Postal Users' Guide (Kapiti) - New Zealand Post

Postal Users' Guide (Kapiti) - New Zealand Post

Postal Users' Guide (Kapiti) - New Zealand Post


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Delivery targetsWorld zoneDelivery target(working days)Australia (Zone A) 1-3South Pacific (Zone B) 2-5Asia (Zone C) 2-4North America, UK and Europe (Zone D) 2-4Rest of the World (Zone E) 2-5You can expect that items will usually arrive at their destination within the timeframe specifiedfor each service. Because we do not directly control all parts of the delivery chain, we cannotguarantee that your item will always reach its destination within the target delivery times.Delivery to areas outside major cities or where the item is dutiable or held by Customs maytake longer. For more information on the world zones, refer to the World zones section of this<strong><strong>Post</strong>al</strong> Users’ <strong>Guide</strong>.Minimum volumeNo minimum volume.<strong>Post</strong> office boxdelivery and returnaddresses<strong>Post</strong> office box as the delivery address<strong>Post</strong> office box delivery is not available. However, for certain destinations, post office boxaddresses can be used on the Consignment Note as the delivery address. These destinationsare available on our website at www.nzpost.co.nz/ixc. Note that the item will be delivered tothe receiver at a street address, not the post office box.<strong>Post</strong> office box as the return addressItems sent to certain destinations cannot have a post office box listed as the return address.These destinations are available on our website at www.nzpost.co.nz/ixc.CustomsdocumentationDocumentsAll documents must include a black Consignment Note (CN001) or a white Consignment Note(CN300) and, for documents weighing over 1kg, a copy of the commercial invoice or an ExportInvoice (NCPI025).MerchandiseAll merchandise must include a black Consignment Note (CN001) or a white ConsignmentNote (CN300) and a copy of the commercial invoice or an Export Invoice (NCPI025). Forparcels valued over NZ$1,000 <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Customs requires an Export Entry to becompleted which <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> can complete on your behalf for an additional fee. Formore information contact our Customs Clearance Broker on 0800 SEND IT (0800 736 348).You are responsible for ensuring that the information you declare is accurate. In addition to itsuse for Customs clearance, this information may also be used to determine the safe carriageof your parcel, and you will be liable for any damages incurred from a misstatement oromission of information.CustomsrequirementsCustoms regulations and other border requirements vary from country to country and areoutside our control. You are responsible for complying with Customs requirements, completingall Customs documentation and checking whether Customs duties or other charges arepayable on your item. Where possible, we will do our best to provide you with information onthese regulations and requirements, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.The person receiving the item must pay all Customs duties, sales taxes and other regulatorycharges. If the receiver does not pay these charges, or the item is undeliverable, you may beresponsible for paying these charges.Additional documentsAdditional documents (for example certificate of origin, health certificate, doctor’s prescription)may be required so that an item can be exported from <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> or enter another country.You are responsible for finding out what is required and including it with your item.PUG 13 (July 2013) Page 2 of 3

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