National Mineral Policy 2006 - Department of Mines

National Mineral Policy 2006 - Department of Mines

National Mineral Policy 2006 - Department of Mines


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formulation and appraisal <strong>of</strong> the EIA. Second, a public hearing has to be conducted and theprocedure for the same is laid down in detail. Third, an EMP has to be submitted andclearance for the same separately obtained.3.39 As per the 1994 Notification, the nodal department for routing applications forenvironmental clearance for new lease area, expansion in lease area, or renewal <strong>of</strong> lease areais the state <strong>Mines</strong> and Geology <strong>Department</strong>. Central public sector companies have to routetheir applications through their respective ministries in the Central government. However,since January 1994 if a project has already been accorded environmental clearance once bythe MOEF no such routing is required at the time <strong>of</strong> renewal or expansion and the applicationfor these purposes can be sent directly to MOEF. In the case <strong>of</strong> state PSUs, routing <strong>of</strong>applications through the administrative departments concerned is also not required if IBM hasapproved the mining plan for the total lease area/project, regardless <strong>of</strong> whether theapplication is made for the first time or is for renewal or expansion.3.40 The broad picture <strong>of</strong> the procedures involved in obtaining environmental clearancecan be seen from Figure 3.2.88

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