Unable to attend: Minutes from Future Faculty Board Meeting ...

Unable to attend: Minutes from Future Faculty Board Meeting ...

Unable to attend: Minutes from Future Faculty Board Meeting ...


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<strong>Future</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong>MINUTESAttendees:Erik Pålsson, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Co-chairChris Pickering, Institute of MedicineAnnika Gustafsson Asting, Institute of Clinical SciencesBritt-Marie Iresjö, Institute of Clinical SciencesSusanne Fransson, Institute of BiomedicineKristina Levan, Institute of Clinical SciencesCharlotta Olofsson, Neuroscience and Physiology<strong>Unable</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>attend</strong>:Sandra Olsson, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Co-chairPetronella Kettunen, Institute of Neuroscience and PhysiologyLena Larsson, Institute of Odon<strong>to</strong>logyAnna Benrick, Institute of Neuroscience and PhysiologyMarie Kalm, Institute of Neuroscience and PhysiologyAnnica Sjölander, Institute of Health and Care SciencesJunmei Miao Jonasson, Institute of Clinical SciencesSilvia Gogg, Institute of MedicineLars Westberg, Institute of Neuroscience and PhysiologyHanna Falk, Institute of Health and Care SciencesChristin Karlsson, Institute of MedicineSara Lindén, Institute of Biomedicine<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Future</strong> <strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>Board</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> September 11 th 2012, <strong>from</strong> 13.30-15:001. Opening of the meeting.2. Informationa) Report <strong>from</strong> Erik – Sandra and Erik met with Annika Bergman, Externa relationer,GU <strong>to</strong> discuss how junior scientists can influence faculty and university policies. Theproposal for a career centre was presented and Annika has forwarded this information<strong>to</strong> vice chancellor Staffan Eden who was interested in the proposal.b) Update on young faculty network meeting with Chalmers. Sandra and Karolina willmeet on the 10 th of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber <strong>to</strong> discuss a follow-up meeting. Staffan Eden hasexpressed interest in participating in the meeting.c) National JF/ FF collaboration. Nothing <strong>to</strong> report but Erik will email the debate articlepublished by KI. Positions for junior researchers were discussed again. Theconclusion was that the current situation with regards <strong>to</strong> positions for juniorwww.sahlgrenska.gu.se

2 / 2researchers remains poor and that a lack of support <strong>from</strong> the university is a majorcontributing fac<strong>to</strong>r.3. Decisions/votes - none4. Items for discussiona) Member meetings1) How <strong>to</strong> organize a course, Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 15 th , 12-13 (Britt-Marie Iresjö). Everything isready for the meeting and the last day for registration is Tuesday the 9 th .2) Arbetsledning, Charlotta Olofsson will contact both the organizers of GU leadershipand management courses and contacts at AZ <strong>to</strong> see what they can offer. Possibly, twomember meetings can be arranged – focusing on different aspects of leadership andmanagement.1) Impact of sleep, stress, day rythms and modern lifestyle on health with Gaby Badre.November 5 th , 12-13 (Susanne Fransson). Invitations for the meeting have been sen<strong>to</strong>ut.2) Workshop on scientific illustration. Chris is testing the format on a group of students<strong>to</strong> decide on how <strong>to</strong> plan the workshop. The workshop is scheduled for Jan/Feb 2013but no date has been set.3) “How <strong>to</strong> recruit the best staff members” (Sara Lindén). This was not discussed sinceSara was unable <strong>to</strong> <strong>attend</strong>.4) Innovation and commercialization (Erik Pålsson). The subject is interesting but asimilar member meeting a couple of years ago did not have many <strong>attend</strong>ants. Erikwill follow up on contact with Aslak Felin and discuss how the meeting could beorganised <strong>to</strong> attract more members.b) Topics for future member meetings were discussed but no additional meeting wasplanned. It was suggested that our members should be asked <strong>to</strong> provide ideas forfuture member meetings both during the upcoming member meetings and via email.Further, a Christmas lunch should be planned where members can meet the board.This meeting should also be used <strong>to</strong> find new potential board members. The first weekof December was suggested but no date was decided.c) How <strong>to</strong> proceed with career centre for junior researchers? It was discussed whethercareers centre for the whole of the University or just for Sahlgrenska Academy wouldbe the best option. It was suggested that the idea should be discussed also with viceDean Eric Hanse and members of the Academy board.d) What will happen with the FoAss-extensions? It was discussed how FF can influencethe board <strong>to</strong> continue financing of FoAss-extensions or something similar. Again itwas suggested that the question was discussed with vice Dean Eric Hanse andmembers of the Academy board.e) <strong>Meeting</strong> with Olle Larkö, November 22 nd . Everyone was asked <strong>to</strong> think aboutquestions that we want <strong>to</strong> discuss with the Dean. Also a reminder should be sent outbefore the next board meeting.<strong>Minutes</strong> taken by Erik Pålsson

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