Norafiza binti Zainuddin - Science Development Network

Norafiza binti Zainuddin - Science Development Network

Norafiza binti Zainuddin - Science Development Network


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CURRICULUM VITAEPersonal informationName:<strong>Norafiza</strong> <strong>binti</strong> <strong>Zainuddin</strong>Birth Date/Country:9 th September 1978; MalaysiaCitizenship:MalaysianLanguages:Malay, EnglishSex:FemaleMarital Status:MarriedCurrent Position:PhD graduate; Lecturer (on study leave)Current Mailing Address: Department of Oncology, Radiology and Clinical Immunology,Uppsala University, Rudbecklaboratoriet C11, DagHammarskjölds väg 20, SE-75185 Uppsala, SwedenAddress in Home Country: Kulliyyah of Allied Health <strong>Science</strong>s, International IslamicUniversity Malaysia, Kuantan Campus, Jalan Sultan AhmadShah, Bandar Indera Mahkota, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang,MalaysiaEmail Address:hazelnur@yahoo.com; norafiza.zainuddin@onkologi.uu.seFax: +46 18 554025Tel:+46 18 6110215 (office); +46 70 2547922 (mobile)EducationPhD in Oncology and Clinical Genetics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2006-2010.Master of <strong>Science</strong> in Human Genetics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia, 2000-2004.Bachelor of <strong>Science</strong> (Hons) in Biomedical <strong>Science</strong>s, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, KualaLumpur, Malaysia, 1997-2000.Appointment2004-presentLecturer at the International Islamic University MalaysiaScholarship/AwardIslamic <strong>Development</strong> Bank, IDB Merit Scholarship Programme, June 2007- June 2010Best Thesis Award, Certificate of Distinction for Best Masters Thesis 2004, Master of <strong>Science</strong>in Human Genetics, Institute of Graduate Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan,MalaysiaNational <strong>Science</strong> Fellowship Award, Ministry of <strong>Science</strong>, Technology and Innovation ofMalaysia, November 2000 - November 2002List of PublicationsPublications for PhD Degree:Kaderi MA, Mansouri M, <strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Cahill N, Gunnarsson R, Jansson M, Kimby E,Åleskog A, Lundin J, Glimelius B, Melbye M, Juliusson G, Jurlander J, Rosenquist R. Lack ofassociation between the MDM2 SNP309 and clinical outcome in chronic lymphocyticleukemia. Leukemia Research 2010; 34(3):335–9.<strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Berglund M, Wanders A, Ren ZP, Amini RM, Lindell M, Kanduri M, Roos G,Rosenquist R, Enblad G. TP53 mutations predict for poor survival in de novo diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of germinal center subtype. Leukemia Research 2009; 33(1):60-6.

Publications under Masters Degree:Abdullah JM, Farizan A, Asmarina K, <strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Ghazali MM, Jaafar H, Isa MN, Naing NN.Association of loss of heterozygosity and PTEN gene abnormalities with paraclinical, clinicalmodalities and survival time of glioma patients in Malaysia. Asian J Surg 2006; 29(4): 274-82.Zamzuri I, Ghazali MM, <strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Sulong S, Samarendra SM, Yusoff AA, Ariff AR,Abdullah J. Molecular genetic analysis of a supratentorial haemangioblastoma in a non-VonHippel Lindau patient. Med J Malaysia 2005; 60(3): 360-3.<strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Jaafar H, Isa MN and Abdullah JM. Malignant glioma: the involvement of loss ofallelic heterozygosity and PTEN mutations in a group of Malay patients. Southeast Asian JTrop Med Public Health 2005; 36(3): 748-56.<strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Jaafar H, Isa MN and Abdullah JM. Presence of allelic loss and PTENmutations in malignant gliomas from Malay patients. Med J Malaysia 2004; 59(4): 468-79.<strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Jaafar H, Isa MN and Abdullah JM. Loss of heterozygosity on chromosomes10q, 9p, 17p and 13q in malays with malignant glioma. Neurol Res 2004; 26(1): 88-92.Abdullah JM, <strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Sulong S, Jaafar H and Isa MN. Molecular genetic analysis ofphosphatase and tensin homolog and p16 tumor suppressor genes in patients with malignantglioma. Neurosurg Focus 2003; 14(4): e6.Abdullah J, <strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Jaafar H and Isa MN. Mutational analysis of exons 5 and 6 of PTENgene in patients with malignant glioma. J Neurology 2003; 250(2): 107.Nasuha NA, Daud AH, Ghazali MM, Mutum SS, Biswal BM, Mohd Ariff AR, Yusoff AA, Sulong,S, <strong>Zainuddin</strong> N, Abdullah JM and Isa MN. Molecular genetic analysis of anaplasticpleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. Asian J Surg 2003; 26(2): 120-5.Seminars/Conferences/Courses/Workshops (2006–2010)Introduction to Scientific Research course. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 24 thAugust-4 th September 2009; 28 th September-16 th October 2009.Rudbeck Seminars. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 2009.Introduction to Statistica by Statsoft. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 2 nd -3 rd June 2009.European Society Clinical Investigation conference, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.17 th -20 th April 2007.Tumor Biology and Medical Genetics course, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 19 th -29 thSeptember 2006.

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