New World Order Rising - Jack Van Impe Ministries

New World Order Rising - Jack Van Impe Ministries

New World Order Rising - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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Two of Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s most important teachingsalive and ready to take centerstage any moment?<strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong> <strong>Rising</strong> and Dictatorof the <strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong> are power-packedvideos that present the clear picture andtimeline of the latter days and give you theanswers to crucial questions such as:Send agift of$34. 95• Who are the seven majororganizations dedicated to creating a“new world order”?• Who said, “We have a rendezvouswith the world dictator, and hisappearance may be soon”?• “Europe is looking for a man sopowerful that he will hold theallegiance of all the people. Be heman or devil, we are ready to receivehim.” Who said it?• What shadowy power-brokeringgroups champion the cause of a oneworldgovernment?• What does the E.U. represent in Bibleprophecy?• What is the importance of theyears 2012 to 2019?• And much more!Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>want you and your family to have —and share — this critical and timelyinformation, so they’ve put bothvideos together in a combo set justfor you. Send for it today — it’s anincredible witnessing tool!<strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong> <strong>Rising</strong>/Dictator of the <strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong>combo DVD (DNWOP)<strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong> <strong>Rising</strong>/Dictator of the <strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong>combo VHS (VNWOP)Running Time: 205 minutes

2VIDEOSthat could changeETERNITY for youand your loved ones!NEVER BEFORE RELEASED TOGETHER:ASTONISHINGBy Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Where will you be onInauguration Day?Not for the U.S.President — but fortwo final-day leaders:One will be dictator of the “newworld order” ... the other will be theapostate head of a world religion,one that will unite all faiths! TheirInauguration Day is imminent!Who will they be? And whatwill the rule of these two leadersproduce? Global peace — or <strong>World</strong>War III?The Holy Spirit awakened menot once but twice, bringing a floodof Scriptural texts and historicalevents together in my mind, tomake the picture clear.Rexella and I sprang to action.The result: two shocking videos:NEW WORLD ORDER RISING!Who? What? Where?When? Why?andDICTATOR OF THE NEWWORLD ORDER:Alive and Waiting in the WingsNow, for the first time, thesetwo videos are being releasedin a twin-set — because theworld urgently needs these twomessages ... 3.5 hours of teaching!This is perhaps the mostimportant combination of videoteachings our ministry willproduce before the Rapture!I am calling upon everymember of our <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong> family to requestthese videos, watch them, andshare them with absolutely asmany people as possible ... tolead the lost to faith in JesusChrist as Lord and Savior ...before it’s too late!This twin-video set is a highimpactwitnessing tool; it couldeasily be the means by whichthe Holy Spirit draws your ownunsaved loved ones to Christ!My invitation to receive Christis absolutely clear-cut in thesevideos.Millions are being deceived— do not be among them. The

4 | Perhaps Today | July-August 2011teaching I present in theseunprecedented videos is notconjecture, but concrete Truth,from the Word of God. This is theproduct of more than 100,000+hours of study of the Scripturesover the course of my life, plusmy reading of more than 11,000volumes on Bible prophecy, andeven more intensive research inrecent months based on the latestevents around the world!In these astounding videos,you will see how the stage isbeing set at this very momentfor the new world order — andhow you yourself are living in thefulfillment of the final biblicalprophecy before Christ returns!You will be shocked by the manysurprising twists and turns inDICTATOR OF THE NEW WORLDORDER and NEW WORLD ORDERRISING:• Multiple world leaderspointing to Barack Obama asthe world’s savior!• One-world government nolonger “theory” — it’s alreadybeing promoted ... and underconstruction!• What are the seven specificcharacteristics that willidentify the world dictator?• Who is currently in positionto become dictator of the newworld order, according to theBible’s description?• What is the final sign pointingto Christ’s return ... which isforming right now?• How will the world leadergain control of the world’sreligions, governments, andeconomies?• How will the global dictatorattempt to block Christ’scoming to power on earth?• What is the chronology ofevents leading up to thetakeover by the final worlddictator? How many ofthese events are alreadyhappening?• How do microchip implantsrelate to the coming newworld order? Who is planningthe micro-chipping of everyperson on the planet by theyear 2017?• What shadowy powerbrokeringgroups arechampioning the cause ofa one-world government?Who are the seven majororganizations dedicated tocreating a “new world order”?• How did Walter Cronkitedescribe the coming of a “oneworld leader”?• What secret society plannedthree <strong>World</strong> Wars in advance?When will the third onebegin?• How were Hitler, Stalin,Mussolini, and Mao tse-Tungdisqualified from beingthe Antichrist? What aboutChavez of Venezuela orAhmadinejad of Iran?• Some Christians claim thatDear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,I love your show. I’vereceived Christ as my Savior.Thank you, <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,for what you do.—D.W.we will never see the comingof Jesus in our lifetime —What does the Bible sayabout them?• When will believersgo through a time ofinvestigative judgment fortheir service on earth?• How and when will we asbelievers return to earth withJesus?• When will we begin our reignwith Jesus for 1,000 years onearth?• Will the Rapture happenbefore, during, or after theTribulation? How can weknow?• Will the final world dictatorappear before or after theRapture?• Who coined the term “newworld order” in our lifetime?• How will a “counterfeitchurch” arise?• What is the propheticsignificance of the years 2012to 2019?• All this and much more!Never before have these twodynamic video resources beenoffered together! Today, we candelay no longer — the message ofthese two videos is too urgent towait! Time is running out; eventshave been set in motion; prophecyis unfolding even as you readthese words.Please take action immediately.Request this extraordinarytwin-pack of videos as you givein support of <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong> today!

Even Jesus’ disciples wondered“What shall be the sign of Thy coming?” (Matthew 24:3)He gave themseven signs about His return …and they’re happening now!It was a live sermon that hearkened back to thedays of Pentecost. Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> deliveredan amazing teaching that explained each of theSeven Signs that Christ Himself prophesied wouldprecede the Rapture…• This video teaching is a once-in-alifetimeexperience!• 3,000 people dedicated their lives toChrist the night this message was given!• Perfect to share with your unsaved lovedones!The return of the Lord is at hand — each oneof the Seven Signs has been or is being fulfilledtoday. This could be the dawning of the day Hecomes to call His children to meet Him in theheavens!This video shares the importanttruths. Get it now.The Final Seven Signs DVD (DFSV)The Final Seven Signs VHS (VFSV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 50 minutes CC

Get Revived —He’s Comingby Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>I am shocked. Through 63years of ministry, I have informedmillions that the signs of the timesindicate that Christ’s SecondComing is at the door. Yet,never have I witnessed such anavalanche of events indicating thatwe may be but months, weeks,or even days away from ourhomegoing.When you read the book ofRevelation, you often came acrossthe expression, Behold, I comequickly. In searching for theexact meaning of this phrase, Idiscovered that in the originalGreek, it means, “When one seesthe beginning of the prophesiedevents and the rapid successionof signs following speedily, Christwill come suddenly.”Beloved, I am convinced thatsuch an hour has arrived! This ismy dogmatic conviction becauseof the many predictions Christmade in Matthew 24. The Lordadded in verse 33, When ye shallsee all these things, know that itis near, even at the doors. Pleasecircle the word “all” in this verse,for it is the key that unlocks theentire chapter! We have alwayshad signs occurring during everyera. However, this is the first timein world history that we havewitnessed the explosion of ALLSIGNS simultaneously.I want to mention just a few ofthe many signs currently beingobserved. May these shockingreports help you to see that allthe events prophesied by theLord Jesus Christ are presently inprogress, proving that the trumpetblast calling Christians home in thetwinkling of an eye (2 Corinthians15:52) must assuredly sound soon.False ChristsIn Matthew 24:3, Jesus wasasked, When shall these things be?and what shall be the sign of thycoming [to earth], and of the endof the world [or Age of Grace]? Hereplied in verse 5, Many shall comein my name, saying, I am Christ;and shall deceive many. Has ithappened? Since the year 1900,more than 1,100 false Christs haveappeared on the scene.Eventually, a false Christ — onewho is probably alive even at this

moment — will proclaim himselfas the true Christ and becomeaccepted on an international scale.The Bible predicts such an hourin 2 Thessalonians 2:4, when theAntichrist, who opposeth andexalteth himself above all that iscalled God, or that is worshipped… sitteth in the temple of God,shewing himself that he is God.This internationally defieddictator will inaugurate a worldpeace program which holds theworld spellbound for 42 months, or3½ years. Then, in the middle of theseven-year period of Tribulation,he breaks all of his pledges anddestroys his contractual obligationswith Israel (Daniel 9:27).At this time, Russia begins aworld war as she invades Israel(see Ezekiel 38). This war involvesall nations (Zechariah 14:2). This isGod’s outline from the Bible.First, the international dictatorestablishes global peace, and, whenthe world believes that Utopia hasarrived, the bottom falls out of thehopes and aspirations. For whenthey shall say, Peace and safety;then sudden destruction comethupon them (1 Thessalonians 5:3). Aconference held to reduce nuclearweaponry may be the beginning ofthe end. This thought leads to thenext sign Christ mentioned.Wars and Rumors of WarsYe shall hear of wars andrumors of wars: see that ye be nottroubled: for all these things mustcome to pass, but the end is notyet. For nation shall rise againstnation, and kingdom againstkingdom (Matthew 24:6).From this proclamation onesees that the world can expectnothing but rivalry and battlesuntil the Antichrist produces thefalse peace of the Tribulation era.There have been over 100 limitedwars fought since the end of theSecond <strong>World</strong> War, and presentlyone out of every four nations onearth is engaged in conflict.Soon, we will experience thegreatest global confrontation inthe annals of history, for we aremarching toward Armageddon atthis very moment.The Red Horse of the Apocalypseis about to appear. Revelation 6:4states, There went out anotherhorse that was red: and powerwas given to him that sat thereon,to take peace from the earth, thatthey should kill one another: andthere was given unto him a greatsword. The signs abound — comequickly, Lord Jesus.FaminesChrist added in Matthew 24:7,And there shall be famines, andpestilences. According to the <strong>World</strong>Food Programme, there are 925million people in the world whodo not have enough to be healthy.That means, one in every sevenpeople on earth goes to bed hungryeach night. Hunger is number oneon the list of the world’s top 10health risks. It kills more peopleevery year than AIDS, malaria, andtuberculosis combined.A third ofall deaths in children under the ageof five in developing countries arelinked to lack of nutrition.Soon the voice of Revelation 6:6will sound, A measure of wheat fora penny.... A measure in Bible timeswas a quart, and a penny was a day’swages. Imagine a loaf of bread for aday’s labor! It’s coming — and SOON!PestilencesAIDS and Avian flu have arrivedJuly-August 2011 | Perhaps Today | 7and could destroy millions in thenear future. Pestilence, the twinsister of hunger, is also on therampage. Malaria, West Nile Virus,and Japanese Encephalitis aredeadly diseases that are carriedby the common mosquito. Malariastill kills millions around the globeannually. It is estimated that thereare more than 300 million people inAfrica who are infected with it.The West Nile Virus is relativelynew to the United States, with itsfirst known appearance takingplace in <strong>New</strong> York City in thesummer of 1999. Since then, it hasrapidly spread westward, infectingbirds, humans, and horses. In 2004,the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention (CDC) reportedmore than 2,500 cases in the U.S.with 100 deaths. In 2003, therewere more than 9,800 reportedcases with more than 250 deaths.In recent years MRSA and VRSAhave begun to hit the globe with afury, and medical specialists feelthey could take millions of lives.Japanese Encephalitis istransmitted by mosquitoes thathave fed on infected pigs and birdsand then feed on humans. In 2005,Japanese Encephalitis killed morethan 1,000 people in India in justa few months’ time. Biologists saythat this is one of the ‘most scary’diseases to contract because eventhough it is not often fatal, it doesoften cause brain damage in thosewho contract it.Yes, the insect world ismultiplying unbelievably.Entomologists estimate that thenumber has now climbed to onequintillion, representing five milliondifferent species. In fact, if a personcould weigh all insects together,their combined weight would be 12times that of the entire human race.Undoubtedly, the pestilences that

8 | Perhaps Today | July-August 2011Jesus predicted will soon rear theirhead in monstrous proportions, andworld hunger will be felt by everycountry on earth. This, along withwhat comes out of the bottomlesspit in Revelation 9:2 (causing theplague of verse 3), is just aroundthe corner. Listen to the prediction:There came out of the smokelocusts upon the earth: and untothem was given power, as thescorpions of the earth have power.Their purpose is to destroy and kill.EarthquakesJesus also said, [There shallbe] earthquakes, in divers places(Matthew 24:7).Men foolishly say, “We’ve alwayshad earthquakes. How can this bea sign?” Get ready, Mr. Skeptic! TheLord made this prediction around30 A.D. From the year He made thestatement until 1959, a total of 24major earthquakes were recorded.Since 1960, however, more than30 major quakes have jostled theearth. Think of it — 24 majorquakes in 1,959 years, and over 30in less than 28 years. How quicklycould the hour of Tribulation soonengulf the world!Signs in SpaceVerses 27-30 of Matthew 24 tellus: For as the lightning comethout of the east, and shineth evenunto the west; so shall also thecoming of the Son of man be.For wheresoever the carcase is,there will the eagles be gatheredtogether. Immediately after thetribulation of those days shall thesun be darkened, and the moonshall not give her light, and thestars shall fall from heaven, andthe power of the heavens shall beshaken: And then shall appear thesign of the Son of man in heaven.Luke adds to this account inchapter 21:25-26: And there shallbe signs in the sun, and in themoon, and in the stars; and uponthe earth distress of nations, withperplexity; the sea and the wavesroaring; Men’s hearts failing themfor fear, and for looking afterthose things which are coming onthe earth: for the powers of heavenshall be shaken.Now watch it. These signs pointto the close of the TribulationHour because they signal thereturn of the King to earth. Verse27 says, Then shall they see theSon of man coming in a cloudwith power and great glory. Thisis the coming of Christ to setup His glorious millennial reign(Revelation 19:11-16; 20:4).As stated previously, these spacesigns, which are to take place atthe conclusion of the TribulationHour, or almost seven years afterthe believers’ departure via theRapture, are already showing partialfulfillment. Humans walking, driving,and planting a flag on the mooncertainly make one realize thatthe signs are for 21st centurycitizens. Had one madesuch a predictionat the turn of the century, he wouldhave become a candidate for a mentalinstitute. Today, space activity hasbecome so commonplace that no oneeven talks about the first step NeilArmstrong took on the moon in 1969.To the argumentative skepticwho ridiculously states, “Oh, wehave always had signs — nothinghas changed. It’s the same asit was in Grandma’s day,” I say,“Get your head out of the sand,Mr. Ostrich, and fix your eyes onthe heavenlies. The space age iswith us, and Christ’s propheciesare occurring with such alarmingrapidity that only a hardened heartcould doubt it.”What do all these alarmingfacts signify? Jesus said, When yeshall see ALL these things, knowthat it is near, even at the doors(Matthew 24:33, emphasis mine).Are you ready? Are you winningothers and preparing them forChrist’s return? Let’s live by theHoly Spirit’s warning in Romans13:11-12: And that, knowing thetime, that now it is high time toawake out of sleep: for now is oursalvation nearer than when webelieved. The night is far spent,the day is at hand: let us thereforecast off the works of darkness, andlet us put on the armour of light.If ever believers needed to beliving in a constant state of revival,it is now.

North AmericaDoes the public embrace of Islam put North America in peril?Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> say: YES!And you cannot afford to miss a single crucial moment of theirastounding video teaching, Attack on Christian America. You’ll discover:• President Obama’s Islamic leanings — he won’t allow the useof the phrase “Islamic terrorism” in his administration, and heremains completely silent about the slaughter of Christians inmany Islamic nations.• The sad truth that 50% of Americans doubt that PresidentObama is truly a Christian — and many believe he is, in fact, aMuslim.• The President’s key support for a United Nations “hate law” thatfavors Islam and endangers Christians all over the world!• And much more.You and your family, and everyone who believes in the valuesof North America’s founding fathers, must understand these facts,especially in light of Bible prophecy regarding America and the MiddleEast. Be sure to send for this video today!Attack on Christian America DVD (DCAV)Attack on Christian America VHS (VCAV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 85 minutes CC

10 | Perhaps Today | July-August 2011Usama Bin Laden Killedin Firefight With U.S.Special Ops Teamin PakistanFox <strong>New</strong>s Reports:“Declaring ‘justice has beendone,’ President Obamaannounced late Sunday (May1, 2011) that Usama bin Ladenwas killed by U.S. forces inPakistan, marking the end ofthe worldwide manhunt thatbegan nearly a decade ago onSept. 11, 2001.The president made thestunning announcement withinhours of informing congressionalleaders. He said bin Laden waskilled Sunday, the culminationof years of intelligence gathering.The news drew a large crowdto the front of the White House,as well as in Times Square, aspeople chanted‘U-S-A. U-S-A.’Obama, in hisaddress to thenation shortlybefore midnight,thanked theAmericans whohave toiledin pursuit ofbin Laden andapplauded thosewho carried outthe successfulmission inPakistan.Describing thatmission onlybriefly, he said its result ‘is atestament to the greatness of ourcountry.’‘For over two decades, binLaden has been Al Qaeda’s leaderand symbol,’ Obama said. ‘Thedeath of bin Laden marks themost significant achievementto date in our nation’s effort todefeat Al Qaeda.’The president traced the deathwhile binLaden was a‘lion of Islam …there are manylions waitingto take hisplace.’of bin Laden to a tip received lastAugust. He said he was briefed atthe time on the ‘possible lead,’ andthat after months of intelligencework it was determined bin Ladenwas hiding in a compound ‘deep’inside Pakistan. Obama said,after determining the intelligencewas sound, he authorized theoperation to bring him to justicelast week.He said a ‘small team’ ofAmericans went after bin Ladenin Abbottabad on Sunday. ‘Aftera firefight, they killed Usamabin Laden and took custody ofhis body,’ the president said....”(His reward? Luke 16:23: “…In hell he lifted up his eyesbeing in torment…” He won’tfind 72 virgins awaiting himas promised in the Koran —Sura 52:17-24.)Cleric: Jihad coming to‘heart of America’<strong>World</strong>NetDaily.com reports:“The deathof Osamabin Laden

will bring a ‘new era of jihad,’predicted British extremist clericAnjem Choudary.Warning there are motivatedjihadists ‘in the heart of America,’Choudary said al-Qaida will likelycarry out revenge operationswith ‘meticulous accuracy’ and‘devastating affect’ comparable tothat of the 9/11 attacks.Choudary is the founderand former chief of two Islamicgroups disbanded by the Britishauthorities under anti-terrorlegislation.Speaking in an interviewwith ‘Aaron Klein InvestigativeRadio’ of <strong>New</strong> York’s WABCRadio, Choudary said that whilebin Laden was a ‘lion of Islam …there are many lions waiting totake his place.’‘I do believe that the death ofSheikh Osama will bring in a newera of jihad,’ Choudary told Klein.‘Post-Osama bin Laden, Ibelieve the mujahedeen aroundthe world will have something toprove, that the jihad is not aboutan individual’....”(God save andbless America. Our part asChristians — 2 Chronicles7:14: “If my people, whichare called by my name, shallhumble themselves, andpray, and seekmy face,and turnfrom theirwickedways;then will Ihear fromheaven, and will forgivetheir sin, and will heal theirland.”)Netanyahu: <strong>World</strong>must stop thosewishing to destroythe Jewish peopleHaaretz reports: “The threatsIsrael faces to its existenceare real, not theoretical ones,Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu said during theceremony opening HolocaustRemembrance Day in Jerusalem,urging the world not to ignorethe threat posedby Iran’s nuclearambitions.Speaking of thethree main lessonsIsrael must learn inthe Holocaust’s wake,Netanyahu spokefirst of the danger which liesin ignoring the threats of those‘wishing to annihilate us,’ sayingIsraelis ‘mustn’t bury our headsin the sand.’‘Has the world learnedthis lesson? I doubt it. Havewe learned it? I believe wehave,’ Netanyahu said, adding,however, that we must admitthat ‘in the history of the Jewishpeople we have not alwaysexcelled in anticipating thefuture, sometimes repressing thebleak reality before us.’Referring further on theability to anticipate comingcatastrophes, Netanyahusaid that while ‘many in theworld, at least in theenlightened world,treat the memoryof the Holocaustrespectfully andJuly-August 2011 | Perhaps Today | 11seriously,’ that attitude, however,‘reminds [that of] generalspreparing for the previous war.’‘It seems easier for the worldto discuss the lessons of the pastthan implement thoseto the present and thefuture,’ the premier said,adding that ‘the Jewishpeople mustn’t ignorethe Holocaust’s lessons today.’‘Because today, new enemiesare rising, and as they deny theHolocaust call for the destructionof our people,’ the PM said,adding that ‘Iran, and its proxiesHezbollah and Hamas are openlyworking to destroy the Jewishstate’....”(Psalm 122:6: “Prayfor the peace of Jerusalem:they shall prosper thatlove thee.” Israel and God’sChosen People will never bedestroyed. God says in Isaiah56:5: “…I will give them[Israel] an everlasting name,that shall not be cut off.”)

“Godburdened us to getthis truth outnow!”It’s not good enough....Already more than 120,000 people have receivedthe crucial information in the <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>s’ videoteaching <strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong> <strong>Rising</strong>, but God has given Dr.<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> an incredible burden that hundreds ofthousands more must receive it!“We must get this truth — and the criticalinformation of Dictator of the <strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong> — intoas many hands as possible, before it’s forever too late,”says Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>. “These video teachings revealthe future and the fact that Jesus is coming soon,perhaps today!”Don’t delay in ordering and sharing these resourceswith all your friends, especially non-believers.

In them, you’ll discover the entire panorama of the latter days,plus numerous surprises including:• A global religious leader defects ...• A dictator arises to conquer the world ...• The final sign pointing to Christ’s return now forming ...• One-world government already being promoted and underconstruction as of November 10, 2009 ...• Three world wars planned in advance by a secret society?• Multiple world leaders pointing to Barack Obama as theworld’s savior?Send agift of$34. 95Get both videos today in a specialcombo, and get the vital truth the HolySpirit has spoken to Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>. Jesus is coming soon, and peopleneed to know! Powerful witnessing tools —be sure to share them with all your friends!<strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong> <strong>Rising</strong>/Dictator of the <strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong>combo DVD (DNWOP)<strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong> <strong>Rising</strong>/Dictator of the <strong>New</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Order</strong>combo VHS (VNWOP)Running Time: 205 minutes

July-August 2011 | Perhaps Today | 15One beautifulsunny day, myhusband, <strong>Jack</strong>,said, “Rexella,let’s go out andwork in thegarden today.”Of course, I agreed. With theresponsibility of preparing forour weekly television programand being involved in theongoing administration of amajor international ministry,getting outdoors and working inWe needto allow theHoly Spirit toreveal to ussome things inour lives thatperhaps we’veswept into acorner or triedto cover up.the soil with my hands is alwaysrefreshing to my spirit. And sowe went out together.For many years, our travelschedule for church and citywidecrusades (40 weeks annually)made it impossible for <strong>Jack</strong> andme to do much work aroundthe house or to take care of theyard. It seemed like we werebarely home long enough to dothe laundry and dry cleaning andthen it was time to get packedand go again.So in recent years, since ourtelevision schedule has requiredus to remain closer to home, we’vethoroughly enjoyed getting todo some of the domestic choresourselves. Even though <strong>Jack</strong>averages 50 hours every weekreading scores of newspapers,magazines, and books to staycurrent on world events andprophetic developments, he lovesto “take a break” now and then todo a little trimming on the bushesand hedges in our yard.On this particular spring day,<strong>Jack</strong> had been studying especiallyhard in getting ready for a newvideo project, in addition to thepreparations for our regulartelecast taping. So he was reallyanxious for some outdoortherapy, working withthe azaleas in hisflower garden.We had such a goodtime. We talked. <strong>Jack</strong>made jokes. We laughed.We did some trimming.And I made a mess! Incleaning out a flowerbed,I managed to get dirt allover the sidewalk. Therewas way too much to sweepup so I decided to get thegarden hose and rinseaway the mess.At first, the streamof water from the hoseseemed to be doing areally good job. The waterflushed the dirt and debrisalong the sidewalk andout to the street where wewould eventually pick it uptogether. The task seemed to begoing quickly.Then I looked back where I’djust been and said, “Whoa, thisisn’t going to work.” Lo and behold,lots more dirt had somehow gonearound the spray nozzle’s patternand ended up back on the sidewalkbehind me! So I had to back up andtry again. This time I used a littlesofter stream and went a bit slowerso I could do a more thorough job.After a while I looked backagain ... and found there was stillsome dirt on the sidewalk. Beforeit was over, I had to back up andgo forward at least a half-dozentimes until I got it right. I wasamazed at how much patience andeffort I ended up spending on whatseemed like such a simple task.Applying the “backing upand going ahead” principleto your lifeWhen <strong>Jack</strong> suggested that wego out and work in the garden,I had been praying for days forinspiration to write an articlethat would bless the friendswho read our magazine,Perhaps Today.As I stood therethat afternoon, I

16 | Perhaps Today | July-August 2011was somehow reminded of howwe need to use the “backing upand going ahead” principle in ourChristian walk.We need to allow the Holy Spiritto reveal to us some things in ourlives that perhaps we’ve sweptSome peoplecan never goahead becausethey are notable to let thepast go.into a corner or tried to cover up.When we look back at what wethought was “clean,” we may seethe telltale signs of some dirt fromthe past that we never confessed,therefore was never cleansed bythe blood of Christ.Only when we’ve backed up todeal with temper — only whenwe’ve backed up to root out hardfeelings against others — onlywhen we’ve backed up to uncoversome of the hidden things of theheart and allowed the Holy Spiritto sanctify and cleanse it withthe washing of water by the Word(Ephesians 5:26) are we readyto go forward and be the kind ofvessel that God wants and cantruly use.The apostle Paul went on tosay that the Lord wanted to makeus clean that he might presentus to himself a glorious church,not having spot, or wrinkle, orany such thing; but that it shouldbe holy and without blemish(Ephesians 5:27).“Lord, forgive me ...I want to be apowerhouse for You!”Well, as the lesson began tosink into my spirit that day, Irealized that God was speakingto me — and perhaps through meto others. The first aspect of thelesson was the recognition thatwe need to be cleansed of the pastand go forward. I saw how thewater could cleanse the sidewalkif I would just keep backing upand going ahead with the process.It reminded me of how, in myown prayer life, the Holy Spirithad often called my attention tothings, perhaps, that I had longforgotten. Things that were stillnot pleasing to Him.Daniel 2:22 says, He revealeththe deep and secret things: heknoweth what is in the darkness,and the light dwelleth with him.So, my prayer today is, “Lord,forgive me of things that perhapsI never truly confessed. ThingsI may have even forgotten.Shine Your light into the darkestrecesses of my soul and root out‘the deep and secret things.’ I wantto be the cleanest vessel possible.And only when I back up andallow the Holy Spirit to go aheadand do His work to get rid of thehidden things in my life can I be apowerhouse for You.”How about you? Are there somedark and secret things in yourpast that need to be confessed,forgiven, and washed away onceand for all before you can really goforward all the way? Remember,just as the water finally washedmy sidewalk clean, so the Wordof God can speak deliverance andpeace to your heart and help yougo forward.Let go of the past andmove forward!The second lesson we can learnis that just as God forgives andforgets (Hebrews 10:17), once wehave been forgiven of our past,we too can forget it and move

on. While there can be value inbacking up until we have theconfidence that the “old account issettled,” we can keep going back sooften that it becomes worrisome.Some people can never go aheadbecause they are not able to let thepast go.If anyone ever had reason toregret his past, it was the apostlePaul. As a Pharisee, he had beena champion of smug, prideful,and unyielding religiosity. Whenthe early Church was born, hebecame a zealot of persecutionand one of the most brutal menwho ever lived. He was personallyresponsible for the cruel murdersof Christians (see Acts 8 and 9).After his confrontation withChrist, in which a light fromheaven shown round about him,causing him to fall to the earth, heheard a divine voice challenginghim to change his allegiance. Still,Paul struggled with his past (1forgetting those things which arebehind, and reaching forth untothose things which are before,I press toward the mark for theprize of the high calling of God inChrist Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).What was he saying? “No morebacking up and wrestling with thepast! I am going forward, pressingtoward the prize, responding tothe high calling of God in ChristJesus!”I’m telling you my heart wasblessed as I stood out there withmy hose. First, I acknowledgedthat we sometimes need to go backand clean up the past. Once we’vedone that, we need to move on tothe second step in which we makea decision to follow in the footstepsof Paul and refuse to keep beingtormented by the past.July-August 2011 | Perhaps Today | 17Moving up higher!Now, the third aspect of thislesson is — don’t forget that we’renever going to be perfect (1 John1:8). But we always have the waterof the Word to cleanse us and helpus as we grow spiritually. 1 Peter2:2 states, As newborn babes,desire the sincere milk of theword, that ye may grow thereby.Loving parents may feel thatthey have the perfect baby, butthey don’t want that child to stayin the cradle! Their desire is thathe or she becomes the perfecttoddler ... the perfect adolescent ...the perfect teenager ... the perfectyoung adult! Along the way, therewill be many times when theyrequire their child to back up andda Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi, Conversion on the Way to Damascus.1601. Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.Timothy 1:15). Again and again hecried out, “God, I’m sorry! God, I’msorry.” Backing up, “God, I’m sosorry.” Backing up again, “Lord, I’mso sorry!”But there came a time when hesaid, “All right. Okay! I know I’vebeen forgiven of my past. God hassanctified and cleansed me withthe washing of water by the Word.Therefore, this one thing I do,

18 | Perhaps Today | July-August 2011be corrected before going ahead.In much the same way, growingin grace doesn’t happen overnight.But as God continues to sanctifyand cleanse us with the washing ofwater by the Word, we continuallygrow in grace and knowledge. TheWord reveals to us when and wherewe fall short on a daily basis.And He is always there to help ustake the next step on the road tobecoming what He wants us to beand in achieving His plan and Hiswill for our lives.If I have wounded any soultoday,If I have caused one foot togo astray, If I have walkedin my own willful way, DearLord, forgive.I’m told that Mrs. Fields of cookiefame has a slogan that expresses“Good enoughnever is.”Perhaps there will be timeswhen we sit in one place too long ...or recklessly run ahead. No doubtsometimes we will realize that wehave been so self-centered that wewere insensitive or failed to reachout to others. It could well be thaton those occasions, we need toback up and ask the Spirit of Godto make things right again.There is a beautiful old songcalled “An Evening Prayer”that may express the deepestyearnings of our souls insuch times. It cries out —her personal and corporate questfor excellence. She says simply,“Good enough never is.”I think there are times whenall of us grow weary or impatientwith the growth path of our lives. Iknow there have been times whenI’ve been tempted to look at myprogress (or lack of it) and say,“That’s good enough.” But when Igot my eyes off myself and backon the Lord Jesus Christ, who isour great example, I immediatelyrealized that my “good enough”really wasn’t! Has this everhappened to you?Well, don’t be disheartened ordiscouraged. Thank God, there ishope and help for us!Once again, it is time for us toback up so we can go ahead.Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,I’m so blessed week after week byyour TV show. I must say, Rexella,you looked so beautiful in pinkover the Easter program. Everyblessing to your and your teamwho work alongside with you.—C.G.

Will you see your beloved pets in heaven?According to 12 of the world’s greatest theologians, yes, you will!In this touching video, Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> examine theBible’s evidence and the teachings of some of the greatest Christian leadersto discover whether the animals we have loved and lost will be waiting forus in the life to come.Perfect for anyone grieving the loss of a pet, and anyone who lovesGod’s creation and wants to know more about how the animals glorify Him.Animals in Heaven? DVD (DANV)Animals in Heaven? Vhs (VANV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 75 minutes CCJoin Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’sinner circleoffriends!<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> “InnER CIRCLE OF PARTNERSHIP” is a way for you to declareyour commitment to helping the <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>s touch millions of lives with the Gospeland the good news that Jesus is coming soon!You’ll receive a wonderful array of thank-you gifts when you choose to be part ofthis special inner circle for the very first time:• Our powerful DVD teaching, ASocialist America. Discover how thecurrent trend toward socialism in theUnited States could lead this nation to adestruction prophesied in the Bible.• Your personal FREE subscriptionto the widely acclaimed <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> Intelligence Briefing!• A beautiful golden “PerhapsToday” lapel pin — a reminder ofyour vitally important personal role asan Inner Circle Partner with Drs. <strong>Jack</strong>and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>!• The joy of helping take the Gospelto the lost of the world!Your only commitment is to pray regularly for <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> and, as Godallows, give $20 or more per month as a member of the INNER CIRCLE OF PARTNERS.Use the envelope enclosed to join today ...Help Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> continue to proclaim the Good <strong>New</strong>s of our soon-coming Savior!

Mr. and Mrs. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,I can’t tell you how much youguys have meant to me in helpingme maintain and grow in my faithin Christ. I truly believe what theBible says when it talks about howeven the elect will barely make itthrough these trying times thatwill be coming ahead. I know youwill. I wanted to say, though, thatI appreciate so much what youhave done for Christ and for memyself — being that I have notfound any Christians that I wouldnot be ashamed to introduce asone around me. I don’t judge theworld, I do judge fellow Christians,and you guys have been greatexamples. Again, thank you. I prayGod’s healing hand in your life, Mr.<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>, until God’s time.—T.L.Hello,I make it a point for me to watchyour program every time it airs onTBN.Last night I opened my eyes asit was mentioned, “Not a drop ofalcohol has touched my lips.”I was having a glass or two ofwine (not last night), not gettingdrunk — but after that was saidI became guilty and repented. Irebuked alcohol from my life andask God to protect and defendwhat I have repented.God bless you and Rexella.—R.U.Dear Dr. and Mrs. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,Thank you for your ministry,I think that I was one of thoseunconverted “Christians” until yourbroadcast. I knew that I neededJesus, but was too afraid to proclaimHim. I prayed with your husband,and I would like to “confess withmy mouth” that I have asked Jesusinto my heart and received Hisforgiveness. Thank you.—J.S.I was practically dancing inthe aisles as I listened to yourlatest program. You do notcompromise about Jesus, theTrinity, the Rapture, the truthabout fake Christians in officewho say anything to retain power,the simple way of salvationthrough faith in Jesus alone (noother way to God, period!), andso on. I was raised (and still am)Pentecostal, having been baptizedinto the Holy Spirit exactly 2 weeksafter salvation, and if you are notPentecostal experientially as well,then I am a lousy judge of the

July-August 2011 | Perhaps Today | 21power of the Holy Spirit, which iscarried in the words you speak. Allof the above makes your programmy number one show. I regret onlythat I don’t work for you. You-allgo! :) :)—G.M.Greetings,Back some time ago in the ’90s,I caught your program on TV. Ithought it to be funny at first, butfor some reason it never left mymemory. Years later when I wastwo years into my alcoholism, Ifound your program on TV again,and you taught me how to letthe Lord into my heart. The nextmorning as I was near death fromdrinking, I recalled your programfrom the night before, and I, havingno more strength or will to stopdrinking, asked Jesus to come intomy heart and save me. He did!!That was June 6, 2009. I knowI would be dead now and in aterrible place without the Lord’spresence had I not been savedon that day. I have both <strong>Jack</strong> andRexella to thank for plantingthe seed of the Word of Godin my heart for me to turn toit when I needed Him most! Iam blessed by my Lord JesusChrist to be alive and am blessedto have seen you both spreadingthe love of God on the airways.May God bless you always,—S.G.I’m a 71-year-old Jewish man.Watching your show on theDaystar channel today, I prayed toreceive Christ. Would you pleasesend me some literature that willhelp me to know where to read theBible and about this new life?Thank you.—F.H.You were having a nationaltelecast one year in the early ’80s,and I made my mom promise shewould watch it. I gave her thetime and station in Lexington,Kentucky. You preached a sermonon the Second Coming of Christ.As soon as the program was over,she called me (in Tennessee).She had a quiver in her voice,and I could tell she was underconviction! She asked me to cometo Lexington ASAP to talk toher again about Jesus. The nextday, I drove to see her and wasprivileged to help her receiveChrist — the most preciousmoment of my life!—S.P.There are many fine Christianprograms broadcast on television,but the one I appreciate the mostis <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>.I like it so much because youare sincere, true, and insightfulChristians who bring forth God’sWord in a very forthright manner.It is my personal opinion thatwhen the roll is called upyonder, there will bemany souls there because of yourteaching of God’s most preciousWord.—J.B.Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,Thirty-some years ago, I wasthumbing through the TV channelswhen you and your lovely wifeappeared. This set me on a courseto study Bible prophecy. Dr. <strong>Jack</strong>,you have been so instrumental inmy Christian walk for many years.I never miss your program eachweek, but recently you preachedon the mosque to be built close toGround Zero. I have never heardsuch bold preaching in all mylife.Dear brother, you are soawesome. I thank our Lord JesusChrist every day for you andRexella, because I know you willalways preach the truth. I knowone day I can tell you face-to-facehow important you have been tomy Christian growth. I love youboth, thank you!—D.G.

Exciting new fiction fromprophecy expertMike Evans!Dr. Mike Evans, the <strong>New</strong> York Timesbestselling author, is an award-winningjournalist/Middle East analyst.Now he has brought together his extensiveBible knowledge and prophecy expertiseto create an amazing cat-and-mouse tale ofintrigue, nuclear weaponry, and the globalturmoil that may usher in the Mahdi, Islam’sgreatest and final prophet.This suspenseful novel will keep you onthe edge of your seat! Send for it now.Game Changer book (B405)Send a gift of $ 26. 95Who wants to grind America down?The answer will shock you!An “enemy within” America has made strategic progress inits efforts to:• Dumb-down our children• Rewrite our history• Undermine our families• Promote obscenity and immoralityWhy? Because the coming new world order is designed tostrike down everything good and decent in our existing society!The dramatic documentary DVD, The Agenda:Grinding America Down, shows you who andwhat threatens to destroy the USA.You’ll be shocked by how thisinformation supports the prophetic truthsthat point to the soon-return of theSavior and the coming Armageddon!The Agenda DVD (D463)Send a gift of $ 19. 95Running Time: 93 minutes CC

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has invested himself —his literal decades of Bible study, his Scripture memorization process,his unparalleled prophecy expertise, and much more —in this special edition Bible. You get:• Majestic King James Version with beautiful bonded leathercover• A-Z index of Bible prophecy that explains the entire timelineand major events of latter-day prophecy• A verse-by-verse explanation of the entire book of Revelation• Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s own personal Bible memorization plan• All prophetic events coded with carrying symbols for easyreference• Words of Christ in red• Beautiful presentation page for gift-giving• And much more!This may be the only Bible you ever consult again.It’s also a perfect gift for a friend, and a great expression ofDr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s heart for Bible prophecy. Send for it now.<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Prophecy Bible (BIB4)Send a gift of $59.95

Contact JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES® at Box 7004, Troy, Michigan 48007.In Canada: JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES OF CANADA® Box 1717, Postal Station A,Windsor, ON N9A 6Y1. For immediate attention, call us at (248) 852-5225 or fax(248) 852-2692. Thank you for your love and generosity ... and God bless you!Non-ProfitU.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>Visit our Web Address at:www.jvim.comHow could the modern Churchdestroy biblical Christianity?The misinformation and outright lies being spread in some of today’s churchescould fulfill the biblical prediction that modern churches will fall away and actuallycontribute to the destruction of our faith!Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s powerful video teaching gives you the answers to themost critical questions of the faith today:• How are some mega-churches killing the faith?• Why have modern churches begun removing crosses from the buildings?• How is this trend contributing to the downfall of our faith?• Is President Obama a Christian?• Are powerful world leaders pointing people in the wrong spiritual direction?• Is it possible for Christianity and Islam to co-exist — even work together?• Why aren’t modern churches preaching the Rapture?• Is it true there are many ways to heaven?• Who wants us to believe that?• And many more!The Bible says in these latter days the love of many will grow cold— apostasy will set in — and supposed religious leaders will have aform of godliness but lack its power.WE’RE SEEING THESE PROPHECIESFULFILLED TODAY!You and your family deserve to know the facts — the truth thatmany supposed “Christian” leaders want to hide from you! Send forthis video teaching today.Reclaiming and Restoring Biblical Christianity DVD (DRBV)Reclaiming and Restoring Biblical Christianity VHS (VRBV)Send a gift of $24.95Running Time: 105 minutes CC

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