yearsengaged in his present business, in the Royal Artillery, where he waswhich he has made a great success of.very highly esteemed, receiving manyMr. MacDonald belongs to the Free papersMasons and Odd Fellows. He and medals, for his faithful ser-representsCape Breton County in the LocalJ. MAcDONALD, Merchant,M.P.P., Sydney, N.S., wasvice to the British Army. His familyconsists of four sons and four daughters.

266ALIC PATERSON,classes and gave bright promise for theM.D., C.M., Killarney, Man., future. AfterJAMESgraduation, he practicedwas born April i6th, 1865, at with his father at Port Elgin, for onePort Elgin, Ont. His parents were Dr. year, and in July, 1890, <strong>com</strong>menced theJames R. and Constance Paterson, nativesof Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Thepractice of his profession in Killarney,where he has remained ever since withformer has for many years conducted a his practice constantly increasing. Hevery successful practice at Port Elgin.is also health officer for the Municipalityand a coroner for the province ofDr. Paterson was educated in the publicschool of Tiverton, Walkerton High Manitoba. He is a pains-taking physicianand is much respected by hisSchool and Queen's University. Hegraduated in medicine from the RoyalCollege of Physicians and patients and esteemed by the entireSurgeons, <strong>com</strong>munity. Dr. Paterson is a memberMay 22nd, 1889. Both in his classical of the A.F. & A.M., I.O.O.F., andand professional studies, he was a C.O.F. In politics, he is a Reformer,bright student, standing well in his and in religion, a Presbyterian.

AMUELTILLEYGOVE, M.D., St.Andrews, CharlotteCounty, N.B., is the son ofJeremiah Gove and ElizabethTilley, and is of U.E.Loyalist stock. He wasborn, February I5th, 1813,at Gagetown, Queen's County,N. B. Dr. Gove receivedhis education at theschools of the city of St.John, and then studied medicinewith the late Dr. Cook,of St. John, for six years,after which he entered Phillip'sAcademy, at Exeter,New Hampshire, on leavingwhich institution, in 1831,he went to London, Eng.,and attended Guy's andSt. Thomas' hospitals, andgraduated from the RoyalCollege of Surgeons in 1833.He then returned to NewBrunswick, and began topractice in Sussex, and fromthere went to Gagetown,and in 1839, removed to St.Andrew's, where he workedup a very large and successfulpractice, doing at leasttwo thirds of the practice of the surroundingcountry. He is the oldest registeredpractitioner in the Province. He has beenwas surgeon to the Dominion Troops,at St. Andrews, during the FenianRaid of 1866; he also has charge ofCoroner for over fifty years, and was one the Meteorological Department at St.of the directors of the first railway that Andrews. He isgradually retiringwas built in the Dominion. He was from the medical profession, leavingitappointed by the Hon. Peter Mitchell, to younger men. He has had chargeMinister of Marine, to report on the of the Marine Hospital for forty-fiveworking of the Marine Hospital, and agreat many of his suggestions wereyears, and is also chairman of theBoard of Health. In religion, he is aadopted. He was married, in 1835, to member of the Church of England, andMary Howe, daughter of Samuel Fairweather,Esq., of Sussex, a descendant vative. He has also been a member ofin politics, a staunch Liberal-Conser-of the U.E. Loyalists. His family consistsof one son, who is now practicing has held most of the offices in the giftthe Masonic Fraternity since 1842, andmedicine at St. Andrews. Our subject of that order.267

268,EV. ALFRED FOWLER, B.A.,(Toronto) Pastor Knox,PresbyterianChurch, Morris, Manitoba,was born April i9th, 1861, inOxford County, Ont. His parentswere Bartholomew and Phillippa (Inch)Fowler, both English. When fourteenyears of age, Mr. Fowler left the publicschool, and entered as clerk in agrocery store, and when seventeenyears of age, had full charge of thestore. He was converted in 1875, andthen joined the Methodist Church,under Rev. J. B. Clarkson, and fromthe age of fifteen had thoughts of enteringthe ministry. He devoted himselftovarious occupations,in order to get money foran education, and after attendingthe Manitoba Collegeand Stratford CollegiateInstitute, for someyears, he entered VictoriaCollege, in connection withToronto University, graduatingB.A., in May, 1890,being an honor graduate inPhilosophy. During hisstudies, he also suppliedmany prominent pulpitsvery acceptably. After preachingtwo years, he joinedthe Presbyterian Church atLondon, Ont., July, 1892,and shortly afterwards cameWest as a missionary, andwas appointed to Morris,Man. He was ordained,September i2th, 1893, inManitoba College, at Winnipeg.Mr. Fowler, foundthe Morris charge with avery small church building,and $6co.oo, in debt, and inthe short time he has beenpastor, has cleared the debt,, built a beautiful new church,worth $3.000, bought abrick manse worth $1,800, besidesother improvements in connection withthe charge, all of which are paid for.The membership of the church hasalso increased by 40 or 50 members,and, through his zeal and perseverance,the interest in Spiritual thingshas been greatly quickened throughoutthe entire membership. Mr. Fowlerraised the larger part of this money byhis successful preaching, lecturingand singing, in all the principalchurches between Sarnia, Ont., andMontreal, Que. In politics, he is anIndependent, and is a strong advocateof the temperance cause.

269W TON. E. TILTON MOSELEY, June and, 1846, at Halifax,N.S., was educated there in the FreeChurch Academy, and at DalhousieCollege. He began the study of lawin the office of the late Judge McCully,in 1863, was admitted a Barrister andAttorney-at-Law, in 1867, when he removedto Sydney, where he has sincepracticed. Mr. Moseleyis a Master inChancery, and was created a Q.C. bythe Dominion Government, in 1881.He is a Conservative in politics,waselected to the Nova Scotia House ofAssembly, as one of the representativesof Cape Breton County, in 1874, andwas re-elected in 1878. When theLegislature met in 1879, the ConservativeParty having a majority, Mr.Moseley was elected as Speaker, whichposition he held for three years, untildefeated with Sir John Thompson'sGovernment, in 1882. Mr. Moseley wasMayor of Sydney for 1890. He ispresident of the Liberal-ConservativeAssociation for his constituency. Inreligion, he is a Presbyterian, andholds the office of trustee. He marriedIsabella, daughter of the late SamuelBrookman. His family consists of onedaughter and three sons.

270 OR CANADA.ASSAU ROBINSON PRES-TON, senior member of thefirm of Preston & Norris, importersand merchants, Winnipeg,Man., was born in 1856, in St. Mary's,Ont. His parents are Rev. and Mrs.Walton Preston, of Port Lambton, Ont.His father is a superannuated Methodistminister, who for forty-six years, experiencedall the hardships of thetravelling Methodist preacher. Mr.Preston was educated at the CaledoniaHigh School, and at fourteen <strong>com</strong>mencedthe dry goods business withMr. James Walters, of Caledonia,whom withhe remained two years, afterwardsspending about ten years in thetrade in Watford, Elora, Norwood andPort Perry, and then, in 1882, went toWinnipeg, where he clerked with Alexander& Bryce. Mr. Preston, from 1883to 1886, was manager for Mr. Alexander,then engaged in business for himself,which has grown to such proportions,that he takes an annual purchasingtrip to Europe. In religion, Mr. Prestonis a Methodist. He also belongsto the'I.O.F. In politics, he is Independent.In 1888, he was married toMiss Myrtle Hunter, daughter of Wm.Hunter, now of Lincoln, 111. His familyconsists of one daughter.

271APT. JAMES WISH ART, St.Martin's, St. John County, N.B.,was born in the City of St.John, July nth, 1847. He is the sonof Benjamin Wishart, ship owner, andCharlotte Moran. His father camefrom Montrose, Scotland, and hismother was a native of New Brunswick.He received his early education in St.John and St. Martin's, and <strong>com</strong>pletedit in Liverpool, England, the last twoyears of it on Her Majesty's SchoolFrigate " Conway." He then went tosea, in the "Prince Rupert," in 1862,"and had <strong>com</strong>mand of the ship Henri-he also had <strong>com</strong>mand ofetta," in 1872 ;"the following vessels : Prince Patrick,"Prince Rudulph," Black''"Prince," " Prince " Louis," Rowland"Hill," "Roycroft," Macedon," thelatter being his last <strong>com</strong>mand before retiringfrom the service. He was tradingchiefly to the East India, Australia andSouth America Ports. He was married,in 1875, to Sophia, daughter of theRev. A. J. Smith, late of St. Martin's.His family consists of three children,living. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative.He is also a member of the MasonicOrder. Since retiring from the sea, in1887, he has been living in St. Martin's.

272 MRN71 LB. LIVINGSTON SHANKS,December, 1892, he went West, and:\ M.D., C.M., Physican and took the practice of Dr. McConnell,VS>atSurgeon, Miami, Man., was Morden, Man., for some months, and inborn June i2th, 1865, in Huntingdon, June, 1893, he settled in Miami. HeQue. His parents Daniel and Henrietta(Bradford) Shanks, were of and insurance <strong>com</strong>panies, and is healthis physician to a number of societiesScotch and English descent, respectively.Dr. Shanks was educated in the Dr. Shanks has, by his kindly andofficer for the municipality of Lome.Huntingdon Academy and McGill University,Montreal, graduating M.D., affection of the people of Miami, andcourteous manner, won the esteem andfrom the latter institution, in 1889. is layingHe the foundation for a largethen practiced in Montreal for three practice. Scholarly, steady and attentiveto his profession, with all theyears, lectured in Bishop's Collegeabout two years, and was also attending energy and push of a young man, hephysician to the Hervey Institute, and is bound to make his mark in hisHouse of Refuge at Long Point. In adopted country.

2)ARLOF*OTTO PAUL HENNE-( BERG, Musical Director, Winni-^ ~^^>peg, Man., was born inBobersberg, Germany, in 1863. Hisparents were Wilhelni and Wilhelmiene(Burdack) Henneberg, his father beinga leading musical director of Bobersberg.Mr. Henneberg received hisprimary education at home, after whichhe served three years in the Royal Army,and then finished his education at theRoyal High School, Berlin. At the ageof twenty-three, he went to Stockholm,as solo flute player, in the Orchestra ofthe Swedish Royal Opera, for one season,after which he was elected as musicaldirector of Gothenberg, Sweden,where he remained twoyears. In 1889, ne came toAmerica, and was invited tobe<strong>com</strong>e a member of the celebratedMendelssohn QuintetteClub of Boston, whichfor three years travelledthrough the chief cities ofthe United States and Canada,delighting the musicloving public. After severalvisits of the club toWinnipeg, Mr. Hennebergwas urged by many of theleading musical men of thatcity to locate there permanently,which he did in 1892.Since then he has conductedthe Apollo Club with greatsuccess. His services as aflute or violin soloist are inconstant demand, while asteacher of the piano and allstringed instruments, hispatronage among the bestpeople is very gratifying.Mr. Henneberg is perfectlyat home in music. Heseems to have inherited an273above the sometimes arid and dry,and his pupils frequently gather fromhim the same inspiration. Mr. Hennebergis doing much to improve thequality of the music of the Prairie City,and to cultivate a correct taste for thedivine art. As in other matters, thecitizens of Winnipeg,are not slow to appreciateso eminent a man in their midst,and his efforts have met with much success.In religion, he belongs to theGerman Holy Trinity Church. In1886, he was married to Miss AugustaHolm, daughter of the late CaptainHolm, of Gefle, Sweden. His familyconsists of one son and two daughters.aptness and love for it,which elevates his teaching

274 OKMcCOLL, Inspectorof Indian Agencies and Reservesin the Manitoba Snperintendency,was born August I3th, 1835,in Elgin County, Out. His fatherSamuel McColl, was a lieutenant inthe British Militia, and his motherMary Leitch, was born in North Knapdale,Scotland. His paternal ancestorssprang from three branches of theMcColl Clan, viz : of the houses ofAuchadhnandarroch (Oakfield), GlenUachdrach (Upper Valley) and Glen-Creren. His father's paternal ancestorswere chieftains of the Clan,and owned the beautiful estate ofAuchadhnandarroch, including Benbheir,or the Mountain of the FlyingSerpent. His father's maternal grandfather,Samuel McColl of the House ofGlen-Crereu, was ensign by hereditaryright at the fatal and disastrous battleof Colloden, in 1745, to Mac-ian-Stuart,the proprietor of the Appian estate andchieftain of the Clan. Mr. McColl receivedhis education in the publicschools, Fort Edward Institute, NewYork, and the Michigan University, atAnn Arbor. He is a member of theOld School or Primitive Baptists, andin politics, he is a Liberal. In 1877,he was appointed Inspector of IndianAgencies, and shortly afterwards,a <strong>com</strong>missioner toaudit and apportion accounts,in dispute betweenthe Federal and ProvincialGovernments. In 1878, hewas made a <strong>com</strong>missionerto investigate allegedirregularitiesin the administrationof Indian Affairs inthe Manitoba Superintendency.In 1879, he was appointedpurveyor of all Indiansupplies for the Manitobaand North-West Superintendencies.In 1883,he received the position ofsuperintendent of the ManitobaSuperintendency, andin 1885, became a <strong>com</strong>missionerto investigate allegedclaims by others than Indians,to certain lands withinthe reserve of St. Peters.During his sixteen years inthe Civil Service, he hastravelled chiefly by canoe.In 1879, he married MissElla, daughter of Elder Win.L. Beebe, of Middletown,N. Y. He has two sons andfive daughters.

MKN275iOLIN CHISHOLM, Barrister,Sydney, N.S., was born in 1850,ity of Cape Breton County, from 1883to 1886. He resigned to accept nominationof the Liberal-Conservativeparty for the House of Assembly ofNova Scotia, and was elected in 1886,Councillor, also clerk of the Municipal-at Long Point, InvernessCounty, C.B. He is the son of Roderickand Isabella (McKenzie) Chisholm,natives of Nova Scotia, but ofScotch descent. Mr. Chisholm received and sat during the term 1886-1890.his education at Belle Air College, and He is at present secretary of the Liberal-ConservativeAssociation of Capeby private tuition, under the late Mr.McCulloch, Halifax. He prosecuted Breton County. In religion, Mr. Chisholmis a Roman Catholic, and a mem-his law studies with Sir John Thompson,and was admitted to the Bar in ber and president of the Sydney Branch1879, since which time he has practiced of the C.M.B.A. He was married, inhis profession in Sydney, and has February, 1885, to Eveline, daughterbe<strong>com</strong>e well-known for his skill in of the late Alexander Mclnnis,legal matters. He of Syd-has been Municipal He has four children.dey, C.B.

276JAMESREDMOND, Managing-Director of the Ames, HoldenCo., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man.,was born March 6th, 1853, at Vienna,Norfolk County, Out. He was educatedin St. Thomas, and taught schoolfor one year.When eighteen years ofage, he entered the employ of his uncle,D. Regan, Esq., of London, Ont, asbook-keeper. In 1875, he went on theroad for Win. McLaren & Co., ofMontreal, until 1879, when he removedto Manitoba, as the representative ofAmes, Holden & Co., of Montreal, withwhom he has since remained. Thevolume of the western business grewso rapidly, that in October 1883, a jointstock <strong>com</strong>pany was formed, with Mr.Redmond as managing-director, tooperate from Port Arthur to the PacificCoast, and in 1886, a branch house wasestablished in Victoria, British Columbia.For many years, he has been aprominent member of the WinnipegBoard of Trade, of which he was honoredwith the presidency, in 1889. Heis a typical Western business man,possessed of tact, push and principle,and in consequence is held in the highestesteem. In religion, he is a RomanHeCatholic, and in politics, a Liberal.is unmarried.

277*KT*\EV. JAMES HOSKIN, Pastorr^ Methodist 1877, he entered the ministry on probation,was ordained at Port HopeChurch, Carman,"v^) Man., was born September Bible Christian Conference, in 1882,i4th, 1846, in Hastings County, Out. and sent asHis parents were missionary to Souris City,James and Elizabeth Man. On the union of the Methodist(Tuinmon) Hoskin, natives of England. churches in 1884, he went to Otona.Mr. Hoskin was educated in the public (now Balder), Man., where he ministeredsuccessfully for three years. Heschools, and by private study, andspent his early life on his father's farm. was afterwards three years at Thornhill,When aged twenty-five, he was converted,and united with the Bible Christian circuit, and was appointed to hisMan., and three years on the RolandBody. He assisted in Sabbath-School present charge in June, 1893. He is awork for some time, became a local member of the I.O.G.T., and in politics,preacher, and two years later went to a Conservative. He was married, JulyPeterboro, and preached under the 3rd, 1888, to Miss Mary M., daughterchairman of the district. In June, of Thos. Pearce, Thornhill, Manitoba.

MEN. D. MAcGILLVARY, M.D.,Sydney, N.S., was born January22nd, 1842, at Springville,Pictou County, N.S. His parentswere Rev. Angus and Anna (Matheson)MacGillvary, the former was a pioneerPresbyterian clergyman of Pictou County,but now deceased. Dr. MacGillvaryreceived his education at Truro~N.S., Presbyterian College, and HarvardUniversity. He received his medicaleducation and graduated at BellevueMedical College, New-York city.He has been in Sydney since 1864,enjoying a large medical connection.Dr. MacGillvary belongs to the KnightTemplars, and other Masonic Orders,and has been superintendent of the MarineHospital, for nearly tweuty years.In politics, he is a Liberal, and in religion,a Presbyterian, and an elder in thechurch to which he belongs in Sydney.He was married, in 1866, to Miss Mc-Kenzie, of Sherbrooke, N.S., daughterof the late Abner McKenzie. Hisfamily consists of two sons and threedaughters. His eldest son, Dr. S. H.MacGillvary is assistant physician ofthe Long Island Home, Amityville,Long Island, U.S., and his second son,Gordon, is studying pharmacy in NewYork city.

279EDGAR SKILLEN,Commis-J.P., Notary Public,sioner of the Parish Court, and InsuranceAgent, St. Martins, St. John County,N.B., was born in the city of St. John,December i5th, 1850. He is the sonof Andrew Skillen and Mary AnnVaughan. His father canie from Ireland,while his mother is a native ofNew Brunswick, and a daughter ofSimon Vaughan, Esq., ship builder ofSt. Martins. Mr. Skillen received hisearl}' education at the public schools ofSt. Martins, and then went to Irelandand continued it at the schools of Killyleagh,the school being under the patronageof Lord Dufferin. On hisreturn to New Brunswick, he took acourse at the Commercial College, St.John. In 1866, he entered the drygoods business at St. Stephen, where heremained until 1870. While there, hewas sergeant of No. 8 Battery N.B.G. A.After leaving St. Stephen, he returnedto St. Martins, and entered in businesswith his father, running the steamer" Earl Dufferin," between St. Martinsand St. John. After the railway wasbuilt, they had the steamer engaged bythe Nova Scotia Government, on MinasBasin, running between Wolfville,Windsor, and Parrsboro, after which,they sold the boat and Mr.Skillen returned to St. Martin's,and <strong>com</strong>menced businessby himself. He wasmarried in October, 1876, toBeatrice, daughter of CaptainSilas Vaughan. He isa member of the Free Masons,being Past GrandJunior Warden, and PastDistrict Deputy Grand Masterin the same. He is alsoa member of the IndependentOrder of Foresters, beingCourt Deputy High ChiefRanger, and has held officesin the High and SupremeCourts. In religion, he isan adherent of the PresbyterianChurch, and in politicsis a Liberal. He isalso chairman of the Boardof Assessors, School Trustee,president of the AgriculturalSociety, and was oneof the promoters of the directline of railway between St.Martins and St. John, andis now secretary of the<strong>com</strong>pany. Mr. Skillen enjoysthe respect of all whoknow him.

280\\7lLLIAM IRELAND, publisherr \ and proprietor of The NorthStar, Parry Sound, Out., was bornSeptember i4th, 1852, in the town ofChard, Somersetshire, England. Hisfather was William, and his mother,Mary Ann (Clift) Ireland, who, withtheir family, came to Canada, in 1854.Mr. Ireland was educated in the publicschool of Aurora, Ont., taking a specialcourse, with a view to the requirementsof " The Art preservative of all Arts,"was apprenticed to the printing business,at the Aurora Banner office, in1867, and subsequently <strong>com</strong>pleted hisapprenticeship in the offices of TheNewmarket Era and 7/2^-Sarnia Observer. From .Sarnia, he returned to Aurora,taking the position offoreman in the Banner office,which position he held forabout eight years. In January,1880, he purchased7/fe North Star, from theestate of the late B. N.Fisher. Leaving Aurora,he began business on hisown account, when ParrySound was scarcely morethan an organized township.The town is now a thriving<strong>com</strong>munity, of about 2,000population, with the assuranceof a <strong>com</strong>pleted railwaywithin one year. Greatprogress has been made inthe development and generalprosperity of the town,all of which The NorthStar has been largely instrumentalin promoting.Mr. Ireland is an activemember of the BaptistChurch, being church clerkand Sabbath School superintendent.He is also amember of the I.O.G.T.and I.O.F. He was municipal clerkof the Township of McDougall, for anumber of years, has been license inspectorfor the district of Parry Sound,since 1884, alld is district secretary ofthe S. S. Association, for the district ofParry Sound. In politics, Mr. Irelandis a rReformer, and for several }earswas secretary of the Reform Associationof the district of Muskoka and ParrySound, therefore The North Star is anexponent of the ethics of Liberalism.Mr. Ireland was married, in June,1874, to Miss Elizabeth Jane Brodie, ofAurora, Ont. His family consists ofone daughter, living.

CA.NA.DA, 281ALEXANDER GIL-was appointed Municipal clerk, whichhe heldJOSEPHuntil January, 1883, when hebecame solicitor of the municipality, aposition which he has since held. Hecontested unsuccessfully Cape BretonCounty, for the House of Commons, inSt. Francois Xavier's College, Antigonish,graduating in April, 1871. Heand Richmond County, at the1887,General Election in 1891, and was returned,but was unseated upon peti-was Registrar of Probate, for theCounty of Cape Breton, from August, tion and at the by-election held in1872, until he resigned to contest Cape January, 1892, was re-elected. InBreton County, for the Dominion Parliament,in 1887. Was clerk of the tholic. He was married, July i6th, 1883,religion, Mr. Gillies is a Roman Ca-Peace for same county, from December, to Josephine Eulalie, youngest daughterof1875, until January, 1880, when thecounty was incorporated, and Seraphin Bertrand, of Prescott,then he Ont. He has one son, living.LIES, Barrister, M.P., Sydney,N.S., was born September1 7th, 1849, at Irish Cove, N.S., He isthe third son of John Gillies and MaryMcLean. Mr. Gillies was educated at

282 MBN CANADA.LATE REV. ALEXANDERFARQUHARSON, Sydney, C.B.,N.S., was born in 1838, at Middle River,Cape Breton, N.S., and died October 2 ist,1892, at Sydney, C.B., N.S. His fatherwas the Rev. Alex. Farquharson, oneof the pioneer ministers of Cape Breton,latter church he was pastor seventeenyears, or until his death, in October,1892. In politics, Mr. Farquharsonwas a Conservative, and in religion, aPresbyterian. He was also a memberof the Masonic Order. His memory istenderly cherished by all who knewand his mother was Annie McKenzie, him,of Middle River, C.B. He as a true friend, a devoted husbandand father, and a faithful mi-received hiseducation at Dalhousie College, Halifax,and the Theological Hall,nister of the Gospel. He was married,in 1875, to Miss Barbara McLeod,He Halifax.was ordained to the sacred ministry, eldest daughter of Rev. Hugh Mc-in December 1864. His first appointmentwas at Leitche's Creek, C.B., and who survives him. His family con-Leod, D.D., of Sydney, Cape Breton,afterwards at Glace Bay and then St.Andrew's Church, Sydney, of whichsists of three children, one daughterand two sons.

CA.NADA. 283HUGH McLEOD, A.M.,iEV.gue, Edinburgh, and Logie Easter,D. D., Sydney, C. B., was Ross-shire. He came to Canada in 1850,born, April 23rd, 1803, at and was inducted at Mira, C.B., whereRhitongue, Sntherlandshire, Scotland. he remained until he retired. He receivedthe degree of D.D. in 1854, fromHis parents were George and BarbaraMcLeod. Dr. McLeod was educated the University of Indiana, U.S. Dr.at King's College, Aberdeen, and The McLeod was elected Moderator of Presbytery,twenty times, Moderator ofHall, Edinburgh. The degree of M.A.was conferred on him in 1826, by King'sCollege and University Aberdeen. HeSynod, four times, and Moderator ofGeneral Assembly, once. He was married,April 6th, 1841, to Catherine Ross,was licensed in 1831, and ordained twoyears later, by the Presbytery of Tongue. only daughterHe of Rev. Hugh Ross, ofvisited Canada and the United States, Fearn, Ross-shire. Dr. McLeod has1845, as deputy of the Free Church, had a family of eleven children, six ofand again in 1848. His pastoral chargeshave been Melness, parish of Ton-whom are now living, and are occupyingvarious positions of trust in the country.

284ARNER GAHAN, M.A., M.D.,C.M., Hartney, Manitoba, wasborn April loth, 1860, in Cheshire,England. His parents were M. andEllen (Revell) Gahau, both Irish. Hisfather was head master of E. Smith'sschools, at Roscrea, Tipperary, Ireland,where the Doctor received his classicaleducation. He then attended the NormalSchools of Science, of South Kensington,London, Eng., for two years,then Queen's College, Galway, Ireland,as a science scholar for four years,where he obtained distinguished honors.He then spent two years more in theMedical Department of Queen's College,and took honors, after which he studiedat the Carinichael College of Medicine,Dublin, for two years, and graduatedwith honors from the Royal Universityof Ireland, (with which Queen'sis connected), in 1882. He came toWinnipeg, Man., in 1885, studied inthe Medical School. Winnipeg, from1890 to 1892, and graduated in theSpring of the latter year. He thentook charge of Dr. Thornton's practiceat Deloraiue, for one year, when hesettled in Hartney. He is a memberand examiner for the I.O.O.F., I.O.F.and C.O.F. He is an Episcopalian,and in politics, a Reformer.


286 CANADA.michael and Prof. DonaldRoss. He entered Queen'sUniversity, in 1861, andgraduated B.A., May 7th,1865, and received his M.A.,in 1872, from the sameUniversity. He took chargeas licentiate of St. John'sPresbyterian Church, Pittsburg,Ont., where he remainedfor about threeyears he was then two;years pastor of St. Andrew'sPresbyterian Church, Huntingdon,P. Q. Having beenin sympathy with the AnglicanChurch for some time,he now prepared to enterthat body. He was ordaineddeacon, October 28th, 1874,at Christ Church, Ottawa,by the Bishop of Ontario,and priest in St. Mary'sChurch, Trenton, Out., November7th, 1875. He wascurate for the Bishop ofOntario, at the Church ofSt. John the Evangelist,Ottawa, for six months,then incumbent of ChristChurch, Huntley, Ontario,three years, then ChristV. SAMUEL MACMORINE, Church, Bell's Corners, Ont., threeM.A., Rural Dean of Marquette,and Rector of St. Ottawa, one year, and St. Mary'sand one half years, then Holy Trinity,Mary's Episcopal Church, Portage La Church, Pakenham, Ont., and removedPrairie, Manitoba, was born September to6th, 1847, at Almonte, Ont. His Portage La Prairie, Man., in January,1887, where the church has had aparents,Rev. John Macmorine, D.D., andSophia Dunbar large measure of prosperity under hisBrodie Airth, were charge. Mr. Macmorine, is a memberof the I.both natives of Scotland. His fatherO.K., and in politics,was, for over twenty years, pastor of is a Conservative. He was married,St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, at January loth, 1872, to Miss AdelaideAlmonte, and died in 1867. His Louisa, daughter of Win. B. Meyer, ofmother died in 1870. Mr. Macmorine Quebec city, by whom he has fivewas educated chiefly by private tutors, daughters. His brother,amongst whom Rev. Johnwere : Rev. Robert K. Macmorine, is rector of St. JamesCampbell, D.D., Rev. James Car- Church, Kingston, Ont.

MEN CANADA. 287HENRY HALL,V \ editor and proprietor of theTX/ALTERout the entire plant, which he has enlargedand improved several times, untilthe paper has be<strong>com</strong>e one of theAdvance, Virden, Man., was born January29th, 1858, at Bristol, Eng. Hisparents were Thomas leading journals of the district. TheHenry Wait and Advance takes an independent stand onElizabeth (Burrough) Hall. He was educatedin the Bristol Grammar School, wise, while Mr. Hall, personally, is anall public questions, political or other-and came to Canada in the Summer of Independent-Conservative. The circulationof the paper has wonderfully in-1882, and settled at Portage La Prairie,Manitoba. In the winter of 1883, he creased. In religion, he is Baptist, andentered upon journalistic work, on the also belongs to the Orange Order, BlackPortage La Prairie Review, and subsequentlyserved on the Liberal, of that Mr. Hall was married, May 25th, 1887,Knights of Ireland, and the R.T. of T.place. In June, 1885, he established to Miss Jane, daughter of Thomasthe Advance for Mr. C. J. Atkinson, of Bulloch, of Reston, Man., by whom hethe Liberal, and in April, 1889, boughthas two sons and two daughters.

288\\7lLLIAM HENRY ROURKE,V \owner George.He isRourke,Phoebereceivedof theCounty.engageding business,1854,of the county, N.B.,lumberman,FebruaryWilliamFredericton,Granville,education atLancaster,leaving school,father inMusquashemployed onthat millat1836.HenryandHeschoolsJohnwaslumber-surveyinremained on the farm untilhe went into partnership with James, in Albert County, 1863, when they removedMartin's, and did businessing and ship building. HepartnershipHe with his brother was married, October aoth,Rachel E., youngest daughterlate Simon Vaughan, Esq.,Martin's. His family consistssons and one daughter.son is an electrical engineer,Hampton, N.B. In religion,is an Episcopalian, anda Conservative.1857, whenhis bro-remainingto St.in lumber-dissolved1887.1870, toof theof St.of twoHis eldestliving atMr. Rourkein politics,St. Martin's, retiredand was bornN.B., 8th,the son of N.B.,Cronk, of N.S.his theParish of St.After hewith his theat River.first railway was built return,

289refinement,r. NOAH HEWITT, M.A.,B.D., Incumbent of St. John'sadapted, by education and Episcopal Church, Manitou,Manitoba, and Rural Dean of Dufferin,was born April 2nd, 1856, at Kingston,isampleOnt. His parents were John Howardand Sarah Ann (Harper) Hewitt, ofEnglish and Irish descent. He receivedhis early education in the publicschools of Bruce and Huron counties,Ontario, and the Goderich HighHe School.then entered St. John's College,Winnipeg, and graduated in Arts in1890, and in Divinity in 1891. He wasordained deacon in St. John's Cathedral,Winnipeg, May 25th, 1890, and priestgraduateclass lifein Christ Church, Winnipeg,March 25th, 1891.Prior to this Mr. Hewitttaught school two years inOntario, and nine years inManitoba, seven years ofwhich were in Winnipeg. Hetook all the teachers' examinationsfrom third class tofirst class, making an exceptionallybrilliant course,and taking grade A in thelatter. Immediately afterordination as deacon, Mr.Hewitt took charge of theManitou Mission, which hasbeen rapidly growing underhis care ever since, until itwas found necessary todivide it in 1892. He wasalso instrumental in buildingthe Winram MemorialChurch (eight miles southof Manitou), at a cost ofabout $6,500. He was appointedRural Dean inApril, 1893, and in thesame year he received thedegree of M.A., at the convocationof Manitoba University.He isadmirablyto the sacred work to whichhe has devoted himself, and the markedsuccess which has attended his ministry,evidence of the wisdom of hischoice in the selection of his life work.He is an office holder in the MasonicOrder and a member of the GrandLodge of the I.O.O.F., for Manitoba.In politics he is a Conservative. Hewas married, December 25th, 1883, toRebekah, daughter of Frederick A.Barnes, of Kincardine, Ont., by whomhe has one son. Mrs. Hewitt is aof the Kincardine and WinnipegHigh schools, and holds a second-certificate.P"

2QO"YVOLLIAM BATHGATE, Man-V Vaging Director of the ManitobaElectric and Gas Light Company, Winnipeg,was born in 1832, in Edinburgh,Scotland. His father was Joseph Bathgate,for many years a trusted officialin the employ of the Duke of Buccleugh,and his mother was GraceHyslop Bathgate. They were descendedfrom two of the oldest families of Scotland,and emigrated to Wisconsin,U. S. A., in 1852, and settled in Janesville,where the father died in 1856 andthe mother in 1874. Mr. Bathgatewent into business in Montreal in 1861,where he remained until 1870, when heremoved to Guelph Township, WellingtonCo., Ont, where he bought a 'finefarm;and the following year was marriedto Margaret Armstrong, daughterof the late Jas. Loughrin, of Eramosa,one of the first and most highly respectedpioneers of that township, hehaving settled there early in this centurywith his father, a native of theNorth of Ireland. His family consistsof two sons and two daughters, viz.:James L-, Joseph, Elizabeth L., andMaggie A. In 1878, Mr. Bathgate removedto Winnipeg and engaged in thefurniture business, which occupied hisattention until 1883, when the <strong>com</strong>panyof which he is at the head,was formed, and he was appointedmanager. In religion,he is a Presbyterian,a member of Kuox Church,of which Board of Trusteeshe was chairman for sometime. He is also a memberof the A.F. & A.M., and ofthe Winnipeg St. Andrew'sSociety. Inpolitics, Mr.Bathgate is a staunch Conservative,an activeand influentialmember of theWinnipeg Conservative Association,and is well knownthroughout the Dominion asa ready, clear, and incisivewriter on the trade question,being thoroughly conversantwith all importantpublic issues, not only civicand provincial, but alsofederal and foreign. Hislong experience and hiskeen grasp of all questionsrelating to politics or tradeconstitute him one of thebest informed and most usefulmen in Manitoba andthe North - West Territories.

OF- 291* ^^[HEO. ARTHUR BURROWS,-*-M. P. P., Winnipeg, Man., seniormember of the firm of Burrows & Hall,lumber merchants, was born in Ottawa,August 1 5th, 1857. His parents wereHenry J. Burrows and Sarah Sparks,both now deceased. Mr. Burrows waseducated at the Ottawa public schools,Collegiate Institute and Manitoba College,Winnipeg. Shortly after removingto Manitoba, he engaged in lumbering,and for many years did thelargest saw milling business on LakeWinnipeg. In 1890-91, he had chargeof construction of public works in thenorthern and northwestern part of theProvince, and after the last redistribution,when the northern part of theProvince was formed into the separateelectoral division of " Dauphin " waselected, in 1892, as its first representativein the Manitoba Legislature, as asupporter of the Green way Government.The County of Dauphin <strong>com</strong>prisesnearly one quarter of the whole area ofManitoba, and contains the greaterportion of the fertile land in the Provinceleft open for hoinesteading, andMr. Burrows representsitably in Parliament.He is a believer in Nationalschools, an advocate of Tariff Reform,and a staunch " Manitoba First " man.

\\7lLLIAM ROSS BLACK, B.A.,r *Barrister, Solicitor, etc.. Carman,Manitoba, was born January nth,age La Prairie until appointed Registrarof Norfolk County, in 1884,which he held until the office was abolished.He settled in Carman in Feb-1855, in Kildonan settlement, nearWinnipeg, Manitoba. His parents wereRev. ruary, 1890, where he has since conducteda successful general law practice.John Black, D.D. and Henrietta(Ross) Black. Mr. Black was educatedin Kildonan parish school, St. for the Local House for Portage LaMr. Black was Conservative candidateJohn's College, Winnipeg, the ManitobaCollege Winnipeg, and Toronto feated by Hon. Jos. Martin, by onlyPrairie, Feb. 23rd, 1883, and was de-University, graduating from the latter a few votes. In religion, Mr. Black isin 1877, as silver medallist in classics. a Presbyterian and in politics, a Conservative.He was married, Oct. i2th,He was then in the law office of Messrs.Bain and Blanchard, Winnipeg, three 1 88 1, to Catherine, daughter of Senatoryears, and was called to the bar inFebruary, 1881. He John Sutherland, of Kildonan. He haspracticed in Port- one son and two daughters.

JVTKN OK 293JOHN BEAUFORTSOMERSET, busi-of theness managerManitoba Free Press, Winnipeg,Manitoba, was bornMarch and, 1843, near Dublin,Ireland. He receivedhis education in Ireland,and came to Canada in 1861,and taught school in Ontario,until 1871, when hewas appointed an inspectorof schools, under the lawpassed that year.He filledthis position for the Countyof Lincoln, until 1882, whenhe accepted the position ofinspector for the city ofWinnipeg, Manitoba, whichat that time employed twelveteachers. From that timeuntil October 1883, he filledthis position, his ability asan organizer being testedby the increase of teachersto over 50, the building ofthe necessary school rooms,and the grading of pupilsfrom all parts of the worldinto proper classes. In1883, he was appointed Sup- !__erintendent of Education forthe Protestant Schools of Manitoba,which numbered at that date less than200, the Rev. W. C. Pinkham, nowBishop of Saskatchewan, being hispredecessor. From this date until December3rd, 1889, ne occupied this position,during which, assisted by aBoard of Education, he organized over400 additional schools, introduced asystem of Normal school training, theequal of that in any of the older provinces,organized a thorough system ofinspection, and examination of teachers,and provided a code of regulation whichremained practically the same after theabolition of the distinction of Protestantand Catholic schools, and the organizationof the new system of uniform provincialschools. From the date of theabolition of the office then held by him,he ceased to be actively connected witheducational matters, and in 1891 becamesecretary-treasurer of the Manitoba FreePress, the leading newspaper of theNorth-West, which position he stillholds. In religion, Mr. Somerset is aa member of the board ofMethodist,Wesley College, of which institution hewas one of the original promoters. In1867, he was married to Miss E. S.Darche, by whom he has two sons andtwo daughters.

|an294 MEN ORYJ

^KRED. WILLIAM DREWRY,MEN:295brewers and bottlers of that city. InOj Winnipeg, Man., was born 1Aug. 88 1, he removed to Winnipeg, enteringhis brother's business in the same6th, 1855, at Newport, Eng. In 1857,his father left England for America, line, where he has since remained, andbeing followed by the rest of the family has be<strong>com</strong>e very popular in businessin 1860, in which year they located in as well as in social circles. He belongsto the A. O. U. W., A. O. U.D.,St. Paul, Minn., U. S. A., where Mr.Drewry, sr., has resided since, being K. of P., St. George's Society, WinnipegRowing Club, Winnipeg Cameraone of the best known and most highlyrespected citizens of that city. Mr. Club, Winnipeg Lacrosse Club, St.Drewry was educated at the public George's Snowshoe Club, St. John'sschools of St. Paul, Minn., and the Tennis Club, and is a member and vicepresidentof the Liberal-ConservativeBusiness College there, after which hetook the management of his father's Association, a director of the Winnipegbusiness until 1876, when he became a Lacrosse Club, a director and one ofmember of the firm of Drewry & Son, the promoters of the Home Buildingand Savings Association ofWinnipeg. He takes an activepart in all politicalquestions, and has beenpressed to stand for parliamentaryand civic honors,but has so far declined. Heisgreatly interested in allthat pertains to the businessand social interests of theManitoban capital. He ispossessed of a very genialtemperament, and being aready and successful originatorof legitimate sports andamusements, has be<strong>com</strong>e afavorite among his fellows.In religion, Mr. Drewry isa member of the Church ofEngland, and holds the officeof auditor of St. John'sCathedral, Winnipeg. Hewas married, in 1881, toGussie E. Kiefer, daughterof Col. A. R. Kiefer, of St.Paul, Minn., who is at presenta member of Congressfrom that district, and hasbeen for many years one ofSt. Paul's most prominentcitizens. Mrs. Drewry diedin 1885.

296 OR]VflVEN AGNEW, M.D, Winni-^J> ^ peg, Manitoba, was born inEdinburgh, Scotland, in the year1828. His father was John Agnew, andhis mother, whose maiden name wasHume Tnrnbull, was a descendant ofthe historic Sir John Turnbull, whoseheroic intervention between his Kingand an infuriated bull gave rise to thesurname and his knighthood. Mr.John Agnew came to Canada in 1833,and settled in Ontario County, wherefor years he followed farming, andlatterly insurance business. Dr.was educated at Victoria College, Cobourg,and McGill University, Montreal,from which former institutionhe graduated in1858. For a time duringhis college course, Dr. Agnewwas a private pupil ofthe late Prof. Rolph, of Toronto,Ont. On graduatinghe located in Prince Albert,Ont., where he remaineduntil 1872, when he removedto Toronto to practice.He was afterwardsassociated some years withthe famous eye and eardoctors, Roseburgh andReeve, of Toronto. He afterwardsremoved to Manitoba,and settled at Winnipeg,where he is now givingspecial attention to the diseasesof the eye, ear andthroat, in which he is verysuccessful. He was a coronerin Ontario, fifteenyears.Is a Liberal in politics,and a Presbyterian inreligion. He has been anelder in Knox Church, Toronto,and in Knox Church,Winnipeg, Man., and a delegateto the Synod and tothe General Assembly. HeAgnewbelongs to the A. F. & A. M., andI.O.O.F., in which orders he has takenan active official part. In 1863, Dr.Agnew was married to Miss Jane Sonierville,daughter of the late Geo. Ross,Esq., Railway Contractor, of London,Ont. She died in 1875, leaving foursons and three daughters, namely:JohnH., barrister, Virden, Man.; Win. L-,cashier of the St. Paul Trust Co., U.S.;Harry, a banker in Colorado Fred; R.,Winnipeg ; Maggie L., teacher, Winnipeg; Helena, now Mrs. Lethbridge, ofLethbridge, Alberta; and Mary, at home.Dr. Agnew is a distant relative of thelate Sir Andrew Agnew, of Scotland.

297. WM. CAVEN,rPastor of St.Andrew's Presbyterian Church,_ Manitou, Manitoba, was bornApril 1 8th, 1840, at Stranarrder, Scotland.His parents were John and Margaret(McRobert) Caven. He receivedhis primary education in the parishschool of his native town, and in 1856came to America, and made his homewith the Rev. Principal Caven's father.After attending the Rockwood, Ont.,Academy for some months, he enteredthe U. P. Hall, Toronto, under the lateRev. Dr. Taylor. The following year,he entered Knox College, Toronto,from which he graduated in Theologyin 1864. He was ordained at Ridgetown,Ont., October i8th, 1865, wherehe remained seven years. Subsequentlyhe was three years at Tilsonburg, thentwo years at Fredericton, N.B., wherehe occupied St. Paul's PresbyterianChurch, after which he was eleven yearsat Buckingham, Que., and December3ist, 1889, entered upon the duties ofhis present charge. He is clerk of thepresbytery of Rock Lake, a member ofthe I.O.F., and a Reformer in politics.He was married, January 3ist, 1866,to Miss Mary Ann, daughter of thelate Robert Ferries, of Eramosa Township,Wellington County, Ont.

Mr.298 ORTTRCHIBALD E.SPERA, Whole-3~\ sale Merchant, Winnipeg, Man.,VS> was born Aug. Qtn, 1849, inWentworth County, Ont. His parents,William and Sarah Ann Spera, werefarmers, well-to-do, and held in universalesteem. Mr. Spera was educatedprimarily at. the <strong>com</strong>mon school, andthen at the Hamilton Collegiate Institute.During his early manhood, heworked on his father's farm, and afterwardsentered <strong>com</strong>mercial life as a" knight of the grip," which occupationhe followed for sixteen years. On the.i3th December, 1877, Spera enteredinto partnership with Mr. Cornell,which partnership has been continueduntil the present. They do a very extensivetrade in gents' furnishings,to the Pacificetc., from WinnipegCoast, and are well known as a reliableand honorable firm. The wholesalehouse of Cornell, Spera & Co. hasworked up for itself, and deserves, theexcellent reputation which it bears.Mr. Spera belongs to the A.F. & A.M.,in which order he is Master Mason.In religion, he is an adherent of theMethodist Church, and in politics is aLiberal, and an active and influentialworker in the ranks of his party. Heis married.

299JOHN WILLIAMMcLEAN,M.D., C.M., North Sydney,Cape Breton, N. S., was bornSept. and, 1856, at Lake Ainslie, C. B.His parents were Allan and MargaretMcLean of that place. Dr. McLeanreceived his education at Picton Academyand McGill University, Montreal,graduating in 1883, after which hepracticed for three years in Port Hastings,C. B. He then took a Wintercourse in Edinburgh, Scotland, afterwhich he returned to Canada and locatedin North Sydney, where he hassince remained, and has succeeded inworking up a large practice. He isand is knownwell up in his profession,as a skilful physician and surgeon.Dr. McLean is a member of the MasonicOrder, Independent Order of Odd Fellows,Sons of Temperance, and theand isCape Breton Medical Society,coroner for the counties of Invernessand Cape Breton. In religion, thedoctor is a Presbyterian, and holds theoffice of elder in St. Matthew's Church,North Sydney. He was married Nov.8th, 1887, to Miss Ada, daughter of Dr.S. G. A. McKeen and Rebecca JaneHadley, of Baddeck, Cape Breton.His family consists of two daughters.

300 OR\\/M. EDWARD EMMONS, L.* VD.S., D.D.S.,Winnipeg, Manitoba,was born September 2nd, 1861, inHastings County, Ont. He studied withDr. Neelands of Lindsay, Out., from1879 until 1882, when he wentManitoba and entered the office ofBenson, whose assistant he was until1884, when he opened an office onown account, which he conductedthree years. In 1887, Dr. Emmonsentered the Chicago College of DentalSurgery, where he remainedmonths. In the Fall of 1889, heturned to the same institution, and Spring of 1890, took his final toDr.hisforsixre-ingrees, asequippedfession, andthat he shoulda large dentalDr. Emmonsthe Methodistin Gracepolitics, hebelongs toOddfellows.1891, Dr.Miss Jennie McCrossan,Manitoba.daughter.above indicated.by education it is thereforebe in theconnection.is an activeChurch, and Sunday Reformer, IndependentOn the nthEmmons wasMcCrossan,Esq., ofHis family consistsHe is but naturalenjoymentIn religion,memberis librarianSchool.andOrder June,marrieddaughterWinnipeg,ofwellpro-ofInalsooftoone

THE++^^LATE HON. AN-A DREW GRAHAMBALLENDEN BAN-NATYNE,Winnipeg, Manitoba,was born in 1830, atSt. Margaret's, Orkney.He was educated in Stromness,and at the age of sixteen,came to Rupert's Land.His career in the North-West dates from 1846, whenarriving at Sault St. Marie,he entered the Hudson'sBay Company's service,under his uncle, chief factorJohn Ballenden, where heremained five years, whenhe removed to Fort Garry,and <strong>com</strong>menced business onhis own account. To givethe details of Mr. Bannatyne'sthirty-eight years experiencein the North- West,would exceed the space atour <strong>com</strong>mand he was a;prosperous merchant yearsbefore the advent of railways,when he could onlyimport goods once a year,via the ice bound regions ofHudson's Straits, or twicea year by sending teamsover land to St. Paul. He also heldlarge and valuable blocks of land inWinnipeg and Manitoba, which as thecountry developed, became very valuable,but as values decreased, he had toreckon with heavy losses, which wouldhave been far less, had it not been forhis open handed disposition, and thepart he took in numerous enterprises,which benefited the public at the expenseof the promoters. In 1851, he was marriedto Annie, fifth daughter of the lateAndrew McDerinot. Mr. and Mrs.Bannatyne were, from their wealth andinfluence, leaders in the social circle,and were known for their wide andMEN CANADA. 301generous hospitality. In religion he wasa Presbyterian, and a liberal supporterof that church. He was one of thefounders and active promoters, and achairman of Manitoba College, and amember in high standing of the MasonicOrder, and of St. Andrew's Society,one of the directors of WinnipegGeneral Hospital, and did many thingsto promote the <strong>com</strong>mon weal. He wasalso postmaster for Assiniboia, first policemagistrate for Winnipeg, memberof the House of Commons for Proven-and a member of the N.-W. Coun-cher,cil. He died May i8th, 1889, leavinga widow and five children.

302THOS, VINCENT, D.D.,,EV.Archdeacon of Moose, a mission-_ ary in the diocese of Moosomin,under the auspices of the Ch.Missionary Society, Salisbury Square,London, England, was born March ist,1835, at Osnabrugh, in the AlbanyRiver District. He is the son of Johnand Charlotte (Thomas) Vincent. Hisfather was an employee of the Hudson'sBay Company, and held the position ofsenior clerk in the service. He retiredfrom the <strong>com</strong>pany about the year 1841,settled in Red River, in St. Paul's Parish,and died in 1874. His mother isstill living (1893). He received hisearly education in St. Paul'sParish School, and then atSt. John's College, Winnipeg.He assisted on hisfather's farm until he wastwenty years of age, whenhe went out with BishopAnderson to Moose Factory,in 1855, and was a catechistthere for five years, fillingthe position very successfully.He was ordaineddeacon at Moose Factory, inJuly, 1860, and receivedpriest's orders in St. John'sChurch, Winnipeg, in May,1863. He has been incharge of the Albany Missionsince 1860, and hasalso had charge of the MooseMission for six years. Hewas married in September,1 86 1, at Moose Factory, toEliza Ann Gladman, daughterof Joseph Gladman, Esq.,of the Hudson's Bay Company.His family consistsof three sons and two daughters.The Archdeacon'szeal, courage, self-sacrifice,and the hardships he hasendured, during his longterm of ministry, cannot be fullydescribed, although he considers nosacrifice too great to advance the interestsof his beloved cause. As a labourof love he translated Bunyau'sPilgrim's Progress, from the Englishto one of the Indian languages, whichtask took upall his leisure hours forseveral years. His life is an unanswerableargument against agnosticism, andhe isvery popular with all who knowhim. He is often for many months ata time away from his family. Formerly,he could receive mail only once ayear, but now receives it about once inevery three months.

MKN CANADA. 303fc^^^"^[HE LATE EDWARD WILLIS,-*-Postmaster, St. John, N.B., wasborn November 5th, 1835, at Halifax,N.S. His parents were John andDorothy Le Roi Willis. He receivedhis education at the National andGrammar schools, Halifax. The greaterpart of his life was spent in thenewspaper business, at which he wasvery successful, and by means of whichhe was widely known. Mr. Willis,although a self-made man, acquired athoroughly good education, and waspossessed of a keen intelligence, whichresulted from a sound training in practicallife. In conducting a journal, hewas eminently successful, and being aforcible and vigorous writer, was ableto record himself with great ability andclearness. He also took an active partin political matters, and was a memberof the Legislative Assembly for tenyears, namely from 1872 to 1882. Inreligion, he was an Episcopalian, anda member of St. James EpiscopalChurch, St. John, N.B., and held theoffices of Church Warden and Superintendentof the Sabbath School. Hewas married in 1858, to Sarah Adams,daughter of Zechariah and Mary ChapmanAdams. His family consisted offive sons and three daughters.

304\\/ W. GLASS, merchant tailor,r ^ 268 Yonge street, Toronto,Ont., was born March 27th, 1862, atTiverton, Ont. He is a son of Johnand Jane Glass, who are members ofthe Methodist Church and highlyrespected. Mr. Glass attended publicschool at Tiverton, afterwards movingto Bervie, where he continued hisstudies. At sixteen years of age, hewent to Kincardine to serve an apprenticeshipto the tailoring trade.Coming to Toronto in 1882, he workedas a journeyman tailor for a short time,but soon was promoted to the position oflishment in that city. By painstaking,industry and economy, he accumulatedthe K. of P. He has always been acttivelyidentified with temperance workand is a popular Orangeman. Mr.Glass was married in 1882. His familyconsists of five children. In religion,he is a Methodist. He is oneof the rising men of Toronto, andhead cutter in a leading tailoring estab- highly respected.sufficient capital to <strong>com</strong>mence businesson his own account, when he establishedhimself in his present quarters,with a select line of goods. He is amember of the Masonic Fraternity, alsoof the I.O.F., and is Past Chancellor in

305THE LATE LIEUT.-COLONELA HON. WILLIAM NASSAUKENNEDY, Winnipeg, Man., wasborn at Darlington, Ont., on the 27thof April, 1839, and received his educationat Peterboro, Ont. He beganlifeas a contractor, and subsequently gaveup that occupation for the study of law.He removed to Fort Garry in 1870, andreceived the appointment of Registrarof Deeds in 1872, which position heheld till the time of his death, in May,1885. During his life, he held manyprominent positions, among which maybe mentioned that of mayor of Winnipegfor two years, member of the North-West Council, president ofthe P. & W. R. R., theS. W. C. R. R., the North-West Fire Insurance Co.,Winnipeg Philharmonic Society,a member of theOrange Lodge, Grand MasterA. F. & A. M. for Manitoba,and in musical circlesalways wel<strong>com</strong>ed. His militarycareer was a very brightone. At the early age ofseventeen years he joinedthe volunteers, and everafterwards evinced a keeninterest in all military matters,receiving the highesttokens of recognition for hisservices, and holding at thetime of his death a lieutenant-colonelcy.As captainand adjutant he served withthe 57th Battalion, duringthe Fenian Raid in 1866,and in 1870 he was chosento ac<strong>com</strong>pany the first RedRiver Expedition to FortGarry. In 1873, he organizedand <strong>com</strong>manded theWinnipeg Field Batterytill1883, when he resigned its<strong>com</strong>mand to accept the lieutenant-colonelcyof the QOth Battalionthen organizing. In 1884, at the requestof the Imperial Government, heorganized the Manitoba contingent ofthe Nile Voyageurs for the GordonRelief Expedition, under <strong>com</strong>mand ofGeneral Lord Wolsley, and ac<strong>com</strong>paniedit to the close of the campaign. Whenon his return to his native land, he wastaken ill at London, Eng., and diedMay 3rd, 1885. He was buried inHighgate Cemetery with full militaryhonors, His Royal Highness theDuke of Cambridge, General LordWolsley, and many others, being inattendance.

;o6+r^ 7S>[HE LATE REV. JOHN BLACK,*- D. D., Kildonan, Man., was bornJanuary 8th, 1818, in Dumfrieshire,Scotland. He was the eldest son ofWilliam Black and Margaret Halliday.His education was begun in the ' GairSchool," where the foundation was laidof that extensive knowledge of Latin,Greek and French, for which he wasafterwards distinguished. After leavingschool,he was a successful teacherfor some years. In 1841, he came toAmerica and settled in New York State,remaining three years, resuming at theDelaware Academy his literary preparationfor the ministry. In 1844, he enteredKnox College, Toronto, afterwhich he was for three years missionaryand agent of the French CanadianMissionary Society. In 1851, therewas a request for a minister for the RedRiver Settlement, and Mr. Black acceptedthe position of missionary toKildonan. He was ordained 3ist Julyof that year, and immediately startedfor his distant mission, arriving on igthof September at Kildonan, and foreleven years toiled on alone, when hewas joined by the Rev. James Nisbet,who assisted him for four years. In1870 the Presbytery of Manitoba wasformed, and in 1871 Manitoba Collegeestablished, both of whichsteps were taken mainlythrough his efforts. Probablythe most trying crisisof his life was the Metis Rebellionin 1869-70, and hiswise and prudent counsel inthis time of trouble, helpedto avert much blood shedand save life. In the Winterof 1 880-8 1, under toogreat work, his health gaveway, and he went abroad fora time, returning in theautumn, temporarily improvedbut passed peacefullyaway February nth,;1882. He was an eloquentpreacher and a faithful andmuch beloved pastor, waspresident of the Bible Societyfor years, and deeplyinterested in educationalmatters and in the cause oftemperance. In 1876, thedegree of D. D. was conferredupon him by Queen'sUniversity. A wife, threesons and three daughterssurvive him, some of whomhold important positions inthe country.

OK 307,EV. A. MCDONALD HAIG,B. A., Pastor of the PresbyterianChurch, Glenboro',Man., also at Cypress River, Man.,was born November nth, 1855, at Baltimore,Ont. His parents were Davidand Margaret (McDonald) Haig, nativesof Scotland, and farmers. Mr.Haig received his education at the Baltimorepublic school and Cobourg CollegiateInstitute, after which he taughtschool four years. After remainingsix months in the Brantford CollegiateInstitute, he entered Toronto University,graduating in the Spring of1883, and from Knox College in 1886,Hehaving a brilliant college course.was ordained to the ministry of thePresbyterian Church, at Brandon,Man., July i4th, 1886, after whichhe was missionary on the CypressField one year, during which timehe was very successful, and wasinducted into his present charge inAugust, 1887, and has succeeded inmaking the Congregation self supporting,and in building them up spiritually.In politics, Mr. Haigis a Reformer.He was married, October 6th,1887, to Miss Jean, daughter of HughElliott, of Agincourt, Ont. He has twochildren : one son and one daughter.

308 MEN ORISAAC CRISP, Auctioneer,Real Estate and CommissionAgent, Souris, Man.,was born Nov. 8th, 1849, at SwaffhamPrior, Eng. He was educated at trieCommercial School, Cambridge, afterwhich he was employed by a wholesalegrain dealer, with whom he remainedfor some time. He then farmed fouryears, subsequently going into theauctioneer and real estate business withMr. Hawkes, under the firm name ofHawkes & Crisp. In 1880, he cameto Canada, settling in the Plum CreekSettlement, Man., in 1881, where hefarmed and ranched for six years. Herepresented Ward No. 3, in the municipalityof Whitewater in 1884, but resignedat the end of his term. He issecretary-treasurer of the " GlenwoodAgricultural Society,"" The FarmersInstitute," "The Souris Turf Club,"and of the Liberal-Conservative Associationof Souris and district. Hetakes great interest in agriculture,stock raising, and all matters pertainingto the advancement and good of thecountry. He is also C.P.R. ticket andtelegraph agent, and lessee and proprietorof the Bell Telephone systemin the town of Souris. In religion, heis an Episcopalian.

OR CANADA. 309\\/M. McKENZIE McLEOD,V \M.D., ex-M.P., Medical Superintendentof Quarantine Station, Sydney,C. B., was born July 4th, 1854, atthat place. He is the son of Rev. HughMcLeod, D.D. Dr. McLeod was educatedat Sydney Academy, Sydney,C.B., and Dalhousie College and University,Halifax. He took his medicalcourse at Bellevue Hospital MedicalCollege, graduating from that institutionin 1875. In 1889 and 1890 he alsotook special courses in the diseases ofthe eye, ear, nose and throat, at NewYork Post Graduate Medical Hospital,and this specialty he now practicesthe closed season.duringFrom 1875 until 1879, ^epracticed his profession inSydney, when he enteredthe political field, and waselected M.P. to succeed hisbrother, the late HughMcLeod, to represent theCounty of Cape Breton, andheld that honor until 1882.In 1883, he was appointedMedical Superintendent ofQuarantine, at Sydney,which position he still holds.Dr. McLeod is also presidentof the Cape BretonMedical Society, and a memberof the Nova Scotia MedicalSociety. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, andalso takes an active interestin the work of the Y.M.C. A., and holds a <strong>com</strong>missionas Justice of thePeace. He was married inDecember, 1884, to MissHattie Tremaine, daughterof Lewis H. Tremaine, Judgeof Probate and Inspector ofWeights and Measures forthe County of Cape Breton.His family consists of oneson and one daughter. In 1886, he organizedthe Sydney Battery of FieldArtillery (Canadian Militia), of whichhe is the Major in <strong>com</strong>mand, a positionfor which he is eminently qualified,having obtained a first-class certificatefrom the R. S. A., Quebec, in March,1887. Dr. McLeod is a member of theBoard of Commissioners of schools, forhis county, appointed by the ProvincialGovernment, and permanently holdingoffice. In politics,he is a supporter ofthe Liberal-Conservative administrationin the House of Commons. In hisprofession, he is a skilful and widelyknown specialist.

JOHNKELLY BAR-RETT, LL.D., Inspectorof InlandRevenue, Winnipeg, Man.,was born June 6th, 1850, inHamilton, Ont. He is theeldest son of Charles andCANADABridget Barrett. In 1854,his parents removed to Puslinch,Ont., where in thepublic school he receivedhis primary education. Owinglargely to the efforts ofhis father, who took an activepart in municipal andeducational matters, thisschool became so efficient,that in one year, six of itspupils passed teacher's examinations,Dr. Barrett beingthe first among its pupilsto take a first class certificate.After teaching for ashort time, he entered HolyCross, the famous JesuitCollege, at Worcester, Mass.,after leaving which he becamePrincipal of St. Mary'sModel School at Hamilton.In 1873, he accepted a positionin the Inland RevenueDepartment his ; promotionwas rapid, and in 1885, he was promotedto his present position, one of the known all over Canada in the now his-by his Alma Mater. He became widelyhighest in the department. He always toric law suit : Barrett vs. City of Winnipeg,which was taken to test thetook an active interest in educationalmatters, and was superintendent ofSeparate Schools constitutionality of the new School Act.in St. Catharines, Dr. Barrett is a member of the GrandOnt., for three years. In 1890, when Council of the C. M. B. A., and Grandthe Greenway Government abolished Deputy for Manitoba and British ColumbiafirstCatholic schools, he immediately cameinto prominence as ; vice-president of St. Vincentde Paul Society, a member of themanaging-directorand editor-in-chief of the Northwest Council of Manitoba University, and aReview, the English organ of the trustee of the Catholic schools. InCatholic party. In 1892, the University 1875, he married Sarah Maria, eldestof Ottawa conferred upon him the degreeof LL.D. One month daughter of Win. O'Brien, of Hamilton.later, a His family consists of fivesimilar degree was conferred upon him daughtersand two sons, living.

CANADA.ARCHIBALD, Barristerand Stipendiary Magistratefor the town of NorthSydney, Cape Breton, was born Januaryi8th, 1856, at Sydney Mines, C. B.He is the son of the Honorable Thos.D. Archibald, Senator, and Susan ElizabethCorbett, both now deceased. Hereceived his education at the BostonLatin School and the Harvard LawSchool. He was admitted to the Barof the Province of Nova Scotia in June,1878, and has since practiced his professionat North Sydney. He is now amember of the firm of Archibald &Armstrong, who conduct a very largeand successful legal practice in the townand province. He is admirably adaptedfor the honorable and importantofficewhich he holds. His thorough knowledgeof law and his keen ability toanalyze evidence, enables him to disposeof the different matters broughtbefore him, with ability and dispatch.Judging from his past record, his futureis full of promise. In politics,Mr.Archibald is a Conservative, and inreligion a Presbyterian. Mr. Archibaldwas married, June I4th, 1887, toZaidee Francis Boggs, daughter ofGeorge Prior and Frances Ann Boggs,now deceased.

312 M.KNW yENRY GEORGE COOK, B.A., College of Physicians andSurgeons of Manitoba, Manitou, Man.,was born September 2 2nd, 1867, at FortEllis, Man. He is the son of the lateRev. Thomas Cook, Rural Dean ofMarquette, Manitoba, and Ann Bruce,of English and Scotch descent respectively.His father was a missionary ofthe Church of England in the North-West Territory for forty years, andwas widely known and very highly respected.Dr. Cook received his educationat the public schools and at St.John's College, Winnipeg, graduatingin Arts from the latter institution in1887. He entered Manitoba MedicalCollege in 1889, and graduated with thedegrees of M.D.,andC.M., in the Springof 1892, after which he immediatelysettled in Manitou, where he still remains,and is fast building up a largeand important medical practice, andjudging from his past record, he willdoubtless take a high stand in theMedical profession. In religion, theDoctor is a member of the Church ofEngland, and in politics, a Conservative.He is also a member of the MasonicOrder, and of the I.O.F., and isphysician to the latter.

MEN 313BORTHWICK,,EV. HUGH J.A.M., editor of the Herald, anda member of the firm ofBorthwick & Fox, publishers of theHerald, Morden, Man., was born July26th, 1824, in the Parish of Glencorse,Midlothian, Scotland. His were parentsJohn and Elizabeth (Jameson)Borthwick, the former being a parishschool teacher for over fifty years. Mr.Borthwick was educated at his father'sschool, Cauvin's Institution, near Edinburgh,and Edinburgh University, graduatingfrom Victoria University, Cobourg,Ont., in 1859. In 1845, ^ecame to Canada, and taught school nearMontreal, Que., for aboutone year, then removed tothe neighborhood of Hamilton,where he was tutor forabout two years, after whichhe was assistant in the privateschool of Rev. J. G.Geddes, who was also incumbentof Christ's Church,Hamilton. He was licensedin 1858 by the Presbyteryof Hamilton, in connectionwith the Church of Scotland.He was Principal ofthe Newmarket GrammarSchool for about three years,then of Queen's CollegeSchool, Kingston, aboutthree years, then of the OttawaGrammar School, andheld the office of Inspectorof Public Schools for Ottawafor three years, all ofwhich offices he filled withthe best of satisfaction toall. In 1876, he removedto Manitoba, under the auspicesof the PresbyterianHome Missionary Committee,and remained in chargeof the Pembina Mountaindistrict until 1884, when heretired from the ministry ;and subsequentlyentered inio partnership withMr. Neil Fox and bought the MordenHerald from Mr. E. A. Bailey. Priorto <strong>com</strong>ing to Manitoba, he had charge ofChelsea and Hull, in Ottawa Co., P.Q.Mr. Borthwick is a member of the A. F.& A.M., and in politics is a Liberal, althoughformerly giving his support tothe Conservative party. He was married,April, 1848, to Miss Marion Tay-daughter of John ^Eneas Tayler,ler,S. S. C., of Edinburgh. His familyconsists of two sons and four daughtersliving, his eldest son, John, being reeveof the Municipality of Stanley.

3HV. DR. 3RYCE, (Torontosix scholarships open in the lastUniversity, B. A., 1867, M. year.A., In 1861, he, in <strong>com</strong>pany with another,>1868, LL.B., 1878, LL.D., raised the Mount Pleasant Infantry1884), Professor of Science and Literaturein Manitoba College, Winnipeg, affair, and during his University courseCompany, at the time of the TrentMan., was born in Brant County, Ont., he was a member of the UniversityApril 22nd, 1884, of Scottish parentage. Company, Q. O. R. He was presentHis early education was received in the at the skirmish with the Fenians atpublic and High schools of Brant Co., Limeridge, and acted as ensign of UniversityCompany, which was At the age of severelyand the Brantford Collegiate Institute.nineteen, he matriculated handled in the fight. He was a graduateof Toronto Military School, andwith honors in Toronto University, andduring his course took numerous prizes, was present at Laprairie at the campespecially in higher English and under Colonel (now General) Wolseley.Science. In 1868, he entered Knox At the close of hisCollege, where he took Theological course,five out of the he was selected as assistant for Chalmer'sChurch, Quebec, butwas, appointed to found andbe first professor of ManitobaCollege. The collegebegun at Kildonan was removedto Winnipeg in 1874,and in 1877, Prof. Brycewas one of the founders ofManitoba University. Notonly in higher education,but in public school and collegiatetraining has DoctorBryce taken part, and hasheld many offices in connectionwith education in Manitoba.In addition to hisprofessional duties in Winnipeg,he was entrustedwith the care of KnoxChurch, and has been prominentlyconnected with itsince that time, and also organizedSt. Andrew'sChurchin 1 88 1. He was also forten years secretary of HomeMissions, and for the lastfour years H. M. Convenerof Winnipeg Presbytery.He has devoted much timeto literature, and iswidelyknown in scientific andliterary circles.

CANADA. 315,EV. WILLIAM LE BARONMcKIEL, Rector of HolyTrinity Church, St. Martin'sSt. John County, N. B., was born atHelegiate Institute, Windsor, N. S., afterwhich he entered King's College,Windsor,graduating in 1863. In 1864, hewas appointed rector of St. George'sGreenwich, N. B., July 6th, 1841. Church, Bathurst,is the son of Lient.-Col. Wm. N. B., where he remaineduntilB. McKieland 1874, when he was appointedby the Bishop to the rectorshipEmily Catherine Gorman, bothdescendants of U. E. Loyalist stock, of St. Mary's Church, Douglas, N. B.,his great-grandfather McKiel <strong>com</strong>ing where he remained for seventeen years,to Nova Scotia with Delance's Division when he was unanimously elected toin 1783, he being in the British Army Holy Trinity Church, St. Martin's, hiscarrying despatches from post to post, present charge. He was married, inand on arriving in Nova Scotia settled 1864, to Eliza Frederika, daughter ofon the St. John River. Mr. McKiel Captain John Christopher Rudolf, ofreceived his primary education at theschools of Kingston, N.B., and the Col-Lunenburg, N. S. In politics, Mr.McKiel is a Liberal-Conservative.

3 i6 OR,EV. LAWRENCE CHARLESPRIDEAUX FOX, O.M.I.,Parish priest of St. Mary'sCatholic Church, Winnipeg, Man., wasHe was ordained at Abbotsford, theseat of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., thecelebrated Scottish poet and novelist,in 1853. Besides pastoral and missionaryduties discharged during nearlyborn August 22nd, 1820, at Kingsbridge,Devonshire, Eng. His parents twenty years in Ireland, ten years inwere Robert Were Fox, born at Wadebridge,Cornwall, and Rachel C. Pri-yearsEngland, four years in Scotland and sixdeaux, of Kingsbridge, Devon. Hein Winnipeg, he was for six yearsthe manager of a large reformatory forreceived his education at schools belongingto the Society of Friends, at The life of Father Fox has beenCatholic boys, near Dublin, Ireland.Sidcot and Fal mouth. After his conversionto the Catholic faith, he joined in his work. His political views maythe Congregation of Oblates of Mary be expressed in these words :marked by earnest toil and painstaking"JusticeImmaculate, and was prepared by them and Charity to all, and Home Rule forin different houses for the priesthood. Ireland."

OF- 317,EV. JOHN CHARL-TON BERRIE, MethodistMinister,Hillsboro, Albert County,New Brunswick, was bornat Tarn worth, Warwickshire,England, December25th, 1840. He is the secondson of Charles JamesBerrie, Analytical Chemist,and Sarah Russell, daughterof John Howitt, of LongEaton, Derbyshire. Hisgreat grandmother was asister of the Earl of Kilmarnock,the family namebeing originally de Berri,of French origin. Mr. Berriereceived his early educationat Tainworth andHorlock's Academy, Reading,Berkshire, on leavingwhich he was apprenticedto Phythian & Co., grocersof the Strand, London,afterwards he was in theemploy of Elizabeth Lazenby,Italian Warehousemen,then he was manager forWace & Co., and then juniorpartner of the firm ofJohn Howgate & Co., WestbourneGrove. He studied under theS. L., daughter of Rev. A. Macintyre,direction of the Rev. T. M. Albrighton, M.A., and grand daughter of a formerof London. He was a local preacheron the Great Queen Street and Attorney-General of Prince Edward Island.His family consists of one son andBayswatercircuits, and in October 1871, one daughter. Mr. Macintyre was inwas one of the twelve that came to chargeAmerica. He of St. James Church, Charlottetown,P.E.I., when he married. Mr.was stationed in Summersideand Souris, P.E.I., where his Berriehealth brokebelongs to the I.O.O.F., I.O.F.,down, and he had to undergoa serious operation. On recover-Grand Chaplain of the Order for theS.O.T. and Good Templars, beinging his health he was stationed at Little Province. He is also a freeman of theYork, Murray Harbour and Montague city of London, in the Goldsmith's Company.He is a man of much force andP.E.I., then Shediac, Jacksonville, Sussex,Milltown, and then at his present power his services are;very acceptablecharge, Hillsboro, N.B. Mr. Berrie andwas married, in May 1876, to Hannah helpful, and much is yet expectedfrom him.

CANADA.jmTHOMAS HART, M.A.,,EV.B.D., Winnipeg, Man., wasborn iiiPaisley,When Scotland.quite young, he removed withhis parents, John Hart and Jean MasonSemple, to Canada, settling in Perth,Ont., where he received his early education.In 1857, he matriculated atthe University of Queen's College,Kingston, where he took his degree,carrying off prizes in classics, mathematicsand philosophy. He was forsome time head master of the WardsvilleGrammar School, during whichtime he also took an additional coursein French at the Pointe-aux-TremblesSchool. He then returnedto Queen's, and studiedtheology for three years,taking the degree of B.D.He was then appointedprincipal of the Perth HighSchool, which he resignedin 1870, to spend a year inScotland, attending selectedclasses in EdinburghUniversity. While there,he was received by theGeneral Assembly as a licentiateof the Church ofScotland. On his return toCanada, he was asked bythe Synod's <strong>com</strong>mittee toundertake college and missionwork in Manitoba,and entered upon the workin 1872. He was thus thefirst, and at the time of theunion of the Presbyterianchurches, the only minister1of the Church o Scotlandin Manitoba. In 1874, inview of the approachingunion, his status as professorin Manitoba Collegewas formally accorded him.The subjects taught by himare the Ancient Classics andFrench. In 1877, he was one of thefounders of the University of Manitoba,and has been a member of its councilsince that time since ; 1879 he has beensecretary of the Board of Studies of theUniversity, and since 1878 an examinerin classics. He has also been closelyidentified with church and missionwork and for nearly twenty years hehas been either secretary or chairman ofthe <strong>com</strong>mittee for the Indian missionsof his church, and in 1889-90, was moderatorof the Synod of Manitoba and theNorth-West Territories. He was marriedin 1872, to Isabella Margaret,daughter of Judge Malloch, of Perth.

MEN^TN AVID HOUSSER, Beamsville,I Out., retired farmer, was bornJune 8th, 1818, in LincolnCounty, Ont. He is the son of Samueland Catharine (Hoch) Housser. Hisfather was born in Pennsylvania, in1782, and his greatgrandfather was alsoborn in the same state. Mr. Housserwas educated in the schools of his day,and his educational advantages werefew, but he improved his opportunitiesoutside of school, and is a well informedman. He has been a member of theMunicipal Council and School Board, anumber of times, and active in politicalmatters in the interests of the Liberalparty.In religion, he is a Methodist,and has been class leader, local preacher,an active member of the TrusteeOfficial Boards, and was recordingsteward for many years. Mr. Housserwas married, October 17, 1843,t AnnaGross, daughter of Jacob and AnnaBechtel Moyer Gross, who came fromPennsylvania and settled in the Townshipof Clinton, County of Lincoln,Out., early in this present century.He has seven children living,:namelyIsrael, G., Salome, John H., Winnipeg;Gideon B., Portage La Prairie; Susan,married and living at Thorold;IsaacWesley, Winnipeg; and Annie Jane.

320WjENRY HALL SMITH, Comc*t"|rnissioner of Dominion LandsV> and a member of the Do-in the Macdonald-Cartier administration.After receiving his early education,Mr. Smith entered Upper CanadaCollege, Toronto, after which heminion Lands Board, Winnipeg, Man.,whose duties among others embrace the began the study of law, and was admittedas attorney and barrister. Headministration of Dominion Lands inManitoba, the North-West Territories was a member of theand British Columbia, and Municipal Councilinvestigationof disputed claims to land under u of the town of Peterboro', from 1878 toThe 1883, being mayor during the lastManitoba Act," was born December three years. In religion, he is an1 7th, 1867, at Cobourg, Ont. He is the Episcopalian. He was married, Octobersou of the late Hon. Sidney Smith, 2ist, 1867, at Dundas, Minnesota, towho was a member of Legislative Assembly,and Georgina McAlpin. His family consistsof one son, Dr. W. Harvey Smith,subsequently of LegislativeCouncil of Canada, prior to Confederation,and was Postmaster General present House Surgeon of at ManhattanEye and Ear Hospital, New York.

MKN 321^REDBRICK WM. STOBART,-I Wholesale Dry Goods Merchant,and president of the Board ofby the cityTrade, Winnipeg, was born January2yth, 1859, in Roker, Durham County,Eng. His parents, William and January loth,Sophy(Wylde) Stobart, are both living andreside in Yorkshire, Eng. The Stobartsand the Wyldes, for generations back,have been typical English country gentlemen,Mr. Stobart, sr., being at presentthe managing-director of a largemining (coal and iron) corporation, andalso on the directorate of several othersuch <strong>com</strong>panies. Mr. Stobart was educatedat Wellington College and JesusCollege, Cambridge, Eng.,after which he came to Canada,in 1880, to look afterhis father's interests in thefirm of Stobart, Eden & Co.,formerly Kew, Stobart &Co., fur traders, establishedin 1874 in opposition to theHudson's Bay Company, byhis eldest brother. Mr.Stobart, soon after <strong>com</strong>ingto Manitoba, began to takean active interest in theWinnipeg Board of Trade,was soon elected to its council,and in February, 1893,to preside over its deliberations.It is needless to sayhe is deservedly held in universalesteem, both as acitizen and as a progressiveand honorable businessman, and is admirably qualifiedto assist in openingup a new country. He hasalso for years been a directorof the Winnipeg GeneralHospital, in which institutionhe takes a great interest.He steadily refusesmunicipal or political office,but accepted appointmentcouncil on the first Boardof Park Commissioners of Winnipeg, aposition he now holds. In religion,Mr. Stobart is an Episcopalian. On1885, he was married toMargaret, youngest daughter of thelate C. J. Brydges, who was for so manysuch cor-the In-years a prominent figure inporations as the Grand Trunk,tercolonial, the Great Western railways,and the Hudson's Bay Company, beingfor several years general manager ofthe former, and subsequently for someyears Land Commissioner of the latter.His family consists of three daughtersand one son.

322 MLEN ORT^RANK DUNCAN STEWART,-I Clerk of the Mimicipality ofDufferin, and one of the mostenterprising business men of Carman,Man., was born May i5th, 1853,in London, England. His parents,George McKenzie, and Jane Angelica(Wilson) Stewart, were both Scotch.At the age of three, Mr. Stewart removedwith his parents to Canada, andsettled in Guelph, Ont., where he tooka full course in the public schools, andsubsequently attended the Gait GrammarSchool. He then worked for JohnA. Wood, grocer, Guelph, for one year,and afterwards two years for the GreatAmerican Tea Company, of St. Louis,Mo., U.S. In 1873, he made his wayto Manitoba, and located near wherethe town of Carman now flourishes.After watching the development of thecountry and increasing his farm to extensiveproportions, until the advent ofthe railway, Mr. Stewart removed toCarman in 1889, and for one year conductedthe business of the MasseyCompany at this point. Then he openedthe furniture business which he stillconducts successfully, also an extensiveinsurance and real estate business. Inreligion, Mr. Stewart is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative, andsecretary of the ConservativeAssociation in his district,ticket agent for N. P.and M. Railroad, sec.-treas.Canadian Mutual Loan andInvestment Co., lessee andmanager of Dufferin OperaHall. He is also a memberof the A.F. & A.M., OrangeOrder, I.O.O.F., and C.O.F.In the Orange Order, he isP.W.M. of the Local LodgeNo. 1490, P. County M. ofDufferin, was two yearsDeputy Grand Treasurer ofBritish America, and is atpresent Recording Secretaryof Local Lodge and GrandTreasurer of the ProvincialGrand Lodge of Manitoba.In Masonry, he is P. M. ofOakland Lodge No. 9, P.G.Steward of the Grand Lodgeof Manitoba, and P.D.D.G.M. He was also firstChief Ranger of the LocalCourt of Foresters. .Mr.Stewart was married, March2ist, 1878, to Miss MarthaJane, daughter of SamuelKennedy, of Carman. He hasfour sons and two daughters.

MEN OF1323JT. CARROLL, M. D., C. M.June 1 5th, 1857,. Vancouver, B. C., was bornin the Townshipof Garafraxa, Wellington County,Out. His parents were Thomas andEllen (Atcheson) Carroll, both nativesof Ireland. After <strong>com</strong>pleting his primaryeducation in his native place, Dr.Carroll took a course in the GeorgetownAcademy and at the Fergus GrammarSchool. He took his medical course inthe Toronto School of Medicine, graduatingin April, 1883. He then visitedGreat Britain,and put in two years in thehospitals of London and Edinburgh.Returning to Canada, he <strong>com</strong>mencedthe practice of his profession in Weiland,Ont, in 1884, where he remainedabout four years. He then spent sometime in the hospitals of New York, andfinally settled in Vancouver, in August,1888, where his large and constantlyincreasing practice is an evidence ofhow his superior professional skill isappreciated by the public. In religion,Dr. Carroll isa member of the Churchof England. He is a member of Mary'sChapel, Lodge No. i, A. F. & A. M.,of Edinburgh, Scotland, also an Oddfellowand a Forester. In politics,heis a Conservative. He was an aldermanof Vancouver from 1889 to 1891.

324 ]VtEN OKRED. LAWRENCE FAIR-was called to the Bar as attorney October1 6th, 1890, and sworn in as bar-the office of Mr. OraWEATHER, P. King, in Sussex,LL.B., Barrister, and continued it in the office of White,etc., Sussex, N.B., was born July Allison & King, of the same town. Heist, 1868, at Sussex. He is a son ofDouglas M. Fairweather and Sarah(Spear) Fairweather, of London, Eng. rister October 6th, 1892, in which yearHe received his primary education at he was also a member of the Councilthe King's County Grammar school in Board of the parish of Sussex. In religion,he is an adherent of the Churchof England. In politics he is a Liberal,and takes a deep interest in the welfarefrom that institution in 1890, with thedegree of LL.B. He was the leader ofthe Mock Parliament of Dalhousie College,and gave promise then of a brightfuture. He began the study of law inSussex, N.B., and then entered DalhousieCollege, Halifax, N.S., remainingthere for three years, graduatingof his party, being secretary of theLiberal Association of King's County,N.B. He is a young man destined tomake his mark among the leadingmen of the country.

3 2 5S^TNOBT.ADAMSON,|\^ manager of the Com-VS> mercial Bank ofManitoba, Virden, Man.,was born January i3th,1852, at Stanochy, Forfarshire,Scotland. His parentswere David H. and Maria(Torrance) Adamson, bothnatives of Scotland. After<strong>com</strong>pleting his course in theHigh School, Mr. Adamsonwas articled to the late Win.Shires, solicitor of Breachen,with whom he remained forabout five years. He thencame to America, and wasengaged as cashier forMessrs. Ogilvie & Co., ofToronto, Ont., from 1872 to1877. From 1877 to 1880,he occupied a similar positionwith Mr. W. R. Brock,of the same city. He thenremoved to Manitoba andcarried on a private bankingbusiness in Winnipegfor one year. In 1888,he established a privatebank in Virden, and whenthe Commercial Bank wasstarted in that town, he wasappointed manager in November, 1890. retain the confidence and business ofMr. Adamson was the first mayor of the public, wherever he is known. InVirden, occupying that office during 1876,the years 1890, '91 and '92. He his parents and the rest of thewas family came to this country and settledalso the first president of the Board in North Ontario County, Ont., andof Trade for the township of Dennis, subsequently removed to Winnipeg,and is still in that responsable position, Man., where his father died in May,which he fills ably and to the entire 1889. In religion, Mr. Adamson issatisfaction of the business <strong>com</strong>munity. a Presbyterian, and in politics, a supporterof the Conservative party. HeHe was also the first man to establisha bank in Manitoba, west of Winnipeg.is also a P. M. in the Masonic Order.Mr. Adamson is one of Virden's most He was married, June 2ist, 1882, torepresentative men, and has done Miss Effie, daughter of the late AlexanderCaldwell, of Lanark, Ont., bymuch to stimulate the progress of thecountry of his adoption. As a banker, whom he has three sons and threehe is admirably adapted to gain and daughters.

326 1VLENFRASER, Flour Miller,Morden, Manitoba, was bornSeptember i8th, 1855, at NewGlasgow, N.S. His parents are JamesH. and Ann (Turnbnll) Fraser, bothof Scotch descent. His father was anextensive railway contractor in NovaScotia, and one of the contractors forsections " B " and " 15 " of the C.P.R.in Manitoba. He built the MordenRoller Mill in 1885, and is now livingretired in Morden. After passingthrough the public and Grammarschools, the subject of this sketch attendedthe Wesleyan Academy at Sackville,N.B., and subsequently took a<strong>com</strong>mercial course in Halifax.He then devoted himselfto the furniture businessin New Glasgow fortwo years, and in 1878, visitedManitoba, returning inthe Fall of the same year.The following Spring heremoved permanently tothe North-West, and forsome time was engaged inthe C.P.R. office work, andconducting a supply storeat Rat Portage. Mr. Fraser,sr., subsequently builtthe roller mill at Nelson,Man., and became activelyengaged in its operation.After the Morden Mill wasbuilt, and had been run forsome months in connectionwith the Nelson Mill, in1891, Mr. Fraser rented theMorden Mill from his fatheron his own account, andsubsequently rented theTrehorne Roller Mill, givinga total capacity in thetwo mills of 200 barrelsdaily. In addition to hislarge local trade, Mr. Frasermakes large shipmentsof flour to the Eastern Provinces. Heis a very active Free Mason, being aPast Master of the Morden Lodge, anda P.D.D.G.M. He was one of the foundersof the Morden Masonic Hospital,a most creditable institution, and is aprominent worker in the Y.M.C.A.,being vice-president of the Provincialconvention, and a member of the Provincial<strong>com</strong>mittee. In religion, he is aPresbyterian, and in politics, a Conservative.He was married, July i3th,1887, to Miss Florence, daughter of thelate Benjamin McConnell, lumberman,of Pembroke, Ont., by whom he hastwo sons and two daughters.

MEN OK CANADA. 327GOVE, M. D., St. Andrews,N.B., was born at thatplace August yth, 1845. Heis the son of Dr. Samuel Tilley Gove,of St. Andrews, and Mary Howe,daughter of Samuel Fairweather, Esq.,of Sussex, N. B. The father of oursubject is perhaps the oldest and mostwidely known physician in New Brunswick.Dr. Gove received his educationat the Charlotte County GrammarSchool, St. Andrews, the Medical Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons, NewYork, and Edinburgh University. Hefinally graduated M.D. from the Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons, NewYork, with first-class honors,in 1862.He then practiced in St. Andrews andthe State of Maine, also in New Jersey,after which he returned to New Brunswickand practiced at Deer Island. In1889, he came back to St. Andrews, wherehe isdoing a very large practice. Dr.Gove was married April 24th, 1881, toGeorgie, daughter of Robert Townsend,Esq., Chamcook, N. B. His familyconsists of four sous and two daughters.He is a member of the NewBrunswick Medical Association, alsothe Maritime Province Medical Association.In religion, he is an Episcopalian,and in politics a Liberal-Conservative.

328 CANADA.EORGE H. MURRAY, M.L.C.,Barrister, North Sydney, C. B.was born in 1861, at Grand Narrows,C. B. He is the son of William andform speaker and an able exponent ofLiberal principles. He contested CapeBreton County in 1886, 1887 and 1890,the two latter years running for theJane Murray. His father was a prominentmerchant in the county. After after an able campaign. He was ap-House of Commons, but was defeatedobtaining a classical education, Mr. pointed a member of the Nova ScotiaMurray received his professional trainingat the Boston Law School. He in 1890, and continues soGovernmentwas at present. He is an ardent believeradmitted as barrister in the year 1883, in reciprocity with the United States,since which time he has practiced his and a revenue tariff for Canada. Inprofession at North Sydney, where heispopular alike with religion, he is a Presbyterian. Mr.the profession Murray was married in 1889, to Missand the public. In politics, Mr. Murrayis a Esq.,Moore, a daughter of J. B. Moore,prominent member of the Sydney,Liberal party. He N. S. His family consists ofis an effective plat-two sons.

**^^THE REV. GEORGE YOUNG,-*-D.D., was born in the County ofMKN 329ford circuit. Subsequently he wascalled to fill various important stations,Prince Edward, Ont., December 3ist, as Montreal, Quebec, Kingston, Toronto,Hamilton, etc. In 1868, he was1821. His early educational advantageswere few, and his boyhood was spent appointed to the Red River country,mainly in tilling the soil. During the which he reached by driving from St.rebellion of 1837-38, he rendered six Paul, Minn. He has been frequentlymonths active service in the SecondPrince Edward Troop of Cavalry, anddesignated " the pioneer and founder ofMethodism in Manitoba." In hisin 1871, when volunteers were called pioneer work, he conducted services atfor in Winnipeg to repel the Fenian Fort Garry, the Lower Fort, Sturgeoninvaders, he with his son, joined the Creek, Headiugly, Poplar Point, Highforce and marched to the front. He Bluff, Portage La Prairie, Woodlands,was converted in 1840, and received his Rockwood, Springfield, Prairie Grove,firstappointment from Conference,June, 1842, being stationed on the Ox- Boyne River, Pembina Mountain, etc.For eight years he remained in chargeof his large circuit and vastdistrict, during which hebuilt the original GraceChurch and Mission House,Zion Church and the WesleyanInstitute, which wasthe <strong>com</strong>mencement of theprosperous Wesley Collegeof to-day, besides establishingseveral missions in theProvince. In 1876, he returnedto Toronto, and waselected president of TorontoConference in 1877.In 1879, he established amission at Emerson andbuilt two churches. In 1882,he was appointed Superintendentof Missions in theNorth- West, and first presidentof that Conference,which he organized in 1883.During twenty-two years,he served the Church in theof districts.chairmanshipIn 1878, Cornell Collegeconferred upon him the degreeof D.D. In 1884, hishealth gave way, sincewhich time he has been residingin Toronto, doinggood work for the Church.

330PW^'**'THOMAS GILROY, Winnipeg,Man., Manager of the Sun Lifegate to the Provincial Synod, is a prominentofficial in Holy Trinity Church,*-Assurance Company for Manitoba and and a man whose hand is ever open tothe North-West Territories, was bornin 1848, in Norfolk County, Ont. He any worthy cause. He is treasurer ofSt. Paul's Indian School, and is also awas educated at the Simcoe Grammar director of the North-West Fire InsuranceCompany of Winnipeg. In poli-School, shortly after which he engagedin life insurance business, rising rapidlyin his work and in the esteem of his has rendered good service to his party.tics he is a staunch Conservative and<strong>com</strong>pany. He was appointed Inspector In 1892, Mr. Gilroy was married to Missof Agencies of the Sun Life, a position Groff, daughter of the late Henry Groff,he filled with much acceptance in Ontariofor several years. In 1882, Mr.of Simcoe, Ont., a gentleman long andGilroy was favorably known in Norfolk County,promoted by the <strong>com</strong>panyto his present position, and having been county treasurer, bankcertainly, manager, and a prominent official inunder his management, the volume of Masonic circles.the Western business ofthis popular <strong>com</strong>pany hasbeen highly satisfactory.Two elements contribute tothis result :first, the popularityamong shrewd businessmen of the " Unconditional" policies issued bythe institution which he representsand, secondly, the;universal esteem and respectin which Mr. Gilroyis deservedly held. To dobusiness with him is to be<strong>com</strong>ehis friend. He is alsoa public spirited citizen. Foryears he has been a memberof the Winnipeg MunicipalCouncil, and he is one of itsmost popular aldermen, takinga leading part in thebusiness of the council. Hehas been the efficient chairmanof the Finance Committeefor two years, and itis needless to say, takes anactive interest in the improvement,prosperity andfinancial security of hisadopted city. In religion,he is an Episcopalian, andrepeatedly has been a dele-

MKN OR 331,EV. CHARLES WOOD, Incumbentof St. Luke's Episco-_ pal Church, Souris, Man.,was born March 4th, 1856, at Bloxwich,Staffordshire, England. His parentswere Charles and Elizabeth (Pinson)Wood. When a mere youth, he felthis call to the ministry, and with thisin view, pursued his education at St.Paul's Theological College, Burgh,Lincolnshire, England. He was ordaineddeacon, January i5th, 1888, inSt. .John's Church Winnipeg, andpriest, on the 23rd September, 1888, inHoly Trinity Church of the same city.He came to Canada in November, 1887,and settled at Winnipeg, Man., wherehe remained three months, when hetook charge of St. Matthew's Church,Boissevain, and All Saints Church,Turtle Mountain, in January 1888,where he remained for two and onehalf years ;and on August 6th, 1890,came to Souris, Man., where he stillremains, and his influence for good hasalready been felt. Mr. Wood is amember of the Masonic Order and ofthe Canadian Order of Foresters. Inpolitics, he belongs to the Conservativeparty. In 1890, he married Henrietta,daughter of the late Rev. C. Brittain,M.A., of Birmingham, England.

332AND. LOGAN GEGGIK,,EV.Presbyterian Minister, Truro,N.S., was born March 2oth,1863, at Ormiston, Parish of Eckford,Roxburghshire, Scotland. His parentswere Thomas and Jane (Patterson)Geggie. His father was a manufacturerand corn merchant for manyyears. He received his education inthe University of Edinburgh, afterwhich he pursued his theological coursein Free Church, New College, Edinburgh,and was ordained to the ministryof the Presbyterian Church in St.Paul's Church, June 26th, 1888. Hecame to Canada in 1887, and has sincelabored here and has been attendedwith a large degree of success. He belongsto the Orange Society and theSons of Temperance, taking an activeinterest in the welfare of the cause ofthe latter. Mr. Geggieis a young manof education and refinement, popularwith his congregation, and has alreadysecured a desirable place in the esteemof the Church and work to whichhe has devoted his life. He was marriedto Janet Mearns Miller, of Edinburgh,Scotland, daughter of Williamand Jane (Scott) Miller of that place.His family consists of two sons andone daughter.

MEN CANADA. 333,EV.HENRY WIL-LIAMLITTLE,Rector of Sussex,N.B., was born January23rd, 1848, at Torrington,Norfolk, England.His fatherwas head master for fortyyears of the High Schoolthere. Mr. Little receivedhis education from Rev. R.A. Whalley, and at the St.Augustine's College, Canterbury,where he graduated,receiving his diplomaand the special hood grantedby His Grace the Archbishop,to the students whopass their course with honors.He was ordained atWinchester Cathedral in1874, by Rt. Rev. HaroldBrown, D.D., Lord Bishopof Winchester. He immediatelywent to Madagascarin <strong>com</strong>pany with Dr. Cornish,bishop of that island.Reaching there in 1874, hetook charge of the EastCoast, where the climate wasso bad that no Englishclergyman had been ableto continue longer than afew months. He remained there sixyears, organizing 14 stations and builtSt. James Church at Andevoranto, anold Arab slave market. This was thefirst consecrated church in Madagascar,and his congregation there included500 natives, chiefly slaves and slaveholdersand soldiers of the Hova garrison.He has had more than one interviewwith the Prime Minister, andassisted in passing a law for <strong>com</strong>pulsoryeducation, for which he receivedthe thanks of the government and theQueen. In 1879, ^ e returned to England,and after some months spent atOxford, he took charge of the Parish ofCheadle, and then of the Parish ofHealy, Mashani, York. In 1882, hewas called to take part in the greatLondon Mission, when he labored inthe Parish of Regent Square, London,with Rev. E. Steele, as <strong>com</strong>missioner.Settling at Forest Hill, he officiated ascurate of St. Paul's, also assisting inthe Church of St. George's, PerryHe Hill.afterwards acted as curate of theRev. E. Robinson of St. Lawrence,Catford. Having accepted a call toCanada, he reached Fredericton in December,1889, and was inducted as rectorof Sussex, in January, 1890. Mr.Little is the author of several works.

334 CANADA.M. SIMPSON, M.D., C. M.,Manitoba University, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. and L.M.Edinburgh,L.F.P.S., Glasgow, professor ofthe Principles and Practices of Medi-Manitoba Medical College, Win-cine,nipeg, Man., was born October i6th,1864, at Carleton Place, Lanark County,Ont. His father, now deceased, wasRobert Simpson, a man of sterlingcharacter, and one who, as reeve andschool official for years, took an activeinterest in public affairs.His mother,who is still living (1893), was FannyA. Cathcart, a woman of noble Christiancharacter and devoted to the higherinterests of her family.They removed to Manitoba,about 1878, and at nineteenyears of age, Dr. Simpsonentered Manitoba MedicalCollege, from which hegraduated in 1886. He thenaccepted the position of AssistantSurgeon of the St.Paul, Minneapolis & ManitobaRailway, in Montana,where he soon rose to beChief Surgeon. In 1887,he went to Great Britain,where, in the hospitals ofLondon and Edinburgh, heapplied himself to the furtherstudy of his chosenprofession. In 1889, hegraduated in Scotland, asabove indicated, and thenreturned to Winnipeg,wherehe soon became favorablyknown for his ability andskill. In politics, Dr. Simpsonis a Conservative, andex-president of Dennis Co.Conservative Association.He is an adherent of theMethodist Church, and isunmarried. He has onebrother, a medical student,and another (Holmes Simpson), a graduatein Medicine, who is now morethoroughly preparing himself in NewYork. In 1890, Dr. Simpson acceptedthe chair of Materia Medica in ManitobaMedical College, and in 1892 wasappointed to his present professorship,for which he is most fully qualified byeducation and experience. He is alsoa member of the staff of physicians andsurgeons of the Winnipeg GeneralHospital. He has very rapidly reacheda prominent place in his profession, andalso in the confidence of his adoptedprovince. His success is well meritedand will doubtless greatly enlarge.

OR335APT.St.WM. HENRY MORAN,Martin's, N. B., was born atthat place, June 8th, 1849.H. and CarolineHe is the son of JamesMoran. He received his education atthe schools of his birth place, SackvilleAcademy, N. B., and Liverpool, Eng.He was for two years on Her Majesty'sSchool Frigate, Conway, and followed asea-faring life for fifteen years, principallyin the East India and Australiantrade. He <strong>com</strong>manded three vessels inthe Royal Navy, and at the age ofhe had the <strong>com</strong>mand of aHe retired from sea in1884. He was appointed Justice of thetwenty-onelooo-ton vessel.Peace, December 25th, 1888, his father,grandfather and great grandfatherhaving held that office before him. Hemarried, in 1870, Georgina Adelaide,daughter of Capt. Silas Vaughan, ofSt. Martin's. His family consists ofseven children. His eldest daughter isa graduate of St. Martin's Seminary,and is a superior artist. Mr. Moranhas held the offices of Assessor andInspector for the Board of Health. Heis a member of the Masonic Order andPast Master of St. Martin's Lodge. Healso belongs to the I. O. G. T. In religion,he is a Baptist, and in politics, aConservative.

336W TON. DANIEL McLEAN, Sher-trict of Manitoba, Portage LaPrairie, Man., was born May 2oth, 1854,in the Township of Aldborough, ElginCounty, Ont. His parents were Johnand Margaret (McCallum) McLean,natives of Argyleshire, Scotland. Mr.McLean has made his own way in theworld. While working on his father'sfarm, he secured a teacher's certificatein 1876, and taught school for about7six 3 ears. In 1883, he removed toManitoba, and settled at Pipe Stone,and in 1884, was elected reeve of thatmunicipality. He was elected on theLiberal ticket, the first representativeof Dennis in the Local House, in 1886,and was returned at the General Electionof 1888. In October, 1889, ne wassworn in as Provincial Secretary, whichHeposition he held until June, 1892.was also head of the Department ofEducation for the Province, from May,1891, to June ist, 1892. He was adefeated candidate for the Legislature,in July, 1892, and was appointed sheriff,October loth, of that year. Mr. McLeanis a member of the I.O.O.F., and aPresbyterian in religion.He was married,May 22nd, 1891, to Miss Lizzie,daughter of Geo. H. Strevil, Esq.

MEN 337\\/ILLIAM H. ARCHIBALD,V >Merchant, North Sydney, N.S.,was born at that place, September 23rd,1842. He is the eldest son of Hon.Thomas Dickson Archibald and SusanElizabeth Corbett, the former being aConservative and a member of theSenate of Canada, and was prominentin the political affairs of the Provinceof Nova Scotia. Mr. Archibald waseducated at the schools of SydneyMines and by private tuition. He wentinto business at the age of seventeen asbook-keeper, for the firm of Archibald& Co., this being the oldest firm doingbusiness in Cape Breton, and havebeen connected with all the enterprisesthat have been started in that countyduring the past sixty years, namely:fisheries, ship building and mining.They owned and operated the " GowrieMines," at Cow Bay, for over thirtyyears, until sold to the Dominion CoalSyndicate in 1893. Our subject wasadmitted a partner of the firm in 1867.In religion, Mr. Archibald is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative.He is also a Free Mason. He wasmarried, in 1876, to Eleanor GeorginaHughes, daughter of Geo. Hughes,Esq., of Boston, Mass. His familyconsists of five children.

338R. JOHNSON,Man., was born May 2oth, 1858, inPerth County, Out. His parents wereJohn and Martha (Bainbridge) Johnson,both English. Mr. Johnson receivedhis education in the public schools ofunder Rev. W. B. Evans, of Mitchell,Ont. He removed to Manitoba and1882, took land north of Boissevain,where he remained until he went East.WALTER at Wickliffe in 1886. JulyIncumbent of i5th, 1888,Holy Trinity he arrived as a missionary at Killar-> Episcopal Church, Killarney,most successful worker, and loves towork in harmony with other denominations.He has now a handsome brickPerth County, and Wickliffe College, churchToronto. He at Killarney, and the missionstudied Latin and Greek is now strong and active. He is also asettled at Emerson in 1881, and in tive. He was married, January ist,1885, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Edwinto College again, and Olver, of Killarney, Man. His familyfinished his courseney, was ordained deacon in 1889,priest in 1891, and appointed incumbentat Killarney. Mr. Johnson is aschool trustee and a member of theC.O.F. In politics, he is a Conserva-consists of three daughters.

OF- 339\\/ILLIAM AGNEWV VDENNY MORSE,Judge of the County Courtfor District No. 5, NovaScotia, including the associatecounties of Pictou andCumberland, the two largestmining and manufacturingcounties in the Lower Provinces,was born Januaryi3th, 1837, at Aniherst,Cumberland County, N.S.His father, James ShannonMorse, was in publiclife forover forty years, and wasthe grandson of an officer,Joseph Morse, who servedunder Lord Amherst, andin connection with MajorAllan, a Scotch officer, andJoshua Winslow, and otherofficers, laid the foundationof the firstEnglish settlement,in 1763, at the headof the Bay of Fundy, calledthe Town of Cumberland,named after the Duke ofCumberland. His mother,Augusta Agnew Kinnear,was the granddaughter ofAndrew Kinnear, Esq., anofficer who served in theStates during the Rebellion of 1 776, andafterwards was the barrack master and<strong>com</strong>mander at Fort Cumberland, thestrongest fort at the head of the Bay ofFundy, and which <strong>com</strong>manded theisthmus of Chignecto. Judge Morsewas educated at a private school, underDr. Hea, and at Sackville Academy,Westmoreland County. He studied lawwith the late Sir William Young, ChiefJustice of Nova Scotia, who afterwardsoffered him a partnership, but he enteredinto business with Hon. LeonardShannon, of Halifax, and continuedwith him for twenty years, when hereturned to Amherst, and became Judgeof Probates, on the death of his brother,and afterwards accepted the position ofCounty Court Judge. In religion,Judge Morse is an Episcopalian, and inpolitics, his sympathies were with thelate Hon. Joseph Howe. He was married,December, 1873, to Ella FrancesRebecca Boggs, daughter of RichardBeaumont Boggs, Esq., a descendantof Dr. Boggs, who was selected by theBritish Government to conduct Loyalistsfrom Boston to Guysboro andHalifax, and Isabella Jane Russell,daughter of Capt. Russell, an officerin the Queen's Eight Regiment. Hehas five sons and two daughters, living.

340 CANADA.JOHN FRASER CALDWELL,Miningman, Lake of the Woods,Winnipeg, Man., was born Aprili4tli, 1852, in Lanark County, Ont.His parents, John and Mary ProbieMackenzie (Fraser) Caldwell, are bothliving and reside in Montreal, wherethey are held in the highest esteem,his father being a retired timber merchant,whose family name is wellknown in connection with the famousStreams Bill. Mr. Caldwell receivedan excellent education at the MontrealHigh School, where he put in six yearshard study. When seventeen years ofage, he entered the Military School,where he obtained a certificate.He afterwards joinedthe Montreal (Volunteer)Victoria Rifles, and went tothe front. He was also forsome time attached to a provisionalbattalion in Montreal.In his early manhood,Mr. Caldwell attended Dr.Girdwood's classes in chemistry,and spent some monthsin the laboratory of a chemist,all of which training henow finds very helpful tohim. In 1876, he went toWinnipeg, where for someyears he conducted a wholesaleand retail drug business.For the last four orfive years, he has been operatingin his present field,latterly as owner of the SultanaMine, whose productsare now exciting unusualinterest among capitalists.The future historian of theRainy River District mustpay a tribute to the foresight,courage and doggedperseverance of this pioneerminer, who, in spite of naturalobstacles (hard andrefractory ore), Government restrictions,both Provincial and Federal, adversecriticisms of a number of miningexperts, heavy railway rates, etc., isproving to the mining world that goldis present in paying quantities in thatregion. The present development ofthis important industry is entirely dueto the keen perception and persistentcourage of Mr. Caldwell, who has succeededagainst great odds. On the28th of December, 1882, he was marriedto Mary Everett Wallbridge, niece ofthe late Chief Justice of Manitoba. Hisfamily consists of two sons and twodaughters.

\\/ A. WEIR, Managerof theImperial Bank of Canada,Rat Portage, Out, was born near Gl&sgow,Scotland, in 1862. His father,Patrick Weir, Esq., of Lower Strathspey,Scotland, is a gentleman highlyesteemed and widely known, not onlyon account of his pronounced politicalviews, but also as a descendant of oneof the oldest families of that district.A younger brother of Patrick Weir's,was the late George Weir, LL.D., atone time professor of Classical Literaturein Queen's College, Kingstou, andlatterly in Morrin College, Quebec.W. Mr.A. Weir received his early educationat Aberlour, Strathspey.He then attendedthe old Aberdeen GrammarSchool, and finally <strong>com</strong>pletedhis studies at AberdeenUniversity. In 1882,he came to Canada and enteredthe banking professionat Quebec, obtaining a positionin the Quebec Bank,which he left in 1884, toaccept a position in the ImperialBank of Canada, andafter having risen somewhatrapidly through various positionsin Toronto, Gait andelsewhere, he was in February,1890, appointed managerof the Fergus Branch,and in September, 1891,was promoted to his presentposition. At the close ofhis short stay in Fergus,his sterling worth and unfailingcourtesy received apleasant and hearty tribute.Nor is he filling his presentarduous position less satisfactorily.Mr. Weir, inpolitics, is a staunch Conservative,but pressure ofbusiness prevents his takingany active part in political matters. Inreligion, he is a Presbyterian. He isalso a member of the A.F. & A.M. Mr.Weir was married, in 1889, to Josephine,daughter of the late George Van Felsou,M.D., of Quebec, and grand-daughterof the late Hon. Judge Van Felson,S. C., of Quebec, who was an intimatepersonal friend of the late Duke ofKent (father of Her Majesty), duringhis residence in Canada. His familyconsists of one son and one daughter.Mr. Weir is a voluminous reader of notonly works pertaining to theoreticalbanking, but also of historical subjectsand leading current topics.

342 CANA.DA.W TON. JAMESCOX LL.D., Toronto,Esq.,Ont., was born March 3oth,1823, in the Township ofToronto, Ont. He is theeldest son of James Aikins,who cauie from CountyMouaghan, Ireland, toPhiladelphia, in 1816, wherehe resided until 1820, whenhe removed to TorontoTownship. Mr. Aikins waseducated at Cobourg Academy.In 1854, he waselected to Parliament for theCounty of Peel, which herepresenteduntil the electionof 1 86 1, when he wasdefeated. In 1862, he waselected for theHome Divisionto the Legislative Councilof Canada until theUnion, when he was calledto the Senate. He becameSecretary of State in 1869,in the administration of SirJohn Macdonald, and retiredwith his chief in 1873. In1878, he was again appointedSecretary of State, andheld that office until 1880,when he was appointed Minister of InlandRevenue, retiring in 1882, whenhe was appointed Governor of Manitobaand Keewatin, which position he helduntil July, 1888. He is president ofthe Manitoba and North-West LoanCo., and of the Trusts Corporation ofOntario, and officially connected withseveral monetary institutions. He isa warm adherent of the MethodistChurch, lay treasurer of the MissionarySociety, a strong supporter of the temperancecause, and takes an active interestin whatever tends to the advancementof religion and morality. Mr.Aikins was married, in 1845, to Mary,only daughter of John Somerset, Esq.His family consists of three sons andfour daughters. The eldest son, J. S.Aikins, is a broker in Winnipeg, thesecond son, J. A. M. Aikins, Q.C., alsoresides in Winnipeg, the third son, Dr.W. H. B. Aikins, is a graduate of TorontoSchool of Medicine, a member ofthe University Senate and is a residentof Toronto. The eldest daughter marriedRev. D. G. Sutherland, M. A.,LL.B., D.D., an eminent and scholarlyman the second;daughter married Dr.J. E. Graham, M.R.C.P., London, Eng.,and the two younger daughters areunmarried and live with their parents.

OK CANADA. 343JOHN NEVILLE ARMSTRONG,Barrister, North Sydney, N.S.,was born at Sydney Mines, N.S.,June 28th, 1854. His parents wereJames Armstrong and Catherine Neville,whose brother, John M. Neville,after whom the subject of this sketchis named, on leaving his native provincein 1849, became the founder ofone of the leading manufacturing establishmentsin San Francisco. Mr.Armstrong was educated at the HighSchool, North Sydney, and for sometime attended Harvard University,Cambridge, Mass. He taught in theHigh School, North Sydney, for severalyears, and in 1885, at incorporation,was appointed town clerk, and treasurerof North Sydney, and is a memberof the well-known law firm of Archibaldand Armstrong. Mr. Armstrongis also secretary of the Board ofSchool Commissioners, and takes anactive interest in educational matters.He is president of the Liberal Associationof the County of Cape Breton.In religion, he is a Baptist. He wasmarried January, 1890, to Jennie E.Rice, who graduated in both musicaland literary courses, in Acadia Seminary,Wolfville, N.S., in June, 1888.His family consists of two children.

344 MEN CANADA.WILLIAM MAC-CHARLES, M.D., C.M., Prac-M.D., C.M. In July of that year, heremoved to Manitoba, and settled atticing Physician and Surgeon,Cypress River, Man., was born mained, and has succeeded in workingCypress River, where he has since re-November 28th, 1858, at Middle River up a large and highly satisfactory practice,and winning the confidence of theSettlement, Victoria County, NovaScotia. He is the son of Malcolm and public. He is well qualified by educationfor his important profession, andMargaret (Mackay) MacCharles, nativesof Scotland, and farmers. His from his past record, will doubtlessfather died at the age of 74 years, and stand high in the medical world. Inhis mother is still living at the age of religion, the Doctor is a member of the79, (1893). Dr. MacCharles was educatedat the public schools of his birth Conservative. He was married, JulyPresbyterian Church, and in politics, aplace, Pictou Academy, Dalhousie University,graduating from the latter in-MacLean, daughter of Donald Mac-i4th, 1892, to Miss Florence Armeniastitution in 1892, with the degree ofLean, of Middle River, Nova Scotia.

CANADA. 345H. HARTNEY, M.P.P.,General Merchant, etc., Souris,JAMES Man., was born September22nd, 1848, at Arnprior, Ont. Hisparents were James and Elizabeth Hartney.He received his education at thePakenham High School, after which hewent into business with James M. Robertson,in 1870, at Pakenham, wherehe remained five years. He then workedfor his father, at Arnprior, for fouryears, then in partnership with GeorgeWilson, in Arnprior, for three years.He removed to Manitoba, in 1882, andfor six years farmed where Hartneynow stands. He then went to Souris,and in 1890, bought the store of W. H.Hall & Co. In the Fall of that year,he opened the store at Hartney, andthe Post Office there was opened in1885, with Mr. Hartney as postmaster.In religion, he is a Presbyterian, andin politics, a Conservative. He waselected Reeve, in 1891, of the municipalityof Glenwood, and M.P.P. in 1892,to represent the new constituency ofAvondale. Mr. Hartney was marriedtwice: first, Aug. loth, 1870, to SarahJane, daughter of Wm. Cowan, of Pakenham,who died in 1877, and second,to Annie Evans Cuthbert, of Pakenham.He has six children.

346 MKNH. S.7Y BESSETTE, General^T\ Merchant, Magog, Qtie., wasV> born July 3rd, 1859, in Richelieu,P.Q. He is a son of N. D. D.Bessette, N. P., one of the oldest andbest known citizens of Richelieu. Mr.Bessette is also a nephewof the wellknownM. A. Bessette, ex-M. P. forShefford County. His mother's maidenname was Stubinger, who is descendedfrom an old and distinguished family,in Germany. Mr. Bessette <strong>com</strong>mencedhis education in Richelieu, but at anearly age removed to Lougueuil, wherehe spent five years in the High School.In 1875, he entered the establishmentof Hon. P. E. Roy, M.L.C., at St. Pie,Que., with whom he remained for thirteenyears, and rose to the position ofhead manager. In 1889, he went intobusiness at Magog, on his own account.In 1892, he was elected president ofthe Board of School trustees. He is amember of the I.O.F., and has beenVice-Chief Rangerin that order. Inpolitics, he is a Conservative, and is aforcible and pointed political speaker.Mr. Bessette was married, in 1882, toEmma, daughter of N. Bertrand, merchantof St. Liboire, P.Q. His familyconsists of five children. In religion,Mr. Bessette is a Roman Catholic.

MEN CANADA. 347V. FATHER LEWIS HEN-RY DRUMMOND, Priest oftne Society of Jesus, wasborn in Montreal, October iQth, 1848.His father was the Hon. Lewis ThomasDrummond, Attorney-General for LowerCanada (1851-56), and Judge of theCourt of Queen's Bench, and hismother was a French Canadian, and adaughter of the Hon. P. D. Debartzch.Father Drummond attended the MontrealCollegiate School for three years,and <strong>com</strong>pleted a six years' universitycourse in St. Mary's College, Montreal.After studying geology at the GeologicalMuseum, he entered the JesuitOrder at Sault-au-Recollet,where he spent two yearsand a half. He taughtclassics at St. Mary's Collegefor about two years,when owing to excessivework his health gave way,and he was <strong>com</strong>pelled to goabroad for a time. Returningwith improved health,he devoted three more yearsto the study of philosophyat the great Jesuit College,Woodstock, Md., wentthrough four years of collegework, chiefly as teacherof rhetoric, in the collegesof St. Francis-Xavier andSt.John's, New York City,after which he went to England,and spent four yearsin theological studies, andwas ordained priest, September23rd, 1883. I fl X 885,he came to Winnipeg, andwas appointed professor inSt. Boniface College, and amember of the Council andBoard of Studies of ManitobaUniversity. In 1890,he was called to Montreal,to take charge of St. Mary'sCollege and of Gesu Church. Theseinstitutions greatly prospered underhis charge, but his health would notstand the strain, and he again resumedteaching philosophy at St. BonifaceCollege, and his connection withthe University. Notwithstanding thefact that the greater part of his time isdevoted to teaching, yet he is wellknown as a preacher and lecturer,"whose favorite theme is the sweetreasonableness of true Christianity."Father Drummond is a man of variedexperience and information, a strongwriter and accurate thinker, a ripescholar, just and eloquent.

348 IVIEN-EO. A. GLINES, Real Estate,Loan and Financial Agent, Winnipeg,was born in October, 1849, at Lachute,Que. His father was the late G.L. Glines, Esq., farmer, who was widelyand favorably known in that district.His mother was Maria Hutchins, adescendant of one of the best pioneerfamilies of Canada. Mr. Glines waseducated at the public schools of Lachute,and from fourteen to twentyyears of age, clerked in Montreal.After two years in New York State, hereturned to Montreal and entered theemploy of his uncle, a large wholesaletea merchant, whonrhe afterwards succeeded.In 1877, he went to Manitoba,and soon made himself familiar withthe Province, from end to end, by travellingover it repeatedly. He was induced,by the late Col. Kennedy, to locateat Morris, where he acted as agentfor properties of the Colonel and others.He was the firstmayor of Morris, whenthat town was incorporated in 1883,and was mainly instrumental in gettingthe charter for the proposed ManitobaCentral Railway, passed through theLegislature, and years ago outlined therailways which now pass throughMorris. In 1885, he went to the frontas first lieutenant of a <strong>com</strong>pany ofMorris volunteers, underthe <strong>com</strong>mand of Col. Scott.Soon after the Rebellion, helocated in Winnipeg, wherehe established his presentbusiness. He does an agencybusiness in real estate,farm and city,and isagentfor the Canadian MutualLoan and investment Co.Mr. Glines is a man of greatenergy, and has invariablymanifested his ability bysuccessfully carrying outthe many important enterpriseswith which he hasbeen connected. He is alsoa member of the A. F. &A. M., and the I. O. O. F.He has been largely instrumentalin bringing theresources of the province tothe notice of intending settlersand capitalists in thecities of Eastern Canada,the United States and Europeancountries. He hasunbounded confidence in thefuture development andprosperity of Manitoba. Inpolitics,he is a Liberal-Conservative.

349\\/M. WARREN HANSCOM,^ rSuperintendent of HavelockMineral Springs, Havelock, New Brunswick,was born in Maine, U. S., July3Oth, 1838. His parents were Lymanand Betsy Hanscoin, of that State.Mr. Hans<strong>com</strong> received his education atthe Grammar schools of Boston, Mass.,and graduated from the Quincy GrammarSchool in 1854, and in 1857 wentto Denver, Col., there being only onehouse there at that time. He afterwardswent to Salt Lake and California,and up to Puget Sound, and in1 86 1, entered the American War. Hewas in the Rhode Island Battery, occupyingdifferent ranks from private toCaptain of the Battery, remaining fouryears, and was in thirty-three differentengagements. On leaving active service,he embarked in the mineral waterbusiness in Boston, remaining thereuntil 1889, and then went to NovaScotia and opened springs at Middleton,remaining two years, when he openedthe Havelock Mineral Springs. Mr.Hans<strong>com</strong> was married, in 1865, to L,.Adella, daughter of David E. Ward,Esq., of New Hampton, N. H. He hasone son. In religion, Mr. Hans<strong>com</strong> isa Baptist. He is also a member of theA. F. & A.M., K. of P., and G. A. R.

350 OKEV. HUGH CAMPBELLSUTHERLAND, B.A., Pastorof St. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch, Carman, Man., was] born" Oct.25th, 1863, in Oxford Co., Ont. Hisparents are Thomas and Isabella(Campbell) Sutherland, highly respectedresidents of that county, and HighlandScotch, who followed the life offarmers in the Old Land, and also after<strong>com</strong>ing to this country. Mr. Sutherlandwas educated at the public schoolsof his birth place, after which he taughtschool in Bruce County, Ont., for fourand one half years. He, however, feltcalled to the ministry, and entered Mc-Gill College, Montreal, from which hegraduated in 1890. Two years later,he graduated from the PresbyterianCollege, Montreal, being gold medalist,MacKay scholar, and valedictorian ofhis class. He was editor of the PresbyterianCollege Journal during thesession 1890-91. He was ordainedOctober 4th, 1892, and inducted intohis present charge at Carman, wherehe ismeeting with gratifying success.In politics, Mr. Sutherland is an Independent,with Liberal leanings. Hewas married, September 6th, 1893, toMiss Isa G. daughter of the late HughMackenzie, of Woodstock, Ont.

OK,EV. ROBT. SAMUEL CRISP,Methodist Clergyman, Salis-tions and relics, as well as valuableestates in Norfolk still in possession ofbury, Westmoreland County, this branch of the family. Mr. CrispN.B., was born near Norwich, Eng., received his education at the publicJuly ist, 1848. He is the eldest sonof James and school, and afterwards by Sarah privateCrisp. On his tuition. He received his theologicalfather's side, he is descended from an course with the Rev. Thomas G. Keeling,M.A., well known in certain Divi-old Methodist family of London, Norfolk,mentioned by Rev. John Wesley, nity circles in the Old Land, preparingin his journal, during his travels in to offer himself for the Methodist ministryin connection with the Englishthat part of the country. On hismother's side, he is descended from the Conference. He received a letter from-junior members of the Walpole family, the Rev. Dr. Geo. Scott, asking him towho occupied important positions inpolitics in the reign of GeorgeI. andGeorge II., and there are many tradi-go to America, and having had thisidea in his mind for some time, he offeredhimself for the work under thecontrol of the then Eastern.,British American Conference,and leftEngland inOctober, 1871. On arrivingin this country, he was appointedassistant pastor ofa large country charge onthe banks of the St. JohnRiver, N.B. Among othercharges held by Mr. Crispare Charlottetown, P. E. I.,Chatham, Portland andMoncton, N. B., which aresome of the most importantcharges in the Conferenceof New Brunswick. He beganlife with the prestige ofan honored ancestry, andby his personal worth soonsecured a prominent placein the Church. Mr. Crispwas married, October igth,1875, to Matilda E., granddaughterof the late Rev.William Wilson, for manyyears on the WesleyanMission in Newfoundland.His family consists of twodaughters. He is a memberof the Masonic Order,I.O.O.F., I.O.F., and Sonsof Temperance.

352 JVIKN OR CANADA.JJACKSONYOUNG, Editor Mr. Young represented his paper inof the Moosomin Spectator, the Press Gallery, atand Ottawa, duringManaging Director of the the Parliament of 1892, and has a largeMoosomin Printing and PublishingCompany (Limited), was knowledge ofborn political affairs in theJune North-West. While in Regina, he hada6th, 1868, at Newark, Eng. His parentswere J. W. and Sarah Jackson which is said to be the leading choir incharge of the Methodist Church choir,Young. The family emigrated to Canadain 1883, and settled at Regina, of Winnipeg. He now occupies a simi-Manitoba and the Territories, outsideN.W. T. Mr. Young pursued his lar position in Moosomin. Mr. Youngeducational studies to a considerable was married, August nth, 1887, toextent before leaving England, but subsequentlydevoted himself diligently to Woodward, Esq., formerly of Norfolk,Miss May, second daughter of D.private study, the better to fit him for Ont., but now of Regina, Assa., andthe profession which he had chosen. has two children, one son and oneAfter a short experience in the book daughter.and stationery business inRegina, Mr. Young accepteda situation as reporter onthe Regina Leader, of whichMr. N. F. Davin was proprietorand editor. After afew months, Mr. Davin waselected to Parliament, andMr. Young was appointededitor and manager of thebusiness, which he conductedwith great credit tohimself and the satisfactionof his readers, for eightyears. Mr. Young was butnineteen years of age whenhe took charge ofthe Leader,but before he left it he hadthe satisfaction of seeingits circulation more thandoubled. In October, 1892,he accepted his present position.A careful examinationof the Spectator, whichis acknowledged one of theleading papers of the West,is all that is necessary toconvince one of Mr. Young'ssuperior ability as a newspaperman. In politics, theSpectator is Independent,with Conservative leanings.

OR C353,EV. JAMES FARQUHAR-SON, PastorKnox PresbyterianChurch, Pilot Mound,Man., was born August i7th, 1847, luAberdeenshire, Scotland. He is theson of Charles and Margaret (Fletcher)Farquharson. The family emigratedto America in 1866, and settled inKent County, Out. Mr. Farquharsonattended the parish schools in Scotland,but after settling in Ontario, he workedthree years on a bush farm. He thentaught school for two years, and subsequentlyattended the Chatham HighSchool, after which he taught for anotheryear. He again went back to theHigh School, and then went to TorontoUniversity in 1874, where he graduatedin 1878, afterwards graduatingKnox fromCollege in 1881. His first chargewas Pilot Mound, Man., where he wasordained, January 4th, 1882, and wherehe has remained ever since, doing agood work. A beautiful church buildingis now one of the monuments of hisenterprise and ability. Mr. Farquharsonhas been honored with many prominentoffices in connection with theChurch work. He was married, NovemberiSth, 1881, to Miss Janet,daughter of the late John Coutts, ofKent County, Out.23

354 1VLENJOHN NICHOLSONPITHER, Indian Agent, RatPortage, Ont., was born October29th, 1824,i 11 Montreal. HisWinnipeg River and Lake Winnipeg,the trip occupying months of time andcovering thousands of miles. In 1870,Mr. Pither succeeded in keeping theparents were Robert and Margaret Indians of the Rainy River district and(Nicholson) Pither, of English birth. vicinity from joining Riel ever; since heMr. Pither was educated in Montreal has been Indian Agent, chiefly at Fortand Quebec, and in 1846, entered the Francis and Rat Portage. In religion,employ of the Hudson's Bay Co., remainingwith them politics, ahe is an Episcopalian, and intwenty-three years. Conservative. He also belongs to theIn 1846, he travelled the entire distancefrom Lachine, Que., to Norway of the Manitoba Historical and ScientificA.F. & A.M., and is a correspondentHouse, Lake Winnipeg, by canoe, via Society, whose museum contains severalthe Ottawa River, Lake Nipissing, interesting relics donated by him. HeFrench River, Georgian Bay, Lake married, June 22, 1882, Rebecca, daughterof W. Barlow, Esq., Binbrook, Superior, Rainy River, Rat Portage, Ont.

*:OST REV. ROBT.MACHRAY, Primateof all Canada,Metropolitan of theProvince of Rupert's Land,and Archbishop of the dioceseof Rupert's Land, wasborn in Aberdeen, Scotland,in 1831. His fatherwas Robert Machray, advocate,Aberdeen. ArchbishopMachray was educated chieflyat Coull, Aberdeenshire,and King's College, Aberdeen,graduating M. A. fromthe latter in 1851, winningthe Simpson and Huttonprizes, and in the same year,entered Sidney-Sussex College,Cambridge, electedFoundation scholar, 1851 ;Taylor scholar, 185 2 ; graduatingin 1855, when he waselected a Fellow of the College,which he still is. Hereceived the degree of M.A.(Cambridge) 1858, D. D.1865, LL. D. (Aberdeen)1865, Hon. D.D. (Durham)1888, and D.C.L. (Trinity)1893. He was ordaineddeacon in 1855, and priestthe following year. While at Cambridge,he was very active in churchand university work, and was vicarof Madingley ;in 1858, he was appointeddean of Sidney-Sussex College;1860-61, was University examiner;1865, Ramsden Universitypreacher in ; 1888, special preacher. In1865, he was consecrated second LordBishop of Rupert's Land, his diocesecontaining some two millions squaremiles, from which seven dioceses havesince been taken. His first care wasto revive St. John's College, and hehas spared neither time, labor nor ex-trideal,in which he still lectures inmathematics and ecclesiastical history.Education, and chancellor of the Universityof Manitoba since its foundation.To-day, his own diocese is in apense to build up that college to his355He was appointed by the Queen, prelateof the most distinguished Order of St.Michael and St. George, 1851, and designatedArchbishop of Rupert's Land,and elected Primate of all Canada, atthe General Synod, 1893. He has beenchairman of the Provincial Board ofremarkable state of efficiency, having atthe centre a capitular body, with a deanand four residentiary canons, all ofwhom are professors in the college.

356HOMAS SCOTT, Collector ofCustoms, Winnipeg, Man., wasborn February i6th, 1841, in the Countyof Lanark, Ont. His parents camefrom Armagh, Ireland, to Canada, in1836. He received his education inthe High School of Perth, Ont. Helearned the trade of printer, and establishedthe Perth Expositor, in 1860.He joined the Volunteer force in 1861,was gazetted Major of the 42nd Battalionin November, 1866, and BattalionLieut-Colonel in 1871. He was seniorCaptain of the Ontario Rifles, formingpart of the Red River Expeditionaryforce of 1870, under Colonel (now Lord)Wolseley, and returnedhome during the Winter of1870-71. In October of thesame year, news reachedOttawa of an intended raidby Fenians on Manitoba.The Militia Department orderedthat a picked force oftwo hundred men be at oncesent to the Province, andCol. Scott was selected to<strong>com</strong>mand the same. Thisforce left Collingwood, October26th, on board the" Chicora," for Thunderand marched acrossBay,the Red River on the ice, toFort Garry, on November1 8th, after undergoing themost severe hardships.When the Rebellion of 1885broke out. Col. Scott wasauthorised to raise a regimentin Manitoba for activeservice. This he did inthirteen days, and left forQu'Appelle with 440 men,fully equipped. In politics,he is a Conservative. Hecontested Winnipeg unsuccessfullyin 1874, and waselected for the Local Legislature,in 1878 and 1879. In September,1880, he contested Selkirk County,for the Dominion Parliament, againstDonald A. (now Sir Donald A.) Smith,and was elected. At the General Electionsof 1882, he was returned forbut did not offer himself forWinnipeg,re-election in 1887, having acceptedthe position of Collector of Customsfor Winnipeg. He has also been analderman of Winnipeg, and mayor attwo different times. In religion, he isa Presbyterian. He was married, in1863, to a daughter of Robert Kellock,Esq., of Perth, Ont. His family consistsof four sons and two daughters.

CANADA. 357JAS.EDWIN ROBERTSON, M.D.,C.M., ex-M.P.P. and ex-M.P.,Montague, P.E.I., was born atNew Perth, P. E. I., October 8th, 1840.He is the son of Peter Robertson andAnnie McFarlane. He was educatedat McGill University, Montreal, wherehe graduated with honors, as above indicated,in 1865, after which he locatedin Montague, where he has worked upa large practice. In politics, DoctorRobertson is a Liberal, and has beenHe was a memberprominently connected with his partyin Prince Edward Island. In 1870, hewas returned to the Legislative Assemblyby acclamation, and again byacclamationin 1872.of the Hy thorn-Palmer Liberal Governmentuntil 1873, re-elected in 1876.He was a member of the Davies' Governmentfor a few months during 1878-79, defeated in 1879, but re-elected in1882, in which year he also resigned torun for the House of Commons, andwas elected, and re-elected M. P. in1886.tist.In religion, the Doctor is a Bap-He was married, November nth,1878, to Elizabeth, daughter of JamesMcFarlane, of Charlottetown, P. E. I.Dr. Robertson takes an active interestin whatever tends to the prosperity ofhis native island.

358 OKALGERON SILVAWHITE, B.A., Incumbent ofSt. John's Episcopal Church,Carman, Man., was born December9th, 1866, at London, Eng. His parentswere Edward Fox and Julia(Silva) White, his father being of Englishand his mother of Spanish descent.His father was a prosperous generalmerchant in London, Eng. Mr. Whitewas educated at the Kensington Grammarschool, London, under the lateRev. Dr. Ackland, and at a privateschool of Rev. Dr. Dawes, in Surrey.In 1885, he came to Canada, and settledat Shellmouth, Man., where he taughtschool for two years, and in which callinghe was very successful. He thenentered St. John's College, Winnipeg,graduating in Theology and Arts in1893, with first-class honors. He wasordained deacon May 28th of that year.During his college course, Mr. Whitewas lay reader in Canon Pentreath'sparish for over three years. He is amember of the Sons of England andthe Masonic Order. In politics, he isa Conservative. Mr. White was married,August 2nd, 1893, to Miss LilianSt. Martin. He ispossessed of considerablenatural musical talent, and isexceedingly fond of the art.

MEN" OF* 359ROBERT GUMMING,Westville, N. S., was boru atStellarton, N.S., in 1840.His father, Robert Gumming, and hismother, Elizabeth Denoon, came fromInverness, Scotland, in 1832. He receivedhis elementary education in theschools of his native <strong>com</strong>munity, andafterwards attended the old PresbyterianSeminary, at Truro, N.S., forthree terms, Dalhousie University forone term, Pine Hill for two terms,Princeton Theological Seminary forone term, and was licensed at BoundBrook, N.J., in April, 1868. Afterlaboring in P. E. I., for about twoyears, he removed to New Glasgow, andthree years afterwards was translatedto the large congregation of Glenelg,where, in one year, there were added tothe <strong>com</strong>munion roll on profession offaith, 163 names. After seven yearsthere, he took charge of the congregationof Carmel Church, Westville. In1889, ac<strong>com</strong>panied by his brother, Rev.Thos. Gumming, of Truro, he made atour of the Globe, travelling throughEngland, France, Switzerland, Italy,Egypt, Palestine, China and Japan. Hewas married, in 1874, to Coriuna, daughterof Alex. Grant, of New Glasgow.His family consists of six children.

360 OF-IJAMESCHARLES STOYTE,B.A., M.B. & M.Ch., L.M.K.,and Q.C.P.I., Sotiris, Man.,was born March i5th, 1852, at Kinsale,County Cork, Ireland. His parentswere Rev. John and Elizabeth (Bleazbey)Stoyte, the former being a Churchof England clergyman, and well knownin his <strong>com</strong>munity for his ability andpiety. Dr. Stoyte received his earlyeducation under Rev. Edward Perdue,after which he entered Trinity College,Dublin, graduating in arts with B.A.degree, in 1871. He received his medicaleducation at Trinity Medical College,graduating M.D. & M.Ch., in1873. He then practiced in Litchfield,England, for one year, then with thePacific Steam Navigation Co., for abouttwo years, after which he practiced inKinsale, until 1882, when he removedto Manitoba, and settled iu Souris,where he has since remained. In 1888,he started a drug store at Souris, whichhe still conducts in connection with hisextensive practice, and also operates afarm. In religion, Dr. Stoyteis amember of the Church of England, andin politics, a Conservative. He is alsoa member of the A.F. & A.M., andI.O.O.F., and ispast D.D.G.M., forBrandon district in the former.

MKN 361JOHN BURKILL ASHBY, Principalof Rupert's Indian In-QS dustrial School, at St. Paul's(Middle Church P.O.), Man., was bornJanuary I5th, 1850, at Cotes, Leicestershire,England. His parents were Johnand Elizabeth Ann (Burkill) Ashby.He was educated at Milton College,Rugby, England, passed his Cambridgeexamination, and took a businesscourse. He emigrated to Canada in1880, and took up land in Manitoba,subsequently he qualified in WinnipegNormal School, and was appointedassistant principal of the Indian IndustrialSchool at Battleford, Sask. In1893, he was promoted to his presentposition, the first promotion in thatdepartment through service. From1880 to 1886, Mr. Ashby held the licenseof lay reader from the bishop,and from 1886 to the present time,from the bishop of Calgary and Saskatchewan.In politics, he is a Conservative,and in religion, an Episcopalian.He is a member of the A.F.& A.M., I.O.O.F., and I.O.F. Wassecretary of Lome Agricultural Society,and assessor for Lome Municipality,for four years. He was married, June1 3th, 1 88 1, to Edith, daughter of thelate Dr. Thomas Wright, Toronto, Ont.

362HEAP, Solicitor, etc.,Selkirk, Man., was born February2ist, 1830, at Burnley,JAMESLancashire, England. His were parentsJohn and Mary (Stephenson)Heap, both English. He was educatedat the Burnley Grammar School, andby private tuition. He was then fortwo years with his father in mercantilebusiness, and came to Toronto, Out., in1854, where he entered the law office ofthe late Robert J. Turner, afterwardsstudying with T. A. Hudspeth, Lindsay,and Geo. Brogdin, Port Hope, and<strong>com</strong>pleted his studies with Mr. Hudspeth,and then entered into partnershipwith him, which existed until his death,continued theafter which Mr. Heappractice until 1888, when he removed toManitoba. When in Lindsay he was amember of the town council and alsofor a great many years of the HighSchool Trustee Board. He is at presentSolicitor for the Town of Selkirk, anda number of Loan and Railway <strong>com</strong>panies.In religion, Mr. Heap is aPresbyterian, and in politics, a Con-to the Ma-servative. He also belongssonic Order. He was married, June3Oth, 1864, to Miss Jeannie, daughter ofWalter Colcleugh, Esq., of Flamboro'West, Ont., who died July 4th, 1874.

IVIKN OR CANADA. 363(^MLAS PURDY, M.D., Albert, Al-large and successful connection. While^^ bert County, N.B., was born in in Ainherst, he was Coroner for theAinherst, N.S., February 25th, county, and also a member of the Board1839. He received his early education of Health, and during the Fenian Raidin Amherst, after which he entered was surgeon to the 8th CumberlandMount Allison University, Sackville,N.B.Regiment. Dr. Purdy was married, inUpon leaving there he began thestudy of medicine, in 1859 and April, 1862, to Mary S., daughter ofin 1860, Win. Reese, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pa.entered the University of Pennsylvania, His family consists of one daughter,Philadelphia, graduating with first-class who is a graduate in music, having diplomashonors and the degree of M.D., in 1862.He from Mount Allison then University,began to practice in Amherst, and the Conservatory of Music, Liepzic,with his preceptor, Dr. B. S. Purdy, Germany. In religion, the Doctor is ataking his practice and remaining Methodist, and in politics, a Liberal.fifteen years, and then removed to He is also Coroner for Albert County,Albert, where he has worked up a and chairman of the Board of Health.

364 M.BN ORLVIN DETTLER CARSCAL-7C^f\ LEN, M.D., Physician andV^) Surgeon, Morris, Man., wasborn May 2yth, 1860, in Lennox County,Out. His parents, Craig and Catherine(Dettler) Carscallen, were of U. E.Loyalist stock, but are now deceased.After leaving the public school. Dr.Carscallen attended the Napanee andBelleville High schools, after which heentered the Manitoba Medical College,at Winnipeg, from which he graduatedin the Spring of 1888. Since that timehe has practiced in Morris, and has beensuccessful in working up a large andhighly satisfactory practice. In October,1892, he started a drug store inMorris, which he now conducts inconnection with his practice. In religion,the Doctor is a Methodist. Hebelongs to the A.F. & A.M., A.O.U. W.,and is Chief Ranger in the C.O.F. Heis also physician to the N. P. Ry. Co.,and numerous societies and insurance<strong>com</strong>panies. In politics, he is a Conservative.Dr. Carscallen deservesgreat credit for the manner in whichhe has fought through his studies inthe face of ill and constantly failinghealth, but he is now strong and vigorous,and gets through a wonderfulamount of work.

365. B. N. HUGHES, BaptistMinister, Hopewell Cape, N.B.,was born at Cambridge,N.B., January lyth, 1833. He is thesou of William and Achsah (Harris)Hughes, natives of Wales. He receivedhis early education in the public schoolsof Queens County, and then enteredthe Baptist Seminary, Fredericton,where he graduated with first-classhonors, and was ordained in 1858, atMaugerville, after which he becamepastor there, remaining one year, whenhe took charge at Jacksontown, thenSt. George, after which he [returned toJacksontown, where he was also pastorof several other charges. In 1870, hewas pastor at Upper Gagetown, remainingfour years, then removed to St.Mary's, where he remained thirteenyears. He was then at Havelock,Kings, for four years, and on leavingthat place, entered upon his presentpastorate, where he is doing a goodwork. Mr. Hughes has been marriedtwice :first, November i6th, 1863, toMaggie Good, of Jacksontown, andsecond, October 8th, 1891, to MelissaAlice Perry, of Havelock. He has sixchildren.He is a member of the RoyalArcanum and several temperance organizations,and in politics, a Liberal.

366 OKjrrlNSLIE LUNHAM YOUNG,J^ \ Real Estate, Insurance and No-V tary Public, Souris, Man.,was born August 23rd, 1868, at Biggleswade,Bedfordshire, Eng. His parentswere the late Dr. Francis Young,M.A., and Charlotte Mongan, nativesof County Cork, Ireland. Mr. Youngwas educated at the Bedford Grammarschools, in Bedfordshire, England. In1885, he came to America, and settledat Souris, Man., where he farmed fortwo years, after which he engaged withR. B. Kirchhoffer, and in 1890, tookover Mr. Kirchhoffer's business, andhas succeeded in working up a large-trade in his town and the country surrounding,and is agent for numerousestates. He represents the leading insurance<strong>com</strong>panies on the continent,and the business done by him is highlysatisfactory in every way. In religion,Mr. Young is a member of the Churchof England. He also belongs to theMasonic Order, being Master of LodgeNo. 27, also Chief of the Canadian Orderof Foresters, at Souris. In politics,he is a Conservative. He possessesconsiderable musical talent, and was instrumentalin organizing the celebratedSouris Band in 1890, and has been theleader of the same since the beginning.

367iIDEON MITCHELL DUNCAN,M.D., Bathtirst Village, GloucesterCouuty, N. B., was born at Coldstream,Scotland, July 3rd, 1842. Heis the son of Adain Duncan, a native ofSwinton, Berwickshire. He receivedhis early education at the Free ChurchSchool, in Swinton, and in Glasgow, atthe Free Church Training College, andthe Andersonian University. He cameto Canada in 1864, to teach the Superiorschool, Bathurst Village, N.B., and afterwardsstudied medicine with Dr. W.W. Gordon, of that place. In 1868, hewent to McGill University, graduatedwith the degree of C.M., M.D., and beganto practice in Bathurst Village,where he has since remained, and hassucceeded in working up an extensivepractice and provincial reputation. Dr.Duncan was married, in 1871, to MarthaJ., daughter of the late Hon. Dr. Robt.Gordon. In religion, he is a memberof the Presbyterian Church and anelder, and also session clerk. He isP. M., St. John's Lodge A. F. & A. M.,ex-president of the New BrunswickMedical Association, a member of theNew Brunswick Medical Council, andan ex-vice-president of the CanadaMedical Association. In politics, he isa Conservative.

368 CANADA.JOHN HENRYSPARLING,of schools for Northwestern Manitoba,M.D., C.M., Pilot Mound, Man., which office he held for two and onewas born October 29th, 1862, at half years. In the St. Mary's, Ont. His meantime, he tookparents were Jas. upW. medical studies, and graduated fromand Margaret (Gilpin) Sparling, of Manitoba Medical College, in April,German and Irish descent respectively, 1891, after which he practiced fourwho are now living at Beulah, Man. months at Stonewall, and removed toDr. Sparling's early life was spent on Pilot Mound,a farm. He in October, 1891, andwas educated at St. Mary's from that time until the present, hasHigh School, and taught school in Ontariofor one and a half years. He a large and profitable connec-enjoyedwent tion. In religion, the Doctor is ato Manitoba in July, 1883, where he Methodist, and in politics, a Reformer.also taught for three years at Beulah, He is also a member of the MasonicBirtle and Minnedosa. He then took Order. Dr. Sparling was married,a Normal school course, obtaining firstclasscertificate, and became Inspector of Henry Judd, of Mallorytown,August 29th, 1893, to Maud, daughterOnt.

369REDPATH,Esq., late of Monttreal,Que., was bornin that city, August ist,1821. His parents, Johnand Janet (McPhee) Redpath,were both born inScotland, the former in Berwickshire,and the latter inInvernessshire. His fatherwas a mechanic, who came,in early life, to Canada, andwith remarkable shrewdness,industry and perseverance,worked his way, stepby step, until he becameone of the most prominentmen of Montreal. He wasfor a time joint contractoron the Rideau Canal, withthe late Honorable ThomasMcKay, who erected, as aprivate residence for himself,the original portion ofRideau Hall, Ottawa. Mr.Redpath was educated inMontreal, and along withhis father, in 1854, foundedthe Redpath Sugar Refinery,the first and largestin Canada. In this enterprisethey were joined, almostat the first, by Mr. G. A. Drummond,now a Senator of the Dominion. tion will ac<strong>com</strong>plish. Their accumula-of what genuine courage and determina-Mr. Redpath's busy lifealways precludedhis accepting public office of tious circumstances, but rather came oftion is not simply the result of propi-any kind, for which he was never desirous.He has, however, always taken ordinary opportunities to yield thatthat ability and pluck which <strong>com</strong>pelleda practical interest in the educational which they sought, thus making evenand benevolent institutions of his native obstacles helpful to their progress. Incity, as his munificent endowments of religion, Mr. Redpath is a Presbyterian.McGill College and his administration He was married, in 1847, to Miss Graceof the Montreal General Hospital testify.His public spirit, tact, industry, Wood, Esq., ofWood, daughter of the late Williamintegrity and Bowdon, Cheshire, England.In 1881, Mr. and Mrs. Redpathgenerosity have broughthim before the public as one of the prominentmen of the Dominion. The beautiful Manor House, Chiselhurst,left Montreal, and now reside in thesuccess of the Redpaths is an evidence Kent, Eng.24

CANADA^T*\IGHT REV. PAUL DURIEN,f\ Bishop of New Westminster,""VsS>"* British Columbia, was bornDecember 3rd, 1830, at St. Pal-de-Mons,France. He received his primary educationat the Monistrol Seminary, afterwhich he joined the congregation ofO. M. I.Subsequently he studiedtheology at Marseille, and was ordainedpriest in March, 1854. He thenstarted for the Pacific Coast of America,going by the way of Liverpool, Philadelphia,Isthmus of Panama, San Francisco,and finally landed at Olympia,Wash., U.S., in December, 1854. During1855 and 1856, he was missionaryto the Indians in the Yakimacountry, and in 1857,was sent to the Puget Soundcountry. In 1861, he wentto Okanagan mission, B.C.,and in 1865, to Fort Rupert,B.C., on Vancouver Island,where he established a mission.During his labors asa missionary, he did successfulwork in bringingthe Indians, to know andexperiencethe <strong>com</strong>forts ofreligion. In January, 1868,he came to New Westminster,as Vicar General tothe Right Rev. BishopD'Herbomez, who was thenVicar Apostolic of the mainlandof British Columbia.Bishop Durien was createdcoadjutor Bishop, in June,1875, and consecrated Bishopof Marcopolis, October24th, 1875. As such, in1 88 1,he travelled on horsebackto Kootenay, startingat Hope, B.C., and passingthrough Colville and Spokane,Wash., and Bonner'sFerry, ac<strong>com</strong>panied by two<strong>com</strong>panions. The distanceis about 400 miles, and the time takenupon the journey was twenty-four days.The year previous, he went from NewWestminster by steamer, canoe, stage,horseback and on foot, to Stuart's Lakeand Babine Lake, in all about 500 miles,and did the work of an apostle, establishingand encouraging the men engaged inthe work of God. The Roman CatholicChurch has, at New Westminster, abeautiful church (St. Peter's Cathedral),St. Louis College, an academy for girls,St. Mary's Hospital, an orphanage andSt. Charles Church, for the RomanCatholic Indians, all of which owe theirsuccess largely to Bishop Durien.

OK CANADA. 371JAMESDUNCAN, P.M., J.P.,Agent for Massey-Harris Co.,Glenboro, Man., was born October28th, 1850, in Fifeshire, Scotland.His parents were Andrew and Jean(Morrison) Duncan. Mr. Duncan waseducated at the Falkland and Scotlandparish schools, after which he spentsome seven or eight years as gardner.He came to Missouri, U.S., in 1874,where he remained until the Fall of1879, engaged in the same capacity,after which he removed to Manitoba,and took up land where the town ofGlenboro now stands, where he still followsfarming, in addition to his otherduties. He was appointed P. M., in1883, and agent for the Massey Co.,now Massey-Harris Co., in 1886, anda J.P., in 1889. Mr. Duncan beganbusiness life in a small way, but hasmade a success of it. He takes a warminterest in public affairs, and is greatlyinterested in the prosperity of Glenboro.In religion, he is a Presbyterian, andholds the office of elder in that church,and in politics, is a Liberal. He wasmarried, October 28th, 1887, to MissCatherine, daughter of Jonas Pitipiece,of Carleton County, Ont. His familyconsists of four children, three daughtersand one son.

37 2 OF CANADA.Chief At the fiftieth anniversary of his servicesin the House as Chief Messenger,Messenger of the LegislativeAssembly of Nova Scotia, PortugueseCove, P. O., Halifax presented him with athe AssemblyCounty, valuable gold watch, as a token of theirN. S., was born September 24th, 1808, esteem and appreciation. Mr. Fitzgeraldwas married, in 1833, to Missin the County of Halifax. His fatherwas Michael Fitzgerald, who came to Isabell Monroe. He has had eleventhis country from Kilkenny County, children, seven of whom are nowIreland, in living.1797. Mr. Fitzgerald receivedhis education in the schools of at Kansas City, by her own efforts, andOne of his daughters built an hospitalHalifax. In 1848, he received the appointmentof Chief Messenger, whichpresent at the head of the institu-is attion. His son, George, belongs to theposition he has held until the present Christian Brothers(1893). He of Montreal, and iswas also overseer of fisheriesfor West Halifax, from 1869 until Roman Catholic. He is an old landnow at Levis. Mr. Fitzgeraldis aNovember, 1891, when he resigned. mark and ishighly respected.JOHN FITZGERALD,

OF*373THADDEUSSTEVENS,and afterwards was the first electedSenior Editor and Proprietorof the Daily and mayor, serving three consecutive terms.Weekly Times, In 1890, he was elected to the LegislativeAssembly for the Province of NewAlbert County, N. B., May yth, 1840. Brunswick,Moucton, N. B., was born at Harvey,He in the interests of the Oppositionparty. Mr. Stevens has beenis the fourth son of Elisha andPrudence J. (Beckwith) Stevens, the married twice :first,former a native of New in 1862, to SarahBrunswick, and Ann, youngest daughter of the latethe latter of Cornwallis, N. S. Mr. Judge Davidson, of Newcastle, N. B.,Stevens received his early education at and again in 1884, to Mary Jane,the Grammar school of Albert County, youngest daughter of the late Davidand continued it at Horton Academy Caldwell, Esq., formerly of Halifax,and Acadia College, Wolfville, N. S. but then of St. John, N. B. He is aAfter leaving the latter institution, he member of the Masonic Order, I.O.O.F.taught school for a short time, and then and I. O.K. In religion, Mr. Stevensentered the newspaper business and is a Baptist.bought the Eastern Advocate,at Hillsboro', which hecontinued to publish forsome years. In 1868, he removedto Moncton, and establishedthe Weekly Times,and in 1877, issued theDaily Times, which is nowone of the leading papers inthe Maritime Provinces,both the daily and weeklyhaving a very large circulation,which, imder Mr. Stevens'able management, willdoubtless reach a yet largerissue. After removing toMoncton, Mr. Stevens wasCollector of Inland Revenuefor some years, until thatofficemerged into that ofCollector of Customs. AsMoncton progressed, hefavored the incorporation ofthe town, and after muchdiscussion and hard fighting,his party succeeded ingetting it incorporated onthe 23rd of April, 1868, andon April 23rd, 1890,it wasmade a city. After incorporation,Mr. Stevens servedas councillor for some years,

374 CANADA.JOS.WALTERSPARLING,of Wes-M.A., D.D., Principalley College, Winnipeg, Man.,was born February i4th, 1843, in theTownship of Blanchard, County ofPerth, Ont. His father was Lieut.-Col.John Sparling, who, for years, waschief magistrate of St. Mary's, Ont.,and whose wife was Mary Williams, adescendant of Philip Guier. They werevery worthy people of German-Irishdescent, of the Palatine stock of historicnote, in connection with the introductionof Methodism into the UnitedStates and Canada. Dr. Sparling waseducated at St. Mary's High School,under the principalship of Dr. McLellan,at Victoria University, Cobourg,and at Garrett Biblical Institute, of theNorth-Western University,111. Hereceived the degree of B.A. from VictoriaUniversity in May, 1871, and thedegree of B.D. in June following, fromGarrett Biblical Institute;M.A. threeyears later, and D.D. from his " AlmaMater" in 1889. In June, 1871, thedoctor was ordained as a Methodistminister, at Belleville, Ont., by theRev. William Morley Puncheon, LL.D.He has filled the following appointmentswith much acceptance, viz.: Belmont,Lloydtown, Chicago, 111., Monttreal(twice), Ayliner, P.Q.,Quebec, Ottawa and Kingston.In 1888, Dr. Sparlingwas selected to fill his presentresponsible position,and the remarkable progressand brilliant success of thecollege are at once a tributeto its Principal, and to thewisdom of the choice. Hepossesses, in a marked degree,those qualities of headand heart, so necessary tothe success of the prominentposition which he Hefills.was a delegate to the firstGeneral Conference in 1874,as well as to the GeneralConferences of 1878, 1886and 1890 ;was financialsecretary from 1874 to 1883,and chairman of District in1884-85, and president ofthe Montreal Conferencefrom June, 1888, to June,1889. In 1871, PrincipalSparling was married toSusie Weir, daughter of exaldermanKerr, of Toronto.His family consists of twosons and one daughter,living,and one son deceased.

375ANDREW STEWART,,EV.B.D., Professor of Systematic_ Theology, Hebrew, and OldTestament Exagesis in Wesley College,Winnipeg, Man., was born June i8th,1852, in the Township of Albion, PeelCounty, Ont. His parents, John andMary (Jameson) Stewart, natives of theNorth of Ireland, settled in that districtearly in the present century, and wereamong the most highly respected pioneersof that part of the country. Prof.Stewart received his early education atthe public and High schools, afterwhich he taught school for four yearsin the counties of Peel, Simcoe andYork, his last school beingthat of the village of Schomberg,in North York. Hethen entered Victoria University,from which he graduatedin 1879. He wasordained at the Port HopeConference, and shortly afterwardswent to Manitoba,and at once entered uponactive Church work. Forthe next ten years, he hadmany Methodist churchesto organize, chiefly in SouthernManitoba, making CrystalCity his headquarters.About the same time, he receivedthe appointment ofinspector of public schools,a position he held manyyears, and being the firstinspector of public schoolsin the counties of TurtleMountain and Souris River,he organized the majorityof the schools there. Forthis work or organization,Prof. Stewart was well fitted,he was one of the first topublicly advocate a uniformsystem of public schools forManitoba, and by specialrequest of Premier Greenway, formedone of the <strong>com</strong>mittee that drafted thenow celebrated School Law. In 1889,he was invited to the pastorate of theFort Rouge Church, Winnipeg, whichhe accepted, and in 1890, he was askedto accept his present chair in WesleyCollege. He has been honored by hisclerical brethren in Manitoba, with thepositions of chairman of his district,secretary of the Conference and presidentof the Conference. In 1880, hemarried Miss Mary A. Sharp, of Minneapolis,Minn., U. S. In politics, heis an Independent, and has always exercisedhis franchise in that way.

ORI.KING,M.A. (Edinburgh),_ D.D. (Knox College,Toronto), Principal ofManitoba College, Winnipeg,Man., Lecturer in Mentaland Moral Science andGerman, and Professor ofTheology, Greek and HebrewExegesis, was bornMay 25th, 1829, in Yetholm,Roxburghshire, Scotland.His parents were RalphKing and Mary Scott. Dr.King began his educationat the parish schools ofYetholm and Mertoun, continuedit at the Universityof Edinburgh, and took thedegree of M.A. with honorsin Mathematics, in 1854.He studied Theology inEdinburgh, and was licensedin 1855. He also attendedthe University of Halle in1855-56, taking the classesof professors TholuckjuliusMiiller and Roediger. Hethen came to Canada as amissionary in 1856, andduring one year visited mostof the vacant congregationsand mission stations of the then United moderator of the General Assembly ofPresbyterian Church, from Kincardine,Ont., to New the Presbyterian Church in 1883, andGlasgow, Que. He also was alsospent three months appointed by the Assembly,in Gait, where heorganized a new congregation. In Principal of Manitoba College and Professorof Theology. He was released1857,he was called to the Congregations of from the pastorate of St. James SquareColumbus and Brooklin, Ontario County,Ont., and ordained in October of principalship at Winnipeg, as abovein October, 1883, and inducted into thethat year, and in March, 1863, was called indicated. The college has prosperedto Gould Street Church, Toronto, and greatly under his direction, a largewas inducted in May of that year. The debt having been removed, and extensiveimprovements and additions havingmembership there increased from aboutone hundred to nearly six hundred, and been made. Dr. King was married,a new and handsome stone church was December 4th, 1873, to Janet Macphersonbuilt, now known as St. James SquarePresbyterian Church. Dr. King was daughter of Hugh and MarySkinner. Mrs. King died in 1886.

IVEKN OR 377ylEUT.-COL. CHARLES MUS-I GRAVE BOSWELL, A.D.C.,^VWinnipeg, Commanding gothRifles of Canada, was born in Cobourg,Ont., July loth, 1849. He is the youngestson of the late Lieut-Col. JohnCrease Bos well, and grandson of thelate Admiral the Hon. Walter Boswell,R.N. He was educated at the CobourgGrammar School, and Upper CanadaCollege, Toronto, and received his militaryinstruction under Lieut.-Col. Lowryof the 47th, Lieut.-Col. Jennings ofthe 13th Hussars, and Capt. Penn, of theRoyal Artillery. Col. Boswell was onactive service for six months during theFenian Raid, saw stern service in theNorth-West Rebellion of 1885, asMajor of the goth Rifles, and wasspecially mentioned in despatches byMajor General Middleton, he also sawaction in 1866 Fenian Raid. On the<strong>com</strong>mand of the goth be<strong>com</strong>ing vacant,he was appointed Lieut. -Colonel, andshortly afterwards A. D. C. to the Governor-Generalof Canada, for Manitoba.He has been in the Civil service forfifteen years. In politics, the Colonelis a staunch Conservative, and in religion,a member of the Church of England.In 1874, he married Emily, eldestdaughter of John Lasher, of Bath, Ont.

378 CANADA..SAMUELPOLSON, Pastor,Presbyterian Church, Hartney,s> Man., was born September25th, 1847, in the Kildonan Settlement,near Fort Garry. His parents wereAngus and Anne (Henderson) Poison,who were also born in that place, andwhose ancestors came from Scotland.Mr. Poison was educated in the parishschool of Kildoaan, after which heworked for a time on the farm. Heentered Manitoba College, Winnipeg,in the Spring of 1871, and graduatedin arts, in 1875, and in theology, in1878. He then took the session of1878-79, in Knox College, Toronto, andwas ordained, at Winnipeg, in January,1880. He was in the mission field atMillbrook and Clear Springs, Manitoba,for six years, then at Nelson,Man., for four years, and was appointedto his present charge, in October, 1890.The church at Hartney, when Mr. Polsontook charge of it,was new andweak, but under his pastorateit hasgreatly prospered, and may now betermed strong. He is thoroughly devotedto his work, and good resultsfollow from his labors. In 1888, he wasmoderator of the Rockford Presbytery.He is D.D.H.C.R. of the I.O.F., andin politics,is an Independent Reformer.

379INKSTER, Winnipeg,Sheriff of the Eastern JudicialLord Selkirk, to the Red River Settlement,early in this century. He wasDistrict of Manitoba, was educated at the St. John Parochialborn August 3rd, 1843, on * ne historic School, after which he worked on hisbattle field Seven Oaks, or perhaps father's farm. On the i6th of March,more properly speaking, the site of the 1871, he was married to Miss Annieunhappy massacre of the Red RiverSettlers, under Tait,Governor daughter of Mr. Wm. Tait, whoSemple, 1816, also came from Orkney. They havewhich spot is just outside the city five sons and two daughters. Thelimits of Winnipeg (North Side), and Sheriff's father, John Inkster, who diedis marked by a granite monument, in 1874, was a man of considerable influenceand force of character. He waserected by the Historical Society, in1891. Sheriff Inkster's parents, were aJohn and farmer, and for some years a merchant.In 1857, he was appointed aMary (Sinclair) Inkster, bothhis'grandfathers being natives of Orkney,"Scotland, and fellow voyagersmember of the Council of Assiniboia,ofan appointment which he held untilthe transfer of the colony tothe Dominion Government,in 1870. Sheriff Inksterwas one of thefirst Legislativecouncillors of Manitoba,a position he heldthroughout the existence ofthat body, from 1871-76.He was speaker, and hadthe casting vote to abolishit. In 1874, he was Ministerof Agriculture, and presidentof the Council till1876, when he was appointedHigh Sheriff of thethen Province of Manitoba.In 1 88 1, when the growingprovince was divided intothree districts, he was retainedas Sheriff of the EasternJudicial District, a positionhe still holds. TheSheriff is an Episcopalianin religion, and a memberof the A.F. & A.M. Heisuniversally held in thehighest esteem, and admiredand honored for the characterand ability, whichhave enabled him to fillthe various important officesmentioned.

38oJH.ASHDOWN, J.P., HardwareMerchant, Winnipeg,Man., was born in London,Eng., in 1844, but the family removedto Ontario soon after. His early educationwas somewhat limited, yet he isto-day, and lias been for years, one ofthe best informed men in the West, onthe leading questions of the day, Civic,Provincial and Dominion. When eighteenyears of age, he struck out forhimself, and after spending some timein Ontario, went West, where he imbibedthat love for the freedom of a newcountry, which caused him, in 1868, tolocate in Winnipeg, and about aafterwards went into businessyearon his own account, in ,a <strong>com</strong>paratively small way.During the Rebellion of1869-70, he was for nearlythree months one of Riel'sprisoners, in Fort Garry,closely confined, ill fed, andbadly treated, but from thetime of his release, his businesshas, by dint of perseverance,industry and foresight,grown to its presentgigantic proportions. In1871, Mr. Ashdown was appointeda J.P., by GovernorArchibald, which positionhe still holds. He hasgrown up with the country,so that to write his biography,would be to writethe history of the city andprovince of his adoption, forhe has been prominentlyidentified with all its bestinterests. He was chairmanof the Citizens' Committee,which secured incorporationfor the city, waspresident of the WinnipegBoard of Trade, during theDisallowance Agitation, andin his valedictory, in 1887, called in nomistakeable terms, federal attention tothe position and feeling of the countryanent the same. Mr. Ashdown is amember of the Board of Wesley College,of which he was one of the founders,has been a member of the HospitalBoard, School Board, City Council,Board of Trustees of Grace MethodistChurch, etc., and has always taken apractical part in the interests of anyIn politics, he is an Inde-good cause.pendant, and has the courageof hisconvictions. In 1876, Mr. Ashdownmarried Miss Susan Crowson, of Winnipeg.He has four children, living.

CANADA. 381.GEORGEHENRY LONG,Methodist Minister, Souris,Man., was born September2ist, 1857, in Peel County, Ont. Hisp&rents are Richard and Ann Long.When Mr. Long was five years of age,the family removed to Simcoe County,and when seven years of age, he beganhis education in the public school,after which he taught school for threeyears, and then entered the CollegiateInstitute at Collingwood, remainingone year. He was then engaged aslocal preacher for one year, and in 1882,went to Manitoba as missionary, spendingone year atPembina Mountain, oneyear at Deloraine, one year at RidingMountain, and one year at Beulah.He was ordained in 1886, at Winnipeg,after which he spent one year at RatPortage, three years at Edmonton,three years at Boissevain, where hewas appointed to his present charge,in June, 1893. Mr. Long belongs tothe Royal Templars, I.O.O.F., and isa Past member of the Grand Council ofthe former. In politics,he is a Liberal.He was married, June 3Oth, 1886, toMiss Maggie McHaffie, daughter of thelate Peter McHaffie, of Dunediu, Ont.Mrs. Long died in October, 1892. Hehas one son and two daughters.

3 82 OF-MOIR, Proprietor of thea lumber yard there, and two yearsRollerJOHNMills, Holland, Man., later, bought the mill from the Hollandwas born January nth, 1848, Milling Co., which he has since conducted,and he is now known to be oneat Aberdeenshire, Scotland. His parentswere William and Isabella (Taylor)Moir, farmers, but now deceased. His flour took first prize in the Mani-of the foremost millers of the Province.Mr. Moir was educated at the parish of toba exhibit at the World's Fair, Chicago,in 1893, and the judges at thatChapel of Garioch, Aberdeenshire,Scotland, after which he farmed with Fair,itpronounced to be the best inhis father for some years. In the the world. In religion, Mr. Moir is aSpring of 1869, he came to America, member of the Presbyterian Church,and settled at Montreal, where he was and in politics, a Reformer. He is alsoemployed as clerk in a hardware establishmentfor some ten years. In 1879, of the Independent Order of Oddfel-a member of the Masonic Order, andhe removed to Manitoba, and took up lows, and was Reeve of South Norfolkland near Holland. In 1886, he openedfor four years.

STEWART^V/rAJORJ.VI MULVEY, SecrevS>tary-Treasurer ofthe Winnipeg Public SchoolBoard, was born in May,1834, in Sligo, Ireland. Hisparents were Henry andBarbara (McGee) Mulvey.He was educated and receivedhis training at theIrish National schools. In1854, he was invited by thelate Dr. Ryerson to <strong>com</strong>e toCanada, and for fourteenyears taught in HaldimandCounty, where he rose inthe ranks to the highestplace of honor, viz.: that ofpresident of the County Association,which he organizedand which presidencyhe held for four consecutiveyears. In 1870, he joinedthe Red River Expeditionas ensign, under the <strong>com</strong>mandof Col. (now Lord)Wolseley. He remainedin Winnipeg, and in 1871,whichfounded the Liberal,he edited two years, whenhe was appointed Collectorof Inland Revenue, havingorganized the Manitoba Department.In 1882, he contested Selkirk for theHouse of Commons, but was defeated.MKN383mayor. In politics, he was formerlyConservative, but when the Jesuit questionwas before the Canadian public,He was one of the first school trustees he became Independent. In 1856, heof Winnipeg, of which he was chairman was married to Miss Rebecca A. Gilmore,daughter of Humphrey Gilmore,formany years. In 1885, he went tothe front as Major of the 95th Manitoba Esq., of Sligo, Ireland, who died inGrenadiers. In 1885, he was appointed 1892. His family consists of five sonsto his present position. For twelve and one daughter. Major Mulveyis ayears, he was a member of the ProvincialBoard of Education, and drafted Master of the L.O. A. for Manitoba andmember of the A.F. & A.M., Grandthe first School Act governing cities the North-West Territories, over whichand towns in Manitoba. For twelve he presided for a period of fourteenyears, he was a member of the WinnipegCity Council, and in 1889, cameyears, and is looked upon as the founderof the Orange institution in Manitobawithin a few votes of being elected and the North-West.

384 OF",EV. ALEXANDER URQU-HART, Brandon, Man., wasborn in Invergordon, Rossshire,Scotland, in 1854. His parentsDonald and Jessie (Archibald) Urquhart,came to Canada in 1858, and settledin the County of Oxford, Ont.,where they still reside. From earlychildhood he was impressed with thethought of entering the ministry. Atthe age of eighteen he experienced adecided change, and the year previousto entering college, he engaged inevangelistic work, which was largelyblessed, and resulted in some three orfour young men entering college toprepare for ministerial work.Similar success attendedthe various mission fields inwhich he labored. In everyfield he has been much encouragedin being made therecipient of addresses andpresentations, expressive ofthe good will of the people.In 1883, ne came to Winnipeg,as assistant to Rev.C. B. Pitblado, of St. Andrew'sChurch, but at theurgent request of the Presbyteriansat Regina, he wassent there, and organizedthe congregation, wherehitherto there was but apreaching station. On graduatingfrom Knox College,Toronto, in 1884, he wasordained, and accepted acall to Regina, where helabored for five years, hiscongregation increasing untilit became the largestin the Territories. He tookan active part in the workof the Presbytery, and filledfor some years the positionof clerk and was also convenerof the Home MissionCommittee. He also established preachingstations in outlying points, andtook an active part in connection withthe Indian mission work. In 1889, hereceived a call to the PresbyterianChurch, Brandon, which he accepted,and during the four years of his pastorate,through his untiring energy andever increasing popularity, the membershiphas increased three fold. There isin connection with the congregation aBible class, with an average attendanceof about 90, and a Christian EndeavorSociety, the largest in the province.He was married, June 3oth, 1885, toMiss Annie Elizabeth Drysdale.

385( T EORGE CALHOON, Registrar^-^ of Albert County, HopewellCape, N. B., was born in Hopewell,January 2gth, 1814. He is the son ofJohn Calhoon and Rebecca Rand. Mr.Calhoon received his education at thepublic schools of Westmoreland County,after which he assisted his father onthe farm until he was of age, then <strong>com</strong>mencedin the mercantile business andfarming for himself, and continued inbusiness until 1844, when he was appointedRegistrar of Albert County,which office he has since held. In thatyear, he was also appointed a magistratefor the county, but resigned fromactive duty in 1883, although still beinga member of the Board of Magistratesfor the county. He was married, inof Reuben1835, to Devinia, daughterPeck, Esq., of Hopewell, Albert County.His family consists of one son and onedaughter, living. Mr. Calhoon is amember of several temperance societies,and of the first division that was organizedin the county, he being presidentof it,and also a member of the GrandDivision Sons of Temperance. He hasbeen school trustee, and held manymunicipal offices, among which he wassecretary and treasurer of the countyfor many years.25

3 86V\/ILLIAM ROGER GIVAN,r\ Manufacturer, Moncton, N.B.,was born October gth, 1841, in KingsCounty, Nova Scotia. He is the sonof John and Fanny Givan, formerly ofOmah, Ireland. He received his educationin the public schools of KingsCounty, N. S. In 1868, he removedfrom St. John, N.B., to Moncton, wherehe has since remained, and for manyyears, he has been one of the prominentas well as one of themanufacturers,leading citizens of that enterprisingcity.He has been for ten years a memberof the Council Board of that city,and has occupied many other importantpositions. He is also a member of theMasonic Order, and in politics,a Liberal-Conservative.He takes a livelyinterest in the affairs of the country, aswell as of the city of Moncton. Mr.Givan was married, July 28th, 1862, toMary Elizabeth Rising, daughter ofof Great Yar-Captain William Rising,mouth, Norfolk, Eng. His family consistsof two children, both sons;theeldest, Fred. W. Givan, of the firm ofRobertson & Givan, hardware merchants,Moncton, and his second son,Ernest Washington Givan, proprietorof the steam laundry in the sameplace.

OK 387\\/M. JAMES ROCHE,M. D.,^ rPracticing Physician and Surgeon,Minnedosa, Man., was born November3oth, 1859, at Clandeboye, Ont.His parents were W. E. and Maria(Hodgins) Roche, of Irish extraction,the former being a prominent grain andgeneral merchant, doing business atLucan and Springfield, Ont., and wasone of the early settlers and town siteowners in Minnedosa, Man. Bothparents are still living near Minnedosa.Dr. Roche attended the public schoolat Lucan, until he was fifteen years ofage, after which he attended the LondonHigh School. He then taughtschool for two years, and subsequentlyput in three sessions at Trinity University,Toronto, and one at the WesternUniversity, London, Ont., graduatingin 1883. Since that time, he hasconducted a large and growing medicalpractice in Minnedosa. He has beena member of the Manitoba MedicalCouncil since its organization. He isalso a member of the A.O.U.W., and isProvincial Grand Master of the I.O.O.F.In politics, he is a Conservative, andwas a candidate for the Local House in1892. On July lyth, 1884, he marriedMiss Annie E., daughter of the lateWm. Cook, of Toronto, Ont.

388 JVlEM OKWOODLYDOHERTY,M. D., Campbellton, RestigoucheCounty, N. B., was born atShediac, Westmoreland County, N. B.,November 4th, 1857. He is the son ofIsaac W. Doherty, M.D., whose portraitappears in this volume, and IsabellaDoherty, of New Brunswick. He receivedhis early education at the Grammarschool, Richibucto, Sackville Aca-and McGilldemy, St. Louis CollegeUniversity, Montreal, graduating M.D.,C.M. from the latter in 1885, withhonors, also receiving the first prize inBotany. After graduation, he was appointedsurgeon to the First HospitalCompany, No. i, of the North-West Re-stationed at Swift Cur-bellion, beingrent, South Saskatchewan, and Battleford,and was in charge of the woundedof Cut Knife Creek. He then returnedto New Brunswick, <strong>com</strong>menced practicein Dalhousie, Restigouche County,and one year later removed to Campbellton,and has worked up a very largepractice. Dr. Doherty was married,September i5th, 1886, to Alma, youngestdaughter of Alex. Givan, Esq., ofKingston, N.B. He is a Presbyterian,a member of the Sons of Scotland,physician to the port for Marine andand Coroner for theFisheries,county.

OK 389ANDFORDHARRINGTONPELTON, Q.C., Barrister andSolicitor, Yarmouth N. S., wasborn September 28th, 1845, ^ n NewYork City, U. S. His parents wereMilo Sandford and Louisa Maria (Harrington)Pelton. Mr. Pelton was educatedin the <strong>com</strong>mon schools of Sydneyand Antigonish, and took a course inclassics and mathematics at Arichat,with Rev. R. F. Brine, rector of theEpiscopal Church of that place. In1862, he began the study of law withhis uncle, Chas. F. Harrington, Q.C.,and on his death, in 1864, continued hisstudies at Antigonish, with his cousin,Hon. Daniel Macdouald,who was afterwards AttorneyGeneral of Nova Scotia,and remained with him untila few months prior to hisadmission to the Bar, whenhe went to Halifax to preparefor examination, wherehe took a first-class certificate.He was admitted tothe Bar of Nova Scotia in1867, and <strong>com</strong>menced topractice in Yarmouth thesame year, where he has residedcontinuouslyHe since.has had a varied andextensive practice, and hashad charge of the criminalbusiness of the county, byappointment of the AttorneyGeneral, since 1887. Hewas created a Q. C. by theNova Scotia Government,May 27th, 1876. Mr Peltonbelongs to the Masonic fraternity,and is a Past GrandWarden of the Grand Lodgeof Nova Scotia, and a PastGrand Scribe of the GrandRoyal Arch Chapter, of thesame province. He has alsobeen actively connected withdifferent temperance organizations, andwas appointed, in 1890, a member ofthe Board of School Commissioners forYarmouth, which office he still holds.For several years, he has been solicitorfor the municipality of Yarmouth. Inpolitics, he is a Liberal, and a memberof the Executive Committee of the YarmouthLiberal Association.In religion,he is a Presbyterian, and for manyyears, has been a trustee and managerof St. John's Presbyterian Church,Yarmouth. Mr. Pelton was married,November i6th, 1869, to Mary Georgina,daughter of Capt. Joseph W. E. Darby,He has ten sons and two daughters.

390 OKy( VXT EORGE JACKSON LAIRD,A^., Ph.D., Professor of NaturalScience, Wesley College, Winnipeg,Man., was born in 1859, in Thorold,Welland County, Ont. His father isthe Rev. John G. Laird, superannuatedMethodist minister, of London, Ont.,formerly president of Toronto Conference.His mother, whose maiden namewas Jackson, was a daughter of oneof Canada's earliest pioneers. Prof.Laird was educated at Victoria University,from which he graduated in1 88 1, and after teaching two years, wascalled, in 1883, to the chair of Physicsand Chemistry in Mount Allison University,N.B., which he occupied withgreat acceptance and where he remainedtwo years. He then took a wise step,and went toGermany to <strong>com</strong>plete hisstudies in Natural Science, obtainingin 1888, after a three years' course atBreslau University, the degree of Doctorof Philosophy, with honors. Onhis return to Canada, he was offeredand accepted his present chair in WesleyCollege, Winnipeg, where his successas a teacher has been very gratifying,and has proved that he was a strongacquisition to that college staff. Infour years, the attendance at WesleyCollege has increased ten fold, and thestudents have fully heldtheir own in the ManitobaUniversity examinations,all of which is a well-meritedtribute to the efficiency andunflagging zeal of PrincipalSparling and his three colleagues,whose portraits appearon these pages. Dr.Laird, in religion, is a Methodist,and an active memberof Grace Church. Heis a member of the UniversityBoard of Studies, amember of the UniversityCouncil, and has been foryears an ardent workingmember of the ManitobaHistorical Society, and ischairman of the ArchaeologicalCommittee of thatbody. Dr. Laird's thoroughpreparation is now bearingits legitimate fruit. He isalways " master of the situation,"and loves his work.As a teacher, he is clear,alert, painstaking, and hehas that necessary facultyof engendering in his studentsa love for their sub-He is unmarried.ject.

RUTHER-FORD COCHRANE,B.A., Professor ofMathematics in Wesley College,Winnipeg, was bornAugust Qth, 1850, in theTownship of Sullivan, GreyCounty, Ont. His parents,James and Susanna (Rutherford)Cochrane, emigratedfrom the North of Irelandabout 1830. Mr. JamesCochrane was a fine type ofthe sturdy, honest Canadianpioneer. His house was thehome of the early travellingMethodist minister, and formany years served as theplace of Sabbath worship.When the<strong>com</strong>munity decidedto establish a <strong>com</strong>monschool, the building waserected on his farm, twoacres on the corner of whichwere donated by him forthat purpose. He died in1879, deeply regretted, havingsurvived his estimablewife nearly twenty years.His eldest son, George,isnow the well-known Rev.Dr. Cochrane, the pioneerMethodist missionary in Japan. Thetraining afforded by the <strong>com</strong>mon schoolon his father's farm, supplemented bydiligent home study, enabled our subjectto qualify as a school teacher in1866. Three years spent in teachingin Sullivan, furnished him with suffi-graduating in ,1885, taking first-classhonors in Mathematics and Physics.In 1886, he was appointed Principal ofPerth Collegiate Institute, which heheld until September, 1888, when hereceived his present appointment. Prof.Cochrane is a born teacher and disciplinarianhe loves hiscient means to continue his studies for; subject. Hebelongsto the A.F. & A.M., the A.O.U.a term at Rockwood Academy, and forthe next four years, he taught school W., and has been for some years ainWellington County. In 1875, he member of the Advisory Board of Educationfor Manitoba. He is a Liberalattended the Normal School at Ottawa,obtaining a first-class grade " A " certificate,after which he taught school in Methodist Church. On April 6th, 1891,in politics, and an adherent of theOttawa for six years. In 1879, he he was married to Miss Eva Rosettamatriculated into Toronto University, Reilly, of Wiltshire, Eng.391

392THOMAS DICKEY CUMBER-* LAND, Judge of the CountyCourts, Western Judicial District, Manitoba,Brandon, Man., was born September3rd, 18.53, in the County ofSimcoe, Ont., the youngest son ofand JohnMary (Dickey) Cumberland. Hereceived his education at the publicschools, the Weston Grammar School,and Queen's University, Kingston,from which institution he graduated in1875. After teaching one year in theCollegiate Institute, St. Catharines,Ont., he entered the law office of Miller,Miller & Cox, in 1878, where he remainedthree years. He was admittedto the Bar of Ontario, inHilary Term, 1881, andalmost immediately afterwardsremoved to Manitoba.He was admitted to the Barof that province, in 1882,and entered upon the practiceof his profession in thecity of Winnipeg, in partnershipwith Mr. W. A.Macara, the present DistrictRegistrar at Winnipeg.Since 1887, he has been amember of the firm of Archibald,Howell & Cumberland,and while his practicehas not been confined toany particular branch, hehas given special attentionto <strong>com</strong>mercial law, so thathis recent elevation, thisyear (1893), to the judgeship,was well advised andvery popular. The Judgeis to be congratulated onhaving received this importantappointment beforehe has quite reached middlelife,and his numerousfriends and the public generally,hope that he may belong spared to enjoy hiswell merited distinction, and dischargethe duties of the high office to whichhe has been called, and for whichhe is so well qualified. A leading contemporaryvoices <strong>com</strong>petent opinionwhen he says: "Judge Cumberlandtakes with him to the Bench, a soundknowledge of law, an unstained reputation,and a high respect won from allwith whom he has been in contact."In 1884, Judge Cumberland was marriedto Miss Helen Wallace, a daughterof A. T. Wallace, Esq., of St. Catharines,Ontario.His family consists oftwo children, both daughters, Mary andAlice.

393^TNOBERT STIRTON THORN-TV TON, M.B.,C.M., (Edinburgh),"vs> Deloraine, Man., was bornMay 8th, 1863, at Edinburgh, Scotland.His parents were David andMary (Gavin) Thornton, the formerbeing a builder. When seven years ofage, Dr. Thornton was sent to GeorgeHeriot's Hospital, Edinburgh, wherehe remained eight years, and on leavingwas the medalist of his year. Whenfifteen years of age,he went to EdinburghUniversity, where he graduated,August ist, 1884. He then settled inDeloraine, Man., where he began practicethe same year. Since then he hasvisited Britain once, but his large connectionprevents him from travellingmore extensively. He has been amember of the Provincial MedicalCouncil, since 1886, and Coroner forManitoba for five years. He is alsohealth officer for the municipality ofWinchester, master of the MasonicLodge, of Deloraine, a member of theI.O.O.F., I.O.F. and C.O.F., and examinerfor different societies and insurance<strong>com</strong>panies. In religion, he is aPresbyterian, and in politics, an IndependentFree Trader. He was married,April 3Oth, 1889, to Mary, daughter ofRobert Johnston, of Princeton, Ont.

394 OK/CHARLES ARTHUR PALMER,In politics, he is a Conservative, andLL.B., Q.C., Barrister and Attorneyat Law, St. John, N.B., his party, but has never aspired to Par-takes an active interest in the affairs ofwas born June 6th, 1855, at Dorchester, liamentary honors, being too much engrossedwith his professional duties.Westmoreland County, N. B. He isthe son of Acalus Lockwood Palmer Mr. Palmer's success is the result of hisand Martha Ann Weldon. His father real worth of character and the applicationof the habitswas a barrister and Judge of the SupremeCourt of New of Brunswick. Mr.industry which hepossesses. He has gained a leadingPalmer received his education at Mount place in his profession early in andlife,Allison College, Sackville, N. B., and his present outlook is encouraging. Inthe Law School, Harvard University. religion, he is a Methodist. He wasHe was admitted as barrister, and has married October aoth, 1881, to Adasince practiced his profession, and has Louisa Sancton, daughter of George P.gained for himself a wide reputation, Sancton, Esq. His family consists ofand a large and important clientage. two sons.

395JOSEPHALEXANDER F.D'ESCHAMBAULT,M. p.,and Surgeon, Win-Physiciannipeg, Man., was born September ipth,1861, at Chanibly, Que. He was educatedat the Jesuit's College, Montreal,and St. Hyacinthe College, St. Hyacinthe,where he carried away theMarquis of Lome Medal, which is theonly one given in the college. Duringthe year 1880, he studied Philosophy,and the three successive years studiedmedicine in Laval University, and graduatedfrom Victoria University in1887. He then began practice in RawdonParish, Que., where he remainedfor about three years, when he removedto St. Boniface, Man., and in 1893, toWinnipeg. In religion, the doctor is aRoman Catholic, and is physician tothe Catholic Order of Foresters, in St.Boniface and Winnipeg. In politics,he is an Independent, with Conservativeleanings. He was married, Mayi4th, 1883, t Miss Corrine, daughterof the late Camille Marcotte. Hisfamily consists of one sou and threedaughters. Dr. D'Eschambault has,by his genial manner and professionalskill, secured a large practice in Winnipeg,and it is constantly growinglarger.

396^r RMIGER IBBOT HUBBARD,JX~\ General Agent for the LondonV Guarantee & Accident Co.,Ltd for , Quebec, Maritime Provincesand Newfoundland, at Montreal, Que.,was born in 1862, in Norfolk, England.His parents moved to Canada in 1863,and settled near Ancaster, Ont. YoungHubbard was educated at the GrammarSchool, Ancaster, and under thetuition of the Rev. D. D. McLeod andCanon Belt. He entered the service ofthe G. W. Ry., in 1879, at Hamilton,where he remained until entering theservice of the Canadian Bank of Commerce,1883, serving in several of its most important branches.opened a general insuranceing office in Montreal, andas one of the leading businessline in Canada. Mr. Hubbardber of the Barton Lodge, A.F.the Montreal Board of Trade,of the Montreal Curlingin 3rd Battalion, VictoriaCanada, and a member ofclubs and societies. Inan Independent, and inEpiscopalian. He was married,to Katharine Caroline, onlyof the late E. Lane, Esq.,Quebec and Montreal.In 1886, heand bank-recognizedmen in hisis a mem-& A.M., ofsecretaryClub, captainRifles ofseveral otherpolitics, he isreligion, an1886,daughtermerchant, of

OK397THE LATE J. W. TAYLOR,->-United States Consul at Winnipeg,Aftertion,shortlyremoved,ing untilnumberNorthwesternbecamePaul,the lifehaving,StateOhio,was <strong>com</strong>pleting afterofaMinnesota. affairs. bornuphis1842,1853.peoplepioneerof aOhio, in Cincinnati,At States,inHereGovernmentbe<strong>com</strong>eDuring New Yorkprimarystudy of law, time,removingand Mr.the Townhe followedconnectedhis residence State.remain-greattoTaylorofofficial,andBar,theSt.withinLegislature of that State, and had publisheda k( History of Ohio from 16501787," and also a "Manual of theOhio School System." During hisresidence in Minnesota, from 1853 to1870, Mr. Taylor had taken part in theexciting life of a frontiersman, also anactive part in politics. It had been apart of his official duties to have dealingspeople of the Red River,in whom he became much interested.He had, early in the sixties, visited thatcountry, and delighted to detail the incidentsof his interesting visit to thethen little known banks of the RedIn 1870, he was appointed, byPresident Grant, Consul ofthe United States, residentHis life wasat Winnipeg.very even and uneventful,chiefly devoted to socialduties, and he made himselfvery popular with all whoknew him. He was also intenselyinterested in thework of the Historical Society,and was so great an authorityon the North- West,that he was known as " SaskatchewanTaylor." In religion,he was a Presbyterian,though broad enoughin his views to be interestedin all denominations. Hewas married to Miss ChloeLangford, and at the timeof his death, had a familyof two daughters. He died,April 28th, 1893, deeply regretted,as his life was anembodiment of geniality andkindness. Although not aCanadian citizen, he had sogreat a love for Manitoba,that this interest and hislong residence here justifyus in claiming him amongCanadian public men.

398 CANADA.,IGHT REV. JAS. CHARLESMCDONALD, D.D., Bishop ofCharlottetown, was bornJune I4th, 1840, at Allisary, in the Parishof St. Andrew's, P.E.I. His parentswere John and Ellen McDonald.In 1866, he entered St. Dunstan's College,where he pursued a course ofclassical studies for four years. Fromthere, he proceeded to the Grand Seminary,Montreal, and after spendingthree years there in the study of Theology,was ordained to the priesthood,July 4th, 1873, by the late BishopMclntyre, of Charlottetown. Soon afterhis ordination, he was appointed to ain St. Dun-professorship stan's College, and it was inthis position that he firstgave evidence of that energyof character and strong practicaljudgment which arehis characteristic traits. In1875, he was transferredfrom the congenial atmosphereof college life to performthe more active dutiesof a missionary the field;of his labors <strong>com</strong>prised thepresent flourishing parishesof St. James, Georgetown,All Saints, Cardigan, andfor a time, St. Paul's, Sturgeonand St. Teresa's, Baldwin'sRoad, and their presentprosperous conditionis largely due to the energyand zeal of our subject.The parish of All Saints,Cardigan Bridge, was thenin its infancy, but under hiswise and judicious administration,it soon could boastof a beautiful new churchand parochial house, whichare a credit to the diocese.In 1884, he was promotedto the rectorship of St. Dun-Stan's College, which position he filledsuccessfully until called to a wider fieldof action. In 1890, the late BishopMclntyre petitioned the Holy See fora coadjutor, and the choice of the HolyFather fellupon Bishop McDonald,who had, on so many occasions, provenhimself worthy of the position, andin the same year, he was consecratedtitular Bishop of Irina, and coadjutor,with right of succession to theSee of Charlottetown, and since thenhas administered the affairs of the diocesewith excellent judgment. BishopMcDonald isvery highly esteemed byall classes and creeds.

OK 399AUSTIN BOWEN, M.D., C.M.,university course, many distinctions*Physician and Surgeon, Magog, were conferred upon him, and in 1892,Que., was born October igth, 1867, at he graduated from that institution withCompton, Que. His father is the well first rank honors, and immediately establishedhimself in Magog, where hisknown and highly respected Fred. F.Bowen, of Comptou, and his mother's skill as a physician, his genial dispositionand strong personality, are alreadymaiden name was Mary Martin. Afterreceiving his early education, Dr. Bowen winning for him the confidence of theentered Coaticook High School, wherehe manifested great ability in hisstudies, carrying off many valuableprizes for English <strong>com</strong>position, andgraduating when seventeen years ofage. In the Fall of 1888, he enteredMcGill University, Montreal, takingup the study of medicine. During hispublic, and a large and satisfactorypractice. Judging from his thoroughequipment, it is confidently expectedthat he will speedily reach a front placein the medical world. Dr. Bowen wasmarried, October 5th, 1893, to Mrs. J.W. Merry, widow of the late JohnMerry, of Sherbrooke, P. Q.

400CHARLES REYNOLDS SMITH,1 Amherst, N. S., was born at that^ -""S* place, November i8th, 1854.His father, the late Robert K. Smith,was in his time one of the leading merchantsof Amherst, and a Justice of thePeace for the County of Cumberland.His mother is still living. Mr. Smithstudied law with J. T. Smith, Amherst,and afterwards with the late HonorableHiram Blanchard, Q.C., Halifax. Hewas called to the Nova Scotia Bar, January1 3th, 1876, when he began to practicein Amherst, where he has alwayshad <strong>com</strong>mand of a large and lucrativeclientage. He is a leading Court lawyerand holds a high position at thelocal Bar. In 1891, he was created aQ.C. by the Dominion Government.On several occasions, he has beenCrown prosecutor, under the NovaScotia Government, and is at present aMaster of the Supreme Court of theProvince, a <strong>com</strong>missioner of that Courtfor the County of Cumberland, and alsoa <strong>com</strong>missioner in Nova Scotia for thecourts of New Brunswick and PrinceEdward Island. In religion, he is anEpiscopalian, and has held many prominentoffices in that Church. Mr.Smith has been married twice ;he hasthree sons and one daughter.

401>3)HAS. WENTWORTH UPHAM(/ HEWSON, M.D., L.R.C.P. andV^^~> L.M., (Edinburgh) , Amherst,N.S., was born in Jolicure, N.B., February28th, 1844. His parents wereWilliam A. Hewson and ElizabethChandler. Dr. Hewson received hiseducation at the Sackville, Mount Allisonand St. Joseph colleges, New Brunswick.He graduated in Medicine, andbegan to practice in River Herbert,N.S., where he continued for elevenyears, doing a successful practice. In1883, he went to Scotland, and for sometime attended the Royal Infirmary ofEdinburgh, where he took the degreesof L.R.C.P. and L.M. Returning toCanada, he settled in Amherst, in May,1884, where he has since enjoyed alarge and lucrative connection. He isalso Coroner for the County of Cumberland,a member of the Masonic Order,in which order he also takes an activeinterest. He is widely known for hismedical skill, and highly respected forthe many good qualities which makehim a desirable public man and a goodcitizen. In religion, he is Episcopalian,and in politics a Reformer. On December29th, 1874, he married Mary E.Hapgood, a native of Calais, Maine. Hisfamily consists of one daughter, living.26

402tt ALLAN BLACK, M. D., Amlherst, N.S., was born AugustIn religion, he is a Methodist, and astrong^ ^^> advocate of the temperance23rd, 1844, at that place. cause. In politics, he is a party Prohibitionist.He is a man of undoubtedHis father was Hagen Black and hismother Martha A. Black. Dr. Black ability and great erudition in his profession,and is very widely known,was educated at Amherst and Sackville,N.B., Mt. Allison College, now Mount not only for his medical skill, but alsoAllison University. He received his on account of his interest in all mattersmedical degree from the University of concerning the public welfare. Dr.Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, in 1867, Black was married,since which he has practiced in Amherst,where he has succeeded in work-Geo. F. Miles, and, after her death, toin 1871, to MissSarah, second daughter of the late Rev.ing up a large practice, and is held in Miss Bessie Elderkin, eldest daughteresteem by the entire <strong>com</strong>munity. Dr. of Capt. John K. Elderkin. His familyBlack belongs to the Good Templars, consists of one son, by his second mar-also the Nova Scotia Medical Society.riage.

MKN OF* 403BLACKMER, Watchmakerand Jeweller, Fredericton,N.B., was born at Truro,N.S., February loth, 1867. His parentswere W. W. Blackmer and AnnieJ. Irwin. Mr. Blackmer received hiseducation at the public schools ofTruro, graduating from the Highschool with first-class honors. He wasthen apprenticed to the watchmakingand Jewellery business for five years,after which he worked for some time inHalifax, and then started business onhis own account at Spring Hill Mines,N.S., where he remained for two years,and in July, 1889, removed to Fredericton,and is now doing the largest businessin his line in the county. Mr. Blackmerwas married, April 2Oth, 1892, toHelen A., daughter of Ludlow Yerxa,merchant, Fredericton. He is a memberof the K. of P., Loyal Orange Order,being Deputy Grand Chaplain of theOrder, and also secretary for YorkCounty, the Royal Templars, theOrange Temperance Society, and theFredericton Curling Club. He recentlypresented the club with a very handsomecup for <strong>com</strong>petition of the members.In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and holds the office of Sabbath Schoollibrarian.

404JOHN McCONNELL, M. B.,M. C. P. S. O., Toronto, Ont,was born March 4th, 1846.His father, John McConnell, was lieutenantunder the late Captain Howard,of Howard Park, in the defence of LittleYork, in 1837, against Win. LyonMcKenzie. Dr. McConnell receivedhis education at the High School, RichmondHill, and began the study ofmedicine in 1864. He graduated, ini865L from Toronto University, and atonce began to practice at Thorhill,York County, Ont., where he remainedofthefor fourteen years, when he removed toBrockton, Toronto, where he was Reevevillage of Brockton, and afterwardsalderman of the city of Toronto. Dr.McConnell is Coroner for York County,and holds first class certificate MilitarySchool, and is a prominent member ofthe I.O.F, and is Past High Physicianof that order. In 1868, he married MissPowell, of York. In politics, the Doctoris a Reformer, and president of WestYork Reform Association. He standshigh in the A.F. and A.M., is a memberof the Protestant Benevolent Society ofToronto, and at present is physicianand surgeon to the Protestant Orphan'sHome, where two hundred and twentyorphans are under his care.

TV LLAN FINLAY-^\ SON, Charlottetown,V> Commander of theDominion Steamer u Stanley,"was born April i4th,1842, in Belfast, P.E.I. Hisparents were Angus andCatharine (McDonald) Finlayson,well-knowu residentsof the Island. Hewas educated in the <strong>com</strong>monschool, near his birth place,went to sea at sixteen, obtained,in1868, a certificateof <strong>com</strong>petency as Master inGlasgow, Scotland, and remainedin the merchant serviceuntil 1876, when hewas appointed Commanderof the Dominion steamer" Northern Light," the firstwinter mail steamer betweenPrince Edward Island andNova Scotia. In 1888, CommanderFinlayson receivedhis present appointment.His duty, from Decemberist to May ist, is to carrymails and passengers betweenthe Island and Pictou,N.S., and in the Summer,the " Stanley " is an armedcruiser, engaged in the Maritime FisheriesProtection service. The " raised over the ice and then lowered,Stanley" it down to pieces. Com-which breaksis a powerful screw steamer of mander Finlaysonis an efficient officer,looo-tons and 300 horse-power, built in of excellent judgment, alert, cautious1887-88 in Glasgow, Scotland, under and firm enough when necessary, andthe personal supervision of Capt. M. P. his knowledge of matters pertaining toMcElhinney, of Ottawa, and can cut his chosen calling isher very wide and recognizedbyway straight through ice from tenall. He is a member ofto fifteen inches thick, at the rate of the A.F. & A.M., and in religion is aten miles an hour. She can also cut member of the Baptist Church. Onher way through ice from three to four November i4th, 1872, he was marriedfeet thick, at a much slower speed, of to Annie, daughter of the late Malcolmcourse, by being fitted with <strong>com</strong>partmentsand apparatus, by which 132 P.E.I. His family consists of nineForbes, Esq., M.P.P., of Vernon River,tons of water can be admitted aft quite children, two sons and seven daughters.readily. This permits her prow to be405

406late Dr. Hammond Johnson,in 1867, attended BowdoinCollege, and graduatedthere in 1870, <strong>com</strong>pletinghis course at Harvard, andgraduating in 1872. Healso became a member ofthe Mass. Medical Society.For fifteen years, the Doctorpracticed his profession inKensington and vicinity,where he enjoyed a largepatronage. In 1885, he withhis brother-in-law, W. D.McKay, formed the partnershipof Reuben Tuplin &Co., of which he is theprincipal stockholder andmanaging partner. Thebusiness was establishedby Reuben Tuplin, now retired,nearly half a centuryago, who, from a small beginning,built up a largetrade, being now close on$100,000 a year. The Doctoralso owns and carries ona drug business as well. Inreligion, he is a Baptist and;in politics, a Liberal, withstrong independent convictions.He is an enthusiasticmember of the Masonic fraternity, andwas Grand Master of the Province inOctober 26th, 1845, in Queens 1891-92, when he laid the corner stoneCounty, P.E.I. His parents, John and of the Masonic Temple in Charlottetown.He is a Coroner for PrinceIsabel (McNeill) Darrach, were alsonatives of the Island, of Scotch descent, County, a J. P. and a <strong>com</strong>missioner forand held in high respect. Dr. Darrach taking affidavits in the Supremereceived his early education in the publicschools, winning a scholarship in married to Tryphena A., eldest daugh-On Court.the 24th of February, 1875, he wasthe Prince of Wales College, Charlottetown,where he took a leading place in ily consists of one daughter and twoter of Reuben Tupliu, Esq. His fam-his classes, especially in Mathematics sons living, and one daughter deceased.and kindred subjects. After spending As a business man, the Doctor has tact,a short time on his father's farm, and push and principle, while socially bothlater in the General Post Office, he he and his estimable wife are held in<strong>com</strong>menced to study medicine with the universal esteem.(S

407SOMMERVILLEMORRISON, M.D., HomeopathicPhysician, etc., St. John, N.B.,was born September soth, 1849, atWilinot, Annapolis County, N.S. Hisparents were Daniel and Margaret(Campbell) Morrison, natives of theNorth of Ireland, whose ancestors wereScotch. After receiving his early education,Dr. Morrison entered BostonUniversity, where he graduated M.D.He has built up a large practice,in St.John, which is constantly increasing,and he stands high in the estimationof the public generally. Dr. Morrisonbelongs to the Knights of Pythias,I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W., and various temperancesocieties. He is also an activemember of the Y.M.C.A., and correspondingmember of the International<strong>com</strong>mittee of the Y.M.C.A. He is amember of the New Brunswick MedicalSociety, and the American Instituteof Homeopathy. In politics,he is aLiberal, but not connected prominentlywith political affairs, being obliged todevote all his time to his extensivepractice. In religion, he is a Presbyterian.Dr. Morrison was married,January 28th, 1885, to Mary, daughterof Rev. James Kennedy, of New YorkCity. His family consists of four sons.

408 OF NEORGE DREWRY, WholesaleMerchant, Rat Portage, Ont.,was born October i2th, 1861, in St.Paul, Minn. He is the son of Edwardand Eliza Starkey,Drewry highly esteemedcitizens of that city. Mr. Drewrywas educated in the schools of St.Paul, and when sixteen went to Winnipeg,where he entered the employ ofhis brother, E. L. Drewry, ex-M.P.P.In 1883, he removed to Rat Portage,and opened up a business on his ownaccount, where he has remained eversince. In religion, Mr. DrewryEpiscopalian, and in politics, a Conservative,but while he takes no veryis anactive part in Provincial or Dominionaffairs, he is, as a shrewd and liberalbusiness man, ever ready to advanceany local enterprise which tends tothe prosperity of his adopted town.Heis president of the Rat Portage RegattaAssociation, president of the CurlingClub, and chairman of the council ofthe Rainy River District Board ofTrade. He is a keen sportsman, andbeing well acquainted with the RainyRiver region, knows where and how tobag the primest game, of which hismany friends always get a generousshare. Mr. Drewry is unmarried, he isvery popular among his acquaintances.

CANADA. 409^KT^OBERT CLARKE BOYLE,JVM.D., C.M., Morden, Man.,"vs> was born August lyth,1869, at Millbank, Ont. His parentswere Samuel and Elizabeth (Busby)Boyle. Dr. Boyle was educated at thepublic school, Stratford, and in 1877,removed with his parents to Winnipeg,where he continued his studies, and alsoat the Collegiate Institute, Portage LaPrairie. He wrote for first-class certificate,and secured a second, at the ageof thirteen. He also took a Normalschool course, and taught school for ayear and a half.He entered ManitobaCollege, in 1887, graduating in 1892,and was one of the only two who evertook 100% in surgery there. He washouse surgeon in Winnipeg GeneralHospital, before graduation. In 1892,he removed to Morden, and has alreadylaid the foundation of a large practice.In religion, he is a Methodist. He isalso a member of the I.O.O.F., A.F.& A.M., and physician to the Foresters,S.O.E-, and I.O.O.F., vice-president ofthe British Medical Association ofManitoba, and attending physician toMasonic Hospital, Morden. He wasmarried, September 9th, 1893, to MargaretA. Y., daughter of the late Rev.Dr. B. Lane, of Winnipeg, Man.

JOHNAGNEW, Lobster Packerand Exporter, Alberton, P.E.I.,was born August 22nd, 1853, inGlasgow, Scotland. His parents wereJohn and Jane (McCullough) Agnew.He was educated at the Free ChurchSchool, Glasgow, and then entered a<strong>com</strong>mission merchant's office in thatcity, where he remained two years.In 1876, Mr. Agnew left Glasgow, andcame to Richibucto, N.B., where he remainedone year. He then went toAlberton, where he has remained eversince ;the first year or so, as a clerk,and the rest of the time in his presentbusiness. He started with a veryand fore-small capital, but his plucksight, have made him a successful man.He is popular with his employees, andthoroughly honorable in all his dealings.He has an interest in severalenterprises, notably a leading mackerelcanning industry in Ireland. Hismarkets are chiefly Ontario, UnitedStates and Europe. In religion, Mr.Agnew is a Presbyterian, and in politics,a staunch Reformer. He belongs tothe I.O.F., and is treasurer of the HighCourt of P.E.I. December 22nd, 1882,he was married to Agnes, daughter ofthe late Capt. James Ireland,of Alberton,by whom he has five children.

CANADA. 411CARRUTHERS, M.D.,C.M., (McGill), L.R.C.P., (London,Eng.), Alberton, P.E.I., was bornSeptember nth, 1856, at Cape Traverse,P.E.I. His parents Samuel and Sophia(Muttart) Carruthers, who areboth deceased, were highly esteemedand respected. His father was born inDumfries, Scotland, and his motherwas a native of P.E.I. Her grandfatherwas a veteran under Gen. Wolfe,at the capture of Quebec, and for hisbravery was granted a tract of land onwhich that city now stands. He was,however, unfortunately drowned beforehe got his title registered. Dr. Carrutherswas educated atPrince of Wales College,Charlottetown, Queen's College,Kingston, Ont., oneyear, and at McGill College,Montreal, two years, fromwhich he graduated in 1883,first in the honor list. Hethen went to England,where he continued hismedical studies a year, graduatingas above in 1884.After continuing his studiesfor some time in Edinburgh,he located in Suinmerside,P.E.I., where he practicedfive years. In 1889, hebought the practice of thelate Dr. McLean, of Alberton,and has practiced thereever since, having succeededin working up a very largemedical connection. TheDoctor is a member of theI.O.O.F., and the I.O.F.,in which latter order he iscourt physician. He isCoroner for Prince County,and is a member of the FirstMedical Council of P.E.I.,which was organized in1890. In religion, the Doctorisa Presbyterian, and in politics, ustaunch Liberal. November :6th,1885, he was married to Phoebe, daughterof Philip Callbeck, Esq. His familyconsists of one daughter, Georgie.The Doctor's ability and skill wouldwarrant his removal to any city, whichstep, however, would be very muchagainst the will of the residents ofAlberton and vicinity, who value hisservices very highly. His thoroughqualification for his chosen profession,gives him a leading place in the estimationof his medical brethren, and heis destined to make his mark as aphysician and surgeon.

4 I2 1VIENHARCOURT, B.S.A.,Prof, of Agriculture in Prince ofWales College, Charlottetown, P.E.I.,was born November 3rd, 1863, in HuronCounty, Ont. His father John T. Harcourt,is a son of the late Geo. Harcourt,Esq., Toronto. His mother isHelen, eldest daughter of John Ratcliffe,Esq., Columbus, Ont., a gentlemanof Scottish descent. Mr. Harcourtspent the first seven years of hislife on a farm, the next four in Toronto,the next five in Preston, and at sixteen,having received a good primaryeducation, returned]to^his father's farm.When twenty-three years of age, heentered the O.A.C., at Guelph, to learnmore about the occupation he was following.He led his class from thestart, and in two years carried off thegold medal for general proficiency.Not content with this, he spent anotheryear in the further study of agriculture,and then in 1889, took the degree ofB.S. A., from the University of Toronto.He was at once engaged as assistant toProf. Robertson, in the dairy departmentof the O.A.C., and when thatgentleman was appointed Dairy Commissionerfor the Dominion, Prof. Harcourttook full charge of the work andexperiments of the department, untilthe close of 1890. He wasthen appointed assistantchemist, which he held tillhis present appointment.It will thus be readily seenthat Prof. Harcourt is wellqualified both by experienceand scholarship, to takealmost any position in anagricultural college. Inpolitics,he is a staunchLiberal, and in religion,a Presbyterian, a prominentworker in both church andSabbath school. He editsthe agricultural departmentof the Island Guardian,of Charlottetown. In1893, he was married toEttie J., daughter of SheriffStirton, Morden, Man., andgrand-daughter of DavidStirton, P.M., Guelph, andex-M.P. While in Manitoba,in 1893, Prof. Harcourttravelled quite extensivelythrough the Province,and its extent, fertility andpossibilities as an agriculturalcountry, left on hima deep and most favourableimpression.

IVTKN CANADA. 413\\/ILLIAM HENRY PRICE,V \M.D., Butternut Ridge, N.B.,was born atthat place, September 4th,1839. He is the son of William andCharlotte Price. He was educated atthe schools of his birth place and theHigh School, Kentville, N. S., afterwhich he studied medicine with Dr.Shaw, of Kentville, for three years, andthen entered Bowdoin Medical College,Maine, and afterwards the Medical Departmentof the University of the Cityof New York, and graduated from therewith honors and the degree of M. D.He then entered the United States Service,as A. A. Surgeon, at Nashville,Tenn., and remained until the close ofof the war, when he settled at ProspectPark, remaining until 1872, when heremoved to Chicago, where he practiceduntil 1876, then to New York City,remaining until 1881, when he returnedto Butternut Ridge, where he still continues,doing a very extensive practice.Dr. Price was married, December 24th,1873, to Catharine Jane, daughter ofJohn Watts, Esq., of Chicago. Hisfamilyconsists of four children. Heis a member of the Medical Associationsof New Brunswick and the MaritimeProvince, and wrote the well-knownbook :" Baby's Guide to Health."

414 IVIKN OF"JAMESMcCON-NELL, M.D., C.M., PracticingPhysician and Surgeon, Morden,Man., was born September a8th,1 86 1, in North Renfrew County, Ont.His parents were Benjamin and Catharine(Melville) McConnell. Aftertaking his regular course in the Pembrokepublic and high schools, he enteredthe Royal College of Physiciansand Surgeons, Kingston, where he graduatedin the Spring of 1880. For sixmonths before and six mouths aftergraduation, he was assistant surgeon onthe C.P.R., from Pembroke toIn Nipissing.November, i88i,he removed to Nelson,Man., where he carried on a successfulpractice, until 1885, when he removedto Morden, where his connectionis constantly increasing. Dr. McConnellwas one of the founders of theMorden Masonic Hospital, of whichorder he is a member, and also of theA.O.U.W. He is examiner for thelatter society, Coroner for the Province,and health officer for the municipality,In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and a Reformer in politics. He wasmarried, November i9th, 1884, toMiss Cassie P., daughter of James H.Fraser, late of New Glasgow, N.S.,now of Morden, Man.

OK CANADA. 415THOMAS DAVIDSON, Managing-Director and General Agent forCanada of the North British andMercantile Insurance Co., Attorney forScottish American Investment Co.,Montreal, Que., was born, in 1835, inEdinburgh, Scotland. His father wasthe late David Davidson, manager ofthe Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, whocame to Montreal about the year 1840,remaining about twenty years, andtaking a keen interest in the educationalmatters of the then <strong>com</strong>parativelysmall town. He was deeply interestedin the work of McGill University, andfor many years, the " Davidson GoldMedal " was the highest prize given inthe institution. He had been a directorof the North British and MercantileInsurance Company on the EdinburghBoard since 1863, and, in 1880, becamechairman of the General Court of Directors.He died October 3Oth, 1891, verydeeply regretted. Mr. Thomas Davidsonwas educated at the EdinburghAcademy, and took a finishing courseat McGill University. He enteredbusiness life in the firm of Gillespie,Moifat & Co., extensive wholesale merchants,in Montreal. He was afterwardsallied with the late Mr. DonaldLome McDougall, under the firm nameof McDougall & Davidson,members of the MontrealStock Exchange. Mr. Davidsonhas been managingdirectorof the North Britishand Mercantile InsuranceCompany since its establishmentin Canada, which isabout thirty years (1893).The Company has a verylarge revenue in the Dominion,and is, of course, verywell and favorably knowneverywhere as one of thelargest and most equitable<strong>com</strong>panies in existence. Thesuccess of the Company inCanada is due to the excellentbusiness qualificationsof itsmanaging-director.Mr. Davidson hassecured an enviable positionfor the Company, by hisuntiring energy and soundbusiness knowledge andjudgment. He is presidentof the Montreal GeneralHospital, and one of thegovernors of the Royal VictoriaHospital. Mr. Davidsonis very well known inall parts of the Dominion.

416 OR CANADA..4 TENRY A. POWELL, M.A.,cr]M M. P. P., Barrister, Sackville,VS> N.B., was born at Richibucto,N.B., April 6th, 1855. He is the fifthson of Edmund Powell, of Richibucto,now deceased. He received his educationat the Kent County Grammarschool and the Mount Allison University,graduating from the latter withthe degree of B.A. in 1875. After graduation,he taught mathematics in theMount Allison Wesleyau Academy fortwo years. He then studied in theoffice of the late Christopher Milner,and was called to the Bar of NewBrunswick in Trinity Term, 1880. Atthe General Elections of1890, he was returned to theHouse of Assembly, as arepresentative of the Conservativeparty for WestmorelandCounty. In thesame year, he and one of hiscolleagues were unseated,but at the election in 1891,he was again returned byhis old constituency, withmuch enthusiasm and &handsome majority. At theGeneral Elections of 1892,he stood head of the poll,and was the only Oppositioncandidate returned out ofthe four representativesfrom the county. He standshigh in the Province as apolitician,and it seems almostuseless for any manto oppose him in his ownconstituency. In 1890, Mr.Powell was elected a memberof the Board of Regentsof Mt. Allison University,to which position he hasbeen twice re-elected. Hetakes a great interest ineducational matters, and isnaturally enthusiastic inhis own " Alma Mater." He is an ableand popular lawyer, and is the seniormember of the firm of Powell & Bennett,who conduct one of the largest legalpractices in the Province of New Brunswick.In 1878, he was married to adaughter of Rev. G. B. Payson, a ministerof the New Brunswick and PrinceEdward Island Conference, by whomhe has one son and one daughter. Inreligion, he is an adherent of the MethodistChurch. Besides a very largelaw library, he has an extensive andmost interesting library <strong>com</strong>posed ofscientific, literary, historical and politicalsubjects.

EDMUND SPENCER,M.P.P., Farmer and GeneralMerchant, Frelighsburg, Que.,was born at St. Armand East, Que.,April iQth, 1846. He is the son of thelate Ambrose S. Spencer, and Mary,daughter of the late Major P. Thomas,descendents of United Empire Loyalists.Mr. Spencer was educated at theGrammar School, Frelighsburg, and atPoughkeepsie, N.Y. In the Spring of1868, he engaged in farming at St. ArmandEast. In December, 1889, withH. T. Spencer, he purchased the wellknownmercantile establishment of J.Landsberg, Frelighsburg. He has beena councillor, school <strong>com</strong>missioner,secretary-treasurer of the MunicipalCouncil and school <strong>com</strong>missioners ofSt. Armand East, and president andmanager of the Mississquoi and RouvilleMutual Fire Insurance Company,since 1884. He was first elected amember of the Local Legislature in1881, re-elected in 1886,this electionhowever, being declared void, he was returnedby a large majority in 1888.He was re-elected at the General Electionsof 1890, and again in 1892, by anoverwhelming majority. June, 1873, hemarried Francis S., daughter of the lateR. L. Galer, Esq., of Dunham, Que.27

418McCUTCHEON,PropretorTeeswater. In 1885, he went to Kam-and engaged in Mercantile business in and Publisher of the loops, B. C., and in 1886, bought theInland Sentinel, Kamloops, Sentinel. In 1889, he established theB.C., was born June 4th, 1854, at King, Kootenay Star, at Revelstoke, B. C.,York County, Ont. His parents are which he still conducts. He has doneHugh and Margaret (Mills) McCutcheon.He revealing the interior resourcesmuchwas educated at the public of Britishschools, and Columbia, by publishingby private study. He many valuablespent his early life on reports concerningthe farm, and them. He is a member of the PresbyterianChurch atwhen twenty- one years old, was appointedInspector of Weights andKamloops, and on theboard of management. He is also aMeasures for York County, by the member of the I.O.O.F. In politics,Mackenzie Government. Resigning he is a Reformer. He was married,that position in 1879, he spent one year September loth, 1888, to Miss Maggiein Manitoba, then returned to Ontario, C., daughter of the late RoderickMcLean, of Pictou, N. S.

MKN OK 419WILLIAMHYNDMAN, GeneralInsurance Agent, Life,Fire and Marine, Charlottetown,P.H.I., was born in1841, in Malpegtte, P.E.I.His father was a native ofAntigua, West Indies, hisfamily owning plantationson that island. His mother'smaiden name was AnneMcNutt, daughter of thelate James McNutt, Esq.,private secretary to the firstLieutenant-Governor of P.E. I. Mr. Hyndman waseducated at the CentralAcademy, Charlottetown.He entered Her Majesty'snavy in 1856, and servedfor several years, underCaptain Orlebar, R.N., inthe Gulf of St. Lawrenceand Newfoundland Survey,under the Admiralty, subsequentlyin the flag ships" Indus," " Nile"and" Duncan," on the NorthAmerica and West IndiaStation, under Admiral SirHouston Stewart, Sir AlexanderMilne and Sir JamesHope, respectively, afterwards" servingin H. M. S. Victory," flag ship atPortsmouth, Eng., under Capt. BeauchampSeymour (now Lord Alcester).Afterwards he served on the MediterraneanStation in H.M.S. " Newport,"under Capt. Nares, now Sir George S.Nares, of Arctic fame. He was presentat the formal opening of the SuezCanal, in 1869, by the EmpressEugenie, and ac<strong>com</strong>panied Her Majesty,with other officers of the fleet, throughthe canal to Suez. Mr. Hyndman retiredfrom the navy in 1870, underthe Childers' scheme of retirement, andcame to Prince Edward Island. Hewas appointed, in 1873, secretary ofthe Railway Commissioners, and afterwardsheld the position of ProvincialAuditor, and Vice-Consul for the UnitedStates. In 1872, he was appointedMarshal of the Vice-Admiralty Court,which position he still holds. Since1878, he has devoted his time to thebusiness of insurance, his businessbeing now the largest in the Province.In religion, Mr. Hyndman is a Presbyterian.He also belongs to the MasonicOrder, and Benevolent Irish Society.In 1871, he married Eliza Nelson, thirddaughter of the late Wellington Nelson,by whom he has five children.

420 MEN OK"Y\/ILLIAM DAVID HEPBURN,r- \ of the firm of Hepburn & Co.,Shoe Manufacturers, Preston, Out.,was born in the Township of EastWhitby, Ontario County, Ont., October2nd, 1835. His parents were John andHelen (Williamson) Hepburn. Theformer was a prosperous and wellknownfarmer in that township. Mr.Hepburn began and finished his educationat the public schools.His earlylife was spent on a farm. When ayoung man, he learned the waggonmaking business, but afterwards concludedto farm on his own account,which he did for several years. Lateron, he bought a shoe factory,then being conductedat Oshawa, Ont. After conductingit there for a shorttime, he removed the plantto Guelph, where he carriedon the business for severalyears, manufacturing andselling boots and shoes,both wholesale and retail.In 1875, he <strong>com</strong>menced tomanufacture in Preston, andhas remained there eversince. He does a largewholesale business in Ontarioand the North-West,extending to British Columbia.They manufactureprincipally men's and boys'boots and shoes, and kindredgoods, and have obtaineda first-class reputationfor their various lines.His success as a manufactureris due largely to histhorough understanding ofthe public demands, hisstrictly honorable methodsof doing business, and hisinvincible determination tohold his own against all<strong>com</strong>petitors. Mr. Hepburnis a member of the Municipal Council,and has also been a member ofthe School Board for many years. Heis, in religion, a member of the PresbyterianChurch, and in politics, a Reformer,but does not take an activeinterest in the affairs of the party.He is a member of the A.F. & A.M.,Workmen, and Royal Arcanum. Hehas been married twice :first, on thethird of March, 1859, to Miss CatharineE. Bartlett, and again on theeleventh of November, 1862, to MissIsabella Stark. His family consistsof three children, two daughters andone son.

421ORTON IRWIN GRAIN, M.D.,C.M., Selkirk, Man., was bornAugust Qth, 1863, at Fergus, Out.His parents were William and MaryHis(Orton) Grain, of English descent.father was a native of Gibraltar, a brotherof Major Gen. Edward Grain, of theBritish Army, and died in 1877. Hismother was a sister of Dr. G. T. Orton,Ex-M.P. for Centre Wellington, Ont,but now of Winnipeg. Dr. Grain waseducated in the public and High schoolsof Fergus, passed his matriculation,studied medicine in the Toronto Schoolof Medicine, and graduated from VictoriaUniversity, in the Spring of 1886.He was assistant surgeonfor the C.P.R., two and onehalf years before graduation,after which he was surgeonfor Manitoba & North-WesternRailway for six months.He then went to Banff andtook charge of the Sanitariumfor Dr. Brett, and wasalso surgeon for the C.P.R.,from Can more, Alberta, toDonald, B.C., six months.He then practiced in Manitou,Man., nine months,and was subsequently inpartnership, with Dr. Orton,of Winnipeg, one year, afterwhich he settled in Selkirk.He has now taken into partnership,his cousin, Dr. R.H. Orton, at Selkirk. Dr.Grain is one of the directorsof the Winnipeg and SelkirkElectric Railway, and isalso largely interested inthe Lake Winnipeg FishCompany. He is a memberof the Selkirk Council,health officer for the townand municipalities of St.Andrew's and St. Clement's,and coroner for Manitoba.He isan Episcopalian in religion, alsoa member of, and physician to theI.O.O.F., I.O.F., S.O.E., A.O.U.W r .,and Clan Cameron. In 1892, he madea professional trip, for the Government,of over three hundred miles, in a canoe,visiting all Indian reserves from Westburn,North Lake Manitoba, and Waterhento Waterhen Lake, then to LakeWinnipeg, Lake Cedar, Charnahone,thence back toCross Lake and southeastto Grand Rapids, and home viaLake Winnipeg. He was married,October 7th, 1890, to Annie, daughterof Thomas Cull, of Winnipeg. Hisfamily consistsl'of two children.

422 tague, P.E.I., was born atlogical College one year, and TheologicalHall (Pine Hill), Halifax, twoyears, graduating in arts in 1881, and inGreat Village, N.S., June 6th, 1855. theology in 1884, and was licensed by theHis father was the late J. F. Spencer, Presbytery of Halifax, in April of thatEsq., and his mother's maiden name year. During his collegiate course, hewas Martha Spencer. They were both also taught school in Mount Pleasant,of Irish descent. Mr. Spencer spenthis youth and Highland Village and Nappan, inearly manhood on his summer hisvacations. He was ordained,father's farm. At the age of seventeen,he professed conversion, and in thatyear he also represented his SabbathCollege four years, Princeton Theo-school at the Maritime Convention heldin Summerside, in 1872. He attendedPictou Academy one year, DalhousieOctober 2nd, 1884, at Georgetown,P.E.L, and then inducted into thecharge of Georgetown and Montague,to which he ministered until 1888,when Montague was, by the Presbytery,made independent, with Mr. Spencerpastor. When ordained, the chargelacked organization, but intwo years this was greatlyimproved, and in 1886, above214 were added to the roll.The present charge has increasedin membership fourfold and financially threefold, with <strong>com</strong>plete organization.It is needless to saythat Mr. Spenceris a hardworker, an earnest andfaithful pastor. He is aclear, forcible speaker. Ini89O,he was moderator of theP.E.I. Presbytery, appointed<strong>com</strong>missioner to theGeneral Assembly at Toronto,in 1889, and in Brantford,in 1892. He hasbeen connected with theI.O.G.T. at intervals forsixteen years, and is atpresent High Chaplain ofthe High Court of theI.O.F., for P.E.I. January7th, 1884, Mr. Spencer wasmarried toMary E., eldestdaughter of Joseph Peppard,of Great Village, N.S., bywhom he has three childdren,two sons and onedaughter.


424 1VLEN\\/M. HENRY ASHLEY, EditorV and Proprietor of the Globe,the Free Press, remaining until 1881.In November of that year, he, with Mr.Boissevain, Man., was born August Frank Oliver, published the Edmonton30th, 1851, at Cataraqui, Ont. His Bulletin, The following year, he returnedparents were David George and RebeccaAnn to Winnipeg, and engaged with(Wright) Ashley, whose the Times. Early in 1883, he boughtancestors were Irish and English, and a newspaper plant at Toronto, and subsequentlythe Hanover, Ont., Post,U.E. Loyalists. In 1857, they removedto Picton, Ont., where Mr. Ashleywas educated, at the Grammar when he removed to Boissevain, and,which he conducted until May, 1889,school. In 1870, they removed to Oshawa,and in 1871, our subject entered religion, Mr. Ashley is a Methodist, andin August, 1890, started the Globe. Inthe Vindicator office, Oshawa, remaininguntil 1877, when he went to Win-member of the I.O.O.F. He was mar-in politics, a Reformer. He is also anipeg, and took a position on the Standard,for about one year, then went ried, June 8th, on 1887, to Margaret, daughterof John Hahn, of Hanover, Ont.

JAMESSTEWARTNEILL, Wholesaleand Retail Hardwaremerchant, Fredericton,York County, N.B., wasborn in that city, Octoberi4th, 1849. He is the sonof John Neill and JaneMcPherson, the former beinga native of Ayrshire,Scotland. Mr. Neil receivedhis education at theprivate academies of Fredericton,first, under Mr.Denton, and then at theCollegiate School, underProf. Roberts and Dr. Coster,and after <strong>com</strong>pletinghis studies, engaged as clerkin the hardware business ofhis father, which was establishedin 1848, and in 1870,he bought out the business,which he has since conductedwith increasing success.He does the largesthardware and house furnishingbusiness in Fredericton,and has had a numberof large contracts, amongwhich may be mentioned,the pipes for the water systemin Fredericton, New Brunswick,which amounted to 700 tons of pipe,which he imported from the well-knownfirm of D. Y. Stewart & Co., Glasgow,Scotland, his tender for the pipe beingthe lowest. Mr. Neill is a member ofIVEKN OF* 425he is amember of the Presbyterian Church,and holds the office of trustee. Mr.Neill has been married twice :first, in1870, to Eliza Davis, daughter of JohnBarrett, Esq., of Fredericton, by whomhe has one son and one daughter, andCurling Club. In religion,St. Andrew's Society, has been presidentof the same for two years, also second, inpresident of the Board of Trade, ofwhich he was one of the originators.He was also one of the delegates toOttawa, in 1885, in the matter of theCanada Eastern Railway, of which heis at present a director. He also belongsto the I.O.O.F., Knights of Pythias,and ispresident of the Fredericton1879, to Mary Todd, daughterof Chas. E. Hill, Esq., by whom hehas f :.ur sons and one daughter. Heis an enthusiastic sportsman, and spendsseveral weeks every year in shootingand fishing. In politics, he is a Liberal-Conservative,and has done goodwork for his party in election campaigns.He stands high in the public estimation.

426 CANADA.JAMES PATON, Dry GoodsMerchant, Charlottetown, P. E.I., was born in Paisley, Scotland,June 5th, 1853. His parentswere Alexander and Elizabeth (Mc-Kechnie) Pa ton, the former for manyyears a designer of shawl patterns, etc.,his father being a shawl manufacturer.Mr. Paton was educated at the " MooreSchool " and the Paisley High School,and at the age of thirteen, entered theemploy of Robertson and McGibbon,the leading drapers of Paisley, withwhom he remained six years. In 1872,he came to Prince Edward Island, andclerked in Charlottetown for four years,after which he entered intopartnership with Mr. W. A.Weeks, of that city, underthe firm name of W. A.Weeks & Co. In 1888, Mr.Weeks engaging in thewholesale business, Mr.Paton soon became sole proprietorof the business,which he still conductsunder the firm name ofJames Paton & Co., and hassucceeded in building up anexcellent reputation for hishouse. He is a man of tact,judgment and integrity. Heconsults his own interests,as well as those of his customers,by crossing to Britaintwice a year to makehis purchases there, personally,and has crossed theAtlantic over seventy times.The volume of his businessis one of the largest of itskind in the Province, and issteadily increasing. In religion,Mr. Paton is a memberof the Methodist Church,a steward and trustee inhis church, and in politicsis a Liberal. When quite ayoung man, he was president of theYoung Men's Abstainers Union of Paisley,where such excellent work wasdone in the way of evening classes, andwhere he acquired much useful knowledge.He is one of the directors of theCharlottetown Caledonian Club. Mr.Paton has been married twice :first, in1880, to Eva Melcora, daughter of thelate John Anderson, Esq., of Sackville,N.B., who died in 1885 ; and, second,in 1887, to Florence Gertrude, daughterof the late William Brown, Esq., ofCharlottetown. His family consists offour children : three daughters and oneson.

427AINSLIEBRAITH-WAITE, M. D., Edmonton,Alberta, was born February1 6th, 1862, in Yorkshire, Eng. Hisparents were Rev. Win. and L,. E.Braithwaite. He was educated at King'sSchool, Bruton, Somerset Westward,Devon., and Victoria College, Jersey.After leaving school, he entered King'sCollege Hospital, London, Eng., wherehe remained until January, 1884. Hecame to Canada in March of that year,joined the North-West Mounted Police,served for eight years, sent to King'sCollege for certificates in 1889, whichhe sent to Manitoba University, andafter one course, was admitted to examinations.During his last threemonths at Winnipeg General Hospital,he was resident assistant, but leave expiring,had to return to the Police, andfor two years more did the duties of asurgeon, which he left in April, 1892,and began to practice in Edmonton,where he still remains and enjoys alarge and profitable connection. Dr.Braithwaite is health officer for Edmonton,and during 1892, for the district ofEdmonton. In religion, he is an Episcopalian.He was married, November30th, 1892, to J. E. Anderson, daughterof T. A. Anderson, Esq.

428 ORALLAN RITCHIE, MillOwner and Lumberman, Newcastle,N.B., was born nearPaisley, Scotland, January ist, 1848.He is the son of David Ritchie andMary Young, both of Renfrewshire,Scotland, who came to New Brunswickwhen Mr. Ritchie was about four yearsof age. He received his early educationat the public schools of Restigouche,and Campbellton High School,and <strong>com</strong>pleted his studies at Chatham,N.B. In 1865, he entered his brother'slumber business as clerk, be<strong>com</strong>inga partner three years later. Theyhave very extensive mills at Newcastle,and large lumbering interests onthe Miramichi, and also carry on anextensive business in dry goods andgroceries. Mr. Ritchie was a memberof the Legislative Council of NewBrunswick, until its abolition. He wasmarried, in 1884, to S. E., daughter ofRichard Hocken, Esq., of Chatham,N.B. His family consists of three sons.He is a member of the Masonic Orderand Highland Society. In religion, hebelongs to the Church of England. Inhis business are employed between 300and 400 men, and in 1893, the ship"Ruby " made four round trips betweenGreat Britain and the Miramichi.

CANADA. 429N.S. In 1860, he foundedthe Patriot, which has alwayswarmly espoused thecause of non-secretarian education.In 1871, he waselected to the Local Legislature,in 1872, he was appointeda member of the executive,and re-elected in1873. In the same year, he,with the Hon. R. P. Haythorne,Provincial Premier,went to Ottawa, to discussthe terms on which P.E.I,would enter Confederation.Their terms were afterwards,with a slight modification,accepted. In 1873, Mr.Laird having resigned hisseat in the Local House,was elected a member of theDominion Parliament, forQueen's County, one of thefirst M.P's. of the Island.On the formation of theMackenzie Cabinet, he becameMinister of the Interior,in November, 1873,which he held until October,. DAVID LAIRD, ex-Lieut.- his term expiring in 1881. He thenGovernor of N.W.T., Journa-resumed active journalism, to which hehas since devoted his time. In politics,Mr. Laird is a Liberal, and in religiona Presbyterian ;has been an elder inhis church for over thirty years, andin 1884, was a delegate to the Pan-Presbyterian Council, held in Belfast,years a zealous member Ireland, and also to that held in Torontoin 1892. In 1864, he was marriedof the RoyalAgricultural Society of P.E.I. He was to Mary Louisa, daughter of the lateM.P.P., for sixteen years, four of which Hon. Thomas Owen, Postmaster Generalof P. E. L, by whom he has fourhe was a member of the executive council.Mr. Laird was educated at the sous and two daughters, one of his sonsCentral Academy, Charlottetown, and being a Ph.D., and a junior professorat the Presbyterian Seminary, Truro,list, Charlottetown, P.E.I.,was born in 1833, in New Glasgow,P.E.I. His father was the late Hon.Alexander Laird, a native of Renfrewshire,Scotland, from which country heemigrated to P.E.I., in 1819. He becamea successful farmer, and was for1876, when he was appointedLieut-Governor ofthe North-West Territories,of Greek in Cornell University.

430 ORTHE LATE*-*^&VERYA REV. DANIEL MeDONALD, D.D., and VicarGeneral of the Diocese ofCharlottetown, Charlottetown,P.E.I., was born atMaple Hill, in St. Andrew'sParish, February I9th, 1822,and died January 3rd, 1886.His father Allan McDonald,was a native of Moidart,Scotland, and his motherCatherine McGillivray, ofP.E.I. In 1841, he enteredSt. Andrew's College, andafter studying there forthree years repaired toRome, where he spent sevenyears in the study of rhetoric,philosophy, history,Can. Law and theology, andat the <strong>com</strong>pletion of thecourse, received the degreeof D.D. On February 5th,1851, he was solemnly ordainedpriest, by His Gracethe Archbishop of Inconium,vicegerent of CardinalPatrizi, in the Basilica ofof St. John Lateran. Manydistinguished men passed afew years in the Propagandawith Dr. McDonald, and it wasthere, under its celebrated teachers,and in the cultured society of his fellowstudents, that he gained that solid education,and developed that love of studyand refinement of taste, which so characterizedhim. In 1857, ne returnedhome, and shortly afterwards was assignedmissionary duties in Rustico,where he remained one year, when hewas appointed to the pastoral charge ofSt. Columba's, East Point. He continuedthere for nine years, during whichhe built a beautiful church at St.Margaret's In 1861, he was namedsenior priest of St. Dunstan's Cathedraland vicar general. For seventeenyears he labored in Charlottetown, endearinghimself to his flock, and gainingthe friendship of all classes andcreeds. In 1878, he removed to St.Dunstan's College, where he taughtthe classics, English rhetoric andphilosophy, for three years. In 1881,he resumed missionary work, and wasassociated with his nephew, Rev. J.Chas. McDonald, (now Bishop of Charlottetown),in the pastoral charge ofGeorgetown, Cardigan and Sturgeon,where he continued in active workuntil the time of his death. He was ascholarly man and a pleasing speaker.

,EV. LEVI STEVENS JOHN-SON, Methodist Clergyman,_ Newcastle, N. B., was bornat Head of Tatamagouche Bay> ColchesterCounty, N. S., May 25th, 1842.He is the son of George Johnson andMary Stevens, and has three sisters andseven brothers, two of whom are ministersin the Nova Scotia Conference, andone a physician in Bangor, N. Y. Mr.Johnson received his early education atthe public schools, near the home of hisboyhood, and then successfully passedthrough the Provincial Normal School,at St. John, N.B. After obtaining hislicense, he taught school for severalyears, and then further prosecutedhis studies for aboutthree years at Mount AllisonUniversity. In 1868,he offered as a candidate forthe Methodist ministry, andduring his four years ofprobation, was stationed atGuysboro, Granville Ferry,and Weymouth, N.S. Hewas ordained in 1872, atHalifax, the Rev. Dr. Punshondelivering the ordinationcharge that year. Hisfirst circuit, after ordination,was Alberton, P.E.I., wherehe remained the full termof three years, as he hasdone on all subsequent appointments.Leaving Alberton,he went to the Welsford,Queens County, N.B.,circuit, and thence to Nashwaak,York County, andthen to Albert, Albert County,then to Milltown, CharlotteCounty, then St. Andrew's,Charlotte County,then Baie Verte, WestmorelandCounty, and from thereto his present charge atNewcastle. Mr. Johnsonwas first married on November 4th,1872, to Sarah Jane, daughter of SamuelPickup, Esq., of Granville Ferry, AnnapolisCounty, N.S., by whom he hadfour sons and two daughters. He wasmarried the second time on October12th, 1892, to Susan A., daughterAmos ofF. Lawrence, Esq., of Southampton,Cumberland County, N.S. He isa member of the Independent Order ofForesters, A. O. U. W., S. of T., andI. O. G. T. While in St. Andrews, hewas chairman of St. Stephen District,and is at present chairman of the MirarnichiDistrict of the New Brunswickand Prince Edward Island Conference.

432 OF-REV.PETER McIN-that institution, was on the 26th ofTYRE, D.D., Charlottetown, February, 1843, ordained to the priesthood,by Bishop Signay, in the Cath-> P.E.I., third Bishop of Charlottetown,was born at Cable Head, in edral of Quebec. For sixteen monthsthe Parish of St. Peters, on 2Qth of after ordination, he was assistant toJune, 1818. His parents, Angus Mclntyreand Sarah Perry, at Miscouche, and inRev. S.McKinnon, were natives the Fall of the following year, was appointedto the mission of S. S. Simonof Uist, Invernessshire, Scotland. He<strong>com</strong>menced his studies in the old Collegeof St. Andrew's, after which he mained seventeen years. On the 8th ofand Jude, at Tignish, where he re-proceeded to the College of St. Hyacinthe,P.Q., where he continued his Rome, announcing that the vacant SeeMay, 1860, word was received fromclassical and philosophical studies for of Charlottetown had been filled, andfive years. In 1840, he entered the that the choice of the Supreme PontiffGrand Seminary of Quebec, and after had fallen on the Rev. Peter Mclntyre.a three years' course of theology in He received Episcopal consecration inAugust, 1860, and from thatday, devoted his time withgreat diligence to the diversifiedlabors of his calling.During his episcopate, St.Dunstan's College was rebuiltin brick, eight conventswere established, andover a score of churches andparochial houses erected,but the crown of all his labors,was the bestowal onthe city of Charlottetown,in 1879, of a large housefinished as a hospital, opento all. He visited Romefive times during his Episcopalcareer, and on the firstoccasion, extended his journeyto the Holy Land. Hetook part in the EcumenicalCouncil of 1870, where itwas generally conceded thatno more imposing figurethan Bishop Mclntyre's wasseen in the grand processionof churchmen. In his death,which occured April 3Oth,1891, the church has sustaineda heavy loss, and theProvince of P.E.I., one of itsnoblest citizens.

JVIEN CANADA.433JOHN JAMESWEDDALL,Dry Goods Merchant, Fredericton,N. B., was born at Pictou,N.S., July 6th/ 1845. His parents wereRev. Richard Weddall, of Yorkshire,and Mildred West, of Lincolnshire,Eng., who came to this country in1842. Mr. Weddall received his earlyeducation in Nova Scotia, and then enteredMount Allison University at Sackville,N. B., (itthen being known asSackville Academy), graduating withfirst-class honors in 1862. He thenremoved to Fredericton, and enteredthe dry goods business in the employof the late George Pattison, and subsequentlywith the late Thomas Logan,and on the death of the latter, in 1881,he purchased the business and premises,and has made very extensive alterations,and his establishment is now oneof the leading dry goods firms in NewBrunswick, and is still increasing. Mr.Weddall was married, in 1873, to JuliaLouisa, third daughter of the late Geo.Hatt, Esq., of Fredericton. His familyconsists of one son and one daughter.In religion, Mr. Weddall is a Methodist,and holds the offices of recordingsteward and assistant-superintendentof the Sabbath School. In politics, heis a Conservative.28

434,BV. JOS. LUDGER BEAU-REGARD, Parish Priest, Wa-_ terloo, P. Q., was born No-priest of St. Joachim, in Shefford Co.,where he also remained for six years,and was then appointed to Waterloo,vember loth, 1853, at La Presentation, his present charge, where he has succeededin building up a good cause,P. Q. His parents were Joseph andJosephte (Petit) Beauregard, highly which is constantly increasing in numbersand influence. He was ordained inrespected residents of that place. Afterreceiving his primary education, Father the Monastery of the Precious Blood, byBeauregard entered St. Hyacinthe College,where he spent eight years, andBishop Moreau. While in St. Joachim,his church was destroyed by fire, butat the expiration of his term of study, he erected a more costly one in thewas appointed to a professorship in thatinstitution, which he space of a year. Father Beauregardisheld for eight a fine scholar and a liberal mindedyears, when he was appointed to Sorel, Christian, and stands high in the estimationof his parishioners and the pub-as vicar, in which capacity he served sixyears. He was then appointed parishlic in general.

JVlKN 435,EV. ALF. EDWARDBURKE, B. D., J.Cn.B.,P.P., Alberton,P. E. I.,was bornSeptember 8th, 1860, atGeorgetown, P. E. I., wherehis parents, Capt. JamesBurke and his wife, whosemaiden name was MaryMoar, still reside, and areheld in much respect. FatherBurke was educated atGeorgetown High School,St. Dunstan's College, Charlottetown,and Laval University,Quebec, graduatingas above in 1885. He wasappointed secretary to thelate Bishop Mclntyre, Charlottetown,with whom heremained two and one halfyears, and then, in 1888,parish priest at Alberton,where he has since laboredwith so much acceptance.He went there to build upthe ecclesiastical institutionsof the parishes of Albertonand Lot Seven, a resultwhich he has been ableto ac<strong>com</strong>plish in a surprisinglyshort time, and in amost efficient manner. He is untiringin his efforts to upbuild his church, aswell as in every other good cause whichhas for its aim the advancement ofmorality. Father Burke was the firstto organize the Catholic Mutual BenefitAssociation in Prince Edward Island,and has, of course, always taken an interestin itsgrowth in that province. In1892, in <strong>com</strong>pany with other prominentgentlemen, he went out to the North-West and Pacific Coast, at the invitationof the Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,to report upon the fertility, extent,etc., of those regions, as a field forcolonization. His report was exhaustiveand very instructive. He has frequentlybeen consulted on the colonizationschemes of the country. He is astaunch Conservative in politics, andtakes an active and practical interestin whatever tends to the welfare andprosperity of his country. FatherBurke is a fluent and able preacher,a frequent contributor to the press, andas such wields a trenchant pen, intowhich he instils all his energetic mannerand wide knowledge. He is also verypopular with not only his own people,but also all who make his acquaintance.He is a young man and, doubtless, highhonors are in store for him.

436WILLIAM GIRDLE-STONE, Winnipeg, Man., wasborn in 1839, at Thornhill, Ont. Hisfather was the late George WilliamGirdlestone, barrister, formerly of Kelling,Norfolk, Eng., and son of theRev. William Ewin Girdlestone, rectorof that place, many of whose familyoccupied very prominent positions asprofessional men. The subject of thissketch was educated at the London,Ont., Grammar school. Rev. B. Baley,principal. After leaving school, he removed,in 1864, to Windsor, Ont.,where he was engaged chiefly in theforwarding business. While residingthere, he married, in 1866,Louisa R., the seconddaughter of the late WilliamBaby, Sheriff of Essex Co.,Ont. His family consistsof six sons and one daughter.At Windsor, Mr. Girdlestonehad his share ofmunicipal and other honors,having been chairman ofthe Board of Public Works,president of the Board ofTrade, and for five yearspresident of the WindsorCricket Club, etc. In 1879,he removed to Winnipeg.He was a promoter and oneof the directors of the WinnipegGas Co., and a directorof the Winnipeg WaterWorks Co., but sold out hisinterest in both at a favorabletime. He organizedand successfully managedthe Canadian Pacific RailwayExpress Co., also organizedthe North-WestFire Insurance Co., the leadinglocal fire insurance <strong>com</strong>panyof Manitoba, of whichhe is the managing-director.The firm of G. W. Girdlestone& Sons are agents for Lloyds, ofLondon, England, and for a number ofwell known and much esteemed BritishFire Insurance offices, and at thepresent time control the largest fire insurancebusiuess west of Montreal, coveringa territory from Fort William toBritish Columbia, a distance of morethan two thousand miles. Mr. Girdlestonehas been, for several years, a delegatefrom Christ Church to the EnglishChurch Synod, and a member ofthe Executive Committee. His eldestson is a medical graduate of McGill University,Montreal, and isCalifornia.practicing in

OR437ON. JOHN CHRISTIAN ical Board, president of the SouthSCHULTZ, M.D., F.B.S.C., Western Ry., and chairman of the corn-Fellow of the Imperial In- mittee of the Senate, on North-West1882, when he was promotedto the Senate. He was amember of the ExecutiveCouncil for the N.W.T., in1872, one of the Board ofGovernors of Manitoba Med-stitute, Winnipeg, Lieut.-Governor of products, and of the <strong>com</strong>mittee uponManitoba, was born January ist, 1840, the resources of the Mackenzie Basin.in Amherstburg, Ont. Received his He was appointed Lieut.-Governor ofpreliminary education at Amherstburg Manitoba, July ist, 1888. In 1867, heand Oberlin College, and his medical was married to Agnes Campbell,education at Kingston, and medical daughter of Jas. Farquharsou, Esq.,branch Victoria College, Toronto, graduatingas M.D. in 1861. In 1863, heformerly of British Guiana. An addresswas recently presented to him byassisted in forming the Institute of the prelates, judges, Conservative andRupert's Land, of which he became Reform politicians, and citizens ofsecretary. In 1867-68, he urged theunion of the provinces, and made effortsto induce the Western extension of theConfederation of provinces,to include his adopted home,,and was awarded the Confederationmedal. Whenthe purchase of the North-West was consummated in1869, and after the captureof Fort Garry by the insurgentsof that year, hishouse was besieged, he beingcaptured and incarceratedin Fort Garry. In the followingyear he escaped, andassisted in the release of theother prisoners. He wasthen declared liable to beshot, a reward was offeredfor his capture, dead oralive, but he succeeded ineluding search, and after atoilsome journey reachedOttawa. In 1870, he returnedto Manitoba, andwas chosen to representLisgar in the Commons,which seat he held untilWinnipeg, acknowledging the greatvalue of his public services for thepast thirty-two years.

43* MENROGERS, M.P.P., was educated in the public school atWholesale and Retail HardwareMerchant, Charlottetown, ploy of the Hon. Thomas W. Dodd,Bedeque, and in 1854, entered, the em-P.E.I., was born at Kintleth, Carmarthanshire,Wales, in 1836. His father 1859, Mr. Rogers became &hardware merchant, Charlottetown. Inpartner,was the late Jonah Rogers, and his and in 1892, sole proprietor of the immensehardware business carried onmother Hannah Thomas, was theyoungest daughter of Abel Thomas, a under the firm name of Dodd & Rogers,noted local Methodist preacher, of Carmarthan.Mr. Jonah Rogers was perhaps the wealthiest hard-a ware firm in the colony. Mr. Rogerswhich istradesman, and came from Wales to is a public spirited and enterprisingP.E.I., in 1839, settling in Bedeque, citizen, being extensively identifiedwhere he raised a large family, six with the chief <strong>com</strong>mercial interests ofsons and three daughters, and where his province, such as banks, steamship,he and his estimable wife are held in telephone and other <strong>com</strong>panies, beingthe highest respect. Mr. Benj. Rogers a large stockholder in many of them.He is a director of theP.E.I. Telephone Co., andfor four years has beenpresident of the CharlottetownDriving Park and ProvincialExhibition Association.He is also a largereal estate owner, and hisresidence, Fairholm, formerlythe residence of the lateHon. Judge Young, is perhapsthe finest on the island.In religion, Mr. Rogers isan adherent of the MethodistChurch, in politics, astaunch Liberal, and onewho has always taken anactive interest in both Dominionand Provincial elections.In 1893, he waselected by a large majorityto the Council of the ProvincialLegislature (propertyqualification).He isalso a member of the A.F.& A.M. In 1866, Mr.Rogers was married to MaryL., daughter of RichardTrenaman, Esq., of Rochester,N.Y. His familyconsists of three sons andone daughter.

MEN 4397TICHAKL SCANLAN,^\ Superinj[_\I tendeut Dominion man, and fully iinformed on all matterspertaining to the ocean carryingSteamshipvS> Co., Montreal, Que, was trade, in which he holds so prominentborn in 1838, in Ireland. His father a place. Under his superintendencewas P. Scan Ian, estate agent, Ireland, the Dominion Steamship Company area man of integrity and business capacity.Mr. Scanlan was educated at and passenger business across the At-Button's Academy, and the Jesuit's lantic, and giving satisfaction to alldoing their full share of the freightSchool, and was an apt student, always who patronize that popular line ofstanding well in his classes. After vessels. In religion, Mr. Scanlan is aleaving school, he <strong>com</strong>menced business Roman Catholic, and in politics,is inwith Messrs. Cowan & Cross, wholesalegrocers, and after remaining with ried on the thirtieth day of August,favor of Tariff Reform. He was mar-them some time, engaged with Bavid 1862 and has a family of sevenTorrance & Co., with whom he still children, living, four sons and threecontinues. He is a thorough business daughters.

CANADA.JOHNDRINNAN, Editor andProprietor of the MedecineHat Times, was born in Montreal,Que., October 4th, 1862. His parentswere W. C. and Isabella (Keith)Drinnan, both Scotch. Mr. Drinnanreceived his education at the Penetanguishenepublic school, the St.Catharines Collegiate Institute andQueen's University. He then taughtschool six years in Ontario, after whichhe removed to Manitoba, in September,1883. In 1884, he leftWinnipeg, withCol. Dennison as a Canadian voyageur,to join the expedition for the relief ofGordon, on the Nile. On his returnhe settled in Medecine Hat, Assa., wherehe taught school for four years. Hesubsequently bought the Times, froma local <strong>com</strong>pany, which he continuesto conduct very successfully. Asidefrom the large circulation of the paper,the 7^imes job department is largelypatronized, and all the appointments ofthe enterprise are on the best modernscale. In religion, Mr. Drinnan is aPresbyterian, and in politics, an Independentwith Conservative leanings.He is also a member of the I.O.O.F.and A. O.K. societies. He was appointedMeteorological Observer, inAugust, 1891, at Medecine Hat.

CANADA. 441AMUEL C. SMITH, Editor andPublisher of the North Onta-traderio Times, Uxbridge, Ont,was born February 2 8th, 1830, at Coalbrookdale,Shropshire, England. Hisfather was a printer and publisher, aswas also his grandfather, both doingbusiness at Ironbridge, Shropshire.Mr. Smith learned the trade of a printerin his boyhood, in the publishinghouse of Thompson & Davidson, in thegreat English Metropolis, after whichhe worked as a journeyman for someyears, when he began business asprinter and bookseller, in Ironbridge,Eng., where he conducted a successfuluntil 1857, when he came to Canadaand located at Niagara. He boughtthe Niagara Mail, and conducted it forseveral years. He then went to Coaticook,Que., and purchased the Observer,which paper he conducted with goodsuccess for several years. In 1890, hemoved to Uxbridge, and bought thetwo papers, The Guardian and TheNorth Ontario Times, amalgamatingthem both into the latter. The NorthOntario Times is a Conservative paperof the progressive type. It has a largecirculation and a profitable advertisingpatronage. Mr. Smith gets up a paperof great interest, and there is but littlegoing on in Uxbridge andthe country around, thatmay not be read in its pages.There is also a well conductedjob office in connectionwith the paper whichis well patronized. Mr.Smith was magistrate forover twenty years, and has,at different times, occupieda seat at the Council Board.In religion, he is an adherentof the MethodistChurch. He has also beena member^ of the A. F. andA. M. for over thirty years,and owns a considerableamount of real estate in thetowns of Uxbridge, Ont.,and Coaticook, P. Q. Mr.Smith was married on thetwenty-second of December,1851, to Miss Miriam Gardner,daughter of CharlesGardner, of Oxford, Eng.Mrs/Smith died on the iQthof December, 1893, at Uxbridge,Ont., and was buriedon the 22nd day of thatmonth, that being the fortysecondanniversary of herwedding.

442CHARLESHENRY PARME-1 LEE, Editor and Proprietor of^--^> the Waterloo, Que., Advertiser,was born June ist, 1855, at Waterloo.He is the eldest son of Rufns E.,and Jane (MeVicar) Parmelee, who areamong the best known and most highlyrespected citizens of that place. Mr. Parmeleewas educated at Waterloo Academy,and at the age of nineteen, becameeditor of the Advertiser, which heconducted for some years. In 1880, hejoined the staff of the Montreal Herald,and was for two .and one half years,financial and <strong>com</strong>mercial editor of thatjournal. He returned to the Advertiser,in 1883, with which he hassince been connected, andit is now the leading Liberalorgan of the EasternTownships. Besides hisjournalistic work, Mr. Parmeleehas always taken anactive part in municipal andeducational matters.He isa member of theat presentmunicipal council, was foryears secretary-treasurer ofWaterloo, and is at presentsec.-treas. of the ProtestantSchool Board. He is a supporterof the Liberal party,and as such, is widelyknown in the province andmany other parts of theDominion. His stirring editorials<strong>com</strong>mand the attentionand admiration of bothliberals and conservatives,and at many public assemblies,he has proved to be aneloquent, effective and logicalspeaker. Having devotedthe greater part of hislife to the careful study ofgrave political problems, itmay be readily supposedthat he evinces a good graspof public affairs, and his opinions areeagerly sought. His writings arecharacterized by great vigor, and hissentences are remarkable for their brevityand force. In religion, he is anEpiscopalian. He was president of theEastern Townships Press Associationfor 1892. His genial nature has wonfor him a host of friends, and he is oneof the few men who can mingle withpolitical matters, and sustain popularitywith both parties. He was married,iii 1887, to Miss Christina Rose,daughter of Henry Rose, Esq., ofWaterloo, Que. His family consists ofthree children.

MEN 443ATTHEW TEN-NANT,of thefirm of Tennant,Davies & Co., Dry GoodsMerchants, Fredericton,York County, New Brunswick,was born in the cityof St. John, N.B., Marchi/th, 1847. His parentswere George Tennant andElizabeth Newman, highlyrespected citizens of thatcity. His father was bornin London, Eng., and hismother in the North of Ireland.He received his educationat the schools of St.John, and after <strong>com</strong>pletinghis studies, he was for ashort time in the book andstationery business, andthen entered the dry goodstrade, with the firm of Ennis& Gardner, St. John, N.B.,with whom he remained fiveyears, gaining a thoroughknowledge of the business,when he engaged with Mr.Chas. R. Ray, with whomhe continued for one year.He then went to Providence,Rhode Island, U.S., andengaged with the firm of Callander,McAuslan & Troupe, remaining withthem for about five years, when hebegan business on his own account inthe city of Providence, where he remainedabout seven years, when he removedto Fredericton, and took themanagement of the dry goods business,conducted by A. A. Miller & Co., andon the death of Mr. Miller, he succeeded1to the business, forming a partnershipwith Mr. R. Davies, with whom he stillcontinues. They are now doing a veryextensive business, having increased itgreatly of late years, and being directimporters, are in a position to supplythe needs of the public in a way thatdemands appreciation, the dry goodsfirm of Tennant, Davies & Co., beingwell known in Fredericton and vicinity,as a reliable and fully equipped establishment.Mr. Tennant was married,in 1870, to Marianie, daughter of thelate Rev. Jacob Gunter, of Fredericton.He is a member of the Masonic andOddfellows societies, and in religion,is a Baptist. In politics, he is a Liberal-Conservative. He is a member of theBoard of Trade, an enthusiastic sportsman,and president of the Renous andDungarvein Salmon Club, also a memberof the Fredericton Curling Club.

444 MENy E. PROWSE, M.P. P., Senior! member of the firm of Prowse^V> Bros., dry goods merchants,Charlottetown, P. E. I., was born nearthat city, February 2nd, 1858. Hisparents, William and Violet (Home)Prowse, highly respected people, areboth living, and reside near Boston,Mass. Mr. Prowse was educated inthe public schools of the Island, and atthe age of sixteen, entered upon his<strong>com</strong>mercial career, as a clerk in theemploy of James Higgins, with whomhe remained two years, after which heentered the establishment of W. A.Weeks & Co., where he remained fiveyears, gaining a thoroughknowledge of mercantilepursuits. In 1881, Mr.Prowse started business onhis own account in a smallway. Since then,it has increasedsix fold, and hisbusiness is now one of thelargest in the Province, <strong>com</strong>prisingdry goods, clothingand carpets. In 1889, therapid growth of the businessnecessitated a partner, anda brother, Mr. B. C. Prowse,was admitted. Mr. Prowse'ssuccess may be traced largelyto his own popularity,tact and push, and also todirect importation and rightprices. He is a member ofthe Independent Order ofForesters, and a Past Grandin the Independent Orderof Oddfellows, In religion,he is a member of the MethodistChurch, a trustee inthe church to which he belongs,a member of theQuarterly Board, and, infact, active in all the worktending to the advancementof religion and morality.In politics, he is a staunch Liberal, andin 1893, was elected by a very largemajority as a representative of thefranchise (popular vote), in the ProvincialLegislature, the first Liberal ofCharlottetown elected to the LocalHouse in the history of that city, whichshows the place he holds in the respectof the <strong>com</strong>munity. On July 22nd,1879, Mr. Prowse was married to MissFrances Stanley, daughter of GeorgeStanley, Esq., of Pownal, P.E.I. Hisfamily consists of two sons and onedaughter,:namely Herbert Tippett,Georgina Margaret and William Lemuel.

MKN OR CANADA, 445JOHN T. McKENZIE, MerchantTailor, Proprietor of the StarTailoring Establishment, Charlottetown,P.E.I., was born October ist,working1854, in Strathalbyn, P.E.I. His parents,John and Catharine (McDonald)McKenzie, are highly esteemedresidents of that place. Mr. McKenziewas educated at the schools of his birthplace, and at the Desable GrammarSchool, and at fifteen went to learn histrade, at which he afterwards worked politics,for some years as a journeyman. In1879, ne went into business on his ownaccount. From 1881 to 1887, he tra-thein the best establishments ofthe larger cities, gaining in this way athorough knowledge of the business.In 1887, he returned to Charlottetown,and went into business with Mr. JamesMcLeod. This partnership lasted sixyears, when Mr. McLeod retired, andMr. McKenzie became the sole proprietorof a large and steadily increasingbusiness. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and holds the office of elder. Inhe is a staunch Liberal. Heis also a member of the I. O. O. F.November i5th, 1888, he was marriedto Mary, daughter of the late DonaldMcDonald, Esq., of Rice Point, P.E.I.

.MEN/CLINTON JAMES MORSE, M.D.,I Amherst, N. S., was born Feb-^^-*^^ ruary loth, 1840, at thatjoyment of a very large and successfulpractice. His marked success is theresult of his professional skill, and theplace. He is the son of the Hon. Jaines careful attention which he pays to allShannon Morse, brother of Judge W. cases. Dr. Morse belongs to the Masonicfraternity, is a member of theA. D. Morse, also of Amherst. Dr.Morse was educated at Amherst and College of Physicians and Surgeons ofLower Horton, Kings County, N. S. the ProvinceHe of Quebec, also of thebegan the study of medicine with Medico-Chirurgical Dr. Society of Montreal.Benjamin Purdy, of Amherst, after He is Coroner for the County of Cumberland,N. S., and held the position ofwhich he went to Edinburgh University,where he graduated in 1862. He then Assistant-Surgeon in First Regiment,settled in Amherst, N. S., where he remaineduntil 1875, when he removed to an Episcopalian. Dr. Morse was mar-Cumberland Militia. In religion, he isMontreal, but returned to Amherst in ried to Miss Mary Boggs, in1878, where he still remains, in the 1871. Heen- has three daughters and one son.

B. NORTON, Wholesale andRetail Hardware Merchant,_ Charlottetown, P. E. I.,wasIVIEN CANADA. 447use of what little he received. He wasout for himself when twelve years ofage, and at seventeen, entered the hardwarestore of Bourke, Son & Co., Char-born January 6th, 1858, at Roseneath,P.E.I. His father, the late John H. Norton,was one of the now historic u lottetown, where he remained sevenFortyniners,"who, in the year 1849, wen years, and then went on " the road "" t to for one year, for Gananoque manufacturingfirms. In May, 1883, he, withCalifornia in the brig Fannie," andafter a few years' experience of the tips his brother, E. H. Norton, bought outand downs of the pioneer miner, returnedto Prince Edward Island, and before, he had entered as an apprentice.the old business, which, eight yearssettled down as a farmer. He was a In 1886, the firm of Norton Bros, dissolved,and Mr. Fennell succeeded Mr.man of sterling integrity, and highlyesteemed, but is now deceased. Mr. R. E. H. Norton in the business. In June,B. Norton was not favored with a goodeducation, but he has made 1892, Mr. Norton bought out his partner,and has since continued the busi-the bestness as R. B. Norton & Co.In December, 1892, he wasburnt out, but bought thesite and immediatelyrebuilt,and now has a finerstock than ever and one ofthe best fitted hardware establishmentsin the Dominion,the volume of thebusiness aggregating about$65,000 a year. Mr. Nortonis a typical businessman, whose forte is hardwork, and as such <strong>com</strong>mandsuniversal respect. In religion,he is a Baptist, andin politics, a Conservative,an active and influentialworker in his party. He isa member of the I.O.O.F.,and has had all the honorsin his lodge. In 1892, lietook a prospecting trip tothe Pacific Coast, returningvia the United States. September3rd, 1884, Mr. Nortonmarried Margaret Lawsou,daughter of the lateStephen McCallum, Esq.,of Brackley Point, P.E.I.,by whom he has four daughters.

448 MKN OF*Y\7lLZJAM BOWMAN, London,ference,r\ Ecumenical,Ont., was born in 1820, in Liverpool,Eng. His father, Win. Bowman,class leader, local preacher, and forbeing an nearly forty years, superintendent ofiron monger, and a local the Sabbath School, where so manypreacher, a zealous and influential have been helped by his precept andworker in the early Methodist Church. example. In 1844, he married MissMr. Bowman was educated in Liverpool, Emma M. Smith. His family consistswhere he also learned drawing and mechanicalengineering, and then entered ior member of Bowman & Kennedy,the of five children, living, viz John, sen-:employ of the South West. Ry. Co. hardware merchants, of London, JamesIn 1853, he was sent out to Canada, by H., prof,the G. W. chemistry, in the CanadaRy. Co., as mechanical superintendent,Chemical Co., and for years lecturer ofwith head quarters at Hamil-chemistry in the Western University,ton. In 1856, he was appointed Mechanicalsuperintendent of the London in the coal and wood business, EmmaLondon, Chas. A., his father's partnerand Port Stanley Ry., with head quartersS. and Elizabeth E-at London, and soonafterwards becarnesec.-treas.of the <strong>com</strong>pany, which positionhe held until 1893.Mr. Bowman is president otthe Canada Chemical Co.,in which he is a largestockholder, a shareholderand director of the LondonLife Insurance Co., the OntarioLoan and DebentureCo., and the London StreetRailway Co. He has alsotaken an active interest inpublic and beneficient enterprises.He is a director andtrustee of the London Y.M.C.A., the Protestant Orphans'Home, and the HumaneSociety, and is expresidentof the LondonMechanics' Institute, to allof which, and many otherkindred enterprises, he hasbeen a princely giver. Inreligion, Mr. Bowman is aMethodist, a zealous andfaithful worker for overhalf a century. He hasbeen honored with nearlyevery office conferred on

OK CANADA. 449THE LATE REV.EBENEZER-*ROSS, Presbyterian Minister,Truro, N.S., was born July 22nd, 1824,at West River, Pictou County, N. S.His father was the Rev. Duncan Ross,who came from Scotland, and was oneof the pioneer Presbyterian ministersof Nova Scotia. Mr. Ross received hiseducation at Pictou Academy, andGlasgow University, Scotland, and wasordained to the ministry in 1849, a ^Upper Londonderry, where he remainedfor nearly thirty years. He afterwardsremoved to Truro, N. S., where he resideduntil his death, June I5th, 1891.In 1875, Mr. Ross was chosen Moderatorof the first General Assembly of thePresbyterian Church in Canada. Illness,however, prevented him from assumingthe duties of that honorableposition. His entire ministry wasmarked by great earnestness and a devotedattachment to the people amongwhom he labored. He was an ablepreacher of the Gospel, always doingmuch to promote the moral and religioussentiment of the <strong>com</strong>munity in whichhe lived, and his demise closed a mosthonorable and successful life. He wasmarried in October, 1853, to Margaret,daughter of Wm. Matherson, Esq. Hisfamily consists of one daughter, living.29

450Ifwhich amounts to from"]%$30,000 toJ^ I and. Manufacturer, Charlotte- $40,000. a year. He has been a memberof the city council for two years,VS> town, P.E.I., was born January4th, 1842, in Colchester, N.S. His and isparents Michael and president of the CharlottetownCatharine (Mockler)Hogan, were natives of Ireland. is a Conservative, an influential mem-branch of the A.O.H. In politics,heMr. Hogan was educated at the <strong>com</strong>mon ber of his party, and has been repeatedlyasked to be<strong>com</strong>e a candidate forschools of his native province. At theage of twenty-two, he entered mercantilelife, by establishing a general busi-business forbids. In religion, he is aparliamentary honors, but pressure ofness of his own, at Brule, N.S., which Roman Catholic. January i5th, 1866,he conducted for eleven years. In 1875, Mr. Hogan was married to Miss Maryhe went to Charlottetown, and establishedhis present business, which is Patrick Baird, J.P., of Cumberland Co.,Elizabeth Baird, daughter of the latethe leading and really pioneer lumber N. S. He has three sons and threebusiness in the Province, the volume of daughters, living, and one son deceased.P. HOGAN, Lumber Merchant

4517TDAM CARR BELL,;\ Druggist, New Glas-Vs> gow, N.S., wasborn November nth, 1847,at Pictou, N.S. His parentswere Basil Hall andMary Carr Bell, the formerwas born in Scotland, andthe latter was a native ofPictou, Nova Scotia. Mr.Bell was educated in theschools of New Glasgow,the academy at Sackville,N.B., and at the Universityof Glasgow, Scotland. In1866, he returned to NewGlasgow, and took chargeof the business formerlyconducted by his father, andsubsequently added to thisa flour and feed business.Besides these, Mr. Bell isvery largely engaged in thebreeding of standard bredtrotting horses, and ofClydesdale horses, Shorthorncattle and Shropshiresheep, and managed twofarms in connection withthat branch of his business.He stands high in the A.F.& A.M., for many yearswas a School Commissioner for SouthPictou, and on the incorporation of thetown of New Glasgow, in 1876, he becamefirst warden of the town, and wasre-elected by acclamation in 1884. In1878, he was elected for the House ofAssembly of Nova Scotia, and re-electedin 1882 and 1886. In 1887, ne resignedthe seat in the Local House,and was a candidate as Independent-Conservative for the House of Commons,but was defeated, and has not sincetaken an active part in politics. Whilea member of the Legislature, he becameProvincial Secretary of Nova Scotia,under the leadership of Hon. JohnThompson, Attorney-General and leaderof the Government, and after the resignationof that government in July,1882, was appointed leader of the Opposition,and continued in that positionuntil he resigned the seat. Mr. Bellhas always been a pronounced Liberal-Conservative, supporting the Act ofConfederation, and all the importantmeasures of the party in the Dominion,including the National Policy, and thebuilding of the C.P.R. In religion, heis a Presbyterian. He was married,Sept. 4th, 1873, to Annie, daughter ofJohn Henderson, of Albion Mines.He has four sons and one daughter.

452 IVLEISJ OF"TX/ILLIAM CAVEN BARRON,r rPrincipal of the London Conservatoryof Music and Elocution, wasborn in 1864, in St. Mary's, Ont. Hisparents were James and Agnes Perrie(Jackson) Barren, highly respectedresidents of that place. Mr. Barrenwas educated at the Collegiate Institute,London, Ont., but having felt an earlyand strong predilection for music, hedecided to make that his life work. Atseventeen years of age, he went to Boston,Mass., where he remained twoyears, during which time he receivedthe best tuition and training that citycould afford. On his return to London,he was appointed professorof music in Hellrnuth College,a position he filledwith much acceptance forseveral years. In 1888,having decided to obtain thevery best training possible,he went to Leipzig, Germany,where, for two years,he^ studied under the bestEuropean masters. On hisreturn to Canada, in 1891,Mr. Barren established theinstitution above named,one of the very best in theDominion. His success hasbeen far beyond his most sanguineexpectations. Froma small beginning of oneteacher and a few pupils,eleven teachers and professorsare now required, andthe attendance has increasedmore than ten fold in thepast three years, and is stillgrowing. The pupils <strong>com</strong>efrom all parts of the Provinceof Ontario, and fromthe United States, as farwest as Chicago. His graduatesare granted certificates,and many of them arealready very successful teachers. Mr.Barren has obtained for his institutiona very high standing, both in the musicaland elocutionary departments, andhis thorough qualification enables himto hold what he has succeeded in buildingup. In religion, Mr. Barren is aPresbyterian, and is organist in theFirst Presbyterian Church, London.He is also a member of the A.F & A.M.,being connected with Tuscan LodgeNo. 195. On the twenty-fourth ofSeptember, 1890, he was married toMiss Ella A. Leonard, a daughter ofthe late Senator Leonard, of London,Ontario.

453. G. D. WEAVER, Disciple,Pastor, Church of Christ, Montague,P. E. I., was bornApril 3rd, 1866, at Weymouth Bridge,Digby County, N.S., where his parents,William C. and Sarah (McAlpine)Weaver, still reside. His paternalgreat-grandfather, was a staunch U.E.Loyalist, an officer in the Revolutionaryafter itsWar, and settled in Weymouthclose. The subject of this sketch, atthe age of twenty-one years, matriculatedfor the University. In 1887, neentered Kentucky University, and graduatedin 1891, in which year he wasalso ordained, after which he spent oneyear in evangelistic work in Ontario,chiefly in Hamilton and Blenheim,with marked success. In 1892, Mr.Weaver, on invitation, went to Montague,his present charge, where blessingscontinue to follow his earnestlabors, a large number of additionshaving been made to his church in hisfirst year. It is one of the leadingchurches in P.E.L Mr. Weaver is amember of the I.O.G.T., and takes anearnest and active interest in everyin the onegood cause, but especiallyto which he has decided to give all histime and talents. Earnest and eloquent,we predict for him a brilliant future.

454 MEN CANADA.,EV.FATHER MICHAELALEXIS O'KEEFE, Rector5) of the Church of Assumption,Grand Falls, Victoria County, N.B.,was born at Chatham, N.B., July i6th,1865. His parents were William andElizabeth (Delaney) O'Keefe, the formerbeing a native of the County ofCork, Ireland, and the latter of Chatham,N.B. Father O'Keefe receivedhis early education at the <strong>com</strong>monschools of Chatham, and then enteredthe Seminary of Quebec, and took hisclassical course, graduating from thatinstitution with honors, after which hereceived his theological course at theGrand Seminary, Montreal. He wasordained at Montreal, December iQth,1891, by the Archbishop of Montreal,and given charge of the parish ofGrand Falls, which includes the parishesof Drunimond, St. Anne's Church,Tobique Point, and other outlying missions.The Church of Assumption,at Grand Falls, was begun in 1882,and in 1885, was ready for worship.In June, 1892, Father O'Keefe becamerector, succeeding the late Rev. J. J.O'Leary. It is one of the finestchurches in the diocese, the interiorbeing beautifully fitted up. FatherO'Keefe ispopular with all classes.

^ YENRY MOWAT DRUM-JVIKN 455Hudson's Bay Company, in the denominationsof ^i, and five shillings, these(SjL\ MOND, Assistant ReceivervS>General, Winnipeg, Man., notes were redeemable, at York Factory,was born August iQth, 1848, at Ottawa, by bill of exchange on London. On theOnt. His father, Andrew Drummond, superannuation of Mr. McMicken, Mr.Ottawa, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Drummond assumed full control of both1811, came to Kingston, Can., in 1834, the offices. He is a thoroughly qualifiedto join his uncle Robert Drummond. and painstaking officer, admirablyHis uncle's death, shortly after, resulted equipped for the responsible positionsin his entering the Commercial Bank's filled by him, and his entire service hasservice, Kingston. However, in 1847, been marked by great fidelity to thehe resignedits Ottawa (then Bytown) trustsagency, and was imposed on him. In 1875, ^ eappointed manager of was married to Helen, fourth daughterthe Bank of Montreal, there. For of the late Dr. Eduiondson, of Brockville,Ont. His family consists of onenearly forty years, he managed threeof itsimportant branches, until his sou.retirement in 1884. Mr. H.M. Drummond was educatedin Kingston, and,in 1867, entered the serviceof the Bank of Montreal,remaining with them until1872, when he resigned andwent to Fort Garry, in theemploy of the DominionGovernment. The first RielRebellion had just been repressed,and with the reestablishmentof order, theGovernment extended toManitoba the same financialconnections as existed inthe older provinces. Hencein 1871-72, the offices ofAssistant Receiver-Generaland Government SavingsBank were opened underthe immediate supervisionof the late Hon. GilbertMcMicken, Mr. Drummondassuming control of the SavingsBank Branch. Atthis time there were nobanking facilities in thecountry, no bank or Dominionnotes were in circulation,the current moneybeing notes issued by the


457CT EO. WENTWORTH ADAMS,* Undertaker and Embalnier,Fredericton, N. B., was born in thatcity, July 22nd, 1865. He is the sonof Jackson Adams, who carried on theundertaking business there for manyyears. Mr. Adams was educated in thepublic schools of his native city, andgraduated from the Grammar schoolwith first-class honors in 1881, afterwhich he entered the dry goods business,in which he continued for sometime. In 1889, the death of Mr.Adams, sen., took place, and it wasfrom this time that our subject connectedhimself with the business, whichwas continued by the sons of the deceased,under the firm name of AdamsBros. In 1893, he decided to open upon his own account, and prior to establishinghimself, took a thorough coursein the United States College of Embalming,New York city, after which hespent some weeks in Boston, gaining apractical insight into the latest methodsand ideas of undertaking. On his returnto Fredericton, he opened up a newand extensive establishment at theupper end of Queen St., where he hasbuilt up a first-class trade. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, and a member ofthe K. of P. and Orange Order.

IVIENOR\\TILLIAM T. WARE,of the land, and are well-known throughout^ rthe Dominion and the United States.Mr. Ware has earned a high positionin the respect of his fellow rin 1865, came to America, and was en-Trade, and Butter and Cheese Association.In religion, he is a Methodist, aremoved to Montreal, and became managerof the Canadian branch of the Church, of the quarterly board, teachermember of the Douglas Methodistabove firm's business, whose headquartersare at New of a Bible class, active in the work ofYork, where they the Christian Endeavor Society, and inhave carried on an extensive trade for all other departments of Christianthe past twenty-five years. They exportchiefly to Great Britain and Ire- family consists of twowork. He was married in 1881. Hischildren.firm of William Ware & Sons,Butter and Cheese Exporters, Montreal,Que., was born in Belfast, Ireland, in1855. He received a thorough educationin the schools of that city,andgaged in business for twenty-two years,in the city of New York, "in 1888, hecitizens, byhis perseverance and honorable dealing.He is a member of the New York ProduceExchange, Montreal Board of

459G~-EO. WASHINGTONSTEPHENS, Jr.,Real Estate Broker, andmember of the firm ofStephens & Warnecke,Montreal, P. Q., was bornAugust 3rd, 1866, at Montreal.His parents wereGeo. Washington Stephensand Elizabeth Mary Mclntosh.His father is the secondson of Harrison Stephens,who came to Montrealin 1828. He was fortwenty-three years an aldermanof that city, and nowis the member fordon Hunting-County in the QuebecLegislature, being one ofthe ablest and most brilliantspeakers of that Assembly.His mother is the eldestdaughter of John Mclntosh,of Edinburgh, Scotland.Mr. Stephens was educatedat the High School andMcGill College, Montreal,and continued his studiesat Geneva University, Switzerland,and the Universityof Marburg, Germany, fortwo years, namely: 1886-88.He started business in Hamburg, Germany,in the office of Steidtman & Co.,South American import agents, afterwardsreturning to Montreal, and engagedwith J. H. Taylor and ThomasRobertson & Co., hardware and metalmerchants. He afterwards became directorand vice-president of the CanadianB. & I.Company, now doing areal estate business in Mont-leadingreal. In politics, he is a Liberal, vicepresidentof the Junior Liberal Club,lifegovernor of Montreal General Hospitaland Protestant Insane Asylum, amember of the Mechanics Institute, ofthe Montreal Athletic Association andMontreal Curling Club, director of St.George's Snow Shoe Club, Fellow Associateof the University of Geneva,Switzerland, and a life member of theArtists Society of Schlarafia, Hanover,Germany. He is also vice-president ofthe Volunteer Electoral League ofMontreal. In religion, he is a Unitarian,and a member of the Church ofthe Messiah, Montreal, and holds theoffice of president of the Young People'sSociety. He is unmarried. Mr. Stephens'thorough education fully qualifieshim for his present position, and heis destined to make his mark amongthe business men of the Dominion.

460 IVLEN OKis still living and resides inColborne. Dr. Niles waseducated in Colborne, afterwhich he was in his father'semploy for several years.In 1882, he went to Manitoba,and built in PortageLa Prairie, one of the largestbiscuit factories in theWest, the machinery aloneof which cost $35,000. He,however, made Winnipeghis headquarters, and Dr.Benson's house his home,in which family he alwaysreceived the greatest kindnessand hospitality. In1883, ne entered the officeof Dr. J. L- Benson, dentist,where his mechanical skillsoon received recognition.He became one of the chartermembers of the DentalAssociation of Manitoba.In 1884, he entered intopartnership with Dr. Emmons,which partnershiplasted until 1891, when heopened an office of his own.His specialities are goldwork and regulating naturalteeth by means of bands.As a gold worker, he is one of the bestartizans in the Dominion, as, having afine natural mechanical genius, he undertakeshis professional duties witha descendant of one of the oldest Quaker the touch of a born artist. His practiceisfamilies of Prince Edward County. Heremoved to Northumberland steadily growing, and his patronsCounty among the best citizens of Winnipeg.about the year 1850, where he resided In politics, Dr. Niles is a staunch Conservative,an influential worker in theuntil his death, and was held in highesteem. He was an extensive grain Winnipeg Conservative Association.dealer, owned and operated large flour In religion, he is an Episcopalian.mills and barrel factories, dealt in January i4th, 1891, he was married toland plaster, which he imported in large May Bellquantities from Taylor, a niece of Mrs. Dr.Oswego, N.Y., and was Benson, and daughter of Wni. Taylor,the first cash grain buyer in that district.His wife, Maria (Haight) Niles, of oneEsq., Winnipeg. His family consistsdaughter.

IVTKNOF*461YOUIS HENRY DAVIHS, Q.C.,IM.P., Charlottetown, P.E.I., was/V born May 4th, 1845, in thatcity. He is the son of the Hon. Benj.Davies, of Charlottetown. Mr. Davieswas educated in the CharlottetownAcademy, the Prince of Wales College,and finished his professional educationat the Temple, London, Eng. He wascalled to the Bar of P.E.I., in 1866,appointed Q.C., in 1880. In politics,he is a Liberal. He was Solicitor-General of P.E.I., in 1869, and againin 1872-73, was leader of the Oppositionin the Legislative Assembly, untilSeptember, 1876, when he becamePremier and Attorney-General. Hisadministration resigned, in March,1879. He was elected to the DominionParliament, in 1882, 1887, and 1891. Atthe General Convention held in Ottawa,in June, 1893, Mr. Davies waschosen leader of the Liberals of theMaritime Provinces. He is presidentof the Merchants' Bank, of P.E.I., wascounsel for the tenantry before theP.E.I. Land Commission, and was oneof the Canadian counsel before the InternationalFishery Commission at Halifax,in 1877. In 1872, he married Susan,fourth daughter of the late A. V. G.Wiggins.He has four children.

462 XIKN

EV. LOUIS CAMPBELLWURTELE, M. A., Incum-OK CANADA. 463in Science, under the distinguishedprofessors of the time. On his return_ bent of Acton vale, P. Q., to Canada, he took deacon's orders atwas born September ist, 1831, at Quebec,P.Q. He receivedis a son of the late Jona-priest's orders. He first served as tra-Quebec, and two years later,than Wurtele, Seigneur of River David, velling missionary in the district of St.County of Yamaska, P.Q. He began Francis, taking seven months to <strong>com</strong>pletehis circuit. The good he ac<strong>com</strong>-his education at River David, under atutor, with whom he studied for seven plished in this capacity was great, andyears, during which time he went he soon became extremely popular inthrough more Greek than he afterwards all parts of his circuit. His first chargedid at college. In 1853, he entered was the mission ofBishop's College, from which Actonvale, to whichhe graduatedin 1857, taking highest honors ceiving his license from the late Rev.he was appointed, May 26th, 1862, re-in Mathematics. He then spent a year Samuel S. Wood, M.A., rural Dean ofin London, Eng., to <strong>com</strong>plete a course the districts of Three Rivers and St.for theFrancis, <strong>com</strong>missarytime being, and has remainedthere ever since.Mr. Wurtele is master offive languages, viz. English,French, Greek, Latin:and Hebrew. He is regardedas one of the most scholarlymen in the Eastern Townships.He has a most extensivelibrary, containingthe largest collection of rareand classic works to befound in the district. Hehas, by his genial disposition,established himself inthe good graces of a largecircle of friends. He is aFellow of the American Associationfor the Advancementof Science, which hejoined in 1857. He is alsoa prominent member of theMasonic Order. He has alwaystaken an active partin educational matters. Mr.Wurtele has been marriedtwice :first, in 1860, to MissEmily Towle, of Lennoxville,and second, in 1874,to Miss Isabella G. Hunter,of Richmond, Me.

464 IVIENHE RIGHT REVEREND AN-DREW HUNTER DUNN, D.D.,Lord Bishop of Quebec, Quebec, P.Q.,was born October i6th, 1839, at SaffronWalden, Essex, Eng. He is the son ofHannibal Dunn, Esq., Town Councillorand Mayor of Saffron Walden, Essex,and Mary Ann Hunter, eldest daughterof the Right Hon. William Hunter,alderman, Sheriff and Lord Mayor ofLondon. After school life and a residenceof nearly two years at Hiedelberg,Germany, and a year's experience ofbusiness in the city of London, he proceededto Corpus Cbristi College, Cambridge,Eug., where he obtained a Mawsonscholarship, in 1860,and a Manners scholarship,in 1861, and, graduating as29th Wrangler, in January,1863, he obtained his B.A.degree. In 1866, he becameM.A., and in May 1893, hisuniversity gave him hisD.D. He is also an honoraryD.D., of the Universityof Bishop's College, Lennoxville.He was ordaineddeacon, in St. Paul's Cathedral,by the Right Rev.Archibald Campbell Tait,Lord Bishop of London, onTrinity Sunday, 1864, andwas advanced to priest'sorderson the same day in thefollowing year. He workedas curate of St. Mark's,Notting Hill, London, W.,from 1864 to 1870. Hewas curate of St. Mary's,Acton, London, W., from1870 to 1872, and Vicar ofAll Saints', South Acton,from 1872 to 1892, when hewas elected by the DiocesanSynod, to be Bishop ofQuebec, and by his zealand activity in the cause ofthe church, has well sustained thename which he had made for himself.Bishop Dunn is a member of the S.P.G.and S.P.C.K., and was a member of the<strong>com</strong>mittee of the London Diocesan LayHelpers' Association. He is the authorof the following works " : Our ChurchManual," " Holy Thoughts for QuietMoments," " Helps by the Way, orPrayers for Children " and " Our onlyHope," for those who have been confirmed.He was married, in 1866, toAlice Hunter, only daughter of WilliamHunter, Esq., of Purley Lodge, Croydon,Surrey. His family consists offive sons and two daughters.

1VIKN 465TTUGHMcKAYFER--rf(SjH GUSON, Merchant,VS> Kingston, N. B.,was was born at Earl Town,Colchester Co., N. S., Aug.i2th, 1853. He is the sonof John Ferguson and ElizabethMcKay, daughter ofthe late Alex. McKay, ofDalhousie, Pictou. Mr. Fergusonwas educated at the<strong>com</strong>mon school, at EarlTown, and when twelveyears of age, <strong>com</strong>menceddriving the mail to Pictou,a distance of thirty-sixmiles. He was subsequentlyapprenticed to the tailoringtrade, at which he remainedfour and a half years, andduring the last year wasforeman. He then removedto Moncton, and entered theemploy of D. A. Duffy, fortwo years, and then went toBoston, Mass., for twoyears, being in the employof the Continental ClothingHouse. Mr. Duffy thenasked him to return toMoncton, which he did, andremained with him until1 88 1. He then removed to Kingston, in Moncton, and afterwards St. Andrew'sand started in business for himself, inFebruary of the same Lodge, of Richibucto, in whichyear, and has he was advanced, step by step, and is abuilt up a very extensive trade. Mr. Past Master, and Past Senior GrandFerguson is also a Justice of the Peace, Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Newan issuer of Marriage Licenses, school Brunswick and Botsford, Royal Archtrustee for the past five years, and secretaryof the Board, also secretary-permanent secretary of Prince AlbertChapter. While in Moncton, he wastreasurer of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Lodge of Oddfellows, for three sessions.Church for nine years. He was married,February iath, 1882, to Rebecca, in politics, supporting the Blair partyHe has always taken a very active partdaughter of Wni. Farrow, Sheniogue, for the Local House, and the Conservativeparty for the Dominion. He isN.B., by whom he has two children.He is a member of the Masonic Order, also a member of the Municipal Council,having been elected for the Shin-also of the Oddfellows and Foresters.He first joined Keith Lodge of Masons town Parish, October i8th, 1892.30

466 M.ENPetrolia, Ont,OWEN HERRING,Editor and Prop-5) rietor of the Petrolia Advertiser,was born at Maranichnrch, Cornwall,Eng., April 27th, 1846. Hisparents were Richard and Matilda(Herring) Herring. The father, whowas a leading barrister of London, Eng.,died when Richard was a child. In1852 Mrs. Herring came out to Canadawith her son, and settled in Seaforth,Ont. She was a woman of beautifulcharacter and passed to her reward,December 4th, 1891, in her 86th year.At Seaforth, young Herring received a<strong>com</strong>mon school education, and at fifteenentered the office of theStratford Examiner, thenpublished by the late T.M. Daly, M. P. P., from1862 to 1865 he was on theStratford Beacon staff, afterwhich he was manager of theHuron Signal for a shorttime. Mr. Herring thenfounded at Goderich, theConservative journal, 77ieCanadian Colonist, now theGoderich Star. At the endof one year, feeling his lackof a thorough education,Mr. Herring went to collegeyears. On theoutbreak of the " oil excitement,"he went to OilSprings, and in 1867 removedto Petrolia, where hefounded the Advertiser, theonly Canadian oil journal,which he has continued toedit with great ability andsuccess, having made it therecognized organ of the oilindustry in Canada. Mr.a staunch Con-Herring isservative in politics, and wasalways a great admirer andstrong supporter of his latelamented chieftain, Sir John A. Macdonald,from whom he has receivedmany confidential autographHe letters.takes a deep interest in whatevertends to the development of the oilindustry, and the prosperity of Petroliain general, and his well directed effortsin these particulars are appreciated bythe people. In religion, he is an Episcopalianhe is also a member of the;A.F. & A.M. On June 6th, 1877, Mr.Herring was married to Miss EmmaWhite, daughter of Colonel White,of Lapier, Michigan, U.S. Three sonshave been born to them, but all diedin infancy.

467EORGE EDWARD LOUD, DryGoods Merchant, Farnharn, Que.,was born May 27th, 1850, in the parishof Merevale, Warwickshire, Eng. Hisparents were John W. Loud and JaneAlcock, who were descended from oldand distinguished families of Warwickshire.Mr. Loud was educated at theAtherstone Grammar School, where hespent five years. He served an apprenticeshipwith John Wilkins, dry goodsmerchant, Coleshill, Eng., where he remainedfour years. He afterwardsengaged with Holiday & Co., of Newstreet, Birmingham, where he remainedone year. He then came to Canada,and shortly afterwards went toMichigan,U.S., afterwards returning toMontreal, and spending one year withA. A. Murphy & Co. In 1874, he removedto Farnham, and entered intopartnership with J. W. Loud, whichpartnership existed for seven years.Mr. Loud is now in the enjoyment ofa good cash business, and stands highin the estimation of the public. Inpolitics, he is a Conservative, and inreligion, a member of the EpiscopalChurch. He also belongs to the I.O.O.F. He was married in June, 1876,to Miss Frances E. Allen, of Farnham,Que., daughter of J. S. Allen.

468IMMONS S. SCOVIL, C. M.,M.D., Rat Portage, Ont., was bornNovember 29th, 1854, at Portland,Leeds County, Ont. He is theson of Samuel S. and Adeline Scovil,the former being a general merchantand well-known resident of Leeds Co.After receiving his primary educationin the public and High schools, Dr.Scovil entered the Royal College ofwhere he still remains, and is now inthe enjoyment of a large and importantconnection, which is steadilyincreasing. He is also Gaol surgeon,Medical Health officer, and surgeon toCanadian Pacific Railway in his district,having held the last mentionedposition for twelve years. In religion,Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston,Ont., from which institution he graduated,taking the degrees as above indicated.He began to practice his pro-of the Rev. A. J. O.in Feb., 1878, to Ella Ursula, daughterfession, in 1877, *n North Laughlin, of NorthGower, Ont., Gower, Ont. His family consists of fourand, in 1882, removed to Rat Portage, children, two sons and two daughters.Dr. Scovil is a member of the Churchof England, and in politics, a Conservative.He is also a member of theMasonic fraternity. He was married

MEN CANADA. 469HAS. W. STRONG,Collector of Customs,Summerside, P.E.I., was born 2nd July,1829, in St. John, N.B. Hisfather was the late Rev.John B. Strong, Methodistminister, born in Binghain,Nottinghamshire, Eng., andwas sent out in 1813, bythe British Wesleyan Conferenceto Canada. Hemarried Elizabeth Gambee,daughter of Luke Gambee,of Quebec, by whom he hadfive sons and two daughters.After laboring over fortyyears in the active work ofthe ministry, principally inthe Maritime Provinces, hebecamea supernumerary andresided in Bedeque,He P.E.I.died at Summerside, inMay, 1870, and his wife inOctober, 1872. Mr. Strongwas educated at WoodhouseGrove School, Yorkshire,Eng., and in the variouspublic schools of the townsin which his father was stationed.He engaged in mercantilepursuits for severalyears, in Charlottetown, P.E.I., Fredericton,N.B., Bedeque, P.E.I., andSummerside. In 1870, he became jointproprietor of the Summerside Journal,which he assisted to conduct, with muchsuccess. In 1873, he disposed of hisinterest in that paper, and received hispresent position from the Local Governmentof P.E.I. In religion, Mr.Strong is a Methodist, and has heldthe office of S. S. Superintendent withmuch acceptance. In politics,he is aConservative. In 1861, Mr. Strongmarried Miss Martha A. Wright, eldestdaughter of Jesse Wright, Esq., ofBedeque, by whom he has had fivechildren, two of whom are living, viz :Allen Wilmot Strong, B.Sc., of theHigh School, Montreal, and Jessie W.Strong, a graduate of Mount AllisonMusical Conservatory. In May, 1870,Mrs. Strong died, and in July, 1876, hemarried Charlotte Maria Treadwell,youngest daughter of the late NathanielTreadwell, of Fredericton, N.B. Mrs.Strong is active and zealous in church,mission and temperance work, and isone of the Dominion superintendentsof the W.C.T.U., and on account ofher possessing rare executive ability,her services in these departments aremuch appreciated.

470prosperous business. Aftersome years he sold out hisbusiness there, and engagedin trade in Knowltou, andsucceeded in accumulatinga handsome fortune. In themidst of his busy life, healways found time to devotehis energies to public matters.In 1845, he identifiedhimself with municipal andschool concerns, and fromthat time until shortly beforehis death, gave hisvaluable experience to theTownship and County ofBrome, in some capacity.He was seven times mayorof the township, and fivetimes warden of the county.He was also for many yearsone of the directors of theSouth Eastern Railway Co.,and also for a time, of theCanada Central Railway.At the Elections of 1874, theelectors showed their appreciationof Mr. Pettes' services,by electing him by acclamation,and during thefour years he was in Parliament,THE LATE NATHANIEL he gave his supportPET- to the administration of the Hon.rTES, M.P. for Brome, was born Alexander MacKenzie, but he did notnear the village of West Brome, P.Q., care for political life, and so did notApril 2ist, 1816, and died at Knowlton, offer himself as candidate for re-election.Mr. Pettes has left an untar-Que., October 2oth, 1889. Mr Pettes'early educational advantages were limited,but he made the most of them, andnished reputation behind him, and afinally became a school teacher. Whencareer full of interesting and profitableless :,ns for young men to profit by. Hetwenty-one years of age, he met with was exact and methodical in his businesshabits, industrious and indefa-an accident which necessitated him devotinghimself to other than manuallabor, and with his meagre savings, hetigable in whatever he undertook, zealousin his support of what he consideredopened a small store in a room of his Bright and fearless in his denunciationfather's house, and after remaining of what he felt to be wrong. In 1844,there for a time, removed to Brome, he was married to Miss Narcissa Farrand,who survives enlarged his operations, and carried on a him.

MENCANADA.JOHN R. ALEXANDER, M.D., Louis Methodist churches, StansteadProprietor of the Turkish Baths Wesleyan College, and the WesleyanHotel, Montreal, was born Theological College, Montreal, etc.,March i5th, 1841, at Mascouche Rapids, He etc.is a member of the General ConferenceSuperannuated Ministers BoardP.Q. His father, John Alexander, andhis mother, Rebecca Robinson, belonged and was a member of the Annualto families noted for longevity and Conferences, 1876vigor of character. He to 1892. He haswas educated at always been interested in Church workthe Grammar School, Lindsay, Ont., and advancement, and is known as aBishop's College, Lennoxville, P.Q., quiet, but liberal giver in religious andMcGill University, Montreal, and the charitable causes. Dr. Alexander wasUniversity of Buffalo, N.Y. For six married, July 22nd, 1866, to Euniceyears, till his voice failed, he was a Emma Watts, daughter of Mr. Jas.zealous Methodist Minister, when his Watts, of Lancaster, State of New York.spirit of enterprise and talent for businessdrew him into lumbering and chair and one son.His family consists of two daughtersmanufacturing in New YorkState, which he successfully,continued three years. In1872, he became associatedwith The ^Etna Life InsuranceCo., and in 1875, wasappointed manager for Montrealdistrict, which positionhe still occupies. In 1884,in consequence of great benefitto his health derived fromhis treatment there, he becameinterested in the TurkishBaths Institute of Montreal,which he purchased.Under his supervision, thisbusiness grew from a modeststructure of fifteen rooms toone of nearly two hundred.The many advantages of theplace for boarders and travellershas gradually changedthe character of the business,and in 1893, it waschanged to the TurkishBaths Hotel, and is nowwidely known as the largestand finest temperance housein Canada. Dr. Alexanderis a trustee of DominionSquare, First French, MountRoyal Vale and Cote St.

472 OR CANADA.EORGE EDWARD JAQUES,Forwarder and Shipping Agent,Montreal, P.Q., was born June 26th,1842. His parents were George E.Jaques and Anne Heap. Mr. Jaques waseducated at the High School, Montreal,at that time a department of McGillCollege. Having been head of theschool, he was entitled to a scholarshipfrom McGill College, which howeverhe did not claim. The firm of G. E.Jaques & Co., is well and favorablyknown in Canada. It was first establishedin 1836, and under the successivenames of Henderson & Hooker ;Hooker & Holton ; Hooker, Jaques &Co. ; Jaques, Tracy & Co., and G. E.Jaques & Co., have held a foremostposition among the carriers of theRiver St. Lawrence and the GreatLakes. Mr. Jaques has been a FreeMason formany years, and has heldthe offices of Junior Deacon, Secretary,Senior Warden and Worshipful Masterof St. George's Lodge, No. u, QuebecRegister, also for several years Secretaryof Hochelaga Grand Lodge ofPerfection and Registrar of HochelagaChapter of Sovereign Princes of theKnights of Rose Croix, and also one ofthe Grand Stewards of Grand Lodge ofQuebec. He has also been prominentlyconnected with theYoung Men's Christian Association,being for severalyears on the Board of theMontreal Association, andhas been chairman of employment<strong>com</strong>mittee, also ofrooms and library and thereception <strong>com</strong>mittees. Heis also an active Methodist,having held the positions ofsecretary of the SundaySchool, steward and trusteesteward of the West EndMethodist Church, secretaryfor several terms of theMethodist Sunday SchoolAssociation, and is at thepresent time (1894) recordingsteward, and also trusteeof St. James MethodistChurch, the largest MethodistChurch in the Dominion.He has also been forseveral terms a member ofthe Montreal Conference.He was married in 1868, toMiss Clarke, daughter ofthe late William Clarke,merchant, of Melbourne,Australia. His family consistsof four children.

CANADA.473McLEOD, Q. C.,M.P.,Barrister, etc., St. John, N. year, and remained a member of theB., Government until March, 1883, whenwas born October 29th, 1840, the Government was defeated, when heat Cardwell, Kings County, N.B. Hisparents were John and resigned with his colleagues, and continuedin opposition, until the dissolu-Mary (McCready)McLeod. He received his education at tion of the Legislature. In 1886, hethe High School, Sussex, N.B. He was again a candidate for the Localwas admitted as attorney in October, Legislature, but was defeated. In 1887,1867, and called to the Bar in October he was a candidate for the Dominionof the following year, and created a Parliament, at the General Elections,Q. C., in 1882. Since his admission to for the District and County of St. John,the Bar, he has practiced his profession with Mr. C. A. Everett, but was againwith success, in St. John. In May, unsuccessful. In 1891, he was elected1882, he was appointed Attorney-General,and elected to the Local Legislature he is a Baptist, and in politics, afor the city of St. John. In religion,for the city of St. John, in May of that Liberal-Conservative.

JVTENOKJOHN C. MEAHAN, M.D.,Bathurst Village, GloucesterCounty, N.B., was born at thatplace, February ist, 1859. His parentswere James and Bridget (Donnelly)Meahan, natives of County Tyrone,Ireland. The former was a merchantin connection with his brother'svery extensive ship business. Hisuncle, John Meahan, was member forthe County of Gloucester for a numberof years, before Confederation. Dr.Meahan received his early education atthe Bathurst schools, and then wentto St. Joseph College, Memramcook,N.B., from which institution he graduatedin 1878. He then began thestudy of medicine, with Dr. Duncan,for one year, after which he enteredMcGill University, Montreal, graduatingfrom there in 1884, with thedegrees of M.D., C.M. He then <strong>com</strong>mencedto practice his profession inhis native place, and has worked up avery large connection. He was married,November 2ist, 1879, to DeliaM., sister of Rev. Father Dixon, ofNewcastle, N.B. In religion, Dr.Meahan is a Roman Catholic, and alsobelongs to the C.M.B.A., and is examinerto the same, also of severalleading insurance <strong>com</strong>panies.

475TTIEUT.-COL. ARTHURI H. GILMOUR, Ban-^VS> ker, StanbridgeEast, Que., was born at" The Manor, " Nicolet,Que., March i3th, 1848.His grandfather was thelate assistant <strong>com</strong>missaryGen. Gilmour, and his father,the widely known Dr.Gilmour, F.R.H.S., Glasgow,Scotland. His motherwas the daughter of thelate wealthy Michael deCressi, Seigneur of Nicolet.Col. Gilmour stands high inthe Masonic Order, havingbeen installed and claimed pro-Knight Preceptorof the Order of the Temple,in 1877, and Past EminentPreceptor, in 1883. He ispresident of the Montrealand Vermont+J Junction Ry.*/Co., and sec.-treas. of theboard, vice-president of theM. P. and B. Ry. Co. Healso holds several importantlocal positions, such as presidentof the Stanbridge Agassiz,Missisquoi CountyPlowing, 6oth Batt. RifleAssociations, and of the 6oth Batt. Band,president and firstorganizer ofthe Farmers' Institute, for the Countyof Missisquoi, and a director CentralCanada Agricultural Association. InJune 1885, the three latter associationsunited in a grand demonstration in hishonor, to show their appreciation ofthe valuable services he had renderedthem;it was the grandest affair of thekind ever held in the Townships. Col.Gilmour is now the owner of the mostvaluable real estate properties in thecounty. His Manor Stock Farm, Riceburg,Que., is a little short of a squaremile in extent, and stood first in thecounty, first in the district, and secondin the Provincial <strong>com</strong>petition for the" Merite Agricole," in 1891, receivingthe silver medal and diploma. Col.Gilmour is also a merchant, carryinga large stock of dry goods a manufacturer,proprietor of the Missiquoi Rec-;ord, and has been an candidate forparliamentary honors. He is also wellup in military matters, receiving afirst-class certificate from the MilitarySchool of Instruction, Quebec, Oct. 29th,1864. He was appointed major, Aug.4th, 1871 Lieut-Col.; Aug. 4th, 1876,and Lieut-Col, <strong>com</strong>manding the 6othBatt. of Infantry, I4th June, 1889.

476|EV. DANIEL FISKE, PresbyterianClergyman, Florenceville,^S> Carleton County, N.B., wasborn at Passadonkeag, in the State ofMaine, U.S.A., December 10, 1855. Heis the son of Benjamin N. Fiske, andCatherine McClnre. His father was anative of Wilton, New Hampshire, andhis mother, of Bayside, N. B. He couldread in the New Testament beforegoing to school. Mr. Fiske receivedhis early education at Harvey, YorkCounty, N.B., where he worked on thefarm in summer and attended school inwinter, and where he began teachingschool, when eighteen years of age.Hecontinued his studies at theNormal and High schools,Fredericton, N. B., from theformer of which he took, atintervals, higher grades oflicense, up to that of GrammarSchool, obtained in1881. He then entered NewBrunswick University, graduatingfrom that institutionwith first-class honorsin 1881, and in his thirdyear, obtained the mathematicalscholarship. Hetaught between terms. Hefelt his call to the ministry,however, and with this endin view took his theologicalcourse at Pine Hill College,Halifax, N. S., graduatingin 1885, and was ordainedin the Fall of the sameyear. For about five yearshe engaged in Home missionwork on the Upper St.John River, after which hewas on probation for a fewmonths, and was inductedinto his present pastorate,December 3rd, 1890, wherehe has been very successfulin building up his charge,both spiritually and financially. He isan able preacher, a faithful pastor andis very devoted to his work. He wasmarried, December 3oth, 1885, to JessieR., daughter of the late well-knownmerchant, C. F. McLeod, of Belle Isle,N.B., a native of Edinburgh, Scotland,and a second cousin of the late SirJohn A. Macdonald, Premier of Canada.His family consists of four children,three sons and one daughter. Mr.Fiske is a prominent member of theLoyal Orange Order and of the Sonsof Temperance, and takes a warm interestin the success of each of theseassociations.

MKISI 477\\7lLLIAM WRIGHT, Commer-^ ^cial Traveller, Hats, Caps andFurs, representing James Coristine &Co., Montreal, was born in the Countyof Armagh, Ireland, July I2th, 1849.He is a son of Win. Wright, Esq., whowas educated for the ministry, butabandoned that calling for agriculture.Mr. Wright was educated at the FirstNational School in his native place, andafterwards attended the High School(Portadowu), where he <strong>com</strong>pleted his<strong>com</strong>mercial course. After leavingschool, he followed farming for threeyears, when he came to Canada (1873),and immediately entered the wholesalehat and fur establishment of Greene &Sons Co., Montreal, where he remainedfor twelve years. At the end of thattime, he associated himself with thefirm of James Coristine & Co.,whom withhe has since been identified astraveller in the Eastern Townships andPrince Edward Island. In religion,Mr. Wright is an Episcopalian, and inpolitics, a Conservative, and active inelection campaigns. He is also a prominentmember of the I.O.O.F. Mr.Wright was married, in 1883, to MissElizabeth Fraser, daughter of the lateThomas Fraser, of Montreal, who diedone year after her marriage.

478JAMESW. REID, M.D., C.M.,Physician and Surgeon, Windsor,N.S., was born in Musquodoboit,Halifax Co., N.S., May 3Oth,1859. His parents were Robert andMary Ann, (Archibald) Reid. Dr.Reid was educated in arts in DalhousieUniversity, and took the degree of M.D.,C.M., from Halifax Medical College intaking the faculty graduatingand has also takenprize for the year,Post Graduate courses in the PostGraduate School of Medicine, NewYork, and the New York Polyclinic.He immediately began to practice hisprofession, and for a time was a partnerof Dr. J. B. Black, but now practicesalone, and has a very large and profitableconnection. For a young man,Dr. Reid ismoving rapidly to the frontin his profession, being already knownas a skilled physician, and a most highlyrespected and desirable resident ofthe <strong>com</strong>munity. In religion, he is aPresbyterian,also a member of the British Me-Association and the Nova ScotiaHe isdicaland in politics,a liberal.Medical Society, and a member of theMasonic fraternity. He was married,in 1891, to Miss Minnie Falconer,daughter of *Dr. A. F. Falconer, ofSherbrooke, N.S.

]VLKN 479,BV. BENJAMIN WILLIAM devote his time and energy to preachingDAY, Congregational Clergyman,Granby, P.Q., was born June 1862, to Miss Jennie Foggin,the Gospel. Mr. Day was married, inat Birmingham, Eng. He is a son of daughter of the late JohnBenjamin D. Foggin,Day, who was in his Toronto. Mrs. Day hasday a well-known always takenlocal preacher. His an active part with her husband inmother's maiden name was Harriet church matters, and her amiable qualitiesand rare gifts have placed herPhillips. Mr. Day was educated atthe Toronto Congregational College, highfrom which he graduated in 1861. Hein the esteem of the people amongwhom she has lived. His family consistsof one son, Francis John, who is inwas ordained by the Rev. John Wood,Rev. E. Ebbs, and others in 1862, after his final year in arts at McGillwhich he took College,charge of the mission of Montreal, and has thus far takenTurnbury and Howiclc, where he remainedfour years, afterwards remov-now giving special attention to thehonors at each examination, and ising to the Stouffville and Markham study of Semite languages.churches, where he remainedten years, when he removedto Cowansville, P.Q.,serving for four years. Hethen went to Lanark, Ont.,and after preaching therefor nine years, retired fortwo years on account of illhealth. He then removedto Mansville, N. Y., wherehe continued for two years,and in the Autumn of 1893,received and accepted a callto Granby, the most importantcharge in the Easterntownships. Mr. Day hasbeen one of the most successfulministers of theGospel. On all his charges,he has gained the affectionand esteem of his people,and, indeed, there is rarelyfound a clergyman in whomare <strong>com</strong>bined so many gifts.He is an able preacher aswell as a devoted pastor,and his long service in hischurch has had a goodinfluence on many. Inpolitics, he is a Liberal, buttakes no active part in politicalaffairs, preferring to

480 OR4 TON. WILLIAM RICHARDS,^^M ex-M.P.P., Bideford, HllerslieV: P.O., P.E.I., was born May1 5th, 1819, in Swansea, South Wales.P.E.I., but ultimately at Bideford,where he soon owned one of the finestship yards in the Province, and wherehe built vessels forHis parents were the late Capt. Wm.the English market,andRichards and Margaret Thomas. Hefor trading on his own account,chiefly to the West Coast of Southwas educated in Swansea and Waterford,Ireland. Very early in life, he and the Mediteranean. Latterly, heAmerica, Brasil, the East Indiesexhibited a partiality for the sea, and and his sons have been engaged inwhen about eighteen years of age, went farming and stock raising,to sea with his father, and at twentyfive,had risen to be master mariner,and subsequently a vessel owner. Earlyin the " fifties," Mr. Richards left thesea and engaged in ship building andmercantile pursuits, first in Port Hill,on a largescale, and have been very successful inthis departure. Mr. Richards is also adirector and large stock holder in theCharlottetown Steam Navigation Company,ltd., who own " The Northumberland,""The St. Lawrence," "ThePrincess of Wales," "TheM. A. Starr," tc. In 1870,he was elected by acclamationto the Legislative Assemblyof P.E.I., and was amember of the Governmentduring 1871-72. April 4th,1872, a general election tookplace, in which he was defeated.He did not take anactive part, in politics thenuntil i876,when he was electedto the Legislative Council,and when his term expired,did not offer himselfagain. In politics, he is a Conservative,and in religion, anEpiscopalian. In 1849, Mr.Richards was married toSusan, daughter of the lateHon. James Yeo, a prominentmerchant and shipowner of Port Hill, formerlyof Cornwall, England. Hisfamily consists of two sonsand one daughter, viz. :Hon. James W. Richards,M. P. P., Bideford, JohnRichards, of Charlottetown,and Isabel M., now Mrs.W. McLea Walbauk, ofMontreal.

JVIKN 481M. CAMPBELL, Photo-of the art, he did a travelling businessgrapher, Woodstock, N. B., was in the U. S. forborn in Carleton eight years. He thenCounty, September1 7th, 1843. He is the son of chased the gallery formerly occupiedreturned to his native town, and pur-Enoch Campbell and Eliza Dickinson. by W. A. Moores, the leading photographicestablishment of the place.His father was born on the TobiqueRiver, Victoria County, his grandfather, Since then, Mr. Campbell's work hasEdmund Campbell, being the first man be<strong>com</strong>e well known and largely patronizedthroughout his section of country.who settled there. Mr. Campbell receivedhis education at the schools of Mr. Campbell has been married twice,Carleton County, and at the Woodstock and the last time, in 1881, to Ida L.,Grammar School, after which he assistedhis father on the farm until he was Plymouth, Me. His family consists ofdaughter of Andrew Given, Esq., oftwenty-five years of age, when he went one daughter and three sons. In religion ,to the State of Maine to learn photography.After making himself master member of the I.O.O.F. andhe is a Calvanistic Baptist. He is aI.O.F.3'

482 ORJAMES TEMPLE FORBES,Contractor and Builder, Moncton,N.B., was born in AlbertCo., N.B., June 24th, 1847. He is tneson of J. W. Forbes, of Halifax, N.S.He was educated in the schools ofNova Scotia, and then learned the drugbusiness, after which he worked inBoston, Mass. Returning to Monctou,he was engaged in the dry goods businessuntil 1875, when he becameaccountant and paymaster on theMoncton and Buctouche R'y, thenbeing built, and so continued until theroad was <strong>com</strong>pleted. He then <strong>com</strong>mencedas a contractor, and has socontinued to the present time. He isa member of the Methodist Church, alsoof the Masonic fraternity, was a memberof the Council Board of Moncton forseven years, also of the County Council,and was secretary of the Board ofhealth for a number of years, and atpresent (1893) is a member of thatbody. He is a Conservative, and formany years was secretary of the ConservativeAssociation of the Monctondistrict. In December, 1872, he marriedMiss Elizabeth, daughter of IsaacHenderson, of White Haven, England.He has had seven children, two of whomare now living.

OK483McCOURT,Editor of the Watchman,Charlottetown,Prince Edward Island, wasborn April 29th, 1850, atWest Newton, Lot 26, P.E.I.His parents, Bernard and(Hughes)MargaretMcCourt, were natives ofIreland, and highly respectedfor their honesty and industry.After a publicschool education, Mr. Mc-Court entered a printingoffice where he learned theart of printing. In 1876 hestarted the Advertiser inGeorgetown, P. E. whichI.,he conducted with muchusefulness and vigor until1882. From 1885 untilMr. McCourt held a1892,position in the registry office,Charlottetown, during partof which time he collectedunder great difficulties, thematerial for the work entitled"Biographyand Speechesof Hon. E.Whelan," publishedin 1888. The subjectof this volume was, for manyyears, a leading statesmanof P. E. Island, and the biography, thuswritten, has been a very valuable work.In 1890, when the Watchman was started,Mr. McCourt assumed the editorship,and now givesit his entire timeand attention, and under his ablemanagement the paper has be<strong>com</strong>ewidely known throughout the Island,and is a powerful organ in the interestsof the conservative party. In religion,Mr. McCourt belongs to the RomanCatholic Church, and in politics he isa staunch Liberal-Conservative, and anactive and influential member of hisparty. He ispresident of the BenevolentIrish Society, and second vicepresidentof the Catholic Mutual BenefitAssociation of Charlottetown. In1883, Mr. McCourt was married toMiss Fannie B. Byrne, daughter ofthe late Martin Byrne, Esq., of Georgetown,by whom he has five children,three sons and two daughters. Mr.McCourt is an enthusiastic journalist,a loyal Canadian and believes stronglyin British institutions and tolerationtowards all classes and creeds, alwayshas the courage of his convictions,and is fearless in defending the rightand denouncing the wrong, consequentlyhe has the esteem and considerationof all who know him.

JVlENOKr. MOSES P. ORSER, Pastorthe Free Baptist Church,Hartland, Carleton County,N. B., was born in the parish of Brighton,Carleton County, November 22nd,1833. He is the son of Moses Orserand Martha Hamilton, his father wasborn on the farm our subject is nowliving on, and his mother in Lincoln,Sunbury County, N.B. His grandfather,William Orser, came to thiscountry with the U. E. Loyalists, andfor a few years resided near Fredericton,after which he removed to Hartland,where he resided until his death. Mr.Orser received his education at thepublic schools of CarletonCounty, and on leavingschool, went on the farm,and continued farming until1 870, when he <strong>com</strong>menced tostudy for the ministry, andwas ordained December26th, 1875, his first pastoratebeing the parish of Peel,Carleton County. He wasthen at Simmons, CarletonCounty, and CanterburyStation, York County. Hethen labored for some yearsin Nova Scotia, afterwardsreturning to Carleton County,where he now resides.He was chairman of theFree Baptist Assembly ofNew Brunswick, for thirteenyears in succession, whenhe resigned, and becameassistant clerk for two years,and in 1893, he was againelected chairman, althoughnot being desirous of holdingthe position. Mr. Orserwas married, December3ist, 1853, to Caroline S.,daughter of G. R. Boyer,Esq., of Victoria Corner,parish of Wakefield, CarletonCounty, N.B. His family consistsof five children, three daughters ofwhom are now living ;the eldest isnow Mrs. David E.of Hart-Morgan,land, the second, Mrs. S. H. White, ofHartland, and the youngest is living athome. In his earlier days, Mr. Orserheld many municipal offices, and atpresent is auditor of the Carleton AgriculturalSociety, and chairman of theDairymen's Association of CarletonCounty. For five years he was a memberof the active militia, and for threeyears held the <strong>com</strong>mission of ensign inCapt. Vinces Company, and was afterwardselected captain of a <strong>com</strong>pany.

MEN OF* CAXADA. 485T^REDERICK JOHN BRADD,-I M.D., C.M., also Licientiate, UniversityState of New York, Oiiieinee.Out., was born in NorthumberlandCounty, Ont, October 3ist, 1860. Hisfather, John Bradd, was of U. E. Loyalistdescent, and his mother, JeanMasson, was born in Wales. Dr.Bradd received his primary educationat the public schools and the Colborueand Brighton High schools. Whenseventeen years of age, he procured ateacher's certificate, and taught for oneyear, after which he returned to theHigh School and secured a higher certificate,on which he taught in Percyfor five years.In 1884, he entered TorontoUniversity Medical College, wherehe remained four years, graduating in1888. He then removed to Campbellford,and in 1892, settled in Omeniee,where he has secured a large practice.In religion, Dr. Bradd is an adherentof the Church of England. He is amember of and physician to the I.O.O.F.and I. O.K. societies, also a member ofA.F. & A.M. He is a Conservative, andan advocate of Canadian Independence.May 27th, 1881, he married, MargaretVictoria, eldest daughter of Jas. McCormack,of Warkworth, Ont. His familyconsists of one son and two daughters.

486.J. K. FRASER, B. A., Mr. Fraser was educated at the PrincePresbyterian Minister, Alberton,P.E.I., was born there,of Wales College, Charlottetown, andAugust 3ist, 1864. His father, thelate Rev. Allan Fraser, was, for fifteenyears, the beloved pastor of the church,whose pulpit his son now occupies. from which he graduated in 1891, withHe died in 1870, aged 45 years, deeplyregretted. His wife, Annie Keir Fraser,who is still living and resides with herson, is a daughter of the late widelyknown Rev. Dr. Keir, professor of theoologyto the Lower Province Synod. Itwas but fitting, that the daughter of sucha revered and excellent man should bethe wife of one equally pious and Godly.Dalhousie University, Halifax, wherehe took the degree of B.A. in 1889, afterwhich he took his theological course inthe Presbyterian College, Montreal,first rank honors, taking the gold medal.While in Montreal, Mr. Fraser editedthe Presbyterian College Journal. Heis an earnest and eloquent advocate ofprohibition, and has been asked to publishhis lectures and speeches on thissubject, which are highly interesting.He entered upon his present chargein 1891.

JV1KN OR487TT QUILLA ORMSBY GRAY- don is resident engineer of the L. &_X~\ DON, City Engineer, London, P.V) S. R'y,is a member of the CanadianOnt., was born in that city, Society of Engineers, and of the LondonBoard of Trade. He is a memberlate Simpson Hackett Graydon, B.A., of the A.F. & A.M., Tuscan Lodge,July yth, 1854. His father was the(T. C. Dublin), barrister, etc., and exmayorof London. He and of the Scottish was Rite, also of L.O.L.,a prominentConservative, an alderman of Lon-Mizpah Lodge, belongs to the LondonNo. 298, and the Knights of Pythias,don for many years, and chairman of Club and the London Hunt Club. Mr.the Board of Education of that city for Graydonis well versed in all mattersseveral years. He was a man of brilliantparts, of sterling integrity, and religion, he is an Episcopalian, and inpertaining to civil engineering. Inthe better he was known, the more politics,highly esteemed he became. He a Conservative. He was a memberof the Town Council of Londonin 1884, deeply regretted. The subject East, the year it was amalgamated withdiedof this sketch was educated in the publicand Grammar schools ofthe city. He is unmarried.his native city. At seventeen,he entered the Merchants'Bank of Canada, inwhose service he remainedthree and a half years, butill health <strong>com</strong>pelled him torelinquish banking, and hewas soon after appointedpaymaster for Wm.Hendrie,of Hamilton, and for threeyears acted in that capacityon the W. G. & B. R'y,south extension, and on theHamilton and Lake ErieR'y. After this, he returnedto London, and studiedcivil engineering and architecture,under Robinson &Tracy, both of whom afterwardsbecame city engineersof London. In 1881,Mr. Graydon became a P.L.S., opened an office of hisown, and soon had a largepractice in the County ofMiddlesex. In 1891, he receivedhis present appointment,succeeding Col. Thos.H. Tracy, whose assistanthe had been for 'the threeprevious years. Mr. Gray-

488 OKJOSEPHB. MACDONALD,Merchant, Charlottetown, P.E.I.,was born in Souris, Kings Co.,P.E.I., March 22nd, 1848. His fatherwas the late Capt. Donald Allan Macdonald,and his mother's maiden namewas Mary McCormack. They formerlylived at St. Peter's, and were widelyknown and highly respected. Mr.Macdonald was educated in the publicschools of Souris. When about fifteenyears of age, he entered upon mercantilelife as a clerk, in the employ of Mr.Wm. Stone, Souris, with whom he remainedtwo years, after which he enteredthe establishment of the late Hon.Patrick Walker, of Charlottetown, remainingwith him five years. In 1870,Mr. Macdonald established his presentbusiness, which embraces dry goods,clothing, boots and shoes. In 1892, hewas burnt out, but immediately rebuilt,and now has a finer trade and betterstock than ever. His establishmenthas the reputation for honorable dealing,and as such controls a large trade inthe city of Charlottetown and countrysurrounding. In business, he is enterprisingand pushing, and has a wideknowledge of his business, while sociallyhe is a liberal and public spiritedcitizen, universally esteemed. In religion,Mr. Macdonald is aRoman Catholic, and inpolitics, a Liberal, an activeand influential memberof his party. He isvice-president of the CaledoniaClub, of Charlottetown,president of the C.M.B.A., of that city, and amember of the Board ofSchool Trustees of Charlottetown,for ten years,three of which he was chairman.He has been marriedtwice :first, in 1876, toMiss Elizabeth Quirk, adaughter of John Quirk,Esq., of Charlottetown,P.E.I., by whom he had onedaughter, and again in 1881,to Catharine, daughter ofJames McDonald, Esq., ofOrwell, and niece of theVery Reverend MonsieurJames McDonald, of St.Andrew's, by whom he hashad four sons and three:daughters, namely JosephBernard, Mary, Annie Elizabeth,Ernest Somerled,Frederick Charles, LouisJames and Agnes.

INDEX.Adams, George W., Fredericton, N.B. 457Adamson, Robert, Virden, Man. . . .325Addy, Geo. A. B., M.D., St. John, N.B. 232Agnew, John, Alberton, P.E.I 410Agnew, Niven, M.D., Winnipeg, Man. .296Aikins, Hon. James Cox., P.C., LL.D.,Toronto, Ont 342Alexander, J. R., M.D., Montreal, Que. 471Allen, Hon. Sir John Campbell, K.B.,LL.D., Fredericton, N.B 21Allen, Rev. John Salter, Richibucto, N. B. 79Allison, J. Walter, Halifax, N.S. ... 19Allison, Leonard, Sussex, N.B '50Alloway, Wm. Forbes, Winnipeg, M. .234Anderson, Robt. Alex., Vancouver, B.C. 36Archibald, Blowers, North Sydney, CapeBreton 311Archibald, Wm. H., North Sydney, N.S. 337Archibald, Donald, Sheriff, Halifax, N.S. 112Armstrong, Hugh, M.P.P., Portage LaPrairie, M 139Armstrong, J. Neville, N. Sydney, N.S. 343Ashby, John Burkill, St. Paul's, Man. .361Ashdown, J. H., J.P., Winnipeg, Man. .380Ashley, Wm. Henry, Boissevain, Man. .424Baker, Hon. Loran Ellis, M.L.C., Yarmouth,N.S 174Bannatyne, The lateHon. And. GrahamBallenden, Winnipeg, M 301Barker, Frederic E., Q.C., St. John, N.B. 237Barrett, J. Kelly, LL.D., Winnipeg, M. 310Barren, William Caven, London, Ont. .452Bathgate, William, Winnipeg, Man. . .290Beatty, Wm., M. A., LL.B., Parry Sound. 252Beauregard, Rev. J. Ludger, Waterloo, Q. 434Bell, Adam Carr., New Glasgow, N.S. .451Belliveau, Rev. Phil. L., Barachois, N.B. 51Benson, Edward, M.D., Bensonhurst,Winnipeg, Man 1 1Bernier, Hon. Thos. A., St. Boniface, M. 26Berrie, Rev. J. Charlton, Hillsboro, N.B. 317Bessette, A. H. S. (Magog, Que 346Best, Rev. John Harden, New West-.402minster, B.C. .54Black, C. Allan, M.U., Amherst, N.S.Black, J. Burpee, M.D., Windsor, N.S. .197Black, J. Ferguson, B.A.,M.U., Halifax. 99Black, The late Rev. John, D.D., Kildonan,M. 306Black, William Ross, B.A., Carman, M. 292Blackmer, Reuben, Fredericton, N.B. .403Blakely, Elgin Adams, M.D., Winnipeg. 226Borthwick, Rev. Hugh J., A.M., Morden 313Boswell, Lieut. Col. Charles Musgrave,A. B.C., Winnipeg, Man. ..... 377Boucher, Rev. Father Amadeus A., UpperCharlo, N.BBourque, Thomas Jean, M.D., RichibuctoBousquet, J.S., Montreal, Que. .';.. 38Bowen, G. A., M.D..C.M., Magog, Q.Bowman, Rev. Archibald,. .New Glasgow399245Bowman, William, London, Ont. . . .448Boyd, Hon. Nath., M.P., Carberry, M. .32Boyle, Robert Clarke, M.D., Morden, M. 409Bradd, Fred. J., M.D..C.M., Omenee, O. 485Braithwaite, Edward Ainslie, M.D., Edmonton,Alta 427Brecken, Rev. Ralph, M.A.,D.D., Fredericton,N.B 185Bridgman, Rev. Wellington, Deloraine, M. 260Brigham, Isaac R., Moosomin, Assa . .72Brigstocke, Frederick Herveyjohn, D.D.,St. John, N.B 27Brown, George Wesley, Port Arthur, O. 192Browne, George, Winnipeg, M 222

490 INDEXBrunet, Alfred, Montreal, Q 164Bryce, Rev. Dr. B.A.,M.A., LL. B.,LL.D., Winnipeg, M 314Buchanan, Rev. Thos. C., Carberry, M. 264Burke, Rev. Alfred Ed., B.D., Alberton. 435Burrows, Theo. A., M. P. P., Winnipeg, M. 291Byrne, Rev. Father Edward John,B.A.,Sussex, N.B 47Calder, John Geo., M.D., C.M., Medecine.340Hat, Assa 98Caldwell, John Fraser, Winnipeg, M. .Calhoon, George, Hopewell Cape, N.B. .385Callbeck, Hon. Henry John, Charlottetown,P.E.I 456Cameron, The Right' Rev. John, D.D.,Ph.D., Antigonish, N.S 261Cameron, The Hon. John Donald,B.A.,Winnipeg, MCampbell, Duncan Hugo, Toronto, O . .1393Campbell, Enoch M., Woodstock, N.B. .481Campbell, Geo. Huestis, Winnipeg, M. .214Campbell, Guy, Ottawa, 49Carleton, John Louis, St. John, N.B. . .191Carroll, J. T., M.D., C.M., Vancouver,B.C 323Carruthers, Geo, M.D., Alberton, P.E.I. 411Carscallen, Alvin D., M.D., Morris, M. .364Caven, Rev. Wm., Manitou, M 297Chalmers, The late John, Poole, O. . .89Cherrier, Rev. Alphonsus Avila, Winnipeg,M 210Chipman, Judge, John P., Kentville, N.S. 25Chisholm, Colin, Sydney, N.S 275Chisholm, Rev. John J., P.P., Pictou, N.S. 247Chisholm, Rev. Daniel A., D.D., Antigonish,N.S 259Church, Charles Edward, M.P. P. andM.E.C., Halifax, N.S 159Clinton, Rev. Henry Glynne-Fiennes,Vancouver, B.C 208Cochrane, Robert Rutherford, B.A., Winnipeg,M 391Colcleugh, Frederick William, M.P. P.,Selkirk, M 24Conmee, James, M.P. P., Port Arthur, O. 29Cook, Henry George, B.A., M.D., C.M.,Manitou, M 312Cooper, Rev. H. D., M.A., Holland, M. 239Cooper, Hugh M., M.D., New Westminster,B.C 48Cormier, Rev. F. X., Cocagne, N.B. . .146Crawford, Hon. John, Neepawa, M. . .250Crisp, Rev. James, Sussex, N.B 37Crisp, Robert Isaac, Souris, M 308Crisp, Rev. Robt. S., Salisbury, N.B. .351Crowell, S. Atwood, Yarmouth, N.S. .156Cumberland, Thomas Dickey, Judge,.244Brandon, M 392Gumming, Rev. Robert, Westville, N. S. 359Gumming, Rev. Thomas, Truro, N.S. .246Curry, Duncan Steele, Winnipeg, M. .Curry, Nathaniel, Mayor, Amherst, N.S. 8Dagenais, Edward, Montreal, Q 43Daley, Major John, Digby, N.S 166Daniel, John W., M.D., St. John, N.B. .229.406Darrach, D., M.D., Kensington, P.E.I.Davidson, John A., M.P. P., Neepawa, M. 120Davidson, Thomas, Montreal, Q 415Davies, L.H., Q.C., M.P., Charlottetown,P.E.I 461Day, Rev. B. W., Granby, QDe Blois, Wm. Minet, Annapolis Royal,479N.S 199Dennis, James Duncan, Yarmouth, N. S. 153D'Eschambault, Joseph Alexander F.,M.D., Winnipeg, M 395Dewitt, George Erastus, M.D., Woltville,N.S 195Doane, F. W. W., Halifax, N.S. ... 71Doherty, I.Wilson, M.D., Kingston, N.B. 149Doherty, Wm. Woodly, M.D., Campbellton,N.B 388Dollard, Rev. Father William, St. Stephen,N.B 219Donaldson, Samuel James, Prince Albert,Saskatchewan 148Donald, Wni. A., B.A., Pilot Mound, M. 253Doody, Rev. Walter J., Annapolis, N.S. 119. .Dore, Joseph, Emery, Montreal, Q. 39Dowswell, Albert E., Fort William, O. . 126. .294.295Doyle, Rev. Father E., Mill Town, N.B. 215Drewry, Edward L,., Winnipeg, M.Drewry, Fred. William, Winnipeg, M.Drewry, Geo., Rat Portage, Out 408

INDEX.49 iDrinnan, John, Medicine Hat, Assa. . .440Drummond, Henry Mowat, Winnipeg, M. 455Drummond, Rev. Father Lewis Henry,Winnipeg, M 347Dubuc, Arthur, Montreal, Q 52Dumaresq, James C., Halifax, X.S. . .96Duncan, Gideon Mitchell, M.D., BathurstVillage, N.B 367Duncan, James, P. M., J.P., Glenboro.M. 371Dunn, Right Rev. A.H., D.D., Quebec,Q. 464Durien, Right Rev. Paul, New Westminster,B.C 370Dyke, Rev. Joshua, Moosomin, N.W.T. 158Ellis, Wm. Harrington, Victoria, B.C. .34Emmons, Wm. Edward, L.D.S., D.D.S.,Winnipeg, M 300Esty, E. J., J. P., Eastman, Q 462Fairchild, F. A., Winnipeg, Man .. . . 262Fairweather, Fred. Lawrence, LL.B.,Sussex, N.B 324Farquharson, The late Rev. Alexander,Sydney, C.B., N.S 282Farquharson, Rev. Jas., Pilot Mound, M. 353Fergie, Charles, Westville, N.S 242Ferguson, Alex. H., M.D., Winnipeg, M. 194Ferguson, Hugh McKay, Kingston, N.B. 465Finlayson, Allan, Charlottetown, P.E.I. 405Fisher, J., M. A., M. P. P., Winnipeg, M. 20Fiske, Rev. Daniel, Florenceville, N.B. .476Fitzgerald, John, Portuguese Cove, N. S. 372Fogo, Hon. James, Pictou, N.S 285Forbes, James Temple, Moncton, N.B. .482Forsyth, Rev. D., A.B., Chatham, N.B. . 1 1 1Fotheringham, Rev. Thomas Francis,M. A., St. John, N.B 201Fowler, Rev. Alfred, B.A., Morris, M.. . 268Fox, Rev. Lawrence Charles Prideaux,O.M.I., Winnipeg, MFrame, James Finley, Virden, M . . . .31688Fraser, Byron, Morden, M 326Fraser, Hon. J. J., Q.C., Fredericton, N.B. 157Fraser, Rev. J. K., B.A., Alberton,P.E.I. 486Gahan, Garner, M.A., M.D., C.M., Hartney,M 284Gauvin, George A., Halifax, N.S. ... 80Geggie, Rev. And. Logan, Truro, N.S. .332George, Dr. Henry M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Calgary, Alta 82Gibson, Robert, M.D., Watford, O. . .57Gillies, Jos. Alex., M.P., Sydney, N.S. . 281Gilmour, Lieut. -Col., A. H., StanbridgeEast, Q...475Gilroy, Thomas, Winnipeg, M 330Girdlestone, Geo. Wm., Winnipeg, M. .436Gisborne, Hartley, Qu'Appelle, Assa. . 106Givan, William Roger, Moncton, N.B. .386Glass, W. W. 268, Yonge st., Toronto, O. 304.Glines, Geo. A., Winnipeg, M 348Gordon, D. McD., M.D., Lucknow, O.Gove, Harry, M.D., St. Andrews, N.B .258327. 211Gove, Sam. T,, M.D., St. Andrews, N.B. 267Grain, Orton Irwin, M.D., Selkirk, M. .421Gray, Rev. James, M.A., Sussex, N.B. .45Graydon, Aquilla Ormsby, London, O. .487Greenway, The Hon. T., Winnipeg, M. .14Greer, Geo. M., M.A., Halifax, N.S .Grimmett, Martin L., Winnipeg, M . . .137Gurd, Charles, Montreal, Q 130Hagel, N. F., Q.C., Winnipeg, M . . . 200Hague, Rev. Dyson, M.A., Halifax, N.S. 53Haig, Rev. A. McDonald, B.A., Glenboro,M 307Hall, Herbert Ernest, D.D.S., New Westminster,B.C 44Hall, Walter Henry, Virden, M 287Hames, Rev. Arthur Benjamin, Ph. B.,Oak Lake, M 151Hannay, James, St. John, N.B 217Hans<strong>com</strong>, Wm. Warren, Havelock, N.B. 349Harcourt, George, B.S.A., Charlottetown,P.E.I 412Harris, Robert E., Q.C., Halifax, N.S. .94Harrison, David Howard, M.D., C.M.,Neepawa, M 125Hart, Rev. Thomas, M.A., B.D., Winnipeg,Man 318. .46. .65Hartney, James H., M.P.P., Souris, M. 345Harvey, A. E., M.D., Wyoming, O.Harvey, Leander, M.D., Watford, O.Heap, James, Selkirk, M 362Henderson, D., M.D., F.R.C., P. &S.,Kingston, 145

172419.379472jMacArthur,P.E.IMacGillvary,IMackay,Arthur,Macrae,492 INDEX.Henderson, Rev. Wm. Goold, Winnipeg. 188Henneberg, C. Otto Paul, Winnipeg, M. 273Hepburn, Wm. David, Preston, O. . . .420Herring, Richard O., Petrolia, O. . . .466Hetherington, G. Albert, M.D., St. John 225Laird, George Jackson. M.A., Ph.D.,. .. .Winnipeg, M 390Lang, Hamilton, Moose Jaw, Assa. .107Langis, Jos. Antoine, M.D., Petit Rochtr 124Lathern, Rev. John, D.D., Halifax, N.S.Law, Wm., M.P.P., Yarmouth, N.S. . .73167Lawson, Geo. , LL.D., Halifax, N.S. 240Lewis, William James, M.D., M.P.P.,..381. ..Hewitt, Rev. Noah, M.A., B.D., Manitou 289Hewson, Charles Wentworth Upham,M.D., Amherst, N.S 401Hodd, James, Stratford, 122Hillsboro, N.B. 31Hodges, Rev. David H., Oak Lake, M. 92 Little, Rev. Henry Wm., Sussex, N.B. .333Hogan, M.P., Charlottetown, P.E.I. 450 Long, Rev. George Henry, Souris, M.Hogg, Rev. Joseph, Winnipeg, M. 189 i^ud, George Edward, Farnham, Q.Holdsworth, Judge John, Digby, N.S. Luxton, William Fisher, Winnipeg, M. .467133.396.365Hoskin, Rev. James, Carman, M. . . .277 Lyons, Hon. Robert Fern, M.P.P., Car-Housser, David, Beamsville, 319 berry, M .216Howard, Rev. Samuel, Hampton, N.B. .59Hubbard, Armiger Ibbot, Montreal, Q. Duncan, Winnipeg, M. . .256Hughes, Rev. B. N., Hopewell CapeMacCharles, Roderick William, M.D.,Hutchings, E. F., Winnipeg, M. ... 182 C.M., Cypress River, M 344Hyndman, Fred. Wm., Charlottetown .MacDonald, Angus J., Sydney, N.S. ..265|. .Macdonald, Joseph B., Charlottetown,Inkster, Colin, Sheriff, Winnipeg, M. .488Ireland, William, Parry Sound, O. . . . 280 IA. D., M.D., Sydney, N.S. 278Alex. Howard, B.A., B.Sc.,Jack, Isaac Allen, Q.C., St. John, N.B. .177 LL.D., F.S.Sc. (London) F.R.Sc.,Jack, Rev. Lewis, Buctouche, N.B. 76 Halifax, N.S 9Jaques, George Edward, Montreal, Q..Mackid, H. Goodsir, M.D., Calgary, Alta. 41James, Henry Havelock, Buctouche, N.B. 223 Machray, Most Rev. Robt., Winnipeg, M. 355Jardine, Thos., Kingston, Kent Co., N.B. 147 Macklin, Marshall, M.D., M.C., P.S.O.,Johnson, Rev. Levi Stephens, Newcastle. 431 Portage la Prairie, M 121Johnson, Rev. Walter R., Killarney, M. 338 Maclean, Rev. John, M.A., Ph.D., PortJohnson, Wm. H., M.R.C.S., Fergus, O. 238I162Jones, J. R., M.D., Winnipeg, M. . , .. 173 Macleod, D. J., Charlottetown, P.E.I. ..17Macmillan, Rev. J., B.A., B.D., Halifax,Kaulbach, Archdeacon James Albert, N.S 68M.A., Truro, N.S 231 Macmonagle, Melborne, St. Stephen, N.B. 227Kennedy, The late Lieut. Col. Hon. Macmorine, Rev. Samuel, M.A., PortageWilliam Nassau, Winnipeg, M. . .305 La Prairie, M 286King, Edwin David, Q.C., Halifax, N.S. 141|Alex. W., A.M., St. John, N.B. 241'.138King, Rev. John M., M. A., Winnipeg, M. 376 Macrae, Rev. Donald, D.D., St. John,Kinnear, Thos. Anderson, Sackville, N.B. 35 N.B 221Kirchhoffer, Hon. Senator John Nesbitt, Mader, Anthony Ivan, M.D., C.M., Ha-Brandon. M. .169 lifax, N.SKirkpatrick, Everind A., M.D., C.M., Markham, Major Alfred, St. John, N.B. 206Halifax, N.S ; . . . 102 Martin, Jean-Baptiste A., Montreal, Q..33Martin, Joseph, Winnipeg, M 30Laing, Rev. Robert, M.A., Halifax, N.S. 132 Martineau, F. R. S., Montreal, Q... .77Laird, Hon. David, Charlottetown, P.E.I. 429 Masse, Rev. E. N., Grande Digue, N.B. 63

INDEX. 493McAvenney, Andrew Francis, D.D.S.,St. John, N.B 263McColl, Ebenezer, Winnipeg, M. ... 274McConnell, Benjamin James, M.D., Morden,M 414McConnell, John, M.B., Toronto, O. . .404McCourt, Peter, Charlottetown, P.E.I. .483McCoy, Rev. Joseph, Chatham, N.B. . .117McCully, William, Truro, N.S 224McCutcheon, Hugh, Kamlocps, B.C. . .418McDevitt, Rev. Father J., M.A., Sussex,N.B 75McDevitt, Rev. James Charles, Fredericton,N.B 171McDiarmid, A., M.D., Winnipeg, M, . 161McDonald, Rev. Win. Bernard, B.D.,Lourdes, N.S 220McDonald, Right Rev. Jas. Chas, D.D.,Charlottetown, P.E.I 398McDonald, The late Very Rev. Daniel,D.D., Charlottetown, P.E.I 430McDougall, Adam Gerrond, J.P., Virden,M ...... 84McEwen, James Arthurson, M.D., Melbourne,86McFadden, John Jas, M.D., Neepawa, M. 163Mclnnis Herman Lewis, M.D., C.M.,Edmonton, Alta 56Mclntosh, Rev. D. J., P.P., North Sydney,N.S 257Mclntyre, John, Fort William, O. ... 251Mclntyre, Right Rev. Peter, D.D., Charlottetown,P.E.I 432McKellar, John, Fort William, O. . . .154McKenzie, JohnT., Charlottetown, P. E.I. 445McKiel, Rev. Win. Le Baron, St. Martins,N.B 315McLarren, Prince Doane, Halifax. N.S. 95McLean, Donald, Calgary, Alta 74McLean, Honorable Daniel, Portage LaPrairie, M 336McLean, John Clarke Carlos de Leano,L.D.S., Montreal, Q 69McLean, John William, M.D., C.M.,North Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S. .299McLelan, Hon. Arch., W., Halifax, N.S. 5473McLeod, Ezekiel, Q.C., M.P., St. John,N.B. .McLeod,Rev. Hugh, A.M., D.D., Sydney,C.BMcLeod, Wm. McKenzie, M.D., Sydney,283C.B 309McMicken, the late Hon. Gilbert, Winnipeg,M 1 8McMillan, Col. D. H., Winnipeg, Man. 15McNeill, Hon. Daniel, M. P. P., PortHood, C.B 23McNinch, Rev. Abner Mercereau, F.C.. . .474. .170Petitcodiac, N.B 127Meahan, John C., M.D., Bathurst Village,N.B.Meikle, John Lovell, Port Arthur, O.Michaud, Rev. F.X.Jos., Buctouche.N.B. 90Mitchell, John F. , Winnipeg,M 178Moir, John, Holland, M 382Monroe, Robert Gordon, Digby, N.S. . .203423Moore, Dr. James Walker, St. Stephen,N.B. . .Moortel, Rev. Theophilus Van De, Belledune,N.B 136Moran, Capt. Wm. Henry, St. Martins,N.B 335Morrison, Jos. H., M.D., St. John, N.B. 179Morrison, Rev. Peter M., Halifax, N.S. 60Morrison, William Somerville, M.D.. St.John, N.B 407Morse, Clinton Jas., M.D., Amherst, N.S. 446Morse, Edward Jas., B.A., Windsor, N.S. 108.134.383Morse, William Agnew Denny, Judge,Amherst, N.S 339Moseley, Hon. E. .Tilton, Q.C., Sydney 269Mott, The late John P., Halifax, N.S.Mulvey, Major Stewart, Winnipeg, M.Murphy, Rev. Edward F., D.D., Halifax 83Murphy, Dr. Martin, Halifax, N.S. . .58Murray, George H., M.L.C., N. Sydney 328Neill, James Stewart, Fredericton, N.B. .425Newman, Frederick Leslie, Portage LaPrairie, M 131Niblock, John, Medecine Hat, Assa. . . 101. .Nicholson, Robt., M.D., Newcastle, N.B. 104Niles, D.C., L.D.S., Winnipeg, M.Nolan, Michael F. , Montreal, Q46081Norton, R.B., Charlottetown, P.E.I. . .447Norquay, The late Hon. J., Winnipeg, M. 10

INDEX.O'Donnell, John Harrison, M.D., Winni-Reid, Jas.W T ., M.D., C.M., Windsor, N.S. 478peg, M.............. 196 Richards, Hon. Win.. ex-M.P.P.. Ellerslie.P.O., P.E.I 480O'Keefe, Rev. Father Michael Alexis,Grand Falls, N.B......... 454 Ritchie, Hon. Allan, Newcastle, N.B. .428Oland, John Culverwell, Mayor, Dartmouth,N.S............ 207 Robertson, Jas. Edwin. M.D., C.M., Mon-Robbins, Rev. John, Truro, N.S. . . . 181O'Malley, R. G., M.P.P., Lome, M. . .230 tague, P.E.I 357Orser, Rev. Moses P., Hartland, N.B. .484 Robertson, J. Palmerston, Winnipeg. M. 22Orton, Geo. T., M.R.C.S. Winnipeg, M. 202 Robinson, Alex., B.A., Vancouver, B.C.Oulton, Alf. K., Judge, Dorchester, N.B. 160 Roche, Wm. Jas., M.D., Minnedosa, M.Palmer, Charles Arthur, IX- B., Q.C., Rogers, Benjamin, M.P.P., Charlottetown,P.E.I 438St. John, N.B........... 394Parmelee, Charles .Henry, Waterloo, Q. 442 Rogers, Frederick, D.C.L. Sault Ste.Parsons, Rev. Jos. Thos., F.C., Marysvine,N.B............ 187 Roland, Walpole, Port Arthur, O. . . .Marie, 118198Partridge, Rev. Francis, M.A., D.D.,Ross, Rev. Andrew W., Portage La Prairie,M 150Halifax, N.S........... 70Pascoe, Rev. Joseph, Petitcodiac, N.B. .109 Ross, The late Rev. Ebenezer.Truro, N.S. 449Paterson, James Alic, M. D., C. M., Rouleau, Ed. Hector., M.D., Calgary,Killarney, M........... 266 Alta 66Paton, James, Charlottetown, P.E.I. . .426 Rouleau, Hon. Chas. B., Calgary, Alta. 28Payson, Rev. George Best, Fredericton .176 Rourke, Wm. Henry., St. Martins, N.B. 288Pelton, Sandford H., Q.C., Yarmouth .389 Routledge, Tom, J. P., Virden, M. . . .142Pentreath, Rev. Canon Edwyn Sandys Rowand, Rev. William, Liddle Hislop.Wetmore, B.D., Winnipeg, M. . . .190 Fort William, 212Perrin, Albt. Mitchell, M.D., Yarmouth .193 Rurnball, Rev. Mark C., B.A., Morden,M. 184Peters, Thos. W., LL-D, St. John, N.B. 209 Rutherford, John, Stellarton, N.S. ... 243Pettes, The late Nathaniel, M.P., Knowlton,Q.............. 470 Sables, Rev. Chas. Watson, Campbellton,Ryan, Thomas, Winnipeg, M 180Pitblado, Rev. C. B., Winnipeg, M. . . 218 N.B 115Pither, Robert J. Nicholson, Rat Portage 354 Scanlan, Michael, Montreal, Q 439Poison, Rev. Samuel, Hartney, M. . . .378 Schaffner, Fred. Lawrence, M.D., C.M.Porter, George Marks, St. Stephen, N.B. 233 Boissevain, M 249Powell, Henry A., M.A., M.P.P., Sackville,N.B....... ..... 416 Winnipeg, M 437Schultz, Hon. John Christian, M.D.,Prendergast, Hon. James Emile Pierre,Scott, Thomas, Winnipeg,M. P. P., Saint Boniface, M..... . . ." . .356204 Scouler, Rev. Thomas., New Westminster,B.C 62Preston, Nassau Robinson, Winnipeg, M. 270Price, William Henry, M.D., Butternut Scovil.S. S., C.M., M.D., Rat Portage, O. 468Ridge, N.B............ 4 J3 Seeley, Rev. Geo., Petitcodiac, N.B. . . tooProwse, L. E., M.P.P., Charlottetown, Semmens, Rev. John, Winnipeg, M. . . 186P.E.I.............. 444 Shanks, Alb. Livingston, M.D., C.M..Purdy, Silas, M.D., Albert, N.B. ... 363 Miami, M 272Purves, William, North Sydney, C.B. . 16 Sharp, Isaac Clarence, M. D., Marysville,N.B 175Rainnie, Rev.Wm. Wright, St. John, N.B. 91 Shaw, Rev. John, New Glasgow, N.S. . 228Redmond, James, Winnipeg, M..... 276 Shortt, Alfred, Halifax, N.S 155Redpath, Peter, Montreal, Q...... 369 Sifton, Clifford, Brandon, M 12

INDEX. 495Simpson, Rev. Allan, Halifax, N.S. ..67Simpson, R. M., M.D., C.M., Winnipeg,M 334Skillen, William Edgar, J. P., St. Martins,N.B 279Smith, Captain W. H., F.R.G.S., Halifax,N.S 114Smith, Chas. Reynolds, Amherst, N.S. .400Smith, Joshua Newton, M.D., Hampton,N.B 55Smith, Henry Hall, Winnipeg, Man. . .320Smith, Montague A. B., M.D., Halifax, 103Smith, Samuel C., Uxbridge, 441Somerset, John Beaufort, Winnipeg, M. 293Sparling, John Henry, M.D., C.M., PilotMound, M 368Sparling, Jos. Walter, M.A., D.D., Winnipeg,M 374Spencer, Elijah Edmond, M.P.P., Frelighsburg,Q 417Spencer, Rev. W. H., B.A., Montague,P.E.I 422Spera, Archibald E., Winnipeg, M. . .298Starr, John, Halifax, N.S 129Stephens, George W., jr. Montreal, Q..459Stevens, Hon. James G., Q.C., St. Stephen,N.B 235Stevens, Hy. Thaddeus, Moncton, N.B. .373Stewart, Frank Duncan, Carman, M. . .322Stewart, Rev. A., B.D., Winnipeg, M. 375Stobart, Frederick Wm., Winnipeg, M. 321Stoyte, J. Chas., B.A., M.B., Souris, M. 360Strong, Charles W., Sutnmerside, P.E.I. 469Sturdee, Henry Lawrence, M.A., St.John, N.B 255Summers, Rev. Donald, J., L,.D. Prospect,N.SSutherland, John, Kildonan, M .152248. . .Sutherland, Rev. Hugh Campbell, B.A.,Carman, M350Sutherland, Rev. John Sanders, B.A.,Sussex, N.B 42Tache, The most Rev. Alex. Antonin,St. Boniface, M 113Taylor, The late J. W., Winnipeg, M. .397Taylor, Thomas B.. Watford, O. .61. .123Templeman, William, Victoria, B.C.Tennant, Matthew, Fredericton, N. B. 443Thompson, A. Stewart, M.B., L.R.C.P.,Strathroy, 73Thornton, Robert Stirton, M.B., C.M.,Deloraine, M 393Tobin, Wm, M.D., Halifax, N.S. ... 105Torrens, Benj. Henry, Fredericton, N.B. 168Travers, Boyle, M.D., St. John, N.B. . .183Tupper, Jas. Stewart, Q.C. Winnipeg, M. 7,Tupper, Hon. Sir Chas., Bart, G.C.M.G.,C.B., LIv.D., M.D., Amherst, N.S. 6Tweed, Thos., M.L.A., Medicine Hat, A. 64Urquhart, Rev. Alex., Brandon, M. . .384Vincent, Rev. Thos. ,D.D., Moose FactoryN. W. T 302Walker, Hon., David Marr, Winnipeg, M. 165Walton, Rev. Thos. Henry Jackson, B.A.Morden, M. . . .254Ware, Wm T., Montreal, Que 458Watson, Hon. Robt, M.P.P. Winnipeg, M. 205Weaver, Rev. G. D., Montague, P. E. I.453Weddall, John James, Fredericton, N.B. 433Weidman, James, Rat Portage, O. . . .236. .Weir, W. A., Rat Portage, 341Wemyss, John, M.A., Neepawa, M. . .143White, Rev. Alg. Silva, B. A., Carman, M. 358noWhite, Wm, Q.C., Moosomin, Assa.Whitman, Alf.,B. A., LL. B. , Halifax, N.S. 87Wickwire, The late John L,eander, Canning,N.S 128Wilcocks, Geo. Cornish, Granby, Q... 116Willis, The late Edward, St. John, N.B. 303Wilson, Hon. Herbert Charles, M.D..Edmonton, Alta 85Wishart, Capt. James, St. Martin's, N.B. 271Wood, J. Taylor, Halifax, N.S 97Wood, Rev. Charles, Souris, M 331Wright. William, Montreal, Q 477Wurtele, Rev. L. C., M.A., Actonvale, y. 463Young, Ainslie L,unham, Souris, M. . .366Young, J. Jackson, Moosomim, Assa. . .352Young, J. Pringle, Portage La Prairie, M. 135Young, The Rev. Geo., D.D., Toronto, O. 329Young, The Right Rev. R., D.D., Bishopof Athabaska 213

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