WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies

WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies
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Creating Rules for Bulk and Suspect E-mail on E-mail Clients4 If you want to record log messages for a spamBlocker response, select the Log check box for theaction. If you do not want to record log messages, clear the Log check box.5 Make sure DNS is enabled on the Firebox that applies spamBlocker rules.NoteIf you have any perimeter firewall between the Firebox that uses spamBlocker and the Internet, it mustnot block HTTP traffic. The HTTP protocol is used to send requests from the Firebox to the spamBlockerserver.Adding spamBlocker exceptionsAt times, the Firebox identifies a message as spam when it is not spam. If you know the address of thesender, you can configure the Firebox with an exception that tells the Firebox not to examine messagesfrom this source address. To look for exceptions, spamBlocker looks at the “mail from:” field. It does notlook at the “From:” header that you see in e-mails. If you create an exception rule and it does not operatecorrectly, make sure you verify that you entered the correct field.1 From the Exceptions block of the spamBlocker Configuration dialog box, click Add.The Add Exception Rule dialog box appears.2 Select a rule action: Allow, Tag subject, or Deny.3 Type a sender, recipient, or both. You can type the full e-mail name or use wildcards.Creating Rules for Bulk and Suspect E-mail on E-mail ClientsMany network administrators allow e-mail that is not confirmed as spam to be delivered to the destinede-mail recipient. They then set up rules in their e-mail client software to have any e-mail tagged as suspector bulk e-mail put into a special folder on the e-mail client. The procedure below gives instructionson how to configure the Microsoft Outlook e-mail client. For information about how to use this procedureon other types of e-mail clients, look at the user documentation for those products.Sending spam or bulk e-mail to special folders in OutlookThis procedure shows you the steps to create rules for bulk and suspect e-mail in Microsoft Outlook. Youcan have e-mail with a “spam” or “bulk” tag delivered directly to special folders in Outlook. When youcreate these folders, you keep possible spam e-mail out of your usual Outlook folders, but you can getaccess to the e-mail if it becomes necessary.If you use another e-mail client, check your user documentation for that product.304 WatchGuard System Manager

Reporting False Positives and False NegativesBefore you start, make sure that you set the action for spam and bulk e-mail to Add Subject Tag. Youcan use the default tags, or create custom tags. The steps below describe how to create folders with thedefault tags.1 From your Outlook Inbox, select Tools > Rules and Alerts.2 Click New Rule to start the Rules wizard.3 Select Start from a blank rule.4 Select Check messages when they arrive. Click Next.5 Select the condition check box: when specific words in the subject. Then, in the bottom pane, editthe rule description by clicking on the specific words. In the Search Text dialog box, type the spamtag as ***SPAM***. If you use a custom tag, type it here instead. Click Add. Click OK.6 Click Next.7 The wizard asks what you want to do with the message. Select the move it to the specified foldercheck box. Then, in the bottom pane, click the word specified to select the destination folder.8 In the Choose a Folder dialog box, click New. In the folder name field, type Spam. Click OK.9 Click Next two times.10 To complete the rule setup, type a name for your spam rule. Click Finish.11 Click Apply.12 Repeat these steps to create a rule for bulk e-mail, using the bulk e-mail tag. You can send bulk e-mail to the same folder, or create a separate folder for bulk e-mail.Reporting False Positives and False NegativesA false positive e-mail message is a legitimate message that spamBlocker incorrectly identifies asspam. A false negative e-mail message is a spam message that spamBlocker does not correctly identifyas spam. If you find a false positive or false negative e-mail, you can report the classification errordirectly to Commtouch. You must have access to the e-mail message to submit the report. To learn howto submit a report for a false positive or false negative, go to: spamBlocker ActivityYou can use Firebox® System Manager to monitor spamBlocker activity.1 From WatchGuard® System Manager, select the Firebox whose spamBlocker activity you want tomonitor.2 Select Tools > Firebox System Manager.Or,you can click the Firebox System Manager icon on the WatchGuard System Manager toolbar.User Guide 305

Creating Rules for Bulk and Suspect E-mail on E-mail Clients4 If you want to record log messages for a spamBlocker response, select the Log check box for theaction. If you do not want to record log messages, clear the Log check box.5 Make sure DNS is enabled on the Firebox that applies spamBlocker rules.NoteIf you have any perimeter firewall between the Firebox that uses spamBlocker and the Internet, it mustnot block HTTP traffic. The HTTP protocol is used to send requests from the Firebox to the spamBlockerserver.Adding spamBlocker exceptionsAt times, the Firebox identifies a message as spam when it is not spam. If you know the address of thesender, you can configure the Firebox with an exception that tells the Firebox not to examine messagesfrom this source address. To look for exceptions, spamBlocker looks at the “mail from:” field. It does notlook at the “From:” header that you see in e-mails. If you create an exception rule and it does not operatecorrectly, make sure you verify that you entered the correct field.1 From the Exceptions block of the spamBlocker Configuration dialog box, click Add.The Add Exception Rule dialog box appears.2 Select a rule action: Allow, Tag subject, or Deny.3 Type a sender, recipient, or both. You can type the full e-mail name or use wildcards.Creating Rules for Bulk and Suspect E-mail on E-mail ClientsMany network administrators allow e-mail that is not confirmed as spam to be delivered to the destinede-mail recipient. They then set up rules in their e-mail client software to have any e-mail tagged as suspector bulk e-mail put into a special folder on the e-mail client. The procedure below gives instructionson how to configure the Microsoft Outlook e-mail client. For information about how to use this procedureon other types of e-mail clients, look at the user documentation for those products.Sending spam or bulk e-mail to special folders in OutlookThis procedure shows you the steps to create rules for bulk and suspect e-mail in Microsoft Outlook. Youcan have e-mail with a “spam” or “bulk” tag delivered directly to special folders in Outlook. When youcreate these folders, you keep possible spam e-mail out of your usual Outlook folders, but you can getaccess to the e-mail if it becomes necessary.If you use another e-mail client, check your user documentation for that product.304 <strong>WatchGuard</strong> System Manager

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