PARENTLINK A New sletter for Parents - Bedok View Secondary ...

PARENTLINK A New sletter for Parents - Bedok View Secondary ... PARENTLINK A New sletter for Parents - Bedok View Secondary ...
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ISSUE NO 2 2010Dear Parents,As the academic year draws to a close, I would like to share with you some of the schoolachievements, happenings and developments in the school in Semester Two 2010.EVENTSVisit by Director General of Education Ms Ho PengOn 5 Oct 10, the Director General of Education, Ms Ho Peng visited Bedok View Secondaryfor a dialogue session with staff, focusing on MOE policies and strategic direction. She alsogathered feedback and responded to questions by teachers.Visit by Zhengzhou studentsIn July, the school played host to 37 students and 6 staff from Zhengzhou No.8 MiddleSchool (led by the Principal, Mr Liu Xun Chang). The visit is part of the twinning programmebetween Bedok View and Zhengzhou No.8 Middle School, currently into its third year. TheChinese students had very positive feedback about how Bedok View students haveinteracted with them and showed them around the school.Mid-Autumn FestivalThe school celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival on 17 Sep 10 (Fri). Besides staff, studentsand parents of Bedok View, residents of Bedok and students from Katong School were alsoinvited. The celebration included a concert performance and more than 20 booths set up bystudents and the Parent Support Group. The event was organised by the ChineseDepartment, the PSG and En Community Services.TEACHING AND LEARNINGGCE ‘O’ Level MTL ResultsThe 2010 GCE 'O' Level Mother Tongue examination results were released in Aug 10.Overall, our students have done well. In Chinese Language, the Express course achieved27% distinctions, slightly better than the national average of 26%; the N(A) course achieved13% distinctions, vs the national average of 9%. For Malay Language, both the Sec 4Express and 5 N(A) candidates scored 100% passes vs the national average of 97% and93% respectively. Students would have another opportunity to take the examination at yearend.Home-Based Online LearningThe school conducted the annual Home-Based Learning for all Sec 2 Exp classes duringthe September holidays. This year we adopted a new online platform - Virtual Workspace,which allowed teachers to teach and conduct lessons in real time. Using the VirtualWorkspace, students followed a time-table and attended English Language, Science andHumanities classes in real time from home, similar to a normal classroom situation. SuchHome-based learning would be useful especially in the event of an extended school closure.1Our Vision : BEACONS FOR A BETTER TOMORROWOur School Values : Integrity Respect Resilience Passion Compassion

ISSUE NO 2 2010Dear <strong>Parents</strong>,As the academic year draws to a close, I would like to share with you some of the schoolachievements, happenings and developments in the school in Semester Two 2010.EVENTSVisit by Director General of Education Ms Ho PengOn 5 Oct 10, the Director General of Education, Ms Ho Peng visited <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong><strong>for</strong> a dialogue session with staff, focusing on MOE policies and strategic direction. She alsogathered feedback and responded to questions by teachers.Visit by Zhengzhou studentsIn July, the school played host to 37 students and 6 staff from Zhengzhou No.8 MiddleSchool (led by the Principal, Mr Liu Xun Chang). The visit is part of the twinning programmebetween <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong> and Zhengzhou No.8 Middle School, currently into its third year. TheChinese students had very positive feedback about how <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong> students haveinteracted with them and showed them around the school.Mid-Autumn FestivalThe school celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival on 17 Sep 10 (Fri). Besides staff, studentsand parents of <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong>, residents of <strong>Bedok</strong> and students from Katong School were alsoinvited. The celebration included a concert per<strong>for</strong>mance and more than 20 booths set up bystudents and the Parent Support Group. The event was organised by the ChineseDepartment, the PSG and En Community Services.TEACHING AND LEARNINGGCE ‘O’ Level MTL ResultsThe 2010 GCE 'O' Level Mother Tongue examination results were released in Aug 10.Overall, our students have done well. In Chinese Language, the Express course achieved27% distinctions, slightly better than the national average of 26%; the N(A) course achieved13% distinctions, vs the national average of 9%. For Malay Language, both the Sec 4Express and 5 N(A) candidates scored 100% passes vs the national average of 97% and93% respectively. Students would have another opportunity to take the examination at yearend.Home-Based Online LearningThe school conducted the annual Home-Based Learning <strong>for</strong> all Sec 2 Exp classes duringthe September holidays. This year we adopted a new online plat<strong>for</strong>m - Virtual Workspace,which allowed teachers to teach and conduct lessons in real time. Using the VirtualWorkspace, students followed a time-table and attended English Language, Science andHumanities classes in real time from home, similar to a normal classroom situation. SuchHome-based learning would be useful especially in the event of an extended school closure.1Our Vision : BEACONS FOR A BETTER TOMORROWOur School Values : Integrity Respect Resilience Passion Compassion

Night Study SchemeThe school conducted Night Study in Oct 2010, 5pm to 8pm from Mon to Fri in the library, toprovide a conducive environment <strong>for</strong> students to revise <strong>for</strong> their GCE examinations.Teachers were on hand to provide guidance and coaching. We are pleased that theresponse has been overwhelming, with an average of about 80 students staying back everynight. Support from parents has been tremendous. Parent volunteers supervised thesessions and donated refreshments <strong>for</strong> the students. The school is very heartened andgrateful <strong>for</strong> the parent’s support. We hope the students do well in their upcoming GCEexaminations.4N English Language Bridging ProgrammeThe English Language Department conducted an intensive bridging programme <strong>for</strong> the 4Nstudents from 18 – 22 Oct10, to help students to transit to Sec 5N. The strong turnoutsignified the desire of many students to be promoted to Sec 5 next year.BV Bazaar 2010The school’s traditional BV Bazaar took place on Sat 5 June. The bazaar provided aplat<strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> students to innovate, exercise their entrepreneurship, and unite as a class.Besides the food and drinks stalls, there were also a variety of games stalls like dunking,basketball shoot and a magic show booth. The Parent Support Group (PSG) also took part,contributing their profits to the Needy Pupil’s Fund. The Bazaar was a resounding success.BV Career Day cum Dedication CeremonyTo help students make in<strong>for</strong>med choices on post-secondary education options, the schoolheld a BV Career Day on 15 Sep 10. Speakers from the 5 Polytechnics,Temasek/Tampines JCs and ITE HQ were invited to share the courses/options available intheir respective institutions. Students also visited exhibition booths in the hall put up bythese organizations. The Career Day ended with a simple but meaningful DedicationCeremony, where the school wished the students all the best <strong>for</strong> their coming GCEexaminations.ACHIEVEMENTSGreen Video Competition<strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong>'s Infocomm Club, led by teacher Mdm Norashikin, did very well in the GreenVideo Competition organised by Ngee Ann Polytechnic. 12 schools participated in thiscompetition held to celebrate green ideas and sustainable building designs, through creativevideos. 3 out of 4 teams sent by <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong> qualified <strong>for</strong> the final rounds and went on towin 6 out of 9 awards, including the Gold, Silver, Best Video Production and Most OriginalAwards. We are proud of their achievements. Their videos are posted at the schoolwebsite Day Celebrations - Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flag competition2Our Vision : BEACONS FOR A BETTER TOMORROWOur School Values : Integrity Respect Resilience Passion Compassion

Zainarah d/o Salahudeen of 4E2 came in 3 rd in the National Day “Live Our Dreams, Fly OurFlag” competition organised by the National Day Parade (NDP) organizers. The onlinecompetition called <strong>for</strong> Singaporeans’ reflections and thoughts about what National Daymeant to them. You can view her entry and other <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong> submissions at the schoolwebsite Singapore Mathematics Competition <strong>for</strong> Normal Stream studentsSeveral of students from the Normal course did the school proud in the All SingaporeMathematics Competition <strong>for</strong> Normal Course held in July this year. Chia Pei Zhen of 2T8,came in 1 st position, in the Individual Category <strong>for</strong> Lower Sec. In the Team Category <strong>for</strong>Lower Sec, the team comprising of Chia Pei Zhen, Lim Jia Min and Ng Wei Lin, came in 6thposition. 876 competitors from 73 schools took part in the competition this year.Singapore Schools Sports Council National and Zonal Colours AwardMd Khairi Bin Md Kusbari (5N2), Md Hazeem Bin Darajit (5N2), Md Nazmir Nazali (4T9) andMd Asri Aron (3T8) were awarded the National Schools Colours Award <strong>for</strong> outstandingachievement in Sepak Takraw. Both represented Singapore in the 2 nd ASEAN Games heldin July. Md Hazeem Darajit was also awarded the Best Boy (Individual Sports) by theSingapore Schools Sports Council.STUDENT DEVELOPMENTStudents’ Council ElectionsThe Student Council Election was held in July after a week-long campaign by 8 candidates.All students and staff cast their votes a la General Election style. In the end, Faris Ahmads/o Ishak (3E1) was elected President; Nur Ilham B Abdullah (3N6), Elaine Eng Fang Ting(3N7), and Crystal Cheng Tsz Ching were elected the 3 Vice Presidents. A simple yetdignified Investiture was held on 27 July 10 <strong>for</strong> the out-going councillors to ceremoniallypass on the responsibilities to the in-coming councilors.Principal’s Essay CompetitionIn this year’s Principal’s Essay Competition – held to hone students’ writing skills inexpository writing - Teo Wei Song (4E1) and Lee Jing Yi (2E2) were selected as winners.They won an iPod Nano each. Principal commented that many essays were well-balancedand well-researched, easy to read with good structures and vocabulary. The school isdelighted with the high standards of essay submissions.Strengthening Peer Support: Class Spirit Award 2010For this year’s Class Spirit Award Competition – held to enhance class unity and sense ofbelonging – the winners are as follows:Lower <strong>Secondary</strong> Category: Sec 1N6 (Form Teacher Ms Sharon Koh)Upper <strong>Secondary</strong> Category: Sec 4E1 (Form Teacher Ms Joy Ho)They will receive $1500 each <strong>for</strong> class bonding activities.3Our Vision : BEACONS FOR A BETTER TOMORROWOur School Values : Integrity Respect Resilience Passion Compassion

The competition <strong>for</strong>mat was also revised this year. Besides the voting <strong>for</strong> the class videos,the competition also looked into classroom cleanliness, class activities illustrating classunity/sense of belonging, and the quality of the class e-noticeboard.UPCOMING EVENTSSec 2 and Sec 3 Level CampsThe Sec 2 and 3 students attended their respective level camps in October this year. TheSec 2 students attended a 5-Day adventure camp at Outward Bound Singapore, PulauUbin, designed to help them build greater self confidence and team work. The Sec 3students attended a Service Learning Camp cum Leadership Training Workshop in school,where they learn project management skills to organize meaningful community serviceactivities with selected VWOs.Annual Cross CountryThe Annual <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong> Cross Country will be held on 28 Oct 10 at the East Coast Park.Staff and students (Sec 1 to 3) will get to take part in a 4km race along the scenic route.Students will also have the option of taking part in a biathlon (4km run/6km in-line skate),and other inter-class events e.g. bounce volley, tug of war etc.INTERNATIONALISATION PROGRAMMEHistory Field Trip to Europe30 Sec 3 students and teachers went on a History Study trip to Europe in June 10. Theyvisited historical sites in Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria, which are connected tothe History syllabus spanning pre-war Europe through to the Cold War period. Triphighlights include the Dachau Concentration Camp, museums and the Berlin Wall.Bali Trip by Malay Department38 Sec 2 Malay Language students and teachers went on a 5-day trip to Bali in June 10.Besides immersing in Balinese culture, students also interacted with local students in a localschool.Mount Kinabalu Expedition by NCC Unit36 students from the Uni<strong>for</strong>med Groups and Student Council successfully scaled MountKinabalu in Sabah on 31 May. The climb was not easy, and the students learned a greatdeal about themselves and overcoming mental and physical challenges - important socialand emotional competencies necessary <strong>for</strong> their future.Upcoming Geography Trip to <strong>New</strong> Zealand31 Sec 3 students with 3 teachers will go on a Geography field trip to <strong>New</strong> Zealand in Nov10. In this week-long visit, students will experience and learn about coastal <strong>for</strong>mation andland<strong>for</strong>ms, geysers, river profiles, trek through a temperate <strong>for</strong>est and limestone caves,interact with local students and learn about the Maori culture through a homestayprogramme.4Our Vision : BEACONS FOR A BETTER TOMORROWOur School Values : Integrity Respect Resilience Passion Compassion

Upcoming Uni<strong>for</strong>med Group Trip to Japan37 Sec 3 students with 3 teachers will depart <strong>for</strong> Chubu, Japan in Nov 10. Students willexperience the best of Japanese culture and civic consciousness, visit police commandcentres, Disaster prevention centres and interact with local students through school visitsand homestays.Staff MovementWe welcome the following staff who have recently joined <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong>: Beginning TeachersMiss Nur Emilia (Home Econs/Food & Nutrition), Miss Evelyn Tan ( Eng and Science) andMs June Cheah (Chem); Beginning Teachers who will join the school at year-end: MrSimon Lim (Eng Lang), Mis Nuriahtu (Geog), Miss Johanna Tan (Maths), Mr Wong BanHeng (Maths) and Miss Wong Wei Leen (Bio/Chem); Contract teachers Ms Tan Li Si(PE/Chemistry), Mr Mohd Ridzwan (Art/Social Studies), Mr Daniel Xia (Geography/SocialStudies), Ms Jaspreet Kaur (Maths/Social Studies), and Ms Fiona Pang (Eng Lang / SocialStudies), new expatriate teachers - Ms Shabana Yasmin from India (Geography) and MsHsu Li Wen from Taiwan (Chinese Language). We will also welcome 3 teachers who will beposted to <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong> at year-end: Ms Lee Soo Ngin (Maths), Mdm Malar Rani (EnglishLang) and Miss Tan Sok Foon (PE).We will also bid farewell to Ms Sandra Liew (Eng Lang), Mr Mohd. Tafran Angullia(Geography) and Ms Koh Meng Geok (Chinese Language) who will be posted out of theschool, and HOD (Maths) Mr Goh Meng Koon who will retire end of the year. Mrs KerryLynchwood (Eng Lang) has completed her contract with us and will be returning to England.We thank them <strong>for</strong> their contributions to the school and wish them all the best.PARTNERSHIP MATTERSSchool Family Education ProgrammeWe are pleased to announce that <strong>Bedok</strong> <strong>View</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong> has successfully conducted morethan 100 hours of SFE programmes <strong>for</strong> 2009/2010. We would like to thank all parents <strong>for</strong>their support. Our special thanks goes to Mrs Francyn Tan, our very hardworking andresourceful SFE coordinator as well as other members of the PSG who have helped out inthe SFE programme in one way or another. For Semester Two, the SFE programme hasalso been packed with many exciting programmes. There were five parenting talks thatranged in topic from motivation to sexuality issues. There were also several parent-childbonding activities like the Henderson Wave Bridge Walk, Pottery making sessions as well asthe upcoming Forest Adventure activity in end-October. We look <strong>for</strong>ward to your continuedsupport.PSG RetreatThe Parent Support Group will be having its annual PSG Retreat on Sat 6 Nov 10, to reviewthe achievements in 2010 and to chart the broad direction <strong>for</strong> the PSG going <strong>for</strong>ward.Among the issues that the PSG plans to discuss are parent child bonding activities,community services, recruitment of new volunteers and enhancing PSG activities to alignwith school goals. We will update you on further developments in the PSG Yahoo! Groups.5Our Vision : BEACONS FOR A BETTER TOMORROWOur School Values : Integrity Respect Resilience Passion Compassion

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