Programme and abstracts - GIH

Programme and abstracts - GIH

Programme and abstracts - GIH


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Abstracts, Thursday June 6 th , 11.30-13.00, Practical workshopsTitle:City Bound - Experience-oriented education in urban areasAuthor/s:Susanne Kaiser, bsj Marburg, Germany <strong>and</strong> Till Spindler, City Bound Wien, Austria.Abstract:Outward Bound, which has become a well-established approach in working with youngpeople, puts participants into natural settings. City Bound, in contrast, stages challenges inurban settings. Participants get a new perspective on their own familiar surroundings <strong>and</strong> thuson themselves. Moreover, for young people from rural areas, participating in a City Boundworkshop often is the very first experience of urban space. They get the opportunity todevelop their mobility <strong>and</strong> orientation skills <strong>and</strong>, subsequently, their individual scope of action.Historically, during the development of City Bound, the focus was transferring classicalexperiential education elements like climbing, roping, canoeing, etc. into the urbanenvironment. Recently, however, activities concerned with orientation <strong>and</strong> mobility in urbanareas <strong>and</strong> challenging social interactions have become increasingly important. Interviews withpersonalities such as a city's chief of police, games involving public transport or havingbreakfast in an open public space are potential building blocks of City Bound workshops.Since 1998 the bsj has held City Bound workshops with school classes <strong>and</strong> other youngpeople's groups <strong>and</strong> has continuously developed <strong>and</strong> adapted its City Bound concept.Beginning with an outline of the historical development of City Bound, this workshop willpresent the bsj's concept <strong>and</strong> practical approach as well as an exemplary project."Those who always does what he can already do, is always what it is already" (Henry Ford)Belief in oneself, orientation, mobility <strong>and</strong> the ability to convince people of oneself <strong>and</strong> one'sindividual concerns are crucial factors for a successful personality.Positive experiences in making contact with strangers will strengthen self-confidence <strong>and</strong>convincing manners.City Bound offers many ways to practice just this. A relatively new experiential learningapproach, it stages adventure challenges in everyday urban life. The focus is on challengingactivities that require acting as a team or on one's own in an unknown environment <strong>and</strong>unusual social situations.In this workshop we will perform a selection of typical CB activities. Afterwards we will reflectour experiences <strong>and</strong> discuss their implications for our work with young people.Title:To explore nature with the help of a map.Author/s:Kerstin Nilsson <strong>and</strong> Marie Aldener, Resarö skola, Sweden.Abstract:National <strong>and</strong> international research shows that it is unclear what the students should learn inschool physical education, <strong>and</strong> what content education should consist of for students todevelop the abilities stipulated by the curriculum (Lgr 11). According to the syllabus, studentsshould develop ”knowledge of how to follow maps <strong>and</strong> sketches in order to orient in differentenvironments, ranging from shopping centres to the forests <strong>and</strong> meadows”. The question iswhat this means, what are the students capable of when they know this? How do one teacharound an ability such as this?The benefit/purpose of learning to read, underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> follow a map can be interpreted as asafety aspect. If the students develop skills to orient there is little risk they will l<strong>and</strong> wrong/lost,giving them the opportunity to venture out in unknown environments. To underst<strong>and</strong> a map<strong>and</strong> be able to retrieve information from it is a skill useful in many contexts. Already in the17

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