Multicast tutorial PDF - Garr

Multicast tutorial PDF - Garr Multicast tutorial PDF - Garr


PIM-SM SPT SwitchoverSourceRPTraffic FlowShared TreeSource Tree(S, G) PruneReceiver(S, G) traffic flow is no longerneeded by the RP so it Prunes theflow of (S, G) traffic.44

PIM-SM SPT SwitchoverSourceRPTraffic FlowShared TreeSource Tree(S, G) Traffic flow is now onlyflowing to the Receiver via asingle branch of the Source Tree.Receiver45

PIM-SM SPT SwitchoverSourceRPTraffic FlowShared TreeSource Tree(S, G) PruneReceiver(S, G) traffic flow is no longerneeded by the RP so it Prunes theflow of (S, G) traffic.44

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