WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies

WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies
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Configuring the HTTP ProxyBrowsers usually use POST operations to send data to a web site. Many web pages get information fromthe end user such as location, e-mail address, and name. If you disable the POST command, the Fireboxdenies all POST operations to web servers on the external network. This features can prevent your usersfrom sending information to a web site on the external network.The HTTP proxy supports request methods: HEAD, GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, and DELETE. (For HTTP-Server, the proxy supports these request methods by default: HEAD, GET, and POST. OPTIONS, PUT, andDELETE are added but are disabled.) You can also add CONNECT and TRACE, but no other request methodsare supported at this time. If you configure a rule to allow other request methods and your browsertries to use them, you get an error with the text: “Method unsupported.”1 From the Categories section, select Request Methods.2 Do the steps used to create rules. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 79.Setting HTTP request URL pathsYou use URL path rules to filter the content of the host, path, and query-string components of a URL.Here are examples of how to block content using HTTP request URL paths:• To block all pages that have the host name, type the*• To block all paths containing the word “sex”, on all web sites: *sex*• To block URL paths ending in “*.test”, on all web sites: *.testNoteUsually, if you filter URLs with the HTTP request URL path ruleset, you must configure a complex patternthat uses full regular expression syntax and the advanced view of a ruleset. It is easier and gives betterresults to filter based on header or body content type than it is to filter by URL path.1 From the Categories section, select URL paths.2 Do the steps used to create rules. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 79.Setting HTTP request header fieldsThis ruleset supplies content filtering for the full HTTP header. By default, the Firebox uses exact matchingrules to strip Via and From headers, and allows all other headers. This ruleset matches against the fullheader, not only the name. Thus, to match all values of a header, type the pattern: “[header name]:*”. Tomatch only some values of a header, replace the asterisk (*) wildcard with a pattern. If your pattern doesnot start with an asterisk (*) wildcard, include one space between the colon and the pattern when typingin the Pattern text box. For example, type: [header name]: [pattern] and not [header name]:[pattern].Note that the default rules do not strip the Referer header, but do include a disabled rule to strip thisheader. To enable the rule, select Change View. Some web browsers and software applications mustuse the Referer header to operate correctly.1 From the Categories section, select Header Fields.2 Do the steps used to create rules. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 79.Setting HTTP request authorizationThis rule sets the criteria for content filtering of HTTP Request Header authorization fields. When a webserver starts a “WWW-Authenticate” challenge, it sends information about which authentication methodsit can use. The proxy puts limits on the type of authentication sent in a request. It uses only the176 WatchGuard System Manager

Configuring the HTTP Proxyauthentication methods that the web server accepts. With a default configuration, the Firebox allowsBasic, Digest, NTLM, and Passport1.4 authentication, and strips all other authentication.1 From the Categories section, select Authorization.2 Do the steps used to create rules. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 79.Configuring general settings for HTTP responsesYou use the General Settings fields to configure basic HTTP parameters such as idle time-out and limitsfor line and total length. If you set a check box to 0 bytes, the Firebox does not check the parameter.1 From the Categories section, select General Settings.2 To set limits for HTTP parameters, select the applicable check boxes. Use the arrows to set the limits:Idle timeoutControls how long the Firebox HTTP proxy waits for the web server to send the web page. Thedefault value is 600 seconds.Maximum line lengthControls the maximum allowed length of a line of characters in the HTTP response headers. Usethis property to protect your computers from buffer overflow exploits.Maximum total lengthControls the maximum length of the HTTP response headers. If the total header length is morethan this limit, the HTTP response is denied. The default value is 0 (no limit).Setting header fields for HTTP responsesThis property controls which HTTP response header fields the Firebox allows. RFC 2616 includes many ofthe HTTP response headers that are allowed in the default configuration. For more information, see: From the Categories section, select Header Fields.2 Do the steps used to create rules. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 161.Setting content types for HTTP responsesWhen a web server sends HTTP traffic, it usually adds a MIME type to the response. The HTTP header onthe data stream contains this MIME type. It is added before the data is sent.This ruleset sets rules for looking for content type (MIME type) in HTTP response headers. By default theFirebox allows some safe content types, and denies MIME content that has no specified content type.Some web servers supply incorrect MIME types to get around content rules.1 From the Categories section, select Content Types.2 Do the steps used to create rulesets. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 161.Setting cookies for HTTP responsesHTTP cookies are small files of alphanumeric text put by web servers on web clients. Cookies monitorthe page a web client is on to enable the web server to send more pages in the correct sequence. Webservers also use cookies to collect information about an end user. Many web sites use cookies forauthentication and other legitimate functions and cannot operate correctly without cookies.User Guide 177

Configuring the HTTP ProxyBrowsers usually use POST operations to send data to a web site. Many web pages get information fromthe end user such as location, e-mail address, and name. If you disable the POST command, the Fireboxdenies all POST operations to web servers on the external network. This features can prevent your usersfrom sending information to a web site on the external network.The HTTP proxy supports request methods: HEAD, GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, and DELETE. (For HTTP-Server, the proxy supports these request methods by default: HEAD, GET, and POST. OPTIONS, PUT, andDELETE are added but are disabled.) You can also add CONNECT and TRACE, but no other request methodsare supported at this time. If you configure a rule to allow other request methods and your browsertries to use them, you get an error with the text: “Method unsupported.”1 From the Categories section, select Request Methods.2 Do the steps used to create rules. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 79.Setting HTTP request URL pathsYou use URL path rules to filter the content of the host, path, and query-string components of a URL.Here are examples of how to block content using HTTP request URL paths:• To block all pages that have the host name, type the*• To block all paths containing the word “sex”, on all web sites: *sex*• To block URL paths ending in “*.test”, on all web sites: *.testNoteUsually, if you filter URLs with the HTTP request URL path ruleset, you must configure a complex patternthat uses full regular expression syntax and the advanced view of a ruleset. It is easier and gives betterresults to filter based on header or body content type than it is to filter by URL path.1 From the Categories section, select URL paths.2 Do the steps used to create rules. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 79.Setting HTTP request header fieldsThis ruleset supplies content filtering for the full HTTP header. By default, the Firebox uses exact matchingrules to strip Via and From headers, and allows all other headers. This ruleset matches against the fullheader, not only the name. Thus, to match all values of a header, type the pattern: “[header name]:*”. Tomatch only some values of a header, replace the asterisk (*) wildcard with a pattern. If your pattern doesnot start with an asterisk (*) wildcard, include one space between the colon and the pattern when typingin the Pattern text box. For example, type: [header name]: [pattern] and not [header name]:[pattern].Note that the default rules do not strip the Referer header, but do include a disabled rule to strip thisheader. To enable the rule, select Change View. Some web browsers and software applications mustuse the Referer header to operate correctly.1 From the Categories section, select Header Fields.2 Do the steps used to create rules. For more information, see “Defining Rules” on page 79.Setting HTTP request authorizationThis rule sets the criteria for content filtering of HTTP Request Header authorization fields. When a webserver starts a “WWW-Authenticate” challenge, it sends information about which authentication methodsit can use. The proxy puts limits on the type of authentication sent in a request. It uses only the176 <strong>WatchGuard</strong> System Manager

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