Chesapeake Swim Club New Member Online Packet

Chesapeake Swim Club New Member Online Packet

Chesapeake Swim Club New Member Online Packet


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Frequently Asked Questions Updated 1/7/13Q: What is <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (CSC)?A: CSC welcomes swimmers of all capabilities and is primarily structured to enable individuals to accomplish theirindividual goals within a team environment.Q: How is CSC structured?A: CSC provides a well-rounded, quality, competitive swimming program for young people of all ages and swimmingabilities. There are a total of 9 programs available for abilities ranging from Novice competitors through the NationalTeam, where the focus is on success at National competitive levels.Q: How do we obtain information about practice and meet schedules?A: For information concerning the swim club schedule and all team activities, CSC maintains a comprehensive website(chesapeakeswimclub.org). We also send information via e-mail. Checking your e-mail and the website frequently isstrongly recommended.Q: How is the business of administrating CSC handled?A: CSC is a nonprofit organization. The only paid employees are our coaches. John Brown, Head Coach/CEO, hassupervisory responsibility for the entire swim program and day-to-day operations. Josh Everett, Senior Development HeadCoach, and Kathy Mendez, Head Age Group Coach/Assistant Head Coach, along with the assistant coaches take theirdirection from John. CSC consists of a Board of Directors with elections held annually in November for President-elect,Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Parliamentarian. Other board positions are appointed asneeded. The CSC Board of Directors serves to set policy and hire the CEO. Parents are invited and encouraged to attendthe Board of Directors meetings.Q: What are CSC's obligations and how does CSC support itself?A: The Board of Directors provides pool availability through contracts with OCCC, OCUSA, and the Lighthouse,coaching staff (including coaches education, certification, and travel expenses) and pool equipment as necessary tosupport club activities. The coaching staff provides organized practices and professional swimming technique, trainingand instruction to provide the best opportunity for your child's swimming success. CSC supports itself throughmembership fees and fundraising activities, primarily organizing and running swim meets. The cost associated withrunning a swim club is enormous, particularly those costs enumerated above.Q: What is USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming <strong>Member</strong>ship and why is it required?A: As a USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming licensed swim club, CSC is obligated to ensure all swimmers are members of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming,Inc. It is also necessary for participation in any USA sanctioned swim meet. USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming provides CSC liabilityinsurance in the event of an accident, and the swimmers medical insurance to cover catastrophic medical costs incurredduring a sanctioned activity, including CSC practices and activities.Q: What are the swimmer's obligations to CSC?A: <strong>Swim</strong>mers are athlete members of Oklahoma <strong>Swim</strong>ming (OKS) and USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming, Inc. Their primary obligationsare to enjoy themselves, make new friends, practice hard, attain their swimming goals and conduct themselves as youngladies and men in accordance with CSC and USA Codes of Conduct.Q: What are parental obligations to CSC?A: Parent's most important obligation is to provide constant encouragement to your child. Additionally, parents areconsidered active CSC members and are invited to attend board meetings and hold office. Providing quality swiminstruction and water time for your children requires a time commitment, in addition to the fees paid. All CSC membersare unpaid volunteers who also hold down full time jobs, limiting their availability for CSC responsibilities. As a result,their willingness to work together and rely on one another is paramount to CSC success.5

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