National Mineral Policy 2006 - Department of Mines

National Mineral Policy 2006 - Department of Mines National Mineral Policy 2006 - Department of Mines
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would have to be carefully drafted in order to reflect these ideas, the Committeeagreed to the following specific textual changes in the NMP to embody some of them:(i)Chapter 1: Preambleo In paragraph 1.2, delete the first sentence. Also delete the words ‘in times ofinternational strife’ at the end of the third sentence and add the following textas the fourth sentence:‘At the same time, it is essential that search is made in the country for moremineral resources through scientific exploration using state-of-the-art techniques,and for this the policy environment must continue to be improved so that it isconducive for investment and technology flows.’(ii)Chapter 2: Regulation of Mineralso Add the following text as paragraph 2.3:‘In order to make the regulatory environment conducive to private investment theprocedures for grant of mineral concessions shall be seamless and security oftenure shall be guaranteed to the concessionaires.’(iii)Chapter 3: Objectiveso Replace 3(c) by the following: ‘to promote use of state-of-the-art explorationtechniques and mining technology’.(iv)Chapter 4: Role of the State in Mineral Developmento Insert the following sentence at the end of the existing text:‘In line with the current economic policy, in future the core functions of the Statein mining will be facilitation of exploration and mining activities of investors andentrepreneurs, provision of infrastructure, and regulation and tax collection.184

Where it is deemed necessary for the State to continue in mining activities, thereshall be arm’s length between State agencies that explore and mine and those thatregulate. There shall be transparency in the allocation of ore bodies for mining.’(v)Chapter 5: Survey and Explorationo Replace the last sentence of paragraph 5.1 by the following:‘While these government agencies may continue to perform the tasks assigned tothem for exploration and survey, in future the private sector would be the mainsource of investment in reconnaissance and exploration. For this to beaccomplished, the regulatory regime would ensure clarity, fair play and security ofinvestment.’o In paragraph 5.2, insert the words ‘by government agencies’ after the word‘given’ so that the paragraph reads as follows:‘In conducting exploration for minerals, special attention will be given bygovernment agencies to the development of strategic minerals through systematicinvestigation of various potential sources of their supply.’o Delete paragraph 5.3.o In paragraph 5.4, add the words ‘by government agencies’ after the words‘Coordination of exploration work’. Also redraft the last sentence as follows:‘The existing arrangement shall be reviewed periodically with a view to bringingabout coordination among the survey and exploration agencies of the government,taking into account the exploration work undertaken by the private sector.’(vi)Chapter 6: National Inventory of Mineral Resourceso After the first sentence in paragraph 6.1, replace the remaining text by thefollowing:185

Where it is deemed necessary for the State to continue in mining activities, thereshall be arm’s length between State agencies that explore and mine and those thatregulate. There shall be transparency in the allocation <strong>of</strong> ore bodies for mining.’(v)Chapter 5: Survey and Explorationo Replace the last sentence <strong>of</strong> paragraph 5.1 by the following:‘While these government agencies may continue to perform the tasks assigned tothem for exploration and survey, in future the private sector would be the mainsource <strong>of</strong> investment in reconnaissance and exploration. For this to beaccomplished, the regulatory regime would ensure clarity, fair play and security <strong>of</strong>investment.’o In paragraph 5.2, insert the words ‘by government agencies’ after the word‘given’ so that the paragraph reads as follows:‘In conducting exploration for minerals, special attention will be given bygovernment agencies to the development <strong>of</strong> strategic minerals through systematicinvestigation <strong>of</strong> various potential sources <strong>of</strong> their supply.’o Delete paragraph 5.3.o In paragraph 5.4, add the words ‘by government agencies’ after the words‘Coordination <strong>of</strong> exploration work’. Also redraft the last sentence as follows:‘The existing arrangement shall be reviewed periodically with a view to bringingabout coordination among the survey and exploration agencies <strong>of</strong> the government,taking into account the exploration work undertaken by the private sector.’(vi)Chapter 6: <strong>National</strong> Inventory <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mineral</strong> Resourceso After the first sentence in paragraph 6.1, replace the remaining text by thefollowing:185

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