Programme and abstracts - GIH

Programme and abstracts - GIH

Programme and abstracts - GIH


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11.30-13.00 Practical workshops indoors <strong>and</strong> outdoors of 60 min each <strong>and</strong> 30min transportThe auditorium Room 1505 Room 1506 Room 1504Susanne Kaiser. Till Spindler“City Bound - Experience-orientededucation in urban area”Kerstin Nilsson, Marie Aldener.“To explore nature with the help ofa map”Patrick Bartle, Therese Lundkvist-Jones“Livsnjutare” – a Swedish outdoorprojectMichal Krzywaznia“Interactive TheatricalWorkshop – Public SpaceAnimation”13.00-14.00 Lunch14.00-15.00 Poster session- Jan-Kåre Fjeld- Jonas Mikaels- Jan Seger- Geir Grimel<strong>and</strong>- Kerstin Stenberg- Magdalena Jędrzejczyk- Jane <strong>and</strong> Tara Acton- Lawrence Chapman- Jakob Frímann Þorsteinsson et al.15.15-15.45 Ann Epstein, The Swedish Outdoor Promoters – “Group activities –including or excluding?”. The auditorium.15.45-16.15 Coffee16.15-17.15 Parallel oral paper presentations of 30 min eachRoom 1504, Outdoor practices for socialintegration. Chair: Jonas AhnesjöBeth Christie.“‘Outdoor Journeys’: Reflecting on secondaryteachers’ <strong>and</strong> pupils’ experiences of local,urban outdoor journeys in Maths <strong>and</strong>Geography.”Room 1505, Classical outdoor activities.Chair: Suzanne LundvallRowena Passy, Sue Waite.“Natural Connections: the role of the naturalenvironment in addressing schools’ prioritiesin areas of high multiple deprivation.”Room 1506, Adventurous outdoor activities.Chair: Erik BackmanPip Lynch.“Exploring the role of trust for safetymanagement during near-urban outdooradventure activities”Yoshiko Asano.“The subject of ESD (Education forSustainable Development) on teacher trainingin early childhood education.-Throughcomparing Japan’s <strong>and</strong> Sweden’s ESDactivities.”Peter Becker, Kirsti Pedersen Gurholt, MartinLindner et.al. “Transcultural Perspectives onthe origins of Outdoor Pedagogies inEngl<strong>and</strong>, Germany, <strong>and</strong> Norway”Katarina Seyfferth.“City Bound – Insights into a participantorientated case study”17.30-20.00 Physical activities <strong>and</strong> sauna18.00-20.00 EOE Board meeting20.00-22.00 Dinner <strong>and</strong> evening programme10

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