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Name Class DateCHAPTER 17<strong>Map</strong> <strong>Activity</strong>Russia’s Environmental ProblemsAs a result of rapid industrialization under Soviet rule, Russia now faces serious environmentalproblems. The map below shows problem areas affected by various forms ofpollution. Examine the map, then answer the questions on the following page.West-Central Russia: Key Environmental Problem AreasNorthSeaBlackSeaBELARUSUKRAINESea ofAzovSeaBalticSt. PetersburgMOSCOWDon R.BalakovoRostovVolgodonskae a S nVolga R.BarentsSeaMurmanskN. Dvina R.R.KamaChelyabinskARCTIC OCEANR.PechoraIrtyshOb' R.R.Tyumen'KAZAKHSTANIrtysh R.Kara SeaOb' R.TomskKemerovoYenisey R.Novokuz<strong>net</strong>skNoril'skAngaraR.KrasnoyarskIrkutskCritically degraded areaHeavily pollutedbody of waterHeavily polluted riverHigh levels of acid rainRadioactive Laptev wastedump siteSeaDegraded forest areaPlutonium production plantNW ESR.LenaLakeBaikalLena R.TURKMENISTANUZBEKISTANIRANC a s pi0 500 Miles0 500 KilometersMONGOLIACopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.Holt World Geography Today 33 <strong>Map</strong> Activities

Name Class DateChapter 17, <strong>Map</strong> <strong>Activity</strong>, continued1. What kinds of environmental problems are represented by the following map symbols:the lightly shaded areas; the darkly shaded areas; the slash-marked areas; thetriangles?2. What environmental problems exist around Moscow?3. What kinds of problems exist along the border with Finland?4. Where are radioactive dump sites shown? What about plutonium production plants?5. How is the environmental health of the Black and Caspian seas? What about LakeBaikal?6. Critical Thinking: Interaction What obstacles or challenges do you think the Russianenvironmental movement faces in trying to save the Russian environment?ACTIVITY Russia’s environmental problems may be extreme, but they reflect a largerquestion that all countries face: How much industrialization or economic development isgood for a country, given possible damage to the environment? Can countries developtheir economies and preserve the environment at the same time? Discuss these questionswith a group of classmates and come up with ideas or guidelines for a program of economicdevelopment and environmental preservation.Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.Holt World Geography Today 34 <strong>Map</strong> Activities

Name Class DateCHAPTER 18<strong>Map</strong> <strong>Activity</strong>The Fergana ValleyThe Fergana Valley is one of the richest agricultural and industrial regions of Central Asia.It is also among the most densely populated and ethnically diverse parts of Central Asia.Examine the map below, then answer the questions on the following page.Fergana Valley RegionKAZAKHSTANKYRGYZSTANGulistonBekobodUroteppaYangiyulTashkentChirchioAlmalykTabosharKhudzhandSuluktu ¯ ¯ ¯AngrenRavatQugon ˘Dar'yaSyrIsfaraNamanganNarynTash-KömurUZBEKISTANF e r g a n a Va l l e yFerganaKyzyl-KyyaToklogulReservoirKök-JanggakOshJalal-AbadNarynCHINADushanbeTAJIKISTANMajor RoadsRiversInternational boundaryElevation (in feet)Qurghonteppa˘Kulob ˘AFGHANISTANKhorugh0–1,0001,000–7,0007,000–11,00011,000 and aboveCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.Holt World Geography Today 35 <strong>Map</strong> Activities

Name Class DateChapter 18, <strong>Map</strong> <strong>Activity</strong>, continued1. What countries are shown on the map? What capital cities are shown?2. Which three countries occupy portions of the Fergana Valley? Which country occupiesmost of the valley?3. What is the elevation at Fergana?4. What main rivers run through the valley? Which one extends the length of the valley?5. Critical Thinking: Place Ethnic tensions, water issues, and illegal smuggling havemade the Fergana Valley a site of conflict in recent years. How does the map helpexplain the sources of conflict?ACTIVITY Find out more about the Fergana Valley, or about another subregion orgeographic feature of Central Asia. Create a poster or write a report that explains yourfindings.Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.Holt World Geography Today 36 <strong>Map</strong> Activities

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