WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies

WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies WSM User Guide - WatchGuard Technologies
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Using Dynamic NATUsing Dynamic NATDynamic NAT is the most frequently used type of NAT. It changes the source IP address of an outgoingconnection to the public IP address of the Firebox®. Outside the Firebox, you see only the IP address ofthe Firebox on outgoing packets.Many computers can connect to the Internet from one public IP address. Dynamic NAT gives more securityfor internal hosts that use the Internet, because it hides the IP addresses of hosts on your network.With Dynamic NAT, all connections must start from behind the Firebox. Malicious hosts cannot startconnections to the computers behind the Firebox when the Firebox is configured for dynamic NAT.In most networks, the recommended security policy is to apply NAT to all outgoing packets. With Fireware®,dynamic NAT is enabled by default in the Network > NAT dialog box. It is also enabled by defaultin each policy you create. You can override the firewall setting for Dynamic NAT in your individual policies.Adding firewall dynamic NAT entriesThe default configuration of dynamic NAT enables dynamic NAT from all private IP addresses to theexternal network. The default entries are:• - Any-External• - Any-External• - Any-ExternalThese three network addresses are the private networks reserved by the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) and usually are used for the IP addresses on LANs. To enable dynamic NAT for private IP addressesother than these, you must add an entry for them. The Firebox applies the dynamic NAT rules in thesequence that they appear in the Dynamic NAT Entries list. We recommend that you put the rules in asequence that matches the volume of traffic the rules apply to.1 From Policy Manager, select Network > NAT.The NAT Setup dialog box appears.114 WatchGuard System Manager

Using Dynamic NAT2 On the Dynamic NAT tab of the NAT Setup dialog box, click Add.The Add Dynamic NAT dialog box appears.3 Use the From drop-down list to select the source of the outgoing packets.For example, use the trusted host alias to enable NAT from all of the trusted network. For more information on builtinFirebox aliases, see “Working with Aliases” on page 73.4 Use the To drop-down list to select the destination of the outgoing packets.5 To add a host or a network IP address, click the Add Device button shown at the right. Use thedrop-down list to select the address type. Type the IP address or the range. You must type anetwork address in slash notation.When you type an IP address, type all the numbers and the periods. Do not use the TAB or arrow key.6 Click OK.The new entry appears in the Dynamic NAT Entries list.Reordering dynamic NAT entriesTo change the sequence of the dynamic NAT entries, select the entry to change. Then click Up or Down.You cannot change a dynamic NAT entry. If a change is necessary, you must delete the entry withRemove. Use Add to enter it again.Policy-based dynamic NAT entriesWith this type of NAT, the Firebox uses the primary IP address of the outgoing interface for the outgoingpackets for this policy. Each policy has dynamic NAT enabled by default, which uses the global dynamicNAT table. You can disable dynamic NAT for all traffic in a policy.Disabling policy-based dynamic NAT1 From Policy Manager, right-click a policy and select Edit.The Edit Policy Properties window appears.2 Click the Advanced tab.3 Clear the check box in front of Dynamic NAT to turn NAT off for the traffic this policy controls.User Guide 115

Using Dynamic NAT2 On the Dynamic NAT tab of the NAT Setup dialog box, click Add.The Add Dynamic NAT dialog box appears.3 Use the From drop-down list to select the source of the outgoing packets.For example, use the trusted host alias to enable NAT from all of the trusted network. For more information on builtinFirebox aliases, see “Working with Aliases” on page 73.4 Use the To drop-down list to select the destination of the outgoing packets.5 To add a host or a network IP address, click the Add Device button shown at the right. Use thedrop-down list to select the address type. Type the IP address or the range. You must type anetwork address in slash notation.When you type an IP address, type all the numbers and the periods. Do not use the TAB or arrow key.6 Click OK.The new entry appears in the Dynamic NAT Entries list.Reordering dynamic NAT entriesTo change the sequence of the dynamic NAT entries, select the entry to change. Then click Up or Down.You cannot change a dynamic NAT entry. If a change is necessary, you must delete the entry withRemove. Use Add to enter it again.Policy-based dynamic NAT entriesWith this type of NAT, the Firebox uses the primary IP address of the outgoing interface for the outgoingpackets for this policy. Each policy has dynamic NAT enabled by default, which uses the global dynamicNAT table. You can disable dynamic NAT for all traffic in a policy.Disabling policy-based dynamic NAT1 From Policy Manager, right-click a policy and select Edit.The Edit Policy Properties window appears.2 Click the Advanced tab.3 Clear the check box in front of Dynamic NAT to turn NAT off for the traffic this policy controls.<strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 115

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