Sawai Madhopur - National Rural Health Mission - Rajasthan

Sawai Madhopur - National Rural Health Mission - Rajasthan

Sawai Madhopur - National Rural Health Mission - Rajasthan


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Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.RCH-II FLEXIPOOLA.1MATERAL HEALTHA.1.1A.1.1.1A. facilities (onlydissemination, meetings andquality assurance)Operationalise FRUsOrganise disseminationworkshops for FRU guidelinesRs. 50000 perworkshopA. plan foroperationalisation acrossdistricts (cost of plan meetingshould be kept)Monitor progress and quality ofservice deliveryOperationalise 24x7 PHCsPrepare plan foroperationalisation acrossdistricts (cost of plan meetingshould be kept)Monitor progress and quality ofservice deliveryOperationalise Safe abortionservices (including MVA/ EVAand medical abortion)at healthfacilitiesPrepare plan foroperationalisation acrossdistricts (priortise facilities forsafe abortion services; cost ofplan meeting should be kept)Monitor progress and quality ofservice deliveryOperationalise RTI/STIservices at health facilitiesPrepare plan foroperationalisation acrossdistricts (priortise facilities forRTI/STI services; cost of planmeeting should be kept)Monitor progress and quality ofservice delivery.Rs.10000 percampRs.2000 permeeting3 0.304 0.08Camps to be held at high volume FRUs.'@Rs.10000 per blood donation camps at FRUs(Delivery Points). Yearly 01 camp/FRU isapproved.Quartely meeting proposed for review ofFRU/24x7 PHCs progress & preparation of planfor stregthening of 24*7 PHCs at district levelA.1.1.5A. sub-centresPrepare plan for operationalisingservices at sub-centres (for arange of RCH services includingantenatal care and post natalcare; cost of plan meetingshould be kept)A. quality of servicedelivery and utilisation includingthrough field visitsReferral Transport (home tofacility, interfacility, dropback)A.1.3A.1.3.1Integrated outreach RCHservicesRCH Outreach Camps in unserved/under-served areas(state should focus on facilitybased services and outreachcamps to be restricted to areaswithout functional healthfacilities)

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.1.3.2.A. Village <strong>Health</strong> andutrition DaysMonitor quality of services andutilisationJanani Suraksha Yojana / JSYHome deliveriesInstitutional deliveries<strong>Rural</strong>UrbanA. C-sectionsRs.500 perdeliveryRs.1400 perdeliveryRs.1000 perdelivery1613 8.07Rs.500 per delivery for 20000 deliveries (To beprovided to BPL delivery for getting nutritiousdiet). It is only approved for BPL families.18798 263.17 Rs.1400 per institutional delivery6266 62.66 Rs.1000 per institutional deliveryA.1.4.3 Admin Cost (5%) 15.00 ApprovedA.1.4.4 ASHA Incentive Rs.350 perdelivery at ruralarea Rs.200 per41.16delivery aturban areaA.1.5Maternal Death Audit (both ininstitutions and community)Rs.10000 perworkshop,Rs.50 per CMDreporting5 block level workshop 0.68ASHA incentive is Rs. 350/- and Rs. 200/- perinstitutional delivery in rural and urban areasrespectively. District to pay ASHA incentivesaccordingly.1. MDR workshop at blocks @ Rs 10000/block.2. Incentive to ASHA for MDR reporting @ Rs50/ caseA.1.6A.1.7A.1.7.1Other strategies/activities(please specify)JSSK- (for Pregnant Women)Drugs and Consumables (otherthan reflected in Procurement)Drugs and Consumables forNormal DeliveriesDrugs and Consumables forComplicated DeliveriesDrugs and Consumables forCaesarean DeliveriesRs. 125 per case 21304cases 19.98Rs. 600 per case 2506 cases 4.51Rs. 1500 percaseA.1.7.2 Diagnostic Rs. 200 per casefor pregnantladies & Rs. 100per case for sicknew born1253 cases 3.7625064 cases55.00ApprovedApprovedApprovedFor PW @ Rs 200 per case & For Sick NewBorn @ Rs 100A.1.7.3 Blood Transfusion Rs. 300 permonth & Rs.200 per newbornA.1.7.4Diet ( 3 days for NormalDelivery and 7 days forCaesarean)1173 cases3.70For PW Rs.300 per case & for sick new bornRs.200 per caseRs.51 per day 12.00 For normal delivery budget approvd for 3 days& for C-section budget approve for 7 daysA.1.7.5Free Referral TransportHome to Institution Rs.250 per case 13033Drop back from institution tohomeRefer to higher facility & dropbackRs.250 per case 1528924.00 Approved27.00 ApprovedRs.250 per case 2882 9.00 Approved @ Rs. 250/- per case as POL forGovt ambulance for inter-facility transferStrgthening of ReferralTransport System throughBase Ambulances36.40A. Sub-total Maternal <strong>Health</strong> 0.00196.41(excluding JSY)A. Sub-total JSY 0.00 390.06District need to take initiative & prepare detailoperational plan & to appoint a nodal officer forthe programme.Detail guideline will be sendshortly.

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.2.A.2.1A.2.1.1CHILD HEALTHIMCIPrepare detailed operational planfor IMNCI across districtsA.2.1.2A.2.1.3A.2.1.4Implementation of IMNCIactivities in districtsMonitor progress against plan;follow up with training,procurement, etcPre-service IMNCI activities inmedical colleges, nursingcolleges, and ANMTCsA.2.2Facility Based ewbornCare/FBC (SCU, BSU,BCC)A.2.2.1Prepare detailed operational planfor FBNC across districts(including training, BCC/IEC,drugs and supplies, etc.; cost ofplan meeting should be kept).A. FBNC Drugs & Supplies Rs.2.5 lakh perFBNC for drugs& consumables1 2.50 ApprovedA. FBNC Maintenance Costs Rs.75000 perFBNC forMaintenanceA. Drugs & Supplies forFBNC at 6 Medical CollegesRs.5 lakh perFBNC for oneyearA. NBSU maintenance cost Rs.10000 perNBSU for oneyearA.2.2.2A.2.3A.2.3.1A.2.3.2A.2.3.3Monitor progress against plan;follow up with training,procurement, etc.Home Based ewbornCare/HBCPrepare and disseminateguidelines forHBNC.(Workshop at blocklevel)Prepare detailed operational planfor HBNC across districts ( costof plan meeting should be kept).Monitor progress against plan;follow up with training,procurement, etc.(SupportiveSupervision & monitorinofFrontline Workers by PHCASHA supervisors / Block<strong>Health</strong> Facilitators)Rs.500 persupervisor permonth,1 0.753 0.3014 0.56ApprovedApprovedWorkshop for orienting ASHA-Sahyoginis andselectd VHSC members about the shceme willorganised during maternal death reviewworkshopDistrict level workshop will be conducted forthe block & district official of the M&Hdepartment to prepare detail action plan forimplementation & monitoring of thescheme.Clubbed with MDR workshop.Approved.ASHA Supervisors to be paid @ Rs500 per month basis for supportive supervision.ASHA kit equipments & bagsRs.270 perASHA kitequipment857 2.31Digital Wrist watch @Rs.40 per watch.@Rs.80 per bag for kit, @ Rs.150 per blanketA.2.4A.2.4.1Infant and Young ChildFeeding/IYCFPrepare and disseminateguidelines for IYCF.

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.2.4.2Prepare detailed operational planfor IYCF across districts ( costof plan meeting should be kept).A.2.4.3A.2.5A.2.5.1.A.2.5.2Monitor progress against plan;follow up with training,procurement, etc.Care of Sick Children andSevere Malnutrition atfacilities (e.g. RCs, CDCsetc.)Prepare and disseminateguidelines.Prepare detailed operational planfor care of sick children andsevere malnutrition at FRUs,across districts ( cost of planmeeting should be kept).A. compensation to attendantat MTCs (6 bed) strictlyadherent to grade 3 and 4 ofmalnutritionA. Wage compensation to attendantat MTCs (3 bed) strictlyadherent to grade 3 and 4 ofmalnutritionA.2.5.3 Implementation of activities indistricts.A. Drugs & Supplies to MTCs (6bed)A. Drugs & Supplies to MTCs (3bed)A.2.5.4 Monitor progress against plan;follow up with training,procurement, etc.A.2.6 Management of Diarrhoea,ARI and MicronutrientmalnutritionA.2.7 Other strategies/activities(please specify)Rs.135 per dayper child for 10daysRs.75000 perMTCRs.10000 perMTC5250 7.091 0.75ApprovedApprovedApproval AwaitedA.2.7.1 Performace based incentive toFBCRs. 2300 permonthA.2.7.2 Performace based incentive to Rs. 2300 perMTC (6 bed)monthA.2.8 Infant Death Audit Rs.50 perASHA/AWW &Rs.10 per ANMfor reporting ofInfant deathoccurred incommunity.0.23488 0.29 ApprovedA.2.9A.2.9.1A.2.9.2A.2.10.Incentive to ASHA under childhealthIncentive to ASHA for homebased post natal care to newbornIncentive to ASHA forfollowup of discharged FBC& MTC casesJSSK- (for for Sickneonates up to 30 days)Rs.250 per newbornRs.200 per child17117 42.79 Approved @ Rs.250 to ASHA for per child forhome based neo natal care upto 42 daysApproval Awaited from GoI

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.2.10.1A.2.10.2A.2.10.3Drugs & consumables(other than reflected inProcurement)Drugs andConsumables for mildly sicknew born Drugs andConsumables for severely sicknew bornDiagnosticFree ReferralTransport (other thanA1.2 and A1.7.5)Referral for mildly sicknewbornReferral for sverely sicknewbornRs.100 per case 1750 1.75 ApprovedRs. 250 percaseRs. 1000 percaseA. Sub-total Child <strong>Health</strong> 69.91A.3 FAMILY PLAIGA.3.1 Terminal/Limiting MethodsA.3.1.1 Orientation workshop anddissemination of manuals on FPstandards & quality assuranceof sterilisation services2820 7.05 Approved353 3.53 ApprovedA. operational plan forprovision of sterilisationservices at facilities (fixed day)as well as camps , reviewmeetingsImplementation of sterilisationservices by districts(includingfixed day services and PPsterilization)A.3.1.2Organise female sterilisationcampsRs.2000 percampA.3.1.3 Organise NSV camps Rs.15000 percampA.3.1.4A.3.1.5A.3.1.6A.3.2A.3.2.1A.3.2.2Compensation for femalesterilisationCompensation for NSVAcceptanceAccreditation of privateproviders to providesterilisation servicesSpacing MethodsIUD campsImplementation of IUD servicesby districts (including fixed dayservices at SHC and PHC)Rs.1000 percaseRs.1500 percaseRs.1500 percase600 12.00 Approved6 camps 0.90 Approved5920 59.20 Approved83 1.25 Approved300 4.50 ApprovedA. IUD services at healthfacilities / compensationA. servicesAccreditation of privateproviders to provide IUDinsertion servicesA.3.2.4 Social Marketing ofcontraceptives (includngdelivery of contraceptive byASHA at door step)A.3.3POL for Family Planning/Others (including additionalmobilty support to surgeon'steam if req)A.3.4 Repairs of Laparoscopes Rs.50000 perlaparoscopeRs.75 per case 150 0.11 ApprovedRs.50 per case 5458 2.73 Approved0.50 Approved

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.3.5Other strategies/activities(please specify):A.3.5.1Monitor progress, quality andutilisation of services (bothterminal and spacing methods)including complications / deaths/ failure cases.ote: cost of insurance / failureand death compensation OT tobe booked hereRs.10000 permeetingA.3.5.2A.3.5.3Performance reward if anyWorld Population Day’celebration (such as mobility,IEC activities etc.): fundsearmarked for district and blocklevel activitiesRs.10000 perblock, Rs.50000per dist. & Rs.5lakh for state5 1.00 Rs.10000 per block, Rs.50000 per dist.A.3.5.4 Sterilization failurecompensationA. Sub-total Family Planning(excluding SterilisationCompensation and SVCamps)0.004.34A. Sub-total SterilisationCompensation and SVCampsA.4 ADOLESCETREPRODUCTIVE ADSEXUAL HEALTH / ARSHA.4.1 Adolescent services at healthfacilitiesA.4.1.1 Disseminate ARSH guidelines. Rs.300 per set77.85A.4.1.2Establishment of new clinics atDH levelA.4.1.3 Establishment of new clinics atCHC/PHC levelA. Operating expenses for existingclinicsRs.800 perclinic per monthfor 12 monthsA.4.1.4.A.4.1.5A.4.2A.4.2.1A.4.2.2Outreach activities includingpeer educatorsRegional level Adolescent<strong>Health</strong> WorkshopSchool health programmePrepare anddisseminate guidelines forSchool <strong>Health</strong> Programme.Prepare detailedoperational plan for School<strong>Health</strong> Programme acrossdistricts (cost of plan meetingshould be kept)Rs.1.5 lac perworkshopA.4.2.3A. ofSchool <strong>Health</strong>Programme by districts.Zonal level sensitizationmeetingBlock level School <strong>Health</strong>Planning MeetingsMonitor progress and quality ofservices.Other strategies/activities(please specify)Details of the MenstrualHygiene project to be providedand budgeted under this headRs.25000 permeetingRs.2500 perblock5 0.13 Approved

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.9 TRAIIG(for each type of training,please provide the batch size inthe rows below as applicable;in the physical target columns,pls put in the number ofpersons to be trained)A.9.1A.9.1.1A.9.1.2Strengthening of TrainingInstitutions (SIHFW,AMTCs, etc.)Carry out repairs/ renovations ofthe training institutionsProvide equipment and trainingaids to the training institutionsA.9.1.3A.9.1.4Developing systems formonitoring & evaluations oftraining programmes.Other activities (pl. specify)A.9.2 Development of trainingpackagesA. Development/ translation andduplication of training materialsA. Other activities (pl. specify)A.9.3 Maternal <strong>Health</strong> TrainingA.9.3.1 Skilled Attendance at Birth /SBAA. Setting up of SBA TrainingCentresA. TOT for SBAA. Training of Medical Officers inManagement of CommonObstetric Complications(BEmOC)A. of Staff Nurses in SBAA. of ANMs / LHVs inSBAA.9.3.2 EmOC TrainingA. Setting up of EmOC TrainingCentresA. TOT for EmOCA. Training of Medical Officers inEmOCA.9.3.3 Life saving Anaesthesia skillstrainingA. Setting up of Life savingAnaesthesia skills TrainingCentresA. TOT for Anaesthesia skillstrainingA. Training of Medical Officers inlife saving Anaesthesia skillsRs.94900 perbatchRs.6 lakh perbatchRs.5 lakh perbatch3 batches 2.85 ApprovedA.9.3.4 Safe abortion services training(including MVA/ EVA andMedical abortion)A. TOT on safe abortion services Rs.50000 perbatchA. Training of Medical Officers insafe abortionRs.80000 perbatchA.9.3.5 RTI / STI TrainingA. TOT for RTI/STI trainingA. Training of laboratorytechnicians in RTI/STI

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA. of Medical Officers inRTI/STITraining of Staff Nurses inRTI/STITraining of ANMs / LHVs inRTI/STIBEmOC trainingOther maternal health training(please specify) BSU trainingA. & Post Operative CareTrainingIMEP TrainingTOT on IMEPIMEP training for state anddistrict programme managersIMEP training for medicalofficersChild <strong>Health</strong> TrainingIMCI & F-IMCI Training(pre-service and in-service)TOT on IMNCI (pre-service andin-service) Supervisory traningRs.60000 perbatch &Rs.1.5 lac perbatchA. IMNCI Training for ANMs /LHVsRs.1.4 lakh perbatchA. IMNCI Training for AnganwadiWorkersA.9.5.2 F-IMNCI TrainingA. TOT on F-IMNCI Rs.1.5 lakh perbatchA. F-IMNCI Training for MedicalOfficersA. F-IMNCI Training for StaffNursesA.9.5.3 Home Based ewborn Care /HBCA. TOT on HBNCA. Training on HBNC for ASHAA.9.5.4 Care of sick children and severemalnutrition at FRUsA. TOT on Care of sick childrenand severe malnutritionA. Training on Care of sick Rs. 1 lakh perchildren and severe malnutrition batchfor Medical OfficersA.9.5.5A. child health training(please specify)NSSK TrainingA. TOT for NSSKA. NSSK Training for MedicalOfficersA. NSSK Training for SNsA. NSSK Training for ANMsRs.71400 perbatchA. Other Child <strong>Health</strong> training9. IYCF TOT & IYCF Training Rs.90000 perDT9. FBNC Training (4 days) forFBNC staff9. 2 weeks FBNC observershiptrainingA.9.6 Family Planning TrainingA.9.6.1 Laparoscopic SterilisationTrainingA. TOT on laparoscopicsterilisationA. Laparoscopic sterilisationtraining for doctors (teams ofdoctor, SN and OT assistant)Rs.118450 perbatchRs.141000 perbatchRs.44000 perbatch2 2.80 ApprovedApproved. It will be conducted at state level1 0.71 Approved1 0.90 Approved1 0.44 Approved

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.9.6.2 Minilap TrainingA. TOT on MinilapA. Minilap training for medicalofficersRs.44000 perbatchA.9.6.3 on-Scalpel Vasectomy (SV)TrainingA. TOT on NSVA. NSV Training of medical Rs.26175 perofficersbatchA.9.6.4 IUD InsertionA. TOT for IUD insertionA. Training of Medical officers inIUD insertionA. Training of staff nurses in IUDinsertionA. Training of ANMs / LHVs in Rs.69000 perIUD insertionbatchA.9.6.5 Contraceptive update/ISDTrainingA.9.6.6 Other family planning training(please specify)A. PPIUCD Training Rs.34000 perbatchA. Workshop for promotion of Rs.1.5 lac perPPIUCD & Minilap in Medical District HospitalColleges & large DistrictHospitalA. IUCD training facilitatedby HLFPPTA.9.7 Adolescent Reproductive andSexual <strong>Health</strong>/ARSH Training1 0.44 Approved2 1.38 ApprovedA.9.7.1A.9.7.2TOT for ARSH training andOther TrainingOrientation training of state anddistrict programme managersA.9.7.3A.9.7.4ARSH training for medicalofficersARSH training for ANMs/LHVsRs.50000 perdistrictApprovedA.9.7.5A.9.8ARSH training for AWWsProgramme ManagementTraining (e.g. M&E, logisticsmanagement, HRD etc.)A.9.8.1 Training of SPMSU staff (plsadd rows to specify type oftraining)A.9.8.2 Training of DPMSU staff (plsadd rows to specify type oftraining)A.9.9 Other training (pl. specify)Reorientation training of EmOC& LSASA.A.9.10 Training (ursing)A.A.9.10.1 Strengthening of ExistingTraining Institutions/NursingSchoolA.A.9.10.2 New TrainingInstitutions/School (Otherstrengthening)A.A.9.11 Training (Other <strong>Health</strong>Personnel's)A.A.9.11.1 Promotional Trig of healthworkers females to lady healthvisitor etc.A.A.9.11.2 Training of AMNs,Staffnurses,AWW,AWS35.00 ApprovedApproved. It will be done at state level.Approved. It will be done at state level.

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.A.9.11.3 Other training and capacitybuildingprogrammes (PGDPHM couresefor MO & Capacity Building ofManagement <strong>Health</strong>Proffessional)A.A.9.11.4 Induction training of Medical Rs.7.875 lac perOfficerbatchA.A.9.11.5 Mentoring & SupportiveSupervision of aready trainedMOS in LSAS, EmOC byMedical College Facilities / DHmentorsAverageRs.5000 perteam per dayA. Sub-total Training 44.52A.10 PROGRAMMEMAAGEMETA.10.1 Strengthening of State society/State Programme ManagementSupport UnitA.10.1.1 Contractual Staff for SPMSUrecruited and in positionA.10.2 Strengthening of Districtsociety/ District ProgrammeManagement Support UnitA.10.2.1A.10.3Contractual Staff for DPMSUrecruited and in positionStrengthening of Block PMU(Including HR, ManagementCost, Mobility Support, FieldVisits)It will be done at state level17.40 Approved. Honrarium of DPM @Rs.38000 permonth, DAM @Rs.30000 per month, DNO(M&EO) @Rs.23000 per month,DEO@Rs.6000 per month, Mobility supportRs.22000 per month, TA/DA Rs.10000 permonth, OE Rs.10000 per month5 blocks 38.36 Approved. Honorarium of BPM @Rs.16500 permonth, Accountant@Rs.8800 per month, DEO@Rs.6600 per month, Mobility Support toBPMU @Rs.15000 per month per block permonth, OE to BPMU @Rs.5000 per month perblock, TA/DA Rs.5000 per month per blockA.10.4 Strengthening (Others)A.10.5 Audit Fees It will be done at state levelA.10.6 Concurrent Audit system It will be done at state levelA.10.7 Mobility Support, Field Visits toBMO/MO/OthersA. Sub-total Programme55.76ManagementA.11 VULERABLE GROUPSA.11.1 Other vulnerable communitiesnot covered by Urban and TribalRCH such as salt pan workers,migrants etc.0.00A.11.2A.11.2.1A.11.2.2A.11.3A.11.4A.11.4.1A.11.4.2Services for Vulnerable groupsMapping of vulnerable groupsPrepare operational plan forvulnerable groups (includinginfrastructure and humanresources, training, BCC/IEC,equipment, drugs and supplies,etc.; cost of plan meeting shouldbe kept).Implementation of RCHactivitiesOther strategies/activities(please specify) YasodaIncentivesStrgthening of Delivery PointsStrgtening of 110 to 150 bededcomprehensive MCH CareCenterNot approved for Yashoda incentive

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksA.11.4.3 Branding of DeliveryPoints Rs.6 lac per MCHospital / DH/SDH/SH, Rs.2.5lac per CHC,Rs.50000 perPHC &Rs.10000 perSCSub-total (Other RCHActivity)A. Total RCH II BaseFlexi PoolB1 ASHAB1.1 ASHA CostB.1.1.1 Slelection & Training of ASHA02 DH/SDH/SH, 04CHCs, 12 PHC, 08 SC28.80 Approved.Subject to State restricting it to name wise listof1665 functional delivery points for a one timebranding and NRHM logo to be highlighted.Expenditure be incurred as per the level offacility within1500 cr.28.801127.6515 days InductionRs. 1.25Training of ASHA It includes all Lakh- per batchthe components of module1, 2, 3 and 4. In year2012-13, 8050 ASHA-Sahyogini will be trainedModule 5 TrainingCounseling skills orientedtraining would be givenin sector meetings, blockmeetings and also during anyother training imparted toASHA.Moudule 6 & 7 (TOT)Module 6 & 7 ( training)550 Batches @ 30 ASHAper batch total 16500ASHA will be trainedRs. 2.80 LacperbatchRs.95000 perBatchB1.2 Procurement of ASHA Drug Kit Rs. 600/-perdrug kit &Rs.200 per drugkit replanishmentB1.3 Performance Incentive/Other Incentives to ASHAs (for Monthly sector Meeting Asan estimate each ASHA willparticipate on an average 8meetings in a year.)Rs. 140/-(Rs.100 is wagecompensati on,Rs.30 istravellingallowance &Rs.10 forcontingenci es)7 8.75 Approved. Thestate can club module 1-5 for the newlyinductedASHAs as induction module of duration ofabout 8-10 days, since there is substantialoverlap. Key competencies for Maternal,newborn and child healthwill be covered in Modules 6 and 7.22 20.90 Approved10.00 ApprovedThe remaining17% AHSA who are left for module 5 can betrained separately in Module 5.Approved, will be done at state levelApproved, will be done at state levelB1.4 Awards to ASHA's/LinkworkersB1.5 ASHA Mentoring GroupDistrict ASHACoordinatorsRs. 17250per ASHAcoordinator perMonthB1.7 Block <strong>Health</strong> Supervisors Rs 8000per BHS permonthPHC ASHA Supervisors RS. 5700Lakh per PASper month1 2.07 Approved2 1.92 Approved22 15.05 ApprovedB2Sub Total ASHA 58.69Untied Funds

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksB2.1 Untied Fund for CHCs Rs. 50000/- 0.00 Approved.B2.2 Untied Fund for PHCs Rs. 25000/- 0.00 Approved.B2.3 Untied Fund for Sub Centers Rs. 10000/- 0.00 Approved.B2.4 Untied fund for VHSNCAs per RHS 2011 Total revenuevillage = 44672. As per MIS31.12.2011 total VHSNCs =43440One in every village and2 in villages having more than3500 Population. There are 2742villages which have thepopulation less than 100.Rs. 10000/ perVHSC-0.00 Approvalpending needs to operationalize the jointaccount with PRISub Total Unitied Funds 0.00B.3Annual Maintenance GrantsB3.1 CHCsRs. 100000/- 1.18ApprovedB3.2 PHCs Rs. 50000/- 12.62 ApprovedB3.3 Sub Centers Rs. 10000/- 0.00 ApprovedSub Total AnnualMaintenance Grants13.80B.4 Hospital StrengtheningB.4.1 Upgradation of CHCs, PHCs,Dist. Hospitals to IPHS)B4.1.1 District Hospitals 0.00B4.1.2 CHCs 0.00B4.1.3 PHCs 0.00B4.1.4 Sub Centers 0.00B4.1.5 Others 0.00B 4.2 Strengthening of District, SudivisionalHospitals, CHCs,0.00PHCsB.4.3 Sub Centre Rent andContingencies0.00B.4.4 Logistics management/improvement0.00Sub Total HospitalStrengthening0.00B5 ew Constructions/Renovation and Setting upB5.1 CHCsConstruction of 1 JSY Rs 20 LakhApproved, will be done through civil wingMaternity ward in 1000.00CHCRenovation of 76 CHCs Rs 60 Lakhs 0.00 Approved, will be done through civil wingUp gradation of housing facilityApproved, will be done through civil wingas perIPHS norms CHCs0.00Construction of 1 JSYMaternity ward in 100CHCRs 20 LakhApproved, will be done through civil wing

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksStrengthening of Block Rs 50 LakhCHC/FRUUpgradation of housingfacility as per IPHS normsCHCsRenovation of CHCs Rs 60LakhsConstruction of JSY wards at Rs 40highdelivery identified points -37CHCs FRU more than 100DeliveryWaiting Hall for waiting Rs 6expectent mother ( waiting for Lakhdelivery ) DHs-7 CHCs FRU-13for tribal districts179 Residential quarters for 33CHCs /FRUs (MO=12.5,SN=9.5 and 4th Class 7.5 )Construction of JSY MaternityWards at high delivery identifiedpoints 20 bedded wards at 32CHCs at L-3Rs 11LakhsRs 40LakhsApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingConstruction of JSY Maternity Rs 40wards at high delivery identified Lakhspoints 20 bedded wards at 36CHCs at L-2Approved, will be done through civil wingB5.2 PHCsRenovation and FacilityUpgradation of 276 PHCsConstruction of Residentialquarters at PHCsConstruction of 1 Labor room atPHCsRs 5.65LakhsApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingConstructions of residentialfacilities to Doctors and Paramedicals staff as per IPHSNormsRenovation and facilityUpgradation of PHCsResidential Quarters in 3 PHCsavrg delivery more than 100Rs 28LakhsRs 10LakhsApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingResidential quarters in 37 PHCsavrg delivery 50 to 100Residential quarters in 322PHCsavrg delivery less than 50deliveriesRs 10LakhsRs 10LakhsB5.3 SHCs/Sub CentersConstruction of Sub Centre Rs 8LakhsConstruction of Sub Centre Rs 10LakhsConstruction of Sub- centre Rs 10Building at 560 Building less Lakhslocation in the StateConstruction of Labor room at Rs 3.50383 Sub centreLakhsConstruction of labour room atSCsRs 6LakhsConstruction of toilets at SCs Rs 2LakhsConstruction of residential Rs Lakhfacilities for ANM at Sub Centrein the identified delivery pointsApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wing

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksB5.4 Setting up Infrastructure wingfor Civil works CE, Sup Eng, SrArch, Exn civil/Elec, A Exn,Auto caddraftman, supervisorcivil, account, UDC/LDC, C-operator, steno, Mobility others.B5.5 Govt. Dispensaries/ othersrenovations/OthersSwasthaya BhawanSwasthaya Bhawan JaipurConstruction of Drug wareHouses at 5 DHQ AjmerChittorgarh Jhalawar DausaJhunjhunuConstruction of ANMTCbuilding at New DHQ Baran,Hanumangarh,Rajsamand,Dausa, <strong>Sawai</strong> madhopurExtension and renovation of 4ANMTCRenovation and repairs of 5Public <strong>Health</strong> Laboratories atAlwar Udaipur,Kota JaipurAjmerConcurrent evolution of the civilConstruction under NRHM in<strong>Rajasthan</strong> By third party on thebasis of transparent biddingprocessConstruction of 50 Beddedwards at 14 District Hospitals50 bedded wards at 12 SDH and6 Satellite HospitalsRs 250LakhsRs 70Approved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingConstruction of residentialquarters for doctors and paramedical staff at high deliverypointsRenovation and construction of6 bedded MTC ward at DHJhunjhunuRs 11LakhsApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingConstruction of New Born Rs 6Stabilization unitLakhsRenovation and construction of Rs 106 bedded MTC ward at Medical LakhsCollege Hospital KotaApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingConstruction of DistrictPCPCDTRs 10LakhsWingEstablishment of MCHN Units Rs 16 CratMedical Collage and DistrictHospitalB5.6 Construction of BHO, Facilityimprovement, civil work,BemOCand CemOC centersB.5.7 Major civil works foroperationalisation of FRUSB.5.8 Major civil works foroperationalisation of 24 hourservices at PHCsB.5.9 Civil Works for Operationalise Rs. 0.60Infection Management & Lakh per pitEnvironment Plan at healthfacilities For Construction ofDeep Burial pits at 276 PHCswhere no pits are constructed tillnow for disposal of Bio medicalwasteApproved, will be done through civil wingApproved, will be done through civil wingIt will be implemented by civil wing

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksSub Total ew Constructions/Renovation and Setting up0.00B.6 Corpus Grants to HMS/RKSB6.1 District Hospitals Rs. 5 Lac 1.70 ApprovedB6.2 CHCs Rs. 1 Lakh 0.84 ApprovedB6.3 PHCs Rs. 1 Lakh 15.98 ApprovedB6.4 Other if notbifurcated as aboveSub Total Corpus Grants18.52to HMS/RKSB7 District Action Plans(Including Block, Village)0.40 Approvedincluding pending liabilitySub Total District ActionPlans0.40B8 Panchayati Raj Initiative ApprovedB8.1 Constitution and Orientation ofCommunity leader & ofVHSC,SHC,PHC,CHC etcB8.2 Orientation Workshops,Trainings and capacity buildingof PRI at State/Dist. <strong>Health</strong>Societies, CHC,PHCB8.3 OthersSub Total Panchayati RajInitiativeB9 Mainstreaming of AYUSHRs.25000 perblock5 1.251.25ApprovedB9.1 Medical officers atDH/CHC/PHCB9.2 Other Staff Nurses andsupervisoryNurses- Paramedical staffAYUSHB9.3 Activities other than HRSub TotalMainstreaming ofAYUSHB10 IEC-BCC RHMB.10 Strengthening of BCC/IECBureaus (State and districtlevels)Workshop & Exposure Visit toother stateB.10.1 Development of StateBCC/IEC strategy (Strategy forarea specific IEC, Baselinesurvey & research studies formonitoring & evaluation. I print& electronic media campaign0Rs.16800 perAYUSH doctorper monthRs.7500 permonth percompounder11 22.186 5.4027.58ApprovedApprovedWill be done from state levelStrengthening of IEC / BCCactivities in Districtlevel IEC/BCC activities @1 Lakh per districtRs 1 Lakhs1.00ApprovedB.10.2B.10.2.1Implementation ofBCC/IEC strategyBCC/IEC activities for MHElectronic & print mediacampaign & Workshop with PRImembers (JSSK& other issues of MH)Will be done from state level

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksB.10.2.2BCC/IEC activities for CHOutdoor media campaign(various messages will bedisplayed through hoardings,display planes, Glow shineboards and wall writings in allhealth facilities). Electronicmedia campaign for CHactivities.Rs.5 Lakhfor outdoormedia campaign& Rs.10 Lakhfor Electronicmedia / printmediaWill be done from state levelB.10.2.3 BCC/IEC activities for FP wall writinghoardings andboardsWill be done from state levelB 10.2.4B.10.2.5B.10.3B.10.4BCC/IEC activity for ARSHOther activities (pleasespecify)<strong>Health</strong> MelaCreating awareness on decliningsex ratio issuePNDT and Sex Ratio(Operationalization of HamariBeti Express IEC Mobile Van. )Rs. 85000month for eachvan sB.10.5Other activities ( IEC forARSH, FP activities,AYUSH, Referral Transportservices, IMEP and ITinnovations, MMU etc.)B11Common Review <strong>Mission</strong>VisitsState Review <strong>Mission</strong>Celebration of SafeMotherhood DaySub Total IEC/BCC underRHMMobile Medical Units(Including recurringexpenditures)MMVsRs.2 Lakhper visitRs.50000per districtRs.5 Lakhper celebrationRs.1.1 Lakh perMMVs permonth (13.2lakh/year )1.002 26.40Will be done from state levelWill be done from state levelApprovedMMUs (with diagnostic facility) Rs.1.44 Lakhper MMU permonth (17.28lakh/year)Monitoring &Evaluation/consumablesof MMUs & MMUs (withdiagnostic facility)Sub Total MMU/MMVs2 34.5660.96Approved

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksB12 Referral TransportB12.1 108 EmergencyAmbulanceB12.2 Operating Cost (POL) Rs.289655 perambulance 9 26.07ApprovedSub Total ReferralTransportB13 PPP/ GOsB13.1 Nongovernmentalproviders of healthcare RMPs/TBAsB13.2 Public PrivatePartnerships PPP Mode withNICE foundation in three UrbanSites Udaipur Bikaner andJodhpur School <strong>Health</strong>ProgrammeB13.3 NGO Programme/ Grantin Aid to NGOSub Total PPP/GOs 0.00B 14 Innovation (if Any)B15 Planning,Implementation andMonitoringB15.1 Community Monitoring.(Visioning workshops at State,Dist, Block level)B15.1.1 State levelB15.1.2 District levelB15.1.3 Block levelB15.1.4 OtherB15.2 Quality Assurance 0.00 ApprovedB15.3 Monitoring andEvaluationB15.3.1 Monitoring & Evaluation/ HMISMonitoring & Evaluation& training on HMIS Monitoringand evaluation/HMIS/PCTS/training at various levelone state level workshopApproved@ 1.00 Lakh, 34 District levelworkshop @ 0.25Lakh. 249 block level work shop@ 0.05 Lakh5 0.5026.070.000.00Will be done from state levelC N A Training (at stateand Block levels)HMIS/PCTSwork at stateHQ5 0.50Approved

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksB15.3.2B15.3.3Computerization DistrictHospital, HMIS and e-governance, e-healthOther M & EData card for PHC/CHCfor PCTS/HMISPrinting of SDR's & line listingformats (60000)(Computerization of 15DistrictHospitals (e-GovernanceProject),Strengtheni ngofMMJRKIT/MISactivities,Computerhardware /software forStrengtheni ngof NRHMsoftware,Strengtheni ngof CSR-302,Establishme ntof computertraining lab& GPSmonitoringcell(For 108ambulance,MMU & baseambulances), SMS services(m- Governance), Strgthening ofRs 100/- perSDRPrinting of HMIS reportingformat and registers/CANformatsPrinting of PCTS manual Rs. 50 permanualData validation exerciseand verification at districts bystate team & monthly reviewmeeting of SA's and DAs at statelevelStrengthening ofcomputerization at State anddistrict:{ Desktop for at 34district for DCM&HO (FW)office &06 desktop for state H.Qat PCTS cell}Sub Total Planning,Implementation andMonitoringB.16 PROCUREMETB16.1 Procurement of EquipmentB16.1.1 Procurement of equipment: MHdatavalidation @Rs.50000per district for10 district. 6MonthlymeetingRs.10000per meeting13 Base Ambulance, 4MMU, 1 telemedicine site7.438.43Approved. Hardware & software @Rs.2 lakhper district, Establishment of GPS monitoringcell @Rs.98900 per district, Installation of GPSsystem at MMU & existing base ambulances@Rs.10000 per GPS, Anuual Maintenance ofComputer Peripherals @Rs.20000 per district inthe year, SMS services @Rs.90000 per districtin the year, Strengthening of Telemedicine Sites@Rs.1637000 per site in a yearCost to beborne from Corpus grant fundWill be done from state levelWill be done from state levelWill be done from state levelWill be done from state levelWill be done from state levelLabour table Rs 25000 0.00 Will be done from state levelSuction Machine Rs 7500 0.00 Will be done from state levelElectronic Digital foetal Rs 7500Will be done from state level0.00DoplarFetal Tocograph with Rs 1.7 LakhWill be done from state level0.00foetal monitorHCWM Rs 65000 0.00 Will be done from state levelInverter at SCs (1000Rs 30000Will be done from state level0.00Watt)

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksB16.1.2Water Supply at sub centers Rs 2 Lakhs 0 0.00 Approved, detail planning is requiredHemoglobin color Scale One Kit Rs1000 and refillkit Rs6000.00Will be done from state levelProcurement ofequipment: CHProcurement underIMNCI & HBNCBabyWeighing scale@Rs.800,ARI Timers@Rs.500,Referral Slips@Rs.30 per100 ,Counselingguide@Rs.100 , CaseSheet (Book)@Rs.500.00Will be done from state levelProcurement of SOPs for Rs.130 perPost partum care, new born care SOPs& care of high risk pregnancies(posters in Hindi)Printing of Follow-up Rs.3 perCardscardNBCC ( Radiant Warmer ) Rs 800000.000.00Will be done from state levelWill be done from state levelWill be done from state level0.00B16.1.3B16.1.4NBSU Rs 5.5 Lakhs 0.00 Will be done from state levelUpscaling FBNC (SNCU) Rs 12 Lakh 0.00 Will be done from state levelProcurement of equipment: FPMinilap Sets 68Will be done from state levelMinilaparot0.00omy SetLaparoscopes 20Will be done from state levelLaparoscope s0.0068 Light sourceProcurement ofWill be done from state levelequipment: IMEP0.00B16.1.5 Procurement of Others 0.00Glucometer for sugarRs.2500 perWill be done from state levelcheckglucometer& Rs.10 per0.00stripB.16.2 Procurement of Drugsand supplies0.00B.16.2.1 Drugs & supplies for MH 0.00RPR testing kit for STI & Rs.60 per kitWill be done from state level0.00estimated pregnancy casesB.16.2.2 Drugs & supplies for CH Rs 50 0.00 Will be done from state levelB.16.2.3 Drugs & supplies for FP 0.00B.16.2.4 Supplies for IMEPWill be done from state level0.00B16.2.5General drugs & suppliesfor health facilities 0.00

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksProcurement of IFAtablets (School going adolescentBoys & Girls)Procurement of IFAtablets (Out of SchoolAdolescent Girls)IFA for children less than5 yearsIFA for children ( 5 to 10yr).Albendazole oralsuspension for deworming ofchildren between (2-6 yrs.)400mg/lt.10.44 Rs. for100 Tablets 0.0010.44 Rs. for100 Tablets 0.00Rs.7.90 per100 tabletsRs.7.90 per100 tabletsRs.3.33 perOral Suspensionof 400 mg /10mlSub Total Procurement 0.00B.17 Regional drugswarehousesStrengthening of Public0.00<strong>Health</strong> LaboratoriesDrugs warehouse/Drug0.00Control orgDrug TestingLab/Regional Drugs Ware house0.000.000.00Will be done from state levelWill be done from state levelWill be done from state levelWill be done from state levelWill be done from state levelWill be done from state levelApprovedSub Total Regional drugswarehousesB.18 ew Initiatives/Strategic Interventions (As perState health policy)/Innovation/ Projects as perneedMedical Help Line 104(Centralized 104 call centre atState head quarters for medicaladvice service)Strategic Intervention forUniversal Assurance of <strong>Health</strong>for Vulnerable People0.000.00Will be done from state levelSub Total ewInitiatives/StraB.19 <strong>Health</strong> InsuranceSchemeB.20 Research, Studies,AnalysisB.21 State level healthresourcescenter(SHSRC)/State ASHAResource CentreB22Sub Total SHSRC/ASHAresource CentreSupport ServicesB22.1 Support StrengtheningNPCBB22.2 Support StrengtheningMidwifery Services undermedical servicesB22.3 Support StrengtheningNVBDCPMalaria Link VolunteersB22.4 Support StrengtheningRNTCPFunds for investigationSalary Contractual LabAttendantsPower Backup with recurringcostculture/DST lab At STDC Ajmer125 KV0.00Rs.1000 permonth per MLV 100 6.000.00To intensifymalaria control activities in high risk areas indistricts for 6 months by MLV

Approved PIP 2012-13 of District <strong>Sawai</strong> <strong>Madhopur</strong>Sl. No.ActivityUnit Cost(Rs.)PhysicalTargets/ExpectedOutput for DistrictApproved Budget forDistrict (In Lakh)RemarksSDS BuildingconstructionB22.5 Contingency support toGovt. dispensariesB22.6 Other NDCP SupportProgrammesSub Total SupportServicesB.23 Other Expenditures(Power Backup, Convergenceetc)CTF connectivity of 52DH/SH/SDH & 376 CHCsTo connectthe CTF of theseinstitutions forBio- MedicalWaste Disposal@ Rs.3.2 perday per bed.6.003.00Approved, detail planning is required for DH/ SDH / SH & CHCsCC.1C.1.aSub Total OtherExpendituresTOTAL MISSIOFLEXIPOOL (B) :-Total Routine Immunisation &Pulse Polio Round :-3.00225.69Routine ImmunizationMobility Support for RCHO forSupervision & Monitoring for RI/ MCHN session (For VehicleHiring / POL / Maintenance) 0.20Moblity support for Block forsupervision & Monitoring of RI/MCHN session 0.50C.1.eDistrict Level Quarterly ReviewMeeting 0.07C.1.fBlock Level Review Meeting0.09Block Level Review Meetingswith ASHA 0.66C.1.gFocus on slum & undersrvedareas (hiring of ANM for urbanslums / under served areas) 0.88C.1.hC.1.I &C.1.jC.1.k &C.1.iC.1.mC.1.nMobilization of children byASHA 7.92Alternative Vaccine DeliveryMicro PlanningsPOL of Vaccine VansPOL of zonal vaccine vansConsumables for computerincluding provision of internet6.590.300.140.000.02C.1.oProvision of Polythene bags0.11

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