DX-9100 Digital Controller, Version 2 - Tech-System

DX-9100 Digital Controller, Version 2 - Tech-System DX-9100 Digital Controller, Version 2 - Tech-System

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Table 1: Point ConfigurationPoint Type Quantity CharacteristicsDX-9100 XT XTMAnalog Inputs 8 6 4/8 0-10 VDC (impedance 300 KΩ)0/4-20 mA DC (impedance 100 Ω)RTD Ni1000 (JCI), A99 (JCI), andPt1000 (DIN)XTM only:RTD Pt100 (DIN), Ni100 (DIN),potentiometer (5 kOhm)Digital (Binary) Inputs 8 4/8/16 4/8/16 Dry Contacts (potential free)Digital (Binary) Outputs 6 4/8/16 2…4/8/16 24 VAC Triacs (minimum 0.05 A,maximum 0.5 A)XT/XTM only: Relay Contact(250 VAC 3 amps)XTM only: Relays with momentary,magnetically latched or electricalhold operationAnalog Outputs 42 4/8 0-10 VDC (10 mA maximum) or0/4-20 mA DC40-10 VDC (10 mA maximum) onlyTable 2: XT Bus ConfigurationMaximum number of XT/XTMs per DX-9100 8Maximum number of I/Os for each XT/XTM8 analog + 8 digital (binary), or 16 digital (binary)Maximum number of I/Os from XT/XTMs per DX-9100 64Application Specific Controllers—DX-9100 Digital Controller, Version 2 7

Convenient Configuration SetupThe DX-9100 digital controller does not need tobe programmed in the traditional sense. Instead,the control algorithms, time programs andinput/output point assignments are configuredwith the use of a Graphic Configuration Tool,which runs under the Windows ® operatingsystem. The graphic software is installed on alaptop computer which is plugged into thecontroller’s RS-232-C port for loading theapplication configuration into the controller.The DX controller operating system is stored inFlash memory. Configuration data andparameters loaded into the controller and intothe extension modules are stored in EEPROM,so there is no need to reload software after aloss of power. Real time and operating data inthe controller are stored in battery backed RAM.Configuring a controller and its extensionmodules is a simple matter of selecting thedesired module types to form a flow chartdiagram, connecting inputs to control and logicblocks, and closing the control loop by makingthe connection from the control and logic blocksto the outputs. As the flow chart is being filled in,the set point parameters, gains, alarm limits,start and stop times, etc., are added to thecontrol and logic blocks and inputs and outputsto complete the configuration. Names may beentered for inputs, outputs and operatingparameters for use in the optional display unit orfor electronic transfer to the MetasysWorkstation data file.Display Unit (DT-9100)The display unit provides similar features to theintegral display panel, but the data whichappears on the screen is adapted to suit theapplication with user-defined names for eachvalue displayed. The control of outputs andmodification of operating parameters ispassword protected. Trend logs are shown ingraphic format and the main screen may showthe controlled equipment as a graphic diagramwith actual values displayed. The unit canmonitor up to eight DX controllers on an N2 Busand generate alarms and keeps a log of alarmswith the time and date of occurrence. Thedisplay unit is configured using the GraphicConfiguration Tool.Application FlexibilityThe DX-9100 digital controller can be configuredto meet a wide variety of basic HVAC andmultiple boiler or chiller central plantapplications. Configurations may be preconfiguredfor common applications to use as afoundation to customize your particular needs. Ifthe pre-configured examples don’t cover yourneeds, you can start with a blank flow charttemplate on the Graphic Configuration Tool, andconfigure a totally customized process to meetyour specific application requirements.In addition, points unused in the controlapplication can be used for supplementarysupervisory purposes by the Metasys network.Integral Display PanelOnce the controller and its extension modulesare configured, the operating parameters andinput/output values can be seen at the displaypanel built into the controller. Outputs can bemanually overridden and operating parametersmay be changed by an operator who hasplugged his security key into the controller. Thesame information viewed on the face of thecontroller can be displayed and changed fromany of the Metasys operator devices, or from theGraphic Configuration Tool when in onlinecommissioning mode.8 Application Specific Controllers—DX-9100 Digital Controller, Version 2

Table 1: Point ConfigurationPoint Type Quantity Characteristics<strong>DX</strong>-<strong>9100</strong> XT XTMAnalog Inputs 8 6 4/8 0-10 VDC (impedance 300 KΩ)0/4-20 mA DC (impedance 100 Ω)RTD Ni1000 (JCI), A99 (JCI), andPt1000 (DIN)XTM only:RTD Pt100 (DIN), Ni100 (DIN),potentiometer (5 kOhm)<strong>Digital</strong> (Binary) Inputs 8 4/8/16 4/8/16 Dry Contacts (potential free)<strong>Digital</strong> (Binary) Outputs 6 4/8/16 2…4/8/16 24 VAC Triacs (minimum 0.05 A,maximum 0.5 A)XT/XTM only: Relay Contact(250 VAC 3 amps)XTM only: Relays with momentary,magnetically latched or electricalhold operationAnalog Outputs 42 4/8 0-10 VDC (10 mA maximum) or0/4-20 mA DC40-10 VDC (10 mA maximum) onlyTable 2: XT Bus ConfigurationMaximum number of XT/XTMs per <strong>DX</strong>-<strong>9100</strong> 8Maximum number of I/Os for each XT/XTM8 analog + 8 digital (binary), or 16 digital (binary)Maximum number of I/Os from XT/XTMs per <strong>DX</strong>-<strong>9100</strong> 64Application Specific <strong>Controller</strong>s—<strong>DX</strong>-<strong>9100</strong> <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Controller</strong>, <strong>Version</strong> 2 7

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