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SOFTWAREKEYSTONE ® 600N5 SOFTWAREDemo FacilityThe Stanley/<strong>Best</strong> Keystone ® 600N5 key and corecontrol software offers all of the same security,convenience, and functionality found in theoriginal Keystone ® 600 program, but with theadded ability to operate in a network configuration.Keystone ® 600N5 will assist you with the tedioustask of managing your key and core records intoday’s environment, in which multiple people indifferent locations may need to access the datasimultaneously. Keystone ® 600N5 can also work asa stand-alone application.Designed to operate over modern networkenvironments, such as Windows ® 2003 or 2008server. Keystone ® 600N5 includes special helpscreens that can be accessed whenever you needassistance.Complex commands and detailed menu trees areeliminated by the function key index at the bottomof each screen. Select the information tab desiredand the appropriate screen is called up.Instructionsand help screens are im me di ate ly available.FEATURESKEYSTONE ® 600N5 FEATURESSecurity• Password restricted logins enable administration to restrictindividuals access for designated cardsBuildings• Designed to support multiple facilities• Display people, keys and departments with access to a building• Lists departmental access, designating the people, keys andkeyrings that have access to that department• Displays buildings with doors, cores and locks in the buildingKeys• List all keys and items currently due back (or due back by any daydesignated)• Lists keys that have been issued and keyholders• On-screen display of BEST masterkey code records entered• Records issuance of keys, keyrings, cores and locks to people• Maintains historical records on all keys, keyrings, cores and locks• Shows all “keyrings”, keyring holders, and what buildings, coresand doors the keyring accesses• Maintains “key cabinet” records displaying the keys, keyrings andlocks located on a “hook”• Tracks “out-of-service” keys, keyrings and other items that arelost, stolen or de stroyed• Displays cores, departments, doors, buildings keys can accessCores• Lists all cores and their location, buildings and doors• Cross-references employees, keys and departmentsPeople• Displays people, keys, keyrings, cores, locks on one record• Maintains list of deleted employees (and doors) with the ability todisplay and re ac ti vate them• Searches for and identifies people by name, ID, department, titleand type• Cross-references people to cores, doors, buildings they accessLocks• Displays locks, lock location and the people, keys and departmentswith access to that lock• Lists manufacturer product records with items connectedspecifically to that man u fac tur er’s productDoors• Shows the doors with cores, locks and other items that areinstalled on the door• Displays doors and people, keys and departments that can accessthose doorsSoftware – general• Comprehensive list of reports available with the report generator• Built-in easy-to-use backup program• Program always displays date of last backup• Lists users who made backups with dates• Dynamic searching capability for all records• Large note field available on all card records• On-screen indicator appears when notes are present on a record• Able to operate in an Windows network environment with TCPIPprotocol• Multiple users can access program at same time• Stanley service that Imports data• Mass deletion• Extra logins and databases available• Activity logo record user transactions2 KEYSTON

This card allows you to track the door,cores and locks in each building. It alsocross-references the em ploy ees, keysand departments that access thedesignated building.When special“selective” keyingis designed andused in a facilitysystem, thesecards will trackthe keys that canoperate a selective core. These cardsmaintain historic information of coresand cross-references the em ploy ees,keys and departments that operate thecore. They also maintain the buildingand door location of a core. An au tomated pin segment cal cu la tor isavailable with these cards.SCREEN TAB DEF i Ni TiONSThis card tracksall keys, keyringsand locks issuedand reports theirstatus when duefor return. Thisfunction allowsyou to view items due for return todayand for previous days. This carddisplays a summary count of build ings,de part ments, doors, employees, cores,keys, keyrings, and locks in the facilitydatabase. It also tracks the dates.Backups are made and identifies whodid the backup.These cards display the key marks, keyserial numbers and any history of a key.They permit the cross-referencing ofthe em ploy ees with keys issued and theas so ci at ed cores, doors, and de partmentsthat can be accessed by that key.With this card, locks can be iden ti fied by:• manufacturer • nomenclature• serializationIt also displays the core used in the designat ed lock (includes historicalin for ma tion for installed cores). It alsopermits the cross-referencing of thatlock to em ploy ees, keys, and de partments.This card can also report thelock’s “dis po si tion” (defined as thelo ca tion of that lock, i.e. cabinet, door,em ploy ee, hook, de stroyed, lost, stolenor unassigned.This card allowsfor the trackingof a product by:• manufacturer’sname catalognumber• type of product(key, core, lock or other). It also givesthe past history of locks that have beenused in that product.SCREEN TAB DEFINITIONSThese cards allow you to record andreference the cores, keys locks, andkeyrings that are located in your cab i net.This card lists the employees, cores,keys, and key rings that are associatedwith a de part ment. It cross-referencesthe cores, buildings and doors that adepartment can access.This card allows you to maintainrecords of the cores and locks in adesignated door and provides a crossreferenceto the em ploy ees, keys anddepartments that can access that door.This cardmaintains recordson the keys,cores, key-ringsand locks issued.It references thecores, doors, andbuildings that a person can accesswith their keys and keyrings.When multiple keys are issued to anindividual, many times a “keyring” isused to organize the issuance andcontrol. This card tracks the keyring asa single file. This card shows currentand historic information of the keysattached to the assigned keyring. Italso cross-references the keyring keysto as so ci at ed em ploy ees, cores, doorsand buildings involved.This card allowsyou to displayBEST ® masterkeycode sheets foryour system. Italso includes amanual pinsegment calculator (requires that allkey cut numbers have to be typed in foreach key).This card tracks and maintains historicin for ma tion for items (i.e. cores, keys,keyrings, and locks) that are reportedlost, destroyed or stolen.This card allows for a vast array ofstandardized reports to be gen er at ed by:• employee name or identification• door location• core• key• department or building• othersThis card identif-ies the list offacili-ties that arebeing tracked,as well as thelist of users withprogram access.This card displays records on keys,cores, keyrings, and locks when a keycabinet is not used for organizing keystorage.This card maintains records for thesetting of security passwords allowingvarious levels of access to theKeystone ® 600N5 program by securitypersonnel and program users.E ®600N53

SPECIFICATIONSSPECiFiCATiONSHardware RequirementsThe Stanley/<strong>Best</strong> Keystone ® 600N5 Key and Core Control softwarerequires the following hardware con fig u ra tion for operation:• 100 Meg HD space• 2 Gig Memory• 640 x 400 up to and including 1020 x 800 video resolutionServer Platforms• Windows ® 2003 or 2008 server• Windows ® XP or Windows ® 7• Works peer to peer on NOVELLWorkstation Platforms• Windows ® XP or VISTA or Windows ® 7PIN SEGMENTSPiN SEGMENTSAutomated Pin Segment Calculator• BEST ® pin segments generated automatically frominformation entered into the Key stone ® 600N5 pro gramManual Pin Segment Calculator• Simple entry of key cut numbers determines proper pin seg ments• Determine single/double shear line combinations• Security “work slip” feature allows printing of segments forcombinating BEST ® products without revealing key cuts• Accommodates combinating of complex selective BEST ® masterkeying• Instantly displays BEST ® pin segments for combinating BEST ® coresHOW TO ORDERHOW TO ORDERKS 600N 1 1Series Product Number of Logins Facility Database NumberKS – key control software 600N – full install for KS600N software* 1 – 5 logins (default) 1 – one facility database (default)600NUP – upgrade from KS600 V3.53 or higher 2 – 10 logins 2 – two facility databases600N5 – upgrade from KS600N3 – 15 logins 3 – three facility databases, etc.*Upgrades from G600 or a KS600 versions below 3.53 requires a full installation of KS600NKS 600NLU 1Series Product Number of LoginsKS – keycontrolsoftware600NLU – increasethe number oflogins for anexisting KS600Ninstallation1 – add 5 logins2 – add 10 logins3 – add 15 logins, etc.KS 600NDB 1Series Product Number of LoginsKS – keycontrolsoftware600NDB – addmore facilitydatabases to anexisting KS600Ninstallation1 – add 1 facility database2 – add 2 facility database3 – add 3 facility database,etc.4Stanley Security Solutions, inc.6161 E. 75th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46250© 2013 Stanley Security Solutions, Inc. • www.stanleysecuritysolutions.com10M 113BAS006

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