ARM DS-5 Using the Debug Hardware Configuration Utilities

ARM DS-5 Using the Debug Hardware Configuration Utilities

ARM DS-5 Using the Debug Hardware Configuration Utilities


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Configuring debug hardware for GDB9.19 rvigdbconfig command syntaxrvigdbconfig enables you to configure your debug hardware for debugging with GDB.9.19.1 Syntaxrvigdbconfig [-h] [-v] [-d DEVICE:MODE] [-s DEVICE:IP-CONFIG] [-f RVC-FILE]-d DEVICE:MODESet <strong>the</strong> DCC mode for <strong>the</strong> device DEVICE to MODE, where MODE can be one of:0 None (raw DCC)1 Redirected raw DCC2 Virtual E<strong>the</strong>rnet over DCC.-f RVC-FILE Load scan chain configuration from RVC-FILE.-h Display <strong>the</strong> command help.-s DEVICE:IP-CONFIGSet <strong>the</strong> DCC mode for <strong>the</strong> device DEVICE to MODE, where IP-CONFIG is of <strong>the</strong> formip-address:subnet-mask:default-gateway.-v Print progress messages.9.19.2 Examples9.19.3 See alsoThe following are examples of how to use rvigdbconfig:rvigdbconfig –f rvi.rvc -d 1:2Sets device 1 (<strong>the</strong> first device on <strong>the</strong> scan chain) to DCC mode 2.rvigdbconfig –f rvi.rvc -d 1:2 -d 2:2Configures devices 1 and 2 to mode 2.rvigdbconfig –f rvi.rvc –d 1:2 –s 1: up <strong>the</strong> IP parameters for static IP configurations. This configures device 1 touse DCC mode 2 with IP address, subnet mask, anddefault gateway –f rvi.rvc –d 1:2 –d 2:2 –s 1: –s2: up IP parameters for multiple processors.Tasks• Setting DCC parameters on page 9-23.Reference• DCC modes on page 9-7.<strong>ARM</strong> DUI 0498F Copyright © 2010-2012 <strong>ARM</strong>. All rights reserved. 9-27ID021112Non-Confidential

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