Programme and abstracts - GIH

Programme and abstracts - GIH

Programme and abstracts - GIH


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Abstracts, Saturday June 8 th , 09.30-11.00, Oral paper presentationsTitle:Project of integration of girls 15-25 years old in The Swedish Tourist OrganisationAuthor/s:Elisabeth Nasimbwa <strong>and</strong> Pernilla Hörnfeldt, The Swedish Tourist Organisation, Sweden.Abstract:Svenska Turistföreningen (STF) or The Swedish Tourist Organization is one of the largestchains of accommodation providers in Sweden. At the same time, STF is one of the largestpopular movements in Sweden boasting a membership of roughly 300,000 members. Wework hard to facilitate tourists on their journeys across Sweden so that more <strong>and</strong> more c<strong>and</strong>iscover all the beautiful <strong>and</strong> exciting experiences our country has to offer. In 2002 STF held asummer camp in Gothenburg for girls aged 15-25 years. Approximately 20 girls participated atthe camp. Some girls were brought up in Sweden <strong>and</strong> some girls had only lived here for acouple of years. STF wanted to create a meeting place for girls with different backgrounds <strong>and</strong>at the same time create an interest for nature <strong>and</strong> culture for young women. At the summercamp the girls participated in group activities that included subjects such as confidence, selfesteem,equality, migration <strong>and</strong> human rights. In the activities the girls learned more aboutthemselves, Swedish nature <strong>and</strong> culture <strong>and</strong> also global issues. When the summer camp wasover the girls wanted to continue to meet <strong>and</strong> continue the activities <strong>and</strong> discussions they hadstarted at the camp. So they decided to start a girls association. They called it Tillsammans,which is Swedish for together, <strong>and</strong> they chose the tagline Känn dig själv, känn ditt l<strong>and</strong>, kännvärlden which roughly can be translated into “know yourself, know your country, know theworld”. A quote by Dag Hammarskjöld, former UN Secretary General <strong>and</strong> the posthumousrecipient of the Nobel Preace Prize in 1961. Hammarskjöld was also a board member in STFfor many years. Tillsammans’s activities are based in this sense <strong>and</strong> spirit.Today the focus isto provide camps for girls, where tey can meet new friends <strong>and</strong> together discover more aboutthemselves <strong>and</strong> new parts of Sweden.Hear more about the girl activities Tillsammans at the seminar. We will share our experiences<strong>and</strong> future visions.Title:A Century with Outdoor education in Swedish PE <strong>and</strong> School System - tensions of space <strong>and</strong>place.Author/s:Suzanne Lundvall, The Swedish School of Sport <strong>and</strong> health Sciences, Sweden.Abstract:Outdoor life has been a part of the Swedish PE <strong>and</strong> school system for more than a century. Astrong belief that outdoor life could contribute to children’s health, well being, as well as tonational identity has surrounded outdoor life on a steering document level. In spite of this,studies show that outdoor life gradually has decreased as content during the last decades.The aim of the study has been to increase the knowledge of how outdoor life has beenrepresented within school <strong>and</strong> PE. Method used is a curricula content analysis. The empiricalmaterial consists of curricula from 1905 to 2011. Two paradigm shifts emerge: i/ outdoor lifebecomes concentrated to the subject PE during early 1990s, ii/ a new <strong>and</strong> changed valuing ofoutdoor life is established in the steering documents, separating outdoor education fromsports activities out door. This can be understood as a result of a growing tension betweentwo different cultures of acknowledgement within the social practice of PE based on different‘logic of practices’, but also as a result of school reforms leaving a former culture of culturalliteracy such as the learning of l<strong>and</strong>scape, sense of place <strong>and</strong> literature.28

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