Chesapeake Swim Club New Member Online Packet

Chesapeake Swim Club New Member Online Packet

Chesapeake Swim Club New Member Online Packet


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Updated 1/7/13<strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Member</strong> <strong>Online</strong> <strong>Packet</strong> Welcome to the <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. This packet contains useful information about CSC, how weoperate and the expectations we have of our coaches, swimmers and their parents. Please complete thefollowing forms and return:1. CSC Registration Form **2. Code of Ethics and Conduct3. Medical Exam and Report4. Authorization/Consent for Medical Treatment5. CSC Photo Release Form6. Service Hour Agreement Form7. USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Registration and dues for one month **8. USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Transfer Request Form (required for all current or previous USA swimmers)**Please bring documentation of your swimmer’s birth date. The Head Age Group Coach or poolrepresentative must verify your swimmer’s date of birth before paperwork can be accepted. Documentsthat may be used to verify the date of birth include your swimmer's birth certificate, passport ordrivers license.**NOTE: Before a swimmer is allowed in the water, we must have the followingdocuments completed: the registration form, the USA swimming registration form andthe USA swimming fee [2013 - $54.00] and the dues for the first month. This isrequired in order to have all swimmers covered under our insurance with USA<strong>Swim</strong>ming. One check for the total of your swimmers’ monthly dues and USA annualdues should be made out to <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and NOT submitted to USA<strong>Swim</strong>ming directly. If you have participated in USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming in the past, you may notpractice with the club unless the Transfer Request Form has been turned in along withthe other required paperwork.All remaining forms are due within 2 weeks of starting to swim with the club.Please submit one check for all fees and dues made payable to CSC.Your monthly invoice will be available online around the first of each month. Payments are due by the10th of the month. Payments received after the 10 th are subject to a $25.00 late fee.If at any time you have questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact any board member.If you have questions specifically related to your child's swimming, please contact their primary coach.See you at the pool!1

Updated 1/7/13Financial and Other CommitmentsThrough the years, CSC has evolved into the finest competitive swim program in Oklahoma. The attentiongiven by our coaches has created an excellent atmosphere for the development of young swimmers.Commitment to quality does not come without cost. Retaining availability of pools and qualified coachingrequires year around leases and high fixed costs. We provide our excellent coaching staff withcompetitive compensation for their many hours of dedication. These issues create a constant monthlyexpense and are just two of the numerous expenses incurred on an ongoing basis. Sponsorship of CSC bythe <strong>Chesapeake</strong> Corporation is a great honor and help; however, the support we receive in no way meetsall of our financial obligations. In order to maintain a quality swim team, each of us must be willing tomake certain commitments. CSC hosts 4 to 5 swim meets per year that provide us the potential to earnsignificant additional funds with which to operate the team. Parents unanimously agree that they werenot in favor of other fund raising activities (i.e. sausage and cheese sales, car washes, etc.). This leavesus with no choice but to focus our efforts on swim meets if we are to continue raising the $15,000 to$20,000 that helps us meet our financial obligations. Without the additional funds generated by theseswim meets, membership dues would be significantly higher. A well-run swim meet requires a largenumber of volunteers. Spread out over the entire membership, this amounts to 3-5 hours per meet perfamily. Some needed tasks need little or no training (concessions, hospitality, timing). Others requirespecialized training (officiating, computer operations). All are necessary to host a well-run meet. A meetthat is not well run will not be well attended and will eventually cease to exist. We urge each family tovolunteer whatever time they can, when they can, to make this the most rewarding experience possiblefor the swimmers. These commitments are as follows:Service Hours:A well-run meet requires a large numbers of volunteers. Each family is required to work a minimumnumber of hours at swim meets from September through August. The total number of hours required isbased on the level of your swimmer and listed below. Of the required hours, 30% of the hours MUST beworked at one of our designated “championship meets” [Elite Pro-Am Meet in December]. The hours bylevel and the required ‘championship’ hours are:Meets Only10 hours per year [3 championship hours]Red/Blue15 hours per year [4.5 championship hours] 1.25 hrs/monthSilver/Gold25 hours per year [7.5 championship hours] 2.1 hrs/monthSenior Development 25 hours per year [7.5 championship hours] 2.1 hrs/monthSenior30 hours per year [9 championship hours] 2.5 hrs/monthSectional35 hours per year [10.5 championship hours] 2.9 hrs/monthNational40 hours per year [12 championship hours] 3.3 hrs/monthCollege Summer <strong>Swim</strong>mers 5 hours per yearIf you have more than one swimmer, the number of hours required is determined by the swimmer in thehighest level.2

Updated 1/7/13How will I know when to work?Approximately a month before each meet CSC hosts, an email will go out announcing the areas wherehelp is needed. The sign up for volunteer hours is handled online. Volunteers review the list of availableslots and click on the box[es] in front of the desired slots and then save. The major areas are:TimingConcessionsHospitalityHeat Sheet SalesAwardsOfficials (training and certification is available)Due to difficulties experienced in the past, the club no longer accepts donations of food.The CSC website is available to check your service hours to date. This will be in the secure section of thewebsite and passwords will be needed.Dues and Administrative Fee:CSC depends upon prompt payment in order to meet the club's financial obligations for coach’s salaries,pool rental, taxes and travel. In order to meet these obligations, payment must be received by the 10th ofeach month for that swimming period. Payments received after the 10th are subject to a $25.00 latefee. Dues are based on an annual fee, which is broken down into monthly installments for theconvenience of our members. Dues are to be paid monthly. Dues and other fees are NOT prorated forpartial periods EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF NEW CSC MEMBERS.If you have any questions about your bill or there is a change in the swimmer's status, please contactRick White at rlbawhite@cox.net. Following rates are monthly charges:RED $65.00 SENIOR DEV $102.00BLUE $75.00 SENIOR $117.00SILVER $85.00 SECTIONAL $127.00GOLD $92.00 NATIONAL $132.00MEETS ONLY** $57.00** A meets only swimmer lives 50 miles or more away from the closest practice facility and outsideOklahoma County and does not practice with the team or receive workouts. They attend meets attachedto CSC.College swimmers returning to the club for the summer will pay a flat fee of $150 for the season as wellas the USA swimming dues, payable in May or when they return. Specific guidelines for collegeswimmers are detailed under ‘NEWS’.Parents with more than one swimmer may reduce the monthly fee for each additional swimmer over thefirst swimmer by $10.00 per swimmer, except for Sectional/National swimmers. There is a $5.00discount for additional Sectional/National swimmers. Families with three or more swimmers will pay amaximum out of pocket which is 2 ½ times the National level (132 x 2.5 = $330) per month. With thefirst check, new members must pay an annual USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Registration fee of $54.00 (2013) perswimmer, unless you are transferring from another USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming team and have a current registrationnumber.3

Updated 1/7/13SWIMMERS WHO ARE BEHIND IN ANY PAYMENTS FOR 45 DAYS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED INTHE WATER UNTIL PAYMENTS ARE BROUGHT TO A CURRENT STATUS.Monthly dues made payable to CSC and mailed to:Rick White, A/R Manager6216 NW 162 nd St.Edmond, OK 73013Reinstatement Fees:When member families discontinue paying monthly dues, unless the swimmer is injured and incapableof participating in CSC, the swimmer forfeits their membership. A physician's letter will be required tovalidate injuries. Reinstatement occurs when the member family remits the equivalent of one month'sdues per swimmer to be reinstated. This figure is capped at the equivalent of the 2 swimmers paying thehighest monthly dues for families with more than 2 swimmers.Quitting the Team:<strong>Swim</strong>mers wishing to leave the team must submit a written statement 30 days before leaving.<strong>Member</strong> families are reminded that CSC incurs pool and coaching expenses for hours these resourcesare utilized, not based on the number of active swimmers. Our annual budget is developed based on thenumber of active swimmers at the end of each season along with assumptions about adding swimmers,losing swimmers, pool time required, and coaching required. We are obligated to pay for the pool timeand coaching salaries associated with these contracts. Consequently, the loss of dues over an extendedperiod of time creates a severe financial hardship for CSC.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of the executive committee.Please return all registration forms and payment to a pool rep at your pool or you can mail to:<strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Kathy Mendez P. O. Box 20338 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 4

Frequently Asked Questions Updated 1/7/13Q: What is <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (CSC)?A: CSC welcomes swimmers of all capabilities and is primarily structured to enable individuals to accomplish theirindividual goals within a team environment.Q: How is CSC structured?A: CSC provides a well-rounded, quality, competitive swimming program for young people of all ages and swimmingabilities. There are a total of 9 programs available for abilities ranging from Novice competitors through the NationalTeam, where the focus is on success at National competitive levels.Q: How do we obtain information about practice and meet schedules?A: For information concerning the swim club schedule and all team activities, CSC maintains a comprehensive website(chesapeakeswimclub.org). We also send information via e-mail. Checking your e-mail and the website frequently isstrongly recommended.Q: How is the business of administrating CSC handled?A: CSC is a nonprofit organization. The only paid employees are our coaches. John Brown, Head Coach/CEO, hassupervisory responsibility for the entire swim program and day-to-day operations. Josh Everett, Senior Development HeadCoach, and Kathy Mendez, Head Age Group Coach/Assistant Head Coach, along with the assistant coaches take theirdirection from John. CSC consists of a Board of Directors with elections held annually in November for President-elect,Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Parliamentarian. Other board positions are appointed asneeded. The CSC Board of Directors serves to set policy and hire the CEO. Parents are invited and encouraged to attendthe Board of Directors meetings.Q: What are CSC's obligations and how does CSC support itself?A: The Board of Directors provides pool availability through contracts with OCCC, OCUSA, and the Lighthouse,coaching staff (including coaches education, certification, and travel expenses) and pool equipment as necessary tosupport club activities. The coaching staff provides organized practices and professional swimming technique, trainingand instruction to provide the best opportunity for your child's swimming success. CSC supports itself throughmembership fees and fundraising activities, primarily organizing and running swim meets. The cost associated withrunning a swim club is enormous, particularly those costs enumerated above.Q: What is USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming <strong>Member</strong>ship and why is it required?A: As a USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming licensed swim club, CSC is obligated to ensure all swimmers are members of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming,Inc. It is also necessary for participation in any USA sanctioned swim meet. USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming provides CSC liabilityinsurance in the event of an accident, and the swimmers medical insurance to cover catastrophic medical costs incurredduring a sanctioned activity, including CSC practices and activities.Q: What are the swimmer's obligations to CSC?A: <strong>Swim</strong>mers are athlete members of Oklahoma <strong>Swim</strong>ming (OKS) and USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming, Inc. Their primary obligationsare to enjoy themselves, make new friends, practice hard, attain their swimming goals and conduct themselves as youngladies and men in accordance with CSC and USA Codes of Conduct.Q: What are parental obligations to CSC?A: Parent's most important obligation is to provide constant encouragement to your child. Additionally, parents areconsidered active CSC members and are invited to attend board meetings and hold office. Providing quality swiminstruction and water time for your children requires a time commitment, in addition to the fees paid. All CSC membersare unpaid volunteers who also hold down full time jobs, limiting their availability for CSC responsibilities. As a result,their willingness to work together and rely on one another is paramount to CSC success.5

Updated 1/7/13Q: How do swimmers sign up for swim meets? And who decides what events a swimmer should swim?A: Sign up for swim meets is done through the website. Emails are sent out notifying parents when meets areavailable for sign up. It is important to read the meet information to make sure your swimmer is eligible toswim at the meet [check to see if there are required times to enter]. Parents have found it helpful to print out thelist of events, go over it with their swimmer, and then have the swimmer discuss the events with the swimmer'shead coach [for Red/Blue/Silver/Gold - Coach Kathy Mendez; for Senior Development - Coach Josh Everett;for Seniors - Coach John Brown].All athlete entries for every meet are reviewed and approved by the Head Coaching Staff. The headCoaching Staff may add events or delete events. Final decisions on the athletes' event entries rest withthe head coaching staff. The head Age Group Coach reviews and approves all meet entries for athletes inRed, Blue, Silver, and Gold. The Head Senior Development Coach reviews and approves all meet entriesfor all Senior Development <strong>Swim</strong>mers. The Senior/Sectional/National swimmer entries are reviewed andapproved by the Head Coach/CEO.Q: I have other obligations as well. Why should I volunteer?A: The larger the number of volunteers the less of a burden on any individual. Moreover, most of the personnel youobserve at meets, while committed to provide whatever is required, have senior swimmers and will phase theirparticipation out over the next few years as their children move on to college. There are very few age group parentspositioning themselves to take over. Frankly, the ability of any volunteer organization to prosper depends directly on theinvolvement of members of the organization. The overwhelming majority of this commitment is through the Board ofDirectors and swim meets. The best reason to volunteer may very well be that volunteers have a better understanding ofCSC's internal operations and the rules under which we function during a swim meet, and are closer to the competition.We are at the meets, why not contribute to the success of the club and have more access to your child at the same time?Q: Can I specify what I volunteer for?A: Certainly. Each of us has certain talents and attributes which, when put to proper use, would benefit CSC. We also gainpersonal satisfaction in different ways. There is obviously more value to each of us as individuals, and the club in general,if we can volunteer for activities we will enjoy and will benefit the club at the same time.Q: Why do we need so many volunteers at a swim meet?A: It is important to first understand that the primary purpose of officials and timers at a meet is to ensure compliancewith the technical rules of swimming, provide a safe venue, and ensure that no one individual has an advantage overanother, in other words, to ensure a level playing field. Other functions - awards, announcer, concessions, and hospitalityprovide encouragement, information and sustenance to everyone in attendance.Q: How can I become more involved?A: Talk to any CSC officer or board member, any head coaches or your pool representative. Officers and coaches arelisted on the CSC website.Q: I still have questions. Who can I contact for more information?A: Talk to any CSC officer or board member, any of our head coaches or your pool representative. Again, officers andcoaches are listed on the CSC website.6

CHESAPEAKE SWIM CLUB REGISTRATION FORM Updated 1/7/13SWIMMER REGISTRATION (please print) Last Name First Name (Legal) M.I. M/F Birth Date mm/dd/yy Age Start Date <strong>Swim</strong>mer’s preferred name __________________________________________________________________ Parent's Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name Father Mother Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Street/PO Box City Zip Code Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Home Work-­‐Father Work-­‐Mother Cell-­‐Father Cell-­‐Mother Please circle the two best numbers to use to reach you. E-­‐mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Primary {used for website username for login} Secondary Monthly Dues: starting from the 1 st through the 15 th – pay full month’s dues; starting from the 16 th to the end of the month, pay 50% of the monthly dues. Red _____________ @ $65.00 =_____________ Blue _____________ @ $75.00 =_____________ Silver _____________ @ $85.00 =_____________ Gold _____________ @ $92.00 =_____________ Sr. Dev. _____________ @ $102.00 =_____________ Senior ___________ @ $117.00 =_____________ Sectional__________ @ $127.00 =_____________ National __________ @ $132.00 =_____________ Meets Only________ @ $57.00 =_____________ Total monthly dues _______________ Annual USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Registration (2013) _____ @ $54.00 = _____________ Total Amount Due: _____________ HOME POOL: (circle one) OCCC OCUSA LIGHTHOUSE Please read and initial: * I understand the fee structure and the policy regarding refunds. _______ * I understand 30 days written notice will be given to the administrator when withdrawing from the team. _______ * I understand my monthly payment must be made by the due date to avoid a $25.00 late fee. _______ * I understand the policies regarding volunteering. ________ * I give my permission for the individuals named above to participate in CSC activities, unless I notify the club in advance and in writing. ________ * I certify that the above answers are correct and that the individuals (s) named above are eligible in accordance with the rules of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming. ________ Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________*********************************Office use only************************************ _____ CSC Registration Form _____ Medical Exam & Report ______ Photo Release _____ Dues _____ Authorization/Consent ______ USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Registration Form _____ DOB proof _____ Service Hour Agreement _____ E-­‐mail _____ Code of Conduct ______ Transfer Form 7

Updated 1/7/13CHESAPEAKE SWIM CLUB MEDICAL EXAM AND REPORT DATE: _____________________ <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Oklahoma City, OK Doctor: ___________________________________ has been examined and in my opinion he/she is in good physical condition and able to participate in strenuous training and competition. If there are any conditions of which we should be aware, please list them below in the Remarks section. Thank you. Remarks: Doctor's Signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________ 8

CHESAPEAKE SWIM CLUB AUTHORIZATION/CONSENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT Updated 1/7/13CHILDS NAME: ______________________________ AGE: ______ DOB: __________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________ PHONE: HOME ______________ WORK _______________ CELL ________________ PHYSICIAN ________________________________ PHONE ______________________ MEDICATIONS CURRENTLY BEING TAKEN __________________________________ KNOWN ALLERGIES ______________________________________________________ INSURANCE CARRIER/GROUP ______________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________ POLICY# ____________________________ GROUP # ____________________________ The above named child has our permission and consent to travel with CHESAPEAKE SWIM CLUB coach(es) and/or any official chaperones. We transfer parental responsibility of the above named child to CSC coach(es) and/or representative(s) for the duration of the meet(s) including travel to and from the meets. In the event of illness or injury to said child while traveling to or from or while participating in any such meet and after an attempt has been made to reach the parents or guardian of the child informing them of such illness or injury, the CSC coach (es) and/or designated representative(s) is/are authorized to contract for and to authorize the treatment by a medical doctor for said child as fully as we could do if present. Blood transfusions, if medically deemed advisable or necessary, ARE ARE NOT authorized as part of treatment. (please check one) In consideration of said child being permitted to travel with said party, and further consideration of the coaches and/or any official chaperones accompanying the team, we do hereby release and agree to hold harmless, unless negligence is involved, the <strong>Chesapeake</strong> SWIM CLUB, the coaches and official chaperones from any and all claims and liability, costs and expenses arising out of or resulting from the procurement of medical treatment for said child as aforementioned. This release also includes practices and CSC team sponsored activities in which parents are absent, should a medical emergency arise. Executed this ______________ day of ____________________, 20___ Signature of Father or Guardian ________________________________________ Signature of Mother or Guardian _______________________________________ Please list any other useful information or health concerns: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 9

Updated 1/7/13CHESAPEAKE SWIM CLUB SERVICE HOUR AGREEMENT A well-­‐run meet requires large numbers of volunteers. Each family is required to work a specific number of service hours, based on the level of the swimmer. Of the total hours required, 30% of the hours MUST be worked at a “Championship” meet [the Elite Pro-­‐Am Meet in December] The hours required are determined by level of your swimmer: Meets Only 10 hours per year [3 championship hours] Red/Blue 15 hours per year [4.5 championship hours] 1.25 hrs/month Silver/Gold 25 hours per year [7.5 championship hours] 2.1 hrs/month Senior Dev. 25 hours per year [7.5 championship hours] 2.1 hrs/month Senior 30 hours per year [9 championship hours] 2.5 hrs/month Sectional 35 hours per year [10.5 championship hours] 2.9 hrs/month National 40 hours per year [12 championship hours] 3.3 hrs/month College Summer <strong>Swim</strong>mers 5 hours per year If you have more than one swimmer, the number of hours required is determined by the swimmer in the highest level. Please read and initial each statement: ____1. As a member of CSC, I understand that our family is expected to volunteer at swim meets. The number of hours is based on the level of my swimmer on January 1 st of each year. ____2. I understand that I am expected to work the required service hours whether my swimmer enters meets or not. ____3. It is my responsibility to sign up for volunteer jobs using the Team’s Website. ____4. Since the Team Website does not allow the team to specify ‘national hours’, I understand it is my responsibility to keep track of the national hours required. The expectation is that 30% of my annual hours will be worked at the national meet hosted by CSC [Elite Pro-­‐Am Meet in December]. ____5. Volunteers for most jobs at a meet must be age 13 or older. Friends and/or relatives may work service hours to benefit a swimmer’s account. ____6. Service hours are renewed once a year, on September 1 st . ____7. If there is more than one swimmer in my family, the number of service hours is determined by the swimmer in the highest level. ____8. If there are extenuating circumstances that interfere with my ability to meet the service hour requirement, I must submit a request in writing with documentation to the Board of Directors. ____9. If we decide to leave the team, I understand that we are still obligated for the service hours accrued based on the number of months we were with the team. SWIMMER'S NAME: _______________________________________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: ________________ 10

Updated 1/7/13<strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Travel Policy and Code of ConductEVENT: <strong>New</strong> <strong>Swim</strong>mer <strong>Packet</strong>DATE: ________________As a component of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming’s enhanced athlete protection program, each USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming cluband Local <strong>Swim</strong>ming Committee (LSC, our LSC is Oklahoma <strong>Swim</strong>ming Inc.) was required to establish andadopt a formal Team Travel Policy. Team Travel is defined as overnight travel to a swim meet or other team activity thatis planned and supervised by the club. In addition, each club was strongly encouraged to incorporate general code ofconduct policies that coincide with <strong>Club</strong> travel policies, and are consistent with the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of Conduct(Article 304, Sections 304.1-304.3.15)[Attachment 1]. Inappropriate and unwanted behavior which is detrimental to theimage and/or reputation of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming, a LSC, club, or the sport of swimming will not be tolerated, and may resultdenial of membership, censure, probation, suspension for a definite or indefinite period of time with or without terms ofprobation, fines or expulsion from USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming, the LSC and/or club.In accordance with the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Rulebook, club travel policies must be signed and agreed to by allathletes, parents, coaches, and other adults traveling with the <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (CSC) [Article 305.5.A-D]. In theevent that an athlete violates the travel policy or code of conduct, the coaching staff in attendance shall report violations tothe CSC Head Coach/CEO, Head Age Group Coach, Board of Directors and to the parent or legal guardian of anyaffected athlete. Violations of a severe nature will result in more severe consequences, including (but not limited to) theswimmers’ immediate return home at the swimmer's own expense, barring the swimmer from future team-sponsoredtravel, or barring the swimmer from future swimming competitions.The following Team Travel Policies have been developed and adopted by the <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong>,effective 5/12/11:1. <strong>Club</strong> travel policies must be signed and agreed to by all athletes, parents, coaches, and other adults traveling withthe <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (CSC) [Article 305.5.A-D]. [Attachment 2]2. Team managers and chaperones must be members of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming and have successfully passed a USA<strong>Swim</strong>ming-administered criminal background check [Article 305.5.B].3. Regardless of gender, a coach shall not share a hotel room or other sleeping arrangement with an athlete (unlessthe coach is the parent, guardian, sibling, or spouse of that particular athlete) [Article 305.5.A].4. When only one athlete and one coach travel to a competition, the athlete must have his/her parents’ (or legalguardian’s) written permission in advance to travel alone with the coach [Article 305.5.C].a. When only one athlete and one coach travel to a competition, at the competition the coach and athleteshould attempt to establish a “buddy” swim club to associate with during the competition and when awayfrom the venue.5. To ensure the propriety of the athletes and to protect the staff, there will be no male athletes in female athlete’srooms and no female athlete in male athlete’s rooms at any times.6. Team members and staff traveling with the team will attend all team functions including meetings, practices,meals, and meet sessions unless otherwise excused or instructed by the head coach or his/her designee.7. When visiting public places such as shopping malls, movie theatres, etc. swimmers will stay in groups of no lessthan three persons. 12 & Under athletes will be accompanied by a chaperone.8. <strong>Swim</strong>mers are not to leave the competition venue, the hotel, a restaurant, or any other place at which the team hasgathered without the permission/knowledge of the coach or chaperone.9. During team travel, when doing room checks, attending team meetings and/or other activities, two-deepleadership [One coach and at least one other adult] and open and observable environments should be maintained.10. Athletes should not ride in a coach’s vehicle without another adult present who is the same gender as the athlete,unless prior written parental permission is obtained.11

Updated 1/7/1311. During overnight team travel, if athletes are paired with other athletes they shall be of the same gender and shouldbe a similar age.a. Where athletes are age 13 & Over, chaperones and/or team managers would ideally stay in nearby rooms.b. When athletes are age 12 & Under, chaperones and/or team managers may stay with athletes. Wherechaperones/team managers are staying in a room with athletes, they must be the same gender as theathlete and written consent must be given by athlete’s parents (or legal guardian).12. Prior to going on any Team travel, parents/legal guardians must read and sign a Liability Release and/orIndemnification Form for each athlete.a. The form must be submitted to the team officials prior to the team trip.b. The form cannot be altered in any manner.13. Team officials will carry a signed Medical Consent or Authorization to Treat Form for each athlete.14. <strong>Swim</strong>mers are expected to remain with the team at all times during the trip.15. Curfews shall be established by the coaching staff each day of the trip and no team member may leave their roomafter curfew.16. Any damage or thievery at the hotel will be the responsibility of the offending swimmer. No loud or obnoxiousbehavior will be tolerated in hallways or public areas.17. Team members are expected to behave in an exemplary manner at all times. When visiting public places,swimmers should be polite and courteous to employees and other visitors. In restaurants, leave a 15% tip(minimum).18. The Head Coach or his/her designee shall make a written report of travel policy or code of conduct violations tothe appropriate club leadership and the parent or legal guardian of any affected minor.19. The coaching staff and CSC may establish any other rules as deemed necessary. The directions and decisions ofcoaches and chaperones are final.12

Attachment 1: USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of ConductUpdated 1/7/13<strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> athletes, parents, coaches and other club representatives also hereby acknowledge andagree to comply with the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of Conduct [Article 304].304.1The mission of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming is to encourage participation and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of swimming.USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming grants the privilege of membership to individuals and organizations committed to that mission. Theprivilege of membership may, therefore, be withdrawn or denied by USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming at any time where USA <strong>Swim</strong>mingdetermines that a member or prospective member's conduct is inconsistent with the mission of the organization or thebest interest of the sport and those who participate in it. In order to assist all members to better serve the interests ofthose who participate in swimming, USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming has adopted this Code of Conduct.304.2Any member or prospective member of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming may be denied membership, censured, placed on probation,suspended for a definite or indefinite period of time with or without terms of probation, fined or expelled from USA<strong>Swim</strong>ming if such member violates the provisions of the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of Conduct, set forth in 304.3, or aids,abets or encourages another person to violate any of the provisions of the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of Conduct.304.3The following shall be considered violations of the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of Conduct:.1 Violation of the right to compete provisions set forth in 301.1 through 301.4..2 Violation of the anti-doping provisions set forth in 303.3 or 303.4..3 Discrimination in violation of any part of the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Rules and Regulations or the Amateur Sports Act whichrequires that USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming must provide: "an equal opportunity to amateur athletes; coaches, trainers, managers,administrators, and officials to participate in amateur athletic competition, without discrimination on the basis of race,color, religion, age, gender, or national origin.".4 Violation of any of the Athlete Protection Policies set forth in Article 305.5 Violation of any of the Sexual Misconduct Reporting Requirements set forth in Article 306..6 Conviction of, imposition of a deferred sentence for, or any plea of guilty or no contest at any time, past or present, orthe existence of any pending charges, for (i) any felony, (ii) any offense involving use, possession, distribution or intent todistribute illegal drugs or substances, (iii) any crime involving sexual misconduct, or (iv) any criminal offense against aminor..7 Any sexual conduct, advance or other inappropriate sexually oriented behavior or action directed towards an athlete by(i) a coach member or other non-athlete member, or (ii) any other adult participating in any capacity whatsoever in theaffairs or activities of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming (whether such adult is a member or not). Any nonconsensual physical sexualconduct, or pattern of unwelcome advances or other sexual harassment in connection with or incidental to a USA<strong>Swim</strong>ming-related activity by any person participating in the affairs or activities of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming (whether such personis a member or not) directed toward any member or other person participating in the affairs or activities of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming..8 The sale or distribution of illegal drugs or the illegal sale or distribution of any substance listed on FINA's recognized listof banned substances..9 The use of illegal drugs in the presence of an athlete, by a coach, official, trainer, or a person who, in the context ofswimming, is in a position of authority over, that athlete..10 The providing of alcohol to an athlete by a coach, official, trainer, manager or any other person where the athlete isunder the legal age allowed to consume or purchase alcohol in the state where the alcohol is provided..11 The abuse of alcohol in the presence of an athlete under the age of 18, by a coach, official, trainer of, or a personwho, in the context of swimming, is in a position of authority over that athlete..12 Physical abuse of an athlete by any person who, in the context of swimming, is in a position of authority over thatathlete.13

Updated 1/7/13.13 Any act of fraud, deception or dishonesty in connection with any USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming-related activity..14 Any non-consensual physical contact, obscene language or gesture, or other threatening language or conductdirected towards any meet official and which is related to any decision made by such official in connection with a USA<strong>Swim</strong>ming-sanctioned competition..15 Action, other than through general advertising, by a coach, owner, officer, volunteer, representative,or employee of a swim club, or a USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming or LSC employee, either through direct contact with an athlete or theencouragement of others, to recruit or otherwise encourage an athlete who is already a member of a USA <strong>Swim</strong>mingmember swim club to leave that club, unless the acting party receives prior written approval to recruit or encourage theathlete to change affiliation from the designated club representative of the athlete's existing USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming-member swimclub or contact is initiated by the athlete, the athlete's parent or authorized representative. General advertising includesany information that is:A. Distributed to an identifiable general population where there is a reasonable expectationthat the majority of that population are not current members of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming, orB. Placed in or on any item that is sold.In the event of a violation of this section, a sanction may be imposed against any coach, owner, officer, volunteer,representative or employee of a swim club, or against any such club, or any combination hereof, as appropriate..16 Violation of any team misconduct rule as established by the USOC, USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming, any Zone or LSC team authority..17 Any other material and intentional act, conduct or omission not provided for above, which is detrimental to the imageor reputation of USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming, a LSC or the sport of swimming.14

Updated 1/7/13Attachment 2<strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong><strong>Swim</strong>mer's Code of ConductTeam members represent <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and Oklahoma <strong>Swim</strong>ming and should keep their behavior in accordance with thehigh standards of <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and Oklahoma <strong>Swim</strong>ming. All team members, team staff, and parents of minors will beprovided a written copy of this Code of Conduct and the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of Conduct.PART I – GENERAL CODE OF CONDUCT RULES1. All participants will abide by this code of conduct. Team members are reminded that when competing in meets, travelingon trips, and attending other meet-related functions, they are representing both themselves and the <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong><strong>Club</strong>. Athlete behavior must positively reflect the high standards of the club.2. All participants will wear designated team apparel during all competition. <strong>Swim</strong>mers are expected to wear a team swimsuit or a black SPEEDO swimsuit in all competitions.3. No "deck" changes are permitted. Athletes are expected to use available changing facilities.4. All participants at USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming sponsored events shall adhere to any curfews set by the Head Coach.5. Male and Female swimmers may not be in each other’s room on any team trip unless supervised by designated LSC clubofficial.6. Use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.7. Use of drugs other than those prescribed by your physician is prohibited.8. Use of tobacco products is prohibited.9. Team members will display proper respect and sportsmanship toward coaches, officials, administrators, teammates,fellow competitors and the public at all times. Disrespectful, indiscreet or destructive behavior will not be tolerated. It isthe responsibility of each swimmer to make every effort to avoid guilt by association with such activities.10. <strong>Swim</strong>mers are to refrain from inappropriate physical contact at team activities and events.11. <strong>Swim</strong>mers are to refrain from use of inappropriate language.12. All participants and their parents have a responsibility to do their best to ensure that this Code of Conduct is adhered toand to help ensure the safety of these program participants.PART II- VIOLATION OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT RULESAt the discretion of the Head Coach or his/her designee, any one or all of the following penalties will be applied:1. <strong>Swim</strong>mer may be scratched from one or more events, or all events of the meet. Fees will still be collected.2. <strong>Swim</strong>mer may be sent home immediately from practice or meet at his/her own expense and if there is extra expense it will bethe swimmer’s responsibility.3. <strong>Swim</strong>mer may be suspended from the team until the swimmer and parents have had a conference with the Head Coach andappropriate disciplinary actions have been implemented. This is automatic with violations of General Conduct Rules 5, 6, 7and (or) 8.4. Violation of General Conduct Rules 4,5,6,7, 8 and (or) 9 on team trips will result in the swimmer being suspended from ALLCSC-sponsored trips for the remainder of the swim year and/or a specific period determined by the Head Program Coach.I hereby acknowledge being provided the written CSC Team Travel Policies, as well as the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of Conduct.My written signature on this document constitutes that I have read, understand and provide unconditional agreement tocomply with the stipulations in the CSC Code of Conduct and the USA <strong>Swim</strong>ming Code of Conduct._______________________________________Signature of <strong>Swim</strong>mer________________Date_______________________________________Signature of Parent/Guardian for swimmer________________Date 15

Updated 1/7/13<strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Photo and Video recording RELEASE FORM From time to time photographs, videos, and/or audio clips may be taken of the <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> [CSC]swimmers and used in our newsletters, on our website, or in other promotional or informational materials. CSCrequests the right to use all photos, videos, and/or audio clips taken of CSC swimmers.I hereby give <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> [CSC] permission to take photographs of the minor named below or photographs inwhich the minor may be involved with others for the purpose of promoting CSC. These purposes may include but are notlimited to promotional materials for the team (brochures, ads, bulletin boards, etc) as well as publication on the CSCwebsite or in a team newsletter.I hereby release and discharge the <strong>Chesapeake</strong> <strong>Swim</strong> <strong>Club</strong> from any and all claims arising out of use of the photos, or anyrights that I or the minor may have. Photos may be used for promotional purposes, advertising and other print materials atthe discretion of CSC Board of Directors and/or the CSC Head Coach/CEO. I understand that I will not be compensatedfor the use of any photographs or video recordings.Consistent with the permission granted above, CSC may reproduce, copyright, publish, circulate, and otherwise use thephotos or recording of my swimmer, whether taken in a studio or elsewhere, in black-and-white or in color, alone or inconjunction with other persons or characters real or imaginary, in any part of the world. I hereby waive the opportunity orright to inspect and/or approve the finished recordings or the use to which they may be put consistent with thisAuthorization.In exchange for good and valuable consideration, I hereby grant to CSC all right, title, and interest in and to all negatives,prints, tapes, and reproductions thereof, if any, and I hereby release CSC and its successors and assigns, if any, from anyand all rights claims, demands, actions, or suits which I may or can have against them on account of the use or publicationof the recordings.This release is effective until terminated by a retraction in writing from the person granting this authorizationI, the parent/legal guardian of, _______________________________________________________________(swimmer), Do Do not {please mark one}grant my expressed permission for CSC to use photographs or video recordings for my swimmer as described above. Icertify that I am a custodial parent and have the aforementioned rights to assign. I have read and understand the releasestated above and hereby agree to its terms and conditions.Parent/Guarding name: {please print clearly}________________________________________________________________________Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________<strong>Swim</strong>mer’s Name: _________________________________________________________<strong>Swim</strong>mer’s Signature if age 18 or over: ________________________________________ Date: _______________16

17Updated 1/7/13

Updated 1/7/13** Please bring documentation of the swimmer’s birthdate – one of the pool reps or the Head Age Group Coachmust verify the date of birth on the paperwork.Acceptable documents include: the swimmer’s birthcertificate, passport or driver’s license.<strong>Swim</strong>mers will not be registered with CSC or be allowedto swim without showing 1 of the above forms ofidentification. **18

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