2012 nakuru district mock physics q paper 3.pdf - KCSE Online

2012 nakuru district mock physics q paper 3.pdf - KCSE Online

2012 nakuru district mock physics q paper 3.pdf - KCSE Online


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1Name……………………………………………………….No……………………….………………….School………………………………………………………Signature……………………………IndexCandidatesDate ……………………………..…..NAKURU DISTRICT JOINT TRIAL EXAMINATIONS <strong>2012</strong>PHYSICS PAPER 3232/3PHYSICSPaper 3(PRACTICAL)2 ½ HoursJuly <strong>2012</strong>Instructions to Candidates− Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.− Answer all the questions in spaces provided.− You are supposed to spend the first 15 minutes of the 2½ hours allowed for this<strong>paper</strong> reading the whole <strong>paper</strong> carefully before starting to work.− Non programmable silent electronic calculators and KNEC mathematical tablesmay be used except where stated otherwise.For Examiner’s use onlyQuestion 1Question2TotalSECTION 1 (A) 1 (B) 2 -Maximum score 6 14 20 40Candidate’s scoreVisit: www.kcse-online.info for thousands of free Past <strong>paper</strong>s

2Question 1(A)You are provided with the following apparatus:• Candle• Screen• Meter rule• Convex lens and lens holdera. Set up the lens, the screen and candle as shown below;ScreeLensCandleV1u1i. Set the object distance (position of candle) u1 = 15cm. By adjusting the position ofthe screen, obtain a sharp image of the candle on screen. Record the value of theimage distance v1 in the table below.ii. While maintaining the candle and the screen at the same position, move the lens asshow by the broken arrow above the broken image of the lens until you obtainanother position with sharp image and then record u2 the new distance of theobject and v2 the new image distance.iii) Complete the table below:3mku1v1u2v2b)Visit: www.kcse-online.info for thousands of free Past <strong>paper</strong>s

3iv) Given that; andDetermine the focal length f of the lens given the following equation3mk(B) You are provided with the following apparatus;• A resistance wire mounted on a millimeter scale• A set of resistor marked S• One cell (size D)• A switch• A jockey• A center-zero galvanometer• A resistor marked Ri. Arrange the apparatus as shown in the diagram below with the jockey placed P and acrocodile clip at N the junction between R1 and R2.RR1NR1R2R3R4R5MGO0 cmP100QX1X2SVisit: www.kcse-online.info for thousands of free Past <strong>paper</strong>s

4ii.Close the switch and adjust the jockey P until a balance is obtained ( galvanometerread zero). Measure the distance X1 and X2 and record them in the table provided.iii.Move the crocodile clip to the next junction (between R2 and R3, repeat the procedureabove for all the other junctions and the point M, and complete the table below.Ri 10 32 42 75 85X1X2X1/ X26MKiv.Plot a graph of R against x2 /x1. On the grid provided.5MKv. Determine the gradient of the graph 4MKvi. The equation of the graph is given asR = Ri(X1/ X2)Use your graph to determine the resistance of R.vii.State any two sources of error in the experiment2mQUESTION 2a) You are provided with the following apparatus• Pendulum bob• Thread ( about 1.5 m )• Stop watch• Retort stand, boss and clampVisit: www.kcse-online.info for thousands of free Past <strong>paper</strong>s

5• Micrometer screw gauge• Electronic balance• Meter rule• Two pieces of woodi) Measure the diameter of the pendulum bob and its mass.d = …………………..m2mkm = ………………………..kgii) set up the apparatus as shown in the figure below;WoodenRetortXThreaPendulumiii) Tie the pendulum bob to the thread provided. Measure the length of the thread to x= 1.0 m and fix it as shown above, the pieces of wood should help hold the threadfirmly.Length X(m) for 10oscillationsPeriod T(s) T 2 (s 2 )Visit: www.kcse-online.info for thousands of free Past <strong>paper</strong>s

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