Play for all - Hags

Play for all - Hags

Play for all - Hags


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What to think about when planning a playgroundA playground <strong>for</strong> everyone becomes thenatural meeting place <strong>for</strong> children and parents.It is essential to consider the following whenplanning a playground:• As well as play equipment, a playgroundneeds attractive areas with benches andtables where adults and children, with orwithout physical disabilities, can sit and relax.Litter bins are of prime importance.• Compacted surfaces must be provided to givechildren and adults with mobility impairmentsfull or partial access to the playground. Pathsto the swing sets and play equipment shouldhave a compacted surface that <strong>all</strong>ows childrenand adults in wheelchairs or with othermobility related disabilities to reach and usethe equipment.• Consider using soft rubber tiles or poured-inplacerubber under areas of the play equipmentand swing sets to provide a firm surface.• Contrasting colours, sounds and light canmake it easier <strong>for</strong> children to find their wayaround. Different coloured benches, playequipment and surfacing can be used toindicate different areas.• Speci<strong>all</strong>y adapted play equipment can becombined with standard products, e.g. regularswings together with swings designed <strong>for</strong>children with disabilities. <strong>Play</strong>grounds <strong>for</strong>people of <strong>all</strong> ages and abilities should offeropportunities <strong>for</strong> experiencing the pleasure ofplaying together.• Children in wheelchairs should also be able toenter dens and buildings in the playground.These can be designed with two entranceswithout floors and door sills.• Contact HAGS about your requirements andwishes <strong>for</strong> speci<strong>all</strong>y adapted play equipment,such as back supports on swings or springtoys. It’s our pleasure to help you find the bestsolutions <strong>for</strong> your playground.• Slides don’t need to be placed in play arrangements– they often work just as well on slopesor mounds.• Think about putting up some kind of noisebarrier if the playground is next to a busyroad.• A quiet corner might be an appreciatedfeature in your playground. There are alwayschildren who enjoy playing somewherequieter and it might there<strong>for</strong>e be a good ideato screen off part of the play area.• Don’t <strong>for</strong>get that it sometimes rains or that itcan get uncom<strong>for</strong>tably hot in the sun. Sun andrain shelters are highly practical features.• For convenience, locate a wheelchair accessibletoilet next to the playground or park.• HAGS will be pleased to help you design aneffective and functional playground. We knowhow to create an environment that <strong>all</strong>ows everyoneto socialise and participate. Althoughwe can’t produce equipment that meets theneeds of absolutely everyone, we are able tocreate playgrounds that have something <strong>for</strong>everyone and where <strong>all</strong> children can find waysof playing together.

A playground <strong>for</strong> activityNo two playgrounds or settings are the same. They require different kinds of planning and adaptation.HAGS is always pleased to demonstrate how its products can facilitate playground modification and canhelp you plan <strong>for</strong> accessibility.Compacted surfaces <strong>all</strong>owchildren to walk, run,bounce and crawl aroundtogether at the playground.Make it an exciting place byadding ch<strong>all</strong>enging features onwhich children can jump, climb,tumble, slide, spin and run to thebest of their ability.Transfer points, ramps,compacted surfaces andwell-planned layouts makeit possible <strong>for</strong> children withdisabilities to participate in thefun and games too.Everyone can play togetherin the sandpit. We have agreat selection of waterand sand toys that bringchildren together in sharedactivities.

Extend existing equipmentand increase accessibility byadding transfer points, specialswing seats, back supports,ramps and steps.Incorporate productsthat encouragechildren to look, listenand touch.Children develop theircoordination and concentrationskills every time they swing,balance and cycle.Plan plenty of seating andtables so that adults andchildren can picnic together.

has participated in projects with Bygg Klokt,which is an umbrella organisation of sevenorganisations <strong>for</strong> the disabled.One of Anneli’s main tips when planning aplay area is to incorporate the natural features.She tells us about a play park on the west coastof Sweden where a slope makes it possible <strong>for</strong>the children to reach every level of the playequipment.Anneli remarks “It’s an excellent featurethat <strong>all</strong>ows Nicole to play on the equipment likeany other child. Never assume that a play parkis boring just because it’s modified.”The District Council and the Office ofUrban Transportation have given the familytremendous support and positive responsesover the years. But Anneli wishes that greaterthought had been given to these issues fromthe start. If a see-saw is already fitted with backsupport when it is inst<strong>all</strong>ed in the playgroundit won’t need modifying later on. And whenyou’ve finished adapting one park, it makessense to use the same smart ideas in the nextrather than starting <strong>all</strong> over again.Anneli points out that there are somethings you just can’t change, however. Heightsare always exciting and of course you can’t takeaway climbing ropes and play equipment.“Nicole obviously wants her sisters andfriends to be able to climb and slide, but shealso wishes that they could play together.”Anneli tells us that Nicole usu<strong>all</strong>y says, “I can’tgo on the slide but I can do other things so Ihave just as much fun”.Excitement is essentialWe decide to visit a nearby play park and thefun and games start almost be<strong>for</strong>e we’re outthe door. Nicole takes the lift and Estelle runsdown the stairs. It's a race to see who can getdown the three flights first. Both know the wayto the park and they rush off at top speed,Estelle on her bike and Nicole in her wheelchair.Nicole and the others love swinging inCumulus, one of their favourites at the park.They have fun at the sand table too. Anneliwishes there were always toys <strong>for</strong> Nicole toplay shops or bakers, noughts and crosses ortraffic games with her friends.“A creative approach is essential. <strong>Play</strong>groundsshouldn’t become stale and boringwhen you make changes. It’s vital that playgroundsoffer excitement,” Anneli explains.As <strong>for</strong> the race between the lift and thestairs - well Estelle won this time. But only by afew seconds, the sisters agree.

A real playgroundThe focus here at HAGS is always on making play ch<strong>all</strong>enging, interesting and fun <strong>for</strong> <strong>all</strong> children,whatever their level of physical ability. We have international experience of creating playgrounds,from planning and design to inst<strong>all</strong>ation and inauguration. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you wouldlike our help. Together we can create a playground that is accessible and exciting <strong>for</strong> everyone.

There are also lots of excellent playgrounds <strong>all</strong> over the world worthvisiting to get inspiration and ideas. The photos on these pages showplaygrounds in the USA, Australia, Sweden, Spain, France and Norway.If you’re interested in visiting playgrounds, please contact us <strong>for</strong> details.We’ll be delighted to help you modify a playground and make it moreaccessible in every possible way.

A playground that is well maintained and cared <strong>for</strong> will last longer. HAGSuses superior quality materials to manufacture its products. But equ<strong>all</strong>y asimportant is the need to look after a playground to ensure that a high levelof safety is maintained. Please contact your HAGS distributor if you havequestions.The HAGS inst<strong>all</strong>ation team travels around theworld putting up HAGS playground products.Whatever the size of the equipment that ourcustomers order, nothing is too large or toosm<strong>all</strong> <strong>for</strong> us.AssemblyOur inst<strong>all</strong>ation teams assemble everythingfrom park furniture, swings, UniMini arrangementsto obstacle courses, Agito and largeUni<strong>Play</strong> arrangements. The largest standardproduct we assemble is a multi-sport arena.Sometimes we carry out large inst<strong>all</strong>ations if, <strong>for</strong>instance, a customer has ordered a speci<strong>all</strong>ydesignedplay arrangement.HAGS inst<strong>all</strong>ation technicians have developedand produced special tools to simplify theassembly process. This makes the actual workof putting the playground together easier andit cuts down on the time it takes, which meansfinancial savings <strong>for</strong> our customers.All our products are TÜV inspected andcertified. HAGS inst<strong>all</strong>ation technicians knowhow important it is to follow the assemblyinstructions and comply with the SS-EN 1176European standard on which the certificationis based. HAGS inst<strong>all</strong>ation technicians havefour key qualities that enable them to undertaketheir work in a professional and efficientmanner; precision, craftsmanship, years ofexperience, and a very high level of technicalexpertise.• Equipment must be serviced, maintained andinspected by qualified professionals with theexpertise and experience <strong>for</strong> the job and incompliance with manufacturer’s specificationsand stipulated time intervals or morefrequently. Inspection intervals are determinedby factors such as heavy usage, vandalism,coastal climate, age of the equipment, etc.Operation and responsibility of theowners• The owners or the person responsible <strong>for</strong>operation of the play equipment must ensurethat appropriate service, maintenance andinspection schedules and procedures are inplace.• The person responsible <strong>for</strong> operating theequipment must ensure that staff have beenproperly trained <strong>for</strong> the tasks they per<strong>for</strong>mand have received adequate in<strong>for</strong>mationabout their responsibilities.• The person responsible <strong>for</strong> operating theequipment must ensure that a logbook is keptdetailing service, maintenance and inspections,and that documents are created, savedand made available to those concerned.• If the equipment is found to have defects thatcould cause injury to users, the equipmentmust be placed out of bounds to the generalpublic until the problem is corrected.Maintenance• It is essential that play equipment has beeninst<strong>all</strong>ed according to HAGS instructionsand is serviced, maintained and inspectedregularly to ensure user safety and properoperation.• Equipment must be inst<strong>all</strong>ed by qualifiedprofessionals and in accordance with manufacturer’sspecifications.

HAGS UniMiniUniMini is a complete range of play equipmentdesigned <strong>for</strong> younger children. Thisunique and versatile system provides numerousways of combining the various piecesof equipment. A sm<strong>all</strong> area can be filled withlots of play functions to provide ch<strong>all</strong>engesto children of <strong>all</strong> ages in various phases ofdevelopment.Plan <strong>for</strong> increased accessibility by inst<strong>all</strong>ingsand counters, shop counters, sand hoppersand other games outside the play arrangementsat a height that is suitable <strong>for</strong> childrenin wheelchairs. The screens, balconies, lookouttowers with periscopes that are part of theUniMini system <strong>all</strong>ow children to explore andplay together or by themselves.Some of the UniMini products speci<strong>all</strong>ydesigned <strong>for</strong> enhanced accessibility:• Climbing w<strong>all</strong>s with colourful grips shapedlike fruit encourage children to try both easyand harder ways of getting to the top. A greatway to learn colours and shapes too!• Clav has a crawling tunnel that requires balanceand coordination.• Omber has a footbridge on which childrenpractise their balancing skills.• Bexy has a talktube through which thechildren can communicate with one another.Slides have been placed low down to providegreater accessibility to those with weak legs.• Zelles has a shop counter and games thatare easy to reach from the outside and <strong>for</strong>children in wheelchairs.• Vindra has sand toys and sand shovels thathelp improve coordination of arm movement.Children in wheelchairs are able to reach toysand equipment that are placed outside otherarrangements.Sand elevatorRole play/muscle developmentCreep-in screenCrawling/ch<strong>all</strong>engeCookerRole play/meetingSand tablesMeeting/creatingShop counterMeeting/role play608 277 V i n dr aArea 6.2 x 6.1 metresFootbridgeCoordination/ balanceClimbing bridgeClimbing/ balancingPairs gameConcentrating/touchingSpeaking tubeListening/speakingA selection of our product range is shown here. Visit hags.com to see the entire range in the HAGS product catalogue.

608 280 C l avArea 6.2 x 4.9 metres608 256 R D B e x yArea 6.0 x 5.4 metres608 299 R D Om b e rArea 5.9 x 4.1 metres608 309 O gr i pArea 7.8 x 5.5 metres608 466 Py r a l l iArea 6.2 x 6.0 metres608 284 R D+L A pi staArea 8.3 x 5.1 metres608 278 A b byArea 4.9 x 4.8 metres608 307 R D Z e l l e sArea 4.7 x 4.7 metres608 279 R D Ba l l e roArea 4.7 x 4.3 metres

HAGS Uni<strong>Play</strong>Uni<strong>Play</strong> inspires children to be active and play.The equipment in this series is easily arrangedto make exciting playground settings that childrenlove to explore. Moreover, the system canbe adapted to suit a range of budgets, locationsand children’s needs! Uni<strong>Play</strong> is great <strong>for</strong> sparkingan interest in colours and shapes.We have adapted the depth of the stepsand provided transfer points to enable childrenwith weak legs to access and move around theequipment either by walking or sliding.The floor of the play arrangement atground level can be removed to make thestandard combination more accessible. It’s alsosmart to have games and sand toys on theoutside of the screen.Some of the Uni<strong>Play</strong> products speci<strong>all</strong>ydesigned <strong>for</strong> enhanced accessibility:• Many of the products have transfer pointsand/or ramps, designed to make it easy <strong>for</strong>children in wheelchairs to move around. Theequipment has plenty of floor space and thesand toys, car dashboard and labyrinth gameoffer hours of fun together. These can bereached from both inside and outside. Thegames and picture puzzles on the outsideof the equipment have different colouredcharacters. Children get to practise theirstrength and coordination in the net tunnel.The children can rest or play in the net.Sorting gameCounting/logicPicture gameConcentration/logicCar dashboardRole play/meetingLabyrinthCoordination/concentrationCookerRole play/meetingTransfer pointEasy accessPeriscopeLooking/role playGenerous floor spaceEasy wheelchair accessNet tunnelCrawling/ balanceRampEasy accessTelescopeLooking/role play400 592 Z a pataArea 11.1 x 10.1 metresSlideExcitement/ balanceA selection of our product range is shown here. Visit hags.com to see the entire range in the HAGS product catalogue.

408 694 igm aArea 13.7 x 11.4 metres408 690 C u l l e r m aArea 8.5 x 8.1 metres408 693 O cc yArea 13.5 x 8.2 metres408 689 M u r k a lArea 7.2 x 6.2 metres

408 664 Or i e n k eArea 8.5 x 7.0 metres408 678 Gi z z oArea 10.8 x 10.5 metres408 691 E p t i xArea 13.2 x 9.9 metres408 670 P ot eArea 9.1 x 7.1 metres408 692 L eva n de rArea 9.8 x 9.5 metres

408 695 Bu r i d osArea 19.5 x 17.5 metres408 656 I ba xArea 7.8 x 5.2 metres408 181 Ta r r a l iArea 6.9 x 5.2 metres400 553 Pe c kArea 6.5 x 6.2 metres

HAGS AgitoWe have created Agito in response to thenatural human pattern of movement. Thesystem encourages children to move aboutand play, training their motor skills andbalance, as well as muscle strength andstamina. Agito is designed <strong>for</strong> slightly olderchildren, providing them with strength andfitness training, and coordination and gymnasticactivities.• The Agito system provides lots of balancetraining opportunities with Hopper, Pirouette,Rodeo, Skater, Starter, Tournamentand Tornado• The Wiggler bar is flexible and rocksslightly, requiring considerable concentrationand balance. This balancing act iseven more fun when there are two on thebar.• Children have to climb sideways or upwardson Sail and Cliffhanger which requires concentrationand coordination.• The punch bag is at a height that <strong>all</strong>owschildren to give their arms a workout froma sitting or standing position.TornadoBalance/spinningPunchMuscle development/coordinationWebClimbing/muscle development144 410 A z orArea 13.1 x 10.8 metresHopperJumping/ balanceWigglerConcentration/ balancePirouetteSpinning/muscle developmentA selection of our product range is shown here. Visit hags.com to see the entire range in the HAGS product catalogue.

142 644 W ig gl e rArea 5.3 x 3.6 metres593 202 Pi rou e t t eArea Diameter 0.34 metres593 231 Hoppe rArea Diameter 0.5 metres

HAGS SoloHAGS has a huge range of independent playproducts. The products are collectively knownas Solo and include nursery play equipment,swings and swing seats, spring toys, seesaws,roundabouts and games, slides, activity circuits,balancing equipment, ropeways, climbing w<strong>all</strong>sand climbing nets.These popular playground and pedestrianprecinct products are great as stand-alonepieces or as a complement to larger playarrangements. Many of them are designed toprovide greater accessibility and opportunities<strong>for</strong> everyone to enjoy themselves.Some of the Solo products speci<strong>all</strong>ydesigned <strong>for</strong> enhanced accessibility:• Bobby has a back support that provides astable sitting position <strong>for</strong> children with weakmuscles. The child is lifted com<strong>for</strong>tably intothe swing from the front at a low height.• Bruno, Pandy, Milton and Rocky are <strong>all</strong>designed to let several children enjoy thesensation of gently rocking back and <strong>for</strong>th ina rhythmic and steady motion.• Swing seat Mirage is designed to fit <strong>all</strong> swingsets and is suitable <strong>for</strong> children of <strong>all</strong> ages.Belts can be fitted on request.• Sandy provides hours of fun <strong>for</strong> everyonewith its watertable, sand baking tables andsand tables.• Stratus is always a popular playground featurewith its large swing seat designed to accommodateseveral children at once. The swing setcan be extended with more swings.• Children are never alone when playing inWilly the jeep and the Mayflower rockingboat. The more children on board, the morethey rock.• Basket Point is great <strong>for</strong> b<strong>all</strong> practice whetheryou're standing or sitting. The pole can beadjusted to the required height.124 801 Sw i ng se at M i r age124 802 B e lt se t M i r ageA selection of our product range is shown here. Visit hags.com to see the entire range in the HAGS product catalogue.

26015610 Pl ay s c u l p t u r e C a lv i nArea 5.1 x 4.3 metres26015611 Pl ay s c u l p t u r e H a r ryArea 4.9 x 4.4 metres121 444 Spr i ng toy B ob byArea 2.8 x 2.4 metres121 585 Ro c k i ng toy B ru noArea 3.1 x 2.3 metres121 432 Spr i ng toy B obArea 2.8 x 2.4 metres121 580 Ro c k i ng toy Ro c k yArea 3.1 x 2.3 metres620 838 Sa n d ta b l e Da n n yArea 1.4 x 1.4 metres121 550 Ro c k i ng toy Pa n dyArea 3.1 x 2.3 metres121 560 Ro c k i ng toy M i ltonArea 3.1 x 2.3 metres

159 610 Sa n d ta b l e F l ow e rArea 0.6 x 0.7 metres121 14 5 W i l lyArea 5.6 x 4.5 metres159 611 F l ow e r + 1 Pe ta lArea 1.2 x 0.7 metres151 135 Pe da l rou n da b ou tArea 6.6 x 6.6 metres120 080 St r at usArea 8.7 x 2.6 metres151 155 Rou n da b ou t M e r ryArea 5.5 x 5.5 metres408 967 Pl ay equ i pm e n t E paArea 4.3 x 4.3 metres159 621 Sa n d ba k i ng ta b l e <strong>for</strong> on e ort woArea 4.3 x 4.1 metres156 205 Ga m e C h e s s

098 351 Ba sk e t P oi n tArea Diameter 3,66 metres121 161 M ay f l ow e rArea 6.0 x 4.5 metres628 835 Wat e rta b l e Sa n dyArea 4.1 x 3.4 metres420 91215 Spe a k i ng t u b e Spe a k420 91211 Spe a k i ng t u b e hoseArea 0.4 metres608 911 R D+LPl ay equ i pm e n t L a byArea 4.6 x 4.6 metres408 003 Ga m e Vaga b on dArea 0.6 x 0.6 metres593 713 F u nc t ionArea 6.0 x 6.0 metres593 551 Se a sw e l lArea 8.4 x 3.2 metres400 002 Ga m e L a by r i n t hArea 0.5 x 0.5 metres

HAGS PlanetHAGS Planet is a series designed <strong>for</strong> slightlyolder children and youngsters who feel toogrown up <strong>for</strong> playground equipment but arenever too old <strong>for</strong> some action and fun. HAGSGym provides clear illustrations on how to usethe different features. The movements are per<strong>for</strong>medaccording to a given pattern of movementand the user’s own ability. With amplespace around each feature, users can exerciseon their own at their own pace. HAGS b<strong>all</strong> sportproducts are ideal <strong>for</strong> promoting team activitiesin the school playground or park.Some of the Planet products speci<strong>all</strong>ydesigned <strong>for</strong> enhanced accessibility:• Arena is suited <strong>for</strong> a range of activities andhas a wheelchair accessible entrance. The surroundkeeps the b<strong>all</strong> inside the area.• Footb<strong>all</strong> and handb<strong>all</strong> goals are perfect features<strong>for</strong> encouraging kids of <strong>all</strong> physical abilitiesto get together <strong>for</strong> some action and fun.Group activities and teamwork are essential<strong>for</strong> developing physical and social skills.• Table tennis is a good way of developingconcentration skills and this table is accessibleto everyone.• The backboard can be placed high or low atthe required height on a w<strong>all</strong> or post.PunchMuscle development/coordinationLeg PressMuscle development193 011 Se r r aArea 5.3 x 4.9 metresBalanceBalance/coordinationA selection of our product range is shown here. Visit hags.com to see the entire range in the HAGS product catalogue.

193 010 B iCoArea 5.5 x 4.9 metres193 012 f L e xoArea 5.6 x 4.9 metres158 956 tA B L e t e n n i S tA B L e i nC L.n e tArea 2.7 x 1.5 metres193 013 t i BA SArea 5.4 x 4.8 metres198 228 fo ot BA L L A n d H A n d -BA L L G oA LArea 2.0 x 3.0 metres098 332 BAC k B oA r dArea 1.2 x 1.7 metres098 276 VoL L ey BA L L P oStS098 277 n e tLength 10.5 metres

HAGS PlazaHAGS Plaza is a series of fittings and equipment<strong>for</strong> public and commercial areas –benches, furniture and other products <strong>for</strong> usewhen relaxing and socialising. Our products aredesigned and adapted to provide accessibilityto people of <strong>all</strong> ages. We take into considerationthe needs of children and adults alike. We knowthat parents and grandparents, with or withoutfunctional impediments and whatever theirage, love to accompany their children to theplayground.Some of the Plaza products speci<strong>all</strong>ydesigned <strong>for</strong> enhanced accessibility:• Skagen is a generous table with room toaccommodate a wheelchair on one side.• Make everyone feel welcome by creatingaccessible spaces <strong>for</strong> wheelchairs next topark benches.• Benches should have arm rests to enablewheelchair users to move to the bench.157 401 Sk AGe nArea 1.7 x 1.7 metres157 079 oLVonArea 2.2 x 1.6 metres521 460/461/462 rÖr k rÖk e n n BBench area 1.6 x 0.5 metres, table 1.5 x 0.4 metres,bench 1.2 x 0.6 metres057 701 e L L i P SeArea 0.5 x 0.4 metresA selection of our product range is shown on this page. Visit hags.com to see the entire range in the HAGS product catalogue.

Ny reklam. 09-0431.www.hags.comHAGS Aneby AB. Box 133, SE-578 23 Aneby, Sweden. Phone: +46 380-473 00. Fax: +46 380-451 26. E-mail: hags@hags.com

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