WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies

WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies
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Using Global SettingsEnable TOS for IPSecThe Type of Service (TOS) bits are a set of four-bit flags in the IP header that can tell routingdevices to give an IP datagram more or less priority than other datagrams. Fireware® gives youthe option to allow IPSec tunnels to pass T0S flagged packets. Some ISPs drop all packets thathave TOS flags set.If you do not select the Enable TOS for IPSec check box, all IPSec packets have no TOS bits set.If the TOS bits were set before, when Fireware encapsulates the packet in an IPSec header, theTOS bits are cleared.When the Enable TOS for IPSec check box is selected, if the original packet has TOS bits setthen Fireware keeps the TOS bits set when it encapsulates the packet in an IPSec header. If theoriginal packet does not have the TOS bits set, Fireware does not set the TOS bits when itencapsulates the packet in an IPSec header.ICMP error handlingInternet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) controls errors during connections. It is used for two types ofoperations:• To tell client hosts about error conditions.• To probe a network to find general characteristics about the network.The Firebox sends an ICMP error message each time an event occurs that matches one of the parametersyou selected. If you deny these ICMP messages, you can increase security by preventing networkprobes, but it can also cause time-out delays for incomplete connections and can cause applicationproblems. The global ICMP error handling parameters and their descriptions are:Fragmentation Req (PMTU)The IP datagram must be fragmented, but this is prevented because the Don’t Fragment bit inthe IP header is set.Time ExceededThe datagram was dropped because the Time to Live field expired.Network UnreachableThe datagram could not get to the network.Host UnreachableThe datagram could not get to the host.Port UnreachableThe datagram could not get to the port.Protocol UnreachableThe protocol piece of the datagram cannot be delivered.TCP SYN checkingThe global TCP SYN checking setting is:Enable TCP SYN checkingThis feature makes sure that the TCP three-way handshake is done before the Firebox allows a dataconnection.76 WatchGuard System Manager

Creating SchedulesTCP maximum segment size adjustmentThe TCP segment can be set to a specified size for a connection that must have more TCP/IP layer 3 overhead(like PPPoE, ESP, AH, and so on). If this size is not correctly configured, users cannot get access tosome web sites. The global TCP maximum segment size adjustment settings are:Auto AdjustmentThe Firebox examines all maximum segment size (MSS) negotiations and changes the MSSvalue to the applicable one.No AdjustmentThe Firebox does not change the MSS.Limit toYou set a size adjustment limit.Authentication settingsThe global authentication setting is:Idle TimeoutSet the authentication idle time-out in minutes. An authenticated user session stopsautomatically if the user does not make a connection that uses authentication before the timeoutoccurs.Creating SchedulesYou can use schedules to automate some Firebox® actions such as WebBlocker tasks. You can create aschedule for all days of the week, or create a different schedule for each day of the week. You can thenuse these schedules in policies that you create. For information on how to use schedules in policies, seethe “Configuring Policies” chapter.1 From Policy Manager, select Setup > Actions > Schedules.The Schedules dialog box appears.User Guide 77

Creating SchedulesTCP maximum segment size adjustmentThe TCP segment can be set to a specified size for a connection that must have more TCP/IP layer 3 overhead(like PPPoE, ESP, AH, and so on). If this size is not correctly configured, users cannot get access tosome web sites. The global TCP maximum segment size adjustment settings are:Auto AdjustmentThe Firebox examines all maximum segment size (MSS) negotiations and changes the MSSvalue to the applicable one.No AdjustmentThe Firebox does not change the MSS.Limit toYou set a size adjustment limit.Authentication settingsThe global authentication setting is:Idle TimeoutSet the authentication idle time-out in minutes. An authenticated user session stopsautomatically if the user does not make a connection that uses authentication before the timeoutoccurs.Creating SchedulesYou can use schedules to automate some Firebox® actions such as WebBlocker tasks. You can create aschedule for all days of the week, or create a different schedule for each day of the week. You can thenuse these schedules in policies that you create. For information on how to use schedules in policies, seethe “Configuring Policies” chapter.1 From Policy Manager, select Setup > Actions > Schedules.The Schedules dialog box appears.<strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 77

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